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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The Great Angle Bash 2011

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


(if you haven't seen the trailer for Captain America this intro will make no sense)

Biff Atlas, or a scrawnier version of Biff Atlas, is inside a World War II era United States Army recruitment center. He stands in front of a desk manned by PIERCE DUNCAN

Sorry, son, you just don't have what it takes for the army.

Just give me a chance.

I'm saving your life, bro! You gotta stay here and fistpump for our boys!

With the dames?

Sorry, bro.

Biff is in a back alley brawl with JAMES RIGGS. He's taking quite the beating.

You give up yet?

Not on your life! I'll fight until-


Look at the pretty birds! Hello, pretty birdies!

Biff is positioned outside a fence listening to an army GENERAL giving a speech to a group of soldiers.

This war is fought with weapons, but it is won by men! Every army a man! Every a man an army!

Biff stands in an office in front of KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN dressed as a scientist.

There are five trials in five different cities. I can't promise you a spot. But I can promise you the most excruciating pain you've ever endured since you last saw the Chicago Cubs play. You will be the first in a new breed of super soldier.

Why me?

Because a weak man knows the value of strength....and you're the only one crazy enough to sign up for this bullshit program. Best of luck!

Biff lies inside a giant tube in a massive lab with several needles poked into him. All around him army officials and reporters watch. Krista pokes him with another needle.

Ow! Was that the super soldier serum?

No that was just me inflicting necessary pain because it entertains me. This is the serum.

Krista flicks a switch, and the needles dig deeper into Biff's body. A casing encloses over Biff's body, as the tube vibrates wildly.


The tube lifts into a vertical position and the casing opens up to reveal the buff, lean and cut Biff Atlas we know and love.

How do you feel?

I feel-

Don't care!

Scenes of Biff as a soldier are shown. He manages to corral a submarine, walk through a hail of gunfire to take out a group of German soldiers

Finally we see him in his Biffman costume performing such stunts as diving through fire to tackle a German soldier, stopping a speeding German jeep with his bare hands, and driving a motorcycle through a forest that's bombarded with bombs.

Our last scene is Biffman standing with a round shield above a wounded German soldier.

I am America's greatest hope. I am Biffman. And this is The Great Angle Bash.



B O O M ~!

We're live inside the arena where fans wildly anticipate the sight of their favorite superstars. Sitting at Sofa Central, which is drapped in tiny American flags is Double C. Both men wear Uncle Sam hats.

Welcome to the Great Angle Bash, live from San Antonio, Texas! I am Michael Cole, sitting alongside Da Coach at Sofa Central! Coach, you look excited.

I just found sixty five cents under the seat cushion!

I thought you might be excited over our King Of The Ring final between Theodore Moneymaker and Nathaniel Black.

I am! We all know Mister Moneymaker is a king among paupers, now he gets to officially wear the crown.

I'm sure you're also excited about Bohemoth facing Krista Isadora Duncan for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship.

Bohemoth says he deserves to be the face of this company. But in order to be that he needs to pry the world title out of Krista's hands, and beating a five time world champion is never easy.

And, I bet Natalie Portman managing Biffman and Alix Maria Spezia in their match against Reject and ThunderKid has also got you pretty worked up.

Abdullah Abir Nerdly is a great man, by feuding with Natalie he's given her the rub, really helped out her floundering career.

Floundering? She won an Oscar! Be that as it may, folks, we'll start things off with what should be an amazing tag title contest between D*LUX and Piercey D and James Riggs. Let's go to the ring.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the OAOAST ONE AND ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!


The cheers of the crowd don't last long as "Californication" hits and James Riggs makes his way out for the challenging team. Riggs walks down the aisle, scowling at the crowd. Coming to a stop, he lightens up a little though, as he signals out for his partner.

Here's the situation
Been to every nation
Nobody's ever made me feel the way that you do
You know my motivation
Given my reputation
Please excuse I don't mean to be rude

But tonight I'm fucking you

Behind the turntables, Pierce Duncan gets the party started, fists pumping and feet shufflin'. Amberlyn parties along to the music as if she were in a packed nightclub, apparantly oblivious to the thousands of non-plussed wrestling fans looking on.

Introducing first, the challengers! Being accompanied to the ring by AMBERLYN DUNCAN! At a total combined weight of four hundred and fifty five pounds... the team of JJAAAAAMMMMEEEESSSSS RRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGSSSSSS... and "THE RESULT" PPIIIIIIIIEEEEEEERRRRRRCCCEEEEEEE DDUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


Riggs climbs into the ring, leaving the theatrics to the Duncans who party their way down in high mood.

Pierce and Riggs are riding on their "wave of momentum" coming into this match. Two victories over the past two weeks in singles competition, over the World Tag Team Champions have given them good reason to be confident about winning those titles here tonight.

No doubt. And San Antonio isn't gonna know what's hit it when it happens. Trust me, I've been let in on the plans. And let me just say, everything's bigger in Texas and this is gonna be the biggest party your eyes ever did see. All night till the early morn.



"Solar Midnite" fires up and the crowd respond, screams of approval as Shayne and Tyler burst out onto the stage. The Champions, decked out in white denim, fire up the fans, backed up by Jade who points them on to the ring.

And their opponents! Lead to the ring by their manager, JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN... at a total combined weight of three hundred and seventy nine pounds. From the state of Michigan! They are the reigning, defending, OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER... D*LLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!


The champions slide in and hit the turnbuckles, belts raised. Riggs and Pierce look on, Pierce eyeing up the belts and already itching to get his hands on them. D*LUX jump down and get stripped down, drawing a few more screams from the crowd.

D*LUX promised that 2011 was going to be their year and so far, they've delivered on that. Anderson Cup winners, World Tag Team Champions. But tonight, they've got to solve this puzzle of Pierce and Riggs which so far has proven tricky.

Handing over their belts, D*LUX go into conference with Jade, while Pierce and Riggs do the same with Amberlyn for some reason, despite her having almost no insight.

"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"
"D - LUX!"


Pierce starts things out for the challengers, opposite Tyler.


Pierce shoves Tyler in the chest... so Tyler decks him with a right hand.


Jumping up shocked, Pierce is hit with a volley of rights and is whipped to the ropes. Tyler ducks early, allowing Pierce to put on the brakes and kick Tyler in the chest. But Pierce makes the mistake of turning away and doing a celebratory fistpump, which the San Antonio crowd aren't into anyway and is punctuated with a dropkick, sending Pierce rolling outside.

Oh dear. Not a great start for Pierce.

What do you expect, he got punched in the grill. That ain't cool.

Amberlyn and Riggs try to console Pierce on the outside, while Tyler works the crowd in the ring. Psyched up by his crew, Pierce jumps back inside. And he challenges Tyler to a test of strength. Tyler doesn't look sure, but Pierce urges his bropponent to try his luck. Eventually Tyler agrees and reaches up to lock hands... but Pierce pulls away and does another fistpump!


Tyler takes one look at Pierce... and decks him with a right hand.


Oh come on!

Once was a mistake. To do that twice was just plain dumb.

Tyler quickly sends Pierce to the ropes, tagging Shayne in the process. Tyler drops down and Pierce hurdles him, right into a dropkick from Shayne! Cover...




Wringing the arm, Shayne brings Tyler right back in to deliver a double axehandle off the top. Tyler takes control with an arm wringer, handing back to Shayne after a double sledge of his own.

No no, that's his fistpumping arm!

Shayne puts Pierce in a hammerlock, but the Billabong Gorilla breaks free with an elbow to the nose. Shaking out his arm, he then hits the ropes, but runs right into a drop toehold! Pierce ends up on all fours and Shayne flips him over with an oklahoma roll...




Another quick tag is made by the Champions and they whip Pierce to the ropes. After a double hiptoss, they stay alert and catch Riggs trying to sneak in with a double dropkick! Coming off from opposite sides, D*LUX then blast Pierce with some Surround Sound courtesy of stereo low dropkicks. Cover by Tyler...




Tyler grabs an armbar and Pierce groans in pain and frustration at being given the run around so far.

I talked to D*LUX earlier and they were definately smarting from those two singles defeats over the past two weeks. But so far they've looked at their best, back in tag team action.

Hammering away on the arm with punches, Tyler brings another whimper out of Pierce. Tyler reaches out and tags Shayne, then wrings the arm again. Tyler crouches down and Shayne leapfrogs over his partner, coming down on the arm with all his body weight.

Pierce may have some trouble partying tonight, if infact he and Riggs do win the titles.

Shayne follows Pierce into a neutral corner, dishing out some kicks. An irish whip is reversed, but as Pierce charges in, Shayne kicks his feet up into the face.


As the referee checks on Pierce, Shayne's momentum takes him onto the apron...

...where he gets SPEARED BY RIGGS!!!!!




Bouncing off the apron hard, Shayne lays in a heap on the arena floor and Tyler rushes around to check on him, as Riggs backs away smirking. Cool as you like, Riggs acts completely innocent, ordering the referee to send Tyler back to the corner.

Boy, the back of Shayne's head bounced off of the apron. And that's one of the hardest parts of the ring. He could be in some serious trouble here.

With the referee trying to get Tyler back where he belongs, Riggs does further damage by RAMMING Shayne back into the edge of the apron.


Jade and Tyler try and plead with the referee over what's happening, doing Shayne few favours as he's stomped on the floor. With the damage done, Riggs dumps Shayne back inside, dusting his hands with satisfaction. JR then gets back in his corner and makes an overly blatant tag with Pierce, just to rub it in.

Big tag! Here comes JR. Fresh, rested!


Scooping Shayne up, Riggs hits a sideslam and hooks back on the leg...




In control and taking his sweet time, Riggs drives an elbow into the back of the neck. And another one. Then hits a forearm smash. Irish whip, leads to a big powerslam from JR!




Tagging in Pierce, Riggs lifts Shayne up again, this time placing him more precisely with a bodyslam. Up on the middle rope, Pierce plays to the crowd. For no particular reason, he pantomimes dropping an imaginary grenade onto Shayne, before leaping into the fiery wreckage with a legdrop!


What was that!?

Pierce jumps up and taunts Tyler, drawing him into the ring. Riggs takes advantage by dragging Shayne over to the corner and choking him across the top rope. Urged to pay attention by his partner, Pierce eventually lends a hand, lifting Shayne's legs as the choke goes on.


Again, Riggs and Pierce using the referee to their advantage. And I understand Tyler and Jade's frustration, but they're really not helping.

By the time the referee has settled Tyler and Jade down and turned around, he sees nothing untoward, as Pierce tags Riggs in legally. Riggs stomps on Shayne in the corner as Pierce laughs it up. Bringing him back up, Riggs gives Shayne another bodyslam. He then drops a knee and covers...




Riggs looks over at Tyler as he drags Shayne back up, pointing a finger his way. Setting him up, Riggs then lifts Shayne up, into powerbomb position. But Shayne fights his way out, landing on his feet.

Lost him!

Riggs swings and misses with a clothesline, as Shayne comes off the ropes. Rebounding back he flies at Riggs, looking for a flying forearm... but gets CAUGHT! Riggs glances over his shoulder to see where his partner is, falling back with Shayne... and towards Pierce, who from the apron, assists in a HOTSHOT manoeuvre!!


That's it! Cover him!

JR does just that...





Riggs yells at the referee to get rid of Tyler, then hands over to Pierce.

The Champions are in trouble here. Riggs and Pierce, whether you like their tactics or not, have done a good job isolating and working over Shayne.

You talk like these guys are two scrubs. JR's a former X-Division and 24/7 Champion, years under his belt.

And Pierce?

He's a Duncan! He's a born winner!

I think that acorn may have fallen a ways away from the tree, as far as Pierce goes.

Sending Shayne to the ropes, Pierce catches Showtime coming back with a gorilla press!

Yeah! There you go dawg!

Pierce holds Shayne over his head, nodding confidently as he drops Shayne back with the Gorilla Slam! The Result hits the double bicep pose, to boos from the crowd.

Shades of Tony Brannigan, here in San Antonio.

Tony B never looked that good.

Off the ropes, Pierce gets down low and FISTPUMPS his way back up... but MISSES with the elbow!!


Despite nursing his arm, Pierce sees Shayne making a crawl to his corner and manages to cut him off. Grabbing the foot, Pierce drags Shayne away, hopping over him to give Tyler a cheapshot!



Prophetic words, as Pierce soon finds out firsthand when he turns around into a Leg Lariat from Shayne!!


Shayne looks up to his corner, seeing Tyler recovering... and DIVES to make the tag!!

TAG! And here comes Tyler!

Told to turn around by his worried partner, Pierce looks up and sees Tyler swooping down on him with a Springboard Missile Dropkick!!

What a way to make your presence felt!

Tyler jumps up and manages to block a right hand from Riggs, before firing away with some of his own. He whips Riggs off and hits a BAAAAACK bodydrop! Then, with Pierce getting up, takes him out with a clothesline.

"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

Amberlyn looks on intently as Tyler sets Pierce up for a suplex. The Result manages to block and tries to reverse, getting Tyler's feet a few inches off the ground. But Tyler kicks his way back down. And drawing on some raw strength, he manages to muscle The Result up and over with the vertical suplex!

Tyler has kicked it into full gear here!

