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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/30/2011

Chanel #99

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From the opening video we go straight to Sofa Central with Double C.

Welcome, folks to OAOAST HeldDOWN live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado! Michael Cole sitting alongside Da Coach for our final show before Halloween Spectacular!

Big night we have in store, Mikey Cole.

You're right on that one, Coach. The Women's Tag Team Title tournament final is tonight!



David Guetta’s “The World Is Mine” pumps out the sound system and is met with a plethora of boos. Stepping into an entrance stage that’s highlighted with green and gold spotlights is the duo of Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire Junior. The former tag team champions shake hands, and then travel to the ring.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of twenty minutes. Now making their way to the ring introducing first from Boston, Massachusetts , he is COLIN MAGUIRE JUNIOR, and his partner from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, he is THE ONE MAN TRIPLE THREAT SPENCER REIGER…together they are two thirds of the OAOAST Six Man Champions….THE LDC MONEYGAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGG!

Spencer finds a sign he likes in the front row, one with an intricately drawn picture of J-MAX soaring through the air. He points it out, pretends to marvel over it, and then rips it in half.



The LDC Moneygang are present without Lorelei DeCenzo, who will be competing with Holly against Spencer’s former girlfriend, Jade, and her sister Maya. That should be a wild one!

The up tempo melody of “Witness” by Roots Manuva gets the audience bouncing as J-MAX strides out from the backstage area.  The highflying superstar works up the Denver audience, bouncing along with them.

And the opponent, from Birmingham, England, he weighs in at one hundred eighty one pounds, he is THE BIRMINGHAM BAD BOY…JAAAAYYYYYY—MMAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXX!

J-MAX cruises onto the ring apron, finding Spencer mocking him and the fans with over exaggerated bouncing.

J-MAX is prepping himself for his contest with Jo-Jo Whoa at Halloween Spectacular. But, tonight he has to team with the young rookie from Montreal.

At least he gets to scout his opponent up close and personal. Hell, maybe he’ll sabotage Jo-Jo and cause him a career ending injury. That’s what I would do.

Down With Webster’s “Whoa Is Me” blasts through the arena to a fine reception from the capacity crowd. Riding out in a Porsche Carrera GT is the Montreal born and raised superstar, Jo-Jo Whoa.  The One Man Show steps out his car and onto the hood to play to the crowd with his Jo-Jo monkey in hand.

And his partner, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in one hundred and eighty seven pounds….he is “THE ONE MAN SHOW” JO…JO….WHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA!

Man, I wish J-MAX wasn’t wearing a mask, ‘cause then we could see the look of disgust on his face. How are these two gonna coexist long enough to beat a team as great as The Moneygang? Jo-Jo is arrogant, and J-MAX has a bad attitude. The Moneygang is gonna rip these dudes up!

Still holding his Jo-Jo Monkey, Jo-Jo enters the ring and earns himself a welcoming smile from Spencer.

Say, buddy, can I have that Jo-Jo Monkey?

You want the Jo-Jo Monkey?

Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t. I’m a big fan.

Thanks, man. Its real when dudes show respect.

Jo-Jo hands over the stuffed monkey to Spencer. New York’s Finest promptly rips the head off the monkey, and then punts the headless creature into the stands.


Jo-Jo is rightly outraged, and charges at Spencer. The current six man champion laughs to himself as he upends Jo-Jo into the corner. Spencer chuckles at CMJ, not realizing that Jo-Jo has landed on the top rope. He becomes aware of that fact when Jo-Jo overtakes him with a flying arm drag!

As we said earlier Jo-Jo will put his high flying skills to the test against J-MAX at Halloween Spectacular. Coach who do you think is the better high flyer?

J-MAX is amazing, no doubt, but Jo-Jo is doing things we’ve never seen before.

Jo-Jo runs at Spencer, only to get trapped inside a wheelbarrow set up.  Spencer again chuckles at Jo-Jo’s predicament before lifting him into the air. The Montreal native foils his plans by flipping over him and nailing him with a neckbreaker!

It’s a good thing J-MAX’s mask has no mouth holes otherwise we’d be seeing him mouthing the words “What have I gotten myself into”

Jo-Jo retreats to the corner to climb up to the second turnbuckle. Whatever he had planned will go a mystery, however, as J-MAX tags himself in. This annoys Jo-Jo, however he decides to keep his words stifled.

These two, J-MAX and Jo-Jo, have a mutual respect for one another. Perhaps they could form a top tag team?

As J-MAX enters the ring, Spencer jumps him with clubbing forearms. J-MAX staggers away, depositing himself into a neutral corner. Spencer terrorizes his thin midsection with stomps, putting him under immense pain. Not enough pain for Spencer’s taste, however, as he whips him to the opposite corner. J-MAX jumps onto the top rope, and then flings himself at Spencer with a moonsault lariat that takes down the handsome heel. That’s enough for his tastes, and he quickly scrambles to the corner to tag CMJ.

You’ve only been in there for a minute!

That’s a minute too long!

CMJ shurgs his shoulders and steps into the battle field.  He makes the mistake of dashing at J-MAX. It’s a mistake because J-MAX hits him with a sitout hip toss! J-MAX then heads to the ropes, where a blind tag is made by Jo-Jo. The British superstar is none too pleased with this, but his issues are ignored by The One Man Show. Jo-Jo jumps onto the third rope, which leads to him coming off with a springboard shooting star knee drop! As the crowd marvels over the attack, he makes the cover…




Jo-Jo claps his hands together to get the sold out Denver audience behind him. While they continue cheering, he adopts a more hard hitting offense with several punches to CMJ’s good looking face.

I don’t think Jo-Jo wants to get in a fight with Colin. CMJ ain’t big, but he’s as tough as nails.

Coach’s assumption proves correct, as CMJ rifles a knee into Jo-Jo’s stomach to end his attacks.  CMJ hammers Jo-Jo with jabs until his foe his backed into the corner. Trapped against the ring posts, Jo-Jo’s chest is lit up with vicious knife edge chops.  The native of Quebec cries out in agony with each blow that lands against him.

