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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 4/12/11


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***Alexander The Brutal Vs Outhouse Jack****

Outhouse Jack had to be stripped of his knife before the match began. This unsettled Jack and upset him, and he started the contest with a flurry of offense. But his parade of attacks didn't last long with Alexander countering a chokeslam attempt with a chokeslam of his own! Alexander tossed Jack around the ring with a variety if suplexes, wowing the audience. Eventually The Greek would gain a submission off a Crossface.

Winner: Alexander The Brutal, via submission

OAOAST Magazine the official Magazine of the OAOAST! Hard hitting features, inside information, and bright colorful pictures! And you can save forty percent off the news stand price by subscribing today! All this year check out sizzling pictures of the women of the OAOAST!

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview their good friends and Maya's clients, D*LUX! The boys were all smiles, still excited over having won the tag team championships at Anglemania. Tyler stated that winning the belts was a dream come true, but winning them at Anglemania was pure bliss. Shayne said that years of hard work had finally been rewarded and that he hoped they could be example to everyone out their to keep preserving and chasing their dreams. Shayne thanked Spencer Reiger for wrestling a clean match even when the opportunity to cheat presented itself. Both members of D*LUX said they'd be fighting champions, and would take on all comers. As soon as they said this their opponents for this week's HeldDOWN, The Heavenly Rockers came out with their entourage of Quiz, Abudllah Abir Nerdly, and Holly. Logan cut a promo on D*LUX which said they wouldn't have the titles long enough to be fighting champions because he and Synth would take the belts away from them on Thursday. Synth informed D*LUX that they, unlike Spencer, had the guts and the heart to cheat and would use any tactics necessary to claim the titles.

***James Blonde -VS- J-MAX***
Poor JB looked pretty glum as he came to the ring all alone. J-MAX came in feeling far more confident than his opponent after his AngleMania performance and dominated the early stages, flinging Blonde around with all kinds of headscissors and armdrags. With no answer for this Blonde was forced outside to regroup. Without any guidance, Blonde looked a little lost and got brought back in the hard way as he tried to re-enter. However Blonde managed to get his knees up to block a Standing Twisting Senton and suddenly took over. Blonde kept J-MAX grounded and fared much better that way. J-MAX always threatened to explode back to life though and his speed got him out of a corner, literally, with the Max Evade kick, setting up a springboard crossbody for 2. Turning on the burners J-MAX ran through Blonde again, only to be cut off. After going back and forth at the finish, Blonde set up for Illegally Blonde. But J-MAX slipped free and caught Blonde with a WACKY Lucha cradle to score the pin out of nowhere and leave Blonde looking even more dejected.

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall

Tony Brannigan was back on his interview stage, once again to interview Theodore Moneymaker. Moneymaker came out with Christian Wright and Lorelei, clutching a bag. After being asked to comment on what happened on HeldDOWN with Tim Cash, Moneymaker re-iterated that Cash was trying to stir up trouble and that he didn't care what he had to say, before saying Tim should be more grateful because he didn't give hand outs to nickel and dimers too often. Moneymaker then moved on, saying that he'd been thinking recently that Christian deserved some sort of reward for his recent record. When Brannigan suggested this was very 'convenient' that he suddenly thought this, Moneymaker cut him off angrily. Moneymaker then lauded over Christian's unbeaten record and all that he'd done for The Enterprise, before presenting him with the OAOAST Heartland Title belt and telling him he was now a champion!

This 'presentation' was interrupted however, as ALFDOGG came out. Alf told Moneymaker he was more than welcome to give out gifts, but reminded him that the Heartland Title had been unified and was no longer an active championship so the belt was nothing more than a vanity trophy. As Moneymaker complained, suddenly commotion broke out as TODD CORTEZ ran out and stormed the stage! Cortez managed to get a few shots on Wright as everyone else fled, then produced his fork and warned off the security who rushed out to subdue him, while The Enterprise retreated angrily.

***MARV W/Melody Nerdly Vs Rico De Janerio W//Queen Esther***

The girls got into it early on with Esther demanding Melody put on a potato sack to cover up her beautiful bouncing breasts, and Melody demanding Esther put a bag over her head to cover her face! MARV tried to end this argument and was clubbed from behind by Rico. The Brazilian seized the advantage and pounded on MARV. The Skater, however, was able to slip out of a Mustache Ride attempt. This lead to him taking over the contest from his larger foe. After a serious of springboard stunts, MARV went to the top rope. But Rico crotched him, and executed a superplex. The casanova began to dominate MARV. But strangely enough it was Rico who began to suffer the ill effects from the beating, as he started to look exhausted. After a while Rico couldn't even muster the energy to lift MARV up for a powerbomb. This allowed MARV to execute an inside cradle for the victory.

Winner: MARV, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put their serious about wrestling glasses back on to interview The Orange County Cobras and Molly Nerdly. The topic at hand was Leon Rodez and his walkout on their team at Anglemania. Simon stated that if Leon didn't want to compete at Anglemania he should've told them before hand. That Leon would enter with the team and stand on the apron only to walk out and leave them short handed was the ultimate in disrespect according to Simon. Ned was even more heated than his partner. He called Leon Rodez a coward, and that was the nicest of things he had to say about the two time world champion. Ned said Leon dissed the Cobras, Alix, and the OAOAST Galaxy by walking out. He went onto say that was unacceptable. He promised that should their paths ever cross again, Ned would stomp a mud hole in him and walk it dry!

Vinny Valentine came out to cut a promo and he was MAAAAAAAAAD, son. The reason for his anger was that his Anglemania appearance in his hometown was marked by embarrassment. While he was busy styling his hair for a rendezvous with a chick he met off craigslist, Reject and Baron Windels interrupted with their match. The two of them joined forces to beat him up and toss him out the bathroom. According to Vinny this was a sin that should be punishable by 10,000 deaths. But being a merciful man, Vinny said he'd settle for kicking one of their asses.  

Baron Windels came out to a huge pop from the audience and eagerly accepted the challenge.

***Baron Windels Vs Vinny Valentine W/Tony Tourettes***

BW dominated Vinny Valentine to start the contest, overpowering him with relentless offense and countering any offensive attack Valentine could muster.  V-Squared turned to Tony for guidance only to be called a "sperm loving fart knocker". Forced to think on his feet, Vinny countered a boomerang lariat with a leg sweep. He quickly applied a choke on Windels and took control of the contest through that illegal attack. The Brooklyn native worked over Vinny's arm, trying to make it impossible for Baron to use that Brigham Young Cocktail. But BW would fight back, countering a pile driver attempt into a back body drop. Vinny tried to regain control of the contest, but Windels ran through him like a bull. He finally finished him off with a Brigham Young Cocktail leaping DDT.

Winner: Baron Windels, via pinfall

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