Waving Pierce back up, Tyler stalks in the corner. Pierce stumbles to his feet and Tyler charges with a YAKUZA KICK... NO! Pierce, in rather cowardly fashion, hits the deck. Able to hurdle over him, Tyler runs towards Riggs, who sidesteps the Tremendous one. Tyler manages to scale the turnbuckles in the corner though... and psyches Riggs out with the Auburn Hills Fakeout! Riggs gets up and embarrassed at being shown up, points angrily at Tyler, threatening to make him pay. That is until Tyler kindly informs him to turn around, which he does... as Shayne comes off from the other corner and hits a Top Rope Flying Clothesline!!


Shayne rolls clear, as Tyler takes flight, hitting the crossbody on Pierce!!




We've got bodies flying everywhere!

And this ain't the match JR and Piercey D wanted to be wrestling. They want this thing safely on the ground, thank you very much. None of this recklessness.

Tyler doubles up Pierce and calls over Shayne. The Tag Team Champions take an arm and a leg each, lifting Pierce up for the Double Gutbuster! Shayne quickly follows up with an inverted atomic drop, holding Piercey in place, as Tyler comes off the ropes with the Yakuza Kick!!

Opposites Attract!

Dated reference, yo.

Yeah, they should probably get on that.

I expect Maya to be more hip to the scene than Paula Abdul references in 2011. Disappointing.

Tyler makes the cover on Pierce, as Shayne guards off Riggs...




D*LUX double up again, this time Tyler picking Pierce up on his shoulders. However, Riggs manages to intercept the play by taking Shayne out, wheeling him around and throwing him to the floor. With Pierce still on his shoulders, Tyler is prone for a boot from Riggs.

Alright, show them what you've got guys.

Crossing Tyler's arm across his chin, Riggs rears back and gives him a modified kneelift! With Tyler stunned, Pierce then runs past Riggs and hits the ropes, getting a launch from his partner, into the DUNCAN DONUT!!


Yeah~! There's some tag team specialistness!

Riggs knocks Shayne off the apron and follows him outside, leaving Pierce behind to finish things off. In reality, Pierce decides to fistpump first, sensing victory if a formality. Tyler picks himself up and Pierce grabs him from behind, flipping him out of a back suplex into the facebuster!!


Cover by Pierce...






Unable to believe it, Pierce pleads with the referee, trying to convince him he was wrong. Which, not surprisingly, doesn't work.

Only a two count. I guess counting isn't Pierce's strong suit.

Pierce grabs Tyler by the hair and drags him up, now no longer pleading and threatening to show the referee what a three count looks like. Which the ref doesn't seem that concerned by, considering it's his job. Pierce sets Tyler up, looking for the Lightning Spiral... but Tyler counters! Spinning out, he catches Pierce by surprise with a fireman's carry... NO! Pierce slips free! Pierce shoves Tyler into the ropes, but Tyler ducks a clothesline. A thrust kick to the gut doubles Pierce up and Tyler surprises him with a small package!!




Pierce tries a quick clothesline again, but Tyler avoids that one too and muscles Pierce over with a Samoan Drop!!

Wow! Even Amberlyn had to look impressed with that show of power!

Ignoring the strange look from his opposition manager, Tyler waits for Pierce to get up, but Riggs slides back in and attacks from behind. Hooking a reverse front facelock, Riggs lifts Tyler back for the Huntingdon Hangover...

...but Shayne makes the save, giving Tyler the shove to flip him over the back! Riggs takes a swing at Shayne, but Showtime ducks...


...and Riggs turns into a DOUBLE SUPERKICK!!


Stepping over Riggs, the Champs then crack PIERCE with another DOUBLE SUPERKICK!!!!


Superkicks all round!

Looking to clear the ring, Shayne leaps up onto Riggs's shoulders and gives him a headscissors, up over the top and all the way to the floor!

Look out!

Clearing the way, that leaves Tyler in with a seriously groggy Piercey D. Stumbling around like a drunk, Pierce gets picked up, into the fireman's carry...


...and NAILED with the IDOLISER!! Jade jumps for joy, as Tyler hooks Pierce up...






Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match and STILL OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... D*LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!


Tyler and Shayne high-five and Jade comes in with the Tag Team Titles to join in the celebration.

The Tag Team Champions successful once again, here at The Great Angle Bash! The D*LUX revolution, rolls on!

As D*LUX display their titles to the crowd, Pierce rolls out of the ring and into the arms of Amberlyn. Pierce is out on his feet, but doesn't get much help from Amberlyn, who seems more pre-occupied with what's going on in the ring than the semi-conscious family member in her arms.

The OAOAST tag team division is the toughest in the world, but the way D*LUX have risen to the next level here in 2011, we may be seeing this sight for many more months to come.

They're pretty good, I'll give them that. The victory party is gonna be hella tame compared to what my boys were gonna get down on though.

D*LUX continue to celebrate their win as the beaten trio of JR, Pierce and Amberlyn back away, with their party plans crushed.

Folks, whereas Pierce Duncan failed to capture the tag team titles, his elder and much more successful sister looks to reverse the family fortunes and defend her world title against Bohemoth later tonight. For more here's Terry Taylor.

Terry Taylor is standing backstage in the locker room area.

Thanks, guys. I got a chance to talk with Krista Isadora Duncan and she said "Melody was right, Green Lantern was a crappy movie!" That obviously has nothing to do with her title match, but all she could talk about was how much she hated Green Lantern. Bohemoth on the other hand is as focused as I've ever seen him. He says he knows this could be his last chance for a long time to win the world title. But he says it won't matter, because last chance or not, he will become the face of this company. He says its all about him. Back to you, guys.

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Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins plays as a tall rusted steel cage rises onto the entrance stage. Standing within the cage, holding both a sword and a determined expression is Alexander The Brutal. After stepping out from backstage, Megan Skye opens the cage, unleashing Alexander upon the world.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of twenty minutes! Now making his way to the ring from Kavala, Greece, he is accompanied by MEGAN SKYE….he is….ALEXANDER THE BRUUUUUTTTAAAAALLLLLLLL!

The crowd lets out a solid pop for the Greek grappler. He responds with a slight nod of his head, never once taking his eyes off the ring.

Alexander The Brutal has been an incredible force since he entered the OAOAST last summer. But, he faces perhaps his toughest challenge yet in-

A god!

Why must you always interrupt me? He faces Odin, a man who claims to be the ancient Norse god of the same name. Whatever he is the fact remains that he’s 6’6 two hundred fifty pounds. But Alexander says he fears no man, and no god. Will that resolve be tested tonight?

No one man should have all that power
The clock’s tickin’, I just count the hours
Stop trippin’, I’m trippin’ off the power
‘Til then, f-ck that, the World’s ours

Boos rain down from the stands in response to the instrumental version of. Kanye West’s “Power”. A gorgeous “waterfall” of blue smoke descends upon a blue lit entrance stage. The entrance doors shred apart, to reveal a smiling Odin, who holds his arms extended.


Bow down, Mikey Cole! Get on your knees and give thanks because its DA BASED GAWD~! Odin! Dude just dropping blessings on fools while he walks down the entrance ramp.

I don’t know what to make of a man who seriously claims to be a god. What I will say is he has a hell of a body, a lot of talent, and a major ego. And that ego has led him to target Alexander The Brutal. I think that’s ill advised. Alexander is the LAST guy on the roster you want to mess with.

Odin steps over the red, white and blue ring ropes to enter the battleground. In the center of the ring, he raises his fist high into the air. This causes white pyro to explode from each turnbuckle post.


Alexander lets out a mighty roar that’s a prelude to the river of punches he sends streaming towards Odin’s face. The blows back The God Of War into the corner. Yet, through the smile on his face, Odin appears to be enjoying the assault. He then turns the tables on Alexander by grabbing his throat and tossing him into the corner. Now it’s the Greek who’s punished by hard and powerful punches. The sixth blow knocks him to the ground, shocking the crowd and causing Odin to laugh.

DA BASED GAWD~! just dropped Alexander to the ground. I think he may hit harder than anyone in this company!

Alexander puts on a look defiance and rises off the canvas. Unfortunately he’s nailed with a throat thrust that dumps him back where he came from. He’s promptly pulled off the canvas and shot into the ropes. Odin lowers his head, seeking his foe to leapfrog him. But Alexander counters with a knee to the top of his skull. Odin shoots upright and yells in anger. This rage leads him to throw a lariat that’s expertly ducked by Alexander. After swinging back around, Odin is caught underneath the jaw by an uppercut and then dropped by a diving lariat! As Odin lays on the canvas, Alexander bounces off the ropes and drives an elbow into his foe’s heart. Odin soon finds himself mounted, and punches rain down upon his face.

Look at how fast Alexander is working tonight, Coach.

I think DA BASED GAWD~! has him severely worked up and worried no matter what he says to the opposite.

What the hell does “Based” even mean?

Having many girls, being a real nigga, swagging to the maximum, and looking like Jesus. It's a way of life. Not caring what people think, living in a mansion, doing what you want, how you want. Wearing what you want. Thereupon, Odin, DA BASED GAWD~! is the god of all the above events.

Alexander hauls Odin off the canvas and shoots him into the ropes. Upon bouncing back, Odin is faced with a Thrust Kick. He catches onto Alexander’s leg to prevent the move from connecting. Alexander is spun around, and expects the worst to happen. But no move will be forthcoming as Odin has exited the ring.

“LITTLE BITCH! LITTLE BITCH! LITTLE BITCH!” the fans chant at Odin who holds his hands on his hips in annoyance and frustration.

I have to believe that Odin thought he could just waltz in here and crush Alexander. And frankly that’s a rather foolish belief on Odin’s part.

Alexander exits the ring at Megan’s urging, hunching over on the ring apron. When his foe turns around to face him Alexander flies off with a shoulder block! The move connects, slamming into Odin and throwing him to the ground.

And there’s something you don’t see out of Alexander very often!

I’m telling ya, Mikey, the guy is scared stiff of DA BASED GAWD. And rightly so, DA BASED GAWD is swagging at a hundred thousand trillion.

Alexander grabs Odin by his thick blond hair, and uses that grip to slam into the ring steps! Odin’s misery continues as Alexander pulls him upright and guides him towards the steel ramp. He then reverses course by sending Odin rushing at the blue steps. Odin’s shoulder crashes into steel stairs, completely dislodging them. Alexander towers above Odin’s body, staring down at his foe with intense dislike.


Alexander scrapes Odin from the blue mats in order to slam his face into the steel guardrail. This delights the front row audience, but not The God of War, who tries to escape up the entrance ramp. But there will be no retreat for Odin; Alexander grabs onto his hair and drags him back to ringside. Odin is flung back into the ring, and Alexander follows him inside. But as soon he enters the battlefield, Alexander is attacked by a knee from the native of Asgard. Odin proceeds to bash his foe with nasty stomps from his dark blue boots.

DA BASED GAWD took a beating on the outside, and just popped right back up to start kicking ass. His swag is at Obama levels.

Alexander rolls into the corner, desperate to break the parade of stomps. But, his fate becomes much worse as Odin begins choking him. Referee Earl Hebner begins a five count, only to be informed by Odin that “God’s do not answer to a five count”. As such the hold goes on unstopped, which causes Megan great annoyance.

I think Earl Hebner may be a little intimidated by Odin. And I can’t say that I blame him, given that he’s 6’6 two hundred fifty pounds.

Odin finally breaks the chokehold so that he may pull Alexander to the center of the ring for an Irish whip effort. But Alexander reverses the hold, throwing Odin to the ropes. The God of War bounces back to avoid a lariat, and continues his run of the cables. Yet when he returns Alexander captures him within his muscular arms. Seconds later Odin is thrown over head with a belly to belly suplex!


The crowd and Megan cheer the signature hold of Alexander. As they continue to root him on, Alexander drags Odin across the ring to the corner. He drapes Odin’s legs around the ring posts, and then exits the squared circle. Earl Hebner follows him outside, imploring him to rethink this course of action. However, Alexander ignores him and goes on to smack Odin’s leg against the ring posts with repeated ferocity!

Simply BRUTAL~!

I don’t know if even a God can survive that.

Alexander returns to the ring, ready to inflict more damage upon his foe. But as he begins dragging him upright, Odin unleashes a mighty uppercut that sends him hurtling over the ropes! Alexander then crashes onto the outside ring mats.


After stepping over the ropes, Odin drops down onto Alexander with a clubbing forearm. Working relentlessly, he picks Alexander up and pulls him off the canvas. From there he drives him knee first onto the ring steps. The pain hasn’t even a moment to set in for Alexander, before Odin rips him away from the stairs. He then lifts him up and drops him throat first across the guardrail! Alexander falls backwards, allowing Odin to viciously choke him with his boot!

Both these men have made liberal use of the outside area. I think both these men have a lot of pride, and will go to any lengths to not lose.

This match goes beyond pride. Its about who’s the true god of power around here. Who’s the real dominant force?

Odin rolls Alexander into the ring. Smiling to himself as he climbs back into the ring, Odin watches Alexander back into the corner. Odin stalks his position and terrorizes him with a nasty boot across the face!

Now that’s BRUTAL~!

Odin uses his boot to shove Alexander out the ring. With the squared circle free of any danger, Odin takes time to smile towards the hostile audience.


Wait, something isn’t right!

Indeed something is foul as BADASS JACK jumps over the guardrail! The meanest man in the OAOAST lies in wait, awaiting Alexander’s rise. When it finally comes Jack surges forward and connects with a boot to Alexander’s stomach. He then stuffs Alexander between his legs, and executes the Country Strong Piledriver!

No! No! Badass Jack with the Country Strong piledriver! And those are not thick mats, folks. Not in the slightest.

