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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 11/19/2011

Chanel #99

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We're taken straight to Sofa Central to find Double C all set to call the action.

Folks, welcome to Dubai for an international edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN~! I'm Michael Cole, sitting alongside Da Coach for a night of extravagant delight here in one of the finest cities in the world!

Boos ring out as "You Were a King Now You're Unconscious" plays OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Odin and VICE onto the entrance stage. The trio walk towards the ring with Odin smiling his famous broad grin.

November Reign will be the site of the first ever five on five elimination match for the OAOAST World Title. Team Odin versus Team Chicks Over Dicks.

Alfdogg has named the generals of the army that will march into warfare against my army of Asgardian warriors at November Reign. Are they barbarians with unmatched brutality? No. Perhaps they are assassins with cunning stealth? No.  Could they be berserkers with unquenchable thirsts for blood? No. They are two ordinary humans. Most damning of all, they are ordinary human females.

“C-O-D! C-O-D!” C-O-D!”

Alix and Krista are anything but ordinary.

Alfdogg you make a mockery of our war! When I ride into battle on my trusty steed, I expect a certain level of mental competency and physical strength from my opponent.  You are nothing but an old fool, and your chosen are weak females! Alfdogg, I am insulted that you would dare to think an army lead by human females could wrest control of the OAOAST Galaxy away from me. Have you given up? Do you now realize the futility of your resistance? Are you merely putting forth a token defense, so that you may explain to those I enslaved that you made an attempt to fight for their freedom?

Odin is making a big mistake underestimating Alix and Krista.

It does not matter your reasons for your ill advised selections. I will crush their feeble forms as I would crush even the mightiest of demon. However, I will not do so alone. I will have five noble combatants at my ready. Two of whom have stood with me since the dawn of my fight to conquer the OAOAST Galaxy. I speak of Detective Tango Bosley and Christopher Patrick Allen.

FUCK YEAH! We gonna get us some, Big O! These bitches, when the clocks strike Bosley time, they’re gonna head for the hills because they don’t want it with the Alpha Male! Nobody wants it with the Alpha Male!  People see me topless, guns out, looking ripped as hell, they know they better get behind closed doors, because when The Boz Master comes to your town, he shuts shit down!

Your enthusiasm is infectious, Tango Bosley! The other chosen fighters at my service will be-

Cause I'm a badass
And you don't want to clash
Cause your mouth's writing checks that your face can't cash
Cause I'm a badass
And this war is your last
You just crossed my path and I'll drop you fast

Storming out from parted entrance doors is the perpetually sour Badass Jack. He snatches a microphone before entering the ring. He’s met with a harsh stare from Odin, as Bosley and CPA assume defensive postures.

Why have you interrupted me, mortal?

You’re captaining a November Reign team.

This is the truth.

Against Alix and Krista.

Do not waste my time with the obvious! Say what you wish to say or begone!

I’m on your team.

You dare to place yourself on my battalion of warriors? You, a man that resides in a shack with nothing more than rabid beasts? You, a man who betrayed my trust only a few months ago and took up arms against me? You? Who are you to team with the great Odin and the mighty VICE?

I don’t give a shit about any of you. If the team were Josh Matthews, Sugar Belle, and Tony Tourettes I’d join it just to get my hands on Krista. That woman cost me everything, now she’s gonna pay with her scalp.

I do not care about your inconsequential quest for revenge!

Krista’s on the other team, so I’m on your team.

You do not dictate to the ruler of Asgard! I refuse to allow your mortal form to soil my great unit of soldiers. Remove yourself from my sight at once!

Bub, if you don’t put me on your team I’m gonna tear your guts out. I may not do it now, I might not even do it tomorrow. But, I’m gonna do it, and I’m gonna do it nice and slow so you really feel it.

CPA leans into Odin and whispers something into his ear. Odin’s expression changes from one of defiance to one of begrudging acceptance.

Very well, Badass Jack. I will allow you to come under my command for one night.

I ain’t under nobody’s command. I’m just out to get Krista. If I have to sacrifice all of you to do it, that’s what I’m gonna do.

Badass Jack departs on that note without even looking back at his “teammates”. Odin merely drills him with a furious glare, as CPA tries to calm him down.

How are those two supposed to coexist?

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Heading to the ring, nervous looks hang on the faces of the World Tag Team Champions, D*LUX. Deep in thought, they don't notice Amberlyn Duncan trying to catch up with them, until Amberlyn is forced to WHISTLE them to attention.

Whoa, slow down guys! What's the hurry?

We've got a match. You know, that thing us wrestlers do.

Oh, yeah. Of course.

Amberlyn looks around, past and behind them, confusing D*LUX.

Listen, I can't help noticing you're a little light on Duncan. My nieces ditched you again, huh? Tell you what, how about I come out with you two tonight.

You mean as a manager?

Sure, whatever you want to call it.

Uhh, Amber, I really don't think that's...

Weren't you guys in a hurry a minute ago? What are we standing around talking for? Let's go out there and dazzle our audience!

Amberlyn leads the way, while Shayne gives Tyler a sideways look. Tyler doesn't look any more thrilled about his girlfriend's plan than Shayne does and the champions head off, resigned to their lot in life.

Meanwhile, out in the arena, "King Kong" by L.A Symphony plays out their challengers. The imposing force of Daisuke Motozaki and the unpredictable monster Faqu make their way to the ring, full of determination.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! Introducing first, the challengers. At a total combined weight of five hundred and fourty nine pounds... representing the CUCARACHA KINGDOM, the team of "THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL" FFAAAQQUUUUUUUU... and DDAAAIIIIISSUUUKKEEEEE MMMOOOOTTOOOOZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAKKIIIIIIIIII!!!!


Man oh man oh man. What have D*LUX gotten themselves into?

Faqu and Motozaki have been a truly formidable wrecking squad ever since they joined forces. Undefeated as a tag team and now, with the Tag Team Titles in their sights.



"Solar Midnite" by Lupe Fiasco hits, unleashing a wave of excited screams from the fans. The excitement dies down somewhat though as Amberlyn is first through the entrance. Having put on a pair of sunglasses in the time it took to reach the ring, Amberlyn makes sure the camera is on a permanent close-up to her as she walks to the ring. Which forces the director to go super-wide to even show that D*LUX are also there.