“LET’S GO JO-JO! LET’S GO JO-JO! LET’S GO JO-JO!” the crowd tries to rally the fan favorite.

Their cheers seem to work, as Jo-Jo counters an Irish whip into the far corner by floating onto CMJ’s shoulders. The Boston native panics, and rightly so as Jo-Jo swings him around with a spinning head sicssors!

I think The Moneygang might be somewhat lost without having Lorelei out here.

You’re saying three time tag team champions and current six man champions can’t handle their business?

I’m saying they’re used to having some backup and that gives them confidence.

Jo-Jo rushes at CMJ with a lariat when the former tag champ gets to his feet. CMJ ducks the move, and Jo-Jo falls into the ropes. This leads J-MAX to make the tag. Now its Jo-Jo’s turn to be dissatisfied, and this time he lets J-MAX hear it.  J-MAX pays Jo-Jo no mind and enters the squared circle.  But the moment he steps inside, Jo-Jo slaps him on the back for a tag! The official forces a growling J-MAX out the ring as a result.

Coach, let’s talk about what we’re going to see at Halloween Spectacular. Not only will we see two major triple threat matches, and Big Papa Thrust against Reject but we’ll also see the debut of a new broadcast personality.

Alf says it’s a major signing and one thing is for sure, Alf always delivers.

Jo-Jo bounces off the cables to nail CMJ in the chest with a front dropkick. Keeping things fast paced, Jo-Jo jumps off the second rope with a twisting splash. Unfortunately, CMJ gets his legs up to stymie Jo-Jo. The Harvard graduate brings Jo-Jo upright, swiftly nailing the Harvardplex. The cover…



Jo-Jo lifts his shoulder off the canvas.

This new broadcast personality could be anyone. I don’t even want to speculate because the possibilities are endless.
CMJ shoots his Canadian opponent into the ropes. When Jo-Jo approaches him CMJ nails him in the gut with his green boot before following up with a gut wrench suplex. Another cover is made…




Jo-Jo heads back to his feet, but encounters an Irish uppercut upon standing. CMJ dazes him with two more uppercuts and then sends him into the ropes. J-MAX makes a blind tag, and flies into the ring with a springboard shoulder tackle! Beneath the crowd’s cheers lie the grumblings of Jo-Jo.

J-MAX needs to watch himself. Just like the saying goes “out with the old in with the new” and J-MAX is the old, while Jo-Jo is the new.

J-MAX a native of Birmingham, England has been on both sides of the fans’ likes and dislikes, but for the past several years he’s been a favorite of young and old alike.

J-MAX rushes at CMJ, leaping onto him in hopes of hitting a tornado DDT. However, Colin uses his superior strength to shrug him off. Stubborn to the very end, J-MAX tries the move once more. This time CMJ isn’t so kind, and flips him to the canvas with a birding northern lights suplex…






Colin Maguire Junior has made The Boston Red Sox the most hated team in the OAOAST Galaxy.

J-MAX is whipped into the corner, and then hit with a lariat. As he staggers out the corner, CMJ grabs hold of him in a rear waistlock. The Boston native spins his foe around, and then goes for an Irish Suplex. But J-MAX flips out the hold! Putting himself on the attack, he comes at Colin with a spinning wheel kick that strikes the Harvard grad in the jaw.

Time to give credit to Mister Theodore Moneymaker. He’s got a Yankees fan, Spencer, working together with a Red Sox fan, Colin. He’s brought unity and love to two warring groups. That’s president material right there. I’m hoping Mister Moneymaker makes me secretary of state.

J-MAX jumps onto the top rope, ready to dazzle the audience with his trademark acrobatic stunts. Spencer, however, has other ideas. He rushes down the apron, in order to swipe J-MAX’s feet from under him. J-MAX is crotched on the top turnbuckle and left in dire agony.


Oh, I suck, do I? I’m in the ring making a hundred grand for ten minutes worth of work, and you’re paying eighty five dollars to come watch me. You tell me who sucks.  

While the audience continues to berate his arrogant partner, CMJ runs up to J-MAX. He hooks him inside a front facelock, and then brings him down with the tried and tested superplex. The Enterprise member floats right over into a cover…



J-MAX brings his shoulder up, popping the crowd.  Not nearly as pleasing to them is the fact that CMJ is now tagging in Spencer.

Come on, say it! Say I suck!


The more you respond to me, the more I get paid, idiots! BWAHHAHAHAHHAAA!

He’s got Moneymaker’s evil laugh thing down very well.

Spencer runs across the ring, dropping an elbow onto J-MAX’s chest. Apparently that’s all it takes to defeat the Brit, or so says Spencer as he applies the pincover…



J-MAX kicksout, which amazingly enough Spencer can’t even begin to believe. He violently expresses his frustrations with downward elbows onto J-MAX’s face.

Its not fair that J-MAX gets to wear a mask. Slime, Snot, Mariachi, the All American Boys, all those dudes are cheating because they have armor.

It’s a mask not a football helmet!

Spencer pulls J-MAX up simply so that he may hurl him shoulder first into the ring posts. This earns a warning from the referee, and Spencer feigns an over exaggerated forgiveness. J-MAX isn’t buying his contrite nature, and comes at him with a wave of punches. Spencer manages to fend off J-MAX’s comeback attempt with a rake of the eyes. That’s followed by a devastating New York Knockout (inverted bulldog)! Spencer then measures up J-MAX before dropping a knee onto his skull. The cover is then made…



J-MAX again finds the strength needed to kickout.

If Jo-Jo is the wrestling talent everyone says, he’ll let J-MAX keep taking a beating from the Moneygang, Then he’ll be nice and soft come their match at Halloween Spectacular.

I think Jo-Jo is honorable and a competitor, and he wants J-MAX at his best.

J-MAX gets to his feet, and begins exchanging blows with Spencer. Forgoing any semblance of sportsmanship, Spencer kicks J-MAX between the uprights!


