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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 11/11/11

Chanel #99

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We pan across the exuberant Japanese audience before settling on Sofa Central. The announce desk is decorated in a festive fall theme with leaves, scarecrows, and fall flags.

Folks, we are in Tokyo for OAOAST HeldDOWN~! And the crowd is electric!

The Japanese love two things: tentacle rape, and the OAOAST!


After losing her OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship last week, Krista in an even more sour mood and its Melissa and her backing singers who could pay the price!

“Parade Of Charioteers” plays its regal tune as the OAOAST’s most regal couple Landon Maddix and Queen Esther stride onto the stage. The King takes a royal bow as his loving Queen applauds him, making her the only one to applauds him.

However, we kick things with the arrival of Landon Maddix!

Ladies and Gentlemen: the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of fifteen minutes! Now making his way to the accompanied by QUEEN ESTHER, weighing in at two hundred twelve pounds, and hailing from The Kingdom of Madrid, Spain, he is LAAAAANNDDOOOOONNN MMMMAAAAADDDDDDIIIIXX!

Landon Maddix, despite being a young age, is a very storied superstar. He’s won numerous titles in the SWF and even ran that organization for a period of time, and he’s a former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. But tonight he faces a man that weighs almost five hundred pounds and is intent on destroying him.

Landon parades about the ring, smiling and waving to his disloyal “subjects”.

This war between Mister Moneymaker and Landon has gone too far, Mikey. Landon’s a tough dude and has accomplished a lot but it ain’t fair to make him fight someone the size of Kareem, not on less than a week’s notice.

Theodore Moneymaker appears on the entrance stage, wearing a sly smile and holding a MAGIC LAMP. He eagerly rubs the lamp, leading a wealth of smoke to settle on the entry way. Stepping through this haze is The Enterprise’s very own genie, Kareem.

And the opponent accompanied by THEODORE MONEYMAKER, from Saudi Arabia, he weighs in at four hundred forty pounds….KAAAAAAAARREEEEEEEMMMMMMMM!

Kareem bobbles his head and performs his trademark funky hand movements, while Moneymaker points and laughs at Landon.

If Kareem truly grants wishes, then Landon could be in serious trouble. But the 2010 King Of The Ring is nothing if not resourceful


Landon circles Kareem, simply trying to figure out how best to combat this beast. He decides its best not to fight him at all, and quickly exits the ring.

“LANDON’S A PUSSY! LANDON’S A PUSSY! LANDON’S A PUSSY!” the oddly well versed in English crowd sing.

Why would they call you a cat? You’re clearly a human being.

Kareem exits the ring to fetch Landon. Realizing that trouble is fast approaching him, Landon gives Kareem the run around before sliding back into the ring. Kareem starts to climb through the ropes, and is swiftly crotched by Landon!

Landon used that same tactic on you at Halloween Spectacular.

It’s the trick of a coward. Can’t face a man head on so he has to resort to cheap shots.

The alleged king begins assailing Kareem with forearms to the face. Kareem only endures a few of these blows before he shoves Landon away. The Spaniard is left slightly off balance, leading Kareem to waddle forward with a lariat. He’s much to slow to do any damage to Landon, as the former SWF world champion nails him with a dropsault. Kareem stumbles back into the ropes, and is soon faced with a charging Maddix. The portly grappler counters his arrival by back dropping him over the ropes. Luckily for the two Landon fans in attendance,  Landon lands on his feet on the apron.

Landon’s a pretty slick dude, Mister Moneymaker.

He has to be slick, Jonathan, because he doesn’t have the strength or the ability to combat the best in this sport such as myself.

Landon smashes Kareem’s face into the top turnbuckle, causing him to stagger away. The former world champion then elevates himself to the top rope. He shoots his body forward and connects with a missile dropkick that knocks Kareem to the ground. The pincover is counted by referee Charles Robinson…




Mister Moneymaker, of all the people in the OAOAST, why ally yourself with someone as two-faced as Kareem?

Simple. Kareem is a genie.


Kareem gets to his feet under his own power, and is faced with Maddix bouncing off the ropes with a flying forearm. The forearm connects but barely moves Kareem an inch.

You don’t think he’s actually a genie like Odin thinks he’s a god, do you?

Cole, I believe Kareem grants wishes. What character is known to grant wishes?

A genie.

Exactly. Kareem is The Enterprise’s personal genie. He brings our deepest desires to life. He truly is a magic man.

Landon begins kicking Kareem in the leg, which brings the fat brawler to his knees.  The “king” smiles at his handiwork before rushing to the ropes. Heading back to Kareem, he leaps at him with a body splash only to be caught within Kareem’s arms.


Kareem shifts Landon’s body within his arms, and then nails a fall forward slam!


The cover…



Landon gets the shoulder off the canvas.  


Listen to this. This so called “international man” is being booed by an international audience. No matter where the OAOAST goes Landon Maddix is recognized as a fraud and a fool.

Kareem hauls Landon off the canvas and then shoots him into the corner. He rumbles forward with a body splash, but Landon slides out the way.  After Kareem collides with the posts, Landon rolls him into a pin…



Kareem falls out the pinfall.

“KA-REEM! KA-REEM! KA-REEM!” we hear a mysterious chant as the camera pans around the audience to find everyone’s mouth closed.

Are you piping in chants?!

The Japanese have a respect for quality wrestling and quality wrestlers. It only makes sense they’d jeer the fool and cheer the man with talent.

Both wrestlers get to their feet to exchange blows. Needless to say, Landon fares poorly and is knocked to the ground by a right cross. This leads into Kareem bouncing off the ropes for the XXXL splash! But Landon rolls out the way!

That could’ve ended your problem with Landon right there, sir.

Landon rolls up to his feet, and waits for Kareem to do the same. When the genie does so, Landon strikes him with several Kawada kicks.

He’s forcing your genie to kiss his royal feet!

I want that man DEAD!

Landon tops off his attacks with a deadly jawbreaker. After Kareem falls to the ground, the Spaniard pins him…




“LANDON! LANDON! LANDON! New piped in chants begin playing!

He had them play fake chants! How low down and desperate can somebody get?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Landon pulls Kareem upright, no easy task, and begins rifling forearms into his face. These only hurt Kareem for so long, and once that period of time is up he begins firing hard punches.  The blows push Landon all the way to the corner, and within moments he’s hit with an avalanche! The one time King Of The Ring falls to the ground, allowing Kareem to pin him..




Kareem pulls Landon off the canvas and throws him into the ropes. Landon ducks a big boot on the rebound and comes back with a flying forearm that actually manages to knock Kareem off his feet!


Landon motions for the G2S, causing the crowd to let out a murmur of anticipation.

Can Landon actually lift Kareem for the Go 2 Sleep?

The answer to that is delayed as Landon’s former sidekick JAMES BLONDE stands atop the ring apron. Rather than provide your typical distraction, Blonde decides to reminisce over better times with Landon.

How pathetic!

Landon can only take so much of Blonde’s sappy remembrances before he SHOVES him off the ring apron!


Landon turns around and gets caught with a side belly to belly suplex by Kareem. The big man then hits the ropes to come back and squash Landon with the XXXL splash! Robinson counts the resulting cover…






Kareem makes his trademark funky hand movements in celebration of his big victory.

Kareem has just defeated Landon Maddix!

Don’t even call it an upset, Cole! Its not! It’s a superior performer beating a fraud and a fool!

Queen Esther watches in horror, and Blonde watches in sadness as Kareem lands a second XXXL splash onto Landon! Nodding to his boss, Kareem performs a third splash onto the thoroughly defeated Maddix. Queen Esther begins crying, and Blonde looks like he might do the same.

My wish has been granted! Landon Maddix has been crushed! I told you Kareem was a genie! That idiot Maddix will never cross me again!

We cut to commercial with Moneymaker celebrating in delight.


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We return from break to spot Michael Buffer standing inside the ring.

Ladies and Gentlemen: please welcome the NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion….ODIN!

The jeers are bounteous and flowing as Atreyu’s “You Were King Now You’re Unconscious” makes it way into the arena. Blue smoke lowers itself from the ceiling, but all eyes are the beaming world champion. Walking behind him are his trusted backups Detective Tango Bosley and Christopher Patrick Allen.

