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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The Bohemoth Supremacy: In Your Parents Basement


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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


The show begins not with a Bourne inspired opening, but rather a Bohemoth music video set to the forgotten Geri Halliwell classic “Look at Me.”


Hey, the lyrics are perfect. Plus it’s a catchy tune. Don’t lie!


B O O M ~!

We pan around the sea of mass and then over to Double C at Sofa Central.

What the… Geri Halliwell? Did you put that together?

I may have made a suggestion or two. But it’s not like you knew how you wanted to handle the opening in the production meeting.

Yo, I’ll tell you what I want. What I really, really want.

So tell me what you want. What you really, really want.

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really want to see Bo kick major ass. He got rid of one annoying bitch, it's time to rid the OAOAST of the other.  

Rest assure, ladies and gentlemen, this is the only half-ass thing on the show!

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“Khyber Pass” hits and Abdullah Nerdly leads Quiz ringside.


The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by ABDULLAH NERDLY… from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing 277 pounds... QUUUUIIIIZZZZZZZZ!!


Abdullah yanks the mic from Buffer.


We’ll find out for real live tonight in a match officially booked following the incident that occurred this past week on HeldDOWN~!

Abby always speaks the truth. If he says Quiz is the true Beast from Sin City, you can take it to the bank. His word is as good as gold.

Fools gold maybe.

“Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody” hits and Deuce power walks to the ring.



Deuce enters the ring and immediately he and Quiz go at it.


Deuce eats a knee to the gut and gets sent for the ride, but he ducks a big boot and connects with a beautiful standing dropkick that knocks Quiz out to the floor.

Go ahead and say it, Cole. I know you’re dying too.

Deuce’s wild!

Abdullah comforts Quiz and orders him back inside. A stare down ensues between the two big men and then blows are once again exchanged. Deuce surprises Quiz with a scoop but is unable to complete the slam as the Heavenly Rockers head of band security floats over the top and shoves the tatted OAOAST superstar hard towards the corner. Deuce shoots sternum-first off the top turnbuckle and right into a thunderous back suplex.

The cover.




Abdullah complains of a slow count and then taunts members of the OAOAST Galaxy ringside with CANADIAN MONEY.



The OAOAST Galaxy is really getting under the skin of Abdullah Nerdly.

These people need to show more respect. With our money problems we could be bought by Canada. Things are so bad I bet it’d be for less than what WCW got sold for.

Do our younger viewers even know about WCW?

The sad answer to that is, not very likely.

Anyway, Deuce meets turnbuckle again, this time only his face. A series of knees to the gut and back elbows follow, then a corner Irish whip, but Deuce avoids a running clothesline and proceeds to scramble the brain of Quiz with forearm shots.

Come on, ref - do your job. Deuce has gotta let Quiz out of the corner.

And he does just that, whipping Quiz to the far side for a HANDSPRING ELBOW!

What agility displayed by the near 400 pound Deuce Deuce Bigelow.

Deuce slams Quiz to the mat and heads up top, but Abdullah grabs and Quiz capitalizes with a BIG BOOT that knocks Deuce to the arena floor!  

Credit Abdullah with the assist on that one.

Abby was just lending a helping hand, Mikey Cole. Didn’t you see Deuce slip ever so slightly?  

Abdullah takes a second to chat up the ref while Quiz drives Deuce back-first into the guardrail.


Quiz dumps Deuce back in and covers him.




Quiz slams Deuce and climbs onto the middle rope, only to crash down face-first into the boot of Deuce!

A rookie mistake by Quiz. He went up high without really knowing what he wanted to do.

Staggered by forearm shots, Quiz rakes Deuce’s eyes and delivers a clothesline.


Quiz hears the orders and nods, a devilish grin on his mug. Amazingly, he manages to lift Deuce up, but Deuce answers with a series of blows that drops Quiz straight back.




Deuce landed right on top of Quiz and nearly got the pin.

Deuce hammers away on Quiz until Abdullah hops on the apron… and eats a giant haymaker!


Deuce turns his attention back to Quiz and receives a knee to the midsection. Quiz looks to follow with a pump handle slam, but Deuce slips over the top and delivers an OVER THE SHOULDER RELEASE PILEDRIVER!

At least that’s how Wiki described Bam Bam’s old Greetings From Asbury Park finisher.

The cover.





“Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody” cues and Deuce’s hand is raised triumphantly.



Quiz helps Abdullah backstage as Deuce celebrates.

I guess you can What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas! And we just found out who the true Beast from Sin City is.

Oh, shut up.

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“Sexual Eruption” comes into the Air Canada Centre providing the sold out audience plenty of reasons to jeer.  Stepping out from the entrance doors is the group of Sophie, Queen Esther, and The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club.  Rico massages his legendary pornstache, while Soul lets Kingdom stylist Sophie pick out his huge fro.

The following six person contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of twenty five minutes! Now making their way to the ring, accompanied by QUEEN ESTHER an SOPHIE! Representing the CUCARACHA KINBGDOM, they are THE WHITE KNIGHT RICO DE JANERIO, THE BLACK KNIGHT LUCIUS SOUL….THE MARDI GRAS HELLFIRE CLLLLLLUUUUUBBBBBBBB!

Rico and Lucius strut about the ring, showing off their respective hairy features to a not so amused audience.

A pivotal battle here at The Bohemoth Supremacy.  On one end you have Oscar Friberg, trying to shake off this nuisance that is The Kingdom once and for all. On the other end you have simmering hatred between The Kingdom and The Enterprise, both of whom believe their respective leaders is the true king of the OAOAST.

Devil Without A Cause by Kid Rock plays as red smoke floods the entry way. A long pause preceeds the twangy guitars of the song. At that point a card shuffling, Remy Bazil appears through the smoke. He throws a few cards at the camera, before smiling and heading to the ring.

And their partner, from New Orleans, Louisiana, he is REMY BAAAAAAZZZZILLLLLLL!

Remy Bazil volunteered himself as The Kingdom’s partner, which totally wowed Queen Esther.

Speaking of wowing Queen Esther, a simple smile from Remy is all Queen Esther needs to start fanning herself.

We’ll be seeing The Enterprise in just a few moments. They have specific orders from Theodore Moneymaker to use this contest to crush the spirits of The Cucaracha Kingdom. There is so much riding on this contest.


Green and yellow lights flash on the entry way as the crowd greets the arriving LDC Moneygang with a wealth of jeers. Spencer performs a Justin Timberlake style dance, while CMJ shouts at the audience for daring to boo him. Not unnoticed is Lorelei in a sexy red beaded strapless gown. This gown also happens to be the same dress Sophie is wearing.



Sophie gives Lorelei the evil eye as she parades down the entrance ramp. Lorelei isn’t above scowling at Sophie, beyond insulted that she would wear HER dress.

The Kingdom/Enterprise rivalry just got turned up another notch!

Word, bitches can’t stand when another ho is wearing their outfit!

While Sophie and Lorelei continue to exchange heated looks, Spencer and CMJ climb to the top rope. New York’s finest rips open his Affliction hoodie, and then sends his New York Yankees’ trucker cap flying into the crowd. CMJ rips off his rival Red Sox hat and slams it to the floor, not giving anyone any free souvenirs.

This feud between The Kingdom and The Enterprise began when Theodore Moneymaker claimed The King Of The Ring crown at The Great Angle Bash. Landon Maddix was insulted they’d hold a tournament when he himself supposedly had claim to the title of King.

The man has a pretty good point. They could have at least asked him to be in the tournament.

They tried to, he was hiding at his mom’s house in Spain!

Natasha Beddingfield’s “All I need” greatly improves the fans’ mood. The camera scans the Air Canada Centre, searching for the young rookie Oscar Friberg. It finds him sitting on the stairs of the mezzanine level with a small smirk on his face.

And their partner from Amsterdam, Netherlands, he is….THE FREEBIRD….OSCAR FRIIIIIBBEERRRRRGGGG!

This is a Youngman with a great story, he pulled himself off the streets of Amsterdam, came to America and has now become an OAOAST superstar.

He’s a thug and a criminal!

Like Lucius Soul? He’s been to jail also.

Lucius Soul is a pimp, ain’t nothing wrong with sellin’ dem hoes.

Oscar shakes hands with his partners, apparently trusting two men who have time and time again proven to be untrustworthy.


