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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 5/4/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Logan Mann W/Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs BIffman W/Melody Nerdly***

Fresh off a loss at IYPB the Church of Abdullah looked to turn things around against archenemy Biffman. Logan and the superhero exchanged brawling offense for several minutes with Logan gaining the upperhand. He pounded on Biffman with wicked left hands, trying to soften him up for more deadly attacks. A vertical suplex effort by Mann was reversed into a a brainbuster by Biff's super strength! That allowed Biffman to pummel Logan and take charge of the match.However, a daring Atlasault would miss its mark, allowing Logan to resume the advantage in the contest. He targeted Biffman's neck seeking to go for the Percussion DDT.  But Biffman would reverse the Percussion attempt into a Northern lights suplex. From there it was a race to the finish! Biffman would hit the Fanfare For The Superman on Logan to a great ovation from the crowd! But he could get no pinfall as Abdullah distracted the referee. Melody Nerdly would tackle her adopted brother and a fight  between the two ensued. This allowed Reject to sneak into the ring and nail Biffman with a Eulogy! Logan would then make an academic cover.

Winner: Logan Mann, via pinalll

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview resident world events expert and soon to be virgin no more Tony Tourettes on the death of Osama Bin Laden and what it means to the global community.  Tony said we would all be able to masturbate in peace without fear of having our dicks explode from a suicide bomb. He said we'd be able to download Arab based porn without government interference because they suspect your downloading instructions on how to bring upon the Jihad. Perhaps most importantly cocaine production from Pakistan would be sped up, making it easier to acquire the substance and trade it for sexual favors.

***Daisuke Motozaki and Faqu -VS- Rob Baker and Wayne Jonson***
Another easy night for the man mountains of the Cucaracha Kingdom. They made short work of Baker. And, when he tagged Jonson... well, they made short work of him too. Like last week, a Faqu Samoan Drop was followed by a Deadlift German on the squashed opponent to pick up the effortless win.

Winners: Daisuke Motozaki and Faqu, via pinfall

A replay of the finish to Moneymaker versus Wright versus Cash at In Your Parent's Basement was shown, with Moneymaker's sneak pin on his own right-hand man. Footage from after the match then played, as Josh Matthews tried to get immediate comments from Moneymaker on his way to the locker room. Moneymaker, strangely, wasn't in the mood to talk and blew Matthews off. Even going so far as to slam the door of his locker room in Matthews' face and lock it behind him.

Alexander The Brutal, and The Last Kings of Scotland  W/Megan Skye Vs Hicks Over Dicks (Remy Lepeux, "Sloppy" Joe Manwich and Outhouse Jack)***

Stripped of his favorite hunting knife before the match Outhouse Jack was sent into a rage. He hit everything that moved, including referee Charles Robinson. This allowed for the cajun Lepeux to hit his foes with a wooden staff. From there HOD took over and dominated the usually dominant champions. But without a referee their efforts were seemingly wasted. Finally, Brian Hebner entered the ring to officiate the contest. But by that time Scottish Scott was hammering Joe. A jumping tombstone piledriver would've put Joe away if it weren't for Remy making the save. The six man champions took turns working over Joe in their corner, keeping him isolated from his unusual partners. Eventually, Joe was able to break free of the champs and apply the tag to the bigger, crazier Jack. OJ attacked with furious tenacity, and this allowed him to ground Danny Boy. The tide turned in the favor of HOD, with the three hillbillies pounding out DB. But Danny Boy was resilient and reversed a pile driver attempt to stave off defeat. At Megan's urgings, he applied the tag with Alexander. All hell proceeded to break lose with all six men filling the ring. Unable to control anyone or anything, Brian Hebner called for the bell!

No winner

Post match the champions cleared the ring of HOD. But the Hicks promised that they'd be back for the six man titles.

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