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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 5/18/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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*** Kareem the Middle Eastern Wet Dream vs. The Milkman ***

Yep, a wrestling milkman complete with retro white uniform and hat. The only part of the Milkman’s debut that went well was handing cartons of milk to kids on his way to the ring, because once the bell rang he got destroyed.

After the match, Mr. Dick face humped the fallen Milkman and then poured a bottle of the white stuff all over him.

Winner: Kareem via pinfall (XXXL Splash)

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview a special guest celebrity Oscar winner Natalie Portman! Natalie remarked that Alix was her favorite OAOAST superstar and a good personal friend of her's. She commented on several events of the OAOAST day, such as Malaysia's secret admirer, guessing that it was probably Baron Windels. She also offered her view on Bohemoth wanting to be the face of the company, saying that everyone wants to be a big star now days. She also congratulated Alix on winning the lifetime Humanitarian award. This brought out Holly and Quiz. Holly was as vulgar and cruel as ever, directing a vicious tirade at Alix, Maya, and Natalie. In short she called Alix and Natalie "no talent bitches that deserved each other" and accused Natalie of sleeping with someone to win her Oscar. This caused the Thor star to slap Holly in the face! Security flooded onto the scene as Holly threw a major tantrum.

***James Riggs and Pierce Duncan W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs The Masked Mutants***

Slime tried to befriend Amberlyn to start the match, which disgusted the snobbish young lady. Riggs used this distraction to club Slime in the back, and he and Pierce had early control of the contest. Slime would mount a spirited comeback, that was capped off with the AGHURHAQULCFLEK also known as a bottom turnbuckle running knee. This allowed Snot to be tagged in and the two odd balls took turns working over Piercey D. The Result eventually countered a powerbomb by Snot and showed off his impressive strength with a Gorilla Slam. The Billabong Gorilla and J.Riggs worked to isolate Snot. This task was successful for several minutes, until Snot hit a Bearhug Front Slam on J.Riggs. With that, he was able to tag in Slime. Screaming in gibberish, Slime took the fight to his foes. Snot would recover and clear the ring of J.Riggs. This allowed The Mutants to hit Napalm Death (Middle Rope Flying Hart Attack) on Piercey D. But Amberlyn would distract referee Brian Hebner, allowing for Riggs to sneak back in and spear both Mutants. The Result would show that Piercey's In Da House with a lifting downward spiral on Slime, and hook his tights for a pinfall victory.

Winner: James Riggs and Pierce Duncan, via pinfall

Uno and Dos were seen backstage in the boiler room practicing the black arts. Their strange ritual was interrupted by Hicks Over Dicks (Remy Bazil, Outhouse Jack, and Joe Manwhich). Remy said that being from Louisiana he had some experience in voodoo magic, and knew that it could make people more powerful. Uno and Dos affirmed that statement. Remy went on to explain that they needed to be more powerful in order to defeat Alexander The Brutal, and the Last Kings of Scotland for the six man titles. Uno said they could grant them that power, but they need payment. Remy said money wasn't any hindrance. But, Dos replied that they didn't want money they wanted their souls. After a brief con-fab, the Hicks agreed to turn over their souls in exchange for power. The camera man was then kicked out, the door was shut, and the ritual began.

The view switched to Megan Skye watching this with Alexander, and The Last Kings. She seemed worried about this, whereas Danny Boy blew it off as nothing more than nonsense and hocus pocus.

***Danny Boy W/Megan Skye Vs Remy Bazil***

Danny didn't take Remy seriously at first and it cost him. Remy used technical skills to overwhelm Danny much to everyone's surprise. After nearly getting pinned off a half nelson suplex, Danny would retreat to the outside to regroup.  Remy would follow him outside, and the two engaged in a wild brawl. They used every weapon they could get their hands on, as referee Clem Buzzlefoxer implored them to get back into the squared circle. The two men didn't listen and took their fight to the flooring near the entrance stage. That's where Danny Boy was jumped by Joe and Outhouse Jack. Jack would chokeslam Danny Boy through a table, and then proclaim himself "Badass Jack". Alexander and Scott rushed onto the scene and a brawl ensued to close the show.

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