Remy Bazil and The Freebird Oscar Friberg starting things off, and it doesn’t like Lorelei and Sophie can coexist peacefully out here.

While Lorelei and Sophie continue to pass mean gazes, Remy and Oscar lock up. The New Orleans native manages to use his slight strength advantage to shove Oscar to the ground. He then dives atop the Dutchman, laying across his back. This simple move is cause for him to wink at Queen Esther.


Oscar tries to roll out from beneath Remy. However, The Cajun Sensation keeps him grounded with a seated waistlock.

Some excellent amateur work being shown by the rookie Remy Bazil.

Oscar succeeds in fighting to his feet, but still has the problem of Remy being latched onto his back. The Cajun tries to lift him into a German Suplex, but Oscar kicks his legs out and remains planted on the ground.  Not one to give up easily, Remy retries the German Suplex effort. This time Oscar rolls forward, and drags his foe into a pinning situation. Referee Clem Buzzlefoxer makes the count…


Remy falls out the pinfall, well before a two count. He comes to his feet, but is pulled into a front facelock. Oscar attempts a suplex, but Remy manages to shove him into the LDC corner.  There, Spencer Regier slaps Oscar’s back.

I wonder if Oscar was ready to come out this match. Spencer just tagged himself in without asking.

Spencer is young but he has the experience edge over Oscar. The Freebird has to trust that Spencer knows what he’s doing.

With no hard feelings between the two, Oscar aids Spencer in whipping Remy into the ropes. The Cajun manages to avoid a double lariat on the rebound. He isn’t so lucky on the next run as he’s slammed into the canvas by a double flap jack!

No ya’ll didn’t!

Lucius Soul makes the mistake of entering the ring and dashing towards Spencer. The One Man Triple Threat drops him with one punch, sending him rolling out the ring.  Spencer waves bye-bye to Soul, and then retreats to the ropes. He hopes to hit a running elbow drop on Remy. These hopes are dashed as Remy is yanked out the ring by Soul.


Queen Esther comes over to check on the health of Soul and Remy.  Remy assures her that everything is fine and kisses her on the hand!


I wonder what ex-King Landon thinks about all this attention Remy is showing Queen Esther.

Why you always trying to start beef? Remy is a southern gentleman doing southern gentleman things.

Remy rolls back into the ring, and is promptly stomped in the back by Spencer. The Manhattan native picks him up and shoots him into the ropes nearest CMJ. The Harvard grad kicks Remy in the back, causing The New Orleans born grappler to try and slug him in the jaw. CMJ grabs onto Remy’s head and drives his throat into the top rope! Remy turns around staggers away, finding himself booted in the stomach by Spencer. New York’s finest makes a good night gesture to the Hellfire Club, before setting Remy up for the Go2Sleep!

He’s going to steal Landon Maddix’s finishing move! What an insult!

While Rico and Lucius rage on the ring apron, Remy manages to find his way out the hold. An annoyed Spencer, swings around and is dropkicked in his face. Worried about his handsome features, Spencer backs away from Remy. This allows his foe to tag in Soul.


Lucius Soul is the only man to ever submit to a haircut.

That’s ancient history. Why you gotta bring that up like it even matters these days.

If either Oscar or the Moneygang brought a pair of scissors, Lucius is in trouble.

Lucius throws a leaping side kick that’s ducked by Spencer. New York’s finest then one ups Soul by throwing a side kick of his own that connects perfectly. After applauding for himself, he tags in CMJ.  Lorelei applauds loudly for CMJ’s arrival, greatly annoying Sophie and Queen Esther.

Why there gotta be hate between The Kingdom and The Enterprise? Why can’t they join forces and become the biggest group to ever rule over wrestling?

Because the leaders of the two groups are the two biggest megalomaniacs in the world.

The Bostonian enters the ring to run through Soul with a lariat. He waves Soul upright, and when he finally stands he rocks him with an Irish Uppercut. This attack dumps Soul into the corner. CMJ attempts to follow up with a running lariat, but is backed away by raised boots. With the former tag champ hobbled, Soul backs up to the second rope. He runs his hands across his fro, and then takes off with a diving lariat that smashes CMJ in the chest! A pinfall is then made…




Soul scrapes CMJ off the canvas, expecting to be able to deal further damage. Much to his surprise, CMJ rifles off several Irish uppercuts that leave him dazed. In this state, Soul is easily trapped inside a front facelock. CMJ swiftly lifts him into the air and executes a Celtic Frost Suplex!

What a suplex that was, CMJ dropping Lucius Soul right on his head!

CMJ hooks the leg for a pinfall…



Soul pops his shoulder up to end the pin count.

All I’m saying, is why do two great men have to fight. Why can’t Mister Moneymaker and King Landon work together? Why do they have to pit their groups against each other?

No nation has ever had two kings or two presidents or two emperors. There’s only room for one, and this match right here could go a long way in determining who is that number one.

CMJ steps back to his corner and tags Oscar back into the contest.  After stepping into the ring, Oscar measures CMJ before surging forward and punting him in the stomach. This flips Soul onto his back, allowing Oscar to grab hold of his legs.  The Freebird slingshots his opponent into the corner. But Soul lands on the second rope. This doesn’t stop Oscar from charging him, however. This is an unwise move as Soul moonsaults onto him! Buzzlefoxer drops to his arthritic knees to count the resulting pinfall…



Oscar makes the kickout!

You have to wonder what the losing stable will do after this match. If The Kingdom lose it could be the final nail in their coffin. If The Enterprise lose it could hurt their momentum in a serious way.

Soul retreats to his corner and applies the tag with Remy.  Upon arriving into the ring, Remy proceeds to deliver stomps to Oscar’s arms and legs. Thinking those simple moves enough, he attempts a pinfall….



CMJ breaks up the pinfall, causing Sophie to yell at him from the outside. This leads to another argument over who is wearing who’s dress between Sophie and Lorelei.

The simple solution would be for both of them to take off the dress, they can’t be wearing the same bra and panties.

Remy grabs Oscar into a front facelock and quickly executes a DDT! A tag is then made to Rico.

“DEPORT RICO! DEPORT RICO! DEPORT RICO!” the Toronto fans chant even though Rico isn’t actually a citizen of their country.

Rico takes a leisurely pace to setting up Oscar in the corner. Despite his lack of speed, he’s still able to blast Oscar in the chest with overhand chops.

Rico is certainly not the fastest competitor in the OAOAST.

He moves at a careful and cautious pace.

That’s one way to put it.

Rico squeezes on Oscar’s neck with a tight headlock. Spencer and CMJ urge The Freebird to fight out, but Rico continues to make his grip all the tighter.  After several seconds pass, he executes a side headlock takedown that puts Oscar onto the mat.

This whole issue between The Kingdom and Oscar Friberg started after The Freebird beat Rico on his debut match in the OAOAST.

Rico drops a pair of knees onto Oscar’s chest, before attempting a pinfall….



Oscar performs a kickout!


The Freebird is shoved into the enemy corner, and then hammered with overhand chops by the slow moving Brazilian.  

Rico is slow as the day is long, but his strikes are like being hit with a crowbar.

The South American superstar tags in his much faster partner, Lucius Soul. The Black Knight throws Oscar into the ropes, and takes off to the side cables. When their pathes criss cross, Soul lowers his shoulder and knocks Oscar across the ring!

The pounce!

You wouldn’t think someone as thin as Lucius Soul would be able to do that, but he’s got a lot of power in that slight frame of his.

A cover is made…




Soul pulls Oscar up and sends him into a neutral corner. The former pimp follows him with a 360 stinger splash!

Soul Brother Splash!

The Black Knight is firing on all cylinders.

As Oscar falls to the ground, and grimaces in pain, Soul slaps the hand of Remy. Queen Esther heartily cheers for the entrance of the smooth Cajun. Remy bounces off the ropes, and comes back to lay a playing card across Oscar’s neck. That is a prelude to his dropping a leg! Another pinfall is attempted…



Spencer breaks up the pinfall with a boot to Remy’s head.

The Moneygang know that they can’t fall to The Kingdom. This is first battle is too crucial.

Remy brings Soul into the match, which does not please the capacity crowd one bit. What is enjoyable to them is the vigor in which Oscar fights back against the former pimp.  He latches onto Soul’s wrist and shoots him into the ropes.  But Soul comes back with a bicycle kick! Oscar rolls beneath the attack and applies the tag to CMJ!