Last week we saw the dawning of a new era in the OAOAST as-


Became the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion after winning a six person elimination match.

Odin and VICE enter the ring, each being given microphones.

Bow before the god of war, mortals!


Even your endless mocking of me will not dampen my spirits on this fine night! Go ahead and levy your taunts, and berate me with your hatred. It does not matter to me!

This only leads to the crowd further insult the new world champion.

Mere earth months ago did I ride into this realm from Asgard on my trusty steed. From the very moment I arrived to earth did blasphemers and nonbelievers challenge me. Badass Jack, Alexander The Brutal, these were the mortals that sought to defy the will of a god! Alexander The Brutal, was a false idol, who was worshipped by the foolish inhabitants of this realm. Badass Jack was to be my tool to be used to crush Alexander with swiftest might. Yet, he rebelled. Therefore I summoned my godly powers and took them both to Ragnarok without a hint of mercy!

I don’t quite know what he said but something tells me that it’s not entirely accurate.

Then I noticed a realm within a realm. The odd sublevel of earth known as the OAOAST Galaxy. In this dominion I found a race of people as lewd as they were lawless. Order had no place in this realm. Authority possessed no meaning, and chaos was the unifying rule. I saw it as unfit for existence even within this feeble realm known as earth. However, I decided to show mercy upon its residents. Rather than strike them dead as was my original intention, I decided I would conquer their lands and bring them under my wing. As I expected, I met with sharp resistance from the mortal who benefited most from the reign of mobocracy, Alfdogg. Too much of a coward to face me in combat, he chose to send a warrior to defend what’s not even worth defending in the first place. He did not select just anyone, mind you, he selected,
(Odin pauses to laugh)
a human female!


Yes, Alix Maria Spezia was the chosen guardian of the OAOAST Galaxy. A human female was sent to challenge me, the ruler of Asgard and the father of Thor! I was insulted so much so that I allowed myself to be distracted with fury and that led me to fall in defeat in our first battle. Alix may have won the battle but the war raged on! Our next encounter took place at Halloween Spectacular. She used the trappings of erotic delights, carefully positioning half naked women to lure me into a lulled state. When that tactic failed she ground her body into a sexual device in effort to, as you mortals say, “throw me off my game.” I was not to be defeated! I bravely fought against the witch’s carnal behaviors and saw to it that she was slain in front of those she sought to protect.

Thanks to CPA and Bosley.

Alix Maria Spezia was disposed of but yet their remained one obstacle in my path to conquest. That obstacle’s name was Krista Isadora Duncan.


That obstacle held the OAOAST World Title. I was pitted in a contest with her and four other ferocious lions. Though every participant in that bout was of some repute, they were only mortals. As mortals they have but a finite moment to shine. When their moment faded, so to did their hopes of leading the OAOAST Galaxy. At the end of the contest, after besting Alexander The Brutal once again, I stood with the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship. Now I stand before all of you with the title, and I can proudly say “BOW BEFORE YOUR GOD!”


There will be no more bedlam, or violent disarray in the OAOAST Galaxy! Vulgarity and raunchy actions will be of scarce supply, and available to myself alone!

Now hold on. No one said anything about taking away the titties.

You will all praise me as your superior being, respect me as your lord, and fear me as your better!


CPA, Bosley, I have not forgotten about you. In a realm of idiocy you are two shining lights. I want you to know you will feast in Valhalla for many a fortnight to come.

Uh….that’s great. But what about our cash?

You shall have cash and more! Women, wine, houses, cars, whatever you desire is your’s for the rest of your mortal days.

FUCK YEAH, BIG O! I knew supporting you was a bitchin’ idea! Something told me and CPA, you are BOUT IT BOUT IT! Piercey D said you were crazy!

He said what of me?

Riggs said you were loco!


Bohemoth said you were bat shit insane!

He said this to you?

Kareem thought-

What other people think isn’t important. You’re the champ now. That confers respect.

Yes! And it demands due worship from not only mere commoner but to so called superstar as wells. I ask, who will be the first superstar to enter this field and praise me?

Stepping out onto the entrance stage is Odin’s archenemy Alfdogg. The God of War laughs at the sight of the OAOAST President/Commissioner/whatever. After being motioned towards, Bosley does the same. CPA just remains stoic.

Have you come to humble yourself in front of the lord?

Odin, I admit when I put you in the six person title match I had an ulterior motive. I thought Krista would do away with you, or Alexander would submit you and that would be the end of your seeking to control the OAOAST Galaxy. But I see, I misjudged you. I didn’t see the man who stands 6’5, or who can leap from the top rope with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. All I saw was a man who was running around calling himself a god. I thought you were out to lunch and didn’t have the mental capacity to outlast five other superstars. Was I wrong, or what?

You were wrong and you are lesser man for it!

But, what I’m not wrong about is the fact that the OAOAST Galaxy is a free Galaxy. It will never be controlled by one person, or even one god! It is controlled by our great fans and our talented superstars!


You need to realize something, Odin, just because you have that world championship, doesn’t mean the Galaxy is going to lay down and submit! Its going to fight, and its going to fight you at November Reign!

Name the fool that you will you be sending to their grave!

Fools. Plural. November Reign always features five on five elimination style matches. Ten superstars battling it out for bragging rights. But, not this time. At least not in your match. In your match they’ll be fighting for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! The match will be conducted as a normal five on five match, until one team has been eliminated. From there the surviving team will fight each other for the title in a sudden death first fall wins match!

That is absurd!

You’ll Captain one team, and I’ll name your opposing team’s captain later tonight. Enjoy the rest of the show, champ.

Odin and Bosley yell at Alfdogg for making such a contest. CPA merely stands back and peers out with a frown on his face.

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On the scene in the OAOAST's interview lounge, Maggie Nerdly is stood by with her brothers, MARV and MEL. For some reason, MARV and MEL don't seem too happy and whisper amongst themselves about something.

What's poppin' people, it's Maggie Nerdly kicking it back here in the VPP section, aka Very Party People. And I've got my bros from The Christ Air Express with me...

Maggie's intro trails off, as she notices MARV and MEL not paying attention.

Uh, guys? We got a problem?

No. No, no problem.

...why are you looking so glum then?

We're not. Honest!

Maggie, able to read her brothers like a book, gives them a look until they wilt.

It's just... we were kinda hoping we'd get Sara Jean Underwood interviewing us.

(trying not to seem angry)
Well, guys, what's wrong with the OAOAST's It Girl? Are we not absolutely rocking this party back here?

Mags, don't get mad. It's nothing on you. You're cool and all that. It's just... we could talk to you any time! Like, we all met up the other day for that party. We're following you on Facebook and Twitter. We have family reunions every couple of months!

Yeah, don't take this wrong way, but we're big fans of Sara Jean's work.

You mean posing naked?


So, you're saying you're bummed about me interviewing you, because I've never posed naked?

Well, not exactly.

Yeah, I don't think that'd really mean much for us, considering.

Starting to get a little annoyed with her brothers, Maggie sighs audibly.

Alright. Well, I guess you guys had something to say about the Tag Team Titles, or something like that. But, unfortunately we're all out of time! What a shame. Back to Sofa Central!

Wait, we didn't get to spe...

Quick cut back to a clearly unprepared Cole and Coach, the latter of which is caught in the middle of chowing down a hot dog.

Oh! Uhm... thank you... thank you Maggie, for that.


(to Coach)
Don't blame me! I didn't get any warning either!

Mmf Mmmf Ffmmffff!

Heh... uhh... back with more after this!



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“Now I’m That Bitch” gives way to the most vulgar entrance song in the history of man, “Hit Em Up’ by Tupac. Striding out to the entrance stage is the always sour Holly. She curses at the cameraman for getting to close to her before heading to the ring.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of fifteen minutes, now making her way to the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada, she represents The Church Of Abdullah….THE ANGEL OF DEATH….HOOOLLLLLYYYYYYYYY!

I don’t quite understand how a supposed man of god in Abdullah and someone as vulgar as Holly manage to coexist in the same stable. Not only that but if perception is accurate, Abdullah has the power to tell Holly what to do!

I don’t think anyone has the power to tell Holly what to do!