And their opponents! Accompanied to the ring by AMBERLYN DUNCAN. at a total combined weight of three hundred and seventy nine pounds. From the state of Michigan! They are the reigning, defending, OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER... D*LLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!


Amberlyn walks down the aisle pouting for the camera directly in front of her, watched curiously by Tyler and Shayne. As Amberlyn rounds the corner, D*LUX then look up and find Faqu and Motozaki staring at them.

Not to take away from the huge test facing D*LUX. But, what the heck is Amberlyn Duncan doing out here with them? Besides getting her face on TV, of course.

Actually, I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.

Able to peel herself away from the cameras long enough, Amberlyn claps for D*LUX and urges Tyler to "go get them". Tyler just stares, not sure if Amberlyn has even looked to see who they're facing.


Motozaki steps out and lets his savage partner start. In the champions corner, neither seems eager to lead off, but eventually they settle on Tyler starting out.


Trying to focus, Tyler sizes up Faqu. The big Samoan suddenly charges him and tries to take his head off with a clothesline. But Tyler is able to sidestep and tries to attack. Tyler clubs away at Faqu with forearms from behind, then to the front as Faqu turns around unphased. Realising he needs more momentum, Tyler comes off the ropes and throws himself at Faqu. Not budging him, Tyler tries again. Still no luck so Tyler runs at him one more time. But this time, Faqu drops his shoulder and Tyler just BOUNCES off of him!

Oof! Like running into a brick wall. A brick wall that hits back!

Tyler nurses his neck and is backed into the corner, by the throat. Motozaki tags himself in and takes a free bodyshot that almost knocks Tyler's spleen out.

D*LUX have had a breakout 2011. But, this is by far their biggest physical test to date as champions.

And it's come at the worst possible time. No Maya. No Jade. And I still ain't convinced all's well behind the scenes, there's been problems bubbling under the surface for weeks now.

Problems you seem intent on stirring up.

Taking control, Motozaki clubs Tyler across the back and drops him to a knee. Motozaki then whips Tyler to the ropes and blasts him with a back elbow on his return!


Tyler sits up dazed, that simple elbow doing far from simple damage. Stood behind, Motozaki applies a waistlock and then DEADLIFTS Tyler off the mat before flinging him contemptuously to the mat!!

What power! That's just scary!

They're just playing with Tyler, Cole. A minute in and they're already having fun. This don't look good for D*LUX.

Shayne looks concerned from his corner, while Amberlyn looks concerned once she's put her compact mirror away and starts paying attention. A tag is made to bring Faqu back in. And the Samoan Wrecking Ball dives at Tyler with a headbutt to the lower back, preventing him getting close to his corner. Faqu presses Tyler down, pinning him to the mat...




Leading Tyler up, Faqu shoves him back into a neutral corner. But as he goes for a charge, Tyler gets his feet up! Faqu staggers back and tries again, but this time Tyler is gone completely and Faqu runs into the turnbuckles!


That's what D*LUX need to do, use their speed and quickness.

Tyler quickly makes the tag to Shayne, who comes off the top with a missile dropkick... but it only rocks Faqu back a step or two! Looking unnerved at this, Shayne gets to his feet and tries a crossbody, but gets CAUGHT!

Oh no!

Yeah, use your speed, but not like that.

Despite Shayne's best efforts to hammer his way free, Faqu crushes him with a front slam! Cover...




Shayne is left gasping for air, as Faqu and Motozaki make a leisurely tag.

Faqu and Motozaki, able to take their sweet time here. We've seen matches from them that have resembled feeding time at the zoo. This is more like a dissection.

Stalking Shayne into a corner, Motozaki clubs him across the chest with an overhand blow. And another one. Shayne sinks in the corner, with the wind knocked out of him. Pulled up, Shayne is whipped across by Motozaki and hit with a running knifedge chop in the other corner! Shayne sinks down again trying to recoup while Motozaki looks over and stares stoicly at Tyler.

King Landon's gotta be loving this. More gold, coming home to the Kingdom!

Whipping him back the other way, Motozaki tries a second chop... but Shayne raises a boot and catches Daisuke under the jaw! Dazed a little, Motozaki hunches over, trying to clear his head. Shayne sees his chance and comes off the middle rope with the Showtime Stomp to the back!


Quickly hitting the ropes, Shayne ducks underneath a clothesline and connects with a spinning back elbow, staggering the burly Japanese star. In need of some help, Shayne calls in Tyler and the Tag Team Champions surprise Faqu with a double dropkick, knocking him off the apron!

Two key things for the champions if they want to retain tonight. Quicken the pace and try to double up on these mammoth challengers when possible.

D*LUX combine, whipping Motozaki to the ropes. But Motozaki BREAKS THROUGH their attempt at a double clothesline and blasts them both with clotheslines of his own!!


Even two on one they're overpowered!

Motozaki tosses Tyler outside, then grabs Shayne. Amberlyn checks on Tyler, as Motozaki delivers a bodyslam to Shayne and then tags in Faqu, who follows up with a Splash!




Faqu shouts at the referee, more of a warning, well aware the match is under control.

"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"

The fans try to get behind the champions, sensing trouble for their title reign. Faqu knocks Shayne over with a chop and concern grows, as Shayne rolls over and tries to take a rest up against the bottom turnbuckle. Which is a bad place to be.



Faqu delivers the running BUTT smash in the corner and Shayne goes limp.

Oh, my word! Did you see Shayne's head snap back!?

That's instant whiplash. I dunno if Maya can call an ambulance if she's watching from LA, but somebody better.

Dragging Shayne out into the centre, Faqu lays across him with his tongue outstretched...




Outside the ring, Amberlyn manages to help Tyler to his feet. Concerned, she then tries to convince him to go backstage, apparently unaware there's a match going on. Tyler resists being helped to the back to stay and help his partner, shrugging Amberlyn off.

I don't know if Amberlyn is familiar with her boyfriend's career. But leaving when the going gets rough isn't Tyler's style. That's more of a Pierce thing.

She was just trying to help the guy out, why've you got to be so cynical? And bring up Pierce? What did he ever do to you?


Oh, yeah, I remember now. Haha.

Manhandling his opponent, Faqu throws Shayne into the ropes and knocks him down with a clothesline. Backing off the ropes, the Samoan Wrecking Ball then comes crashing down, with a big legdrop! Cover...





D*LUX aren't going down without a fight.

