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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 12/14/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

The show opened with who else but Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes cutting a promo. The not so loveable duo had somehow gathered the idea that the OAOAST marketing department had let them down.  While shirts were being made for Bohemoth, mugs for Krista, and masks for Biffman, there was a decided lack of Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes merchandise. The cousins were out to correct that with the Vinny and Tony two headed talking platypus! Tony pulled its string and each time he do so it said a Ronald Reagan quote. Clearly this was a prototype Vinny said. Before Vinny and Tony could start taking orders for the platypus, Jo-Jo Whoa interrupted them. He stated their animal mascot was a direct rip off of his Jo-Jo Monkey and that “no one wants your silly crap”. That comment earned a great pop from the crowd as well as an attack from Vinny and Tony. This lead into a match:

***Vinny Valentine Vs Jo-Jo Whoa***

Jo-Jo wowed the audience and frustrated Vinny with aerial offense to start the contest. The Brooklyn native would try to ground Jo-Jo, but didn't find much luck in doing so. The young rookie had his way with Vinny for the majority of the contest. A near two count of a standing shooting star press, saw Vinny bail and confer with Tony for advice. What advice Tony gave Vinny wasn't very helpful as Vinny was battered upon return to the ring. Only by dumping Jo-Jo over the ropes after a failed hurricanrana attempt would Vinny find some success. That success would carry through the commercial break.

Upon returning to Syndicated, Vinny hit a superplex and then proceeded to work over Jo-Jo's back. The Disco Duck would try to show off his own high flying moves with a body splash. But Jo-Jo got the knees up and Vinny was left in agony.  Jo-Jo took the opportunity to launch himself into a comeback. A spinning forearm got a two count, and a standing 450 splash got an even closer two as well. Both men would trade nearfalls off a rollup sequence. The stalemate ended when Jo-Jo hit Vinny with the Thanks For The Memories Cradle DDT for a three count!

Winner: Jo-Jo Whoa, via pinfall

Post match Tony looked as if he were about to explode over his cousin's defeat, and the fact that Jo-Jo ripped the head off the monkey didn't help his mood any.

Despite both having big matches this week on HeldDOWN, Maya and Alix put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview The Last Kings Of Scotland and Megan Skye. Megan wasn't terribly pleased with the actions of The Dark Horses, calling them “cowardly and embarrassing.” Danny and Scott had a different take, however. They claimed to welcome the challenge presented by the Dark Horses as they haven't had a good fight in a long time. The Europeans stated they looked forward to taking their spiked clubs and bashing the brains out of Anderson and Pigley.

***Sloppy Joe Vs Augustine Chambers***

Joe didn't seem much concerned with the match, preferring to munch on his apple pie. This gave his opponent the chance to go on the offense to start the contest. Chambers' blows were harmless and did nothing to hurt or offend Joe. That is until Chambers knocked the pie out of Joe's hands, and then accidentally stepped on it. This sent Joe into a rage filled frenzy, and he brutally attacked Chambers. Joe would hit the It's Called A Manwich three straight times before finally pinning his foe.

Winner: Sloppy Joe, via pinfall

Sara Jean Underwood brought us the HeldDOWN preview which focused on a trio of Duncan family matches: Krista Vs Remy Bazil, Maya Vs Sugar Belle, and Alix defending her world title against Mister Dick.

Backstage we found Remy Bazil in conversation with Queen Esther. Esther seemed quite worried that she'd be reduced from royalty to cleaning lady as a result of Landon and Moneymaker's high stakes game. Remy assured her that she shouldn't worry and that he'd never let her lower herself to cleaning lady. He promised to rescue her from such a fate if it should ever occur. This drew great joy from Esther.

***United States Championship: Slime W/Snot Vs Christian Wright W/Sophie***

Ever a gentlemen Slime gave Sophie a gift before the match: a jar of pencil shavings. Sophie decided to use this as a weapon and smashed Slime atop the head! Wright took instant advantage and proceeded to pound on Slime. Several close near falls preceded Slime mounting a comeback. The highlight of this flurry of offense would come when Slime would spew over his hands and rub it on Wright's face. Stunned and disgusted, Wright was dragged inside a rollup by his unusual foe. This got a very close two count, and many of the audience thought it should have been a three. Wright took over the contest, after turning a middle rope crossbody into a fall away slam. He used his high impact style to punish Slime, gaining numerous close pin attempts. Slime fought back, however, and the two raced to the finish. It seemed as if Slime might claim title gold when he spit green slime at Wright. But Wright ducked the ensuing kick and nailed the Judas Rising (Gordbuster) for the victory.

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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