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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 12/30/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***James Riggs Vs Todd Cortez***

Old allies paired off against each other in Syndicated's opening contest. A spirited brawl began the bout with Cortez getting the upperhand. With the spoils of victory he went right for the Riot Act Plus. However, Riggs countered the lethal finisher and took control of the contest. A vertical suplex barely got a two count, causing JR to argue with the referee. This distraction gave Cortez the chance needed to go back onto the attack. And attack he did, hammering Riggs with heavy punches. The Huntington Beach native was game, however, and fought against the Los Angeles native. The match seemed a stalemate until The Hooligans ran into the ring and attacked Cortez. The referee called for the bell as Jax and Static beatdown one of their Anderson Cup opponents.

Winner: Todd Cortez, via DQ

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Alfdogg. The main topic of the day was Zack Malibu and his injured hand. Alfdogg stated that Zack's hand was severely injured from  Ascension’s attack this past HeldDOWN~! He didn't know a timetable for healing, but he chastised the group and lamented their actions. Alix and Maya wished to know if it would be Zack competing at New Years Spectacular or would it be Ned Blanchard or would it be someone else. Alfdogg said he hadn't the slightest clue who would be the fourth participant at NYS but promised that the match would definitely remain a four way elimination contest. Alf also discussed the new format coming to Syndicated, saying the show would come from night clubs across the country and be re branded SYN. He said the show would be cutting edge and cooler than any other program on TV. He also said Alix and Maya would conduct their interviews live at the nightclub.

***Nathaniel Black -VS- Kayden Lyle***
The rough, tough Englishman made short work of his opposition, who was outmatched from the opening bell. Black struck hard and struck often, looking to make a strong statement. A bevy of uppercuts and lariats knocked all the fight out of Lyle and he was easy prey for the Crossface Chickenwing which eventually finished him off. After earning his win, Black placed one foot on his victim's chest and shouted out a warning to the OAOAST, he was coming to win the Rumble.

Winner: Nathaniel Black, via submission

After a fruitless episode of HeldDOWN, Maggie Nerdly finally found someone to interview. Trouble is, it was on the B-show. And she didn't seem impressed to be there, alluding to it as a "demotion" during her half-hearted It Girl intro. To make matters worse, Maggie's interviewee was Sloppy Joe, who spent the entire interview chomping on Doritos. Splattered with crumbs every time Joe spoke and unable to get a coherent, audible answer out of him, Maggie finally gave up and stormed out in a huff.

***United States Title: Christian Wright W/Sophie Vs Snot W/Slime***

Slime continued to try and win Sophie's affections, this time by offering her stale, moldy, half eaten Jumbo pretzel. Sophie was...not exactly inclined to fall head over heels in love with Slime at the offer. The match got underway with Snot using his power advantage to out muscle CW.  After being overwhelmed with Snot's hard hitting offense, CW exited the ring to try and rethink his strategy. Problem is that Snot followed him outside and the two engaged in a brawl on the ring ramp. The referee was lenient with his count, allowing the combatants to have an extended tussle in the ringside area. Finally the match returned to the squared circle, and saw Wright get the upperhand with a well placed European Uppercut. The God Child proceeded to dominate Snot, who didn't find his footing unti Wright failed to lift him up for the 30 Pieces of Silver fireman's carry roll. This gave Snot the opening needed to take the fight back Wright's doorstep. Snot went for the homerun with the Snot Rocket double powerbomb but had it reversed into a hurricanrana that got the three count.

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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