No, but they are going down.

Don't count your chickens just yet, Coach.

Ignoring Amberlyn's concerns, Tyler climbs back to the apron and tries to rally his partner.


Faqu drags a limp Shayne to his feet and attacks with open handed shots to the chest. Shayne leans against the ropes, the only things holding him up as Faqu then turns and goes on the run. Charging back, the big Samoan throws himself towards Shayne, looking for a splash. But Shayne moves and Faqu hits only the ropes. And as they spit him back, Shayne dropkicks him in the back, sending Faqu spilling through the ropes to the outside!

See! D*LUX aren't out of this one yet!

Creating some separation, Shayne quickly crawls towards his corner...

...but Motozaki comes in and cuts him off! Dragging Shayne back by the ankle, Daisuke squares up to Tyler, who thinks better of coming in to help. Not out of fear, but out of duty, as Shayne crawls through Motozaki's legs seconds later and Tyler is on hand to MAKE THE TAG!


Flinging himself into the ring Tyler kicks out, kicking Motozaki in the chest on his way in!

Tyler comes in, with this crowd solidly behind him!

Tyler goes after Motozaki with rapid shots, striking fast enough and often enough to keep the stocky Japanese star on the back foot. Hitting the ropes, Tyler connects with a running dropkick, rocking Motozaki. Motozaki tries to come back at him, but Tyler baseball slides through the legs to evade! Looking lost for a moment, Motozaki is hit in his broad back with a dropkick that sends him lurching forward. Tyler grabs Motozaki near the ropes and tries for an irish whip. But Motozaki grabs the top rope and refuses to go, before kicking Tyler and dumping him over the top. Tyler hangs on though and comes back in with a surprise sunset flip!




Trying to press the pace, Tyler runs into a boot from Motozaki which cuts him off.

That'll put a stop to your momentum.

Hoisting Tyler over his head, Motozaki holds Tyler over his head in a gorilla press. Tyler struggles though and manages to escape! Landing behind Motozaki, Tyler leaps up and catches him with a big neckbreaker!!

No, Tyler counters! What a move!

Cover by Tyler...



Motozaki PRESSES Tyler off of him!

Big kickout, but D*LUX starting to find some luck in dealing with these mammoth challengers.

Yeah, this isn't how things usually go for Faqu and Daisuke.

On the attack quickly, Tyler delivers some forearms to try and weaken Motozaki, then comes off the ropes. Motozaki charges forward, trying to intercept Tyler with a clothesline, but Tyler ducks and carries on running. Turning around, Motozaki walks into the path of a YAKUZA KICK from Tyler!

But Motozaki doesn't go down and ROARS at Tyler!

No effect!

Tyler looks surprised and tries again, connecting with a second Yakuza Kick. Motozaki stands firm and shakes his hard, demanding Tyler try again in his native tongue. Off the ropes, Tyler does just that and boots Motozaki in the face for a THIRD time. Motozaki responds by firing up and swinging with a LARIAT... but Tyler ducks and rocks Motozaki with a SUPERKICK under the chin!


With Motozaki wobbled, Tyler calls in Shayne and D*LUX take aim...


...with a Double Superkick to finally put Motozaki down!!


Well, they're persistent, gotta give em that.

I don't care how big or how tough you are, you're only going to take so many shots to the head before going down.

Having dealt with Motozaki, D*LUX turn around... and BOTH get grabbed by the throat by Faqu!!

Uh oh!

With both champions held, Faqu palms them both off and delivers a double clothesline!


That means "this match is almost over, so get my titles ready".

Amberlyn looks on concerned, as Faqu prepares to strike. Dragging Shayne up by the hair, he double underhooks the arms and prepares to finish Shayne off... at which point, Amberlyn jumps onto the apron.

Wait a second, what the heck is Amberlyn thinking?

Both the referee and Faqu are distracted by Amberlyn, buying Tyler the time to recover and jump off Shayne's back to strike Faqu with an enziguri!!


Amberlyn shrugs and hops back off the apron, job done.

That was a blatant distraction play! And that do-gooder Tyler just took advantage of it!

All the times we've seen that before, I don't remember you complaining much.

Yeah because that was different!

With Faqu dazed, Tyler and Shayne attack the knees, needing multiple kicks to force Faqu down. Once they finally get the big Samoan down they split, coming back with stereo dropkicks from either side! Tyler makes the cover as Shayne tries to stand guard...




As Faqu kicks out, Shayne tries to attack Motozaki, but gets LEVELLED with a clothesline!

D*LUX are giving their all. But Faqu and Motozaki just keep coming! Like something out of a horror movie!

Shayne rolls outside, leaving Tyler to try and keep the fight going. He goes after Motozaki and manages to daze him with a few punches. But as he turns to hit the ropes, he turns right into a thrust to the throat from a now standing Faqu! Tyler is spun around and Motozaki hoists him up in a bearhug. Faqu then comes off the ropes, running into Tyler with a body splash while in the bearhug, sandwiching him between a rock and a hard place!!


Crushed, Tyler sinks to the mat. Motozaki shoves Faqu in the chest and the two start shouting at each other, psyching themselves up.

I think playtime's over, Cole.

This looks like trouble for D*LUX. Big trouble!

Lifting their prey off the mat, Motozaki and Faqu prepare to finish him off, as Motozaki starts the ball rolling with the Torture Rack. Stretching Tyler out a couple of times, Motozaki then hands Tyler off to Faqu, onto his shoulders for the Samoan Drop.

At which point, SMOKE begins to billow out from under the ring!

Wait a second.

Creeped out, Amberlyn climbs up to try and escape the smoke, which distracts the referee from KAREEM's appearance!

It's Kareem!

Where did Kareem come from!?

Faqu sees Kareem first and drops Tyler, to charge at Kareem... but Kareem ducks out of the way and Faqu crashes over the ropes to the arena floor with a splat! Entering the ring, Kareem then catches Motozaki charging him with a Bossman style SIDESLAM THAT SHAKES THE RING!!!!


Kareem just CRUSHED Motozaki! And no prizes for guessing what he's doing here!

As if that wasn't enough, Kareem follows up with a gigantic XXXL SPLASH across the chest of Motozaki!! The Japanese star lets out and groan and curls up in pain, clutching his ribs instantly. Rolling outside, Kareem slinks off and disappears, job done.

I think Motozaki is hurt!