The referee starts to call for the bell to DQ Spencer, but The One Man Triple Threat assures him he meant to target the thigh. Despite Spencer’s well deserved reputation, the official buys this explanation and allows the match to continue. Spencer takes advantage of the situation he’s created by hitting J-MAX with an inverted body slam. A series of stomps preceed another cover…





Ooooooooh that one’s clever. I’m wounded. Deeply. How will I ever recover? Probably by banging your whore sisters.

Spencer scrapes J-MAX up, and guides him to the Moneygang corner. A tag is made with CMJ, and together they shoot the highflyer into the ropes. J-MAX heads back towards them and is caught with a double flapjack!

Great teamwork by The Moneygang that’s why they’re one of the best in the business.

Spencer ascends to the top rope, and while there taunts the already hateful audience. After working them up into a fury, he flings himself backwards with a moonsault. But, J-MAX rolls out the way, causing Spencer to smash into the canvas!


J-MAX makes the slow and painful crawl to his corner. Once he reaches it, he makes the reluctant tag to Jo-Jo.

J-MAX doing the smart thing and tagging The One Man Show!

Jo-Jo hits the ring and is immediately greeted by a lunging lariat from Spencer. He ducks the attack, and heads to the ropes. Coming off the cables, he leaps onto Spencer’s shoulders and throws him overhead with a hurricanrana! Spencer jumps upright, and promptly attempts another lariat. This time Jo-Jo swings around his back and pins him with a crucifix…



Spencer falls out the pin. This does not damper Jo-Jo’s spirits, however, as he eagerly ascends to the top rope.

Jo-Jo is gonna fly!

Luckily for Spencer, CMJ knocks his opponent’s legs out, causing him to take a terrible tumble to the canvas. Jo-Jo writhes in pain, as Spencer retreats to his corner to tag Colin into the contest.

We’re going to see The Moneygang’s boss compete for the OAOAST World Title at Halloween Spectacular. Its only his second world title shot in two years.

That shows what kind of selfless man Mister Moneymaker is. He could’ve forced himself into the title picture at anytime, but he said “I’ll let others have the glory” because he’s a decent, and humble man.

CMJ stomps Jo-Jo in the corner, taking advantage of his wounded and weary state. After punishing him with his green boots, CMJ pulls Jo-Jo into a front facelock in order to execute a basic vertical suplex.

What if Jo-Jo and J-MAX actually pull this one out? Will they get a tag title shot?

You’d have to think so. Would they even want to compete with each other is the question? There’s mutual respect there, but I believe there’s also some animosity.

CMJ brings Spencer into the contest with a tag. They hook each other’s hands and then run forward to steamroll J-MAX with a double lariat. As CMJ exits the ring, Spencer goes for the cover…





The Moneygang aren’t a pair of big guys, but they’re devious, sneaky, and they can hit harder than you might guess by looking at them.

What are you saying? That my niggas look soft? You gonna get a Reiger Counter for that, dawg.

Spencer points to J-MAX and invites Jo-Jo to go make the tag. Jo-Jo naively believes in Spencer’s kindness, and begins crawling to the corner. At that point, Spencer grabs him by the waist and lifts him up, seeking a German Suplex. However, Jo-Jo rolls him into a pinfall…



Spencer pulls himself free of the pin. Acting fast, he stomps Jo-Jo to keep him grounded. With Jo-Jo stuck in a state of pain, Spencer retreats to his corner to apply the tag to CMJ.

Jo-Jo and J-MAX had this match under control early on, but the tag team greatness of The LDC Moneygang has emerged and they’ve been dominant.

CMJ lifts Jo-Jo up for the always-lethal Celtic Frost Suplex. Yet, somehow Jo-Jo is able to escape through CMJ’s bonds. An outraged CMJ charges at Jo-Jo and is dropped with a back flip arm drag!

A lot of strength and agility being shown by Jo-Jo Whoa!

At the urging of the sold out Denver audience, Jo-Jo begins a journey to his corner. He reaches down deep for the strength needed to reach J-MAX. After much struggle he applies the tag with the Brit, while CMJ slaps hands with Spencer.

Two fresh men into the contest, let’s see who has the speed and strength to win out.

Spencer, obviously.

J-MAX soars off the top rope to flatten Spencer with a lariat! The One Man Triple Threat staggers back to his feet, but is dropped by a jumping lariat from his foe.


J-MAX drags Spencer inside a front facelock with the intent of hitting a DDT.  Spencer avoids this attack by shoving J-MAX into the corner. Thinking J-MAX to be stunned by that simple counter, Spencer becomes a raging bull and charges in. But, when he reaches the corner J-MAX tags him with The MAX Evade Kick! Spencer stumbles away, allowing J-MAX to ascend to the top rope and then fling himself over with a moonsault press! The resulting cover is counted…



CMJ breaks up the count!


The referee tries to rid the ring of CMJ in order to maintain order in the contest, but CMJ refuses to leave the ring.

Yo, if Colin wants to stay in the ring, let him stay. When you’re a three time tag team champion, you’ve earned some respect and leeway from the officials.

J-MAX charges to the ropes, coming back with the plan of hitting Spencer with a lariat. It’s an idea that’s easily foiled as Spencer boots him in the gut. Doubled over, J-MAX is hooked inside the setup for the Reiger Counter. The audience gets to their feet, and showers the ring with boos and jeers.

Here it comes!

Spencer never gets the chance to nail his version of the pedigree, as CHRISTIAN WRIGHT clobbers him in the back with a steel chair. Spencer falls to the side, left in serious anguish.

Christian, why? Why did you do that, my brother?

J-MAX climbs to the top rope, and the still standing audience lets out numerous cheers.  The Birmingham Bad Boy sails off the top rope to strike Spencer with a picture perfect shooting star legdrop!

J-MAX Took it to the MAX!

The logical pinfall never occurs as Jo-Jo tags himself into the contest. This INFURIATES J-MAX, and he lets Jo-Jo hear his every last issue as the Canadian grabs Spencer inside a front facelock. From there he nails a Cradle DDT!

Spencer Reiger, Thanks For The Memories!

The cover is made, and the official turns away from CMJ



CMJ tries to break it up, but is intercepted by J-MAX!



Your winner as a result of a pinfall…JO-JO WHOA AND J-MAX!