Holly waves on her opponent with a nasty frown resting on her face. Right on cue, Swimming Dancing by SAWA rolls through the arena as sparkling pyro wheels hang over the entrance stage. A massive pop greets Sunshine Yukino, who happily cartwheels onto set. Wearing an outfit littered with Japanese flags, she bows to her friend and manage Megan Skye and then runs to the ring.

And the opponent, being accompanied by the OAOAST’s Foreign Liaison MEGAN SKYE, she comes from Kyoto, Japan, SUNSHINE YUKINNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

What a great opportunity for Sunshine Yukino! She gets to perform on HeldDOWN in front of her home country.

But, its against Holly, who wasn’t so nice to her when they first met in the Women’s Tag Title tournament.

Yukino gets into the ring and heads to the top rope to showcase a wonderful smile aimed at her fellow Japanese.


Sunshine decides to get things off on the right foot by removing one of the Japanese flags from her outfit so that she may give it to Holly.

Are you (beep) serious? You think I want the (beep) flag of your (beep) piece of (beep) country? You can take this flag and shove it up your (beep)!

Holly puts further exclamation onto her statement by punching Yukino in the jaw.


Never one to be sympathetic, Holly begins stomping Yukino. The Japanese native rolls away, heading into the corner. The Angel Of Death follows her retreat, and continues to stomp away until she’s separated from Yukino by referee Clem Buzzlefoxer.

Don’t (beep) tell me what to (beep) do you old sack of (beep)!

Holly brushes past Buzzlefoxer in order to assault Yukino. Problematically, Yukino is busy doing tai chi. Even the normally verbose and vulgar Holly is at a loss for words, never having seen an opponent do tai chi in the middle of the match.

This chick is just strange as hell. How did Megan find her?

Holly has enough of Yukino’s oddball antics and winds up to pop her with a punch. But, Yukino grabs onto her hand and the two begin dancing


Yukino eventually let’s Holly go, and dizzied she’s nailed with a running dropkick that knocks her back into the turnbuckles. The crowd and Megan applaud Yukino, leading her to do a happy dance.

The Jon Woo Kick by Sunshine Yukino!

Yukino runs after Holly and throws herself shoulder first into her midsection. Holly grimaces in pain, and staggers out from the corner. This leads Yukino to take a place on the top turnbuckle. When Holly turns around, Yukino nails her with a missile dropkick! A cover is then made…


Holly brings the shoulder off the canvas. She rolls to her feet and she and Yukino begin exchanging punches. Amazingly, Yukino wins out by slamming her knee high red boots into Holly’s legs. Apparently Yukino feels bad for what she’s done, and begins massaging Holly’s legs!

Get the (beep) off me you (beep) weirdo!

Holly elbows Yukino in the jaw to push her away. She follows that up with a boot to the stomach, and looks to hit the x-factor. But, Yukino surprises Holly with a fireman’s carry. From there she hits a standing splash straight into a lateral press…



Holly again brings the shoulder up.

Coach, let’s talk about our mainevent for a moment. Krista and Jade in a handicap match against Melissa Nerdly and The Belle Cousins.

I don’t know what strategy Melissa and her backing singers are gonna use, because there’s no stopping a pissed off Krista. Maybe Melissa can use her advance from the record label to pay VICE to take her out beforehand.

Yukino brings Holly off the canvas and then throws her into the ropes. Holly returns on the offense, offering a lariat to Yukino. The Japanese native ducks the attack, and Holly continues to run the ropes. When she comes back a second time, Yukino overtakes her with a hurricanrana! Buzzelfoxer scores the resulting pinfalll…



Holly makes her way out the pinfall.

Not only does Yukino’s unorthodox style give her opponent’s fits, but her speed does as well.

Holly rolls upright and is hit with a parade of forearms. These leave her dazed, and Yukino is able to trap her inside a front facelock. Yukino, begins “WHOO”ing for no real whatsoever before she flips Holly over into a snap suplex. The odd superstar floats over for the pin cover…



Holly escapes this pinfall as well.

If Melissa and The Belles can find someway to get rid of Krista, then it’s three on one odds against Jade.

That’s true, but how on earth are two rookies and Melissa Nerdly going to eliminate a six-time world champion?

Yukino runs the ropes, timing her return to throw out a shoulder as Holly rises. The three time Women’s Champion is ready for Yukino’s arrival however and sidesteps the attack. Yukino turns, and is caught with a boot to the stomach. An x-factor then puts her on the ground, followed by Holly insulting rubbing her face into the canvas.


Suck a (beep), you ugly slant eyed (beep)!

That was…unfortunate.


Holly mounts Yukino, and pounds her with hard right hands. Once those blows do sufficient damage, The Angel Of Death pins her foe…




Holly yanks Yukino off the mat, and shoots her into the ropes. Yukino sails back with a cross body block which is ducked by Holly. The ailing Japanese grappler slowly pulls herself upright but is kicked in the side of the head by Holly!

Dang, that kick could have taken Yuki’s head off!

I think that’s what Holly was trying to do!

Holly grabs Yukino by her black hair and roughly hauls her upright. She hammers her with several punches before stashing her inside a front facelock.


I think Holly’s cueing up the Percussion DDT or maybe The Mirage.

Much too the crowd’s and Megan’s delight, Yukino is able to flip Holly over into a Northern Lights Suplex. Buzzlefoxer counts the pinfall…




Holly rolls to her feet and catches Yukino with a kick to the chest. She then swings Yukino upside down and Pisses On Her Grave with a tombstone piledriver.

I think Yukino just got beat.

Holly hooks onto Yukino’s legs for the pivotal pinfall…



Somehow Yukino manages to kickout!


Holly is irate and lambastes Buzzlefoxer with her usual vulgarities. After properly dressing down the referee, she turns her attention back to Yukino. She lifts the young rookie onto her shoulders and then drops her with a lethal gutbuster! Yukino howls in pain in response to Holly’s attack.

Now we start see the veteran skill of Holly come into play.

Holly stomps Yukino in the face, causing the inexperienced girl to whimper her agony. The Angel Of Death then pulls her upright so that she may shoot her into the corner. Holly waits patiently while Yukino staggers forward. Once the Japanese girl reaches her, Holly chops her down with a lariat!

Come on, Yukino!


Holly yells at the crowd to shut up as she drags Yukino up. Taking strength from her home country’s support, Yukino begins nailing Holly in the midsection with punches. Holly puts quick end to Yukino’s comeback attempt by nailing her in the face with a knee. A body slam puts the youngster on the canvas, and an elbow drop leads to her being pinned…



Yukino brings her shoulder up at the last second!


Holly is aggravated by the lack of victory, but surprisingly keeps her curse words to a minimum. She launches Yukino into the corner, expecting to be able to spinebuster her on the return. But Yukino shocks just about everybody with a running dropkick to Holly’s chest!

Yukino still has some fight left in her!

An enraged Holly gets to her feet and charges at Yukino. The Sunny grappler steps out the way and Holly winds up falling into the corner. This only makes her all the madder. Yet when she turns around she’s hit with a running elbow from her upstart foe. Holly stumbles away from the corner, which allows Yukino to take a spot on the top rope. The Japanese starlet flings herself from the top, and hits a crossbody block to Holly’s back!

I don’t think Holly was expecting that at all.

Holly tries to roll out the ring to regroup, but Yukino grabs onto her ankles and drags her back to the center. The Vegas native kicks her foe away, giving her room to get to her feet. The two fire ladies off punches at one another with the more fearsome Holly winning the battle. Holly grabs Yukino into a front facelock and promptly signals for The Mirage.

Holly’s about to hit that twisting fisherman’s suplex.

And then she’ll break all these people’s hearts by defeating the home country hero.

Yukino saves herself from sure defeat by using all her strength to shove Holly into the ropes. When Holly bounces back, Yukino nails her in the gut with a spinning backkick. This leads to Yukino hooking her up and spiking her head into the canvas with a Ki Krusher!

Holly just experienced her first Solar Flare!

The cover…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall….SUNSHINE YUUUUKKKIINNOOOOO!

The crowd is ecstatic over their countrywoman’s hard fought victory and put forth a gigantic amount of cheers.

Sunshine Yukino with her biggest win yet in her short OAOAST career. With this victory over Holly, one would have to believe that moves her closer to a title shot against Melissa Nerdly. That is if Melissa survives Krista.