As the smoke disperses, Amberlyn is finally convinced to get back on the floor by the referee. Convenient timing, as she realises Motozaki is down. Banging on the mat, she brings Tyler to his senses and points out that Motozaki is prime to be pinned. Tyler looks confused, unaware of what happened. And Amberlyn thinks quickly, by which I mean tells a BOLD FACED LIE that Shayne took him out before ordering him to cover quickly.

I think D*LUX's wish just got granted!

Tyler slowly crawls over, still looking unsure but making the cover nonetheless...






The fans will take the victory either way and erupt in relief, as Tyler's hand is raised in victory.



Amberlyn quickly grabs the belts and slides in, wrapping the gold around Tyler and congratulating him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Still a bit shell shocked, Tyler is swept up in Amberlyn's celebration and finds his hand being raised by her as well, to his bemusement.

I have to admit, D*LUX may have just dodged a bullet here tonight. I don't think Tyler even knows how.

Of course he doesn't! Dude was beat, until Amberlyn's managerial prowess pulled him through...

By "managerial prowess", I'm sure you mean "giant assist from Kareem".

Yeah, that too, sure.

Shayne rolls in, also looking confused and the celebrations become a bit more muted, Amberlyn not so hands on with Shayne but handing him a belt anyway. Amberlyn raises D*LUX hands, with herself in the centre and in the centre of attention of course, whilst Motozaki remains down in a heap to the side.

And amongst all this, it looks like The Enterprise has one upped The Kingdom once again! Somewhere, Mr. Moneymaker must be in jubilant mood after this!


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We return to HeldDOWN outside of the OAOAST trainer's room, with Terry Taylor positioned outside.

Guys, I'm back here outside the trainer's room, waiting for some sort of update after what we just saw...

Right on cue, KING LANDON comes storming out of the room, in full royal regalia, venting his frustrations to Queen Esther and Christian Wright.

Landon! Landon, what's going on in there?

What's going on is my guy just got squashed like a bug! Did you see that!?

I did...

You saw as well as I did, my Kingdom had that match firmly in control. We were seconds away from adding the World Tag Team Titles to our collection of gold, to the Kingdom's riches! And now, they're saying Daisuke has probably got broken ribs.

As if things couldn't get any worse for Landon, THEODORE MONEYMAKER 'just happens' to appear, with an 'innocent' look on his face. The King bristles up, but tries to contain his anger. Moneymaker smirks at Landon, backed up by Lorelei DeCenzo and James Blonde.

What's the matter, Landon? You look... crushed! BWAHAHAHAHA!

This is what you're resorting to now, huh Moneymaker? Sneak attacks? Picking people off with injuries?

All's fair in love and war, Maddix. By the way, how are your ribs after last week?

Landon's lip curls, trying not to rise to the bait with his Queen present.

My ribs are fine. Unlike Daisuke's, thanks to you and your guy appearing out of fat air. That was a weasel move, Moneymaker. Very weasely. Trying to weaken my Kingdom by singling one of us out. And of all the people you do it to, Daisuke!? Do you realise how much he cost me!?

BWAHAHAHA! I've no doubt I could buy and sell that man fourty times over for what you acquired his services for. But, then again, it doesn't sound like he'd be much use to me at the moment, does it? Speaking of which, a thought occurs. If you're so sure your man is out... by my count, that makes us even.


In numbers, ibecile.

Right! I knew what you meant.

:rolls eyes:

You know what, you're right. We are even. So, in that case, how about we test just how even we are, at November Reign. Five on five. Your mercenaries, against my majestic warriors!

Moneymaker just blinks a bit.

You know... Enterprise versus Kingdom.

Ah! Yes, an excellent idea. One of your few. But Maddix, let's be honest with ourselves here. This isn't about Enterprise versus Kingdom, is it? This is about you versus me. Who is the better leader of men? Who is the true King here in the OAOAST?


...yes, well, how about we test that at November Reign? Here's what I propose. Your team versus mine, five against five, elimination rules. BUT, if you or I, as captains of our teams, should be eliminated, the match is over. Once you've been beaten, I've achieved what I need to achieve and you'll have let your team down, showing you to be the poor leader I've always said you are. What do you say? The only way to truly win this is to eliminate the other team's leader. Our teams rest on our shoulders. It's almost poetic.

Mulling this over, Landon glances over at Wright. Looking unsure, it takes Maddix a few seconds of looking at Moneymaker and Blonde to finally swallow his pride.

Fine, I accept.

HAHAHAHA! Very good. I'll see you at November Reign then. And we'll see which of us will truly reign in the OAOAST!

Moneymaker whisks Lorelei off, Blonde leaving with a lingering look back over his shoulder as he follows. Landon is left with Esther and Wright, taking in what's happened.

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“God of Thunder” by KISS plays TK and the Heavenly Rockers ringside.

The following 6 man tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by “THE ANGEL OF DEATH” HOLLY and QUIZ… representing THE CHURCH OF ABDULLAH, the team of THUNDERKIIIIIDDDDDD and the only rock ‘n wrestling band that matters… SYNTH ABDUL-JABBAR and LOGAN “MACHO MACHO” MANN… THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY RRRRROOOOOCCKKEEEEEERRRRRRSSSSSSSS!!!!


The Heavenly Rockers strut their stuff in the ring while TK looks on like a bad ass.

What a match-up this should be, partner.

Yeah, a mini-preview of November Reign.

As first reported last weekend on OAOAST.com, OAOAST officials have signed a 10 man elimination contest for Sunday night, November 27 live on pay-per-view between the Church of Abdullah -- TK, the Heavenly Rockers, Quiz and team captain Reject -- and the Missionary Men -- Mariachi, the All-American Boys, Deuce Deuce Bigelow and team captain Big Papa Thrust.

I heard on the OAOAST Hot Newzline that Big Papa Thrust only agreed to do the match if he was named team captain.

It’s no secret Big Papa Thrust doesn’t play well with others, but he’s gonna have to at November Reign if his team of 5 intends to survive.

“Living in America“ by James Brown hits and the All-American Boys march down the aisle along with Mariachi waving Old Glory.

And their opponents! First, from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, weighing 169 pounds… America’s favorite illegal… MMAAAAAARRRRIIIIIAAAAAACCHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII!! His tag team partners hail from the Hearts of the American people… FREEDOM and LIBERTY… THE ALL-AAMMMEERRRRIIICCAAAAANN BBOOOOOOYYYYSSSSS!!!!


