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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/21/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Quiz W/Holly Vs Jo-Jo Whoa***

An all Canadian matchup started this week's Syndicated. Holly barked her usual vulgarities at Jo-Jo as he entered the ring. This allowed Quiz to stage an ambush. The native of Calgary dominated the native of Montreal with heavy hitting power moves. Quiz would attempt to end the match early with the Pop Quiz (pump handle slam). However, The One Man Show would slither out the hold and then hit a Jo-Jo A Go-Go (360 roundhouse kick) on his foe. Holly would distract the referee with her churlish words when Jo-Jo could have had the match won off a running 360 shooting star press. Quiz came back with a gorilla press slam, and proceeded to dominate Jo-Jo for the several minutes. He went back to the well for the trusty Pop Quiz in order to try and end the contest. Once again, Jo-Jo found his way out the hold and this time connected with a dropsault. Jo-Jo would then come off the ropes and nail a Whoa Nelly (720) DDT for a second victory over Quiz in as many weeks.

Winner: Jo-Jo Whoa, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes. Tony wanted Alix to send him a fully copy of the video she showed Alfdogg on HeldDOWN, and wanted Maya to get him a date with Jade. Vinny, however, said the two men were there to discuss important family issues. He said they had been fighting for too long, and the OAOAST superstars were benefiting from their fractious relationship. He claimed that united the two men could rule the OAOAST and "boogie all over everybody's butt!" Vinny said their grandmother was in hospice and it hurt her dearly to see them fight. Thusly they needed to get along for her sake. Tony agreed and two seemingly called a truce to their fighting.

***The Last Kings Of Scotland W/Megan Skye Vs The Milkman and Ricardo Reyes***

The Milkman tried to do the sportsmanlike thing of offering his opponents a tasty carton of milk. But Scott proclaimed he was lactose intolerant and angrily smashed the milk cartons with his spiked club. Megan wasn't pleased with this behavior and forced the temperamental European to apologize. After he did that the match got underway as normal. Reyes and The Milkman put up a spirited fight early on, surprising The Kings and the crowd. But, eventually the power of The Kings would shine through and overwhelm their foes. After Reyes was laid out with a Mohawk Tomahawk, Milkman fell victim to the Scottish Doomsday for a loss.

Winner: The Last Kings of Scotland, via pinfall

Terry Taylor ran us through the highlights for this week's HeldDOWN. The main focus was on Krista facing Remy Bazil in a falls count anywhere match and Jade and Maya taking on Melissa Nerdly and Holly in tag team action. It was also noted that Badass Jack would speak on his actions against the All American Boys.

In Your Parents Basement: On Top Of The World:
OAOAST World Title: Bohemoth Vs Krista Isadora Duncan
Todd Cortez Vs Zack Malibu
Big Pap Thrust and Deuce Deuce Bigelow Vs Reject and ThunderKid
Alix Vs Odin
Oscar Friberg  Vs Landon Maddix
OAOAST Women's Title: Jade Rodez-Duncan Vs Melissa Nerdly


***United States Championship: Christian Wright Vs  MEL***

Christian came out to the ring on CRUTCHES. He claimed he was injured in a polo match, after falling from his horse. Wright ignored the chants that called him a liar (among other things) and said he'd offer a suitable replacement for a non title match. That replacement was DAISUKE!

***Daisuke Motozaki Vs MEL***

Although clearly not happy with the change, MEL brought the fight to Daisuke. He used a mixture of sharp kicks and springboard attacks to keep the Japanese star flustered. After reversing a hurricanrana into a powerbomb, Daisuke assumed control of the bout. CW watched with enjoyment as Daisuke pummeled MEL with stiff strikes. A running powerslam got a close two count, and a bridged German suplex did the same. However, MEL would stage a comeback that nearly earned him an upset victory. Despite MEL's efforts, Daisuke would prove to powerful and would finish him off with a Torture Rack.

Winner: Daisuke Motozaki, via pinfall

Post match Christian beat down MEL with his crutches, and then walked off as if he was never injured in the first place.

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