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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

AngleMania X

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


In the beginning, there was an imaginary beltshot.

JR: Good Evening, BAH GAWD, and Welcome to AngleMania!

serves as the soundtrack to a video recap of the first 9 AngleMania events.


HHH get's to his feet and kicks AS to the gut to set up the Pedigree once again! AS counter's and grabs HHH's leg and locks on the AngleLock! HHH refuses to tap saying he'll never job to AS! Chris Jericho appears through the crowd and tells the Time Keeper to ring the bell!


The Crowd go ApeShit!

Medal plays as Jericho spits on the crying HHH and leaves!

Fink-'The winner of the Match and NEEEWWWWWWWWWW One & Only AngleSault Thread HeavyWeight Champion of the World, AngleSault!!!!!!!!!'.

AS picks up the Belt and stares at it and starts to cry! The aWo return to the ring and lay a beating on HHH who has curled into the foetus position and is sucking his thumb! The aWo spray 'aWo 4-Life, Just 2 Olympic For You!' on HHH!


...Zack kicks (Anglesault) with his good leg, and hops over his back with a sunset flip...ANGLESAULT ROLLS THROUGH...He's got Zack by both legs...CATAPULT OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE...NO! NO! ZACK SKINS THE CAT! Anglesault sees this and grabs him...ANGLE SLAM...NO! NO! ZACK slips out, LANDING ON ONLY HIS LEFT LEG! ZACK LANDED ON ONE LEG! Kick to the gut...POP DROP! POP DROP! ZACK MALIBU COVERS!





Calvin stands up, kicking at Zack, stomping, whatever, yelling "why won't you DIE!" to his most hated opponent. He picks Zack up, then quickly grabs the arm, taking Zack to the mat as if he were Chris Benoit looking for a crossface, but before he can get a good grip on the arm, Malibu somersaults forward, dodging the potential submission, and as Calvin gets up to grab him....


Malibu collapses across Calvin's body, not even able to hook a leg, as this cover is purely out of desperation! Earl Hebner slaps the canvas, as the crowd counts along...






No way! He just hit one Axel Slam! Is he going for --

Sure enough, with Drek now basically out cold on his shoulders, Axel jumps up -- AND SPIKES THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION INTO THE MAT WITH A SECOND CONSECUTIVE AXEL SLAM!


Wait! Come on! This can’t be it! IT CAN’T BE IT!

With Drek out cold on the mat, Axel rolls him over and hooks the leg. The fans scream wildly with the referee as he counts!






The roar rising up from the crowd is monstrous as the bell rings, signifying the Drek Stone title reign has finally come to an end.



Alf stands straight on the top rope as the fans ready their cameras. Alf takes those last breaths before leaping for the FIVE....








The impact knocks the wind out of Alf slightly and he grabs his ribs, gasping for the precious oxygen he needs to roll over and flop on top of Knight, making sure he hooks the leg as Hebner crawls over to make the count.





LLLLLadies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest.....and NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW One and Only Anglesault Thread Heavyweight Champion of the WOOOOOOOOORLLLLLLLLLLLD....AAAAAALFDOGGGGGGGGGG!!!!


Having beaten Stone to a bloody pulp, Malibu balances himself, then pulls Stone up on the ropes. As Stone rises, he goes low again, and then shoves Malibu down to the canvas! Zack attempts to land on his feet, but when he does, he falls headfirst into the exposed steel, causing his head to whiplash back! Malibu staggers around in a fog, as Stone pushes up onto his feet and leaps off the top, cradling Malibu's head under his arm and bringing him down on the top of his head, leaping from the top rope right into a modified STONECUTTER that sends Malibu straight into the canvas, his feet sticking straight up in the air!


Zack flops onto his back, and Stone quickly drags him farther away from the ropes, and covers, pulling far back on Malibu's leg, desperate to make this the final fall.







Tha Puerto Rican grabs his right elbow pad, removes it from his arm, and then throws it into the crowd. As the fans fight over the prized elbow pad, PRL does some weird hand signals that are still hard to describe five years later, and then runs backwards into the ropes, hits the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward, jumps over Stephen Joseph Popick, runs forward…

It is now time for the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, The Puerto Rico Elbow!

…PRL hits the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward, stops in his tracks, puts his right foot into the air, extends his right arm into the air…and then drops his right elbow into Stephen Joseph Popick’s chest! The Puerto Rico Elbow!


Earl Hebner slides into the ring underneath the bottom ring rope. He then stands up, walks a few steps, and then quickly gets down on his hands and knees and makes the count. The crowd counts along.



2 ½




Here is your winner…and NEW One And Only AngleSault Thread Heavyweight Champion of the Woooooorrrrllllllllllllllddddddddddddddddd…THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!


Zack charges Bo, but the big man snatches Zack by the throat as he charges, glaring at him as if to say "I've got you now!" He scoops Zack up, but Zack slides down his back, hooking a reverse facelock that he quickly twists into a stunner, dropping the big man jaw first across his shoulder!

What was that!? We've never seen that before!

Zack rushes to cover, as Bo was caught off guard, and the referee slides across the canvas, ready to make the call!






The crowd roars, getting to their feet and applauding loudly as Malibu raises the belt up, then looks up and points to the sky, acknowledging his friend who is watching Anglemania from a better place.

There you see Zack paying respect to Sly Sommers, his guardian angel of sorts.

Bo exits the ring, leaving Malibu to bask in his glory, and pyro explodes, celebrating The Franchise's much deserved win.


MD knocks Sandman from the ring with a STIFF KICK~!, then lifts Reject, and executes the COCK BLOCK~!!!!!11111








The saga continues.


Pandemonium reigns supreme inside the world’s most famous arena. An overhead shot from high above captures the sea of humanity on hand, not to mention the countless signs and banners. We pan around the crowd briefly before going up to OAOAST Original Tony Brannigan in the ring.

Live from New York, it’s ANGLEMANIA TEN!


Here now to honor America, one of the most flamboyant superstars in the history of sports and entertainment. As pretty as a picture, he looks just like Little Richard. Ladies and gentlemen… JOHNNY B. BADD!

Badd storms the ring and throws out a couple of FRISBEES, then shoots red, white and blue CONFETTI into the crowd with his BADDBLASTER.

B O O M ~!

Confetti continues to rain down as we swoop over to Double C at Sofa Central.

We welcome you to the world’s most famous arena in the greatest city in the world! Our thanks to the Wildman known as Johnny B. Badd for a truly marvelous performance. Michael Cole alongside Da Coach at Sofa Central. And on the night we celebrate the historic tenth installment of the hugely successful and wildly popular AngleMania franchise, it’ll be the end for one of the two key figures in OAOAST history.

Forget that silly royal wedding or Obama‘s third war. All people can talk about is the Survive or Surrender loser leaves the OAOAST cage match between Zack Malibu and Anglesault. I advise members of the OAOAST Galaxy to log on to OAOASTShop.com immediately following the show because all Zack Malibu merchandise will be half price after he goes down in humiliating fashion.

We’ll have to wait and see on that. In addition, Krista Isadora Duncan looks to regain the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship for a record FIFTH time when she challenges the man who all but stole it from her at the New Year‘s Spectacular, the brash "Rocksault" Jason Silver.

Rocksault didn’t steal a thing, he took the title right smack in the middle of the ring.

Also tonight: Baron Windels and Reject in a last man standing match; Bruce Blank and Bohemoth in a barbwire match; an 8 girl scramble for the Women’s Championship; Mr. Dick vs. Deuce Deuce Bigelow; plus many more exciting bouts. But we kick things off with the World tag team titles at stake. Without further delay let’s go to the ring!
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The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ONE & ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!



D*LUX send the chicks into a frenzy as they burst on the scene to the tune of "Solar Midnite" by Lupe Fiasco.

Introducing first, the challengers, accompanied by JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN! Total combined weight 379 pounds, the 2011 Anderson Cup champions… "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE… "TREMENDOUS" TYLER... together, they are D*LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!


The guys and Jade slap hands down the aisle before jumping into the ring to soak in the incredible atmosphere.

As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, Maya Duncan-Blanchard did not accompany D*LUX. Instead she choose to remain backstage in preparation for her match later tonight. And what a night it could be for the Duncan family. It’s possible mother and daughter could leave MSG tonight the new World Champion and Women’s titleholder respectively.

If that happens what’s next? Alix and Ned go for the tag titles?

I wouldn’t mind seeing that.

I would.

“The World is Mine” by David Guetta hits and the champs scroll to the ring oozing confidence.

And their opponents! Led to the ring by LORELEI DECENZO, representing THE ENTERPRISE… total combine weight 420 pounds… the One & Only World tag team champions… SPENCER REIGER and COLIN MAGUIRE, JR… THE LDC MMMOOOONNEYGANG!!!


Lorelei shoos D*LUX and Jade away so her boys can pose inside under green and gold spotlights.

What a pair, Mikey Cole. CMJ and Spencer are great too.

We’re about ready to go with this one. Our first of many title matches here tonight.

The tag titles are displayed for all to see and then the bell sounds.


Spencer and Tyler start out for their respective squads. They lockup and Tyler is taken down with a go behind waistlock into a headlock. He counters with a hammerlock and both men return to a vertical base. Spencer throws a back elbow but suddenly pulls back at the last second, opting for a drop toehold instead.

The hell? Tyler left himself open to a back elbow and Spencer didn’t pull the trigger. I think Jade’s causing him to lose his edge.

Lose his edge? How ‘bout making him a better person?

Nice guys finish last, Cole.

Spencer applies a front facelock, only for Tyler to counter with another hammerlock. Back on their feet, Spencer goes behind to place Tyler in a hammerlock of his own. Tyler grabs a headlock and gets shoved off towards the ropes. Spencer eats a shoulder tackle on the rebound but kips up, right into a side headlock takeover. He pounds the mat in anger and then rolls Tyler onto his back.


And only one as Tyler shifts his weight back on top. Spencer rises up and delivers a back suplex, but Tyler holds onto the headlock. Too far away from the ropes to force a break, Spencer scissors the head betting Tyler will likely float on top. He does and Spencer bridges out to execute a backslide.


Tyler resists and a test of strength ensues. Ultimately he manages to flip Spencer over backwards and wrap him in a small package!

Tremendous counter by Tyler!




Tyler ducks a clothesline and gets nailed off the ropes with a knee to the back by Colin. Jade immediately informs the ref what happened, leading to a war of words between her and Lorelei, which Spencer does his best to defuse. Instead he gets an earful from both ladies.

I’m not so sure CMJ is onboard with keeping this match clean as possible like Spencer is.

Nor should he in my opinion. You fight to win the match, not boyfriend of the year.

Colin surprises Spencer by tagging himself in, and he wastes no time scrambling the brain of Tyler with Irish uppercuts, causing Jade to grimace in the corner following every blow. The Irish Golden Boy hooks Tyler for a suplex, but drops him stomach-first on the top rope instead, then cheap shots Shayne.


When Tyler reverses a whip Colin grabs the top rope and bails outside to avoid punishment, or so he thinks. He stares in the camera pointing to his head, only for Shayne to walk over and deck him!


Shayne tosses Colin back in and D*LUX bounce him around like a human pinball machine. The guys tag and execute a double hip toss, then stereo elbow drops and kip ups.

This referee is letting the match get out of hand, Cole. It’s 2 on 1.

Spencer enters to even the odds, but charges into a double backdrop. D*LUX clothesline him over the top and then Shayne nails Colin with a leg lariat.

The cover.




Shayne wrings Colin’s arm and gets backed against the turnbuckle.

I don’t expect a clean break here.

Cole is correct, as Colin knees Shayne in the gut and fires away.

* CHOP *


* CHOP *


* CHOP *


Colin sends Shayne for a ride to the far corner and charges in, but Shayne leaps over and takes him down with a TORNADO DDT!




Spencer yanks Shayne by the leg to break the pin.

Look at that, Cole. Spencer Reiger had a free shot at Shayne and didn’t take it.

Shayne goes to the top and suddenly gets met by Colin, who delivers an Irish uppercut and then a middle rope T-Bone HARVARDPLEX!!


The cover.



Save by Tyler!

Another clean save there.

As Tyler returns to his corner, Colin posts him between the middle and top rope.


CMJ may have just separated Tyler’s shoulder.

It’s his own damn fault if he did. You never turn your back on an opponent. A rookie mistake by a veteran.

