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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 5/11

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** John “Rock Hard” Brickston vs. Danny Peterson ***

Brickston continued his long climb back up the OAOAST ladder after many years away with an impressive victory over Danny Peterson. His moment of glory was short-lived however, as Mr. Dick rained on his parade to accuse him of being Malaysia’s secret admirer. Brickston denied the claim saying he wouldn’t touch Malaysia to scratch her, but he’d have no problem scratching Mr. Dick’s face. “Don’t think for one second I’ve forgotten about what you did to me a few weeks back” said an irate Brickston, who then challenged the Real American Prick to a match this week on HeldDOWN~! Mr. Dick happily accepted so he could rid the OAOAST of Brickston’s sorry ass.

Winner: John “Rock Hard” Brickston

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to chat with wrestling's big story Oscar Friberg. The Dutchman was thrilled to be interviewed by the queen of the ring and the former world champion, and gushed the whole time. The youngster said his favorite wrestlers growing up were The Hardy Boyz, Mystery Eskimo, and Anglesault. Friberg stated that he was living a dream come true, and that he hoped beating Rico was the start of a long and fruitful career in the OAOAST. This brought out Rico De Janerio. He said Friberg's dream was soon going to turn into a nightmare, because he had made a dangerous enemy not only in Rico but the entire Cucaracha Kingdom. Rico stated that it would be best if Friberg returned to OAOVW before he got more than just a Mustache Ride.

***Sophie W/Queen Esther Vs Molly Nerdly W/Simon Singleton***
Two former tag team partners went at it to open up Syndicated. Molly got the upper had to begin with some chain wrestling over Sophie. This caused Sophie to bail and seek the counsel of Queen Esther. The queen's idea of how to turn the contest around was to summon the guards and have Molly burned at the stake for witchcraft. Left to figure out this one on her own, Sophie returned to the ring and squared up against her one time friend. Molly again befuddled Sophie with brilliant technical wrestling. But a simple rake of the eye allowed Sophie to go on the attack. He targeted Molly's legs, seeking to soften her up for the ankle lock. Eventually she would get that hold applied. The submission was incredibly painful but Molly made the ropes. That gave her some momentum and hope, and she valiantly fought back against Sophie. The end of the match came when Sophie got hit with the Final Cut!

Winner: Molly Nerdly, via pinfall

Post match Queen Esther fainted over the outcome and had to be carried to the back by Lucius Soul

Alfdogg announced that as a result over what happened to Morgan last week on HeldDOWN, she would be facing Lorelei at School's Out for the OAOAST Women's Title. This brought in Maggie Nerdly, who claimed she had unfinished business with Lorelei. Alf agreed with Maggie and promised she'd face Lorelei at an undetermined HeldDOWN~!

***Felix Strutter Vs Baron Windels***

Felix cut a promo on Baron Windels blaming him for dissolution of the Deadly Alliance. Windels said he was happy to accept the blame for that and was glad to see that the DA was no more. This caused Strutter to attack BW and a fight was on! The two brawled all over the ring, and eventually took their fight to the outside. Strutter would attempt to plant BW through the announce table but BW fought him off. The fight came back into the ring, where the two men continued their even contest. The announcers marveled at how well Strutter was able to hang with the former world champion. Strutter looked for the Thunder Bay throttle but found his grip broken by the strong cowboy. From there BW nailed the Brigham Young Cocktail (leaping DDT) for a victory.

Winner: Baron Windels, via pinfall

Post match BW extended his hand to Strutter but was roundly rejected by the angered Canadian!

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