We’re going to see The Enterprise and The Kingdom go right at it!

CMJ and Soul slug it out in the center of the battlefield.  Being the stronger of the two, CMJ is able to gain the upperhand. He knocks Soul into the corner with an Irish uppercut.  After blasting him with several punches to the stomach, CMJ attempts to whip him across the ring. But Soul reverses the attack and CMJ is dumped into the corner. The former pimp makes the mistake of taking a moment to catch his breath. Its at this time that CMJ storms forward and levels him with a lariat!

Mister Moneymaker has to be loving this!

The Harvard grad sweeps behind Soul to execute an Irish Suplex!  Seconds after Soul hits the canvas, CMJ runs to enemy corner and smacks both Rico and Remy with hard punches!

Good heavens! Somebody stop this brute!

Shut your mouth, you ugly bitch!


Soul tries to follow Esther’s orders, but is caught with a Harvardplex for his troubles! CMJ then hooks his legs for a pinfall…





This match could’ve been over! I think Remy Bazil might have made an enemy in Theodore Moneymaker by denying The Enterprise a victory.

Spencer enters the ring and kicks Remy in the side of the head! This isn’t enough to stop Remy from getting to his feet. But when he does, Spencer stabs him in the gut with his boot. Doubled over, Remy is dragged into the set up for a pedigree. The fans let out a mixed reaction, knowing full well what’s forthcoming. Their anticipation is correct as Spencer hits the Reiger counter!  

That may have just taken Remy out the contest!

Spencer is shoved through the ropes by an angered Rico. He would return to fight against the swarthy South American, except for the fact that Oscar clubs him from behind. Oscar then leaps onto Rico’s back and executes a CK3!

The Birdcall!

Queen Esther panics on the outside, and sends Sophie onto the apron! Lorelei needs to know excuse to confront Sophie, and hastily yanks the French girl down.

These two were just partners a month ago!

Outraged, Sophie dives for Lorelei and tackles here to the ground! Queen Esther has another fit of panic as the two beauties tear at one another’s hair.

Meanwhile in the ring, Soul has dragged Oscar into the set up for the Fro2Sleep! Luckily Oscar is rescued by a punch to Soul’s jaw from CMJ. This fells Soul, and he struggles to get to his feet. But before he can pull himself fully upright, CMJ locks in an Anaconda Choke.

CMJ has The Boston Strangler locked in! He’s got it locked it!

Soul can’t tolerate the pain for a single second and immediately submits!


“The World Is Mine” fires back up as a mixed reaction speeds from the audience. CMJ offers a pained Soul a condescending pat on the shoulder.

Your winners as a result of a submission….OSCAR FRIBERG AND THE LDC MONEYGANG!

Oscar high fives several fans on the outside, preferring to celebrate with them as opposed to celebrating with CMJ.  Spencer gathers up Lorelei, who shouts threats of violence and promises the demise of The Kingdom.

An important victory for Oscar Friberg in his young career. But, its even more important a win for The Enterprise who may have struck a killing blow to The Kingdom.

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“Badass” by Saliva plays to a decidedly negative reaction from the capacity Toronto audience. Red smoke fills the entry way, and through it steps the man known as Badass Jack.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of twenty minutes! Now making his way to the ring from The Everglades, he is….BAAAAADDASSSSS JJJAAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKK!

Badass Jack isn’t exactly the most heart warming success story we’ve had in wrestling, but he is a success story none the less. At age forty he’s completely turned his career around.

But, he faces the biggest challenge of his career in DA BASED GAWD~! The God Of War is going to teach Jack some respect!

The referee in charge of the contest doesn’t even bother to ask Jack for his hunting knife. Instead he chooses to let Jack twirl it for as long as he pleases. Much safer that way.

No one man should have all that power
The clock’s tickin’, I just count the hours
Stop trippin’, I’m trippin’ off the power
‘Til then, f-ck that, the World’s ours

The instrumental version of Kanye West’s “Power” is accompanied by a downfall of blue smoke and jeers from the fans.  The entrance doors come apart, allowing the smiling God Of War to step forward with arms extended.

And the opponent, from Asgard…he is THE GOD OF WAR….OOOODDDDDDIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN!

It has been a wild and crazy build between these two men. We’ve seen the interview lounge get ruined, brawls in the ring, and rifles pulled. Now it all comes to a head here in Toronto at The Bohmeoth Supremacy.

Jack is a tough dude, no diggity, but he isn’t DA BASED GAWD~! He didn’t father Thor, he isn’t riding Slepnir, he isn’t leading the forces of good at Ragnarok. DA BASED GAWD is.

Odin steps over the black ring ropes to enter the squared circle. In its center, he raises his fist high into the air, leading white pyro to explode from each turnbuckle post.


The two men promptly begin duking it out. For a moment Jack has the upper hand as he backs Odin into the corner. But Odin begins unleashing throat thrusts that knock Jack backwards towards the corner.

This one has started off hot!

Jack grabs hold of Odin and tosses him into the corner. While the crowd marvels at his strength, he begins unleashing a wave of stomps into Odin’s stomach. Odin only endures so much of these before he grabs onto the side of Jack’s head and begins kneeing him in the face. Once that grows boring, he tosses the surly brawler over the ropes to the outside.

Badass Jack has the experience edge on the rookie Odin.

Rookie? The dude is a god! You think Jesus couldn’t step onto the court and guard Lebron without ever having played hoop?

Odin leans through the ropes to start to pull Jack into the ring. But Jack slugs him in the jaw, causing him to fall forward and topple through the ropes. Jack scrapes Odin up and dumps him back into the ring. The God of War rolls away as Jack enters the ring. When he gets to his feet, his opponent drops him with a running kick to the face.  Jack drops on top of Odin and begins pounding him with closed fists.

Like him or not Badass Jack has become a true success story in the OAOAST. At forty years of age he’s finally become a legitimate wrestling superstar.

Jack pulls Odin off the canvas in order to strike him in the face with three quick knees. After that he twists him around and drops him to the canvas with a neckbreaker. Odin shows no signs of pain, but he does remain grounded long enough for Jack to attempt a pin…



Odin brings his shoulder off the canvas. Jack yells at him to stay down as he hammers him hard right hands.  After being warned over a closed fist, jack makes an uncharacteristic break and switches to a cravate. He brings Odin to his feet, and hammers him with four more knees to the face. But, Odin takes these blows in stride and expertly powers out of the hold. Panicked, Jack attempts to plant a boot into Odin’s gut. But Odin catches onto it and throws him down with a dragon screw!

DA BASED GAWD showing that toughness, showing that skill that makes him DA BASED GAWD!

Odin begins stomping at Jack’s leg. The native of the Everglades tries to crawl away but Odin stays on him with stomps. Next, Jack attempts to uses the ropes to pull himself upright, but Odin keeps him grounded with stomps.

You will learn to fear and respect your superiors!

Odin allows Jack to use the ropes to bring himself upright. He does this only so that he may grab onto his leg and execute a leg DDT! Jack like Odin, shows no signs of pain but he to remains grounded long enough for a pinfall…




Jack crawls away from Odin, trying to get some time for his leg to recover.  He comes to his feet, but is promptly kicked in his bad leg. Odin then tosses Jack into the corner.  Jack’s leg is further attacked by the navy boots of Odin. These blows drop Jack to the ground, and put a smile onto Odin’s face.

Odin’s found a body part and it seems he’s going to target it.

Seems? He’s being doing that for the past three minutes! What’s this seem stuff? You slippin hard on ya grind, Mikey Cole.

Odin smacks Jack in the face, drawing surprised gasps from the audience.

I don’t think Odin has any respect for Badass Jack.

I don’t think DA BASED GAWD has respect for anyone. But, you do have to respect a guy who’s been wrestling for over twenty years.

Odin pulls Jack to his feet and begins slamming punches into his jaw. Much to Odin’s amazement Jack begins fighting back with punches of his own. These blows put Odin on the back foot. Jack chases him down, but is caught by a delayed sidewalk slam.

Odin calls that The Ride Of Sleipnir. Spleipnir being the eight legged horse he allegedly rides through Asgard. And I thought Queen Esther and Landon were crazy!

Odin goes back to working over Jack’s leg, locking in a leg bar. Jack is right near the ropes, and quickly reaches out to grab them. The referee calls for a clean break, which Odin promptly gives.