Megan lets Yukino have her moment, simply standing on the outside and happily applauding her newest acquisition. Yukino runs laps around the ring, pumping her fist, and smiling over her wonderful victory.

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he scene is Alfdogg’s office where the OAOAST’s leader is watching Odin’s title victory from last week with a disgusted look while he takes notes. Bohemoth, who barges in the room without even knocking, interrupts him.

Bohemoth? I wasn’t expecting you. I’m pretty busy right now.

Everyone in this company ought to have time for me. Now what are you going to do about Windels?

Why do I have to do anything about Baron?

Because he punched me in the nose. That’s why.


And? What do you mean and!? "And", I’m a former world champion, "and", I’m still the biggest draw this company has, "and", he’s just some drooling Texas dolt, looking to get his 15 minutes and leech off my heat!

That "dolt" is also a former world champion.

I don’t care what he is! I’m already a legend in this sport, I’m the one who’s synonymous with the OAOAST. When people think of this company, they automatically think of me. Do you know what that means, Alf?

What does it mean, Bohemoth?

It means I get preferential treatment. From management, and from superstars. You need to make sure I’m respected and protected. If people disrespect me, or harm me, you need to deal with them. I want you to suspend Windels.

Suspend him?

You aren’t deaf, you heard what I said. I’m looking forward to a Baron Windels free show next week.

I’m not going to suspend Baron. In fact, you're not going to have a Baron Windels free week at all. Because I'm putting you in a match, with him, next week on HeldDOWN.

Not pleased with this, Bohemoth LASHES OUT, clearing Alf's desk with one massive swipe of his arm.

WHAT!? You're gonna put me in a match, next week? On one week's notice!? That's B.S!

Hey, if you don't calm down, I'll do us both a favour, cancel the match and suspend YOU. Now get the hell out of here!

(looking shocked)
You're gonna talk to me like that? ME!? You're gonna raise your voice at ME!?

Bohemoth takes a step forward, getting closer to Alf, towering over him a little more in the process.

You need to start showing me a little more respect. Or else, you're gonna be the one to deal with the fallout.

Bohemoth storms off, leaving Alf looking down at the mess Bohemoth's left behind.

I need to get myself a secretary.


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OAOAST HeldDOWN Is Brought To You By-

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Cue Innerpartysystem's "Don't Stop", and this week on HeldDOWN~! it marks not only the entrance of former World Heavyweight Champion JASON SILVER, but his two new allies as well.

Looks like we're about to have the questions held over from the Halloween Spectacular answered!

What questions, Mikey Cole? No questions were posed, but statements were made. Jason Silver and The Darksiders took care of Todd Cortez AND Zack Malibu!

We know that both Cortez and Malibu fell victim to injury when they fell from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Cortez wound up with an ankle injury and slight concussion, while Malibu split his head open and lost a tremendous amount of blood.

Don't make excuses, Mikey Cole. Injuries happen in this game. All it means is that those two can't hang!

The two masked men head to the ring ahead of Silver, who stops on the ramp and goads several fans into trying to take their best shot. Laughing, the brash Silver continues to taunt fans as he enters the ring, with the two newcomers circling it and remaining rather stoic.

Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Spirit and Spectre, the Darksiders!

The crowd boos, as the newest OAOAST tag team remains emotionless, simply looking out at the crowd from behind their masks.

Right there...RIGHT THERE, is what pisses me off. Your minds have been so poisoned by the status quo, by Zack Malibu, that you don't appreciate true talent when you see it! Two men who not only one their debut match in impressive fashion, but took out an OAOAST legend...YOUR HERO...in the very same night!

The crowd continues booing, even as Silver continues.

Your hero. Zack Malibu. Oh, I guess I should let you people know that he's not here tonight, he's still huuuuuuuuuuuuurt. Mister Against All Odds, Mister Superhero, was finally brought to his knees. Todd Cortez, he got hurt AND he got beat, because I proved at the Halloween Spectacular that I am everything I have claimed to be. I'm smarter, I'm stronger, I'm faster, I'm just flat out BETTER than street trash like Todd Cortez, and that I am the REAL Franchise of this company!

Silver looks at the crowd, smirking at the expected reaction.

You can boo all you want, but the truth of the matter is, while he walks around as The Franchise, there is a bigger buzz, but you people haven't stopped to listen for it. A buzz amongst the DISENFRANCHISED. The forgotten ones, the ones that Zack Malibu has used, abused, and let slip through the cracks. This place has served as his personal playground for far too long. My uncle...my stupid, foolish uncle, thought that money was enough to motivate people to eliminate Zack, and once he saw the money wasn't good enough, he tried to do it on his own. He proved that he was just as selfish, that he and Malibu may as well be one and the same, because he tried to take it upon himself...he showed his true colors, rather than let someone seize the opportunity. And that's why I took HIM out, send his head through a car window and left him for dead in the parking lot after Anglemania. I'M the reason why you'll never see Anglesault again, not Zack Malibu, and I'M the reason why soon....very, VERY soon, you will never, EVER, see Zack Malibu compete in this ring, sit at Sofa Central, or hide behind a desk in corporate headquarters. Now, you people can look at it as something bad, but in time, you'll see. This is not a purging without cause. This is the first step towards the next step. Because I am going to truly be the savior of this company!

Guess what? More boos.

I'm not alone, though. I have allies out there. Kindred spirits, no pun intended, that feel the same way I do. The lack of opportunities here has caused a stir. Now, don't be mistaken, people. This isn't another Civil War, oh no. This digs deeper than that every did. This is not a revolution, it's an EVOLUTION, and it is going to shake Zack Malibu and this company to its very core, and it starts with the two men standing in the ring with me tonight. Because they are the prime examples of everything I've said. They have stood in this ring, basking in the cheers and the glory. They stood alongside Zack Malibu himself, and the very SECOND they were of no use to him anymore, they were cut from the team, no longer a factor. These men that stand before you may as well be spirits, spectres, or ghosts, because Zack Malibu made them INVISIBLE, and he attempted to kill their careers and RUIN everything they had established. The best part? They've been kept under OAOAST contract for the past few years, getting paid to do NOTHING, but kept under lock and key so that they didn't dare go anywhere else and achieve the greatness they deserve. These are two men who will stand over the fallen body of Zack Malibu with a gleam in their eyes and smiles on their faces. The men who will rise from the ashes of the obscurity that they were FORCED into. Because now they will lift up those masks and show that they are no longer faceless, and the only thing better would be if Malibu were here himself, so he could look these men in the eye. Ladies and gentlemen, Spirit and Spectre have names and faces, so take a good look as those masks come off, and say hello...

The Darksiders start peeling off their masks, and a major stir is caused, as the crowd gasps, then start buzzing, as the reveal is complete.


Both men smile smugly, and Static takes the mic from Jason Silver.

We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

The majority of fans boo, upset with the fact that these two men, former friends of Zack Malibu, are responsible for the beating he took at the Halloween Spectacular.

Spare us the sad faces and the boos, people. What Jason Silver said tonight is the truth, and we are the prime examples of what he's referring to. We are the evidence, we are the proof, and we are going to be the endgame for Zack Malibu! For years, we did everything we were told. We played nice. Even back when we formed The Hooligans, we pushed the boundaries, we took it to the edge, and yet we let Zack convince us that that wasn't the way to go. He told us if we'd have his back from that point on, that he'd always have ours. Well, that turned out to be pure BULLSHIT. You had our backs, Zack? Oh no, no no no. You had YOUR best interests at heart, because the moment we helped you get rid of The Wildcards, the minute you became the conquering hero once again and got back up on your pedestal, you pushed us out the door. You used us up, you spit us out, and left languishing in OAOVW as trainers. TRAINERS, Zack! That's a job for your old buddies, all your washed up has beens and never weres, not a job for the best tag team this company has ever seen! You stuck us in purgatory, Zack, but it wasn't long before we smartened up to what was going on. You stopped the Civil War, you retired Anglesault, you scrape by the skin of your teeth every time you're in trouble, but this time that all changes. We took advantage of our time in OAOVW, Zack. All this talent going to waste down there, we let them know the deal. We let them know what they'd be in for. We let them know that they were sitting on their asses waiting for YOUR call, but that it wasn't going to come because you insist on keeping your buddies on the payroll. You put BRUCE BLANK back on the payroll, the guy that WE helped you get rid of! You're a fairweather friend, Zack...in fact, even saying that is a compliment. You're greedy, you're selfish...and you've let that spread. You've poisoned a lot of minds. The minds of these fans, the minds of the locker room...and it's only right that these people see what's really behind the curtain.