Christian Wright is pleased with this occurrence as he backs up the entrance stage with a smile on his face.

J-MAX and Jo-Jo Whoa pull off what can only be described as a big upset here on HeldDOWN!

Yeah, but give credit to Christian Wright. Spencer was gonna drop J-MAX with the Reiger Counter and CW came and messed that all up.
There’s no celebration to be had with the victors as J-MAX jams an accusatory finger into Jo-Jo’s chest. Jo-Jo doesn’t seem to think J-MAX has a legit gripe and blows him off by trying to leave the ring. J-MAX stops him by grabbing onto his arm, and continues to rail against him with angered words.

I think J-MAX wanted the pinfall for himself.  
Now Jo-Jo starts to get heated, and the two been exchanging spiteful comments. This leads to a shoving match, and the crowd is abuzz with surprise over it. Finally neither man can take much more of the pushing, and the situation descends into fisticuffs!

They’re going at it, Mikey!

The two high flyers brawl like heavyweight boxers, each going for a huge knockout punch on the other. Finally, backstage officials enter the ring to separate the two before they can properly slaughter each other. Although locked behind officials, each man continues to taunt the other.  

What a match its going to be at Halloween Spectacular! Jo-Jo Whoa versus J-MAX!

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ackstage in one of the hallways we see the Christ Air Express chatting with Alfdogg.

Alf, bro, its us!


It’s the Christ Air Express!

I know who you guys are.

Then you know we tear this show up! So outta respect for our awesomeness you’ve gotta tell us who’s debuting at Halloween Spectacular.

I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Alf, bro, come on. Come on!

Everyone in the OAOAST Galaxy has been asking me who’s debuting and I’ll tell you the same thing I’ve told each and everyone of them “You’ll have till wait to Halloween Spectacular”

We can’t wait! We have to know now!

It better be a chick!

And it can’t be a chick related to us, all our sisters are already employed. But we’ve got at least thirty cousins, so it better not be one of them.

I’m sorry, gentleman, I just can’t give you any hints.

But Alf, be a bro! Be a-

The attention of the three men is caught by Spencer Reiger and Christian Wright brawling down the hallway.


Spencer and Christian continue slugging it out.


Ignoring Alf, Spencer and Christian keep at their war. Alf finally grows tired of their fight, and physically separates the two men.

What is the problem with you two?

You saw it! This sell out cost me and Colin a match!

This filthy wretch threatened me with abuse on Syndicated after I kindly extended him an invitation to The Kingdom. I demand he be punished!

You two want to fight? You fight at Halloween Spectacular over the United States title.

Fine by me. Enjoy your last few hours with that title, sell out.

Spencer walks off as Christian remains behind, fuming.

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Arab Money Instrumental” blasts through the speakers and out walks Abdullah Nerdly.

What’s Abdullah doing out here?

Maybe if you wait till he gets to the ring we’ll find out.

Abdullah enters the squared circle and asks for a microphone.

As everyone who watched last week knows, I suffered a medical issue live on television. Some have erroneously reported it was due to fear.

Darn right it was. Abdullah fainted after Deuce showed him what he intends to do during their bout at the Halloween Spectacular.

Well as a man of the cloth, I fear no mortal! So once I came to last week I immediately made plans to travel the world and the seven seas to find a man that mirrors Deuce Deuce Bigelow for training purposes. Turns out all I had to do was step outside the arena to find a fat, out of shape sweat hog.

Obesity: America’s new favorite pastime.

So I flew that gentlemen here this evening. Without further ado, welcome… FATMAN!

Fatman? How old is Abdullah, 5?

A bald bearded individual walks to the ring and summons Abdullah.

Excuse me, buddy. I told you my name’s--

Abdullah charges full speed ahead and delivers a vicious baseball slide flush to Fatman’s jaw!


Abdullah joins the man outside and posts him. Gouging of the eyes follow before Abdullah rolls the individual in the ring and puts the boots to him.

I think it’s safe to say this gentlemen has no formal training. Abdullah took a guy off the street just to send Deuce a message.

Abdullah chokes Fatman and then brings him to his feet to apply a hammerlock he turns into a clothesline!

The Gate of Deliverance!

Rather than go for the pin Abdullah takes to the air and delivers a TOP ROPE DIVING HEADBUTT!

Funky Cold Medina performed by Abdullah Nerdly. He’s really playing with fire now.

You can say the same for Deuce. With every move Abdullah is letting Deuce know it’s not going to be a walk in the park Halloween night live on TSM and The Pit in Canada.

The cover.





Abdullah gets the victory, but I can assure you it won’t be this easy against Deuce Deuce Bigelow at the Halloween Spectacular.

Abdullah decides he isn’t through with Fatman yet and drops a second top rope diving head BUTT. He then produces a child’s PUMPKIN BASKET and shoves CANDY in the poor gentlemen’s mouth!

I don’t know if Fatman’s insulted or thankful for the candy. *laughs*

Abdullah continues to stuff the man’s mouth when DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW storms the ring and forces him to retreat.

Try to do that to the real thing says Deuce.

It’s not Halloween night yet, Mikey Cole.

A stare down ensues between Abdullah and Deuce. One that ends with a gang attack on the Beast from Sin City by the other CHRUCH OF ABDULLAH members!


It was a damn setup! Abdullah knows his only chance to survive against Deuce is to weaken him going into the Halloween Spectacular this Monday night live on TSM and The Pit in Canada.

Held back against his will, Deuce frantically kicks his legs as Abdullah prepares to cram a mouthful of candy in his mouth. Fortunately for the big man, BIG PAPA THRUST, THE ALL-AMERICAN BOYS and MARIACHI clear the ring of the CoA.


Abdullah and his men aren’t in a fighting mood now that the odds have even.

There’s nothing to be gained from fighting at this time.

What you are, their spokesman?

No, just a smart individual.

What a treat it’s going to be for the OAOAST Galaxy come Monday night at the fifth annual Halloween Spectacular!