As you said, Coach, Jack has been wrestling for over twenty years. There’s not a lot you can do to him that he hasn’t already had done to him.

But those are old and battered bones. They’ve been through some wars over the years.

Odin returns to kicking Jack in the leg, as the brawler makes his way to his feet. Jack pays for the mistake of kicking at Odin, as The God of War catches his foot and rolls through with a knee bar. Luckily for Jack, he’s next to the ropes and is able to find salvation by grabbing onto them.

Jack has been lucky to be next to the ropes the past two submissions.

Why do you always say people are lucky to be next to the ropes? Whatever happened to having great ring awareness?

Odin executes a spinning toe hold, before dropping down on Jack’s knee. Jack curses a loud, as close to showing pain as he has all match. This leads Odin to attempt a pinfall…



Jack gets the shoulder up.

This Badass Jack is a tough dude, he’s taking all Odin is dishing out and he’s still fighting.

You don’t last twenty two years in the business by being easy to put away.

Odin rushes to the ropes, trying to time his return to when Jack rises. But when he comes back, Jack cuts him down with a diving lariat!

We ain’t done yet, you son of a bitch.

Jack urges Odin to his feet. When The God of War comes up, the Floridian traps him inside a front facelock. But, Odin hastily powers out the hold! He fires off a lariat that’s ducked by Jack. Odin spins around to get a read on his foe, and is caught with a boot to the stomach. A double arm DDT follows and puts him on the ground.  Jack rolls atop Odin for a pinfall….




Jack pulls Odin upright and pounds on his back with clubbing forearms. Odin staggers away, trying to escape these harsh attacks. Jack stays with him, though, and shoots him into the far corner. He chases Odin down and connects with a big splash! Odin stumbles out the corner, and Jack looks for a Chokeslam!

He’s going to use Odin’s own move against him!

A desperate Odin fights out the choke with furious kicks to Jack’s bad leg. With Jack hobbled, Odin takes him for a nauseating ride with a tilt a whirl slam. Amazingly, Jack gets right to his feet. This offends The God of War greatly, and for this insult Jack eats a big boot.  A cover is then made…



Its only a two count as Jack makes the kickout.

Badass Jack has faced many of the legends in this industry.  He always put up a fight. And that’s what he’s doing here at In Your Parent’s Basement.

Slow to recover, Jack makes a weak return to his feet. He’s caught by Odin, who shoves him into the corner. Jack is left open and vulnerable, and Odin nails him with a boot to the face!


Odin pushes Jack out the corner, leaving the surly brawler to stagger on his feet. While Jack wobbles back and forth, Odin climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Its rare we see a man Odin’s size go to the top, but The God Of War can soar through the heavens!

Odin launches himself off the top and rams a flying lariat into Jack’s chest! A cover is then made…



Jack lifts his shoulder off the canvas to everyone’s surprise.

DA BASED GAWD has gotta be frustrated right now. He’s hit Jack with some big signature moves and the dude is still going strong.

Jack is shoved between Odin’s legs and The God Of War signals for a powerbomb. He lifts Jack up and forcefully slams him into the canvas, diving forward himself. The resulting pinfall is scored by the referee….



Jack brings his shoulder off the canvas! There’s no rest for his weary bones, however, as Odin goes right into another leg bar.  But once again, Jack is close to the ropes and able to grab onto them for a rescue.

I have to wonder what would happen if Jack wasn’t near the ropes when those submissions where applied. Would he be able to have survived them?

Odin slowly pulls Jack upright. The outlaw fires off right hands at The God Of War, which highly displeases him. Thusly, an incredulous Odin slaps him in the face.

I don’t know if that was a good idea.

Jack explodes forward and spears Odin to the ground! But weak from the prior moves, he can’t further his new found advantage. For his part, Odin is stunned from the spear and lies motionless on the mat. The referee has no other choice but to begin a count.





The OAOAST Galaxy doesn’t like either of these guys, but they want to see this great brawl continue.

Both men climb to a vertical match with Odin striking first.  Jack answers back with a right hand, and soon he’s overwhelming Jack with rights and lefts. But Odin starts to fire off uppercuts to Jack’s throat. With this blows having done their job, Odin locks on to Jack’s throat for a chokeslam.

Here comes the chokeslam!

Here comes a boot to the face courtesy of Alexander The Brutal!


Alexander promptly begins to hammer Jack with overhand lefts!

Alexander The Brutal just kicked Odin in the face and now he’s going right after Badass Jack!

Jack is backed into the ropes, but doesn’t remain there for long; Alexander clotheslines him over the top to the outside!


Alexander exits the ring, but does not do so to retreat to the back. Rather he does so to stay on Badass Jack. The native of the Everglades is picked up and slammed stomach first onto the steel steps.

What is going on?

Alexander reaches under the ring and pulls out a trashcan. He then smashes it into Jack’s head, toppling the brawler and leaving him bloodied on the ground.

Alexander is just destroying Badass Jack!

Alexander turns around and is caught in the chin with a punch from a recoverd Odin! Odin slams knee after knee into Alexander’s midsection, until he’s sufficiently weakened. At that point, Odin drives Alexander’s head into the announce table.

Keep away from us!

Odin drives an uppercut into Alexander’s throat that sends him  hurtling over the announce table onto the two frightened announcers.

I said keep away from us not get closer!

Odin would like to pursue Alexander further, but he’s hobbled by the axe handle Jack throws into his back.  Jack repeatedly smacks Odin’s face onto the announce table, trying his hardest to draw blood. When that doesn’t succeed, he throws him face first into the ring posts. Odin lies pressed against the posts, giving Jack a wicked idea. He backs up to build up speed and then runs to punt Odin in the head, sandwhiching The God Of War’s skull between his boot and the post!


A gang of backstage officials hurriedly makes their way to ring side to come between the warring parties. They however are useless as Alexander returns to life to nail Jack with a thrust kick! He sets the psychopath up for a powerbomb, only to be clotheslined in the back by Odin!

Niggas is crazy!

Alexander and Odin trade furious fire, while the officials make wasted efforts to separate them. A double clothesline by Badass Jack complicates things, as he then begins stomping both Odin and Alexander. The two are quick to get back to their feet and more brawling between the three men enuses.

Folks, we’ve got to cut to something while we get this situation cleaned up! Standing by, our colleague Josh Matthews is with The Orange County Cobras. Josh?

In front of the interview backdrop with Josh are indeed the Cobras, in their casuals having got the night off.

Ned, obviously a lot of excitement back here for what's going on tonight. But I've got a feeling your mind is elsewhere, considering the match that was made for next week's episode of HeldDOWN. You, one on one with Leon Rodez. And I understand there's a special stipulation you've forced through.

That's right, I did force a stipulation through. But I wanna make one thing crystal clear. I didn't do it because I feel like I need an advantage. I didn't do it because I'm afraid of that miserable sumbitch Rodez, no. I did it to make sure his sorry ass stayed and fought for once. To ensure that I'm actually gonna get a match out of him this time. No running and hiding, no getting yourself disqualified, none of that B.S. See, I've been stewing for weeks over this and the other day, I called up an old friend about it. I got on the phone and I asked for some advice, on how to deal with this crap. And that old friend, he told me he had an idea. You see, next week, we just happen to be down in ol' Louisville, Kentucky. And that just happens to be old stomping ground for that good friend of mine, by the name of Jim Cornette. Well, he gave me an idea of how to keep Leon Rodez in check.

Ned looks over at Simon, who produces a TENNIS RACKET from behind his back and takes a couple of swings.

That's right, Rodez. Get a good look at this baby right here. Because my friend James E. happens to know a good supplier of these bad boys. And trust me, if you try and run from me next week, you're gonna be seeing a lot of them. Because, around the ring, we're gonna have a whole bunch of OAOAST wrestlers. A lot of them I assume hate your guts as much as I do. And those guys, those 'lumberjacks'... they're gonna be armed with tennis rackets. As you can tell, Simon's been working on his swing lately.

Simon takes a more violent swing, with a loud SWOOSH coming off the racket.

So unless you want your head flying out into the stands, I suggest you be a man for once and you stay and fight me. But, if you do, I plan on beating your ass so bad, you might be wishing for a few tennis rackets upside the head instead. Either way, next week, I'm finally settling this, once and for all.

The Cobras leave, with one last sweeping strike of the racket from Simon.