Static, looking more smarmy than his normal, bouncy self, passes the mic to Johnny Jackson.

This is a wake up call, people. You've been sleepwalking through life for too long, being led around like dogs on leashes. It's time to snap back to reality, and that reality is coming to you courtesy of Jason Silver and The Hooligans. Zack Malibu, you always talked about what's "good for business". Who are YOU to determine that? As far as we're concerned, the best thing for business will be your end of days. It's coming, Zack. WE'RE coming, and I can guarantee you that we won't be alone. if you think this is a rash decision, something that we decided to do to get noticed again, then you better think again. We've been biding our time on this one, waiting for the perfect opening...and Jason Silver here supplied us with that and then some. The OAOAST is not your personal playground, Zack, and if you think it is, then I've got news for ya...we're not playing.

Silver takes the mic again...

Malibu, we are coming up on an anniversary. The anniversary of the night you showed up to save the day, last year at November Reign. The night you practically kicked my face off with a School's Out. The night that cemented your status as my mortal enemy. So here's a challenge for you, Zack. At November Reign, I'm challenging you to show up. You can show up alone, you can show up with backup. It's obvious that I've got two men here ready to back me up, and I'm sure it won't be hard to find more. I'm putting it out there now, hero, right here in front of "your people". I don't care what injury you have, what legal wrangling you try to do...we're not going to drag this out. Too much time has been wasted on careers that should have blossomed years ago thanks to your refusal to leave the spotlight. We're taking that spotlight by force now, and like it or not, we are here to stay.

Silver drops the mic, and celebrates with his newfound allies. The fans jeer as the three men taunt and mock them, leaving everyone in a bit of shock given tonight's events.

What a shocking turn of events, and what a coup for Jason Silver. The GPX, two of Zack Malibu's closest allies, now targeting their jaded mindset and venom towards the man who helped them the most in this business!

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The bustling interview lounge is our scene, where

newcomer SARA JEAN UNDERWOOD stands with


Hello! Sara Jean Underwood standing in this ultra cool interview lounge with the world famous Alix Maria Spezia!


Hi, Alix, its great to finally be able to interview you. I heard you’re a real card.

I’m no card, I am woman! Hear me roar! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR! Sike, I dig on your expression. Welcome to the OAOAST, by the way!

Thanks, Alix.

Has Krista propositioned you for sex yet? Because one of us was supposed to do that. I had it on my checklist on Appzilla for the iphone but I got sidetracked. Krista says I have a short attention span, what was I talking about again? Shoes? Cars? Sex! My favorite subject! So did she?

Sara Jean starts to look nervous as Alix stares at her with the seem stare a lion might use on the zebra its about to eat.


Awesome! So what do ya say?

Well…I’m…uh…very flattered….but…

Awww come on. It’s not like we’ll throw you out the house with a buck fifty for bus fare, and some money for a whopper JR at Burger King after we attack and abuse your body like wild sex starved savages like we did Lindsay Lohan. She looked like she just got ran through by a tornado after we tag teamed her. No, sir, you’ll get the royal treatment from us! You’ll be snacking on the finest most tantalizing delicacy California has to offer, Krista Isadora Duncan beaver, all while I…uh…hmmm….well, I’m just gonna shove my fingers in your butt. Couldn’t really think of a creative way to say that. So ya up for it? I know the camera guy is up for it, look at that thing standing at attention! So, yeah, when should we expect you to come? I mean come over, not come in the other way, which you’ll be doing plenty of times when my fingers stroll through your backdoor. There’s the creative way of saying that!

I uh…

Gotta make sure the kids are out to. They’ve a nasty habit of walking in us. Maya plays it cool and just walks out, but Jade makes this huge production about it. I can understand being freaked out the first time, but by the 100th time you’ve seen your mother bent over with another woman’s head buried in her rear end you really shouldn’t be breaking down in tears. So back to you, are we all gonna do the nasty or not?

Alix notices something shiny in the distance that captures her attention and she begins to ignore Sara Jean.

What were we talking about?

Odin! We were talking about Odin. Nothing else. Just Odin.

Oh yeah!

Last week we all saw Odin capture the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship. For the last two months you and Odin have been in a constant struggle over the OAOAST Galaxy. How does Odin being the world champion make you feel, Alix?

Oooooooh, it just makes me sick! The OAOAST Galaxy is a totally awesome place. Its got disco fanatics, videogame experts, film buffs, country singers, genies, and all the wonderful fans of the OAOAST experience. But what makes it even cooler is that everyone is equal, except the Polish. Nobody is the boss of anybody. We all work together and have a good time! So when Odin comes around town saying he’s gonna take it over, I say no way! But now he’s got the world title and that’s a freaking huge problem! Its one thing if Lucius Soul has it, the only risk there is him trading it for a brick of coke. But, Odin has it, so we’re in deep trouble! I’ve got to get that thing away from him. And to top it all off he beat Krista! And even though Krista ranks the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion somewhere bellow a urinal patty in the grand scheme of important things, she really likes being champion. So she’s super pissed to have lost. And when she’s mad, I’m mad! Grrrrrrrr!

I don’t have any doubt you could beat up Odin again. You’re impenetrable!

Oh that’s not true. I can be penetrated by plenty of things!

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

My fingers, Krista’s fingers, your fingers, and thanks to the power of the female anatomy I can be penetrated by your fingers and Krista’s fingers at the same time! How's that sound? Fun, that's how it sounds! When should we add you to the schedule? Are you available on Sunday at noon?

Saving Sara Jean from any more of Alix’s attempts to lure her into bed is Alfdogg, who walks onto scene.


Oh my god, dude! I’d call you a cock block, but I don’t have one of those, so I’ll just hit you in the arm real hard.


OW! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you something very important. As you may have seen earlier-

I didn’t see nothing! I ain’t telling you coppers a damn thing! I ain’t no rat!

Alix, calm down, I’m talking about earlier on the show.


I made a five on five elimination match.

A Survivor Series match?

Our lawyers won’t allow me to use such a phrase. This match is for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship and will pit a team captained by Odin against a team of people chosen to protect the OAOAST Galaxy. I want you to captain that team.

You want me to captain the team against Odin? Me? Wait a second is this gonna involve a drug test?


Criminal background check?


Ratification by 2/3rds of congress?

Also no.

Those assholes from the Midwest always screw me when my bills go to the senate. Ok, I’m in! Sara Jean, you’re my first draft pick.

Me? What? I don’t know how to wrestle!

Do you think that stopped Lawrence Taylor? Or Mr.T? Or that Indian kid with the peg leg?

What Indian kid with the peg leg?

You know…Ultimate Warrior. Besides, I can teach you how to wrestle!

On second thought maybe you should have a co-captain. I think Krista will do.

She’ll what?

She’ll do.




Do! Do!

Heheheh you said do-do. But, yeah that’s cool, dude, me and Krista were co-captains of the UCLA women’s soccer team in college. We had the whole good cop-bad cop thing going on until Krista told me I was taking the word “cop” too literally. You start carrying around a badge, getting in high speed chases and foiling bank robberies and suddenly “you’re taking the cop thing too seriously”. Whatever. I was a goal keeper so I saved balls and lives. So, like, don’t worry, Alfie, we won’t let you or the OAOAST Galaxy down!

Thanks, Alix.

Alfdogg shakes Alix's hand, nods to Sara Jean, and then walks off.

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Quiz continues to do a number on BPT when Oohlala re-appears alongside DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW!


The Beast from Sin City and Quiz go toe to toe until Deuce ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Quiz over the top rope!

Deuce’s wild in San Diego!

Quiz retreats as Deuce stands tall, only for REJECT to sneak in and deliver a EULOGY~!!!


Damn him!

Reject slithers out of the ring, a smirk on his face, and receives a pat on the back from Quiz.

This has been the OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK, presented by the OAOAST HOT NEWZLINE~!

It's more exciting than phone sex!

