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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 5/25/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

The show opened with Vinny Valentine in the ring minus Tony Tourettes. He called out his cousin and apologized to him for stealing his date. Tony accepted the apology and the two hugged. That would've been fine if Vinny didn't say the girl probably wouldn't have slept with Tony anyway. This led to an argument, which eventually led to a brawl between the cousins! Finally, Vinny's opponent, Tim Cash emerged to try and work out the issue. While Cash was talking down Tony, Vinny jumped him from behind and the match began!

***Vinny Valentine Vs Tim Cash***

Tim Cash fought off Vinny, negating The Disco Duck's early advantage. The two traded blows for several minutes, before Cash decided to target Vinny's back. Vinny would fight through the pain and soon take control of the contest. However, he wasted too much time dancing and boogying down. This allowed Cash to get back into the match. The Peroia native took the fight to V-Squared, continuing to work over his back. Vinny eventually tapped out to the Midwest Sling (Texas cloverleaf)

Winner: Tim Cash, via submission

Post match Tony Brannigan caught up with Tim Cash. He asked him if he had any plans to take revenge on Bohemoth for attacking him this past HeldDOWN~! Tim said that revenge wasn't in his nature, but that justice would come to Bohemoth.

Backstage Piercey D mixed it up on the turntables for the less than impressed Melody and Molly Nerdly. Assuming that he was rocking their world, The Result was none too pleased when The Milkman made his rounds to pass out milk to the trio. He blamed  The Milkman for ruining his "rad beats" and "sniping" his ladies. The Milkman said he was just trying to provide calcium for the OAOAST roster, but Pierce would hear none of it and demanded they have a match  

***The Milkman Vs Pierce Duncan W/Amberlyn Duncan***

Pierce jumped The Milkman the moment he entered the ring. He showcased his flashy offense while dominating the rookie. The Milkman would get some offense in after Pierce missed a fist pump elbow. But Piercey D was never in any danger and put his foe away with Piercey's In Da House (lifting downward spiral)

Winner: Pierce Duncan, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview OAOAST foreign liaison  Megan Skye. Megan talked about the young rookie Oscar Friberg, and how she saw him wrestling in front of twelve people just six months ago in Amsterdam and had to sign him. She said he still had things to learn but that by the end of year he could be United States champion. She also brought up the signing of the six man title match for School's Out. She stated that Alexander and The Kings didn't fear Hicks Over Dicks. Their voodoo enhanced powers didn't impress, and Megan promised a victory for her team.

***ThuderKid W/Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs Mariachi***

In preparation for his big match with Alix at School's Out, ThunderKid took on fun loving luchadore Mariachi. Mariachi was all about having good time, and romancing his foe. He kissed him on the neck, massaged his shoulders, and seductively danced for him. TK was not amused by the dancing and cut down the luchadore with a lariat. From there he dominated the action, beating Mariachi from pillar to post. This was of great amusement to Abdullah Abir Nerdly, who sat on commentary. All throughout the match Abdullah bad mouthed Alix, Biffman, and Natalie Portman. Much to his dismay, Mariachi began to show some signs of life. The Mexican grappler reversed a Thunderbolt DDT effort into a northern lights  suplex and got a two count. That gave him the momentum he needed to turn the tide towards his favor. However, TK would weather the storm and eventually managed to put Mariachi away with a Thuderbolt DDT.

Winner: ThunderKid, via pinfall

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