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"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

"When I Grow Up" by the Pussycat Dolls pumps through the arena and the excitable pair of Jade and Melody appear, Jade skipping out waving to the crowd with a beaming smile, while Melody aims some imaginary fireballs at the camera.

The following tag team match is set for one fall! Introducing team number one. First, from The Fortress Of Nerdlytude in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... "PLAYER ONE", MMMEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOODDYYYYYY NNEEEEEERRRRRRRRDDLLLLLLYYYYYY!! And, her tag team partner. Now residing in Los Angeles, California... she is the reigning OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION... JJJJAAAAAAAAAAAAADDEEEEE RRRROOOOOODDEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ - DDUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!


All smiles, Jade Rode-Duncan. Which is a bit of a relief. Word going round is that Maya has been lobbying the OAOAST all week, wanting to make sure that she gets to make her entrance second here tonight, so Jade can see and hear firsthand how much more popular she is and how much better her entrance is. Which, normally, I'd say were mind games, but really is what it is, I'm sure Maya really does want Jade to see that she's more popular.

And I'd say that was kinda petty. But ain't nothing too petty to fight about when it's two sisters.

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

A large neon sign that reads MAYA and sparkles with white pyro lowers from the ceiling. Jade looks on unimpressed, or at least appearing to be. Maya steps through the first A with her baton and launches into an impressive twirling routine, ending with a perfect throw and catch and an even more theatrical than usual pose, practically begging for as much applause as possible. Somewhere in here Molly just walks out and tries not to get in the way.


Well, I think Maya wins.



Maya rolls into the ring and points to her big eponymous sign, asking Jade if she's jealous. The two sisters bicker back and forth, for about a couple of seconds, before it breaks down into an ungraceful scrap! Molly and Melody quickly jump in, having to pull their partners apart with the match not even underway yet.

Well, you're all watching this, which means you're all as incriminated as we are. So, if Krista kills us for letting this happen, y'all in some serious trouble too.

Finally getting the two Duncans separated, the Nerdly girls try to calm them down and get the match started properly.


Determined to start, Maya barges past Molly and demands that Jade, who had just stepped onto the apron, get in with her. Jade doesn't need asking twice and gets in... leading to another scrap and Molly and Melody to be forced to pull them apart again!

This ain't even a wrestling match. This is two chicks fighting over a hairbrush, or the last handbag in the store at the sales.

How very sexist. Thank you.

That's what I'm here for.

Molly drags Maya kicking and screaming off of Jade, taking her into the corner and basically holding her at bay. Jade dusts herself off and, to her credit, looks a little ashamed of herself. She leaves and Maya is convinced to do the same, for now, allowing Molly and Melody to start the match officially for their teams.

Poor Molly and Melody have been dragged into this sibling rivalry and now, here they are, squaring off. Not exactly a sibling rivalry between these two. Actually, they've spent many nights on the road working on an independent film adaptation of Frogger, so I'm told. So, look out for that.

The Nerdly sisters lock up. But, as they start to battle for position, they both become distracted by Maya and Jade, hurling insults at each other across the ring. Molly takes advantage of this and surprises Melody with a rollup!




Both Molly and Melody jump up, then aim accusing looks at their partners.

I'm not sure this is what Melody and Molly signed up for. Although, I'm not sure what they were really expecting. And I think they only signed up out of obligation.

That's friendship for you.

Molly and Melody try again, with the Duncan girls sticking to just mean looks to try and prevent distracting their partners. Molly grabs a side headlock, but gets shot into the ropes. She comes back with a shoulder tackle and knocks Melody down. Molly comes off the ropes again, hopping over Melody, who then surprises her sister with a leapfrog! As Molly bounces back, Melody tries a hiptoss, which is blocked. Molly tries to turn it into one of her own, which is also blocked. Melody then turns her sister over, into a backslide!




Rolling to her feet, Molly catches Melody with a quick fireman's carry to take her to the mat, sitting her up and bringing her back down in a crucifix pin!




Molly is left on all fours and Melody dives forward with an Oklahoma roll!




Both Nerdly girls get to their feet in a stalemate...

...as behind them, Maya and Jade suddenly jump in and start clawing at each other again!!


Captain Picard Facepalm!

Molly and Melody are forced to abandon their wrestling match and pry the Duncan girls apart once more, to their annoyance. This time, by the time they get the girls apart, Melody and Molly have lost all sympathy and actual start telling them off, before looking at each other and deciding to f this shit! Jade and Maya suddenly rush over, having to convince Melody and Molly not to leave!

I don't blame Molly and Melody for wanting no part of this.

Oh yeah, I'm sure you really disapprove. Nice try, buddy. You ain't getting out of the Krista ass-kicking that easy, you're still sitting here, aren't ya.

...I know.

The Duncan girls are eventually able to talk their Nerdly counterparts around and go back to their corners, peacefully.

Let's see how long this lasts.

Molly and Melody, still a little wary about their partners, try to focus and lock up again. After fighting for position, Melody suddenly breaks free and gives Molly a tomahawk chop to the head! And another one! Melody then attempts an irish whip, but Molly hangs on and pulls Melody into a knee, followed with a russian legsweep! Cover...




Molly sends Melody into a neutral corner and charges, right into two raised boots from her geek queen sister. As Molly staggers back, Melody chases her down and delivers a big scoop slam. Coming off the ropes, Melody leaps high into the air, making the Six Million Dollar Man noise in mid-leap, but, sadly, misses with her legdrop attempt! Rolling away, Molly ends up near her corner and a tag is made, bringing Maya into the match for the first time, legally.


Jade looks on with a scowl, as Maya waits for Melody to get up. Once she does, Maya pounces, further hurting Melody's BUTT with her patented atomic drop!

Hey, Melody. You know you told everyone on your Twitter they should totally go see Captain America? Well, I did. And it super sucked.


Shocked, Melody charges at Maya, who slips behind and delivers another atomic drop!

And when it ended, first thing I did was go on Rotten Tomatoes and give it 1 star.


Ignoring the pain in her BUTT, Melody charges in again... and ends up with more BUTT pain, with a third atomic drop! Maya then rolls Melody up!




Maya targets a little lower, attacking Melody's legs with a pair of kicks. A round kick to the gut doubles Melody up, allowing Maya to hit the ropes and go for the iMaya... but as she attempts the leapfrog, Melody stands back up and catches Maya in an electric chair position on her shoulders!

Captain America was good if not great and far from a disappointment! Say it!


Punishing her for her insolence, Melody throws Maya off of her shoulders and face first into the turnbuckles! As Maya staggers out of the corner, Melody comes off the ropes. But Maya shakes off her grogginess and catches Melody with a dropkick! Cover...




Waiting for Melody to pick herself up, Maya dishes out another kick to the stomach. Turning her over, Maya then delivers a neckbreaker.


"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"
"MA - YA!"

Maya looks over at Jade and sticks her tongue out with incredible smugness, getting an evil glare back.

What makes Jade and Maya being sisters so bad in all of this is, they both know how to get under each other's skin.

Grabbing hold of Melody around the neck, Maya rolls herself to the mat, bringing Melody with her roughly and into a front facelock on the mat.


If these people are trying to help, they need to try something different. Because this ain't gonna make anybody happy.

Yeah, this really doesn't need to be a competition, or a situation where these two are playing favourites.

I think it's too late for that. I can hear Krista sharpening her knives from here.

Melody gets to her feet, but Maya cuts her off with a quick knee. Maya hits a bodyslam, then comes off the ropes...

...takes a detour and BUMPS JADE OFF THE APRON!!


Jade gets up angry and tries to get in the ring, but the referee holds her back. Adding to her frustration, Maya decides to waggle her BUTT at her sister, knowing she can't get in to do anything about it.

You know what, maybe Krista doesn't know about any of this. She doesn't watch the shows! Maybe we're all safe!

You want to test that theory out?

...not right now.

So busy with waggling her BUTT is Maya, she forgets all about Melody until the Game Genie hooks her from behind and drives her into the mat with a snap backslide!

Sega Mega Driver!

Maya rolls away holding her neck and makes the tag, just as Melody gets over and makes the tag to Jade! Not worrying about her sister, Jade focuses on Molly and hooks her down with a flying clothesline! Followed with a second flying clothesline! And then a front dropkick, catching Molly less than perfectly but sending her falling back into a corner. Jade gets a run-up and hits Molly with double knees in the corner, following that up with a suplex and floating over into a pin...