Colin sidesteps a charge by Shayne and throws him over the top, except Shayne skins the cat and backdrops the Irishman outside. Shayne follows with a TOP ROPE FLYING CLOTHESLINE TO THE ARENA FLOOR!


Shayne tosses Colin in and tags Tyler, who delivers a big splash after Shayne slingshots him into the ring.

The cover.




Tyler smashes Colin’s face into the buckle and gives him a knuckle sandwich from the middle rope.






Tyler’s eyes widen as he’s dropped throat-first on the top rope, the victim of a stun gun!

CMJ caught Tyler with the Cambridge Curse! This one could be over if he can make the cover.

Fortunately for the challengers, Colin is unable to make the pin as his body still feels the punishment it received. Instead he tags out and Spencer drags Tyler away from the rope before going for the cover.




What a huge break for D*LUX, Cole. No way Tyler kicks out if CMJ is able to pin him immediately.

Spencer executes a snap mare and delivers a measured knee drop.

The cover.




Spencer applies an abdominal stretch and REFUSES to take Colin’s hand for additional leverage. Colin throws his arms up in frustration and shakes his head in the corner. Meanwhile, Lorelei stares at Spencer, mouth open and hands on hips.

Is Lorelei back in that closed door meeting?

I can’t believe you of all people would make a joke like that, Cole. Don’t think I didn’t hear about your back alley rendezvous Saturday night.

Tyler escapes with a hip toss and Spencer trips him to prevent a tag. Spencer fires Tyler to the corner but crashes sternum-first into the buckle after Tyler swings outside, then gets drilled by a double axe handle smash.





Spencer reverses a whip and a blind tag is made, Tyler slides through Spencer’s legs on the rebound and dropkicks him right into a slam by Shayne.





As Colin returns to his corner, Tyler posts him between the middle and top rope!

You know what they say about paybacks, ladies and gentlemen.

D*LUX tag and ROCK YOUR BODY with their signature Samoan drop/neck breaker combo!

The cover.




Shayne tags back in and gets launched off the top by Tyler for a clothesline, but Spencer catches him mid-air with a kick to the gut and then sets him for the Reiger Counter.

D*LUX can kiss the titles goodbye, Cole, because Reiger is about to end it all right now.

Spencer falls victim to a double leg takedown and is catapulted towards the corner. His face smacks the top buckle and he stumbles into a Snapmare Driver/Fall Forward Diamond Cutter!



Spencer shoves Shayne off and spikes him with a running inverted bulldog!

New York Knockout!

The cover.





Colin and Lorelei complain of a slow count, but the ref will have none of it, prompting Lorelei to climb onto the apron as Spencer rams Shayne into the buckle.

Get her down from there, ref.

Again Spencer is forced to play peacemaker as his girlfriend Jade, Tyler and Lorelei exchange words. Meanwhile, Colin chokes Shayne in the corner!


With Shayne down on the seat of his pants in the corner, Spencer delivers a running knee to the face!

Blood is the New Black.

The cover.




Colin receives the tag and unleashes a barrage of knife edge chops and Irish uppercuts.

* CHOP *


Irish uppercut.

* CHOP *


Irish uppercut.

* CHOP *


Irish up-- No!

Shayne fights out of the LDCMG corner and makes the tag, which the ref doesn’t see because Colin held on to him to keep upright.


Earlier on it was D*LUX who caught a big break and now the champs do.

As Tyler is escorted back to his corner, Colin places Shayne in a cross-face chickenwing.


Unable to get the submission Colin looks to hit the Fenwayplex-- a cross-face chickenwing German suplex. Shayne wraps his leg around Colin’s to block the hold.


And again.

Then counters out of nowhere with a jawbreaker!

Shayne badly needed that. Now can he make the tag?

Colin clutches his jaw, as Shayne rolls forward and MAKES THE TAG!


Leaping over the top, Tyler runs through Colin with a clothesline. Spencer comes in, but takes a clothesline as well. Tyler then whips Colin in for a BAAAAACK bodydrop!

Tyler is a house of fire!

Spencer and Colin pick each other up off the mat and fall prey to a double flying clothesline from Tyler! Spencer rolls outside, leaving Colin alone with Tyler. Dazed, CMJ gets to his feet but doesn't seem to know where he is. Tyler runs in from the side and catches him with the Phantom Neckbreaker! Cover...




Waving him back up, Tyler takes a run at Colin. A wild swing from Colin is ducked, Tyler coming back off the ropes with a Yakuza Kick!! Cover again...




Close! Colin looks a little loopy... more-so than usual.

As Colin picks himself up again, there's plenty of time for Tyler to scale to the top. Warned by Lorelei, Colin stumbles back around and gets caught with a high cross off the top...





Man, Tyler almost got caught right there!

Almost a big mistake. Chokejob, Cole, I can feel it, the nerves have gotta be kicking in.

Back up, Tyler beats Colin to the punch, firing away with a couple of shots. Irish whip is countered though and Tyler is sent to the buckle. He saves himself a bad collision by leaping to the top... but Spencer knows the fakeout is coming and jumps to the apron to cut him off! Tyler manages to fight Spencer off and knocks him down to the floor. But seconds later, Colin CROTCHES him from behind!


Colin hammers away on Tyler's back before following him up the ropes.

This is dangerous territory.

Colin tries for a back superplex, but Tyler hangs on. A battle ensues on the top, but Colin wins out. He lifts Tyler up and falls back...

...but Tyler TURNS IN MID-AIR and lands on top of Colin!!


Tyler countered!

As Tyler rolls away hurt, Shayne scrambles to the top and follows up with a Picture Perfect Elbowdrop on the prone Colin! Cover...




We were a split second away from new champions! Spencer, in the very nick of time, saves the titles!

Jade looks on, not sure what to make of what happened but certainly caught up in the excitement.

What a way to kick off AngleMania!

A great way to start. Put these kids out of their misery so we can all move on with our lives. I agree.

Tyler goes after Spencer, but gets cut off with a boot and thrown outside. The One Man Triple Threat grabs Shayne next, but Shayne breaks free and fires away with some forearms. Putting an end to that, Reiger goes to the breadbasket with a knee. He then tries for the Reiger Counter again... but Shayne squirms free! Shayne tries an Enziguri, only for Spencer to duck. As he gets up, Shayne is then grabbed from behind by Colin.

Yeah, waffle him!

A little hesitant about taking the free shot, Spencer eventually charges forward... and Shayne moves out of the way, leaving Colin to get nailed!


Shayne surprises Reiger with a schoolboy!




Spencer and Colin both go for Shayne... and almost collide again!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Able to stop themselves, Spencer and Colin regroup and catch Shayne coming in with a Double Flapjack! Cover by Colin...




Dragging Shayne back up, Colin tells Spencer in no uncertain terms to get his head in the game and shoves Shayne over to him. Ignoring his partner's annoyance with him Spencer hooks Shayne up and the LDCMG look to put him away.

Going for the Spike Reiger Counter, D*LUX's title hopes are in grave danger here!

Chokejob, what did I tell you?

Colin hooks up the legs, but before he can put the finish on the move, Tyler rushes in and connects with a SUPERKICK! Caught by surprise, Spencer is left flat-footed...


...and eats a SUPERKICK as well!


Tyler almost made Spencer choke on his boot! And he might make you choke on your words right here!

Rolling outside, Colin suddenly gets a signal from Lorelei, who is by the timekeeper's table and tosses him one of the tag belts!

Wait a minute!


Colin's got the belt!

In the ring, Tyler gets Spencer up on his shoulders, looking for the TKO. Spencer squirms out and pulls Tyler down with a Backslide!




Tyler rolls back to his feet and hooks Spencer up for a suplex, as Colin continues to bide his time on the outside. Floating over the top, Spencer tries a neckbreaker, but it's countered with a Backslide from Tyler this time!




Both Tyler and Spencer go with right hands at the same time and connect, knocking each other for a loop. Spotting her chance, Lorelei hops on the apron and takes the referee. Allowing Colin to slide the belt in to Spencer!

No, not like this!

Spencer picks up the title belt and turns towards Tyler...

...and stops!


Getting a rare pang of conscience, Spencer can't bring himself to use the belt with Jade pleading him not to... and he throws it down! Colin curses to himself, then slides in and grabs the belt himself...

...but Spencer stops him from using it as well!!

We've got dissension in the ranks!

Colin and Spencer get into it, as Reiger snatches the belt away and throws it outside. Before things get too heated, Colin turns to Tyler... and ducks a clothesline! Tyler runs into a boot from Spencer and the Moneygang try to settle things fairly with the Spike Reiger Counter!


Tyler fights it off though, kicking Colin away, then backdropping Spencer, INTO Colin! The Moneygang end up in a heap, Lorelei looking on in despair at the mess they've gotten into.


Colin and Spencer are fighting on different pages! And it may have just cost them big!

Up first, Spencer untangles himself from Colin...


...and D*LUX nail him with a DOUBLE SUPERKICK!!


Spencer tumbles outside and D*LUX turn to the crowd, sensing that this is their moment! The Madison Square Garden fans rise to their feet and urge the challengers to capitalise. And capitalise they do, as Tyler hangs Colin in a wheelbarrow position and Shayne comes off the ropes behind him, with the Running Diamond Dust!!!









Sitting up shocked, Tyler looks over at Shayne, who dives on top of him in celebration.



Jade joins D*LUX in the ring and although genuinely pleased for D*LUX, she can't help glancing back at Spencer and feel for him as well. Caught up in the moment, Tyler and Shayne wrap up Jade in a group hug, before being handed their title belts and raising them for the crowd!

After five long years, Tyler and Shayne have finally reached the top of the OAOAST tag team division! No longer will they be saddled with the moniker of best tag team never to have won the tag team titles. Tonight, finally, they add their name to the list of greats and go down in history!

The celebrations from D*LUX are jubilant, but there's anger amongst the losers. Lorelei barks at Spencer for his part in the loss and he blows her off.

You done goofed up, Spence. I just hope she's worth it.

Spencer checks on Colin as D*LUX parade with the titles a few feet away. Noticing Spencer and Colin getting to their feet, Tyler and Shayne come to a stop, ready incase something happens. Jade looks on nervously in the middle. But to her great relief, Spencer approaches D*LUX... and offers a HANDSHAKE!



You gotta be kidding me, man.

Tyler and Shayne both look unsure and Colin just stares at Spencer like he's lost his mind. After some delay, Shayne accepts the handshake... and so does Tyler! Shayne then extends a hand to Colin... who, holding his head in pain, gives one more look at Spencer and walks out!


Both Lorelei and Colin head up the ramp, displeased at Spencer, who tries to go after them. Leaving D*LUX to go back to celebrating their memorable first title win.

Oh, man. SMH at you Spencer Reiger. Dude is whipped! How you gonna lose the World Tag Team Titles to two guys and then shake their hands?

That certainly not the Spencer I know, but that's not a bad thing in my book. A little bit of humility and some sportsmanship goes a long way.

Yeah, a long way to getting your ass jacked from The Enterprise!

Never the less, D*LUX are your new World Tag Team Champions here tonight at AngleMania X and folks, we are just getting started!

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Outside the Duncan family dressing room, Josh Matthews stands with Maya Duncan-Blanchard, co-manager of the new World tag team champions.

Yay D*LUX!

Maya, you’re about to head into an eight girl scramble match for the OAOAST Women’s Title at your first Anglemania. What’s changed for you this year as opposed to last?

Last year around this time, I was a sweet, loveable highschooler with a bake sale stand to benefit my school and the quake victims of Chili. Then my bakesale stand was crushed, crushed I say, by Spencer Reiger, a fact obviously forgotten by sister as she swaps spit with Ed Hardy’s favorite customer. I walked into that ring, and I demanded a fight with Mister Reiger, and did I get it? No! Mom interrupted me, as if I couldn’t handle a guy one hundred pounds bigger than me! So this year instead of asking for a fight, I’m bringing a fight, right to the doorsteps, back porches, mailboxes, and PO boxes of seven other gals!

Do you have any message you’d like to give to your fellow competitors?

Anglesault might have founded the OAOAST, he might own the entrance stage, sofa central, and all that. But that ring belongs to Maya Duncan-Blanchard and if you get your BUTT in it Maya Duncan-Blanchard is gonna give you a serious whupping!

Anglesault, doesn’t want you anywhere near the OAOAST Women’s Title. Does that put a target on your back?

