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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 12/21/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** The Christ Air Express vs. Xavier Furlong & Jesse Ross ***

Prior to the bout it was announced D*LUX would defend the tag titles this week on OAOAST HeldDOWN~! against Big Papa Thrust and Deuce Deuce Bigelow. This brought out Reject and TK (the two men scheduled to face the champs at the New Year’s Spectacular) who did a number on both teams and cut a scathing promo on OAOAST President Alfdogg, with the R-man claiming Alf still had it out for them and that giving a title shot to BPT and Deuce was his way of getting back. Both men vowed they’d have a final say in the matter before departing.

Winners: No Contest

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Baron Windels. BW got straight to the point, calling out Bohemoth for his tough talk this past HeldDOWN~! Baron said he went to Alfdogg and got a match made between he and Bohemoth for New Years Spectacular. BW stated that Bohemoth could attack cardboard cut outs all he wanted and make threats, but that he'd have to back them up at NYS and he'd have to do so against a very mad opponent.

***Sunshine Yukino Vs Holly***

This match was made to determine who would face Melissa Nerdly at New Years Spectacular for the OAOAST Women's Title. Sunshine did not endear herself to Holly at all, singing to the grumpy lass in Japanese. As everyone knows making Holly is unwise and Holly angrily punished Yukino for doing so. The Angel Of Death brutally beat on Yukino for several minutes, until Yukino fought off an attempt at The Mirage. She and Holly traded blows, going back and forth with moves. Yukino went for the victory with an asai moonsault, and Holly brought up the knees. This allowed Holly to cruelly torment Yukino some more. The Vegas native decided to finish things off with a Piss On Your Grave tombstone pile driver, but Yukino turned it into a roll up for a three count!

Winner: Sunshine Yukino, via pinfall

Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes were seen on the street hawking their Two headed Vinny and Tony platypus. There were absolutely zero buyers, forcing Vinny and Tony to start grabbing people and yanking them to their stand. This led to very angry “customers”. Things continued to get out of hand when Jo-Jo Whoa came around with a cart full of Jo-Jo monkeys. Jo-Jo eased the crowd's mood by handing out free monkeys. This, needless to say, annoyed Vinny and Tony and they attacked Jo-Jo. Jo-Jo had no trouble fending them off, thanks to Vinny and Tony “customers” coming to his defense. A mass beatdown ensued, with everyone leaving happy and satisfied.

***Pierce Duncan W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs Bruce Blank***

Pierce fist pumped in Blank's face, which drew a confused stare from the redneck wrecking machine. The middle Duncan child informed Blank that he “had nothing, bro” and told him to “gets the steppin” Blank took some steps...up Piercey D's behind! The Alabama native beat the unusual grappler around the ring, much to Amberlyn's horror. Pierce tried to escape through the ropes, but was yanked back by Blank. Further beating ensued, until Pierce ducked a clothesline and lucked into a back kick. This doubled over Bruce, and Pierce hit the Cha-Ching facebuster for a two count. Blank immediately fought back, but never could quite get the dominance he had early on. A failed powerbomb attempt would lead to defeat for Blank as Pierce showed he's In Da House with a lifting downward spiral!

Winner: Pierce Duncan, via pinfall

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