What happened to the part about them fighting for truth, justice and the American way? Oh right, we’re in a foreign land. *laughs*

Referee Charles Robinson informs both teams it’s time to get it on and signals for the bell.


As the masked patriots and their illegal amigo determine which man will start the match, TK gets the nod for his team and makes it known he wants Mariachi.

It was only a little over a month ago on HeldDOWN~! that TK was defeated by Mariachi in one of the biggest upsets in OAOAST history.

That was then. This is now, Cole.

The flaming luchador is happy to oblige TK’s request and the two lockup. And right away Mariachi is brought to his knees via a Greco-Roman knuckle lock, but responds with rapid-fire HEADBUTTS TO THE ABDOMEN.

What’s that freak doing?

Giving TK head…butts!

Mariachi places TK’s hands on the mat and stomps them, then delivers a dropkick to the chest.

The cover.



Mariachi wrings the arm of TK and tags Freedom, who along with Liberty deck TK with a double shoulder tackle.

The cover.




TK is rammed face-first in the buckle and hammered from the middle rope.





TK carries Freedom out of the corner and snake eyes him. European uppercuts follow and then a tag to Logan. The “MACHO MACHO” Mann motions partner Synth Abdul Jabbar inside and the two deliver a double back elbow.

The cover.



Logan applies a choke he doesn’t break till the last possible second.

There’s a man -- a MACHO MACHO man -- who knows the rules, baby boy. He knew he had until the count of five to break and milked every second.

Logan proceeds to work Freedom over in the corner with a series of sharp left jabs to the face/body. An Irish whip follows, but Freedom reverses and executes a hip toss that leads to a tag by the All-American Boys. Liberty fires Logan into the ropes and power slams him on the rebound.

The cover.




Synth looks to get involved but charges into a hip toss. Freedom re-enters the picture and the Heavenly Rockers are back dropped by All-American Boys in stereo.


The fun comes to an end when Logan rakes Liberty’s eyes and dumps him outside where Holly rakes the masked patriot across the back.


Holly sneers at the OAOAST Galaxy rather than give them a piece of her mind, much to the network censor’s relief. But it does little to help Liberty, who’s brought back in the hard way via a suplex. A tag is made and Synth delivers a succession of lightning quick leg drops.

The cover.




Synth applies a reverse chinlock, but Liberty returns to a vertical base and escapes the Synthmeister’s clutches with a round of back elbows to the midsection. Unfortunately if you’re a fan of Liberty, he runs into a knee to the gut and gets taken over with a spinning neck breaker!

The cover.




Synth tosses Liberty outside and confronts Freedom, a mere ploy to distract the ref while Holly kicks Liberty.


And again.

Turn around ref!

TK rolls Liberty back in and receives the tag. He executes a fall away slam and makes the cover.




TK shoves Liberty in the corner and fires off European uppercuts. Meanwhile, the OAOAST Galaxy buzzes as OOHLALA, the buxom valet of Big Papa Thrust, arrives ringside to deliver a few words to Holly, who returns in kind.

Oohlala’s got no business ringside, Cole.

The OAOAST Galaxy disagrees. Oohlala is ringside to keep an eye on Holly.

Quiz does his best to calm Holly, but the Angel of Death continues to hurl insults Oohlala’s direction. Back in the ring TK shoots Liberty out of the corner, only to charge into a big boot and get school boy‘d!




Liberty sends TK for the ride but telegraphs a backdrop and falls prey to a GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB!




Freedom again makes the save.

Logan tags in and puts the boots to Liberty, then slams and goes up top where he spreads his wings and flies, spiking his knee into nothing but canvas!

Nobody home!

Holly screams at Logan to make the tag, a stark contrast to Oohlala who bounces up and down clapping her hands.

Me like the bouncy.

Logan mans up and tags Synth, but not in time to stop Liberty from making a tag of his own. And the man he tags is none other than MARIACHI~!


Mariachi swings over the top rope and kicks Synth square in the chest, then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!

The cover.




Mariachi moves and Logan accidentally drops an elbow on Synth!

Oh my!

The Heavenly Rockers experience a double noggin knocker that sends them their separate ways. A shoulder tackle knocks Logan out through the ropes to the floor. With aid from his wife Holly, he returns to his feet… and gets wiped out by a SUICIDE DIVE!

Mariachi’s en fuego!

Back in the ring Synth wanders to the wrong corner and eats a pair of knuckle sandwiches courtesy of the All-American Boys. Mariachi follows with a SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON INTO A COMPROMISING PIN!




The All-American Boys enter and they clothesline TK over the top rope, only for him to land on his feet and yanks them both outside. A battle rages out on the arena floor while Synth is scooped up for a CRADLE TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER… WHICH HE REVERSES!


But Mariachi returns the favor and SPIKES the Synthmeister head-first into the canvas!

The cover.



THR-- NO!!



Damn her!

You’re just mad Mariachi got jerked off by a chick.

Holly taunts the OAOAST Galaxy before being blindsided by Oohlala!

Oh baby. Oh baby!

As everyone focuses on the cat fight, including the referee, QUIZ sneaks inside and delivers a BIG BOOT to Mariachi!


Quiz exits and receives instructions from Logan to protect Holly.

Don’t you touch her, damn it.

Quiz grabs Oohlala by the hair and then lifts her high in the air.

Drop her on my lap!

Inside, Synth shakes off the cobwebs and climbs to the middle rope. All of a sudden the OAOAST Galaxy roars as BIG PAPA THRUST arrives on the scene to KICK QUIZ IN THE NADS!!!


The Big Bad Glutei Daddy catches his #1 freakazoid and a brawl erupts between BPT, the AABs, TK, Logan and Quiz.

We’ve got an impromptu 6-man street fight going on outside!


Where the hell did he come from?!

I have no idea. But I’m glad Deuce’s wild!

Synth clutches his elbow in pain, blues and agony and Mariachi capitalizes with la magisterial.

Mariachi’s got Synth cradled. Can he keep him down?

The count.





“Living in America” cues and the All-American Boys celebrate with their illegal amigo. The CoA, meanwhile, look on in disgust.

I can’t believe Mariachi did it again, Cole.

Neither can the Church of Abdullah. And somewhere Reject is seething.