A target? I went to the Target in North Hollywood, ripped down that giant bullseye, and I’m gonna attach it to my back so that everyone knows exactly where to find me! Any of the OAOAST Babes can come, and try to take me on, and they will likely to get a good old fashioned nose bopping! If you’re picking up what I’m putting down!

I sure am! Thanks, Maya.

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The camera pans around the entrance ramp, showcasing a sea of deadly steel ladders that are encased in orange and blue spotlights.

Ladies and Gentlemen: the following contest is the TITLE UNIFICATION LADDER MATCH for the United States and Heartland Titles!


La ilaha illa Allah, ha la ili, hay yo
Hili b'Allah, hey, hili bay yo
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money

The audience's good mood is immediately capsized by "Arab Money". The bouncy funk welcomes the big man Quiz into the arena. Quiz smashes his fist into his hand and marches down the ramp with purposeful intent.

Introducing the participants! From Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he is QUUUUIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

What a history making match we have for you here at Anglemania Ten. Two titles will be unified in a star studded ladder match.

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus Walks with me)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long

The boos only increase and grow more violent with the appearance of Christian Wright. The snobbish superstar rids himself of his tie and sportscoat before making his way down to the ring with supreme confidence.


The God Child. The man who hasn't been beaten in over a year. Is this is night to claim OAOAST gold?

As Christian enters the ring "Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down plays to a positive reaction. Tim Cash comes out from parted entrance doors with a wide smile on his face. He joyfully waves to the cheering audience as he strides down the blue lit entrance ramp.

From Peoria, Illinois... he is wrestling's last true good guy, one half of the Citizen Soldiers... TTIIIIIIIIIMMMMM... CCAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

While Cash tries to make nice with his competitors, the authoritative rock of "God Of Thunder" fills Madison Square Garden. Through blue smoke comes the intimidating powerhouse known was ThunderKid.

Hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, a member of The Deadly Alliance... TTHHHUUUUUUNNDDEEERRRRRRKKIIIIIIIIIIIIDD!!!!!

The sounds of troubled streets, police alarms and fleeing citizens, can be heard through the arena. A woman screams as a single spotlight searches around the arena. Eventually it focuses on the ceiling, shining a giant "A". A triumphant fanfare sounds before "The Power" hits and Biffman answers the call to duty! The fan favorite strikes a heroic and courageous pose and then heads to the ring.

From Venice Beach, California, he is BIFFFFFFMMMAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!

Certainly Biffman and Quiz will have their problems with each other in this historic ladder match.

"Oh No" plays and the crowd lets loose with a torrent of boos for Todd Cortez. The Heartland Champion strolls onto stage with a stoic look resting upon his face.

From Los Angeles, California, he is the OAOAST Heartland Champion…..TOOODDDDDDD CCCCCOOORRRTTTTTEEEZZZZZ!

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

The most jeers of a hated lot go to Theodore Moneymaker, who walks onto the entrance stage with supreme arrogance.

And the OAOAST United States Champion, form Vero Beach, Florida….THEODOREEEE MOOOONNNEEEYYYMAAAAKKKKEERRRRR!

We have two Enterprise members in this seven man match, and-

Don't try to start anything, Mikey. The focus is on getting Mister Moneymaker to become the unified champion.


Every man looks up at the two titles hanging above the ring, the serious nature of this contest setting in for all of them. They gaze at the belts longingly almost as if they could will the titles into their hands with their eyes. However, there will be no glory without violence and TK strikes first with a lariat that cuts down Tim Cash.

Here we go!

Moneymaker quickly retreats to the outside area to grab a ladder. However his efforts are halted by Todd Cortez. The Heartland Champion and the United States Champion slug it out in front of one of the towering steel tools. Meanwhile, Christian Wright and Quiz double team Biffman on the outside.

There are no count outs, no DQ's, none of that in a ladder match. Just a physical battle until one man emerges the unified champion.

A glut of battles forms in front of the ring with Biffman, Wright, Quiz, Cortez, and Moneymaker all hammering one another. Beyond their viewpoint Cash has climbed onto the top rope. The fans emit a large cheer as he sails off with a body splash! He connects with all the men below him, taking them all down to the concrete!!


Tim Cash going for a high flying attack to wow the audience here at Anglemania Ten, the grandest show of them all!

Ever the opportunistic one, TK grabs a ladder from the outside. He situates it at the center of the ring and begins climbing towards the top.

This one could be over in a matter of minutes!

But before TK can make it very far Wright yanks him down. The God Child tags him with a pair of punches that leave him dazed and weak. As such Wright is easily able to lariat him over the top rope! TK lands on his feet and staggers away, causing Wright to give chase.

Christian Wright and ThunderKid were in that money in the bank ladder match last year that Leon Rodez interfered with. Hopefully we’ll have a cleaner finish tonight.

Just as soon as Wright and TK leave the ring do archrivals Quiz and Biffman enter. They each race up the ladder, seeking to beat the other to the titles. However, they merely meet each other at the top and a slugfest ensues.

Quiz and Biffman are beating the life out of each other and you know Abdullah has to be somewhere rooting on Quiz.

Biffman grabs onto Quiz’s brown hair and uses that grip to slam his head into the top of the ladder. This dazes Quiz, and allows Biffman to sunset flip over him. Quiz hangs on as the ladder teeters, but Biff hangs on too, summoning some superhuman strength... to drag him off the ladder with a delayed powerbomb to the canvas!


As the audience applauds the power move, a distressed Quiz rolls out the ring. Biffman follows him outside in order to terrorize him with powerful punches.

That isn’t what Abdullah had in mind when he weaseled Quiz into this match.


Free of any opposition, Todd Cortez takes his turn to make a climb up the ladder. Moving quickly, he gets to the top and begins to try unhooking the titles.

Todd Cortez could retain and unify! What an Anglemania moment that would be for the young man from the streets of Los Angeles.

However, Cortez’s title dreams are interrupted by Moneymaker dragging him back down to the canvas. This outrages Cortez and he spears Moneymaker to the ground. Another uncontrolled brawl ensues between the two champions.

So much is on the line; the intensity in the air is amazing.

Meanwhile on the outside, Wright has found a step ladder. Far from being frustrated at finding such a dinky tool, the former tag team champion uses it to beat on Biffman. But he’s quickly clubbed from behind by ThunderKid. The DA member grabs the step ladder and chucks it at Wright’s head, knocking The God Child over. Wright clutches his head, fearful that TK may have caused a blood letting.

I think ThunderKid personifies the every man for himself rule the best!

TK finds a regular sized ladder and uses it to create a bridge across the ring and the barricade.

What’s ThunderKid got planned here?

ThunderKid hooks Wright into a front facelock as the crowd buzzes in anticipation. TK attempts to give them the carnage they desire by lifting Wright up for a suplex. But its Wright who fufills the crowd’s bloodlust by countering and front suplexing TK onto his ladder bridge! Pain is written all across the face of the Green Bay native.

Damn, Mikey, can you imagine the pain of being suplexed onto a ladder stomach first?

I don’t even want to think about it.

Meanwhile in the ring, Theodore Moneymaker drops Tim Cash with a lethal spinebuster. Todd Cortez makes the mistake of trying his luck with Moneymaker one more time and eats a spinebuster for his error. Thrilled with his actions, Moneymaker flashes the money fingers gesture to the New York audience.


The fans' frowns are quickly transformed into smiles as Biffman clocks Moneymaker with a ladder. However, Biffman’s time in the spotlight is short lived as his rival Quiz boots him in the back of the head!

Hahahah! That dork Biffman was up there thinking he’s all hard and shit and then he gets booted in the head like a bitch. I love it!

Quiz turns around to get a read on his next foe. Unfortunately his foe is quicker than he is, as he’s dropped by a flap jack from ThunderKid. The Green Bay native stomps away at Quiz, while his rivals struggle to get to their feet. First to beat his grogginess is Tim Cash. Never one to attack someone from behind, he taps TK on the shoulder to get his attention.

I’m busy!

Tim Cash taps him again.

I said I’m busy!

Another tap follows!


Can’t say I didn’t try.

Cash grabs hold of TK in a backsuplex position. He attempts to throw him over onto a nearby ladder, but TK backflips out the hold. The god of thunder then latches onto Cash in hopes of hitting a side Russian legsweep. But Cash counters with a front Russian leg sweep onto a ladder! TK cries out as pain rips through his now bleeding face.

That wasn’t very nice of this so-called nice guy.

Cortez re-enters the affair and throws Cash out the ring!

Tim Cash landing right in front of us.

Cortez rolls TK onto the ladder closest to him. He weakens him with several punches, doing enough damage to keep the former US champion grounded. With TK incapacitated, Cortez climbs to the top rope. The fans come to their feet, ready to see a high risk attack. They get what they desire as Cortez flies off with a leg drop! But TK rolls out the way, and The Urban Legend crashes into the ladder. Cortez screams his misery, as TK manages a small chuckle at the misfortune he’s wrought.

Todd Cortez going for broke and it just didn’t pay off.

That's what you gotta do, though. You gotta take out your opponent quickly and effectively to win this thing, and hope someone else is doing the same.

Biffman pops the sold out Madison Square Garden audience by heading to the top rope. The superhero strikes a heroic pose, further engaging the wild audience. He then moonsaults back to Cortez...

...and CONNECTS with the Atlassault!



He hit it! He hit it! He hit it!

Hell has frozen over!

"BIFFMAN! BIFFMAN! BIFFMAN!" the fans sing, unable to believe what they’ve just seen.

Biffman is given a high five from his sometimes tag team partner, Tim Cash. Being so fond of each other, the two decide to work together to eliminate the competition. They grab a ladder and use it to run through ThunderKid! As ThunderKid convulses in pain, Moneymaker is knocked off the ring apron by the crime fighting duo.


Tim and Biffman set the ladder up in the center of the ring. Without thinking of who will grab the titles, the two men ascend to the top of the ladder. Problematically when they get there, both heroic men face a dilemma on what to do about their partner.

You go ahead and you grab the titles.

Are you sure, Citizen Tim?


Thank you. You’ll be the first man to get a title shot after I become champion.

Sadly Biffman’s title hopes are dashed as Quiz tips over the ladder! Cash and Biffman find themselves impaled on the blue ring ropes. In celebration of his dirty deed, Quiz raises his arms.


Quiz continues his impressive dominance by cutting down Wright with a raised boot.

The powerhouse Quiz, standing tall. Now let's see how fast this big guy can climb a ladder.

Retrieving the one ladder from against the ropes, Quiz props it back up and looks up at the belts. And slowly, he begins to climb. Very carefully too. Taking it one rung at a time, Quiz throws away the advantage he'd built up and allows Thunderkid the time to roll back into the ring. Thunderkid has a free shot and aims it right at the back of the knee! Quiz is hobbled, allowing TK to grab the other ladder in the ring and set it up next to Quiz's.

Uh oh. We've got dueling ladders going on now.

Dueling ladders, dueling competitors too.

Thunderkid makes his way up to Quiz's level. Reaching across the ladders, he hooks Quiz from behind and brings him off with an INVERTED DDT FROM HALFWAY UP!!!


A hurt Quiz rolls outside and Thunderkid begins to climb back up the ladder, this time in pursuit of the gold. Although TK is a little quicker than Quiz though, he's still not quick enough, as CW manages to cut him off. Wright follows Thunderkid up on the other ladder and a brief slugfest ensues. Seemingly getting the better of it, Thunderkid leaves CW dazed and tries to get a footing on the other ladder, looking to hook CW for the inverted DDT as well. But Wright fights it off. With a couple of elbows to the gut, Wright takes advantage of Thunderkid's precarious position and catches him with a WRIGHT OFF, RIGHT OFF THE LADDERS!!!



Both TK and CW end up in pain after that, Thunderkid laid out and Wright left with a tingling tailbone.

That may have been a bad move on Christian's part!

Gee, ya think!?

Seeing his opportunity, Theodore Moneymaker sneaks back in. He spies through the ladders at his opponents and smiles, apparantly unconcerned that one of those hurt is his trusted employee. Instead he makes a climb for the belts.

Alright Teddy! Smartest man in show business! Let everyone else fall off of ladders and onto ladders, bide your time and get them belts!

An unscathed Moneymaker heads for the promised land. However, as he gets near touching distance, he's stopped as Todd Cortez hangs onto his ankle! Moneymaker tries to kick him off, to no avail. So, giving up on his climb, he turns around and drops with a double sledge... but drops right into an INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!!



