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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/14/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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Tony Brannigan conducted a podium interview with Deuce Deuce Bigelow that was interrupted by Big Papa Thrust after it was revealed the two would team again at the next In Your Parents’ Basement pay-per-view event on September 25 in Buffalo, New York against Reject and Thunderkid. BPT compared Deuce to herpes, something that comes and goes, but that 4 against 2 are better odds. BPT finished by cutting a promo on TK, his opponent this week on the longest running action adventure dramedy series in history, OAOAST HeldDOWN~!

***MEL Vs Rico De Janerio W/Queen Esther and Sophie***
Sophie positioned Faqu and Daisuke at the end of the entrance ramp to prevent any interference from The Enterprise or any other outside parties. Rico used his power to dominate MEL early on in the contest. MEL would weather the storm and go on the attack for a good bit of time. But Rico countered a cross body block effort by throwing MEL over the ropes. MEL landed near Faqu and Daisuke, which as one could guess was certainly unfortunate. While, Rico distracted the referee, Faqu and Daisuke dominated MEL at Sophie's orders. Upon being dumped back in the ring, MEL was easily picked apart by the South American. He would have his moment of comeback, but ultimately fell victim to the Mustache Ride.

Winner: Rico De Janerio, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to grill Kareem. Both of them wanted to know where Mister Dick was. Kareem said it wasn't any of their business. That of course didn't satisfy the duo who continued to demand explanations as to MD's whereabouts. Finally, after being pressed Kareem blurted out that Cole was correct when he said MD was too embarrassed to show his face after being defeated in the Sperm Dumpster match.  Kareem said he was on his own for the foreseeable future, but that only meant he had more time focus on pleasing all the ladies of the OAOAST Galaxy.

***Snot W/Slime Vs Joey Wilson***

Wilson jumped Snot from behind in an attempt to gain early control of the match. Snot shrugged off the blows and sent Wilson to the outside with a big right hand. Wilson was then drooled on by Slime. Quick to get away from the gross grappler, Wilson returned to the ring with a springboard dropkick. He pounded away on Snot in the corner, but Snot would quickly come back with a short arm lariat and a Bear Hug front slam. A spine buster followed by a Snot Rocket (double powerbomb) would secure the easy victory for Snot.

Winner: Snot, via pinfall

The OAOAST head of foreign relations, Megan Skye, approached her latest acquisition, Sunshine Yukino, backstage. Megan wanted to know how Sunshine was getting adjusted to the OAOAST locker room. Unable to speak any English Sunshine instead give a hearty thumbs up. When asked what her ultimate goal in the OAOAST was Sunshine emoted winning a title. Megan told her to be wary of the shady characters in the locker room, causing Sunshine to make a weepy face. Her day was brightened when Megan told her favorite food, hot dogs, were being served in the catering area.

Terry Taylor hyped up this week's HeldDOWN with focuses on Krista taking on Remy Bazil, and Jade's OAOAST The Magazine photoshoot pictures.

***Jo-Jo Whoa Vs Quiz W/Holly***
Holly was right on Jo-Jo from the start, with cruel comments and vulgar insults. These distracted Jo-Jo and permitted Quiz to take an early lead in the bout. Using his brawling offense, Quiz was able to beat Jo-Jo from pillar to post. Quiz might have been able to pin him after a running power slam, but Holly demanded more pain be brought to Jo-Jo. As such Quiz tried to continue the thrashing of his smaller foe. But Jo-Jo would counter a simple Irish whip into the Jo-Jo Butter Cutter! From there Jo-Jo would dazzle the crowd with high flying moves. A running shooting star press perhaps could've earned a three count if it hadn't been for Holly getting onto the ring apron. But, her interference only delayed the inevitable as Jo-Jo was able to defeat Quiz with the Whoa Nelly 720 DDT!

Winner: Jo-Jo Whoa, via pinfall

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