Jack grabs Alexander’s weakened body and dumps it back into the ring. Without so much as acknowledging the help of Jack, Odin hooks onto Alexander’s legs for a pinfall…




“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the audience celebrates as Megan breathes a sigh of relief.

Odin pulls Alexander off the canvas, only to find the Greek counters his efforts by dragging him down in a crossface! The audience puts forth a large pop in recognition of Alexander’s finishing hold.

Could this be it? Could Alexander make a “god” tap out?

We’ll never find out the answer to that question as Badass Jack enters the ring and attacks Alexander! At this Hebner has no choice but to call for the bell…


Your winner as a result of a disqualification…ALEXANDER THE BRUTAL!

Badass Jack finishes the job on Alexander by chucking him over the ropes. The Greek lands on the outside in front of a worried Megan Skye. In no shape to fight, Alexander must heed her advice to not answer Jack’s challenges.

A great match spoiled by this interference by Badass Jack.

Equally as upset as Cole and the audience is Odin. After getting to his feet, he spins Badass Jack around. Face to face with the surly shitkicker, Odin becomes incensed. He unloads a torrent of rage upon Jack, jamming his finger directly into his face. Badass only tolerates a second of this. Once that second passes he slugs Odin in the jaw!

Oh my!

Odin and Badass trade furious and rage filled punches. Neither man is able to upend the other, but this doesn’t stop them from viciously trying.

What the hell is going on? Get that crazy redneck off DA BASED GAWD~!

Finally a gang of officials and security flood the ring. They wave and weave between the brawling combatants in a bid to separate them. After much struggle and great strife, something resembling a peace is achieved. But its soon broken when Badass Jack surges forward and clotheslines Odin! The two tangle and roll around the ring as the staff makes a vain effort to try and pry them apart.

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Backstage, Vinny Valentine wanders the halls along with his cousin Tony Tourettes.

Man, I can’t believe this. Where’s the love for the Vin-man?

At least you’ve gotten some goddamn love. I’m still a fucking virgin.

Hey Tony! Tony Brannigan!

The guys meet up with the OAOAST Original, who receives a big reaction from the hometown faithful.

What can I do for you guys?

I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’m not booked on the card.

I noticed, but there’s only so many spots available. Besides, you’re getting air time right now.

Yeah, but I’ve been working on my skills down at the OAOAST Reactor. I’m ready to go straight to the top.

Let me get this straight. You want to trade-in your dancing shoes for wrestling boots?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still shake my booty, but now I’ll kick some too.

So you got a match for Vinny or not? I saw that flaming luchador Mariachi playing with himself on OAOAST No Homo. What about him?

I think we can find somebody on short notice.

My climb to the top begins tonight.

I’m gonna be the new Captain Lou. Manager of champions, motherfucker.

A happy Vinny Valentine exit’s the screen.

Somebody’s gonna kick their ass kicked.

And it’ll probably be Vinny’s.

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The pounding and anthemic beats of

summon Melissa Nerdly, clad in a boxer’s robe, from the backstage area. She boxes an imaginary opponent inside a red spotlight. After the knockout blow, the boxing fanatic strides to the ring.

The following six girl contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of twenty minutes! Now making her way to the ring from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is MELISSAAAAAA NEEERRRDDDDLLLLLLYYYYYY!

I hear Pretty Boy Floyd goes to Melissa for boxing tips.

Welcome to the tea party
Wanna be my vip
Didn’t rsvp that’s okay that’s okay
Wanna be my vip
Didn’t rsvp that’s okay that’s okay
When I’m all steam up
Hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

whistles through the sound system, giving absolutely no one any sort of pleasure. The OAOAST’s resident fashion guru, Sophie walks onto the entrance with her miniature horse Pumpkin at her side.

And introducing her partners, first from Marsielles, France, she repreents the Cucaracha Kingdom….SOOOOPPPPHHHHIIIEEEEEE!

Sophie dismisses the audience with a wave of her hands as she guides pumpkin down the entrance ramp.

This is a very interesting match in that Sophie used to be tag team partners with Molly, and has feuded with Maya. And Lorelei used to be good friends with both Molly and Morgan.






So sexy

Damn, I love the jam, the jet and the mansion. (Oh yeah)
And I enjoy the gifts and the trips to the islands.(Oh yeah)
Its good to live expensive
You know it, but my knees get weak intensive
When you give k-kisses

Thats money honey,
Well I'm your lover and your mistress
Thats money honey
When you touch me, its so delicious
Thats money honey
Baby when you tell me the pieces
Thats money honey

A SOUR Lorelei DeCenzo bursts through the entrance doors before they can even properly part. Forgoing her usual theatrics, she fiercely marches towards the ring.


Lorelei looking none to happy tonight at the Great Angle Bash. And that has a lot to do with her losing the Women’s Title to Jade Rodez-Duncan this past week on HeldDOWN~!

“Slither” by Velvet Revolver brings out a positive reaction from the fans. Filming these cheering crowd members is film buff Molly Nerdly.

And introducing their opponents, first from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is MOLLLLYYY NNNNEERRRRDDDLLLLYYYY!

The video screens are full of the images that Molly shoots on the Siclopse.

Molly Nerdly is perhaps the most logical choice to team with Maya Duncan-Blanchard, given her association with Ned Blanchard.

We're longing for daylight
Burning the same lie
To find the ghost of you and I
We're running from midnight
Dying to ignite
To find the ghost of you and I

plays as electrical bolts touch down on the dimly lit entrance stage. The final bolt comes crashing down with more intensity than the previous ones combined. With that a timid Morgan Nerdly creeps onto the entrance stage. She looks over her shoulder with apprehension before heading down to the ring.

And her partner from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, prepare for Shock and Awe from MORGAN NEEEERRRDDDDDDLLLLLYYYYYY!

A huge cheer erupts from the stands, the fans offering shouts of encouragement to a girl that desperately needs it.

You can’t help but feel bad for Morgan. She wants revenge on Lorelei, but at the same time she doesn’t want to disappoint Leon. It’s a tough choice.

It ain’t tough. What happened to standing by your man? Hoes these days ain’t got the proper respect for true niggas like me and Le-Ro. I ain’t got no quarrel with chin checking these bitches.

Leon Rodez problems with Ned Blanchard are of his own making. He’s the one who walked out on their match at Anglemania,. He started the issue. Morgan shouldn’t have to suffer because of that.

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back!

A massive neon lit sign with white pyro sparklers that reads Maya lowers from the ceiling. Strutting out from the backstage area, twirling a baton is the young lady herself. She throws the baton into the air, performs a graceful spin, and lets the baton settle in her hand. After bowing over her cool trick, she hand slaps her way down the asile.

And their partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is THE ANGELIC HELL RAISER…..MAYA DUNCAN BLLAAANNNCHHHAAAARRRDDDDD!

The nickname says it all, Maya raises hell wherever she goes.

And she raised something else with those pictures!

You mean Lorelei’s ire?

I mean my penis.

Maya rolls into the ring and talks strategy with her team. Its decided between the three that Maya will start the contest against Melissa.

I float like a butterfly, and I sting like a bee!

Uh, what?

I am the greatest!

Um, excuse me?

I shook up the world!

She once saw that Ali movie with Will Smith after that she started envisioning herself as Mohammed Ali.

Ohl. Well, hey, Melody let me play a game of Mike Tyson’s Punchout on her authentic NES, so I’m feeling like the baddest man on the planet. So if you don’t mind…


Maya rocks Melissa with several more punches before shooting her into the ropes. Upon hitting the cables, Maya’s old rival Sophie makes a blind tag. Maya back drops a charging Melissa, dealing with one opponent. The other, however, proves to be a bit of a problem with clubbing blows to her back. Doubled over, Maya is dragged into a front facelock. Sophie guides Maya to her corner, where she applies the tag with Lorelei.


Lorelei has to be eager to get in the ring with Maya after The Teen Dream cost her her Women’s Title on HeldDOWN~!

After making her entrance, Lorelei joins Sophie by adding her own front facelock. The two prepare to lift the young Californian into the air. But Maya makes an amazing counter by suplexing them both backwards.

Woah! I don’t think Lorelei or Sophie expected that kind of strength from the Angelic Hellraiser.

Maya picks Sophie up by her brown hair and faces her towards the ropes. She then boots her in the tush, effectively kicking her out the ring.

Sophie’s been kicked out of more fashionable places than this, I bet!

Turning her attention back to Lorelei, Maya throws the Money Honey into the ropes. Upon Lorelei’s return, Maya stabs her in the gut with her tennis shoe. She then backs into the ropes, coming off to strike Lorelei in the neck with a scissors neck.

Inheritance kick!

The cover is made….



Melissa breaks up the pinfall with a kick to Maya’s head. Not appreciating this in the slightest, Maya returns fire with a clothesline that upends the Nerdly girl.

No one has been able to stop Maya so far.

Its those Duncan genes, they’re ass kick proof.

Unless your name is Pierce.

Maya whips Lorelei into a neutral corner, and then climbs to the second rope to rain down punches on Lorelei’s head. The fans naturally count along, but are interrupted when Lorelei counters by carrying Maya towards the center of the ring and striking her with an inverted atomic drop. While Maya remains stunned by the move, Lorelei reaches backwards and applies the tag with Melissa.

Lorelei added Melissa to her team because she hits hard. Let’s see how hard she throws her hands against the youngest Duncan girl.

Melissa and Lorelei run at Maya with twin shoulder tackles. However, Maya comes to life and runs through them with a double lariat!


Maya retreats to her corner and tags Molly into the contest.

Rumble, young man, rumble!

Melissa starts juking and jiving, tossing phantom punches at Molly. The film buff merely smiles at her sister before lunging forward and taking Melissa down to the ground. Melissa scrambles upright, but is caught within a hammerlock by Molly. The Ali wannabe tries to wiggle her way out of Molly’s grip. But Molly won’t allow this, keeping the hold tightened. Melissa changes her strategy and grabs onto Molly’s head. This allows her to snap mare her sister to the ground. Melissa retreats to the ropes, and returns to kick her rival in the back! Molly falls over to the side, a perfect position for Melissa’s pinfall….



Molly performs a kickout, popping the sold out San Antonio crowd. She comes to her feet, and is met with a trio of jabs from Melissa. Molly is then overtaken by an arm drag from her sister. That same arm is targeted by a series of stomps before Melissa tries a second pin….



Molly brings her shoulder into the air to end the pinfall. Melissa keeps her grounded, by resting her knee on her afflicted arm. She then proceeds to pour punch after punch into the arm. Molly yells in agony, which brings Maya into the ring. The Angelic Hellraiser strides forward and kicks Melissa off her partner. Melissa and her team bemoan Maya’s entry, and referee Charles Robinson hastily removes her from the ring.

Do you think P.Diddy is happy with Lorelei’s team?

I don’t think P.Diddy even knows Lorelei has a team to begin with!

Melissa applies the tag to Sophie, bringing the French girl back into the ring. Sophie drapes Molly’s arm across the ropes, leaving it exposed. Because of this she’s easily able to punt it. Molly grimaces from the pain and pulls her arm away. She gets no reprieve from her pain as Sophie kicks her arm once more. Molly falls to her knees, where she’s victimized by a series of kicks to her injured arm. After the final kick lands, Molly falls backwards. Sophie drops on her with a pinfall….



Molly gets the shoulder up before the three count.

Molly doesn’t wrestle as often as some of our other girls due to her managerial duties taking precedence. She’s very technically sound, but its hard to use that expertise when her arm has been targeted so thoroughly.

Sophie brings Molly to her feet and twists her arm around in an arm wrench. She then swings her leg back, kicking Molly in the head. The film buff falls backwards landing in the ropes. Sophie seeks to take advantage of her wounded foe, and runs to opposite cables. They spit her back at Molly, but the part time NYU student upends her over the ropes and onto the apron!

Great defense by Molly Nerdly!

Molly uses precious seconds to catch her breath and attend to her sore arm. She realizes it would be unwise to continue the match in her current condition. Therefore she crawls to her corner to tag in her younger sister Morgan!


Here comes-

A lousy traitor and a terrible girlfriend. What happened to standing by your man? Instead Morgan goes and hangs with two of his enemies?

These two “enemies” have been a lot kinder to Morgan than Leon has ever thought to be.

Sophie begins ducking through the ropes to get back into the ring when she’s caught with a running knee by Morgan. The attack knocks her for a loop and leaves her draped over the middle rope. She’s quickly dragged into a front facelock, and then hung feet first on the white cable.

Shades of Leon Rodez right here.

The crowd gets to their feet and awaits the strike typically associated with The Fallen Idol. Morgan looks at Sophie remorsefully but then gives the fans what they want by dropping backwards and spiking Sophie’s head into the canvas with a downfall DDT! A cover is made as Morgan’s team applauds her big time move…



Sophie gets the foot on the ropes. Morgan brings her to her feet and then sends her into a neutral corner. She lands with such force that she’s propelled towards the center of the ring. Morgan seizes her, lifting her onto her shoulders in set up for the Shock & Awe!

Here it comes!

But Sophie elbows Morgan with furious fire and those elbows allow her to find her way out the hold.

And there it goes.

Sophie latches onto Morgan’s wrist, and uses that grip to shoot her into the ropes. Morgan returns fire, by leaping onto Sophie’s shoulders, and swing around with an arm breaker bulldog.

Sophie just got a taste of Electrical Turbulence!

Sophie unsteadily gets to her feet and backs away from Morgan. The former private isnpector looks nervous and unsure. After some deliberation she rushes at her foe. Sophie desperately lunges out and catches Morgan in the stomach with a boot. With Morgan doubled over, Sophie reaches back to tag in Lorelei.


