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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/7/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***MARV Vs Lucius Soul W/Queen Esther and Sophie***

A match born out of a run-in at Angleslam welcomed us to Syndicated. Despite being adept speedsters, MARV and Soul started out with several chain wrestling sequences. That came to an end when Soul pimp slapped the skater! MARV tackled Soul to the ground and a brawl began! As MARV started to get the upper hand in the fight, Soul tried to scamper to safety. But MARV stayed on him, and would hit him with a blue thunder bomb for a two count. Soul gained control of the bout by reversing an Acid Drop into a back suplex. Unfortunately control for Soul meant talking trash to the audience break dancing. When he went for the Fro2Sleep MARV slipped out and avoided the dangerous hold. From there it was a frantic race to finish that saw Sophie try to interfere by sliding a pair of brass knucks into the ring for Soul. But, JAMES BLONDE, ran down the ring ramp to pull them away right as Soul was reaching for them. This allowed MARV to hit the Acid Drop, and then follow it up Marvelosity (Moonsault 450) for a victory.

Winner: MARV, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Alexander The Brutal. Alix wished to know if Alexander had any fears he might not be able to pull out a victory at Angleslam. The Greek responded by stating he always has supreme confidence in his abilities as a warrior. Therefore, every time he goes into battle he knows he'll emerge with a victory. When asked who his favorite OAOAST superstar was beside himself, Alexander replied he admired Zack's warrior spirit. The girls wished to know what was next for Alexander. He said he would continue to seek out worthy opponents to test his skills against.  

Terry Taylor hosted a preview for this week's HeldDOWN live from Manchester, England with the key highlight being on the number one contender's match for the OAOAST World Title between Krista and Alix. Various superstars offered their thoughts on who would win. Though they were split down the middle in their predictions, all agreed it would be a wild affair!

***Sunshine Yukino Vs Jenny Wilson***

Sunshine Yukino, an eccentric young Japanese competitor, made her debut against local talent Jenny Wilson. Sunshine gave Jenny a rose to start the contest on a sportsmanlike foot. The two tangled in a lockup that Sunshine got the better of. A side headlock saw her get shoved into the ropes. But a running dropkick kept her on the advantage. Sunshine gestured that she loved the crowd, and then hit a spinning leg drop onto Jenny. That showy attack earned itself a two count. Jenny would get in a modicum of offense, mostly of the punch and kick variety. However, it was not enough to stop Sunshine who defeated Jenny with her version of the Ki Krusher titled The Solar Flare.

Winner: Sunshine Mai, via pinfall

OMG broke in with footage from after HeldDOWN. In this hidden camera spot viewers saw Vinny Valentine arguing with Tony Tourettes. Tony was naturally angry that Vinny had thrown him into the entrance doors during the show. Vinny defended himself by saying it wasn't his fault that Tube Galore had nothing but tray videos these days, and that if Tony wanted quality porn he needed to step up and pay for it. Tony agreed, but then demanded Vinny give him money for the porn. Vinny flat out refused, leading Tony to go for his wallets. When Vinny defended himself, Tony started to choke him! At that point the footage cut.

Backstage Mariachi was admiring a poster of Badass Jack. The All American Boys approached and (wrongly) assumed he was admiring Jack for how manly he was. They said Jack was the epitome of male masculinity and all men should aspire to match him. They went on to say they got Mariachi a match with Jack, and if he could beat him then he will be a giant step closer to being a "True American Hombre"

***Badass Jack Vs Mariachi with the All American Boys***

Mariachi fought past his natural homoerotic urgings to molest Jack and instead went straight into a basic lockup. Being much bigger than Mariachi, Jack was able to muscle him to the ground. There Mariachi took cringe worthy blows from Jack's fist. The native of The Everglades let Mariachi get to his feet, merely so he could hit the Cutthroat Neckbreaker.  That signature got a two count. Then in an unprovoked attack, both All American Boys were floored by punches from Jack. Returning to the ring, Jack was jumped by an angered Mariachi. The luchadore took a surprisingly viscous fight to the surly brawler. But, a wild short arm lariat would cut down Mariachi's chances for victory. A quick pummeling would follow, and then the Country Strong Piledriver would end the match.

Winner: Badass Jack, via pinfall

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