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Ladies and gentlemen, last week we saw Landon Maddix's attempts to try and get Krista "on-side" with him before the triple threat World Title match at the Halloween Spectacular. Suffice is to say, it did not go as planned. Well, undettered, both by that and years of physical and emotional torture inflicted on him, Theodore Moneymaker this week decided it would be a good idea to try and form his own truce with Krista. And... well, here's what happened.



Clad in finest tuxedo and I do mean finest, Theodore Moneymaker looks a content man. Having just finished off his main course he reclines back in his seat with a smirk on his face. Happy with life, happy with his wealth and happy being who he is. Not quite so happy, an also exquisitely dressed (because, hey, a night out is a night out) Krista Isadora Duncan sits opposite him, flossing with a napkin in deliberately undignified fashion.

So, dessert? Or should we just skip to the part where you give me your little speech.

Well, if you're that eager to hear it, we can get to that.

To be fair I'm more eager to get to the part where my foot strays under this table and my five inch heel makes contact with your four inch penis in an effort to shut you up mid-speech.

BWAHAHA! Oh, Krista, you do crack me up.

Why must you always laugh like that? Is there something wrong with your volume control? Do you always laugh like that? Like say for example you're flicking through the cable and you're watching Two and a Half Men and something mildly amusing happens, which is the peak of most of it's episodes. Do you smile a little and chuckle to yourself, quietly? Or do you rear your head back and cackle like an obnoxious donkey because the fat kid made a funny?

Ignoring most of what Krista is saying and letting her go on her rant, Moneymaker calls over a waiter and gives him some instructions before sending him on his way. Krista's eyes narrow, realising she's not being paid proper attention to.

Krista, I could listen to you talk all night.

The feeling is less than mutual.

Very well. But, allow me to say what I came to say. Just for once, stop. Stop talking. Stop thinking. Stop secretly hating me.

Secretly? Am I not doing a good enough job of making my disdain crystal clear?

(ignoring Krista)
Just stop and look around you. Look at where you are. One of the finest restaurants in LA. Surrounded by high society. People of wealth, people of value, people of social status. Drinking fine wine. Eating fine food. Dressed as ravishingly as you are. Look at us. This... this is living, Krista. All of this is ours. This is the kind of world people like you and me know and others only pretend to. And if you side with me, this is the life we could lead.

Krista looks confused.

It's just a restaurant. I've been here before, you dumbass.

Au contraire! This is not just about the restaurant. It's a statement! Where did that buffon Landon take you to try and whoo you, huh? To his mother's house. For burgers. Are you kidding me? The man is a fool. An oaf. A nobody.

I'm well aware of exactly how pathetic Landon Maddix's existance is, thank you. Can you get to your point?

Behind Krista, a menu starts shaking, in front of someone's face.

Listen, what I'm saying is, you and I are on equal footing. Forget about our impending romance for a second.

Our wha...

Merely look at this from a business perspective. The idea of you siding with Landon to take me out was ludicrous, it always was. Why would a woman of your class associate yourself with such a born loser? You shouldn't be working with him and you were right to turn him down. But Krista, turning me down is like turning yourself down! I am you! And you are me!

If I am you, then I must be a fucking idiot!

I really don't care for that language, Krista. A woman as beautiful as you shouldn't use such words.

Bite me.

Oh, but for the opportunity.

Excuse me while I plunge this steak knife into my abdomen.

Krista, look at me. Together, you and me... we could be perfect! All I'm asking is you give me a chance. Halloween Spectacular, you and I, we should stop fighting this connection we have and embrace who we are. Work together to eviscerate that common peasant Maddix. Who knows... you may even love it. What do you say?

I say, you've been caught red handed!

Emerging from behind the menu is Landon himself, sat on the table behind. And dressed in full King robe.


Landon leaves his table, revealing Queen Esther as his guest.

The NERVE of you! Trying to bribe another competitor into doing your dirty work for you!

What are you talking about you fool, you did the exact same thing!

(muttering to herself)
Some exclusive restaurant this is, letting in people in fancy dress.

Clearly, CLEARLY, you're too scared to fight me one on one. Just as I thought. So you're trying to get Krista to do it for you. And, might I add, your sickening attempts to romance her have put Esther completely off of her cheese platter.

Maddix, first off, you clearly know nothing about romancing a woman. And second...

You know what, I think I'm going to leave.

No! You stay right there, I'll deal with this imbecile. Maddix...

No really, I'm going to leave.

Krista, I insist you stay.

I'm not sure you want that.

I said, I insist.

Krista shrugs her shoulders.

Alright, fine.


Picking up her plate, Krista calmly CRACKS MONEYMAKER OVER THE HEAD WITH IT!!!!


I have to warn you though, if I stay much longer, I might do something I'm going to regret.

Moneymaker lays prone in his chair seeing stars, as Landon looks shocked at what just happened.

I... does this mean...

No, it doesn't.


Clocked with a plate as well, Maddix does a pratfall, turning the table over on top of him. Krista looks completely calm about the entire situation and sits back in her chair as if nothing happened. Kicking her feet up on the overturned table, she calmly picks a menu up off the floor, ignoring the rest of the diners staring at her open-mouthed and looking up at an equally shocked Queen Esther.

So, anyone for pudding?


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In the world's hottest hangout, the OAOAST interview lounge Maggie Nerdly is stood with Alix Maria Spezia

What up, everybody, its everyone’s favorite “It” Girl On The Scene Maggie Nerdly chilling in the interview lounge with Alix Maria Spezia!


Alix, this Monday live on Halloween Spectacular you’ll be-

Charming a snake on the streets of Bagdad.

No. You’ll be-

Sailing the high seas with me trusty parrot and me loveable crew!

No. You’ll be-

Entrapping Terry Taylor on prostitution charges.

Alix, you’ll be fighting Odin in a Buried Alive Match.

I guess I can fit that into my schedule. I’ll also be playing backgammon with Christian Wright. Playing backgammon with is my substitute for inserting a hand grenade in someone’s pants. Should be fun! And messy.

You’ve take down Odin once, and that made him mighty angry.  Are ya worried about that?

Worried? I don’t even know the meaning of the word. Seriously, I don’t know the meaning, I huffed a lot of glue in my youth and first thing to go was my vocab. By the way what’s this thing on my chest and shoulders?