The San Antonio portion of the OAOAST Galaxy no fan of Lorelei DeCenzo.

‘But, P.Diddy sure is!


Lorelei enters the ring to club Morgan down to the ground. Reaching downward, she grabs Morgan’s arms, and then steps on her back to brutally stretch her out. Morgan whimpers from the intense strain that finds its way to her back. Eventually, Lorelei releases her grip on Morgan’s arms. She does this so that she may pull the Edmontonian upright. Now fully standing, Morgan is hammered by left hands from Lorelei. The two time women’s champion next grabs onto Morgan’s waist in order to lift her up and drop her back first onto her out stretched knee. A pinfall is attempted…



Morgan gets her shoulder off the canvas, leading Lorelei to grouse about the count. After regaining her focus, she picks Morgan up and guides her to her corner. Trapping Morgan against the posts, she stomps at her stomach. Once that task is done she tags in Melissa.

The tide of this match turned almost in an instant once Lorelei got into the ring. Let’s see if Melissa can keep it up for her team.

Melissa floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee with jabs to Morgan’s face. Morgan fights back with elbows that target Melissa’s jaw. But the (self proclaimed) expert striker subdues her with a body blow. A body slam then drops Morgan to the canvas, and she’s promptly hit with a fist drop. Melissa sees that as enough work to defeat Morgan and pins her…



Morgan again finds her way out the pinfall!


You have to wonder is Leon Rodez enjoying seeing Morgan in peril or does he have some shred of decency left and is cheering her on?

Morgan climbs upright, using the ropes for support. Melissa takes this time to tag in Lorelei. The Money Honey bashes Morgan across the back, forcing her away from the cables. Morgan is next trapped inside a front facelock. From that position she lifts her into the air, and then drives her downwards with a brainbuster. Another cover follows…



Morgan surprises everyone with a kickout. Maya and Molly pass her words of encouragements, and the sold out audience does the same. Morgan uses these words of kindness to get to a vertical base. She’s still weak, and as such she can’t stop Lorelei from running the ropes. What she can do, however, is reach out and grab Lorelei by the throat!


Morgan sweeps Lorelei’s leg out, hitting her with a Choke STO!


And Morgan has got to get to her corner and make the tag!

Morgan crawls along the mats, heading towards the outstretched hands of Molly and Maya. The trip is a difficult one, but its one she must undertake. It soon bears fruit as she’s able to tag in The Angelic Hellraiser!


Lorelei tries to run away from an approaching Maya. But she’s too slow and Maya captures her with a running german suplex! That display of power draws Sophie and Melissa into the ring. Not wanting her partner to face such tough odds, Molly runs into the ring to clothesline Melissa. Molly lays the boots to Melissa while Maya scoops Sophie onto her shoulders. She quickly slams her down with the Child Star Syndrome!

Big time move from Maya Duncan Blanchard!

Lorelei gets to her feet and tries to jump Maya from behind. But Maya is ready for her arrival, and attacks her with thudding elbows. After those elbows stop, an Irish whip sends her into the corner. She staggers back towards the center of the ring, where Maya looks to hit the iMaya. But Maya is caught underneath the jaw by an uppercut from Melissa!

Lorelei got saved right there.

Molly pounces on Melissa, battering her with stinging chops. Sophie tries to spring into action to aid Melissa, but is captured by Morgan. The former Private Eye lifts Sophie onto her shoulders, and then drops her off with an F-U!

Shock and Awe!

Molly then executes a Final Cut on Melissa!

Molly nails her finisher!

For a grand finale, Maya delivers a leap frog face crusher to Lorelei!


The fans and Molly count along as Maya makes the cover…






The victorious Maya and Molly exchange high fives, as Morgan nervously looks on. The timid girl is invited to join the celebration, but she meekly leaves the ring.

That’s right, you traitor, you terrible girlfriend, realize what you’ve done!

Morgan has just done a great and wonderful thing, and hopefully it brings her some closure.

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“Big Pimpin’” by Jay-Z blasts through the speakers and the Sooner Bruisers power walk to the ring.

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a total combine weight of 530 pounds… UBER BRUISER and BIG PAPA THRUST… THE SOOOOOOOOONNEEEEEEERRRRRRRR BBRRRRRRUUUUUUUIIIIIISSEEEEERRRRRSSSSS!!!


“Motherfucker of the Year” hits and golden pyro showers the stage.

And their opponents, accompanied by the Ultimate Combination of Beauty and Beatdowns, MALAYSIA! Total combine weight 678 pounds, the team of KKKAAAAAARRREEEEMMMM THE MIDDLE EASTERN WET DREAM and San Antonio’s own… MMMIIIIIIIIIIISSSSTTEEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!!!!


Shockingly, Mr. Dick is pushed out by Kareem in a WHEELCHAIR, a black BAG on his lap.


Are you kidding me? I saw Mr. Dick backstage earlier today and he was perfectly fine.

Well obviously something happened between then and now.

I just noticed something else. Malaysia is nowhere in sight.

OAOAST correspondent TONY BRANNIGAN rushes down the aisle to get a word with MD.

I think I speak for everyone in the OAOAST Galaxy when I ask, what is going on?

If you’d just hold the mic I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.
(reaches into bag and pulls out a Shake Weight)
Can you tell the people what this is?

A Shake Weight.

And what do you suppose it weighs? Hell, I’ll answer it for you. More than you think. So you can imagine the pain I was in when I dropped the damn thing on my foot working out backstage. I didn’t have time to have my foot examined, but luckily I ran into a Make-A-Wish kid who allowed me to borrow his wheelchair after I showed him how to apply a sleeper.

What a dick.

Anyway, it pains me greatly to inform you cocksuckers that… barring some miracle… your favorite son will be unable to compete tonight.


I feel your pain. I only wish you could feel mine, then maybe you‘d understand.

I guess that means you guys forfeit.

Hey man, did you hear anybody mention forfeit?

Are you saying you’ll face the Sooner Bruisers by yourself?

You trippin', fool? I ain’t wrestling two dudes.

BPT grabs a mic.

You know, Dick, why don’t you follow in the footsteps of Chad Johnson and Ron Artest and change your name to Mr. Pussy, because you’ve proven tonight that’s what you are -- a PUSSY! See, we came here to fight. Either you man up--

Can’t you see the man’s hurt?

Shut up, you fat bastard. Nobody asked you. In fact, I’m not surprised you’re afraid to fight because you haven’t seen your balls in years.

Those are fighting words, fool.

Kareem removes his entrance garb and challenges BPT in the ring.

I guess we’re going to have ourselves a singles match.


The bell sounds and Kareem shoves BPT into the corner out of a tie-up, then performs a double bicep pose.

You gotta admit, Cole -- Kareem makes that flab look fab.

He won’t be any rolls short this Thanksgiving, that’s for sure.

Both men lockup again and this time BPT muscles Kareem straight back to the corner. Following a few choice words BPT flexes the largest arms in the galaxy, then flips off MD ringside.



MD wheels himself over to Sofa Central.

We’re going to need another--

MD snatches Cole’s headset, to Coach’s amusement.

That jacked up Barney Rumble is lucky an act of God prevented me from competing or he’d be on his hands and knees begging for mercy.

BPT and Kareem lockup again. They jockey for position till Kareem corners BPT.

Will we get a clean break?

Surprisingly, yes. Or so we thought. Kareem throws a clubbing right which BPT ducks and follows with a series of knees to the gut and forearm strikes. BPT shoots Kareem to the far corner and charges into a knee.

Pow! Right in the kisser.

It’s like Kareem did that for you. Although like you said, without the freak injury you’d be the one dishing out the punishment.

If by some miracle I healed in the next few minutes I’d go in there and take Big Papa Thrust to school.

I’m gonna say a prayer for you right now.

Oh, brother. By the way, where is Malaysia?

She’s making arrangements for a trip to the local medical facility so I can have my foot examined following the match. Disappointed much? I bet you were hoping for something more sensationalistic.

Kareem positions BPT diagonally near the corner and climbs to the top, but BPT makes it back to his feet and slams the Middle Eastern Wet Dream to the mat!

The whole ring shook!

Kareem staggers to his feet and eats a clothesline, though he manages to remain upright. A second clothesline knocks him into the ropes, but he ducks a third clothesline and backdrops BPT over the top to the floor!


Did you hear that? Wow.

Kareem clubs BPT outside and then taunts Uber, prompting the ref to come between them. Suddenly, MD leaps out of his wheelchair and POSTS UBER!


Do you believe in miracles? Yes!


Damn him! You can end somebody’s career that way.

OAOAST officials swarm ringside to check on Uber. As they call for a stretcher to take Uber away, MD tosses BPT back in the ring and rams him face-first into the top buckle.

That’s gotta be a disqualification right there. Mr. Dick isn’t part of the match.

The ref feels exactly the same until MD grabs the mic and announces…

You can’t disqualify anybody because Kareem and Big Papa Thrust never verbally agreed to turn this into a singles match. Now gag on that!

Mr. Dick isn’t just another pretty face, the man is genius.

I’m sorry to say he’s right. Although Kareem said he wouldn’t fight the Sooner Bruisers alone, he never explicitly challenged Big Papa Thrust to a singles match.

I bet you just turned into a major cocksucker.

Excuse me?

You know, a Mr. Dick fan.

I don’t think he means that in a flattering matter.

Who am I kidding? You already were a major cocksucker!

MD peppers BPT with right jabs and then whips him to the corner for a Stinger Splash, but BPT moves and MD gets hung up on the top rope.

Mr. Dick is well hung!

You say that with such enthusiasm.

BPT decks Kareem before he plants MD with a MIDDLE ROPE SAMOAN DROP!

The cover.




BPT rolls off and Kareem drops a big elbow on MD!


Kareem stands over MD mouth agape, so he doesn’t notice BPT shoot off the ropes to deliver a clothesline that splashes him down on the Real American Prick!

Oh my!

With Kareem laid across MD’s back, BPT jumps on top for the cover.





The hell?

Big Papa Thrust has overcome the odds to defeat Mr. Dick and Kareem!

He never pinned Mr. Dick, Cole -- Kareem did. That ref never should’ve counted.

Well he did and Big Papa Thrust is your winner.



Before his arm can be fully raised in victory, Big Papa Thrust is blindsided by Kareem.

You knew Mr. Dick and Kareem wouldn’t go off into the night quietly.

BPT turns the tables on Kareem and unloads in the corner. Meanwhile, MD reaches into the black bag and levels BPT with a… GLASS DILDO?!


It’s the infamous glass dildo!

The same one Big Papa Thrust gave Malaysia sometime back.

Speaking of Malaysia, she arrives on the scene and gives MD an earful. He’s not very interested in what she has to say though. Instead he and Kareem bend a bloody BPT over the top rope and HANDCUFF him.

What the heck?

MD fits BPT with a BALL GAG then tells Kareem to pull down BPT’s short shorts.

I think we’re finding out what Mr. Dick meant on HeldDOWN~! He’s gonna shame Big Papa Thrust out of the OAOAST.

Malaysia pleads with MD not to go through with his dirty deed, but he still doesn’t pay attention to her.

Don’t even start, Cole. I can tell you’re itching to stir things up between Mr. Dick and Malaysia.

Me stir things up? I think Malaysia’s reaction speaks for itself. She clearly isn’t happy with what‘s going on.

The shorts come down and MD lunges forward…

Put the women and children to bed!

…when DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW decks him with a clothesline!


Malaysia grabs the dildo and flees as OAOAST officials swarm ringside again to breakup the melee.

Thank goodness for Deuce. Otherwise who knows what may have happened.

What is he, a stalker? The guy’s always there when Mr. Dick is around.

It’s no secret Deuce still has a score to settle with Mr. Dick, one that will be one day.

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"Getting Away With Murder" gets the crowd on their feet and amped up for the next match, as the one and only FRANCHISE is on his way to the ring!

It's been an interesting few months for Zack Malibu. Blocked from competing once again, he was named a suspect in a vicious assault on Anglesault the night of Anglemania, but had his name cleared. That didn't sit too well with Anglesault's former henchmen Christopher Patrick Allan and Tango Bosley, and after a hellacious few weeks that saw Bruce Blank and Todd Cortez get involved, tonight, Zack looks to end the war by beating Bosley one on one!

Malibu comes out on the ramp, revved and ready as he heads to the ring and works the fans up even more. Malibu gets into the ring and climbs up on the ropes, paying respect to the fans in attendance before his music abruptly cuts out and...the music of JASON SILVER comes on!??!?!

YO~! Is this what I think it is!?

In fact, it is, as former OAOAST World Champion Jason Silver walks out onto the stage, surprising the fans as well as Malibu. Silver looks down the ramp and at Malibu and begins to approach, but then thinks better of the situation and stands on the entranceway.

Surprised to see me? C'mon Zack, you didn't see this one coming, did you?

Malibu's been in this situation before, and he lets it run its course, waiting on Silver to speak his piece.

You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you Zack? No, you have to get your hands into EVERYTHING, don't you? Anglemania just wasn't good enough for you, was it, Zack? You had to put an exclamation point on everything. You had to go and commit the most heinous atrocity this company has ever seen...when you shook my uncle's hand.

Shook his hand? I thought he was talking about the attack!

That moment, Zack, it was an epiphany. It was eye opening. It caused me to search down deep within myself and for the first time it forced me to ask myself things. It forced me to question my own ability. I felt like everything I knew was a lie, and that's when the lightbulb went off. Something snapped (Silver snaps his fingers), just like that, and I knew what needed to be done.

