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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 6/22

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

Vinny Valentine opened the show to call out his cousin Tony Tourettes. Tony arrived in a sour mood, and was in no shape to hear Vinny's lecturing about the need for the two of them to stick together and for Tony to be subservient to him. Vinny grew sick of Tony not paying attention, and smacked him upside the head to gain his full awareness. This infuriated Tony and a full on brawl ensued between the cousins! It was interrupted by the arrival of Vinny's opponent for the night…J-MAX!

***J-MAX Vs Vinny Valentine***

J-MAX tossed both Vinny and Tony out the ring and then wiped them out with a corkscrew plancha! When things got back into the ring, Vinny was no match for J-MAX's high flying antics. The feisty Brit gave his foe the run around, and Vinny was unable to catch him. That was until J-MAX missed a standing shooting star press. This error bought Vinny the time he needed to attack J-MAX. He pounded on his foe with brawling offense, slowing the match down considerably. The crowd got solidly behind J-MAX, and this support willed the British grappler to fight back against his opponent. Once J-MAX got his legs back things quickly went south for Vinny and he feel victim to a Blaze out 630!

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall  

Lorelei cut a backstage promo announcing that she had chosen Melissa and Sophie to be her partners for Great Angle Bash against Maya. Her reason for choosing Melissa was that the woman was the world's greatest female striker and could easily pound out any member of Maya's team. Sophie got on the squad because Lorelei felt she added a certain style and flair that other women in the OAOAST can't bring. Lorelei went on to add that her personal friend P.Diddy was very happy with this arrangement, causing nearby backstage staff to laugh because its fairly obvious at this point Lorelei doesn't know P.Diddy!

The OAOAST Spinebuster of the Week highlighted last week’s first round KOTR match on HeldDOWN~! between Kareem and Deuce Deuce Bigelow. Exclusive footage recorded after the show went off the air followed with Mr. Dick and Kareem having a heated in ring exchange with Malaysia, who walked out in disgust. It was then announced Mr. Dick plans to issue a statement live on HD~!

***Badass Jack Vs Scottish Scott W/Megan Skye***

Jack met Scott on the middle of the ramp, causing a brawl to erupt. The two men duked it out around the ring for several minutes. Eventually Scott hit Jack with a vertical suplex onto the entrance ramp, giving the European the advantage. He used that in order to roll Jack into the ring, allowing the match to officially get under way. Jack was groggy from the suplex, and this meant Scott was able to work him over. Scott targeted his right leg with a variety of submissions and holds. He even nearly got a submission off a basic leg lock. But Jack would fight back after countering a shin breaker attempt. In a display of what's good for the goose is good for the gander, Jack proceeded to attack Scott's right leg. This went on for a good while, until Scott mustered a quality fight against Jack. The two crippled heavy hitters hobbled about the ring, slugging one another with the hardest punches they could each manage. It was Jack who would find victory in this war of attrition, nailing Scott with a Country Strong pile driver. The pinfall was academic.

Winner: Badass Jack, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview The God Of War Odin. Both Alix and Maya were skeptical that Odin was actually a god.  Odin then took off his shirt and asked if a normal human looked like this. Maya was sold, but Alix was not. She wondered why a god would waste time in the OAOAST when he could be boning Katie Couric. Odin said such carnal pursuits do not matter to him, as The God of War only power, battle, and death hold any meaning for him.  He went on to explain that as the OAOAST embodiment of these ideals, Alexander was an affront to his very godship. He expressed that he could not allow Alexander to continue to live for that very reason.

***Rico De Janerio W/Queen Esther Vs Oscar Friberg***

It all came full circle for young Oscar Friberg on Syndicated as he faced the man he first took on in the OAOAST, Rico De Janerio. Queen Esther had a gang of security guards around the ring, ready to apprehend Oscar if he should become "unruly". This worked as a suitable distraction as Rico got the early jump on Oscar. He hammered him with punches and forearms for a good amount of time. During this period, Oscar was unable to fight back against Rico's strong blows. He would, however, escape a Mustache Ride attempt. This permitted him to go on the attack with several high impact strikes. A Birdcall (CK3) effort was stymied thanks in large part to Esther's machinations. This put Rico back on the attack with his slow paced brawling offense. After a while Rico began to get winded, to the point where he couldn't even lift Oscar up for a Mustache Ride. Queen Esther panicked at Rico's inability to perform basic wrestling functions. As such she sent her guards into the ring to attack Oscar. The Freebird fought several of them off before he made a wise a escape.

No Contest

While Rico laid on the mat in exhaustion, Queen Esther took the mic. She promised the kingdom would have its revenge on Oscar one day.

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