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We're taken to the highly spacious Duncan family dressing room where Jade and Krista are playing a card game, and Alix is dutifully transcribing something from an unspecified book.

Alright, James Worthy for sure. Byron Scott, absolutely. A.C. Green, oh yeah.

I dread to ask but what are you doing?

I’m picking our November Reign team.

You idiot.


Yes, idiot. I-d…uh….look my two masters degrees aren’t in spelling, but you’re an idiot.

Of course! You’re right, how could I leave out Kurt Rambis. We’re gonna need a scrappy white guy.

You can’t pick a team from the 86-87 Lakers’ media guide. Does your stupidity know no limits?

No. I mean yes. I mean maybe. I mean, you’re a real meanie!

Why do you always act surprised when I call you an idiot? As if it’s a stunning revelation that someone who agreed to participate in an Occupy Sprint protest with Tony Tourettes because he couldn’t download porn fast enough on the 3G network, would be considered not terribly bright by superior minds.

Superior? Well, missy, you may be smarter than me, but I was chosen to protect the OAOAST Galaxy!

Congratulations, a pudgy man with a mullet selected to you to protect a cheesy, annoying market gimmick.

Hey! You’re part of the team to protect it to at November Reign!

No. I’m part of the team that will take that hammer that buffoon who won my title carries around, and use it to smash Badass Jack’s testicles into a fine liquid substance, force him to drink said liquid testicles, and then hurl him off a bridge. Any effects that has on this OAOAST Galaxy you and Alf have convinced yourself actually matters to be people with IQ’s above the negative numbers is purely coincidental. Now, if we’re going to pick a team, we need a team of tough characters.

I remember on America’s Most Wanted there was a dude found out his brother was stealing from his bank account, and he chopped him up and sold his remains on the Farmer’s Market.

He’ll do nicely.

And what about that dude at UCLA we knew who could chew through beer cans? Joe Day!

I think he's paralyzed bellow the waist, something about being shot eight times in a drug deal gone wrong, or maybe it was a car accident. I really should've confirmed which before I assassinated his character on live TV.

You guys…

Where the hell did you come from?

You were just playing cards with me!

Sweetie, I interact with so many people throughout the course of my grueling day, you can’t possibly expect me to remember every last one.

I’m your daughter!

And you’re a lucky lady because of it.


So whatcha want, Jadycakes? Cookies, donuts, peach cobbler?

No! Why do people always think I want food?!

When you jam a fork into your sister’s hands over the last piece of strawberry shortcake, people will tend to assume you have a fixation on food.

You can’t just pick random people for your November Reign team. You have to pick people from the OAOAST roster.

You mean the collection of effeminately haired, gay pretty boys is our talent pool? Against Badass Jack? For the love of god, Jade, why don’t you ask an eight year old to survive a communal shower with a Penn State football coach?

There’s plenty of tough guys on the OAOAST roster. I’m sure Tyler and Shayne would help you out.




We like those boys, truthfully we do. Shayne doesn’t talk, which makes him more tolerable than 98% of the earth’s non mute population, and Tyler keeps Amberlyn busy which in turns keeps me from having to see her which in turn keeps me from wanting to kill myself. But only compared against an eighty year old with a bad cough are they considered tough.

Okay, what about Baron Windels? There’s someone who’s very tough. How about putting him on your team. He’s a big, muscular, buff cowboy.

Are you auditioning him for a wrestling match or a gay strip club?

Baron is perfect! And he’s a cowboy so if comes down to a shootout in front of the saloon on main street, we’ve got the advantage. So we have three people already. Obviously our next person has to be Sara Jean.


Oh for sure.

She doesn’t know how to wrestle!

A minor obstacle. Alix and I will instruct her in the time-honored grappling arts.

Are you kidding me? You guys just want to feel her up!

Feel her up? Jade this is serious wrestling business!

Correct. If she should wind up with her clothes torn off, her body lathered in baby oil, and us grinding our bare flesh into hers, its purely for the sake athletic excellence.

If some battery operated devices should find their way into the ring and be put to use, then its all part of the learning process.

And if you should walk in on the three of us licking whipped cream off each other’s bodies, then…I have no way to explain that, but you must learn how to understand the signs we post on the door better.

They’re written in Japanese!

You can either invest in Rosetta Stone, or you can continue witnessing your mother and Alix sexually exploiting innocent young women. Perhaps if you did get Rosetta Stone, you’d understand that strange language that new lady that moved into the house down the street speaks.

That language is English.

It sounds…disturbing.

Its an accent, she’s from Alabama.

Ah yes, well then there’s another neighbor the guards have orders to shoot on sight should they wander onto my property.

You can’t shoot someone because they have an accent!

Oh, sweetie, no, I’m shooting her because she’s from the south.

Jade sighs, wondering why she even attempted to interject herself into the conversation.

No time to waste tonight, as "Getting Away With Murder" hits and ZACK MALIBU heads to the ring.

Here he comes, the dapper yet dangerous Franchise of the OAOAST!

He don't look too happy, Mikey Cole.

As you know, there's been a lot going on in Zack Malibu's world. Not only was he screwed out of a victory at the Halloween Spectacular, but it was due to Jason Silver's new partners in crime, Static and Jax, the GPX!

You mean the FORMER GPX.

I stand corrected. Static and Jax, taking back the Hooligans name once more, are the latest to sympathize with Jason Silver's attempt to oust Zack Malibu from the OAOAST. A challenge has been laid out for November Reign, and it looks like we're going to get the answer to that challenge right now!

Malibu, dressed to the nines in designer jeans, a button down and tie with a sweater vest to complete the ensemble, looks ready for a night on the town and not time in the ring. That said, the ever determined Malibu takes the mic and starts to speak his piece.

In the past few weeks, I've had my head busted, my head stitched, two friends turn their back on me, and have nearly gone deaf from the rantings of Jason Silver. I have been beaten, I have been screwed, and I have been accused once again of abuse of power, and I am here to set the record straight RIGHT NOW.

Malibu grows intense in quick fashion, and the crowd is eating up.

Silver, Static, Jax...you want answers, then let's not drag this out. Just drag your asses out here, because this one is going to be done face to face.