Cortez grabs Moneymaker by the arm and whips him to the ropes. A quick sidestep guides Moneymaker forward, into the two ladders! Cortez then grabs the ladders, tilting them apart and allowing Moneymaker to stumble in between them. Little does Teddy realise he's trapped, until the two open ladders come snapping back at him.



That'll give you a headache!

Caught between the proverbial closing jaws of the two ladders, Moneymaker falls to his hands and knees clutching his head. Cortez props the ladders back up, leaving Moneymaker underneath them. Cortez then goes over and dumps Wright outside, clearing the way to go after the belts. As Cortez climbs though, he gets halfway, before having his foot grabbed through the rungs by Moneymaker!

Cortez probably should have dealt with Moneymaker a little more efficiently.

Unable to break free, Cortez doesn't sweat and simply produces a FORK from his kneepad and starts STABBING Moneymaker in the knuckles to make him let go!!

Ow ow ow ow!

Moneymaker does let go, but crawls out from underneath the ladders and goes after Cortez in a less restricted space. However, Cortez weilds the fork and fends Moneymaker off, the Billion Dollar Heir not wanting to get within stabbing distance.

This is a new one on me!

You've never played forks and ladders before?

Although Moneymaker can't get at Cortez, he does distract, while Tim Cash and Biffman slide back in. And together, the grab the bottom of the ladder Cortez is on and from the other side, start to tip.

Oh my... oh my, look out!

Biff and Tim continue to tip and Cortez is forced to bail out...




Moneymaker is left two on one in the ring and cowers, using the other ladder as something to hide behind. Biffman and Tim try to surround him, but Moneymaker goes through the gap to escape. Apparantly he forgets that going under a ladder is bad luck though, until Biff and Tim shove it and it topples on top of him.

It's clear that the former World Tag Team Champions are willing to work as a team here.

Yeah, but we saw how that worked out earlier. This isn't a match designed for playing nice and helping your friends.

Uncovering Moneymaker from the ladders, Biff and Cash throw him out on the other side of the ring. The two fan favourites set the ladders back up, then look at each other... and shake hands, wishing each other the best of luck on their race upwards!

Well, there you go Coach. May the best man win!

It's a fair race, no attempt from either man to knock the other one off stride, until they get to the top. The two look at each other, pause... and then Biff hits a right hand! So Cash responds! And suddenly it's a battle at the top...

...at which point, THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS hit the ring!!


Wait a minute! What the hell are they doing out here!?

I don't know, but I'm guessing it's got something to do with Abdullah, considering he's the guy yelling at them.

Abdullah is in fact out in the aisle and screaming, as Logan races up the ladder and Synth tries to drag Biff off. Between the two of them, they manage to pull Biffman down and go to work, apparantly leaving Cash to win. An opportunity with Cash doesn't take, preferring to DIVE OFF THE LADDERS WITH A CROSSBODY ONTO BOTH ROCKERS!!

Tim Cash not appreciating the 'help!

A swarm of referees hit the ring, trying to prevent any more chaos and interruption to this ladder match by trying to cart Synth and Logan out. As Biff continues to go after them, Abdullah breaks through and clocks him with the HOLY BOOK from behind, then scurries away! Enough to convince The Heavenly Rockers to leave without a fight.

What a cheapshot that was! Ridiculous.

Tim tends to Biff in the aisleway, unaware that in the ring, Moneymaker has begun to climb again undetected!

Haha, yes!

Moneymaker sneaks his way up, as best a man can sneak up a 15 foot ladder in the middle of a wrestling ring. However he's stopped, yet again, by Todd Cortez, rolling back in and dragging him down. Tim rolls back in as well and a three way breaks out between them.

The battle is on!

After an exchange of punches back and forth, Cortez manages to cut off Moneymaker with a good shot. He then surprises Cash with a boot and sets him up, calling for the Riot Act Plus! The crowd buzz in both fear and anticipation. But before Cortez can connect...


...he gets clocked in the back of the head with a BRIEFCASE, by Christian Wright, from the apron!

That dreaded briefcase just took another dent, shaped like the back of Todd Cortez's skull!

Hey, if forks are legal then so are briefcases, right?

With Cortez down, Wright tries to take out Cash next... but Cash BLOCKS! Ripping the briefcase out of CW's hands, he prepares to strike. But the better nature of his heart kicks in. And the delay allows Moneymaker to grab him from behind and lock in the Cobra Clutch!


Wright enters the ring, but walks into a boot from Cash! Tim then runs Moneymaker back into the corner, breaking the Bank Vault! Moneymaker staggers and gets hit with an Enziguri!

A timely escape by Timmy!

With all men down, Cash and Wright are the most lucid and crawls across the mat towards the ladders. On opposite sides, they claw their way up and start to climb.


With the crowd's support, Tim seems to be a rung quicker than CW and reaches up for the belts first, only to take a punch in the abdomen.

It's Cash and Wright! Who's going to be able to bring down those belts first!?

Wright and Cash slug away, trying to get the upperhand. And it's Wright who wobbles, allowing Tim to reach up... and get fingertips on the belts, before another shot cuts him off! Taking another rung up, CW grabs a hold of Tim and prepares to throw him off, but Tim holds onto the ladder. Knowing if Tim goes, the ladder goes and thus so does he, Wright is forced to club away at him instead and then try for a Superplex.

Oh no!

Cash manages to block the potential match-ending move and fights CW off. After a couple of shots, Tim then rams CW's head into the top of the ladder... and he falls a couple of rungs!



Here's Tim's chance! C'mon Tim!

Eyes widening, Tim sees his opportunity and reaches up, ready to grab the belts... but feels a tug on his leg from Moneymaker! Cash kicks back and down goes Teddy though!

Tim is inches away! Inches!

Tim looks up and reaches one last time...








The second shot from the briefcase plucks Cash from the ladder and he crashes to the mat below, right beside a desperate Mister Moneymaker. Discarding the briefcase, Moneymaker breathes a huge sigh of relief and looks up at CW, recovering, and ready to claim the belts.

Hold it!

It's unclear whether Moneymaker means to wait, or to hold the ladder, but CW pauses, as Moneymaker climbs up the ladder on the other side.

This is it! Ahaha! Enterprise wins!


Moneymaker scales his way up to CW and The Enterprise stand atop the ladder, high above most of the fans in the Garden, sharing a hearty laugh.

Nobody in sight, this one is over.

With a nod to each other, Moneymaker and CW both reach up at the same time, their plan coming together. Wright unhooks the Heartland belt, Moneymaker unhooks the US belt...

...and Moneymaker pulls them both down to win!!


...wait a second.

Moneymaker lets out one more mighty laugh and raises both belts to the skies, as a the chorus of disappointed boos continues to rain down.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... the OAOAST United States Champion... TTHHHEEEOOODDOOORRREEEEE... MMMOOONNEEEEYYYYMMMAAAAKKEEERRRRRR!!!!


Caught up in elation Moneymaker celebrates high up on the ladder, turning his back on CW to rub it in the faces of the fans. CW looks on, blankly.

Read it and weep, Cole! Unified champion, the United States Champion, he did it! Mister Moneymaker did it! What a glorious night in New York City!

He did it alright. He did it right under CW's nose.

All part of the plan baby! Enterprise reigns supreme, I love it!

Moneymaker carefully makes his way down the ladder and CW slowly follows. Positively jubilant, Moneymaker's hand is raised in confirmation of victory and he cackles like a madman with a title belt over each shoulder, CW clapping calmly in the background.

More glory and more prestige for Theodore Moneymaker here tonight. To the winner go the spoils, but I suspect there'll be an extra little bonus in Christian Wright's paycheque this month as well.

Wright gets a pat on the back for a job well done as they walk back up the aisle, Moneymaker carrying all the gold and beaming from ear to ear.

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We cut backstage where Krista Isadora Duncan and Alix Maria Spezia are so deeply engrossed in their conversation that they do not notice the voyeur activities of the OAOAST cameraman.

So I told her, "I wouldn't f**k you with Dr. Ruth's dick"

laugh.gif you're so bad!

The two longtime lovers stare at each other with such a sexual hunger that it's actually quite discomforting, especially this close to Krista's world title match. Unfortunately for every virgin watching the show tonight the sexual lighting is interrupted by


The sound of a chainsaw and the image of a maniac wearing a blood covered mask and apron wielding the aforementioned chainsaw as he runs down the hallway


Instead of hacking up the two leading females right before they are about to tear the clothes off each other the masked assailant swings the chainsaw through the air while revving the engine.


Wait... Bagel??

Krista opens one of her eyes and peaks at the anticipated carnage while Alix stays behind Krista, not daring to peak out. Then in an instant her face goes from terror to confusion as she comes face to... well what passes for a face for "It" the Alien. With the Jason mask pushed back it's obvious that it's not a mad man... well at least not in the traditional sense.

What the hell?

"It" proudly picks up the bagel bits from the floor, and then he proceeds to pull out a can of WD-40, which he spreads on top of the bagel like it was Cream Cheese and Lox. When he notices Krista's expression he holds up the grimy, goopy pieces of bread as if to offer her some.

No that's okay I think I will skip.

"It" is startled by Alix peeking out from behind Krista's back as he throws the bread bits up in the air and then quickly raises the still running chainsaw over his head

NO!! NO!! She's with me. (To Alix) come out and say hello

Alix only slowly creeps out from behind Krista, holding a folded steel chair between her and "It" the Alien at all times.

Hello? Hold on... that's the guy... person... whatever it is from HeldDOWN?

Well of course it is, how many people do you know that look like that?

There was that guy in Hoboken

Yeah but that's Hoboken, that doesn't count as people.

And woman we ran into in Palo Alto

True dat.

Let's not forget that group of people in Birmingham

I don't mean the hockey mask and chainsaw!

Oh, gotcha. Yeah then no, "It" looks rather... special

For some reason the word special actually seems to register with "It" as "it drops the chainsaw and seems to curl up in a ball, emitting a sound that could be alien crying, or constipation or... you know any number of things.

I think you hurt "It"'s feeling

What? What did I say? It's just some dumb thing you teamed with one night mad.gif

Don't be jealous, you know you're the only one that makes my liver quiver

Alix can't help but laugh at the dorky statement.

But this person, alien, dude, thing, anal probed you.

It was for science.

Yeah, that’s what my high school gym teacher used to tell me! And you kissed him. We have a deal, you can kiss whatever and whomever you want as long as I get to pleasure myself while I watch from the closet as you do it.

Alix then turns to "It”

Whatever you're not Special... you're unique; yeah that's the word. And not unique like Lucius Soul, unique like the Japanese dude who can eat twenty hot dogs in a 45 seconds. The good kind of unique!

"It" looks up, wiping long green streaks of liquid from what we assume are "It"'s eyes.


It's alright... erm... you. Why are you back here? I mean where are your friends?

For some reason "It" seems to get very excited at that question as he begins to nod, gesture and kinda jump in place like a little girl. Then he grabs both Krista and Alix by the hand and begins to drag them towards the other end of the hallway

Erm... are you sure this is sanitary?

It's cleaner than some of the things we've done together

Good point. If this thing is thinking of anal probing me, I want ten dollars up front, science or not. And I get to keep the thong on!

"It" almost stumbles as "It" drags Chicks over Dicks to the boiler room and knocks the door open. Then "It" excitedly points to the dirty wall adorned with hundreds of cut outs, all of them showing various alien drawings arranged around a promotional photo of "It" itself.

(Whispers) I wonder if he knows most of those are from comic books?

(Squeals like a little schoolgirl who was touched by Justin Bieber)

What is it boy?

"It" jumps up and down as he keeps pointing to a picture of a space ship, a Battlestar from the Scy-Fy show "Battlestar Galactica" no less.


Coming? What here???

And we didn't even have to make out in front of him. Damn, we're hot.

"It" grabs a pizza box lid and points to the words "pick up" as "It" keeps emitting little squelches.

Maybe they're coming to get him? You know to "pick him up"... either that or he wants to pick you up (glares at "It")

Is that what's going on? Is it your people coming to get you?


The door is kicked open and a couple of bright flashlights are pointed at the trio

Whoa Men in Black!!


I love you sweetheart but sometimes you are so uncultured.

Krista quickly leaps into action, kicking one of the flashlights out of the Man in Black's hand, then moments later "It" leaps onto the other flashlight and seemingly absorbs it in his body (or at least sticks it under his shirt.


The trio quickly exits the boiler room and runs down the hallway heading for the exit, they do not even stop to look back or they would have noticed two old men in "MGM Security" shirts looking confused. When they turn the corner they run slap-dab into




I don't think that guy is friendly.