Waiting to strike, Jade sizes Molly up and catches her with a right, then a left. With a 360, Jade swings with the customary spinning clothesline... but Molly is ready for it and manages to catch the arm, trapping Jade in an Octopus Stretch!

Nice! Submission hold from Molly!

As Molly wrenches on her hold, Jade waves her finger saying she doesn't give up. Rolling back into the ring, Maya sees her sister in a helpless position. And, like any good sister would, she decides to take advantage by mocking the size of Jade's stuck out BUTT. Which is bad enough, but is followed by Maya SMACKING Jade in the ass!

Oh boy.

Molly doesn't seem to appreciate Maya's antics and looks disapproving. But Maya doesn't last long, as Melody grabs her and flings her out of the ring. Meanwhile, Jade takes advantage of Molly being distracted and escapes the hold, backdropping her way out. Looking annoyed at her spanking, Jade grabs Molly in a cobra clutch and drags her across her outstretched knee with a backbreaker, before going for the pin...




Climbing onto the middle turnbuckle, Jade reaches out and pulls Molly into range to execute a victory roll out of the corner!




Jade waits behind Molly and grabs her, for Got It From My Momma, only for Molly to surprise her with an elbow to the stomach!

Molly knew that was coming.

Off the ropes, Molly goes for the swinging neckbreaker, but Jade manages to swing her way out of it and try for a backslide. Molly fights it off and the two break away from each other, then charge at the same time... and HIT HEADS!


Both girls go down and Jade ends up rolling outside. Moments later, Melody slides in in her place and tries to take advantage by covering Molly...




That was a nasty collision there between Jade and Molly. You could hear the thud from over here. I hope Jade is alright.

With Jade laid out on the floor, Melody takes over. She scoops Molly up, only for Molly to slip out the back, into a reverse front facelock. As she goes for the Final Cut, Melody reaches up and pulls Molly's head down, then raises a knee! Already hurting, another shot to Molly's skull leaves her reeling and she lets Melody go. Falling to her back, Melody quickly rolls herself backwards, into a wheelbarrow position. Pushing up off the mat, she then turns it into a bulldog on her sister!

Revenge Of The Nerdly, on a Nerdly!

Cover by Melody...




With her friend in trouble, Maya rolls her to safety and boots Melody. Maya and Melody go back and forth trading punches, until Maya clips Melody in the side of the knee with a kick. Melody falls to one knee and Maya blasts her with a buzzsaw kick!!


Dayyum! Where did that come from!

That was a soccer volley if I ever saw one!

She almost volleyed her head off!

Maya picks a dazed Melody up onto her shoulders and throws her off, into a one hand facebuster!!

After School Special!!

Cover by Maya...




As Melody tries to get back up, Maya sizes her up for another volley...

....but it's DUCKED this time! Grabbing Maya from behind, Melody hooks her for a reverse DDT. But Maya finds her way out and picks Melody up on her shoulders for the Child Star Syndrome! Melody kicks and fights, able to escape down the back. But as soon as she lands on her feet, Maya leaves her's, to crack Melody with a surprise PELE KICK!

That's a new one!

Dazed, Melody falls to a knee and Maya stalks her.

Oh, by the way, I'm glad there's no more Harry Potters in the future. The whole franchise was overrated.

Feuled by RAGE at this statement, Melody drags herself to her feet... only for Maya to leapfrog her and hit the iMAYA!! Cover...






Maya jumps up and runs around the ring in a victory lap, soaking in the win.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of MOLLY NERDLY and MAYA BLANCHARD - DDUUUNNCCAAAAAANN!!!!


And Maya picks up the win for her team. The hot streak continues for the prodigy rookie!

Pleased with herself as ever, Maya continues to lap around the ring...

...until JADE TAKES HER OUT! And another scrap breaks out between the sisters!!

It's not over yet!

Aww man, I fought we dodged a bullet!

Despite the referee's best attempts, Jade and Maya brawl on the mat, tearing at each other ferociously. So ferociously that more referees have to be waved out. Eventually, between three of them, they manage to pull the warring Duncan sisters apart and Jade is dragged away by two. Matters aren't helped as Maya bigs up her win, trying to antagonise Jade even more by celebrating as blatantly as possible.

Coach... I've got a bad feeling we haven't heard the last of this.

I've got a bad feeling my pretty face is gonna get cut. I'M SORRY KRISTA. DON'T HURT ME. I GOT NO ENJOYMENT FROM THIS.

Fuming, Jade is escorted away, as Maya 'requests' that the referee raise her hand in victory to give her sister one last vision to annoy her before she disappears through the curtain.

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The following I QUIT DOG COLLAR LEATHER STRAP MATCH is the fifth and deciding round of the RIDE HER CUP!


“Motherfucker of the Year” hits and golden pyro showers the Real American Prick onstage.

Introducing first… from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 238 pounds, the man on the verge of what many consider one of the biggest collapses in professional sports history… MMMIIIIIIIIIIISSSSTTEEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!!


MD gives Buffer and the entire OAOAST Galaxy a crotch chop.

Buffer’s lucky that’s all he got for that low blow.

As expected, sports talk radio and the internet has been abuzz over the blown 2-0 series lead by Mr. Dick, perhaps a bit unfairly given who his opponent is.

Exactly, Mikey Cole. It’s not like Mr. Dick dropped two straight to Tim Cash. Big Papa Thrust is a tough dude. The fact he had an opportunity to sweep the Big Bad Glutei Daddy is something nobody predicated.  

“Big Pimpin’” by Jay-Z cues and Big Papa Thrust walks to the ring confidently, only to stop to flex the largest arms in the galaxy.

And his opponent, having rebounded from a 2-0 deficit, weighing 276 pounds… BIG PAPPPAAAA THRUST!!!


MD watches from the safety of the arena floor as BPT poses on the middle rope. Then in an unexpected turn of events, “Wildside” by Motley Crue hits and Malaysia joins the guys in the ring wearing a skimpy dominatrix outfit.

There is the grand prize for tonight’s winner.

One lucky winner. Oh mama!

Malaysia calls the ref over and delivers a KNEE TO THE GROIN!

What the heck?

Malaysia dumps the ref outside and signals for the bell.

I guess Malaysia wants to officiate the fifth and deciding match.

Why not? I guess. After all, the tournament is her brainchild.


The bell sounds and BPT catches MD off-guard with the leather strap across the back.


And again.

MD tries to hide behind Malaysia but she quickly moves away and BPT continues his onslaught. Linked by the wrist/neck to BPT, MD realizes there’s no easy escape, so he dives through the ropes to take BPT out to the floor and POSTS him.

Even you must admit that was a brilliant move by Mr. Dick, Cole.

He may be a Real American Prick, but Mr. Dick is no dummy.

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

MD puts the leather to BPT and then swings the dog collar chain at the head, but BPT ducks, rolls back inside and yanks on his end of the strap to post MD!

Big Papa Thrust returns the favor from earlier when Mr. Dick introduced him to the steel ring post.  

Following a press slam BPT poses for Malaysia, who glides her hands down the Big Bad Glutei Daddy’s chest till MD spins him around and connects with a STEEL CHAIN wrapped DISCUS PUNCH that slices BPT wide open.

Big time FACIAL~!

One that’s lacerated Big Papa Thrust.
MD chokes BPT with the steel chain and then targets the open wound, even going as far as gnawing on the forehead!

All this talk of choke job has brought the wild animal out of Mr. Dick.

MD spits blood in the face of BPT and proceeds to put the boots to him. BPT is then whipped in and leveled by a chain assisted clothesline.  

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

Once though whipping BPT like a dog, MD hangs him over the top rope via the leather strap!

Shades of two weeks ago on HeldDOWN~!

Turnabout is fair play.  

Malaysia asks BPT whether he’d like to quit and he responds by gouging the eyes of MD.


BPT grabs the leather strap and takes MD to the woodshed. MD retaliates with a kick to the gut, but BPT reverses a whip and catches the Real American Prick on the rebound with a tilt-a-whirl slam! Then it’s his turn to hang MD over the top rope.

Oh no!

You said it yourself, Coach. Turnabout is fair play.

Malaysia sticks a mic in MD’s face and BPT screams at him to quit.

Gag on it!