The crowd roars, and Malibu waits...and waits...and waits. Finally, after several minutes, the cheers turn to boos when Jason Silver and The Hooligans walk out onto the stage. No music, no fanfare, just the three most hated men in the OAOAST walking to the ring, having been called out from their main target. The three enter, and form a semi-circle around Malibu, trying to intimidate him, but the former World Champion doesn't budge.

We can be diplomatic about this, or we can just throw hands right now.

The Hooligans, eyeing Malibu, are pulled back by Silver, who then stands with arms crossed, staring Malibu down.

One year ago, after all the legal wrangling your uncle put me through, after the hell I went through by not being able to step into this ring and do what I love, I came back. November Reign 2010, I set foot in this ring for the first time in months, and the first thing I did was rattle your jaw with a School's Out.

The fans cheer, and a chant of "You Got Schooled" goes up, which draws the ire of Silver.

I kicked your teeth down your throat last year, and the first thing you did was run and hide behind your uncle. You wanted nothing to do with me, and truth me told, I liked it, because it gave your uncle and I a chance to settle our business once and for all. Yet you stand here as a former World Champion, as a guy with every ounce of the talent you brag about having...you are the man who eliminated Anglesault from existence! I'm the guy who beat him, I'm the guy who retired him at Anglemania, but you...you one-upped me that night. You proved to me that you're ruthless, cold blooded, selfish...you are everything that it takes to succeed in this business! You are everything that...that you claim that I am. Which leads me to you two, and to my next point.

Zack walks over and stares at both Static and Jax.

We go back a long time, guys. Almost ten years. In that ten years, we've been friends, we've been enemies, and we've gone up and down the roads, fighting or teaming, teaming or fighting. I will say this...you two have always known how to get attention, and how to make an impact, and I've got the scars to prove it. But I am SICK of hearing from you three how I've "held you down" or held you back. A former World Champion. Former MULTI TIME tag team champions. You three are some of the best in the business but you are so jaded that you don't realize your potential. I'M not holding you back. You're holding YOURSELVES back. I've listened to Silver, and you, and others before you say that I wield too much power around here. Now, maybe it's true that I have the power, but if I didn't want you here, if I wanted to make you suffer, then answer me this...WHY do you all still have contracts!? WHY are you getting paid by MY COMPANY if I hate you so much? I'll tell you why. Because you have talent. All three of you. But the rule was written a long time ago that in that locker room, outside of this ring, anything goes. It's the wrestling business. Friends are enemies and enemies are friends within seconds. That I can handle. I've got power. I've been a champion. I know there's always going to be a knife waiting to be plunged into my back. But if you think for one minute this crying is getting you anywhere, then MAN UP! Because if I wanted you to suffer, you'd be out of a job, I'd make sure you were released from your contracts and you can go try to get into the SWF or wherever else you think you're better off...but that's not how I roll. No. If you have something to prove, then you prove it in this ring. You prove it to my FACE. No bitching, no bullshit. No legal this and that. Just straight up WAR. You want a war at November Reign? Then Silver, you bring your ass there. You bring The Hooligans. You bring whoever you want to, and we can get down to some REAL business, right here where it belongs! Not in an office, not mouthing off on a promo...fists and feet will fly, bodies will be broken, skin will be torn and bruised but AT LEAST IT'LL GET DONE! Because I will not apologize for being who I am. I will NOT apologize for working my way up the ladder, and gaining the respect, the reputation and the power that I have. My whole career...my whole LIFE has been built on shutting up punks like you, and if you think you're original by singling me out, then you better think again, because it's been done before, and it'll be done again once you've had enough.

Had enough? HAD ENOUGH? The only thing I've had enough of is your bantering, Zack. Don't think you can spin this on us and make it seem like it's our fault. You say that we have choices and options but let's face it, Zack...you do anything and everything you can to undermine us, and it's sickening! I'm not going to rest until that World Title is around my waist again, but first and foremost is making sure you don't stand in my way, or anyone else's way, anymore. And if you think this is bad, it's about to get worse. There's a lot of people who don't like you, Zack. There are a lot of people you've hurt. A lot of people you've screwed over. There are people who nearly had their careers...their LIVES taken away because you put them into a situation where you were using them to protect yourself! So November Reign is going to be a night of vengeance for us. Not just for me, not just for The Hooligans, but for this man...ladies and gentlemen, Mister LEEEEEON ROOOOOOOOOOOODEZZZZZZZ!

Silver's overly enthusiastic introduction brings Zack's former Usual Suspects partner, and the source of his ire in recent years, out to the stage.

It's not just about me, Zack. It's not just about the next generation. It's about you paying the price. I am karma personified, Zack! Your actions are coming full circle now, and these three men are just the start of it!

Leon now joins Silver and The Hooligans in the ring, and stares at Zack. Silver politely hands over the mic, but Zack cuts him off.

You know what, save it. Save the speech and the big reveal as to why you're with him, Leon. Spare me the woe is me, you ruined my life speech because I've heard it before. Everything you're going to say, everything they've said, it's all...it's getting old. The four of you stand here and blame me for everything, looking back on all the wrong I've supposedly done. I'm standing in here with former World Champions, World Tag Team Champions, men who have made their mark, and yet you stand here and complain that you've never gotten a fair shot!? That you need to change the world by ridding me from the OAOAST? The truth is is that not one of you has succeeded yet, and the only reason you form these little groups is so that when you fail again, when I stand up to you, is so that you can pass blame on each other. "Oh, we would have done it if it wasn't for him!" "Oh, we almost had him but this one screwed it up!" SAVE IT. I don't run from you. I don't hide from you. I'm standing RIGHT HERE, so if you want to do something, get it over with!

The fans roar at Zack's bravado, as he throws down the mic and waves his former enemies on! Silver looks at Zack like he's crazy, so Zack blasts him in the face with a slap, instigating the attack! Silver lunges for Zack but Malibu lifts him off his feet and drops him to the mat, getting the mount before being pulled up by The Hooligans! Zack kicks Leon away, but eventually is overwhelmed by the numbers, as the four men work him over! Zack keeps swinging, but it's four on one...until NED BLANCHARD and OSACR FRIBERG rush down the ramp and into the ring and begin cleaning house!

We got company!

Leon gets backdropped to the floor by Ned immediately, and the Orange County Cobra and the lightweight sensation pair off with The Hooligans! Within seconds, Jason Silver's squad is sent packing, scattering to the floor to regroup while Zack, Ned, and Oscar stand tall. Protesting the appearance of Blanchard and Friberg, Silver and Co. are quickly shut up by Malibu, who takes the mic one more time.