Before the weird looking guy (The one they just ran into, not the one running away with them) has a chance to react Krista kicks a door open, then drags both Alix and "It" out the emergency exit, slamming the heavy steel door shut behind them all.

Man that was close

That was weird is what that was.

Well obviously it was an intergalactic bounty hunter trying to capture this guy over there (points to "It"), I mean that is as plain as the nose on your face

My nose is not plain at all *HRUMPH!!*

While Krista and Alix have been trying to figure out what is going on "It" seems to be distracted by something going on up above them all. "It" just stands there, head tilted back in awed silence as he looks up. Moments later Krista and Alix also stare upwards, shocked at what they see



Oooooooooh.... hey why are you running? huh.gif

Well as close an approximation of running as you can get when you suddenly move around on all fours, jumping over piles of trash and avoiding rats that scurry around.

And he's running away from the ship?

We gotta follow him

You have a match!!

It'll hold, they'll wait for me

Krista takes off after "It" while Alix reluctantly following Krista only moments later. The two girls follow "It" to a nearby parking lot where "It" dives into the back of an open convertible and tries to cram himself under the seat

We need to get "It" out of here, Look how scared "It" is.

Alix doesn't say anything despite having several hundred objections to the proposed scenario, she knows Krista and knows that once she gets an idea in her head it's hard to get her to drop it.


Aw crap! No keys

Alix nonchalantly gets in the car, and then reaches under the dashboard to hotwire the car as Krista gives her a puzzled but admiring look.

Hey you're not the only one who had a miss-spent youth. ylsuper.gif


As quick as you can say "Dukes of Hazzard" Krista is behind the wheel, kicking it into D


And with that they speed off down the road.

This is crazy! Alien bounty hunters, space ships and the fact that this car had it's top down in New York and wasn't stolen?

I know, but crazy seems to follow this guy around! Besides you've got to get a little crazy to live!

They turn the corner then look at a huge gorge in the road, Grand Canyon-like huge


The two women look at each other, then they look at "It" in the back seat, then finally they look behind them and see several police cars coming towards them.

Live life on the edge!

It beats going to jail!!

Krista and Alix take each other’s hand as Krista floors the gas pedal and races towards the gorge with no intention of stopping. As in slow motion we see the car drive towards the edge and then...




Acclaimed action and explosions director Michael Bay jumps out of a nearby van while screaming in his bullhorn.


Michael Bay?

Is that who that loser is?

Krista kicks the door open and furiously walks over towards Michael Bay as several workers begin to reset the special effects, the spaceship over New York will be particularly expensive. Krista walks right up to the movie direct and then proceeds to kick him square in the nuts



That's for not hiring me you son of a bitch!!

Alix, always there to have her partner's back kicks Bay in the crotch as well



And that's for hiring that horrible whore Megan Fox

A third kick connects with Michal Bay's crotch as Krista yells



And that's for hiring her for the sequel!



Both Krista and Alix look at "It" who just kicked Michael Bay in the crotch as well. "It" looks at Bay, then at the girls, totally clueless about the fact that this is NOT how earth people greet each other.

I think we've made our point.

Krista looks at her watch, suddenly realizing that AngleMania X is still ongoing and she has a rather important match coming up.

Hell and hooters! We better get back to the arena!

Just one more

Alix takes a running start but is stopped before kicking Michael Bay in the crotch again.

ALIX! He may start to enjoy it if we keep kicking him in the balls!!

And with that Krista, "It" and Alix return to the car, ignoring the fact that it was stolen from the movie crew and head back towards AngleMania X.

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A lot of people have wanted to do what COD and It just did.

And they'd like to see it happen to you too.

How could anybody hate me?

Whenever you open your mouth.

OAOAST Galaxy, it is now time for the LAST MAN STANDING match where EVERY member of the DEADLY ALLIANCE will be HANDCUFFED to the RINGPOSTS!


“Final Ride” by TRU hits and Reject is led out by the Deadly Alliance. What’s left of them.

Introducing first, accompanied by THUNDERKID, “AFTER HOURS” FELIX STRUTTER and KEN PANTERA… from the Bronx, weighing 230 pounds, the leader of THE DEADLY ALLIANCE… RRRRRREEEEEJECT!!!!


As Reject enters the ring, a herd of OAOAST officials/agents are there to greet the DA, who they pat down for weapons.

They’re treating the DA like common criminals.

With good reason.

Good reason?! It’s an unlawful search. People’s civil rights are being violated!

Reject objects to the pat down and we learn why when OAOAST officials confiscate a PENCIL, STEEL CHAIN and PIANO WIRE from Felix.

What’d he do, raid Sandman’s armory?

One of those crooked officials planted the evidence. My money is on the Rooster.

“Not Afraid” by Eminem cues as the DA are cuffed to individual ringposts.

And his opponent… from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 265 pounds... "THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER"... BBAAAAARRRROOOOOONN WWWWIIIIIIIIINNDDEEEELLLLSSSSSS!!!!


BW marches onto a stage that’s carpeted by flames in the shape of a bull’s head. He throws up the bull horns and then sprints down the aisle.

The wait is over for Baron Windels. He’s going to get him some of Reject.

BW slides in underneath the bottom rope and gets PUNTED~!



Baron’s emotions got the better of him.

Of course it did. Don’t you know all Texans are hotheads? But the thing that makes this great is BW waited months to get his hands on Reject and now he never will. The match is all but over if you ask me.

Reject puts the boots to BW as the cuffed members of the DA cheer their leader on from outside.


Despite the OAOAST Galaxy’s best efforts BW is unable to mount a rally at present time. Instead he’s introduced violently to the buckle and then worked over with RVD style kicks, but the Lone Star Gunslinger ducks a spinning back kick and unloads in the corner.

This is what we all wanted to see.

Speak for yourself.

BW whips Reject across and backdrops him out of the corner. Another whip leads to a big boot that knocks the R-man outside. BW follows him out and eats a knee to the gut, then gets thrown against the steel ring steps.

Oh, TK nearly got wiped out as well.

Reject hurls one set of the steps into the ring and then looks to execute a slam on the one outside, but BW floats over the top and GORDBUSTERS THE LEADER OF THE DA ONTO THE STEPS!

A suplex face-first onto the cold steel. Oh my!

BW removes his BELT and proceeds to whip Reject like a dog.

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

BW continues to whip Reject until TK takes a swing.

Is he crazy?

Of course he is.

I mean Thunderkid.

BW shoots TK a smirk then WHIPS him!


Now he’s attacking innocent bystanders.

There’s nothing innocent about members of the Deadly Alliance.

BW turns his attention back on Reject and gets POSTED!

Things are about to get deadly for Baron Windels, Cole.

Reject mounts BW and punches him repeatedly. The action returns to the ring where Reject positions the steel steps he threw in earlier dead center. Before that comes into play Reject delivers a series of corner should thrusts and then performs a BACK SUPLEX ONTO THE STEEL STEPS!

Oh, my!

A 10 count ensues.





Only now BW begins to stir. Meanwhile, Reject demands a faster count.



BW returns to a vertical base jelly-legged and Reject clotheslines him on the top rope ala Randy Savage. The R-man dives back in and looks to deliver a EULOGY on the ring steps, but the Lone Star Gunslinger hangs on and CROTCHES REJECT ON THE MIDDLE ROPE!

Reject got dropped right on the ring steps, Cole.

The very one he brought in, I might add.

Reject grits his teeth in pain and falls outside. BW gives pursuit and boomerang lariat’s him into the crowd. Reject and BW brawl up the steps as security try to clear fans away. Suddenly Reject drops down to deliver a low blow!


After clubbing blows to the back of the head, BW finds himself being led to THE MEN’S RESTROOM.

Don’t tell me we’re going to have a repeat of Anglepalooza.

The guys brawl in the men‘s room when VINNY VALETINE unexpectedly exit’s a stall. He cuts right through both men to comb his hair and pose in front of the mirror ala the Fonz.


BW and Reject go from rivals to allies to rid the men’s room of Vinny.

Can you believe that? Reject and BW working together.

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I would of thought you were joking. Poor Vin-man.

Reject then nails BW with a cheap shot and throws him into a restroom stall. There he attempts a PILEDRIVER on the TOILET.

Not again!

Something so nice Reject’s gonna do it twice, baby boy. And now it’ll go down as an AngleMania Moment.

This time BW counters with a backdrop and then a SWIRLY~!

Oh, no!

There’s your AngleMania Moment!

Reject staggers out of the men’s room wiping his face. Now back in the crowd, he catches BW with a kick to the gut and HIP TOSSES HIM DOWN THE AISLEWAY!

Reject’s mad now, Mikey. And you wouldn’t like him when he’s mad.

Reject pummels BW and even threatens a fan who gets too frisky. BW is dumped over the guardrail back ringside, but quickly responds with a Texas sized right. The R-man gets thrown inside but pops to his feet and delivers THE EULOGY~!!!!!11111

I’m afraid this one’s over. Nobody gets up from the Eulogy.

Despite being cuffed to the posts, TK and the Can-Am Assassins celebrate as Reject leans against the ropes exhausted. Meanwhile, referee Earl Hebner counts BW down.






Still no signs of life from BW.



Now BW begins to move.


BW grabs the nearest rope and pulls himself to a knee


TEN-- NO!!

BW just barely beats the count. A frustrated Reject decks BW and then goes under the ring to pull out a WATER HOSE.

That’s a big hose!

I’m not surprised you’d notice. But do you remember how Reject described BW a few weeks back?

No need to repeat that.

Why not? It’s pay-per-view. Anyway, he promised to bring the hose to choke BW out.

Reject strangles BW with the hose as members of the OAOAST Galaxy watch in horror. BW squirms around in hopes of escaping, but that only zaps his remaining strength. Slowly he begins to fade.


BW receives a jolt of energy from the OAOAST Galaxy and executes a JAWBREAKER to break the choke.


BW removes the hose only for Reject to go right back at the attack. Reject follows vicious stomps with a scoop slam, or tried to because BW slips out and serves a BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT!!!

Don’t count BW out yet. A mistake I made earlier.

With both men down the ref starts a double count.




BW is the first to stir.




Now Reject begins to move.



BW is the first to his feet…


…followed by Reject.

Unbelievable! Both guys are back up!

Reject thumbs BW in the eye and DDT’S HIM ON THE RING STEPS!

Those damn ring steps again. The one Reject threw in early in the match.

Reject drapes BW across the steps and soars off the top to drop a BIG ELBOW…

* THUD~! *


BW moved!

Did you hear that sickening thud? Reject may have broken his back.

BW immediately capitalizes by using the big hose to HOG-TIE Reject.

I don’t know what’s worse, being treated like a criminal or an animal.

Reject classifies as both for sure.

The 10 count begins.






Reject rolls off the steps but can’t stand.





Reject makes one last attempt and falls flat on his face.



“Not Afraid” cues and BW’s hand is raised in victory.



The DA lower their heads in disappointment of the result. Meanwhile, BW watches Reject kick his feet and scream like a child as he tries to free himself.

Forced to the sidelines following a vicious restroom assault, Baron Windels finally has his revenge.

It was a helluva fight. Although I don't like the guy, Baron showed a lot of heart and toughness. A few times during the match I didn’t think he’d be able to continue, but he did.

You can say the same for Reject. And like you said, it was a heckuva fight, one that will be remembered for years. What a night it's been and we're not even half finished.

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The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 3:45PM and 3:48PM EST

Unaware that an OAOAST camera man is watching them Bribón, Slime and Snot are sitting in the dark corner of some smokefilled bar loudly discussing something, well Slime and Snot are loud while Bribón uses a lot of handgestures and notes.


The stealthy camera guy sneaks in closer and gets a shot of what is on the table. It appears to be a series of blueprints, a folder marked "Madison Square Garden" and the oddest-looking shoppinglist ever and includes

Old Cheese
Battery operated fan
4 Trenchcoats
4 Fedora hats
Bag of Wunderbaum, original sent
Suction cup
Rubber mallet
Cigar and matches
Remote controlled tank
Dishwashing gloves
10 pounds of C4
Blast cord
Cellphone with video streaming capability
Plans for AngleMania opening


When the camera pans up from the notes on the table he notices that the three conspirators are gone

The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 3:51PM and 3:53PM EST

In the secret vaults under Madison Square Garden.

