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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 4/20/11


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** Kareem vs. Troy Stevens ***

Making his OAOAST Syndicated debut, Kareem the Middle Eastern Wet Dream annihilated young Troy Stevens, finishing him off with the Money Shot. After the match, Mr. Dick cut a promo to hype the Kareem/Deuce Deuce Bigelow mach at the inaugural In Your Parent’s Basement next Thursday night live on pay-per-view.

Winner: Kareem via pinfall

Alexander The Brutal was backstage sharpening his sword when he was approached by Mariano and Quincy of the Burroughs Boys. The two informed Alexander that it was the 21st century, and that swords were for "Ol King Arthur Knights of the roundtable ass niggas" They said it was time for Alexander to get up to date, and start killing people with guns. Alexander disagreed. He said guns allowed a coward to kill an otherwise superior man, and the only way to properly harm someone was through hand to hand combat. He said the rush of snapping someone's bones with your bare hands was incredibly intoxicating. Cracking someone's nose with a single punch could be considered the thrill of a lifetime. And mounting someone and brutally battering them was akin to heaven. Suitably fearful for their lives, the Burroghs Boys backed away very slowly, then broke out in a full sprint in the opposite direction!

***Daisuke Motozaki and Faqu -VS- Josh Cook and Phil Bones***
The powerhouse Cucaracha Kingdom team made short work of their overmatched opponents. Motozaki threw Bones around for a while before getting bored and letting him tag Cook, to have a different dummy to crash test. There was no let up when Faqu tagged in either. The Samoan Wrecking Ball decimated Cook, almost KOing him with the running BUTT smash. Faqu crushed him with a Samoan Drop, then took out Bones, while Motozaki finished Cook off with a Deadlift German.

Winners: Daisuke Motozaki and Faqu, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Biffman. Biffman was questioned about The Rockers interference in the title unification ladder match at Anglemania. Always humble, Biffman said he wasn't sure he would've won anyway. But, The Rockers cost him that opportunity to find out. He claimed that Abdullah Abir Nerdly was nothing but an evil slave driver, and Logan, Synth, and Quiz were his foolish slaves. He once again branded Abdullah a villain and a coward and promised that justice would one day be served.

***Nathaniel Black -VS- Felix Strutter***
Out of the Deadly Alliance, Strutter was also out on his own and back to his singles career. Determined to get back on track, he put up a strong fight against Black. Both men came out all guns blazing, Black hitting hard with a variety of strikes but Strutter using his speed advantage to keep him on his toes. Strutter took a risk, which paid off, leaping off the top to the arena floor with a crossbody to wipe Black out. But back inside, Black fought back and turned Strutter inside out with a Lariat to score a close 2. Strutter hung in and after escaping the Crossface Chickenwing tried for the Thunder Bay Throttle. Black blocked, so Felix gave up and hit the ropes. Which proved to be his downfall. Another lariat, followed by the Brittania Bomb, helped Black to win a hard-fought match and continue his momentum from AngleMania.

Winner: Nathaniel Black, via pinfall

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