Silver paces the stage, and runs his hand through his hair. He grows anxious, and nervously walks back and forth.

I tried...I tried to do right, I really did. I tried to live up to the legacy that my family built. This company was supposed to be my kingdom. I was supposed to be the heir to the throne...NOT YOU. Anglemania...Anglemania...Anglemania...

Silver repeats the name of the famed event, mumbling it into the microphone, and then starts walking towards the ring quickly. Malibu braces for an attack, but Silver keeps talking.

I was patient. I waited my turn, but it never came. When I got the call from my uncle telling me that we were going to eliminate you, I was all too happy to sign on. For almost ten years you have disguised your true self with a smile and a wave and it has bought you the affection of everyone. EVERYONE loves Zack Malibu. The kids, the adults, the men, the women...the shirts fly off the rack, the toys fly off the shelves, and you're laughing all the way to the bank. Well I am NOT LIKE YOU, Zack. I refuse to hide what I am. I refuse to pretend to be something that I'm not. I refuse to be WEAK. That's why I hate you most of all, Zack. Because you bring out weakness in people. You take men with hearts of stone and you break their will and you break them down. You've turned Bruce Blank into your running buddy after he went after your family. You turned Leon Rodez into a babbling mess. Your friend Sly...well, we know what happened there...

Malibu lunges for Silver, but Silver drops and rolls out of the ring, and now circles it.

Can't take it, can you, Zack? Can't take the brutal honesty? You know, I've sat at home for a while now. I lost my title. I lost the power that I had over you. But the one thing that I lost, you took it from me, and I'll never get it back...you took my uncle from me...you...aha...ahahahahahahaha...

Silver laughs into the mic. Actually, it's more like a half laugh, half cry, as he slowly climbs up the ring steps and moves back into the ring.

You could have left it alone, but you wanted to play hero. Then VICE started digging, and everyone's getting dragged into it and cross-referenced and that's when I said NO MORE! NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO TAKE MY SPOTLIGHT! This is MY TIME! The OAOAST is my BIRTHRIGHT! So, I'm going to stop you before this goes any further, because I am here to tell you, and you, and you and you and you (points to various audience members) just what happened to my uncle after Anglemania.

Silver scowls at Zack, then grows somber, and looks down, before looking up with a sadistic smile.

...I took him out.

Malibu looks shocked, and the fans are even more surprised now.

You heard me. I did it. I'M the one who took him out. I'M the one who left him for dead, because YOU'RE the one who made him worthless to me! You just couldn't let it go, could you? You had the company, you had him gone, out of your life, but no...you had to shake his hand! You had to let me see weakness in my uncle for the first time, Zack. The man that hated you, that would have killed for the opportunity to get rid of you for good, and you made him...RESPECT you.

Silver says those last two words with a sneer on his face, while Malibu is angry, but still confused.

I used to want to be just like him, Zack. I wanted him to be proud of me, and then you went and took that all away from me. At that moment, I decided I didn't want to be like him anymore. That I'd never be weak. That I'd never let you or anyone else get to me. I told him I didn't agree with him, but he wouldn't listen. He told me I wouldn't understand. He told me that he did things on his own terms...well I did things on mine! Hearing his bones crack and his body hit the pavement...it was like a symphony playing all the right sounds. It was soothing...endearing even. Because in the parking lot that night I embraced my true self. I embraced the devil inside me, and I am going to make the OAOAST into my own private hell starting with you! "Rocksault" is DEAD, but Jason Silver is here...and if I'd do what I did to my own flesh and blood, just think of what's going to happen to YOU.

Silver backs away slowly and throws down the mic, then SPITS in Zack's face! Furious, Zack tackles Silver, and HERE WE GO~! Malibu pounds on Silver, who covers up and throws Malibu off of him, then quickly rolls out of the ring and runs up the ramp, while a red-faced Malibu picks up the mic.

Silver...what you did to your own uncle is your cross to bear, and I'm sure at some point, he'll deal with that on his own. So you keep looking over your shoulder for him, but if I were you, I'd keep looking straight ahead...because Zack Malibu is still here, and he's still standing, and he's going to come at you head on and NEVER let up! So I'm gonna put you on notice, Silver. You want to be your own man, make your own name...then you better be prepared to earn your spot. Guys like you have come and go in this company, because I've dealt with them all. You want to make history? I'll make sure you ARE history!

Silver smirks and throws his arms out, posing on the ramp and shouting "It'll never happen" at Zack. Malibu throws the mic down and paces the ring, staring at his rival as he walks off.

What a revelation here at the Great Angle Bash! Zack Malibu, who took it upon himself to try to find out what happened to Anglesault, just had the investigation cut short by the one man that nobody figured to be a suspect! Jason Silver, Anglesault's own nephew, just confessed to the crime...and he's made it clear that Zack Malibu is his next target!

I still don't think I get it, but maybe that's good, because I don't wanna piss off Jason Silver!

He said that "Rocksault" is no more, and it would appear he's cut all ties to his family and the Anglesault name. Fans, there is more to come here on the Great Angle Bash, but right now let's go backstage while we deal with what just transpired here.



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La ilaha illa Allah, ha la ili, hay yo
Hili b'Allah, hey, hili bay yo
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money

Hala sheiki, ha lini falla
Mili ha lan shi inni mala
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money

Multicoloured spotlights and a wealth of boos greet the arriving members of the Church of Abdullah. Today that membership numbers Reject, ThunderKid and Colonel Abdullah Abir Nerdly. The speaker of the prophets dances an energetic holy dance around his charges, before directing them to the ring.

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of twenty five minutes! Now making their way to the ring, being accompanied by COLONEL ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY, they are REJECT, and THUNDERKID….THE CHURCH OF ABDULLAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Reject sneers at the audience, quite the contrast to his spiritual leader who spreads the good word to the masses. TK, for his part, merely cracks his knuckles and his neck.

This whole feud between the Church of Abdullah and Alix and Biffman began when Biffman-

Stupidly refused to join the Church of Abdullah!

And when Alix-

Was wrongly awarded the lifetime humanitarian award!

And since then its dragged in Oscar winning actress Natalie Portman, who really socked it to Reject a few weeks back on HeldDOWN~!

The sounds of troubled streets, police alarms and fleeing citizens, can be heard through the arena. A woman screams as a single spotlight searches around the arena. Eventually it focuses on the ceiling, shining a giant "A". A triumphant fanfare sounds before "The Power" hits and Biffman answers his call to duty! Biffman places his hands on his hips in a heroic pose and looks to the skies, before marching to the ring.

And the opponents, introducing first from Venice Beach, California, he is BIIIIIFFFFFMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNN!


Yo, check it, ThunderKid is a two time Heartland Champion, and Reject is a two time world champion, and they’re both two time tag team champions. And you’re telling me Biffman of all dudes is gonna be able to take them on? Biffman? We talking about Biffman? He’s going to get destroyed!

Biffman wisely keeps himself away from his opponents, avoiding the ambush they no doubt had planned.

CUE:: Katy Perry-California Girls

Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

A neon lit bar that reads Alix’s with red, white, and blue sparklers slides onto the entrance stage. Not tending the bar, but rather striking a heroic pose, is Alix Maria Spezia in a sexed up Super Girl outfit. Casually sat at the bar, sipping on a Coors light is none other than Natalie Portman! After sitting down her bottle, she helps the super hero for a day down from the bar so that they may stroll to the ring.

And his partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is accompanied by NATALIE PORTMAN…..THE HOLLYWOOD BAD GIRL….ALIX MARIA SPEZZZIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Now how you gonna go from tagging with Krista to tagging with Biffman? That’s like teaming up with prime Shaq one day, then teaming up with the reserve center from Lithuania’s special olympics wheel chair basketball team. Krista is Krista, and Biffman is Biffman. That’s like going from being a billionaire one day to taking it up the ass for crack the next.


Miss Portman on the outside his holiness The Colonel Abdullah Abir Nerdly on the outside as well. This match should be explosive!

Biffman and Reject start the match for their respective opponents. Reject, however is more concerned with bad mouthing Natalie than actually fighting Biffman. For that reason the superhero is able to snap on arm wrench. Natalie and Alix applaud as Biffman quickly shuffles into a side headlock.

Who does this idiot Biffman think he is? Biffman or Reject? Who are you going to take in an OAOAST match? Reject is light years better than Biffman.

Reject eventually manages to shove Biffman into the ropes where a blind tag is made by Alix. Alix naturally wastes the advantage of a blind tag by pondering if she should keep her hair as is or French braid it.

Alix, you gotta get into the ring.

In ring action doesn’t matter anymore. Its all about brand awareness, and being the epitome of pop culture, the epicenter of entertainment, the revolutionary force in television and film, and the only way to do that is through poorly acted skits and bland promos.

Get in the ring, damn it!

Case in point.

Did you just call me bland? I’m not bland! Reject, am I bland?

Uh….well…um…bland is such a broad turn…and….crap she’s got us distracted! Hurry up and get in here!

Alix gets into the ring, and even though Reject is plenty of time to prepare himself he somehow falls victim to an arm wrench from the quirky brunette. Reject grimaces from the pain of the hold and the fact that Alix has decided to recite Victorian era poetry to him. Reject reaches out with his free hand towards ThunderKid. Though far away, his long arm allows him to barely make a tag with the former Heartland Champion.

ThunderKid into this match and he was on the losing end of a contest against Alix last month at School’s Out.

Upon entering the battle ground, TK is able to storm through Alix with shoulder tackle.

Who’s bland now?!


ThunderKid puts himself off the ropes, timing his return to be able to drive the point of his elbow into Alix’s skull as she rises. She remains on her feet, however she is dazed. This allows ThunderKid to throw her into the ropes. Her return sees her leapfrog her foe, and make a subsequent blind tag to Biffman. While Biffman enters the ring, Alix puts ThunderKid on the ground with a beautiful dropsault!

Your assistance please, Citizen Alix.

Oh yeah sure. Just lemme take off my shirt, and that should be enough visual stimulation to successfully reach orga-

I think he meant with the double team!

Oooooooooh. Of course!

Alix and Biffman grab onto ThunderKid’s legs. They salute each other before rolling forward to awkwardly split his legs. The pair continue to roll all towards an alarmed Reject. The Bronx native has every right to panic as the pair proceed to punch him off the ring apron! No sooner than a second after Reject is taken down, the pair surge forward to lacerate TK with a double lariat. An enraged Reject enters the ring and finds himself caught with a double dropkick by the pair. The two then strike superhero poses!


I think this should lay to any rest questions about Biffman’s qualifications to team with Alix.

Because he’s got a former world champ and a six time tag champ doing the work for him he’s all of a sudden in Reject and ThunderKid’s league? Get real.

With no idea who’s supposed to be legal and who isn’t, referee Clem Buzzlefoxer simply allows Reject and Biffman to continue the contest. Biffman executes an arm wringer on Reject before extending his hand to make the tag to Alix. Together they whip Reject into the ropes. Upon his return, she’s swatted with a dropkick from Alix. This carries him back into a full nelson from Biffman. The superhero lifts his foe into the air and drops him with a devastating face plant.

Biff Blast!

How is this happening? How is Biffman managing to not look entirely out of place?

Reject scrambles to the corner to try and gain some sort of break from the ceaseless beating his team has incurred. He encounters no such luck, as Alix chases him to the ends of the earth. She climbs to the second rope and begins battering Reject with punches to his face. The crowd instantly counts a long:




ThunderKId starts to make his way down the ring apron.


“GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!” Alix shouts as she leaps sideways to dropkick TK off the ring apron!

Colonel Abdullah probably should have said more pre match prayers, his guys are getting run ragged.

Reject staggers out the corner as Alix heads to the ropes. On her return she slides beneath a slow moving lariat attempt and carries herself to the outside. She’s quickly attacked by TK, but blocks his punch with her forearm. She then rocks him with a quick punch. Wanting to move the fight to more advantageous territory, TK slides into the ring. Alix follows him inside, but is kicked in the stomach by Reject. The R-Man holds her in place, while TK runs the ropes. He comes back to smack her in the face with a bicycle kick!

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the audience complains as TK exits the ring.

Reject left inside the ring with Alix Maria Spezia. He is the co-leader of the Church Of Abdullah, the tactical mastermind if you will.

Reject mounts Alix and proceeds to hammer her with closed fists. After a warning from the official comes down, he’s forced to end that parade of punches. His next order of business is scooping up Alix and slamming her back to the canvas. A pinfall quickly follows….


Alix makes the kickout before a two count. She comes to her feet, ready to fight, but is caught with an arm wrench by Reject. The two time world champion reaches out to tag TK, allowing the two begin planning a double team. They each apply an arm wrench, and then criss cross her arms across her neck. From there they drop her backwards with a lethal hold.

That’s the way, my children! Deliver righteous justice with righteous might!

While Abdullah continues to rave over the single double team, TK backs Alix into his corner. Having expected to be able to easily pummel her, he’s shocked to see that she begins teeing off on both he and Reject. The R-Man is knocked down by a nasty elbow, and TK is then hastily shoved away. Alix elevates herself onto the second rope in TK’s absence. She adjusts her (faux) aviator goggles, checks that all systems are a go, and proceeds to take off with a DDT attempt. But the powerhouse from Green Bay catches her within his arms. The fans and Alix’s two allies watch as she’s drilled to the canvas with a brainbuster!

That was just a vicious attack by ThunderKid, the kind of killer instinct he’s always displayed throughout his long and storied OAOAST career.