A shirt. Alix, worried means to be in a fearful state. So what’s up, are you in a fearful state?

Puh-leeze, girlfriend! I live with Krista Isadora Duncan, the angriest person in all of Southern California. And all of her anger is directed at me! If its not you broke this piece of fine china its you stole this car and now the cops have a warrant out for your arrest and if it ain’t that its you’ve been performing black market abortions in the dance studio and have been charging bellow market rates. Its always something with her! So a tall, long haired blond with anger management issues is nothing new to this chick!

Alf has made you the chosen protector of the OAOAST Galaxy. What’s that mean to you, Alix?

Well, it means a lot to me really. Ya know, I look into the eyes of these fans and their smiling faces, and I think I’m high as shit right now. And you know what, its that very fact, the fact that I’m usually high whenever I encounter a member OAOAST Galaxy that keeps me going and keeps people from asking me for autographs because I’m usually wild eyed and crazy at the time. So, Odin, if you think you can take control of the OAOAST Galaxy, think again, buster! The OAOAST Galaxy is free Galaxy for everyone except the Polish! And Alix Maria Spezia is gonna keep that way! Adios!

Back to Double C.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to crown the first ever OAOAST WOMEN'S TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!


Alright, I've come up with a fair way of deciding who starts the match. Rock, paper, scissors.

Oh, gee, great idea! That'll really help us shake off that "kid" stigma. Hey, while we're at it, let's play a little jump rope and decorate out corner with stickers!

Rock, paper, scissors isn't a kid thing.

Says the bed wetter.

I am not a bed wetter! I told you, Alix's lab frogs escaped. Look, if you're that worried about our "kid stigma" then maybe you should just let me start?

Good idea. As the saying goes, age before beauty.

Maya steps outside, as Jade takes a second to process what Maya said.

Hey, no! That's not what I meant... oh, forget it.

Earning the right to start, but not feeling quite so good about it now, Jade sets her focus on her opponent. Lorelei squares up to her and tries to intimidate Jade with a shove in the shoulder. But Jade has dealt with Lorelei enough in the past and doesn't need any more excuse to smash her right in the face with a forearm.


Jade unloads with a series of forearms until Lorelei shuts her down with a knee to the gut. She then tries to send Jade into the ropes, but Jade comes back with a flying thesz press and starts to rain down with right hands to The Money Honey!

Wow, look at Jade go! Really giving it to Lorelei in the early moments of this match!

Lorelei manages to force Jade off of her and gets to her feet. As Jade runs forward, Lorelei sticks out a boot, enough to cut the Women's Champion off for a moment. Looking annoyed at the beating she's taking, Lorelei grabs Jade by the hair and prepares a balled up fist. Jade manages to duck the measured punch though. Throwing a kick back, Jade catches Lorelei in the gut, doubling her up. Off the ropes, Jade then takes her over with a sunset flip.




Swinging and missing with a clothesline, Lorelei turns around to find Jade running at her with an attempted wheelbarrow. Attempted being the key word, as Lorelei simply pushes Jade in the back as she tries to push off, causing her to faceplant into the mat!



I dunno what Jade was thinking she was gonna do, but that's exactly what everyone else knew she'd do. Even Maya. No. Especially Maya.

She does seem uncoordinated. Born with two left feet. Poor gal.

Whipping Jade to the ropes, Lorelei lifts her up and hits a sideslam. Leg hooked...




I'm sure you'd love to see Jade defeated here tonight, Melissa.

Aww, why'd'you think I'd be so mean spirited as that? I don't mind if Jade wins the Tag belts. It'll give her somethin' to comfort her, when she don't have no Women's Title no more.

Lorelei takes Jade to a neutral corner. Penning her in, Lorelei attack with some kicks to the midsection, slowly wearing her down. And wearing the patience of the referee, as she uses up the five count. Lorelei dismisses the ref and sends Jade across to the opposite corner. As she charges after her though Lorelei runs into raised boots, kicking her back. With Lorelei off balance, Jade quickly climbs to the middle rope and leaps out with a high crossbody! Not going for a cover, Jade instead rolls off of Lorelei and makes the tag to Maya!


As Maya leaps in Lorelei quickly responds by tagging Holly.

No love lost here.

Not at all. Holly pretty much hates everybody. But Maya is probably top of the list.

Holly and Maya go nose to nose, both unleashing some FOUL language on each other and both giving as good as they get!

Uhm, I think we need to mute our ring microphones, please. This isn't a family show, but even I'm appalled.

How does a young gal learn words like those?

The shouting match descends into shoving, before Maya suddenly sweeps a surprised Holly's legs out from under her. Maya runs the ropes, hopping over a dropdown. Holly gets to her feet and tries a leapfrog, but Maya comes to a stop right in front of her.

You call that a leapfrog?

Yeah I (bleep)ing call it a leapfrog! So run under it, bitch!

A vertically challenged dwarf would struggle to get under that jump. I'd ask you to try again, but I'm afraid your boney old legs wouldn't be able to take the strain.

(bleep) YOU!

Holly tries to shut Maya's mouth with a right hand, but Maya ducks! Maya attacks the aforementioned boney legs with some low kicks, before sending Holly for the ride. A dropdown is hurdled by Holly, who rebounds, to be met with an impressive leapfrog from Maya! Holly keeps going and is forced to duck a second leapfrog! Deciding to turn on the style Maya then shows off a back leapfrog with Holly charging from behind her!


Tired of evading leapfrogs, Holly SLAPS Maya right in the face!


Oh, now you've done fucked up.

Maya tackles Holly to the ground and a CATFIGHT ensues!!

All hell is breaking loose between Holly and Maya!

Ripping and clawing at each other, Holly and Maya show no signs of stopping, forcing their partners to come into the ring to help separate them. As Jade and Lorelei try to help the referee prise them apart though, Lorelei sees her chance. And over the referee's back, she POKES JADE IN THE EYE! Jade goes down blinded and Lorelei is free to start breaking the fight up by stomping Maya repeatedly!

