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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/24/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Hicks Over Dicks (Remy Bazil and Sloppy Joe) Vs The Milkman and Ricardo Reyes***

Reyes was a young OAOVW rookie from Cuba, while The Milkman has endeared himself to the fans with his nutrition tips on OAOAST.com. Sloppy Joe did not appreciate The Milkman's kind hearted offer to help him lose weight by giving him a bottle of reduced fat milk. Sloppy Joe slapped the milk out The Milkman's hands and the match got underway. Reyes and Milkman were woefully overmatched against Bazil and Joe, and never quite got their footing. A Down The Bayou series of Dragon Suplexs on Reyes and a second rope butt splash from Sloppy Joe onto The Milkman earned the hicks a victory on Syndicated.

Winner: Hicks Over Dicks, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Biffman and Tim Cash. The former tag team champions discussed their Angleslam match with Pierce Duncan and James Riggs. They said they knew Michael Cole's health was depending on their performance, and they wouldn't let him down. Both men, said they agreed with what Cole had to say about Riggs and The Result. Therefore they were happy to assist the OAOAST's lead announcer in his time of need. They also hoped a victory over Riggs and Pierce would launch them back into tag title contention. The subject then changed to The Elimination Chamber contest. When asked to pick a winner both men selected Baron Windels. Big surprise!


***Papa Nerdly's Little Girls (Morgan and Maggie Nerdly) Vs Melissa Nerdly and Miss Lindsay Gonzalez***

Melissa was in rare form on this night, promising to knockout just about everyone she laid eyes on. Unfortunately for her that wouldn't include Maggie as The "It" Girl took the fight right to her big sister. Quick tags were made between Morgan and Maggie to frustrate Melissa. Eventually, Melissa would slide out a Shock & Awe attempt and make the tag to Lindsay. Gonzalez fared no better than her partner against the speed of the two tiny Nerdly girls, and had to tag out to Melissa. Melissa rambled about ruling the world, as she bounced about the ring, throwing out shadow punches at imaginary foes. When she finally decided to fight a real foe, she managed to ground and pound the baby of the Nerdly family, Morgan. Little Morgan would withstand the punch based offense of her elder sister to be able to get to the corner to tag Maggie.  Melissa retreated to her corner to tag in a fresher Lindsay, and hell proceeded to break lose. Melissa and Lindsay were no match for a fired up Maggie, who quickly ran them around the ring. Morgan took out Melissa with a running dropkick, freeing Maggie to hit the Happiness is Edmonton in Your rearview Mirror hammerlock DDT for the victory!

Winner: Papa Nerdly's Little Girls, via pinfall

Josh Matthews led us through a HeldDOWN recap with focus on The Duncan family reunion, Christian Wright's joining The Kingdom, and the big six man match that closed out the show. Odin appeared on set to promise that he'd have a special treat in store for his Angleslam opponents this week on HeldDOWN~!

***Danny Boy W/Megan Skye Vs Colin Maguire Junior W/Lorelei DeCenzo***

Lorelei was on commentary for the contest, and was not in any mood to discuss Christian Wright's defection to the Cucaracha Kingdom. She termed it a personal betrayal, worse than committing adultery.   While the match was going on, The Christ Air Express and J-MAX made their way to the announce table. They asked Lorelei for permission to face the six man champions at Angleslam. Lorelei said that they've done nothing to earn a title shot of any sort. However, they would be granted one, as a victory would show that The Enterprise remains strong even in the face of Wright's absence.

As for the match, Danny managed to overpower Colin early on, but missed a corner splash and was sent tumbling to the outside. A baseball slide later, and Colin was in control of the contest. With the crowd chanting "Red Sox suck" at him, Colin would nearly gain victory off his Harvardplex. A split screen of Landon Maddix and Queen Esther appeared, with Landon claiming Wright would take away the US title at Angleslam. This led Lorelei to go into a frenzy, as CMJ hit a chinlock and we went to commercial break.

When we returned from break, CMJ was decimating Danny Boy in the corner. However, a RKO attempt got converted into a backdrop, and Danny went on the attack. A side belly to belly to suplex earned a close two count. Danny then threw out a superman punch, but CMJ blocked it with a side kick and both men were out for the moment. The Harvard grad was first to recover, and unleashed furious elbows in the corner. Danny would take these blows in stride and fire off elbows of his own. But, CMJ hit a Celtic Frost Suplex from out of nowhere for a pinfall.

Winner: Colin Maguire Junior, via pinfall

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