You want to talk about opportunity, Silver, then look at who stands before you. One of the first people you ever laid hands on one year ago hasn't forgotten it. So there's an opportunity for revenge. The young high flyer, the international sensation, looking to soar up the ranks, and what better way to do it than by pinning an established talent such as yourselves? Now, my team is complete, but we're not going to play all the cards just yet, but let me introduce you to the first two members of Team Malibu...NED BLANCHARD and OSCAR FRIBERG~!

The crowd goes wild, and Ned and Oscar stand alongside Zack, waiting for Silver's crew to make a move. Instead, the four back up the ring, complaining about anything and everything to anyone within earshot, and making idle threats. Luckily, Zack's music kicks on, drowning out the bitching and enhancing the crowds happiness.

Well there you have it, we now know seven of the ten men who will be involved in the HUGE elimination tag team match at November Reign! Jason Silver captains a team consisting thus far of some of Zack Malibu's former best friends, Static, Jax, and Leon Rodez, while Zack once again has Ned Blanchard standing alongside him, as well as the high flying Freebird, Oscar Friberg!

Don't sound so happy, Cole. Silver's still got something up his sleeve, while Zack is probably begging for those final two spots to be filled!

Think what you will, Coach, but one thing is obvious...there is going to be a war at November Reign, and the OAOAST may not be the same once it's over!

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Baron slides into the squared circle, and is immediately faced with stomps from The Beast.


The Lonestar Gunslinger is able to shrug off the blows in order to get to his feet. Now upright, he peppers Bohemoth with punches that stagger the big man. Bohemoth is stunned as BW takes off to the ropes. Returning, he flies forward and levels his foe with a lethal diving lariat!

Baron Windels is firing on all cylinders here in Dubai!

BW mounts Bohemoth, and proceeds to tag him with hard punches. The crowd cheers each blow, happy to see the Texan take the fight to his arrogant rival.

What are these Arabs cheering Windels for? What do they know about cowboys and Texas?

Baron Windels has universal appeal. He’s loved everywhere we go for his strong work ethic, and honorable nature.

BW dismounts Bohemoth, and throws up the bullhorns to the delight of the sold out audience. This takes his eye off Bohemoth, and when he turns around he’s faced with a lariat. Thankfully he’s able to duck the attack, and pops up to begin tagging Bohemoth with punches. After dazing the South Carolina native, BW latches onto his wrist to shoot him into the ropes. BW boucnes off the ropes himself, and the two big men collide in the center of the ring with shoulder tackles.

Two large heavyweights unable to move each other!

Bohemoth and BW trade heavy punches, each man taking his turn in trying to knockout the other one. Eventually, Bohemoth uses a headbutt to win the battle. This draws out boos from the audience as well as blood from BW’s nose.

That’ll teach Baron to go off punching people in the face.

Bohemoth whips BW into the ropes, and readies himself to execute a spinebuster. However, Bohemoth is instead forced to duck a lariat. Though he evades the move, he can’t escape the lariat to the back of the head BW clocks him with.

Texas Tea Lariat!

BW hooks the legs for the cover…



Bohemoth brings the shoulder up!

Baron has looked great so far in his return to in ring action. It doesn’t hurt that he has a lot of motivation to defeat Bohemoth.

BW pulls Bohmeoth up so that he may pepper him with jabs. The former tag team champion then hurls Bohemoth into the corner. He makes the big man bite his shiny metal ass before dropping him with a side Russian leg sweep. Another cover is made…




This match ain’t even fair. Bohemoth is right, he’s gotta be protected. You can’t throw the face of this company to the wolves like that. If you’re gonna put him up against Baron Windels you’ve got to give the man more than a week to prepare.

A dazed Bohemoth brings himself upright. He watches with blurred eyes as his foe ascends to the top rope. Despite his stunned state, he’s able to counter BW’s axe handle smash with a boot to the midsection. This doubles over BW, allowing his rival to capture him inside a front facelock. A vertical suplex then drops BW to the canvas, and he’s promptly pinned by The Beast…




Bohemoth argues with the official over the count, believing it to be an unfair one. While he continues to berate the referee, BW climbs to his feet. He bashes Bohemoth on the back with a clubbing forearm, which leads to him slamming the big man face first into the corner post.

The self-proclaimed face of this company is getting his face mangled!

I bet Alf thinks this hilarious.

I doubt that. Alfdogg has been nothing but fair to Bohemoth over the course of the year.

Bohemoth staggers into the ropes, breathing heavily and obviously weary. BW shows no compassion for his condition as he surges forward and lariats him over the ropes! Bohemoth falls to the outside, landing in a crumbled heap.


BW follows his foe outside, only to see him crawling away towards the timekeeper’s area.

The Beast is crawling away like a scared kitten!

Baron trails Bohemoth to the timekeeper’s area, expecting to be able to pummel his evasive foe. But he instead encounters a chair wielding monster! Bohemoth lowers the chair, in hopes of smashing the Texas brawler. But BW counters by punting the chair into his face!


Amidst the chorus of boos from the Dubai audience, the official leans through the ropes to give Buffer the official result of the contest.

Ladies and Gentlemen: this match has ended in a Double Disqualification!


This ain’t right, Mikey! Bohemoth should get victory, Windels kicked a chair into his face.

That was a chair Bohemoth was going to use to bash his brains out!

The debate comes to a sudden halt when a more concerning issue presents itself, that of VICE charging through the crowd.

Its Bosley and CPA!

Before BW can even register the fact that potential danger is approaching, VICE swarms upon him!

What the hell is VICE doing?

BW puts forth a supreme effort to fight back against these two aggressive hitmen. For a while it seems he may win the battle and overcome the odds. Then Bosley strikes him with his telescopic baton. BW crumples to the ground, and swiftly stomped by VICE.

Odin must have heard Alix and Krista wanted Windels on their team, and he’s sent VICE to send a message to stay home come November Reign.

Bohemoth is to his feet, leading him to take up the enjoyable task of assisting VICE in their beating of Windels.

Now its three on one!

Luckily backstage officals quickly converge upon the scene to wrest VICE and Bohemoth away from their victim. VICE is pleased with their handiwork and leave peaceably. But Bohemoth lingers behind to taunt his fallen rival.


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