BPT shakes his head and hurls MD back in for a clothesline, then a big elbow drop. BPT looks to follow with a high impact move off the middle rope, but MD rakes the eyes and shoves him down. After gaining his footing MD leaps off the top… and right into the arms of BPT who delivers a release overhead belly to belly suplex!

BPT signals for the Lay-Z-Boy, but MD uses the tights to dump him outside. That allows MD to reach into his tights and pull out a STEEL CUP.

What the heck?

That’s something you don’t see everyday - a big steel cup.

MD conceals the international object from Malaysia and BPT, who ducks a wild swing and blasts MD with the cup!

Mr. Dick has been lacerated!

BPT tosses the cup into the crowd and nails MD’s fresh cut with the steel chain of the dog collar.

Now Big Papa Thrust is the wild animal.

I’d say a shark because he clearly smells blood.

BPT turns MD on his stomach and poses over him before going down to apply the camel clutch… ONLY TO BE KICKED LOW BY MALAYSIA!!!

You bitch!

Welcome home Malaysia.

Why damnit?!

Malaysia goes to remove the turnbuckle cover when she’s confronted by DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW.



Deuce isn’t going to allow Mr. Dick and company to figuratively rape Big Papa Thrust.

The man’s a stalker. He always seems to be around whenever Mr. Dick is.

Deuce backs Malaysia and gets ambushed by KAREEM, who rams the Beast from Sin City face-first into the exposed turnbuckle!

Now Deuce has been busted open.

That’s what he gets for sticking his nose in Mr. Dick’s business.

MD whips Deuce and BPT with the leather strap, then has Kareem drop not one but two XXXL splashes on BPT.

This is…


…a massacre.

With BPT badly injured MD applies THE ROUGHRIDER (STF).

What do you say, little papa? Do you want to quit?

MD nods BPT’s head and Malaysia signals for the bell.


“Motherfucker of the Year” cues and a bloody MD gives Malaysia a sloppiest wet kiss.



Malaysia and Kareem assist a wounded MD backstage, but not before he raises his hand in victory.

Big Papa Thrust got screwed. Damn you all!




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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!






For the thousands in attendance... and the millions, watching around the world... LLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRREEEEEAAAADDYYYYY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUMMMBBBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

CUE:: Katy Perry-California Girls

Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

A mammoth ovation comes forth from the fans who await Alix Maria Spezia’s arrival. They needn’t wait for very long. A neon lit bar slides onto the entrance stage, with the woman herself serving drinks to several patrons who don’t seem to care that they’re on a moving bar in the middle of an arena. Alix blows a kiss to the camera leading super imposed red lips to pop up on screen.

Introducing the challenger, she hails from Los Angeles, California, and is a former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, she is THE HOLLYWOOD BAD GIRL…..ALIX MARIA SPEZZZZIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


Alix Maria Spezia is fighting not just for the OAOAST World Title, she’s also fighting for her girlfriend Krista Isadora Duncan. She’s fighting to get revenge on Bohemoth after what he did last month at The Great Angle Bash.

I agree Bohemoth crossed a line injuring Krista like that. But I don’t think Alix knows what she’s stepping into. She should’ve thrown one of those sucka-duck simps in D*LUX at Bohemoth to soften him up. Instead she’s challenging him outright all crazy like. Foolish.

Alix fires up the audience in the ring, gathering up the support she needs to face The Beast.


The audience spreads their hatred across the Air Canada Centre while Zico Chain’s “Where Would You Rather Be” fills the air. Emerging from parted entrance doors is the world champion. He flexes his awesome muscles and soaks in the atompshere of HIS show before heading to the ring.

And the champion, from Greenville, South Carolina, ladies and gentlemen he is THE BEAST BOHEMOOOOOTTHHHHHHHHHH!

Here he is, Mikey, here is the mainevent icon, and the man the entire sport revolves around.

That’s only because he brutally injured Krista. You can’t tell me if Krista wasn’t injured the sport wouldn’t revolve around her, championship or not.

But she is injured, and because of that The Beast reigns!

Bohemoth enters the ring, smirking at Alix who frowns back. The big man elevates himself to the turnbuckles, showcasing the OAOAST world title with one hand, while jamming the other into his chest.

Bohemoth has earned the right to be called the man. With the OAOAST title around his waist and Krista nowhere to be found he is the face of this great sport.


Bohemoth hunches over, cutting off half the ring from Alix. The Hollywood Bad Girl paces back and forth, as her opponent stares at her through narrowed eyes. Eventually they come together for a lockup. Bohemoth smiles to himself as he traps Alix inside a side headlock. The hold doesn’t remain for very long, however, as Alix begins TICKLING him. Bohemoth can’t help but be annoyed at Alix’s tactic that forces him to release the hold. Angered, he bounces off the ropes with the expectations on hitting a stiff lariat. But Alix takes him off his feet with jumping BUTT smash!

Alix putting her much lusted after BUTT to work early in the match.

Bohemoth rolls to his feet, and is startled when Alix screams BOO into his ear.

Scaredy cat! Scaredy cat!

Furious at being labeled a coward, Bohemoth launches another lariat at Alix. But Alix easily side steps the blow and latches onto her foe with a headlock. Bo needn’t exert much struggle in fighting free of the hold, as he simply begins lifting Alix in set up for a back suplex. The Los Angeles native promptly flips out the hold, however, landing behind Bo. She makes an exaggerated motion of a football player setting up a punt, and then kicks Bo square in the rear end!

The kick is good!

Alix runs to the ropes, as Bo copes with the humliation of being kicked in the behind. When she returns, she’s nailed in stomach by a boot from the world champion. He shoves her between his legs, and then lifts her up for a powerbomb effort. But much to the audience’s immense delight, Alix flips out the hold.  Yet she can offer no attack as The Beast rocks her with a vicious lariat!


Though pained, Alix comes to her feet under her own power. This does her little good, however, as Bohemoth throws her down to the canvas with a running powerslam. Referee Earl Hebner counts the resulting pinfall…



Alix makes the crucial kickout!


Bohemoth yells at the crowd to shut up while pulling The Hollywood Bad Girl to her feet. He grabs onto her wrist and tries to throw her into the corner. But Alix somehow manages to reverse the hold, and The Beast is sent into the posts. He staggers out to find Alix mocking him by FLEXING HER MUSCLES!


Don’t like that huh?

Alix hikes up her already tight white booty shorts in order to flex her incredibly firm round rear cheeks!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans delight, drooling over Alix’s bubble BUTT.

Bohemoth is amazingly not entertained by Alix’s luscious backside and snarls in rage. He lunges at Alix with a shoulder tackle, but gets caught with a snowboot to the stomach. With Bo doubled up Alix takes off to the ropes. Her return sees The Beast recover, and he lunges for her with a lariat.

Nobody throws that lariat like Bohemoth.

And nobody shakes that fine Latina ass like Alix!

Bohemoth grab Alix by her hair and begins pulling her off the canvas. Much to his surprise, Alix counters with a series of elbows to his jaw. This doubles up the champion, and Alix begins calling for the Confessions Of a Kristaholic.

Bohemoth is in big trouble here!

Bohemoth manages to power out Alix’s finishing hold. Before she can try and reattach it, Bohemoth nails her in the leg with a shoulder tackle. Alix wails in pain, and tries to escape to the corner. But Bohemoth hounds her retreat, lifting her up and nailing her with a shin breaker. This causes Alix to once again howl her misery. Bohemoth keeps the pressure, by applying a leg lock.

We don’t often see Bohemoth using a submission hold.

But this is smart strategy by The Beast. He hits hard, and he thinks smart.

Alix winces, biting back against her pain. She tries to crawl to the ropes, but Bohemoth just pulls her farther and farther away. As such the feisty Latina is forced to use all her strength to push Bohemoth’s legs from around her’s. This doesn’t quite work as Bohemoth is much to strong for this tactic to work. Alix tries a more sexy technique of tossing her hair back and flashing come hither looks at The Beast.

So, you’re nickname is The Beast, huh? So if we do it, is that bestiality, because after seeing Beauty and the Beast on Disney that is one of my biggest fantasies! The Beast holding me down with those furry paws, and me screaming in delight as he passionately reams me over and over and over again!

