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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/10/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

As is always the case the show opened with Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes. For once Vinny wasn't complaining about some injustice committed to him. Instead he was promising a turn around for his fortunes. He said that today would mark a winning streak that would last even long than Christian Wright's year and a half one. In addition he'd be doing it against the toughest competition he could line up. At that point nice-guy rookie The Milkman came out for the match. Tony did not look pleased.

***Vinny Valentine W/Tony Tourettes Vs The Milkman***

Vinny was a little cocky to start the match, and spent more time dancing than actually fighting. Because of this, his foe was able to overwhelm him with brawling offense. The Milkman even get a near victory off a running DDT. Vinny would fight back, but his arrogance would continue to cost him and push him to the brink defeat. Fortunately the Brooklyn native was able to Blame it on the Boogie with a tombstone pilvedriver for a win.

Winner: Vinny Valentine, via pinfall

Tony was not thrilled with the outcome. He stated that he had bet $500 against Vinny thinking he would fight "someone serious like Alix or Baron." According to Tony, Vinny cheated him. Vinny couldn't believe Tony would bet against his own cousin. In response, Tony told him he was all about that dollar bill and that Vinny owed him money. Vinny said he wouldn't pay, leading Tony to punch him in the face! A fight ensued and continued even as "Disarm" by The Smashing Pumpkins played. Out to the ring came Alexander The Brutal. The Greek grappler proceeded to destroy both Vinny and Tony.

With the Valentine cousins out the way, Alexander was free to talk. He sated that he was awaiting the response of Odin and Badass Jack to his challenge for a triple threat match at Angleslam. He also touched on the six man title match this week on HeldDOWN, promising victory for his team. He also claimed that should Jack or Odin interfere in the match, vengeance would be swift.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview OAO Tag Team Champions D*LUX! Alix wanted to talk about their plans for the tag team titles, but Maya only wanted to talk about herself and why they liked her more than Jade. The boys tried to claim that they liked both Jade and Maya equally, and were sorry to see them fight. But, Maya wasn't taking this answer. She wanted to know who they liked better. Now sweating, Shayne said it was impossible for them to answer that question. Maya said it was easy. With Jade they were an undercard act. But when she came aboard they won the Anderson Cup and the tag team titles. Therefore by virtue of being more successful they should like her more, in addition to the fact that she's "smarter, better looking, and a whole lot more fun to be around". Maya said she understood that Shayne and Tyler didn't want to break Jade's heart, and she knew they liked her better. Shayne and Tyler just looked at each other uncomfortably.

Ed "Crazy Like A" Foxx vs. Deuce Deuce Bigelow ***

A total one side affair with the Beast from Sin City putting the Crazy One away with his Greetings from Asbury Park inspired What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas shoulder piledriver. Following the match, Tony Brannigan conducted an in ring interview with Deuce, who offered his services to Big Papa Thrust should he need any assistance against Mr. Dick and Kareem.

Winner: Deuce Deuce Bigelow

Melissa Nerdly came to the ring in full boxing gear. She didn't exactly endear herself to the crowd when she claimed she was the greatest fighter to ever live. She told the audience she was the "superior to the denizens of the inferior, and I say that with no ulterior" She went on to issue a challenge to any woman in the audience that if they could knock her out, they'd get an OAOAST contract.  A wispy girl answered the call. Melissa gave a few free shots that landed weakly against her chin, before she left her laying with a one two combo. She then labelled herself "The master of in ring disaster, because no one drops 'em faster!"  

***Sloppy Joe Vs J-MAX***  

Sloppy Joe started the contest out by demanding that J-MAX let him finish the pie he bought to the ring. Angered over having been cost a match by Joe a week ago, J-MAX slapped the pie into Joe's face. One thing you don't do is waste Sloppy Joe's food. J-MAX found this out the hardway as Joe proceeded to destroy him. He hit J-MAX with all manners of splashes, trying his hardest to crush the poor kid. But J-MAX is nothing if not resilient, and managed to survive the onslaught to stage a counter attack. He would frustrate Joe with his quick movements and high flying attacks. Finally J-MAX hit the Blaze Out 630 splash for a victory.

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall

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