We open up to a shot of an ancient stone vault, apparently located under MSG. In the background we see The Cow hung up on meat hooks by both the front and back legs

Erm... Moo?

In the foreground we see co-conspirators Uno and Dos

I can't believe this is actually under Madison Square Garden

Yeah Mon, it was built hundreds of years ago by the Stonecutter society.

Stonecutters? Man I've been trying to get into that for years

Well before there was Madison Square Garden there was Madison's garden, which just happened to be a square of land that sat on top of the biggest Stonecutter vault ever.

This is perfect; no one will be able to get that Cow out of here any time soon.

Damn right, it will take a mad genius to get him out.


The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 6:51PM and 7:00 PM EST

It's dark in the back alleys of New York, dark and damp and a little bit scary as three masked faces peak out around a corner. They are looking at the backstage entrance to Madison Square Garden, focusing on the guard watching the door, checking and logging everyone in and out as they enter.

Bribón looks at his Masked Mutant cohorts and then nods before silently sneaking up on the guards position, making sure he sticks to the shadows at all times. Once he is up by the guard position he peaks over the counter and sees the old guard watching reruns of "I Love Lucy" while scratching an old coonhound behind the ear.

Bribón scribbles something on a piece of paper and hands it to Slime, moments later he is passed a block of old, stinky cheese and the battery operated hand fan. Bribón holds the cheese up against the ventilation slats on the guard position and then uses the hand fan to blow the cheese stink towards the guard.

Phew!! Old girl you are getting stinky, I think I need to take you for a quick walk before you gag me out.

The guard gets up, takes the dog's leash and wanders off with the coonhound, leaving the guard position unmanned. Once the guard turns the corner the three masked men sneak into the building unnoticed.

And why did they not just walk through the front door since they are all scheduled for AngleMania X? It's Bribón, do you expect him to use logic??

Once inside the building all three of them put on the trench coats and fedoras to obscure the fact that all three of them are actually wearing their wrestling gear. Then, while whistling innocently the three masked men wander into the men’s room. The Masked Mutants quickly check under the doors to see if the stalls are empty while Bribón pretends to use the urinal.

Hey guys good luck tonight, it's gonna be a hell of a show.

The three conspirators freeze in their tracks as Michael Cole comes out from one of the stalls and nods to them. The three men just nod uncommittedly as Michael Cole passes them by and leaves the men's room.

He did not wash his hands the dirty boy!

With Cole gone the three men quickly pile into the last stall on the end. Once they close the door they quickly pull out the bag of Wunderbaum air fresheners and staple one to each of their fedora hats to keep the smell from gagging them. Yes even the Masked Mutants who live in a dumpster! After taking care of the smell Slime jumps up on the toilet and pushes one of the ceiling tiles to the side.

Let's give a moment of thanks to drop ceilings.

The Masked Mutants lift Bribón up and he quickly pulls open a grate on the air-conditioning pipe and climbs inside. Moments later he is joined by Slime and Snot, after leaving their trench coats and hats behind in the vent they begin to crawl through the air-conditioning ducts.

The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 7:30PM and 7:45 PM EST

Yes they have been crawling through the pipe works for 30 minutes!

Bribón keeps checking the blueprints, obviously trying to find a specific spot to get out of the pipes. Once he finds it he opens a grate and the three of them crawl out into a crawlspace somewhere inside Madison Square Garden. Bribón points upwards so Slime stands up, only to bang his head into a glass ceiling above them.

This just in: Masked Mutants being trapped under the glass ceiling!!

Bribón starts to rummage around the bag of loot they brought along and pulls out the glass cutting diamond and suction cup. Once the suction cup is place on the glass ceiling Bribón begins to cut in a circular pattern around the suction cup


Bribón stops the cutting, then both he and Slime looks at Snot as if to tell him to stop making that noise

Yes'em sad.gif

Once it is quiet Bribón returns to his cutting, going round and round until he is confident he cut through the glass. Once that is done he takes out the rubber mallet and gently taps on the glass, hoping to make it pop out gently.



Once the dust settles we see Bribón, Slime and Snot still standing under the glass disk that Bribón cut only moments ago, with shards of glass all around them as the rest of the glass ceiling broke in a million pieces

This just in: Masked Mutants burst through the glass ceiling at AngleMania!!

Once they see the carnage around them the Masked Mutants both just shrug their shoulders, apparently there is not that great a need for a glass ceiling in OAOAST. Since they are now through the glass ceiling they jump up and open a door to a hallway. Once they are down at the end Slime opens another door but Bribón grabs Slime by his pants before he can step through the door.

"Give me the cigar"

Confused as to why Bribón would want to light up at this point Snot takes out the cigar and matches and hands them to their diminutive leader. With an experienced flick of the wrist Bribón lights the match and then the cigar, pulsing on it through his mask.

Man that's going to be smelly *urgh*

After a few good tokes he blows a mouthful of smoke through the open door, revealing beams of laser light protecting the door. Once he makes sure neither Mutant will break the beam of light he points to a switch on the back wall.


Bribón dives into the bag of loot, literally jumps into it and comes out with the remote controlled tank and the bag of buckshot. He quickly loads the tank's air pressure cannon with the buckshot and then puts the tank on the ground.

You with the plot so far? If you are please send me an e-mail and explain it to me;)

Bribón steers the tank under the laser beams and across the floor, easily traversing the distance while navigating past chairs and tables. Once he is by the back wall Bribón aims the gun and fires


The buckshot bounces off the wall instead of hitting the off switch. Annoyed Bribón tries again, but misses once again as his view is a little obstructed by a chair. Then he eyes Slime and motions for him to bend down. Once Slime is down Bribón jumps up on his shoulders, having Slime lift him in the air for a better view of the situation. From his new vantage point he adjusts the cannon's elevation and shots again


And off goes the alarm system.

An excited exchange of high fives between the Masked Mutants accidentally knocks Bribón off Slime's shoulders to the floor, landing on top of the bag that contains among other things C4 explosives.

Everyone freezes for a moment, and then breathes a sigh of relief when the explosives do not go off. Once they can all breath again Slime and Snot kinda grunt an apology followed by them excitedly running across the room, leaping over the desk as they see an old heavy steel safe door behind the desk. In their excitement they leave Bribón to drag the bag of loot across the floor.

Again the Mutants kinda grunt that they are sorry.

Bribón pulls out the stethoscope and puts on the dishwashing gloves, yes on top of his regular gloves; he's been watching all those CSI shows after all. Snot grabs the diminutive burglar under the armpits and lifts him up so he can reach the dials on the safe. He places the stethoscope on the door, then carefully spins the dial as he listens for the tumble


Both Mutants giggle excitedly, which draws a disapproving look from Bribón


With silence restored Bribón returns to his safe cracking

Click 2!!

And then moments later

Click 3!!

And with that he opens the safe


The safe is piled high with various golden artifacts, old rolls of paper, paintings and even a conquistador (the originals, not the wrestlers) helmet in pure gold. While the Masked Mutants stare at the shiny, shiny objects Bribón pushes some of it aside and goes to the back of the vault.

Just as he suspected, someone bricked off a section of the vault. He puts his ear to the wall and could swear that he heard a faint mooing on the other side.


Slime holds up the C4, bouncing excitedly as he gets a maniacal, well even more maniacal look on his face.


Bribón pulls out the Sharpie and draws 10 X'es on the concrete wall forming a circle. Seconds later Slime begins to divide the C4



By biting lumps of it off and spitting it out in his hand, Snot and Bribón give each other a quick glance, and then shrug their shoulders. Moments later the Masked Mutants have taped 10 globs of C4 to the wall and connected them with blast cord to one detonator. Slime goes to grab the detonator but Bribón quickly swipes it from him. Then he points to his watch and shakes a finger as if to say "not yet"

The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 7:58PM and 8:02PM EST

We return to the vault where all three men are hunkered down behind a large marble status, the three of them are watching the pre AngleMania show on Bribón's cell phone. Several times during the preshow Slime makes a move for the detonator, only for Bribón to slap his hand and stop him.

When the countdown to the actual show begins the three men excitedly huddle up against the wall, out of the blast radius. Bribón hands the detonator to Snot, drawing a disappointed grunt from Slime. Then with his hand in the air Bribón waits for the intro to play.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

When the opening fireworks go off Bribón gives the signal to Snot. Once the signal is given Slime leaps over and pushes the detonation button instead, smiling from ear to ear.


Somewhere in the building the pyrotechnic guys are strutting around proudly, their bangs and booms seem to be particularly loud tonight, fitting for the biggest parody entertainment event of the year. Once the smoke clears and the pyros stop all three masked men hold their breath, waiting to see if anyone actually noticed the extra explosions or not.

The following takes place on April 2, 2011 between 8:07 PM and 8:15PM EST

After a few minutes of silence Bribón decides that it is safe to proceed. The team gets out from behind the statue and looks at the big gaping hole in the wall. Once they step through they see The Cow

Oh than.... I mean MOOOOOOOOOO!!!

The Masked Mutants quickly help the Cow off the meat hooks and unties it's legs. After a quick hug from Bribón the team heads for the exit, sneaking out, dropping down through broken glass ceiling, climbs through the air ducts to the bathrooms. Once Bribón checks that the coast is clear everyone drops down into the stall and then puts on their trench coats and hats. The team even brought an oversized trench coat for The Cow and a hat with holes for the horns.

Let that image linger for a bit!

Moments later all of them leave the men’s room and casually wander off towards the dressing rooms. Once they find the correct one they enter and then lock the doors behind them, breathing a sigh of relief as they got away without being noticed.


Everyone nods in approval, they had indeed done it, The Cow was back safely with them all. Once everyone settles down Bribón gets serious as he pulls out a yellow folder with the name "Operation: Free the Alien" on it. Everyone gathers around as he begins to pull papers from the folder.

That is until he finally notices the cameraman.

About time.

Moments later we see The Cow come charging at the cameraman, then the camera drops to the floor and then nothing but static.

The preceding event took place before and during AngleMania X, finishing in plenty of time for the Leyenda de la Máscara match.

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The camera pans from the enthused sold out audience to legendary ring announcer Michael Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen it is time for the OAOAST Women’s Title Scramble Match! Entrants will enter every two minutes and the female who is holding the OAOAST Women’s Title at the end of twenty minutes will be the OAOAST Women’s Champion!


Massive swirled lollipops sparkling with jewels embedded on their front, back, and sticks lower from the ceiling. Coming from the backstage area, sitting on a giant pink cloud that looks almost as if it were made of cotton candy, is hit recording artist Katy Perry!

You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the puch line wrong
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down

Before you met me
I was a wreck
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my valentine, valentine

Plumes of pink and blue smoke fill an entrance stage that is now lined with dancers clad in pink dresses that make them look like gumdrops.

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

Delighting the Anglemania crowd, a gigantic blue neon lit sign that reads MAYA with pyro sparkers on the beginning and end lowers from the ceiling.

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

Racing out from the parted entrance doors is everyone’s favorite Angelic Hellraiser, Maya Duncan-Blanchard! Maya wears a bright and bold smile, clearly enthused for her first Anglemania appearance.

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

The teen dream twirls a fancy jewel encrusted baton atop the entrance stage, wowing the audience with her grace and agility. She throws it into the air and performs a fantastic twirl, mimicking its playful spin. The baton comes down into her hand the second she stops spinning, earning herself a huge round of applause from the audience.

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back!

Katy finishes her smash hit, as Maya makes her way down the entrance ramp. She slaps hands with her legion of admirers and sports a wide smile, thrilled to be at Anglemania.

Introducing first from Los Angeles, California, she is the Queen of the Ring, MAYA DUNCAN BLANCHAAAAARRRDDDD!

Maya is competing in her very fist Anglemania, and given her hot streak since winning the Queen Of The Ring tourney last November she has to be the odds on favorite to pull through and win the OAOAST Women’s Title.

How you gonna discount Holly, and Sophie, and Lorelei and Amberlyn?

How come you’re only counting the girls the people don’t like?

That’s just the way the Coach do, baby boy.

With Katy Perry long since vacated and lollipops risen back into the rafters, Livvi Franc’s “Now I’m That Bitch” lowers the mood considerably.

“Now I'’m that BITCH
Now I’'m that BITCH
Now I’'m that BITCH
Now I’'m that BITCH"

The anthem of angry girls everywhere gives way to Ozzy’s Let Me Hear Your Scream while red, gold, and orange spotlights frantically swirl across the historic venue.