A tag is applied with Reject, bringing The R-Man back into the contest. He grabs onto Alix’s arm and chucks her into a neutral corner. TK then runs in with a lariat that causes Alix to stagger towards the center of the ring. Once she’s in striking distance. Reject comes off the top to nail her in the face with a missile dropkick! As TK exits the ring, Reject makes a casual cover on Alix….



Biffman breaks up the pinfall! He’s quickly forced out the ring by the referee, and met with a deluge of insults from the Church.

I’m surprised its only Colonel Abdullah out here. You have to suspect the other Church members are lying in wait somewhere.

Alix is chucked towards the ropes by Reject. Right when she reaches them, she’s smacked in the back of the head by TK.

No this nigga didn’t!

Alix swings around and wacks TK with an elbow to the cheekbone. Pleased with herself, she turns around and walks right into a Euology!



Abdullah does a celebratory dance on the outside, making sure to rub the inevitable defeat in Miss Portman’s face. Trying to ignore Abudllah, Natalie prays for Alix to kickout as Reject makes the cover….





“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” the audience celebrates, while Biffman and Natalie exchange high fives.

Leaving the fit throwing to Abdullah, Reject bounces back and forth on his heels. This is a sign he’s readying another Euology. Alix slowly begins her rise, unsuspecting of the lethal viper ready to leap from the grass. As she stands, Reject leaps into her for the Euology! But on instinct alone she manages to shove him away! Furious at this, Reject returns with a lariat. Alix rolls beneath his attacking arm, and pops to tag in Biffman!


Reject smiles and waves Biffman into the battleground. Once he enters, the superhero stuns Reject by pressing him into the air!

Super strength! Super strength!

Biffman hurls Reject forward, leading him to crash into an approaching ThunderKid.

“BIFFMAN! BIFFMAN! BIFFMAN!” the audience bleats at the posing superhero.

TK comes to his feet, but is swiftly decked by a right hand from Biffman. Reject meets the same fate as well. Soon both Church members a being whipped without mercy by Biffman.

You want to say Biffman isn’t in the league of Alix, ThunderKid, and Reject?

A few lucky shots don’t change anything. Biffman don’t belong in the ring with these three.

With Biffman distracted by stomping TK, Reject stands behind him, bouncing on his heels for the Euology. But Biffman is well aware of his presence and doubles over The R-Man with a back kick. Reject is quick to recover, though, and reaches up to rake Biffman in the eyes. While Biffman adjusts his vision and his mask, Reject takes off to the ropes. Yet he can put forth no attack as Biffman jumps forward to nail him with a huge spear!


TK tries to attack Biffman from behind, but the superhero counters this with a hard elbow to his chin. A boot to TK’s stomach doubles him over, and soon he’s being lifted onto Biffman’s shoulders in set up of the Super Bomb! Yet, TK refuses to be powerbombed, fighting out with a river of punches to Biffman’s head. After touching down on the ground, he readies an axe kick to level Biffman.


Alix rams her gorgeous tush into TK’s face before he can connect with his bicycle kick! Unfortunately for Biffman, danger still lurks; Reject is positioned behind him, hoping back and forth in preface to the Eulogy.

Holy double penetration, Biffman, you’re in trouble! I’ll save you!

Alix leaps over Biffman, and twists in mid air to take Reject out with a mighty BUTT smash!

Holy interracial gangbangs, my BUTT! Its just….its just….its just gotta shake! Its just gotta move!



TK bounces off the ropes and kicks Alix square in her jumping and jiggling rear!

No force of evil can stop Buttwoman! My colossal posterior is an unwavering object of good!

TK charges at Alix, tired of her superhero antics. The Hollywood Bad Girls rolls past him, leading TK to carry himself into a lariat from Biffman. The cover is then made….



TK gets the shoulder up. Elsewhere, Reject has clubbed Alix in the back. With the referee’s attention diverted on TK, The R-Man is able to openly rake Alix’s green eyes. Biffman sees this, and quickly cuts Reject down with a lariat. As Reject rolls away, Biffman tries to help Alix. But, a blind Alix thinks that Biffman is Reject. Due to this confusion, she superkicks her partner all the way into the corner. Her luscious booty then goes right into fantastic action, filling his face with her smooth skin.

Buttwoman, I mean Alix, you’re using your powers for evil!

Alix is shocked at this realization, and dread washes over her face. However, she hasn’t a moment to apologize as TK pitches her onto the ring apron. With Alix disposed off, TK turns his attention to her partner, who begins rising off the canvas. Once he’s fully upright, TK upends him with a powerslam! The referee counts the resulting pinfall….



Biffman lifts the shoulder up!


This is some fool ass bullshit. Biffman hanging in there with ThunderKid and Reject? This sport is rigged!

After picking Biffman up, TK holds him in place so that Reject may target him with a running kick to the gut. But Biffman powers away from TK, forcing the Green Bay native to endure his partner’s kick. While Biffman lariats Reject over the ropes, Alix pounces on TK. She grabs hold of his neck, and then sommersaults over with a neckbreaker!

Confessions of a Kristaholic!

The audience lets out a massive pop, and Miss Portman jumps up down and claps her hands with wild exuberance. They all prepare themselves to count along as Alix makes the crucial pinfall…



Abdullah dives into the ring, and finds his way on top of Alix! This infuriates the crowd and Natalie. But only one of them has the way to enact justice. The Oscar winner slides into the ring, unbeknownst to Colonel Abdullah. He soon becomes aware of her presence when she’s dragging him by the turban.

That’s religious garb she’s man handling, that’s offensive!

Natalie motions to the crowd with her fist, asking them if she should pop Abdullah or show him the mercy he begs for.


Having heard what she wanted, Natalie gives the audience a hearty thumbs up. That thumb then becomes part of a rather intimidating fist that clocks Abdullah in the nose! The speaker for the prophets falls backwards, face totally devoid of life.


Reject sees the downfall of his spiritual leader, and the horrific odds and decides its best to linger on the outside.

Some brilliant tactician!

Alix scrapes TK up in order to send him into Biffman’s arms. The superhero lifts TK onto his shoulders and then swings him downwards for a Michinoku Driver!

Fanfare for the Superman!

There’s quite a bit of fanfare for the superman, as he hooks the legs of his rival…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall……BIFFMAN AND ALIX MARIA SPEZIA!!!!!

Biffman looks down at TK and smiles, knowing that justice against the Church has finally been served.

Did I really just see that? Did Biffman pin ThunderKid? Is that what the world has come to?

Alix, Biffman, and Natalie come together for a LEAPING HIGH FIVE! They then play to the roaring crowd, completely ignoring Reject who sulks on the outside.

How about that? Natalie Portman comes to the OAOAST and successfully manages the team of Biffman and Alix to a huge victory over the Church of Abdullah.

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Lorelei nervously paces the arena parking area. Her eyes widen when a limo pulls up in front of her. Much to her surprise P.Diddy steps out the limo!

What’s up, Lorelei?

Sean! Mister Combs! Hello! Hello! Hello! See, I told you all I knew him! I told you! You didn’t believe me! You thought I was a liar! But I told you all!

Lorelei manages to stifle her excitement somewhat so that she may converse with the music mogul.

Puffy, how are you?

I saw your match from my limo.

Oh that. That was a minor a speed bump on my road to international fame. You don’t need to worry about that.

Market research has shown your star potential is trending downward. And this match didn’t help anything.

A nervous fear fills Lorelei. She's almost too afraid to ask her next question.

What are you saying?

In short: bitch you ain’t shit, and you off the Bad Boy Team.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!!!!!!!! But who will you get to be the next crossover star? Who will be the female version of The Rock? Who will star opposite Jake Gyllenhaal in next Prince of Persia movie?

Morgan, Molly, and Maya show up next to Diddy.



I’m seeing a movie that’s Charlies Angels meets Charmed meets X-Men with these three.

Diddy, let’s roll. Us pimps gotta pimp, and this hoe has gotta hoe.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Ladies?

The three girls get into the limo as does Diddy. Neither pay any mind to Lorelei. The Money Honey sinks to her knees and begins a loud, wailing cry!

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The following contest, set for one fall, is the Final of the 2011 King Of The Ring Tournament!




Moneymaker stalls for time, walking around the ring and asking for some time to prepare. Impatient, Black waits for Moneymaker to turn to the fans and start taunting them with the money sign, then jumps outside and grabs Teddy from behind!


Black spins Teddy around and hits him with a European uppercut! And another one! Black then throws Moneymaker inside and the US Champion quickly BEGS OFF.

Would you look at this? What a coward.

He wasn't ready yet!

Not concerned with whether his opponent is ready or not, Black lifts him up by the hair and dishes out a forearm. And a second. Irish whip sends Moneymaker to the ropes, a back elbow sending him quickly down to the canvas. Moneymaker crawls away, into a corner, again asking for some sort of a reprieve. Black gives him a boot, then whips Moneymaker across the ring. Teddy hits the turnbuckles hard and bounces out, into a BAAAAACK bodydrop!


Black hooks Moneymaker up and gives him a vertical suplex. Early cover...




Black follows Moneymaker to the ropes, dishing out another forearm and another European uppercut moments later. Moneymaker is struggling. But manages to reverse a whip and pull Black into a knee to the gut.

Is he ready enough for you now?

Plenty, thanks.

Measuring Black, Moneymaker rears back...



...and chops him.



And again. Black responds by daring Moneymaker to hit him again, which understandably freaks the US Champion out a little. Going to the gut instead, Moneymaker then comes off the ropes, but runs right into a clothesline!

I don't think going toe to toe with Nathaniel Black is the way to go.

Black sends Moneymaker to the ropes again, but gets caught ducking his head and Moneymaker gives him a boot.


A little too eager, Moneymaker goes for a clothesline, which is ducked, leaving him prone for Black to try and slap on the Crossface Chickenwing!


Uh oh! Uh oh!

Luckily for Moneymaker he manages to get to the ropes before the hold can be locked in and clings to them for dear life. Black lets him go then hammers away and tries another whip. Moneymaker reverses this time though, catching Black in a SLEEPER on the way back!

Sleeper... NO!

Slipping right out, Black ends up behind Moneymaker again and goes for the Chickenwing again!

Black going for the finish quickly here!

This time, Moneymaker is able to turn it around though and tries to hook on the cobra clutch!

Countered! Into the Bank Vault maybe!

Black fights his way out and runs Moneymaker back into the corner. He rams him with a couple of shoulder barges, before turning away to get a run up. Black then charges in with a high knee, but Moneymaker sidesteps and Black goes tumbling over the top and all the way to the floor!!


Mistake by Black and a painful landing for his troubles!

Left hurting on the floor Black groans in pain, as Moneymaker takes the opportunity to celebrate in the ring.


Moneymaker goes out and throws Black back inside, looking his confident self now. Back inside, he drops a knee and goes for a cover...




Taking his time, Moneymaker stomps away at Black. Getting cocky, the stomps turn to insulting kicks at the back of the head. Which only serve to fire Black up. He gets back to his knees and urges Moneymaker on. But the Billion Dollar Heir takes the invitation, by RAKING Black's eyes.

That's the kind of class we can expect from a King Moneymaker?

Teddy rules with an iron fist. He'll be a King who takes no prisoners. Or, maybe he will take prisoners. I bet he could afford to build a prison, if he wanted.

Moneymaker hits a short clothesline on Black and covers again...




Ascending to the middle turnbuckle, Teddy waits on Black to get up. He then comes off, with a big double sledge. Cover...




Moneymaker gets on the referee's case and warns him to do a better job next time.

You better listen to the man ref, unless you wanna end up in that prison.

Moneymaker dishes out a forearm across the back. Followed by a second one.



And then a knifedge chop, just trying to wear Black down. By the arm, Moneymaker pulls Black forward into a knee to the gut. Off the ropes, Moneymaker then connects with the Billion Dollar Kneelift!



Neglecting to go for a cover, instead Teddy picks Black back up. He delivers some right hands, backing Black up against the ropes. Irish whip, but Black ducks underneath a clothesline. Coming back again, Black then runs through Moneymaker with a shoulder tackle!


Just bowled over the Billion Dollar Heir!

Stumbling to his feet, Moneymaker clasps his hands over his head for a double axe, but Black goes to the breadbasket with a headbutt. Hooking the arms, Black then hits a butterfly suplex, sending Moneymaker flying across the ring! Moneymaker's eyes bug in surprise and more-so in pain, as Black crawls over and hooks the legs...




Black pulls Moneymaker back up, but Teddy surprises him with a knee, then turns him over for a neckbreaker!

But Moneymaker, right back in control.

Mister Moneymaker is always in control, whether you realise it or not. That's why he'll make a great King.

Moneymaker makes a pin...




Waving Black back to his feet, Moneymaker comes off the ropes and attempts a clothesline. Black throws his forearms up though and blocks it! Moneymaker shouts out in pain and shakes out his arm, then tries again, but Black gets his boot up!


Undettered, Moneymaker tries a third time. Which is a mistake, as Black ducks and turns it around into a Hammerlock DDT!!


If at first you don't succeed, maybe it's a bad idea and you should just give up.

Both men remain down and the referee starts his count.


At the count of six, Moneymaker is back up, holding his arm. Black gets up too and it breaks down into a battle. Teddy hits a forearm. And so does Black. Forearm by Teddy. And a forearm back from Black. Moneymaker cuts him off with a knee, then pulls Black in, signalling for a piledriver. Which is countered with a backdrop from the Englishman. Moneymaker gets up and Black comes off the ropes with a Lariat, knocking Moneymaker backwards and out to the floor!

