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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 10/26/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

What else could Syndicated start with but a Vinny Valentine promo? The Disco Duck and cousin Tony Tourettes, now cooperating, were in agreement that Syndicated was actually their show. Thusly it needed to better represent them. That started with the entrance stage. Stagehands wheeled out elaborate Vinny and Tony themed props and began adorning the entrance stage with them. This brought out Tim Cash. Cash said that while he appreciated Vinny's drive and motivation to be a star, Syndicated belonged to everyone. Therefore Vinny and Tony had no right to redecorate the entrance stage in their image. This annoyed Vinny and Tony and together they jumped Cash. A match was born!

***Tim Cash Vs Vinny Valentine***

Vinny furiously pounded on Cash for several moments, taking advantage of his sneak attack. A side belly to belly suplex would end Vinny's offense and allow Cash to begin to assert himself. A Midwest Sling was countered into a rollup that got a close two count, thanks in large part to hooked tights. The two men exchanged holds, until Vinny brought Cash down with a single arm DDT. This allowed Vinny to work over the arm. After a round of disco dancing, Vinny tried to submit Cash with a standing arm bar. Cash would break free of the hold, however, and the race to the finish was on. The two men exchanged blows and moves, neither one able to get the upperhand in the contest. Finally the stalemate was broken when Vinny tried to make Cash taste his Boogie Shoes with a shining wizard. Cash countered by catching onto Vinny's legs and twisting them into a Midwest Sling. Mere seconds passed before Vinny gave up the fight.

Winner: Tim Cash, via submission

Post match it appeared that Tony might lambaste his cousin for losing. But he instead stifled his frustrations to help Vinny to his feet.
Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview frequent guest to show OAOAST President Alfdogg. The former world champion was excited to be interviewed as he had a big announcement to make. Alix assumed he was coming out the closet and said her tennis partner was gay and cute and she'd introduce him. Alfdogg told her that wasn't what he was there for. He was there to inform the OAOAST Galaxy that a brand new personality would debut on the OAOAST broadcast team at Halloween Spectacular. Alix and Maya were both shocked by this news. After the initial surprise wore off they set out to the task of guessing who would be debuting. Every time Maya was about to make a logical and reasonable guess, Alix would interrupt by shouting a fictional character's name. In most cases these characters were cartoons. In other cases they were book characters and thus didn't even have a physical form in which to interview people. Despite being pressed by Maya, Alf refused to tell who would be debuting and stated everyone would have to wait until Halloween Spectacular.

***Remy Bazil Vs Ed "Crazy Like A" Foxx***

Foxx was no match for Remy's technical game earlier on, and was tossed around with a bevy of flashy moves. Eventualy, Remy's pace would slow down allowing Foxx to work his back into the contest. But, his time with the advantage was short lived as Remy came roaring back with a Gory Bomb. The New Orleans native proceeded to dominate the match, and ended it with an Ace In The Hole (Skull Crushing Finale)

Winner: Remy Bazil, via pinfall.

Maggie Nerdly appeared to hype Halloween Spectacular, with the key focus on the match between BPT and Reject, the triple threat world title match, and finally an interview with the returning Baron Windels.

***Felix Strutter Vs J-MAX***
After his win over Felix on HeldDOWN~!, Jo-Jo Whoa decided to sit in on commentary as his fellow high-flier tried to match his result. Jo-Jo was complimentary towards J-MAX and his aerial ability, while making sure to talk about the athletic feats he was capable of as much as possible. Like with Jo-Jo, Strutter gave J-MAX a strong test, no slouch himself. His attempts to play J-MAX at his own game were futile though, Failing to slow J-MAX down, Strutter suddenly found himself unable to keep up, as J-MAX launched into a fast paced series of moves. Felix was able to avoid a blockbuster and saw an opportunity. But J-MAX dropkicked him out of mid-air coming off the top, setting Strutter up for a match winning 630 splash. Jo-Jo was willing to admit he was impressed with what he saw and applauded J-MAX's efforts.

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall
Spencer Reiger, Colin Maguire Junior, and Synth Abdul Jabbar were seen discussing the announcement Alfdogg made concerning the new broadcast personality. Each man had their own idea who the personality would be. Each more logical than any of Alix's thoughts. United States Champion Christian Wright interrupted, and asked Synth if he could speak to his former allies alone. Once Synth left, Wright went into a long spiel about the superiority of Landon Maddix over Theodore Moneymaker. After he was finished, he extended invitations to both men to join the Cucaracha Kingdom. CMJ said thanks but no thanks, and that CW should consider coming back where he belongs. Spencer was much less polite. Spencer said he had his chance to turn his back on The Enterprise earlier this year but stayed loyal because Moneymaker gave him his shot at the big time. According to Spencer Wright should've done the same thing and remained with The Enterprise. Spencer went onto say he always believed Wright to be a blowhard. However, he was friendly to him because they made a copious amount of money together, and he assumed he was a decent and loyal guy. But after siding with the enemy, Spencer said he had no reason to be nice to Wright and every reason to knock his every last tooth out his mouth. At that point CW remembered he had a match to get to and hastily scurried away.  

Fatal Four Way For the United States Title
***Pierce Duncan W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs Nathaniel Black W/Megan Skye Vs Christian Wright W/Sophie Vs Slime

Slime brought gifts for all of fellow competitors. Pierce got an empty bottle of rubber cement, Black got a dried up glue stick, and Christian got a pencil with the eraser missing. Slime seemed pleased with his generosity. He was the only one. The match got underway with Pierce pairing off with Black, and Slime taking on Wright. Slime was easily disposed of by The God Child and tossed out the ring. CW went to assist Pierce with Black, and dismantled the Brit.  Left one on one, the two men slugged out until Slime took them both out with a double cross bodyblock. He pinned both men for a count that was broken up by Black at two. The former six man champion and Slime went at for a decent amount of time. Black won the exchange over the underdog with crushing lariat. Turning his attention back to the other two men saw him get dropped with a Duncan Donut by Pierce. Pleased with himself Pierce busted out a legendary fistpump. Sadly this led to him being hit with a Judas Rising (Gordbuster) and pinned to the canvas by Wright for a three.

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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