Let me hear you scream like you want it
Let me hear you yell like you mean it
If you gotta GO DOWN

The entrance doors spread apart to reveal three time OAOAST Women’s Champion, Holly. The vulgar sunglasses shielded vixen sports her deadly black combat boots, a plaid skirt, and black bra. She sheds her glasses, and stares hard into the camera as the video screens flare with violent red, gold, and orange patterns.

And introducing second, from Las Vegas, Nevada, she is a three time OAOAST Women’s Champion….HOLLLLLLYYYYY!

In the OAOAST there aren’t many rivalries as fierce that between Holly and Maya. The Angelic Hellraiser defeated The Angel Of Death at November Reign to become the very first Queen of The Ring.

Holly strides down the entrance way with her mouth spewing vulgarities towards nearby crowd members. No one is spared from Holly’s foul mouth. Regardless of age, gender, or race, everyone suffers a thorough verbal thrashing from the Las Vegas native.

Women don’t come tougher and meaner than Holly.

You’re telling me. Remember when she first came into the OAOAST and she so nice and kind? What happened to that lovely young lady?


Look here you-

No you look here, you (beep) piece of (beep), looking like (beep) acting like (beep) I oughta (beep) up your (beep) and (beep) you in the (beep)! (beep)! (beep)! (beep)! (beep)!


Left speechless, Holly struggles to come to grips over how she could be out cursed. Unable to offer a decent comeback, she lunges at Maya! But The Teen Dream spears The Angel of Death to the ground.

Mom, said she’d give me ten dollars if I could find out if your carpet matches your drapes. I’m not sure what that means but knowing mom it must have something to do with undressing you.

Before Maya can fufill her mom’s wishes, Holly squirms free of her grasp. The two rivals speed to their feet, and begin trading punches. Holly gets the upperhand by sending a knee into Maya’s stomach. That advantage lasts for about .000001 seconds, before Maya springs to life and elbows Holly in the face.

Come on, you think that’d hurt me? My mom has abs of steel, I was at least born with abs of iron.

Maya latches onto Holly’s arm and whips her into the corner. The Teen Dream then charges in with a corner lariat. But, Holly wards her away with a raised elbow.

I’m gonna shut you the (beep) up!

Holly stabs Maya in the stomach with her boot, doubling Maya over. This allows Holly to execute the X-factor! Adding insult to injury, Holly viciously rubs Maya’s face into the beige ring mat.


There’s just no need for that!

Talk shit to me now, spoiled bitch!

I noticed a single but hugely protruding hair on your upper lip. Best to correct that.

Outraged to the point of no return, Holly attempts to drop an elbow directly onto Maya’s chattering mouth. But the highschooler rolls out the way and Holly’s elbow slams into the canvas. Despite the pain of this miss, Holly hops upright in order to avoid any offensive attack. Problematically, she stands herself right up into a bodyslam that puts her back on the canvas.

Booty time!



(to Maya)
Before you do that, your mother gave me this note to give you.

Maya unfurls the note to show a picture of her shaking her BUTT followed by an equals sign followed by a picture of Krista beating her with a blunt object.

Dang, a girl just wants to get her freak on.

Tell me about it!

Banned from the booty portion of the bootysault, Maya goes for the “sault” portion. However, Holly sldies out the way! This is of no problem for Maya, as she comes down on her knees. Yet Maya can offer no attack, as Holly swats her across the face with her heel. Having stunned Maya, Holly retreats to the ropes. Upon her return she finds the Los Angeles native on her feet. This wrecks Holly’s plans, and she’s easily taken onto Maya’s shoulders. The Angelic Hellraiser throws Holly down with a wasteland. Holly lands on her shoulders, and instantly begins muttering pained curses.

It looks like Holly got a taste of what its like to have a Child Star Syndrome!

Maya hooks onto Holly’s leg for the pinfall…





Maya is the current champion, but there’s still a long way to go. And remember anyone can be pinned and Maya could lose her title.

The countdown appears on the video screens and the fans count along.











I eat boys up
Breakfast and lunch
Then, when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood
Carnivore, animal, I am a cannibal
I eat boys up
You better run
I am cannibal! (Cannibal, cannibal, I am!)
I am cannibal! (Cannibal! I'll eat you up!)
I am cannibal! (Cannibal, cannibal, I am!)
I am cannibal! (Cannibal! I'll eat you up!

Ke$ha’s Cannibal calls out Amberlyn Duncan from the backstage area. Faced with the prospect of having to battle her own niece and the minefield that entails, Amberlyn’s first Anglemania apperance is marked by trepidation and timidity.

Amberlyn’s got the assignment from Anglesault to make sure Maya doesn’t take home the OAOAST Women’s Title. She better get on her game if she wants to please the founder of this great company.

Rather than enter the ring and engage her niece in combat, Amberlyn decides the best course of action would be for her to insult the appearance of the fans in front row. No one is spared from Amberlyn’s insulting and cruel words. That is until Maya saves the day, by clothesling her aunt!

You little….

Bring it on, sucka! Bring it aaaaaawwwwwwwn!

Now wait a second. I’m your Aunt, and as your Aunt, I am your superior, I have supreme authority over you.

Before Maya can offer any objection, Holly sneaks from behind and clubs her in the back. She grabs hold of Maya’s short blue shorts and dumps The Teen Dream into the ring. With a nervous Amberlyn trailing close behind, Holly slides into the ring.

You’re dead (beep) now you rotten (beep)!

Why you hatin on me, b?

Don’t (beep) talk like that!

Bruh, its just one love! Why you mad at me, son-son?

Shut up!

Come at me if you gonna swing bro I don’t even give a freak no more!

Holly can take no more of Maya’s antics and charges at the young lady. Maya meets her arrival with a tennis shoe to the gut. Holly is doubled over and as such, Maya is able to retreat to the ropes. She comes bounding back and floors Holly with a scissors kick!

Inheritance Kick!

With Holly down and out, Maya sets her devilish sights on her Aunt.

Oh, Aunt Amber, its time to party!

You stay away from me! I…I…mean it!

Maya inches closer and closer to a worried Amberlyn.

Don’t make me do it!

Not at all afraid of her Aunt, Maya keeps coming. Thus Amber has no choice but to chuck powder at Maya. Unfortunately, her aim isn’t what we might call good, and she misses entirely. Maya look at the collection of misty powder, and then back at Amberlyn, and then shakes her head because how the hell do you miss the most basic cheating move in wrestling. Luckily for Amberlyn the ticking of the clock distracts Maya….











We're longing for daylight
Burning the same lie
To find the ghost of you and I
We're running from midnight
Dying to ignite
To find the ghost of you and I

calls little Morgan to the ring. The tiniest of all Nerdlys charges out from the back, earning herself quite the reception from the sold out audience.

Two time women’s champion Morgan Nerdly on the prowl for her third title win!

Maya SHOVES Amberlyn towards Morgan as the former police inspector enters the ring.

Go get her, tiger!

Amberlyn hasn’t a moment to object before Morgan captures her onto her shoulders. Within seconds she’s flung to the ground, courtesy of the Shock And Awe (F-U)!


Holly makes her charge at her old rival, and is taken onto the Tiny Terror of Edmonton’s shoulders. Morgan then slams her down with a Shock & Awe!

That had to feel GOOD!

Faced with Morgan’s bullet train of momentum, Maya suddenly turns serious. She puts on her most stoic expression and readies herself to fight. But before she comes to blows with Morgan, she offers her a handshake. Little Morgan looks nervous about accepting it, but at the crowd’s urging takes Maya’s hand into her own.


Great show of sportsmanship!

Maya and Morgan lockup in the center of the ring, above Morgan’s two victims. Maya’s power allows her to shove Morgan into the corner. Referee Charles Robinson calls for a clean break, which is quickly given by Maya.

Maya’s a great competitor and a class act, if that were Holly she’d have smashed Morgan with an elbow.

The two popular females tangle up once more. This time its Morgan, getting the upperhand with a surprise fireman’s carry. She then takes herself off the ropes, bouncing back to nail Maya with her Electric Slide.

A sliding lariat in tribute to Leon Rodez.

Morgan hooks the legs for the pinfall…




After getting to her feet, Morgan is attacked from behind with a vicious elbow by Amberlyn! Pleased with herself, Amberlyn applauds. Unfotunatley her failure to press the advantage leads Morgan to nail a 180 back elbow. This dazes Amberlyn and drops her to her knees. This allows Morgan to spike her head into the canvas with a short DDT! Amberlyn flops over onto her back, and Morgan pins her to the canvas!





There isn’t much time to celebrate for Morgan as Holly wraps her arms around her slim waist. She seeks a German suplex on her old rival, but the little girl uses a pair of elbows to win her freedom. This doesn’t buy her any time on the attack, however, due to Holly taking hold of her arms and shooting her into the blue ring ropes. Rather than bounce back, Morgan hooks her arms around the ropes to prevent a return charge.

You (beep) bitch.

Holly darts at Morgan with lowered shoulder, ready to run her through the ropes. But Morgan dips low and catches Holly on her shoulders.

She’s going to Shock and Awe her right out the ring!

Morgan tries to do just that, flipping Holly over. But The Angel of Death wraps her fingers around the ropes and uses that grip to come down on the apron. The timer then reappears on the video screens.











Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP? (oh oh, oh oh)
You didn't RSVP (oh oh, oh oh)
That's ok, that's ok (oh oh, oh oh)
Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP?
When I'm all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

Boos speed from the mouths of OAOAST Marks in attendance as the brash pop of
washes over the arena. Entrance doors spread apart bringing out the stylish and sophisticated Sophie and her adorable miniature horse Pumpkin, who’s adorned in an Anglemania themed saddle.

Sophie has had problems in this contest with Morgan and especially Maya.

How can you hate anyone that comes to the ring with a miniature horse?

While Sophie offers careful instructions to the ringside attendants on how to do take care of Pumpkin, Holly hooks Morgan into a front facelock. Her idea is to suplex Morgan over the ropes and to the outside. But this is a plan that will go forever unfilled as Maya rescues Morgan with a forearm to Holly’s face.

Alright, Morgan, time for a double team.

Morgan shakes her head, not sure if she should trust a Duncan given all the anti-Duncan rhetoric she’s heard from Leon.

It’ll be a lot of fun. We’ll pick her up and throw her up into the scoreboard. Disclaimer: we may not actually throw her into the scoreboard. Disclaimer 2: she may beat us up and curse at us.

Luckily Holly is saved from being launched into the scoreboard thanks to Amberlyn attacking Morgan and Sophie clubbing down Maya.

Coach, who are you taking?

Well, Maya’s cute, but I don’t wanna have to deal with her mother. Morgan’s cute to, but she’s got baggage and that ain’t my style. Holly’s hot but she seems like the type to call me a nigger during sex. So I’m taking Sophie and Amberlyn back to the hotel with me.

I meant who do you think is going to win?

Who cares, I came to see some tities and I’m seeing some tities. I think I won.

Amberlyn grabs onto Morgan’s blond hair and slings her across the ring. This angers Morgan more than it hurts her and she charges at an unprepared Amberlyn. She nails her with a succession of kicks to the ribs, before clocking her with a roundhouse to the face! Amberlyn topples to the ground, clutching her face and fearing over any possible bruises.

Lightening Kick!

Morgan is accosted from behind by Holly, who tags her with a pair of elbows. Having stunned Morgan, Holly grabs the littlest Nerdly into a front facelock. She twirls her finger for Percussion DDT, getting quite the negative reaction from the Anglemania audience. The jeers only grow louder and more violent, when Holly falls backwards to hit the unpopular hold.

That DDT may have knocked out Morgan!

I’m just noticing, but for being so little, Morgan’s got a nice phat ass.

Holly hooks onto Morgan’s legs for the crucial pinfall…





How the (beep) do you like this shit now, New York?


(beep) you!

Elsewhere, Sophie and Maya are tangled in the corner. They trade blows, each trying to pummel the other. Its Maya with the power advantage that wins out, as she lifts Sophie up and runs across the ring with the French girl. She drives the Marseilles native against the ring posts, taking the wind completely out of her.

What power by The Teen Dream!

The countdown reappears on the screen….











They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it

You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad

They’re beautiful. They’re bouncing. They’re proudly on display. They’re Melody’s breasts! The jiggling jumbos come bouncing out, barely contained beneath a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tanktop. The busty Melody Nerdly screams “Warp Speed, Mister Sulu” and charges down the ring at what we can presume is her version of wrap speed.

