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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 7/13/2011

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

As usual the show opened with Vinny Valentine whining about something. Today his complaint was his current losing streak. Vinny said the run of bad luck could be blamed on two people: Christopher Patrick Allen and Detective Tango Bosley. He said when they jumped him three months ago, they not only injured his pride they injured his body and thusly he could not compete up to his usual levels. He went on to demand that one of them come out here and face him "like a man, daddy-o!" Tony Tourettes cut in with his comments, claiming that he had a score to settle with VICE after they took his porn passes and beat him up. Tony reasoned that if anyone should face a member of VICE its him. Vinny laughed this off claiming that Tony was a "Fat weakling and not the lean mean disco machine I am" Tony claimed he could kick Vinny's ass any day of the week. Vinny said "how about today?" and a shoving match ensued. At that point VICE came out to a mixed reaction from the audience. Bosley told the two to shut up and said half of Tony's porn passwords didn't even work and the other half were to tray websites. For that they decided they were going to kick Tony's ass again, and beat up Vinny as a bonus.

VICE Vs Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes

This was a tag match in name alone. In reality it was lambs in the slaughter, as VICE destroyed Tony, hitting several signatures moves before dumping him out the ring. This left Vinny to fight both members. He fared well early on against CPA, managing to land several hard kicks. However, when CPA began to throw punches   with the intent of causing serious harm, Vinny was left helpless. Bosley entered the ring and took his turn beating on Vinny before The Disco Duck was mercifully put away by the Justifiable Homicide (unprettier).

Winner: VICE, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Michael Cole. The OAOAST's lead announcer spoke on some of his greatest OAOAST memories, and claimed that Zack Malibu was his favorite superstar of all time. He liked the future of the OAOAST citing D*LUX, Oscar Friberg, Maya herself, and Remy Bazil as young talent that would carry the company for years to come. When asked if there were any superstars he didn't like, Cole was reluctant to speak. But after some prodding he admitted he didn't much care for James Riggs or Pierce Duncan. Alix and Maya understood where he was coming from.

***The Last Kings Of Scotland W/Megan Skye Vs The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club W/Queen Esther and Sophie***

Former friends and old rivals hooked up on this week's edition of HeldDOWN. As you can guess the old animosity between the two teams led to a violent opener. The four men brawled all over ringside, doing a wonderful job of giving a panicked Queen Esther heart troubles. Finally the match got back into the ring, and Danny Boy squared off against Lucius Soul. The two had a spirited technical wrestling exchange that was broken when Danny hit a superman punch on his foe. From there Scott and Danny took turns pounding on a luckless Lucius Soul. The former pimp would escape a powerbomb effort by Scott in order to get to his corner to tag in Rico. The two big men of the match traded hard hitting blows. Neither man could get an advantage over the other until Rico landed the Hand Of God uppercut. After that the MGHFC took control of the contest, putting Scott in a position that he wasn't very familiar with. Scott's troubles didn't last for long though, as he fought off Soul to begin a comeback. Sensing trouble, Rico ran into the ring. This brought Danny Boy inside and hell once again broke lose. As the referee tried to restore order, Oscar Friberg snuck into the ring. He hit the Birdcall (CK3) on Soul, then left just as quickly as he came. Rico was tossed out the ring, allowing The Kings to hit  Scottish Doomsday (Shoulder Block Doomsday Device) for a pin.

Winner: The Last Kings Of Scotland, via pinfall

Oscar laughed at the misfortunes of The Wrecking Crew as we went to commercial.

The OAOAST Spinebuster of the Week highlighted Mr. Dick’s controversial win over Big Papa Thrust to take a 1-0 lead in the Ride Her Cup. An interview conducted by Tony Brannigan with Mr. Dick followed in which the Real American Prick blamed his behavior last week on being molested by George Anthony, prompting Brannigan to scold him for his inappropriate remarks.

Malaysia then appeared on the AngleTron to let MD know she was really disappoint Kareem decided to interfere in the match, stating the series was about learning who the bigger man is. Therefore she announced match 2 of the Ride Her Cup set for this week on HeldDOWN~! would be contested inside a STEEL CAGE. Not just any cage though, a House of Pain cage, meaning you must shackle your opponent to the cage in order to win.

***Remy Bazil W/Sloppy Joe Vs J-MAX***

Remy chucked playing cards at J-MAX to start the contest, nailing him in the eye with objects. This allowed the Cajun Sensation to get an early jump on the Brit. Remy wisely targeted J-MAX's legs, in hopes of preventing him from executing his flashy high flying moves. The Louisiana native would go up top himself for a top rope elbow drop. But J-MAX slid out the way and Remy crashed into the canvas. J-MAX tried to go on the offense, but is bum leg hindered him. A failed top rope knee strike gave Remy the chance needed to resume his work on J-MAX's leg. The British superstar fought valiantly, escaping several submissions. He would see his turn to attack, after reversing a knee breaker into a bulldog. Despite being slowed by his pained leg, J-MAX still put on quite the show for the audience. He may have had the match won after hitting a shooting star leg drop if it weren't for Sloppy Joe entering the ring. J-MAX disposed of him with a leaping kick to the face, but was caught with a Down The Bayou (triple full nelson suplexes) shortly thereafter. J-MAX could not escape the pin, and the rookie from New Orleans claimed his second OAOAST victory.

Winner: Remy Bazil, via pinfall

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