Come on, this isn't help, this is a two on one attack!

Lorelei's just trying to restore some order.

Oh yeah, great job Lorelei.

Holly is able to get to her feet, thanks to the hurt put on Maya by Lorelei. And as Lorelei is put out of the ring, Holly takes over, putting her combat boots to Maya's head.


She's doing the ol' twostep on her head!

Tagging Lorelei in, Holly drags Maya up and sends her to the ropes. A backbreaker is executed by Holly, holding Maya over her knee, as Lorelei drops a running elbow! Maya gets folded up nastily and Lorelei elects to make a cover...




Lorelei flaunts around the ring, feeling pretty confident now, with Maya hurting. As Maya tries to get back up, Lorelei plants a knee in her back and applies a rear chinlock.

Melissa, since you're out here we might as well pretend to use you for some analysis. Are you impressed by what you're seeing from Lorelei and Holly?

Sure am. But lemme tell you boys, the best female tag team in the OAOAST isn't in this match. They weren't even in the tournament. My gals, my Belles, they're gonna have their day with whoever wins them there titles, mark my words.

You're referring to your "backing singers". What a surprise that they happen to be more than just singers.

Well gee, you don't think a star like me should be associating herself with people you could call "just singers". I only associate with the best darlin', because my act is the best.

Spurred on by the crowd and the still somewhat blinded Jade, Maya starts to fight back to her feet. Firing elbows, she manages to escape Lorelei's clutches and goes to hit the ropes. But she also hits an errant knee, held out by Holly! Caught, Maya stumbles forward, into a fireman's carry by Lorelei. The Money Honey carries Maya before falling back and crushing her with a samoan drop! Cover...




Standing over Maya, Lorelei strikes a seductive pose for the crowd. Lorelei sits down, crushing Maya's ribs again with a Moneymoon! Reaching up Lorelei then tags in Holly and continues to sit on Maya, keeping her pinned down until Holly delivers a kneedrop to the face!

Holly and Lorelei starting to punish Maya now. And taking great enjoyment in doing so, I'm sure.

Maya tries to crawl away and make it to her corner, not aware that Holly is following her a step behind all the way. Eventually Holly puts a stop to Maya's crawl by stepping on her neck and cruelly insulting her, as Jade looks on powerless to help. Holly then decides to make her feel even worse, by SPITTING at her!


An angry Jade is drawn into the ring, allowing Holly and Lorelei time to deliver a double suplex to Maya! When the referee turns around, he's none the wiser and all he sees is Holly covering Maya...




Tag is made again, bringing Lorelei back in. After clubbing Maya across the back a couple of times, The Money Honey hoists Maya over her shoulder and applies the Canadian Backbreaker.

"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"

The fans get behind the teenage sensation again and Maya tries to respond. Twisting and turning, she manages to find a way out of Lorelei's grasp and lands on her feet. Maya then hits the ropes, but Lorelei cuts her off coming back, with a boot to the gut. With a dismissive wave, Lorelei mocks the crowd for getting their hopes up and prepares to place Maya right back in her submission hold. However this time Maya is ready for it and manages to flip over the back, pulling Lorelei down with a sunset flip!!





Lorelei scrambles to her feet and hits Maya in the back with a diving double axehandle, preventing her from fighting back any more.

Gee, that Lorelei sure is a smart cookie.

Why do you insist on talking like that?

Talkin' like what, darlin'?


Lorelei tags in Holly, making sure to keep a firm leash on Maya while she does so. Holly stomps away at Maya who is starting to fatigue. Dropping to a knee Holly then decides to CHOKE Maya!


Holly breaks, not without cursing the referee for daring to count her.

It's not looking good right now for Maya and Jade's hopes of becoming the Krista and Alix of the women's tag team division.

Yeah, we haven't even seen a hint of ass yet!

That's not quite what I meant.

Dragging her up, Holly puts Maya on her shoulder and throws her off into a gutbuster! Cover...




Jade tries to urge her sister to make the tag, getting a sharp response of "what the hell do you think I'm trying to do!?" from Maya.

Holly and Lorelei have got this on lock. If I'm Jade, I don't wanna tag in. I'd rather save myself for Sunday, give myself at least a half a chance of beating Melissa.

And abandon her own sister!?

Family ain't all that.

After some more stomps, Holly picks Maya up again and throws her into the corner. Holly aims some crude language Jade's way, Jade not quite so quick to respond like her sister. Charging, Holly finds nobody home in the corner, but manages to stop herself from a bad collision. Holly leans back in the turnbuckles and catches Maya in a headscissors. But she then takes too much time flipping off the crowd and Maya capitalises, hooking Holly and pulling her out of the corner, into a sitout powerbomb!!


This is Maya's chance! Can she make the tag to Jade?

Both Maya and Holly are suffering and make slow crawls towards their respective corners. Lorelei gets the tag first and rushes in, hoping to cut off the tag on the other side...

...and manages to catch hold of Maya's ankle!

No, not quite!

Getting to one foot, Maya hops forward in hopes of getting the tag, but is just out of reach. Hopping her way around, Maya tries to get rid of Lorelei with an enziguri... but the Money Honey ducks! Unfortunately for Lorelei, Maya lands skillfully on her feet. And with Lorelei prematurely bragging, Maya throws herself back with a PELE KICK, catching Lorelei right across the top of her head!! Lorelei is staggered, allowing Maya to roll forward and MAKE THE TAG TO JADE!!!


THERE's the tag!

Jade comes in well rested and raring to go. And she quickly hooks Lorelei down with a big flying clothesline! Lorelei bounces back up, to get hooked down with another clothesline! With Lorelei dazed, Jade then paws her with an open right, followed with an open left, before delivering the spinning clothesline to knock her down! Jade makes a cover...




As Lorelei gets back up, Jade runs at her with a front dropkick and puts her right back down. Jade goes for the pin again...




Jade looks full of energy, that's what you're going to have to deal with on Sunday Melissa.

Let's just hope she don't run out of gas.