Moneymaker gets sent flying outside! But that may have been a kind break for him. Or, as kind as falling out of the ring can get.

Black goes out after Moneymaker, trying to keep the momentum going. Dragging him back onto the apron, Black clearly has something in mind. And he sets up the half nelson, on the ring apron! Moneymaker rightly senses danger and clings onto the ropes.

Look out here.

This isn't good. Hang on Ted!

Moneymaker is able to block and fight Black off, preventing whatever he had in mind. But Moneymaker makes the mistake of trying to make a move at Black on the apron and ends up getting backdropped, over the top and back inside.

The King Of The Ring crown, hangs in the balance. And Nathaniel is starting to build some momentum.

Off the ropes, Black catches Moneymaker getting to his feet and drills him with a LARIAT! Cover...




Both these men had tough semi-final matches earlier this week on HeldDOWN. You have to wonder how fatigue is playing a factor at this stage of the Final. Who has more in the tank?

Black hooks the half nelson again, but Moneymaker manages to block the backbreaker once more and elbows his way out. Moneymaker whips Black to the corner. Black gets his foot up to stop himself though and catches Teddy charging in with a forearm. With Moneymaker dazed, Black hits a bodyslam and heads to the top.

What's this? High risk from Black, we don't see him going to the top often.

Climbing the ropes, Black shouts out to the crowd and comes off the top with a Flying Kneedrop!!


He hits it!

Oh no!

Cover by Black...




Black gets up and signals for the end.

Black calling for it! Could be the Brittania Bomb, could be the Chickenwing maybe?

Black does go for the Brittania Bomb, but Moneymaker fights it off. Able to untie his hands, Moneymaker trips Black up. Leaning back, he then sends Black into the turnbuckles with a slingshot!


Stumbling back off the turnbuckles, Black falls back INTO THE BANK VAULT!!

There it is! The Bank Vault, locked in!

This ain't Vegas and Black ain't gonna break the Bank!

Moneymaker slaps the sleeper on and ragdolls Black, trying to put him out. Black seems to fade quickly and falls to one knee, to Moneymaker's delight. The Billion Dollar Heir nods his head and beams a smile, as he feels Black sinking in his grasp. With Black not responding, the referee grabs Black's free arm...

...and lets it drop.

That's one.

Thanks Einstein.

The referee holds Black's seemingly limp arm up once more...

...and it drops again!

One more and it's over.

Nighty night, Nathaniel!

Moneymaker smiles away, as Black's arm is raised one last time and...



Moneymaker curses under his breath, as suddenly Black gets a surge of energy. Standing up, he runs forward and sends Moneymaker head first into the top turnbuckle!!


Black broke the Bank Vault!

No, the turnbuckle broke the Bank Vault!

Good enough.

Dazed, Moneymaker backs up... into the HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER!!

Hits it! But Black is too dazed to cover!

Having to shake out the cobwebs, Black finds Moneymaker in front of him and covers...




Both these guys want to be King bad! But it's Teddy's destiny, he was BORN to be King!

Black picks Moneymaker up and delivers a forearm. And another one. With Moneymaker dazed, Black then comes off the ropes... but Moneymaker DUCKS a Lariat and goes for the BANK VAULT again!

Oh, he got caught again!

Not quite, as this time Black has a counter. A HEADBUTT, slammed back into the bridge of Moneymaker's nose!


Right in the nose! He headbutted him in the nose!

Moneymaker is caught by surprise and looks aghast, clutching his face in agony. Waiting for him to turn around, Black then goes for his face again with a BLACK LARIAT!!!!



Cover by Black!





Oh, my that was close! What a lucky break for Moneymaker, that he was near the ropes!

Lucky? That was brilliant ring awareness, from a man who, need I remind you, just got headbutted in the nose!

Disappointed, Black wearily picks Moneymaker up one more time. He hits him with a European uppercut, rocking him back toward the ropes. And then hits a second which has Moneymaker all tangled up in them for a moment.

Black has Moneymaker on the ropes. Literally!

With the referee urging him to stay out of the ropes, Black obliges, dragging Moneymaker away for a third European uppercut. Moneymaker falls back again and looks in a bad way. Lining him up, Black lets out a roar and does another 360, looking for the Black Lariat again...

...but gets CAUGHT...

...and dropped THROAT FIRST across the top rope with a HOTSHOT!!!!



Black hits the mat hard and comes back up, more on instinct than effort. Seizing his moment, Moneymaker hooks him in a front facelock and picks him up, driving him down with the SPEAR OF LONGINUS!!!!!!!!!



Out of nowhere! Moneymaker with the Spear Of Longinus!!

A tired Moneymaker hooks the leg...





Groans and boos go up from the crowd, as Moneymaker rolls over and punches his fists in relief.




Looking exhaused, Moneymaker drags himself back up and has his arm raised in victory, enough to bring that evil, evil cackle out of him. Moneymaker lauds it in the face of the fans, taking as much joy in their misery as his win.

The reign of King Theodore has begun... and, may God help us all.

What a moment! First, the champion of the United States. And now, the King! The King of the entire OAOAST! The all encompassing, all powerful, King, Theodore Moneymaker!

And what a coronation we can expect out of him. Oh, my.

Moneymaker rolls out and hobbles to the back, suffering for his efforts but smiling from ear to ear regardless. Moneymaker makes the "money fingers" and lets out another loud cackle, knowing he may be more powerful than ever before.

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“Disco Heaven” by Lady Gaga hits and Vinny Valentine struts down the aisle.

The following bonus contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by TONY TOURETTES… from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 228 pounds… “THE DISCO DUCK”… VINNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY VVVVVAAAAAALLLLEEEEENNTTIIIIIINNEEEEEEEEE!!!


Vinny busts a move in the ring under a multi-colored disco ball.

Get a good look at Vinny Valentine now, ladies and gentlemen, because chances are the next time you’ll see him he’ll be staring up at the lights.

Hey, anything can happen in the OAOAST. Vinny’s win/loss record may not be the greatest, but you heard him say he’s been trying hard at the Reactor.

The brand new OAOAST training facility for those unaware. But just who will Vinny’s opponent be?

“Not Afraid” by Eminem cues and Vinny turns white as a ghost.

And his opponent… from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 265 pounds... "THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER"... BBAAAAARRRROOOOOONN WWWWIIIIIIIIINNDDEEEELLLLSSSSSS!!!!


BW receives a heroes welcome from the hometown folks. Meanwhile, Tony grabs the mic.

Is this some fucking rib? Vinny don’t stand a chance against Baron Windels.


Shit, I gotta better chance getting blown by Lindsay Lohan in a back alley.

I might not be able to beat him, but I sure as hell can beat you. I mean, the only thing you can beat is yourself, if you know what I mean. *makes hand job motion*

As the two cousins start pushing and shoving, BW grabs a mic of his own.

Before you ladies get your panties in a bunch, how ‘bout we make this a triple threat match?

You’re on!

With that Tony decks Vinny!


BW stands in the corner with a smirk on his face as Tony wails away on Vinny. The Vin-man eventually returns to a vertical base and slaps some sense into his cousin.

I think Vinny’s telling Tony they can beat Baron if they work together.

The cousins surround BW and then move in, but they charge right into each other! BW gives them a DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER and follows right up with a BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT!

It’s going to be over just like that.

The cover.





Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner… San Antonio’s own… BBAAAAARRRROOOOOONN WWWWIIIIIIIIINNDDEEEELLLLSSSSSS!!!!


BW’s music blares in the background as his hand is raised in victory. He then goes out to celebrate with his people.

A successful homecoming for Baron Windels. For Vinny Valentine and Tony Tourettes, it’s better luck next time.

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Ladies and gentlemen the following contest scheduled for one fall with a time limit of sixty minutes, is the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!


Featuring the record holding five time OAOAST World Champion and The Beast…it is for the OAOAST HEAYVWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! ARE YOU READY?




For the thousands in attendance... and the millions, watching around the world... LLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRREEEEEAAAADDYYYYY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUMMMBBBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!



With Zico Chain’s “Where Would You Rather Be” filling the air, a wealth of jeers goes up from the capacity crowd. Stepping onto the entrance stage is the challenger Bohemoth. He flexes his incredible muscles, staring out at the hateful audience.

Introducing the challenger. Hailing from Greenville, South Carolina! He weighs in tonight at two hundred eighty four and three pounds quarter pounds, he is “THE EPITOME OF MASCULINITY” BOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEMMMMOOOOOOOOOTHHHHHHH!

Not a single soul in the arena is pleased with that announcement besides the man it pertains to. He slips between the second rope, and enters the squared circle. Reaching the turnbuckles, he jams his thumbs into his oversized chest and screams “ITS ALL ABOUT ME!”

Bohemoth has declared himself the face of this company. He believes he is this business’ top star. But, in reality that title belongs to Krista Isadora Duncan. And I think he knows that, and I think that drives him.

Out with the old in with the new! We need a younger champion!

You realize Bohemoth is only like two months younger than Krista. And I think age is a motivating factor for Bohemoth. He’s not Oscar Friberg, he’s not a kid in his twenties, he knows that its now or never.

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time
Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

A huge, gigantic, massive, and every other synonym for “big”, cheer goes up from the Texas crowd. A bevy of female dancers dressed as down home Texas cow girls decorate the entrance stage. They all fawn over the baddest girl in the west, the world champion Krista Isadora Duncan! Miss California twirls a six shooter in her hands, before taking aim at Bohemoth.

And now introducing, the opponent! Hailing from the unofficial capital of the UNIVERSE, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA!! She is a New York Times best selling author... a reality TV star... the founder of the FIT with KID line of exercise videos... a member of the Hollywood Walk Of Fame... the most desirable woman in Hollywood... a champion unparalled in the history of the OAOAST... and the reigning, defending, OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...KRISTA... IIIISSSSSAAADDOOOOOORRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA... DDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its hard to believe Krista started her OAOAST career as six years ago as a serious, modest, mat technician. Its safe to say the OAOAST has never seen anyone like Krista Isadora Duncan.

Wrestling has never seen anyone like Krista!

Krista strides to the ring, continuing to whirl around her pistol. She hangs herself upside on the third rope, but rather than blow a kiss to the camera she “shoots” it with her gun.

Krista has beaten Bohemoth before, once in 2005 by disqualification and last month at School’s Out. But, Bohemoth can take some heart in the fact that he was the dominant party in that contest.


The two competitors stare at each other with hatred burning through their eyes as they circle one another. Well, Bohemoth has hatred, Krista is busy wondering if her choice of heels was the right one. While she’s distracted, Bohemoth lunges for her legs. However, he moves too slow as the world champion is able to slide out the way.

You’re going for my legs? Seriously? You realize you’re three times my size? Just conk me on the head, knock me out, drag me backstage, strip me naked and charge boys ten dollars a peek. But you’re a bonehead. An asexual one at that. Sooooo, you go for my legs. I move like the speed of lightening on crack, and you move like Stephen Hawking through a puddle of molasses.

Bohemoth, like many of Krista’s other, opponents can take no more of her rambling and lunges for her legs once more. Again, Krista steps backwards, and does a little shuffle to add an exclamation point.

If Bohemoth can grab Krista’s legs he can do a lot of damage and slow her down considerably. The problem is that Krista’s so fast, she’s hard to get a hold of.

And when you get a hold of her, you just wanna grab that fine MILF ass.

Let’s try to boost your self esteem a bit with something you are good at. Lockups.

Amazingly, Krista willfully engages in a lockup. It isn’t long before she’s forced to her knees by the big man. In that position, she’s captured inside a headlock.

You have me on my knees in front of your crotch and the first thing you think of his headlock. Asexual bonehead.


Bohemoth wrenches on Krista’s neck, but isn’t able to stop her from getting to her feet. Now upright, she’s able to drive her platform heels into his boots. The pain is immediate and causes The Beast to break the hold.

Your foot hurts I see. Alix’s dad once broke a man’s foot in a bar fight. The man was in so much pain that Alix’s dad wished to make him forget that pain. So he gave him new pain by shooting him. Funny story, good for the children. I’ll just give you an arm wrench.

Krista snaps onto Bo’s huge arm and twists it around, causing him to become greatly annoyed. He tries to swat Miss California away, but she moves to fast and switches to a side headlock. Bo prepares to shove her into the ropes, but Krista upends him with a takedown.


You cheered a side headlock takedown? Wow, the standards of wrestling fans must be really low these days. Next you’ll tell me all you need to be popular is be a bald, beer swilling redneck who gives the middle finger to everyone. That’ll be the day!

Bo forces both himself and Krista upright. Using his incredible strength, he bullies the world champion into the corner. With Krista pressed against the posts, he powers out of her grip. The Beast takes aim with an overhand right that’s easily ducked by the champion. She proceeds to begin rocking his leg with swift kicks. Yet this attack pattern doesn’t last for very long before Bohemoth shoves her away. The damage is done, however, and a frustrated Bohemoth rests in the corner.

Last time out, Bohemoth was able to dominate Krista early on but this time he’s finding trouble. Could it be the pressure of the situation is getting to him?

No way. Bohemoth is the coolest dude in the OAOAST besides myself, pressure doesn’t effect him.

Krista runs back at Bo and then nails him in the chin with a jumping knee. Leaning against his upper body, Krista grabs onto the side of his head and smiles a sly smile.

Things never go well when Krista has that look on her face.

Krista takes Bo’s head and smothers his face between her breasts! She cups them and uses them to squish’s Bo head.

