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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/17/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** Kareem vs. Jo-Jo Whoa***

It was a woeful debut for Jo-Jo Whoa, a hot young prospect from OAOVW who bares a strong resemblance to early 90s teen heartthrob Joey Lawrence. His first move -- a dropkick -- ended up being the only offense he’d managed against the Middle Eastern Wet Dream whose girth was too much to handle. An XXXL Splash later and the match was over. Mr. Dick then got on the mic and cut a promo on Big Papa Thrust and new lady friend Oohlala challenging them to a tag match against himself and Malaysia at Angleslam.

Winner: Kareem via pinfall

***Remy Bazil Vs Slime W/Snot***

Remy opened the contest by throwing cards at Slime's eye. This bought him the advantage in the onset of the bout. He would capitalize by working over Slime's legs. This was an effort to negate the cruiserweight's speed. Slime would withstand the attacks, and came back to offer a bit of offense. But Remy grounded him with a running dropkick to the leg, and then proceeded to go back to work on the injured limbs. A near submission was gained from a painful leglock. Remy got over confident and taunted the audience with some card tricks. When he turned his attention back to Slime he was rocked with a hard punch! Slime put up a admirable fight to finish out the contest, but was felled by a Down The Bayou series of dragon suplexes and then submitted by a leg lock.

Winner: Remy Bazil, via sumbission

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Alfdogg. On this edition of Syndicated Alf chatted about the Elimination Chamber match at Angleslam. Alf cleared up any misconceptions that the match was made to punish Bohmeoth or in any way "snatch the title from him." Alf saw this instead as a reward for Bohemoth. When asked to elaborate he said that only one champion before Bo has ever successfully defended his title in an elimination chamber match, and if Bo did it against the caliber of competition that faced him, he'd go down in history. Alf gave his thoughts on each competitor in the contest, with glowing praised heaped upon Nathaniel Black. He stopped short of picking a winner but told everyone to watch out for Black.

***J-MAX Vs Sloppy Joe***

Sloppy Joe jumped J-MAX from behind while the Brit was making his entrance. He beat on him for a good while before tossing him over the guardrail. Rather than continue to pummel the international superstar, Sloppy Joe stole food from nearby fans! One equally pudgy fan would not tolerate this and fought back against Joe! Needless to say he was swiftly beaten down. But the distraction bought J-MAX time to recover. Wielding a steel chair he took the fight straight to Joe. The Omaha native retreated back to the ring, and J-MAX followed to finally give us an official start to the bout. J-MAX ran Joe ragged with his high flying antics. But a missed standing moonsault, would spell doom for J-MAX as Joe took control of the contest.   Joe used his weight to punish J-MAX, and almost earned a victory off a bearhug. The tide of the match turned back to J-MAX's favor when he warded off a hard charging Joe with a dropkick. J-MAX would fluster Joe with his fast paced attacks, resulting in another victory over the sloppy one with a Blazeout 630.

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall

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