The shock behind that seems to allow Alix the time she needs to grab the ropes, and she does just that.  Bohemoth releases the hold, cursing under his breath at a failed submission. After watching Alix get to her feet near the edge of the ring, he roars and charges at her. Alix lowers the ropes on him, forcing him to fall over the cables.  The crowd cheers and applauds for the champion’s misfortune, as he lies hurt on the outside.

And out goes Bohemoth, who probably thought he had a big submission victory at hand.

Bohemoth pulls himself upright by the ring apron, snarling to himself. He crawls back into the ring, and quickly lashes out with a lariat. Alix ducks the attack, and heads to the ropes. She then comes Straight Out Of Compton with a springboard spear!


Bo gets to his feet and takes aim with another lariat. Alix counters the hold by grabbing onto his head and driving him donwards with an inverted DDT!

Shout outs my to North of the border niggas, let a bitch know what time it is!


Alix’s tight buttocks begin a furious shake. They perform a beautiful jiggling and bouncing to the amazement and pleasure of the Canadian audience.

The closest thing these Canadian hicks have scene to something that arousing is two moose humping.

Alix moonsaults back onto Bohemoth, but can’t get a pinfall as he quickly rolls upright. She stays right on him, trapping him inside the set up for the Confessions of a Kristaholic. The crowd cheers, but their delight is a bit premature as The Beast pushes Alix into the ropes. When she returns to him, he blasts her in the face with a raised boot.

Bohemoth’s managed to escape the Confessions Of a Kristaholic a few times already.

Lucky him, anyone of those things could have ended The Bohemoth Supremacy.  He needs to hurry up and hit the B-Trayal.

Bohemoth waits for Alix to rise. When he does, he surges forward and catches her across the waist. Picking her up, he runs her into the corner. There he slams his massive shoulder into her thin midsection. After landing no less than six shoulder strikes, Bo hurls Alix across the ring into the opposite corner. He emits a thunderous war cry, and then darts to her to nail her in the neck with a corner clothesline.

The big man is turning up the intensity!

The South Carolina naitve whips Alix back to the previous corner. He darts after her, seeking to land another lariat. But Alix backs him with by raising both her snow boots into his face.  Alix sees his weakened state, and decides its best to pursue a course of attack. As such he makes a desperate dash to him. But the champion greets her arrival with a devastating spine buster!

The Beast ain’t gonna go down on his own show! He’s pulling out all the big moves!

Bohemoth flexes his powerful muscles to celebrate his major attack.


Bohemtoh gives the infamous thumbs down gesture, which only further enrages the crowd.

This could be it for Alix and her quest to take the world title off Bohemoth and get revenge for Krista.

Alix is dragged upright by Bohemoth, and then jammed in the early stages of the B-Trayal. However, Bohemoth takes to long in executing the move and Alix swiftly counters with a single arm DDT!

Bohemoth just letting Alix linger for a second too long, and you can’t do that at this mainevent level against that kind of competitor.

Alix points to the top rope, drawing a large cheer from the audience.

Why are you cheering? I’m just pointing to the icky spider on there! But, you’ve given me an idea!

Alix happily scales to the top turnbuckle, bringing the audience to their feet.  She then soars off with a picture perfect knee drop that connects right onto Bohemoth’s arm!

It ain’t gonna be easy to hit a B-Trayal with a broken arm.

Bohemoth rolls out beneath the ropes onto the ring apron, trying to escape his suddenly resurgent foe. Alix stalks his retreat, however, and gives him no mercy. She grabs onto his aggrieved arm and slams it against the top rope! This stuns Bohemoth, and allows Alix to join him on the ring apron. She doubles him over with a knee to the gut, leaving him weak and vulnerable. From there she executes a Confessions of a Kristaholic, taking Bohemoth off the ring apron and to the floor!


Bohemoth lies wounded on the floor, trying to get himself together lest this match and his championship slip away from him.

Luckily for Bohemoth this isn’t a falls count anywhere contest.  He’s safe on the outside.

(looking at her body)
Woah am I ashy! I’ve got more white on me than Christian Wright’s mother after a night at the whore house!

Uncalled for!

Someone hook me up with some lotion!

A female fan in the front row passes Alix some cheery scented lotion.

Always, always start with the rear of the body for maximum efficiency and pleasure.

Does that mean what I think it means?!
Indeed it does Coach as Alix hikes up her bootyshorts to give herself an ultimate wedgie for the ultimate in bootylicious sight…



Now THAT is called for!

Bohemoth crawls back into the ring, finding himself sitting against the corner posts.

(talking to her BUTT)
Its time to eat!

Alix’s well slicked ass gets right into the thick of things, jamming itself into Bo’s face! She grinds it against Bo as the audience wishes they were in his place for this one spectacular moment.


Alix trying to smother Bo with her rear end!

Me next! Me next! Me next!

Bohemoth gets upright, face full of lotion. Alix takes advantage of his semi blind state, to trap him inside the makings of a Confessions of a Kristaholic! The audience lets out another large cheer, thinking the end of Bo’s title reign is near. But, Bo powers out the hold and grabs Alix into a rear naked choke!

That’s an illegal hold!

That’s fine by Bohemoth, he can’t lose the title on a DQ.

Alix is fading fast, but she’s trying her hardest to fight through the hold. Her face is beet red, her eyes her closed, and her teeth are gritted. She reaches out for the ropes, but they’re nowhere near her. This requires her to begin elbowing Bohemoth in the knee, he tweaked when she tossed him over the rope earlier in the match. This does the trick, as Bohemoth is forced to release her hold.


Alix is fighting strong for her girlfriend Krista, trying to get revenge for what she had to endure at the hands of the champion.

Alix comes to her feet under her own power. But she’s quickly put back down to the ground, courtesy of a huge spear from The Beast!

That was big! That was big and that was exactly what Bohemoth needed.

Bohemoth hooks onto Alix’s legs for a crucial cover…





Alix showing the fight of a champion! Showing the fight for Krista!

Bohemoth argues with referee Earl Hebner, who is rather intimidated by the raving and ranting big man. Luckily for the referee, Bo decides to turn his attention back to Alix. He pulls her off the canvas, and drapes her arm across his. The fans boo, knowing full well the move that’s forthcoming. Bo swings her out for the B-Trayal, but Alix slides out the hold!  Enraged, Bo turns around and is hit with a back kick to the stomach. Alix then sommersaults over to complete the Confessions of a Kristaholic!


She hit it! She hit it! Right in the center of the ring this time!

I think the Bohemoth Supremacy may be over, Mikey Cole.

Alix crawls on top of Bohemoth for a pivotal pinfall….






I agree with the crowd, that was a sure three count!

Don’t let your hate for Bohemoth blind you. The man is unstoppable and undefeatable.

Alix gets to her feet, and flashes a “you just kicked my puppy” look at Hebner as she makes her way to the corner. She puts the audience into an anticipatory mood as she elevates herself to the top turnbuckle.

Alix going back to the top once more in her fight for the world championship, in her fight for Krista!

Bohemoth staggers to the corner, trying to make sure Alix’s plan of attack is not properly executed. He climbs onto the second turnbuckle and begins hammering Alix with hard punches. Having no chance to win a fight against Bo, Alix decides to instead bite his nose! In pain, Bohemoth stumbles backwards, landing on his feet on the ring floor.

She bit him!

Alix flies off the top rope with a hurricanrana effort! But Bo catches her within his arms and powerbombs her down to the canvas! The fans look on horrified as Alix is pinned to the mat….




Can you believe it? Can you believe it?

Bohemoth certainly can’t as he angrily runs forward and cruelly punts Alix in the face!  He then picks her up, and slams her against the canvas with the B-Trayal! Another pinfall is then made….





Just like that Bohemoth has retained the OAOAST World Heayvweight Championship!

“Where Would You Rather Be” joins with the boos of the crowd in providing the soundtrack to Bohemoth’s successful title defense.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall and still OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion……….BOOOOOHHHEMMMOOOOOOTTTHHHHHH!

Bohemoth raises his arms high into the air, and shouts out celebrations of victory.  The title belt is quickly given to him by a nervous referee. The Beast then makes his way to the corner, scaling the turnbuckles to show off his world title to the hateful audience.

At the Bohemoth Supremacy, Bohemoth proves supreme.

Bohemoth goes to the center of the ring and foists his title upright for the disgusted crowd to see.

The question has to be asked who can stop this man? He could hold the world championship for a very long time to come!

It truly is all about Bohemoth.

© 2011 OAOAST Entertainment

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