Back live in the arena, the lights go out as “Amazing” by Kanye West featuring Young Jeezy plays Reject to the ring.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing THE CHURCH OF ABDULLAH... from the Bronx, weighing 230 pounds... RRRRRREEEEEJECT!!!!


Reject stares out in the crowd with a look of distain.

As you just saw, ladies and gentlemen, OAOAST officials were quick to sign a contest between Reject and Deuce Deuce Bigelow following the incident that occurred last week. Earlier today OAOAST cameras caught up with Reject, who had this to say.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t like bullies. I took care of one at the Halloween Spectacular in Big Papa Thrust and I’ll do the same again tonight with Deuce. We’ll see how bad he really is against someone more his match physically.

The R-man’s exactly right, Cole. Let’s see Deuce try to bully him.

The only bully in the ring will be Reject. Deuce simply took care of business against a man who had built an enormous amount of bad karma.

“I’m Bad” by the Last Vegas hits and the Beast from Sin City marches ringside.



Deuce steps through the ropes and immediately is pounced on by Reject.  


Deuce returns fire and knocks Reject loopy with a head BUTT, then executes a press slam, but a big splash is met by a pair of knees to the sternum. Reject takes Deuce to the corner and lets him have it.

* CHOP *


* CHOP *


* CHOP *


Deuce reverses a whip and runs into a boot to the face. Reject charges out of the corner and into a power slam!

The cover.




Reject is brought to his feet and dropkick out to the floor. Deuce goes to grab him and is fired into the guardrail. Reject then attempts to introduce Deuce to the ring steps, a move that’s blocks and instead it’s Reject who goes face-first into the steel!

How do you like the taste of steel, Reject?

Reject dives back in the ring, knees Deuce upside the head and delivers a DDT that Deuce pops right up from!



Deuce beats his chest and then gets thumbed in the eye.


Back to the corner both men go for a series of RVD style kicks by Reject. Deuce again reveres a whip and connects with his trademark HANDSPRING ELBOW that staggers Reject out of the corner, but the R-man ducks a spinning wheel kick and delivers an impromptu EULOGY~!


Deuce shoves Reject away.


Unfortunately… right into the referee!

Deuce purposely shoved Reject into the official, Cole. And he’s supposed to be a hero?

It was an accident and you know it.

Deuce nails Reject with a spinning wheel kick and then tends to the down official. Meanwhile, Reject grabs hold of a STEEL CHAIR and sneaks behind Deuce. He cocks the chair when BIG PAPA THRUST rips the object out of his hands…


…and swings for the fences just as Deuce turns around.




Big Papa Thrust just took out Deuce accidentally. He was aiming for Reject who ducked.

Reject cheap shots BPT and the two go at it.

We got ourselves an impromptu match between Big Papa Thrust and Reject.

Match? More like a fight.

BPT reverses a whip and catches Reject on the rebound with a tilt-a-whirl slam, then signals for the Lay-Z-Boy, only to be jumped by TK, THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS and QUIZ!


The Church of Abdullah have struck again. Damn them!


The winner, as result of a disqualification... DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW!

The CoA continue their beat down when THE ALL-AMERICAN BOYS and MARIACHI hit the ring.


What the heck?

Deuce and BPT get involved and a mini-battle royal erupts.

The All-American Boys and Mariachi are getting their revenge for the heinous assault they received at the Halloween Spectacular.  

OAOAST officials swarm the ring to breakup the melee.

The hot-- I mean good guys are standing tall in Tokyo!
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We find ourselves in the always lavish, and resplendent Duncan family dressing room. Filling out a crossword puzzle is Krista Isadora Duncan.

Thirteen letter word for person most likely to be slaughtered without mercy by Krista Isadora Duncan? Melissa Nerdly. I should make up my own crossword puzzles more often!

As Krista laughs at her own devious creation, her eldest daughter, Jade, enters the room.

Jade, glad you’re here.

Really, because normally when someone walks in on you, it takes you a moment to decide whether you want to chuck your wine glass at them or not.

Sweetie, I thought we should discuss strategy for our match later tonight.

You’re going to talk about professional wrestling? Without being cornered at Best Buy by a fat twelve year old in a Zack Malibu t-shirt like on Sunday?

The only reason I got cornered was because you made me leave my switchblade at home.

You can’t pull a switchblade on a twelve year old!

Sweetie, if we all went by what you can and can’t do, your grandmother, my mother, wouldn’t walk among us as her kind isn’t supposed to roam outside the gates of hell.

I guess I should be happy you want to talk strategy, instead of just saying you’re going to shoot Melissa.

Oh, sweetie, no. I would never shoot another human being, besides the one that gave birth to me. Besides shooting would be too kind a fate for Melissa. She needs to be properly punished for what she’s done to your sister. What I’m going to do to Melissa is quite wonderful, I think. I’m going to cram my fist down her throat, bring it out her ass, reach up through her back, and tear her spine clear out. Then I will beat her decapitated body with her own head. It’s the same thing my mom would do if anyone were saintly enough to try and harm Pierce.

Can’t you just hit a KIDology on her?

Sweetie, why do that when dismemberment is so much more enjoyable and more deserved? What Melissa deserves is what happened to Maya only a million and one times worse.

What about the Belles?

Easy. I’ll rip the little one’s heart out and hold it in front of the tall one’s horrified face. Then I will shove that heart into the tall one’s throat, and she will choke and die. Then I will skin them and use their skin as rugs for the guest house bathrooms.

I really think it would be easier for me to take them out with some clotheslines. But, at least you’re thinking about the match. I know losing the world title has been hard on you.

Yes, yes. I’ve seemingly used up all my good ways to murder people on the Belle’s and Melissa, so that might have to wait. Now we have other match strategy to discuss.

Jade knows her mother well and a look of worry falls over her face.

Sexy strategy.

My stomach hurts.

Do you think that Sara Jean will be watching because that will effect how quickly I expose my breasts. I want to hook her early. And if she’s watching in OAOAST 3d, that’s even better, BOOM these grand melons right in her face! How can she resist that?

I wonder.

I’ve also got a trick where I do the splits on the top rope in the corner.

That seems…innocent enough.

Exposing a sweet camel toe.

Please say that you’re not doing that in our corner.

Oh sweetie of course I am, I’m going to need you to spot me. Then, I’ve got this thing called the inverted leapfrog. Instead of jumping up and kicking out my legs like a college cheerleader, I hit the deck and spread my legs wide open.

I don’t even know what that’s supposed to accomplish.

A panty shot, obviously. That is if I remember to wear them.

I’ve never hoped to be hit by a guitar more than I have now.

I’ve also had the crew rig a pole to the ceiling, so that’ll drop down and I’ll do some pole dancing.

You’re going to pole dance?! In the middle of a wrestling match?

I know of no better place to do such a thing. Can you imagine my slender hips grinding, and my beautiful butt bouncing and jiggling as I slither up and down that thing?

I’d really rather not!

If Alix and I don’t end the night naked and covered in sweat with Sara Jean, also naked and covered in sweat, between us then I’ll lose all faith in god.

What exactly do you want me to do?

Well…you just stand to the side and try not to draw attention to yourself.


Yes, just keep quiet while mommy shows off various portions of her body in attempt to lure an innocent woman into a threesome with herself and Alix.

Excuse me?! You’re gonna strip off everything but your heels, and I’m going to stand there as quiet as a church mouse? Like people don’t want to see me do the same thing? This may surprise you, but some people think I’m as hot as you are.

And those people are called blind.

Argh! You even did this when they were planning shots for my OAOAST The Magazine photoshoot. For Maya it was “Put her in a really skimpy bikini that shows plenty of her breasts, and make sure you get a lot of good shots of her butt” but for me it was “Try posing her in a sweat shirt and an ankle length skirt and tuck her hands into it she has incredibly chubby fingers, and don't let her smile she has slightly crooked teeth” You don’t think I’m sexy!

Its not that I don't think you're sexy, its just that…look we’re letting Melissa tear this family apart.

No one’s mentioned Melissa for five minutes!

Let’s just focus on beating her and those sidekicks of hers into comas, and we can talk about you not being sexy at therapy tomorrow.

Wait, you just admitted you don't think I'm sexy!

Melissa, Jade, Melissa. She’s the enemy; she’s the one I’m going to choke with her own guitar strings.