Krista’s gonna crush Bohemoth’s head with her mighty mellons!

If god says its your time then that’s the absolute best way to go.

Bohemoth finally succeeds in prying himself free of Krista’s unusual technique. This does little to help him as Krista collars her arm around his neck. From there she leaps forward and grounds his head into the canvas with a bulldog. While Bo remains grounded, Krista leaps onto the second rope to springboard back with a leg drop! A pinfall shortly follows…


Bohemoth powers out the pinfall. He’s brought to his feet by Miss California, who then tries to whip him into the corner. But Bohemoth reverses the hold and throws Krista into the corner. After striding over to her, he decks her with one punch. Krista covers up as The Beast brutally assaults her with right hands. Referee Earl Hebner notices closed fists and promptly interjects himself between Bohemoth and his rival. This annoys Bohemoth, who accuses the veteran referee of favortisim. His anger spurs him on to ram his boot into Krista’s pretty face. She falls over to her side, watching through blurred vision as he exits the ring. She’s powerless to stop him from choking her on the ropes. The referee begins an immediate five count…






Not wishing to risk having the contest thrown out, Bohemoth breaks away from Krista. He stares with disgust at the booing audience as he backs away from the suffering champion. Suddenly he turns around and rams his boot into the side of her head. Krista rolls back to the center of the ring, clutching her ringing skull. Bohemoth sniffs blood in the water and hurriedly slides back into the ring. He grabs onto her vibrant blond hair and hauls her off the mat. He stuffs her inside a front facelock, expecting to hit a simple vertical suplex. However, this is an expectation that goes unmet as Krista drags him into a small package…



Bohemoth untangles himself from the pinfall. He makes a speedy return to his black boots, only to be taken off them by a leg sweep. As he sits back up, Krista comes off the ropes and nails him with a John Morrisson style running knee. Bohemoth falls back to the canvas, blood trickling from his nose. Neither Krista nor the crowd seem to care about his suffering, more concerned with the booty shaking moonsault she sets up. Her gorgeous rump bumps and jumps, quite the magnificent sight to behold. It undulates and writhes to the audience’s immense pleasure before the owner of the lovely bottom moonsaults onto her foe! Hebner drops into position to count the fall…



Bohemoth presses Krista off him. Miss California shoots a glare at Hebner.

Sorry, Krista, only a two count.

I wasn’t thinking about the count, I was thinking where did your life take such a drastic and sad turn that the only job you could find was that of a referee for homo tumbling?


Krista hums the tune to Cheers as she awaits Bohemoth’s rise. Obviously she has to do something to keep herself occupied. Once Bohemoth comes to his feet, she leaps onto his shoulders in hopes of hitting a hurricanrana. These hopes are forever dashed when The Beast drives her downwards with a sit out powerbomb! The ring shakes from impact, and the crowd cringes in fright. Hebner gets to his knees to count the resulting pin…


This could do it!


Krista rifles her shoulder off the canvas.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the Texans sing.

Bohemoth sits Krista up in order to nail her in the face with a running boot. He drops on top of her for a pin, and gruffly demands Hebner count…



Krista again finds the strength to escape. But, she’ll make no further movement as Bohemoth wraps her inside a reverse chinlock.

“OVERRATED! OVERRATED! OVERRATED!” the audience blasts Bohemoth with the cruel taunt.


Bohemoth wrenches and grinds on Krista’s neck, doing immeasurable damage to the champion. Now the audience gets behind her, trying to will her through this basic but deadly hold.

Big Bo’s gonna keep that hold locked on for as long as he wants. What the hell is little Krista going to do to break free of it?

The answer to that question is painfully simple; Krista digs her fingers into Bo’s eyes. This creates incredible agony for the challenger. He tries to withstand it, but Krista’s prying becomes too much to handle. As such he has no choice but to release her. Both competitors get to their feet and begin exchanging punches.

It’s a terrible idea for Krista to get into a fist fight with The Beast.


After that insult Krista begins to rapidly slap Bohemoth across the face. Naturally he grows tired of this ill treatment and whips Krista across the ring to end it. She ducks under a clothesline on her return and continues the run of the ropes. After elevating herself onto the third rope, she flies back with a moonsault press! But Bohemoth catches her within his arms.

Its over!

The Beast runs around the ring, a prelude to driving Krista to the ground with a powerslam! He hooks the legs for the crucial fall…




The Beast passes a nasty gaze to Hebner, who holds up two fingers. Deciding not to argue the count, Bo pulls Krista up by her arm. He uses that same grip to shoot her into a corner. After letting out a primal roar he screams across the ring with a lariat. But he encounters a raised boot from Krista, and smacks into it. This dazes him for only a second. Once that second is concluded he charges back in. But Miss California slides out the way and the South Carolina native slams into the posts. Krista’s attention isn’t focused on Bohemoth, rather its focused on the beachball someone has thrown into the ring…

I know at least fifty of you are carrying guns, a hundred are carrying knives, and the best you could throw at me is a beachball. You people are such dicks.

Krista kicks the beachball at Bohemoth, making the best of bad situation. On instinct he catches it in his arms. This leads Miss California to drop kick him in the knees! She then bounces off the ropes, and catches him with a low flying facecrusher! Bo hits the ground and then flops onto his back before being pinned….




You were right, Mikey. The Beast just hasn’t been able to throw around Krista like he did last month at School’s Out. He’s got to get back to a power game and start punishing her.

Krista exerts a great measure of strength by whipping Bo into the corner. She follows him in with a body splash, but is easily palmed away by her much larger foe. Emboldened by this, Bohemoth waves Krista on. As she’s not one to back down from a challenge, Krista answers the call and runs at Bo. He again brushes her off with a casual swat of his palm. Feeling superior over this, Bohemoth beats his mighty chest.

Oh its on now! Boobie bombs….DEPLOY!



Krista and her unsheathed breasts dart at Bo, smacking him across the face upon arrival. This does the trick as Bohemoth staggers out the corner. Miss California catches onto his neck and informs him that Blonds Never Pay a Cover with a side effect. This pops the sold out Texas crowd, and they cheer even louder when their heroine hits a split legged corkscrew moonsault onto the challenger. Hebner drops into position to make the count…



Bohemoth presses Krista off him, launching her through the ropes and onto the ring apron!

That’s the type of incredible power and feats of strength you’ll witness from Bohemoth.

Krista makes lemonade out of lemons by climbing onto the top rope. She wiggles her ass to the audience while she waits Bohemoth’s rise. When The Beast finally comes to his feet, she pushes him back down a spinning wheel kick! Bo’s legs are hooked for another cover….




That was a very close call. Bohemoth almost has to win this match. I don’t think Alfdogg or any one in a high ranking position is going to do him any favors given his bad attitude and his old association with Anglesault.

Bohemoth gets to his feet, clutching his aching head. He brushes aside his feelings of anguish in order to lob a lariat at Krista. Miss California ducks the attack, winding up behind Bo. When The Beast turns around she fires off a superkick! But Bohemoth catches onto her feet, and promptly slams it to the ground. He shouts at Krista, daring her to attack him once again. And she does, only its with a KIDology!


Bohemoth paid the ultimate price for his arrogance!

Oh man, what was he thinking?

Krista giggles over Bo’s foolishness as she makes the pinfall….






I believe my feelings can best be expressed with the following picture….


Krista Isadora Duncan is a record holding five time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, and Bohemoth just kicked out of her finisher!

Krista begins stomping away at Bohemoth, more out of annoyance and anger than any intent to hurt him. After realizing that’s not going to get the job done, she bounces to the ropes. A low flying yakuza kick connects with Bo’s face and leaves him teetering on his knees. For that reason Krista is easily able to swing around and wack him in the face with her foot. The South Carolina native falls over onto his side, and is then pinned by Krista….



Bohemoth throws the shoulder off the canvas a mere second before the three count. Slowly, he begins coming to his feet. The world champion seizes upon him with a front facelock in hopes of hitting a DDT! But a sudden surge of strength and energy allows The Beast to run her across the ring into the corner posts. He’s forced to take a moment to catch his breath, and regain his health. But only needing a few seconds for such action, Bohemoth is able to lift Krista onto the top turnbuckle. He lifts his tall body onto the second turnbuckle, and readies himself to choke slam Krista off the top! The crowd panics, knowing this could be the end of Krista’s title reign. But as Bohemoth lifts her off the posts, she counters with a stunning DDT!

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the fans chant at the lady who blows them all kisses.

Bohemoth gets to a standing position, looking rather dazed. He slowly turns around and finds himself faced with a KIDology! Yet he manages to counter the finisher attempt, by catching Krista within his arms. The impressive display of might continues as he drives her downwards with a spine buster! He drops to his knees, head still hurting from the DDT. But he stifles his pain long enough to attempt a pinfall on the champion….


Can Krista kickout?


Krista lifts her shoulder up!


Bohemoth certainly can not believe that Krista kicked out that lethal spine buster.

Well, he ain’t the only one in disbelief. How do you beat this woman?

Bohemoth latches onto Krista’s golden hair and roughly drags her off the canvas. She’s shoved between his legs, a prelude to him lifting her onto his shoulders in set up for a powerbomb. Bohemoth pauses, arrogantly showing off his strength by keeping her afloat. This turns out to be a grave error as Krista backflips out his hold. Before Bohemoth can even register his escape, she leaps into him with a KIDology (codebreaker)! The audience erupts with enormous cheers, as Krista hurriedly hooks the legs for the pivotal pinfall….





“THAT WAS THREE! THAT WAS THREE! THAT WAS THREE!” the fans chant, while Hebner signals it was just a close two count.

Forget how Krista can be beat. How can Bohemoth be beat?

A dejected champion sits up and pouts, while the referee explains that it was only a two count. She gets up and carries herself to the corner. There she hops onto the top turnbuckle, causing the audience to cheer in anticipation of a high risk attack. Miss California doesn’t disappoint her legion of fans, soaring off the post with a shooting star press! But the landing is far less graceful than descent, as Bohemoth rolls out the way! Krista’s body smashes into the canvas, leading to the audience to cringe in horror.

The tides may have turned with that one costly miss by Krista.

Bohemoth wastes no time in attending to his own wounds. Instead, he quickly pulls Krista up and drapes her arm across his. From there she’s shot out with a swinging rock bottom!



The fans watch in dismay and sadness as Bohemoth makes what should be an academic pin….






Bohemoth’s face becomes contorted with a demented fury at the result of Krista’s pinfall escape. He gets up to holler at the referee, spewing venom and fire from his mouth. He turns back to Krista in order to yell at her for having the audacity to impede his championship dreams. He watches with incredulity as she starts to crawl to her feet. When she’s fully upright, he pounces upon her. Her arm is laid over his and she’s thrown to the ground with another B-Trayal!

She can kickout of one, but there’s no way in hell she’ll kickout of two in a row.

Bohemoth stuns everyone by picking Krista back up.

(shouting in her face)

Bohemoth drives her downwards with a third B-Trayal!


Bohemoth pulls Krista up, merely so he may toss her around with a fourth B-Trayal!

What is the point of this? Why doesn’t he just pin her?

Bohemoth scrapes Krista’s weak body off the canvas. He turns and sneers at the booing audience before he executes a fifth B-Trayal!

Bohemoth is sending a message to Krista and the entire OAOAST lockerroom.

Krista is brought up and hit with a sixth B-Trayal! A seventh one follows that, and then a deadly eigth. Her body lies battered on the canvas, and her face is absent of any life.


Bohemoth executes a ninth B-Trayal!


Did you just hear something snap, Coach?

I hope not, but I think I did.

Definitely hearing an injury, Hebner tries to step between Bohemoth and his now broken victim. But, Bohemoth will allow no help to come to Krista as he pulls her up and executes a tenth B-Trayal! The crowd is irate at the terrible treatment Krista has received. They shower Bohemoth with boos, but he doesn’t seem to care as he stares a hateful stare at Krista. With a break in Bo’s assault, referee Earl Hebner calls for the bell before further harm can be done.


“Where Would You Rather Be” plays once more, as the crowd makes the dreadful realization that the title has changed hands.

Your winner as a result of a referee’s stoppage, and NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion……BOHEMOTH!

Bohemoth raises his arms to the air, looks to the heavens and screams “FINALLY”! Debris litters the ring, a product of angered audience. Bohemoth couldn’t care less what comes his way, simply demanding the title belt from Earl Hebner.

Bohmeoth has done it, folks. Years of hard work, years of near misses, years of almosts, years of people wondering if he had what it takes to get over the hump, they’ve all finally come to this very moment in time. And it’s a moment where Bohemoth is OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion.

With Bohemoth as world champion, who can unseat him? It took him years to get to this point, I don't think he's just going to let it go easily. This could be a very long title reign.

Bohemoth takes his belt from Hebner’s hands with wide and satisfied smile etched on his face. He looks at Krista with disdain and contempt as paramedics fill the ring to give her aid.

I think Krista is seriously hurt, Mikey.

You’re absolutely right. I don’t know why Bohemoth felt the need to hit Krista with ten B-Trayals, but it most likely has resulted in severe injury to the former champion. Just a disgraceful set of actions from our new world champion.

Bohemoth rises to the second turnbuckle, where he raises his world title into the air. He looks defiantly out at the hostile San Antonio audience, who continue to blast him with hatred.


I have a strong feeling we're going to be seeing a whole lot of more of this man during the coming weeks.

I think that's an accurate thought. Folks, for better or worse, Bohemoth is now the face of this company. Good night, everyone.


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