Jade whips Lorelei to the corner and charges, but runs into a knee. Pouncing from behind Lorelei tries to grab Jade for a neckbreaker. Jade turns her way free though and shoves Lorelei in the back, sending her chest first into the turnbuckles. Stepping onto the middle rope Jade then catches the winded Lorelei and tumbles forward, into a victory roll!!




Boy, Lorelei needed that, she was in some trouble there.

Doubling up, Holly and Lorelei are able to work Jade over, attacking her in the corner. Together they whip Jade across the ring into the opposite corner. After a little organisation Lorelei charges in first, but Jade moves out of the way. Holly then runs across, but Jade trips her up. Hooking her up, Jade sets Holly for a slingshot, with Lorelei trapped in the corner... and sends the devious tag team partners together!


As Holly staggers away, Jade gives her a boot in the BUTT and Holly falls forward, ramming her shoulder into Lorelei's midsection!

Hey, whaddya know, Jade's finally schooling people like her Mom.

Jade throws Holly outside, but Lorelei is able to blindsight her. After the shot from behind, Lorelei traps Jade's arm and delivers the E-Commercide! Cover...




Going on the attack, Lorelei throws Jade into the corner and puts the Tramp Stamp to Jade's lower back!

Looks like Jade's runnin' on empty.

Lorelei brings Jade out of the corner with a back suplex, having done her damage. Dusting her hands with satisfaction, The Money Honey then plans on putting Jade away. But suddenly she hears a whistle and turns around, to find Maya standing on the top rope. Before Lorelei can react Maya comes off with a missile dropkick and blasts Lorelei in the chest with both boots!


Still suffering, Maya is slow to get up... allowing Holly to sneak in and dish out some PERCUSSION treatment!!!



Holly goes for the cover on Maya...

...but the referee rightly points out that neither is legal in the match.

WHAT THE (bleep), (bleep) YOU, (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) STUPID (bleep)

Taking this with all the good grace you'd expect, Holly suddenly gets spun around and kicked in the face by Jade, sending her crashing through the ropes to the floor!


Jade turns her attentions back to the legal woman in the match, Lorelei. A boot sets her up, for what appears to be a DDT of Jade's own. Lorelei slips free though and then catches Jade, with a Uranage Gutbuster!!


With Jade on all fours, Lorelei then comes off the ropes and hits a running knee to the side of the head for good measure!


Lorelei turns Jade over and kicks back, counting along with the pin...





Lorelei reaches three and upon realising the referee hasn't, is far from happy about it.

I thought you said you didn't care who wins?

I... I don't. I just got excited is all.

After berating the official, Lorelei snatches Jade by the hair and starts to pull her up off the mat. Lorelei scowls at the crowd, as she starts to lock Jade up for the Cash Flow. But Jade suddenly surprises her with an INSIDE CRADLE!!!





Oh, I thought we'd crowned new champions!

Not surprised. This girl's got a nasty habit of gettin' fluke wins she don't deserve.

Lorelei tries a quick boot to regain control, but Jade catches the boot. By the leg, she spins Lorelei around, leaving her prone for the reverse x-factor...

...NO! As soon as Lorelei feels it coming she backs up, forcing Jade back into a corner. Jade gets sandwiched against the turnbuckles by Lorelei...

...but moments later, Maya hits Lorelei with a running boot to the face in the corner!!


Lorelei stumbles out of the corner with her head down and Maya connects with the INHERITENCE KICK!! She waves for Jade to make the cover, which she does after rolling Lorelei over...




Way to go, Lorelei! Fight those two on one odds!

Jade tries to follow up, but Holly rolls in and clubs her from behind.

There you go, all even, you can stop crying now.

So when I do it, it's crying. I see how it is.

Maya cuts Holly off, but Holly wins the fight with her, while Lorelei takes over on Jade.

It's broken down into a fist fight. And that's a fight I'm not sure the Duncan girls are going to win.

Having got control over the Duncan sister, Holly and Lorelei look at each other and give a nod. Both double their opposition up with boots and set up for fisherman's style moves. Lorelei looks for the Cash Flow and Holly the Mirage, trying to put both Duncans away at the same time...

...but both fall afoul of the Duncans evasiveness! Jade manages to float over the back of Lorelei, while Maya spins out of Holly's grasp. Both wind up behind their opponents and both take advantage, with STEREO REVERSE X-FACTORS!!!!!







YES! What a way to win!


Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners... and the first ever OAOAST WOMEN'S TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN and MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD... C... O... 2!!!!!!!!


In a rare moment of sisterly equality, Jade and Maya hug upon winning the match. Maya soon realises what she's doing and breaks that up real quick, preferring a slightly cooler method of celebration. The new title belts are given to the Duncans and they celebrate with them, while Holly and Lorelei roll away, licking their wounds.

With a little shout-out to Mom, the Duncan daughters, Jade and Maya, become the first Women's Tag Team Champions of the OAOAST! Congratulations, Jade and Maya!

Yeah, congratulations. I'm so happy for them... I think I'm gonna go up and play Jade a little tune.

As Melissa leaves the commentary desk, THE BELLE COUSINS 'coincidentally' hit the ring and interrupt the festivities! Maya quickly confronts them and gets into it with Sugar, until December hits her with a cheapshot!

Come on! What the hell is this!?

Jade looks on shocked at what's happening and doesn't see Melissa slink into the ring, guitar in hand...





Jade goes down in a heap of splinters and dust, Melissa standing over her and raising what's left of the guitar over her head.

Oh man, that was number one with a bullet! Play it again! Encore, encore!

Despite going through a gruelling match, Maya is able to toss December Belle outside and then turns her attention to Sugar Belle, hitting her with a big kick to the face! Sugar goes down and quickly rolls outside, wanting no more of Maya. Maya goes after Melissa, but she bails even quicker, avoiding any repercussions for her violent percussion.


Melissa and her backing band back away, as Maya checks on Jade.

This was supposed to be an historic moment in the OAOAST, but it's just been ruined by Melissa Nerdly and her entourage!

Are you kidding? We just got a special bonus performance from a true superstar! Talk about getting your money's worth.

A pleased Sugar hypes up Melissa as they look on at the damage caused, Jade still laid out back in the ring.

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