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I dug my key into the side of his
pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats...
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...

Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

"Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood hits and plays out the OAOAST's country sensations. Backed up by her backing singers The Belle Cousins, Melissa Nerdly walks out in a straw cowboy hat and carries the Women's Title over her shoulder. Despite this, she doesn't look in celebratory mood, a little troubled as she and the Belles head to the ring.

This contest is a three on two handicap match, set for one fall. Introducing team number one. First, please give it up for "SWEET STARDOM", SUGAR BELLE and "ICY ALLURE", DECEMBER BELLE... THE BEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE CCOOOUUUUUUSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIINNSSSSSSS!!! And their partner, the star attraction of the show! She is your NEW OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION... ladies and gentlemen, "CANADIAN COUNTRY"... MMMEEEELLLLLLLLLIIIIISSSSSSSSAAAAAAA... NNEEEEEERRRRRDDLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Making their way into the ring, Melissa takes the microphone and calls for some quiet from the Tokyo crowd.

Before this match gets started, I've got a little somethin' I'd like to say.


Come on, give her a chance!

I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I'm truly, truly sorry for what happened at the Halloween Spectacular. That was never, ever meant to happen, it was never mine or the Belles intentions to hurt sweet lil' Maya. It was an accident, is all.

An accident!? She picked up and swung a guitar by accident?

She wasn't trying to hit Maya, you idiot! She was trying to hit Jade. Big difference.

So Maya, if you're watchin' darlin', I just wanna apologise to you... and I'd like to apologise to Krista, obviously... but, mostly to you and I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. Both of you. Thank you.

The crowd hiss and jeer at Melissa's earnest apology, while the Bellas pat Melissa on the back and compliment her on her noble gesture.

Do you think Krista's going to buy that apology?

No. It was worth a try though.

See, I'm not really sure it was.

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time
Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey


The Tokyo fans erupt for the internationally reknowned Krista Isadora Duncan. And, of course, Jade Rodez-Duncan, perhaps not quite so revered but popular in her own right. Krista emerges, not in a great mood. Perhaps because her backing dancers have been nixed to make Jade feel less uncomfortable. Perhaps because of her title loss and daughter's disfigurement too. Krista casts a mean glare towards the ring, freaking out Melissa. For her part, Jade tries to look angry too, but isn't quite so intimidating despite her best efforts.

And introducing their opponents! First, now residing in Los Angeles, California... "LITTLE MISS CALIFORNIA"... JJJAAAAAAAADDEEEEEEEEEE... RRRROOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ - DDUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAANN!!! And her tag team partner! Hailing from, residing in and reppin' 4 life, Los Angeles, California! She is a New York Times best selling author... a reality TV star... the founder of the FIT with KID line of exercise videos, a member of the Hollywood Walk Of Fame... the most desirable woman in Hollywood... ladies and gentlemen the one, the only... KRISTA... IIIIISSSSAAAAADDOOOOORRRRRRRAAAAAAAA... DDUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!


Krista pulls off her rope hanging entrance and blows a kiss to the cameras, flamboyant even at her most angry of moments. Jade climbs the turnbuckles and appeals to the crowd, while Melissa looks on with great trepidation.

After what she's done not only to Maya with that guitar shot at the Halloween Spectacular, but her downright robbery of the Women's Title from Jade, plus the fact Krista was screwed out of the World Title just last week... I really, really would not want to be Melissa Nerdly right about now.

Yeah, but, she apologised. She's clearly very sorry.

And she'll be even sorrier once Krista gets her hands on her.


Taking the lead as superior and elder, Krista orders Jade to the apron. Unsurprisingly, Melissa and December want no part of Krista. Surprisingly, Sugar does. Fists up ready to fight, Sugar is held back by her tag team partners for her own safety ala Scrappy Doo.

Is this girl crazy? Why would you want to fight Krista, this week of all weeks?

She's gutsy. Gutsy and... yeah, a little crazy.

Sugar is finally able to break free and marches right up to Krista, showing no fear. Melissa and December decide to save themselves and leave Sugar to it, the younger Belle trying to get in Krista's face, but finding Krista's ample breasts closer to her eye level.

This isn't going to end well.

Unconcerned, Krista places her palm on Sugar's head and casually shoves her down, demanding Melissa get in instead.


Taking offence to being treated like that, Sugar squares up to Krista again. She's promptly shoved back down again, Krista not even bothering to look at her this time. Krista dares Melissa in, while Sugar gets up and starts STOMPING HER FEET in a huff.

Uh oh, you've made her mad!

Cheeks puffed out, Sugar walks up and starts hammering Krista with forearms.

And all the while, Krista looks over her head, unaffected, threatening Melissa.

No effect!

Sugar keeps on hammering, despite her lack of success, then starts attacking the midsection with jabs. The well toned midsection, which also doesn't seem to feel any effects.

Uhh... Mom?

Not now sweetie, I'm busy waiting for a match to start.

But... you're kinda being attacked.

Huh? (looks down) Oh, right.

Krista calmly grabs Sugar's legs and trips her up!


Getting up nursing the back of her head, Sugar has realised the error of her ways and tries to get to her corner to tag out. Melissa and December both drop off the apron. But it doesn't matter, as Sugar is grabbed by the hood and held from reaching them anyway. Krista puts Sugar's hood up over her head, leaving her shrouded in darkness. Trapped under her hood, Sugar starts flailing wildly, failing to make contact as Krista keeps her at arms length.

Ah, this takes me back. Little Simmie Hawkins, back in 5th grade. Oh, the things I put her through. Of course, this was in the good old days, before the internet made bullying easier, lazier even. You just can't beat the personal touch. Name calling is all well and good, but can you give a chinese burn or a swirlie via instant message, or whatever it is these kids call it this days?


Oh, it's true what they say. You never realise until you've left, school days really are the best days of your life. Or maybe I'm just getting philosophical in my old age. Oh, screw it, now I need to compensate.

Krista promptly bends Sugar over her knee and dishes out a SPANKING!




Humiliated, Sugar crawls to her corner looking for a tag, but finds no-one there.

I guess Sugar learnt her lesson. Trouble is, Melissa and December aren't willing to dismiss class just yet.

Can you stop with the school puns? She's nineteen, okay, stop making fun of her.

That was unintentional, I swear.

Krista turns back to her corner, to see Jade eager to be tagged in.

Ah, you want to join in on the spanking too?

Uhm, no.

(ignoring Jade)
Alright, go ahead and have your fun.

Not with a spanking in mind, Jade grabs Sugar by the hair and drags her back into the middle of the ring, then pops her with a forearm. A second. And a third. Sugar wobbles about dazed, as Jade hits the ropes and drops her with a clothesline. Jade then mounts Sugar and starts hammering away with rapid right hands!

It's not just Krista who's out for revenge, Jade is also mad at not only losing her Women's Title, but what Melissa and the Belles tried to do to her and would have done if Maya had not got caught in the crossfire.

Fired up, Jade rallies the Japanese crowd to make some noise. Sugar gets unsteadily to her feet and Jade comes off the ropes again to hook her down with Sweet Dreams! Cover...




Jade tries to pull Sugar back up, but Sugar resorts to RAKING the eyes to escape!


Crawling to her corner, this time Sugar finds eager partners and Melissa comes in, hitting a blinded Jade with a clothesline. Melissa quickly puts the boots to Jade, realising this is her team's one chance to succeed. She continues to stomp away, until Krista threatens to get in, at which point she cowers and waves for the referee to keep Krista out.

The brand new Women's Champion, finally willing to get into this match now that it's Jade and not the vengeful Krista she has to deal with.

Well it's not really fair if you ask me. Melissa is the champion of the women's division, she shouldn't have to face people who aren't in her division, that's just common sense.

If Krista wanted to go after the women's title, what exactly is stopping her?

The fact that she could completely destroy EVERY other girl in the division single handedly?

I meant more anatomically, but fair enough.

Choking Jade with her boot in the corner, Melissa gets a run up and dishes out a clothesline. Waving her out, she then lies in wait for Jade, hooking her down with a spinning heel kick when she limps out of the corner. Cover...




Melissa boots Jade as she sits up, knocking her back down, then looks fearfully at Krista. Realising that all she's doing is delivering physical harm to another of Krista's daughters, right in front of her, Melissa perhaps wisely decides now is the time to tag out.

