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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 10/20/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

Another Syndicated, another Vinny Valentine promo. Joined by cousin Tony Tourettes, Vinny stated that the two men were tighter than ever and their fighting days were long since passed. Vinny stated that they would stand unified and nothing could stop them from dominating the OAOAST. Nathaniel Black emerged to disagree with that. He said no one could stop him from dominating the OAOAST, and that Vinny and Tony were nothing more than bad jokes. That led to an argument between Black and Tony, which was ended when Vinny jumped Black from behind. Referee Charles Robinson slid into the ring and a match was born.

***Nathaniel Black Vs Vinny Valentine W/Tony Tourettes***

Vinny stomped Black into the ground, leading for a close two count. Encouraged by his surprising near victory, V-Squared hit a tilt a whirl backbreaker for another two count. Vinny continued to pound on Black, while his cousin showed him love and support. The problem came when Vinny decided to take a break from attacking Black to disco dance. This provided Black the time needed to regain his strength. Angered at having been shown up by a dancing buffoon, Black roared through Vinny with a lariat. From there the contest belonged to Black, with Vinny only getting in a scant few offensive moves here and there. Black went onto secure victory with a Crossface Chickenwing.

Winner: Nathaniel Black, via pinfall

Post match it seemed as if Tony Tourettes was about to chew Vinny out for losing. But he held his tongue, and attended to his beaten cousin.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Sloppy Joe. To be polite, one would say that Joe was an interesting guest. To be honest, one would say Joe made a complete fool of himself. He came onto the scene eating a chilli dog and proceeded to spill chili all over his white t-shirt. Every question Maya and Alix asked was somehow answered with a response that related to food. Joe also kept requesting that a bowl of sour cream potato chips be brought to the stage so he could have a side dish with his chili dog. Eventually, Maya and Alix gave up trying to have a serious interview and let him ramble about food until commercial.

***Badass Jack Vs The Milkman***

The Milkman decided that the surly psychopath in front of him could be tamed with a nice drink of skim milk. Badass Jack disagreed and drove his steel claws right through a carton! This was merely a foreshadower of things to come for the luckless Milkman. Badass Jack ran right through him, using his hard hitting offense to wear him down. Milkman would try and stage a comeback, but nothing could be done against the native of the Everglades. After toying with his foe, Jack put him away with a Country Strong Piledriver.

Winner: Badass Jack, via pinfall

Terry Taylor hosted a HeldDOWN preview with a focus on the Women's Tag Title match between Maya and Jade and Molly and Melody. He also noted there would be interesting footage from Landon Maddix's mother's villa in Spain.

***United States Championship: Christian Wright Vs Danny Boy W/Megan Skye***

Wright took his time getting into the ring, preferring to interact with the crowd who responded with a "Christina" chant. Clever. Danny Boy got annoyed with waiting for the champion and attacked him before the bell. A blind charge by the former six man champion was countered with a Wright Off that resulted in a two count. Danny would fight back and the two exchanged moves on an even level. The newest edition to the Cucaracha Kingdom countered a lariat with a single arm DDT. This was followed by Wright working over Danny's arm. Despite the incredible pain of Wright's attacks, Danny managed to get offense in. He even got a near fall off a rolling spear. But, the day belonged to CW, who earned victory through the Judas Rising (Gordbuster).

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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