In comes December Belle. Part of Melissa's "backing band", who coincidentally are both competitors trained by OAOAVW.

Are you saying they're ringers?

I'm saying their value to Melissa stretches far beyond vocals.

Stalking Jade, December slowly leads her up and dishes out a forearm smash. Jade falls against the ropes and December chokes her across the middle with her knee.


Breaking before a disqualification, December gives the referee an icy stare.

Something about this December unnerves me. From the little we've seen of her, she seems very dangerous.

Whipping Jade across the ring, December tries for a big boot to the face, but Jade sidesteps! Jade tries to fight back, with a series of forearms to the face, rocking the Ice Queen. The Japanese fans route her on as the forearms keep on connecting. But as soon as Jade sees an opening and goes for her corner, she's cruelly dragged back by the hair!


December gives the referee another glare, virtually warning him not to try and warn her. She then turns her glare on Krista.

Ooh. Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Krista. Poser question for you. What do I have in common with snow. Answer, we both like to get deep in December.

Mom, can you stop hitting on people who are beating me up!?

Well if you start fighting back then I'll be hitting on someone who's being beaten up. If that'd make you happier then you know what to do.

Before Jade can think about fighting back, she's hit with a bodyslam by December. The Belles tag moments later and December loads up another bodyslam, this time with Sugar, ONTO Jade! The former women's champion groans in pain, as Sugar reaches back and hooks her leg...




Jade taking the bulk of the punishment here from her three opponents. This isn't a knock on Jade, a former three time Women's Champion. But, by default, she's the weaker link of this team and as such, Melissa and the Belles are targetting her.

Which is smart. Brains, beauty and melodious voices. These three really have it all.


In retribution for earlier, Sugar hammers Jade with punches on the mat, then starts CHOKING her!


Sugar breaks the choke in time.

You call that a choke? Please. Maya chokes her harder than that when they're fighting over who's toothbrush is who's, you're going to have to do better than that.

Insulted, Sugar takes Krista up on the challenge, to Jade's dismay.


Oh, I'm sorry, are you merely trying out some erotic asphyxiation, or are you trying to actually hurt her? Because I'm an expert at both and I can tell you, you're terrible either way. Assuming you're actually trying to do harm, you might want to press down on the larynx a little. Just a hint.

Again, Sugar takes the advice.


Sugar breaks just before a disqualification. Coughing and hacking, Jade looks up accusingly at her mother and her not so helpful input. Meanwhile, Sugar sits down on her back and applies a camel clutch.

Submission applied. I'm not sure this is the best move for Sugar to be applying, though.

There you go again making fun of her size.

Come on Coach, she's not exactly Big Papa Thrust in the strength department, is she?

She's trying, okay. Cut her some slack.

Realising Sugar's camel clutch isn't getting the job done, Melissa comes in and goads Krista. That in turn distracts the referee and as he tries to keep Krista out, December delivers a low dropkick to the face of Jade!!


Sugar rolls Jade over and goes for a pin...




Sugar gets annoyed with the referee, so December calls her over to make a tag. December has the nerve to goad Krista in as well, again tying up the referee and buying them a few extra seconds. Together, The Belles then combine, as they deliver a Russian Legsweep/Rock Bottom combination to Jade!!

Nice! Maybe pretty soon, Jade's gonna have no belts, because it looks to me like The Belles are the best women's tag team in the OAOAST, not the Duncans.

December hooks Jade's leg and waits for the referee to turn around...




Gritting her teeth, Jade tries to draw on some reserve energy and the Japanese crowd respond.

This has been all Melissa and the Belles since Krista tagged out. But don't count out the resiliance of Jade.

December hammers Jade across the back a couple of times and then sends her into the ropes. Jade ducks the clothesline though and comes back, hitting December right in the mid-drift with a running front dropkick!


The force knocks December down, but allows her to roll back onto her feet. And as Jade tries to charge, December ducks her attack and grabs a waistlock, in order to take Jade over with a German Suplex!!





Wow! Only two, but a great suplex and tremendous bridge by December!

Dragging Jade back up, December delivers a forearm shot. And a second. Off the ropes, she tries for a clothesline, but Jade manages to duck in kind. December turns around into Jade, who scoops her up for a slam. December slips out the back though and with Jade bent over backwards swings her near leg over, driving her down with a SPLITS LEGDROP!!





December rolls out of her splits and looks up at the referee increduously.

She calls that the Glamourlanche!

I don't care what she calls it, I just wanna see a replay!

So too does Krista apparently, looking impressed with what she saw, before realising who she saw it performed on and remembering she should be showing concern for her daughter slash tag partner. December tags out to Melissa and the Women's Champion comes in looking confident, mocking the downed Jade.

I really feel like getting you people to chant something would be really helpful right now. But unfortunately, I don't speak Japanese in order to communicate this, or my specific chant of choice. So, desperate times call for desperate measures.



Oh boy.

The crowd go wild and mistakenly, Jade believes it's in support of her, giving her a surge of adrenaline. Melissa seems oblivious to all of this, waiting for Jade to get up. When she does, Melissa dishes out a jab. A succession follow, before Melissa does a little shuffle...

...and suddenly gets caught, as Jade paws out with a right hand! Then a left! Before doing a 360 and hitting the spinning clothesline!!!


The Belles look on shocked, as a dazed Melissa pulls herself up on the ropes. She turns around, just as Jade approaches her corner... and quickly runs away, tagging in Sugar! Sugar panics and tries to stop Jade from completing the tag...



Here comes TROUBLE.

Frozen in fear, Sugar throws her hands up innocently... and Krista PUNCHES HER IN THE FACE RIGHT BETWEEN THEM!!!!


Sugar clutches her nose as December jumps in to try and help her cousin out. But she runs right into the arms of Krista who hits BLONDS NEVER PAY A COVER!!


Getting to her feet, covering her face, Sugar walks into a boot and experiences LIFE IN THE FAB LANE!!

Krista is a one woman wrecking machine! And Melissa wants no part of it!

Can you blame her?

Looking terrified, the Women's Champion stays clear of danger on the outside, watching as Krista tears her Belles apart. Krista stands waiting for one to get up and first to her feet is December. Which isn't an achievement so much as a mistake, as Krista immediately blasts her with KIDOLOGY!!!



Not done, Krista turns her attention to Sugar, looking amused at the discomfort she's in. Sugar slowly tries to pick herself up, sore nose and all, with Krista lying in wait.

Oh no. Somebody help poor little Sugar!

Oh so now it's "little" Sugar?

She's just a child!

Sugar uses the ropes to help her, the fans buzzing in anticipation...

....but before she can suffer her fate, BADASS JACK slides into the ring and clatters an unsuspecting Krista from the blindside!!!



Oh, thank goodness!

Thank goodness!? What the hell is this!?

Jack overwhelms Krista and wails away at her on the mat, forcing the referee to throw the match out. Gathering her belt, Melissa drags Sugar to safety while she can and they bail.

Krista done messed up. She took away Jack's moment and she's gonna pay until the day she dies for it!

This is ridiculous, Badass Jack already cost Krista the World Title, what more does he want?

How about Krista's face framed on the wall of his hut?

Krista tries to fight from underneath, with Jack hammering her with punches. She manages to gouge him in the eyes and forces her way on top, to start firing away with shots of her own!

Look at Krista fighting back though!

As Krista fires punches, Jack reaches up and tries to STRANGLE her! Krista starts ripping at Jack's face in an attempt to free herself, ending up with her finger in his eye socket, causing him to yell in pain.

This is getting ugly! Krista and Badass Jack are trying to maim each other!

As referees hit the ring to try and break up the fight, Badass Jack is able to buck Krista off of him. Both scramble to their feet and Krista is able to connect with a superkick out of nowhere that sends Jack tumbling through the ropes, to the outside! Jack lands on his feet and immediately shakes off the kick, trying to jump back in the ring for more. The referees swarm in between though, preventing Jack from getting back in or Krista getting out.

These are volatile scenes! Thankfully we've got this fight broken up... but the issue between Krista and Badass Jack is not going to end here I'm afraid!

It's not gonna end till someone gets hurt.

Officials manage to drag Jack off and with some help from Jade, calm Krista down as well.


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