Here they come, I’m just going to set back and enjoy the awesome view. I’ve earned this.

Maya is booted back towards the center of the ring by her archrival Sophie. The French lass takes a moment to catch her breath, and then comes after Maya in full force. But her flurry of punches is entirely blocked by Maya’s forearms. Sophie reels from her failure, which gives Maya all the time she needs to take her into a standing fireman’s carry.

Maya is just amazingly powerful, especially when you consider her age.

Maya flings Sophie out with a one handed X-factor! Sophie flops onto her back, dazed and wounded from the signature strike.

Sophie tuned in to an After School Special.

Damn, how am I going to get her to my hotel room if she’s unconscious? I mean, I’ve had sex with unconscious girls before, but I’ve never had to carry one to a hotel room.

Maya hooks onto Sophie for the pin….






Elsewhere Melody and Holly are fastened into a lockup, both women desperately trying to over power the other.

These two have a bit of a history together, from back in the day when Melody managed The Lonestar Gunslingers.

A scoop and a slam puts Holly on the ground and gives Melody a momentary victory. She pushes her luck by darting off to the ropes. But as she returns her little sister Morgan cuts her down with a running dropkick!

Exactly the kind of traitorous behavior I’d expect from a woman too shady and underhanded to make a Facebook page.

Melody rolls to her feet, only to be greeted by a pair of elbow strikes from Morgan. The little lady hooks her big sister onto a front facelock. She tries to suplex her over, but can find no success as Melody is too big and too staunch to move. Luckily for Morgan she gets an unlikely source of help in Holly. The vulgar redhead latches onto Melody with a facelock of her own, and she and Morgan bring her down with a double suplex. Their moment of cooperation is short lived, however. The very second they get to their feet they begin trading punches. Holly ends the exchange of strikes with a rake of Morgan’s blue eyes. She spins around and takes down her foe with a lariat. A pinfall is then made, and Robinson drops into position to count…



Morgan makes the kickout!

How does someone that little survive a lariat that big? Its amazing.

I can’t even take Morgan to bed with me. My penis might very well split the poor girl in half.

Over in the corner, Maya is daring her Aunt Amberlyn to engage her in a battle.

What are ya? Chicken? Let’s go!

BOP! Maya smacks Amberlyn on the nose!

Don’t do that!

BOP! She does it again!

One more time and I will-


You’ve done it now!

Amberlyn never gets a chance to make good on her threat as Sophie drags Maya to the canvas with an anklelock!


While Maya struggles in the hold the countdown appears!



Maya scratches and claws, yearning for the salvation the ropes can provide her.



Sophe rips at Maya’s ankle with every intention on breaking it should the Angelic Hellraiser not tapout.




Maya moves within centimeters of the ropes, her fingertips grazing them ever so slightly.


But Amberlyn pushes the ropes away from her!





“It” Girl on the Scene Maggie Nerdly is called out by Paramore’s “CrushCrushCrush”!

Two time OAOAST Women’s Champion and our broadcast colleague Maggie Nerdly on her way to the ring.

Maggie lends Maya a huge assist, by tackling Amberlyn to the ground! This frees up the ropes, and allows Maya to grasp on to them and save her ankle from further torment. Sophie isn’t quite ready to relent on Maya, and drags her off the canvas. She scoops her up and then drives her down to the canvas with an inverted DDT~!

Chute Le Mort!

Sophie drops down onto Maya for a pinfall…



Maya gets her shoulder off the mat before the three count.


Maya’s still hanging in there as the current OAOAST Women’s Champion.

Holly has Morgan backed into the corner, where she chokes her with her combat boots. Morgan squeals in agony, and desperately tries to pry Holly’s footwear away from her neck. Finally referee Robinson interjects and forcibly separates Holly from Morgan.

Don’t you ever (beep) touch me again, faggot!


I (beep) should murder your scrawny ass right the (beep) now!


Fortunately for Robinson, he’s saved by Melody, who bum rushes Holly with a lariat. Holly gets to her feet, rather quickly, and gets cut down with another lariat. Now she looks for an escape from the red hot geek chick. But, Melody cuts in front of her.

(in perfect Lord of the rings voice)

A standing yakuza kick drops Holly to the canvas, and leaves her attending her sore face. Melody celebrates the Ken from Street Fighter fist raise. She pays for her arrogance with a bulldog from little sister Maggie. The baby of the Nerdly family then hooks her legs for a pin…




Maggie stands up, and puts herself right into the path of a punch from Amberlyn. The Duncan girl hooks hold of Maggie’s arm and head, and quickly executes an STO!

That’s called a Sideswipe and it may have won Amberlyn the OAOAST Women’s Title, at least temporarily.

Amberlyn hopes Cole is correct as she drapes her arm across Maggie for a lax cover…



Maya breaks up the pin with a boot to Amberlyn’s head.

Sorry, I missed a spot.

Maya kicks Amberlyn in the head once again!

Maya’s spent this whole match just straight up disrespecting her Aunt. Its painful to watch, dawg.

Maya is lariated from behind by Holly! She falls to the ground, momentarily out this match.

How you like that shit, bi-

Holly is grabbed by Morgan and lifted onto her small shoulders! Morgan then throws Holly down with the Shock & Awe!


A pinfall is made…..





The countdown reappears as Morgan is laid into by Sophie.








Here comes Lorelei!









So sexy

Damn, I love the jam, the jet and the mansion. (Oh yeah)
And I enjoy the gifts and the trips to the islands.(Oh yeah)
Its good to live expensive
You know it, but my knees get weak intensive
When you give me k-kisses

Thats money honey,
Well I'm your lover and your mistress
Thats money honey
When you touch me, its so delicious
Thats money honey
Baby when you tell me the pieces
Thats money honey

The stunning beauty known as Lorelei DeCenzo parades out onto the entrance stage in a strapless feathered pink mini dress. Showing no signs of urgency, she twirls around to display her fantastic body and then slowly heads to the ring.

Lorelei may think she has the advantage coming in last, but she only has a meager two minutes to regain her title!

Sophie and Morgan do battle in the corner, each taking turns slugging the other. Melody charges in with a running splash that crushes both ladies. They stagger out the corner, and the chesty Canadian drives them down to the canvas with a double lariat. Melody then covers them both at the same time!




Maggie pounces on Melody with a series of forearm shots. Succeeding in weakening her elder sister, Maggie throws her to the ropes. Lorelei, who had reached the ring apron, lowers the cables and causes Melody to take an awful spill to the outside. The fans immediately worry about Melody’s condition after such an unfortunate crash.

Melody needs an external heart massage, and I’m just the man to give it to her.

Stay right where you are!

Lorelei enters the ring and is dropkicked to the ground by Maggie. The ultra cute“It” Girl mounts Lorelei, and begins hammering her with punches.

And Lorelei’s never going to get the Women’s Title laying flat on her back.

But, she might get something from Da Coach!

Amberlyn surges out the corner and grabs onto Holly’s red hair. She then drops to her knees and slams Holly’s face into the canvas. Holly is none to pleased with this and curses Amberlyn loudly.

A facebuster by Amberlyn. A very girly facebuster, but still effective.

Amberlyn is kicked in the ribs by Sophie, and then brought to her feet. Sophie traps her inside a double underhook, and prepares to suplex her over. But Amberlyn muscles out the hold. Sophie tries to trap her again, but Amberlyn moves too fast and nails her with a knee to the gut. She lifts Sophie off the ground by her leg and drives her downwards with a flapjack!


Amberlyn then drops down onto her for a pinfall…



Maya picks Amberlyn up and tosses her over the ropes!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans celebrate, as Amberlyn lands on the ring apron.

Elsewhere Morgan has Holly set up for the Shock & Awe! Yet, she’s unable to execute her signature hold as Holly slips out the move. Holly, lands on her feet and is ready to strike at Morgan. But Maggie comes charging in with a lariat that carries all three girls over the ropes!


Sophie and Maya do battle in the center of the ring with the contest drawing close to its end. Maya knows she must act fast and stuns Sophie with a pair of elbows. She then takes off to the ropes. But as she comes back she’s faced with a lariat from Sophie! Maya ducks the attack, and takes another run off the ropes. She rebounds to take Sophie down to the canvas with a leapfrog facecrusher!


“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans revel, knowing that Maya is mere seconds away from capturing her first Women’s Title.

However, Amberlyn tackles Maya to the canvas before she can pin Sophie’s shoulders to the mat.

Amberlyn’s preventing Maya from making the pinfall!

Just like Anglesault told her to do.

Lorelei quickly springs into action. She dives atop Sophie’s prone body, and hooks her legs for a pinfall….





Lorelei rises to her feet to celebrate her impending title retention. Its at that moment that she receives the gift of an iMaya!


The fans leap to their feet and count along as Maya makes what should be a match winning pinfall!






The fans cheer, believing Maya to have secured her first ever Women’s Title.

Your winner and still OAOAST Women’s Champion….LORELEI DECENZO!

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the fans are irate to the point where more than a few consider littering the ring with debris. An extreme reaction for a midcard women’s title match!

I don’t believe it. Lorelei has snuck out of Anglemania with the Women’s Title. Her plan worked!

Lorelei is hardly the image of a triumphant victor. She remains sprawled out and lifeless on the canvas, as the title is draped over her shoulder by Robinson.

Maya was this close to taking home the OAOAST Women’s Title. Its just a shame her Aunt had to interfere in the first place.

Maya looks as sad as any member of the OAOAST Galaxy and kicks at the ring ropes in sheer frustration.

Amberlyn fulfilled her mission from Anglesault after all, but will Anglesault fufill his mission in eliminating Zack Malibu from the OAOAST? We’ll find out later tonight.
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TO THE BACK~!, where photographers swarm a LIMO that pulls up.

I’m being told our special guest timekeeper for tonight’s main event has arrived.

The door pops open and CHESTER CHEETAH appears.

There he is, the pint size mascot of Cheetos, Chester Cheetah!

TNA must be kicking themselves, Cole. If they had thought to use Chester they could have fed their knockouts with an endless supply of Cheetos.

Heads suddenly turn at the sound of a loud SCREAM. Bodies fly as MELODY NERDLY, fresh off her match, shoves photographers to meet Chester face-to-shins.

(looks up)

Melody gives Chester a big bear hug that stuffs his face between her beautiful bouncing breasts.

Though he’s a puppet Chester is no fool.


Oh my God! You’re so adorable! I just want to huge you and squeeze you forever and ever!
(puts Chester down)
I am such a big fan.

(shakes head, stares at Melody‘s chest)
Impressive miss!

Melody blushes. We pan back down to Chester who now has an open bag of CHEETOS strategically place near his crotch.

Care for a little snack?

You betcha!

The good ones are down at the bottom. Waaaaaay down.
(looks off side into camera)
Can you blame me?

Melody reaches into the bag and shrieks.

Ooh, Chester. You’re bad. *laughs*

Bad as I wanna be. Walk with me, talk with me, baby.

We cut to the After Party set where, having safely made it back, COD watch Melody carry Chester away on the HDTV. Krista gulps down a drink in preparation for her match later tonight.

Honey, you ain’t seen nothing impressive yet. That comes later. In the meantime, I’ll have another drink followed by a good rubdown.

You’re still the breast damn woman in the business, Kris. Ain’t that right Tony?

Straight from his cage at Kelloggs it’s TONY THE TIGER.

Theyrrrreeeeee great!

Back live inside the arena we go to Double C at Sofa Central.

Do you know who that was? Tony the Tiger of Kelloggs Frosted Flakes fame! I friggin’ love that guy!

In the words of my man Don King: only in America… and the OAOAST.

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Ladies and gentlemen in the arena and fans around the word, you are about to witness a truly historic event. For years the Leyenda de la Máscara has been held in Mexico City, but this year the event goes truly global! It gives me great pleasure to introduce the competitors for the 2011 LEYENDA DE LA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCARA!!



Man I am super excited, Leyenda de la Máscara in the mecca of professional wrestling.

Introducing the first team, coming to the ring in the order they are wrestling during the Torneo Cibernetico: J-MAX! SNOT!! TIGRE AZTECA! CONQUISTADOR UNO! MARIACHI! BRIBÓN! HIJO DEL INFIERNO II! CADETO ROSA and the team captain EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESPIRITU NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGRO!!!

The crowd reaction is mixed as "Team Espiritu" makes their way to the ring, while several of the competitors draw cheers Espiritu, Infierno II and Uno all draw boos from the crowd.

The qualifying battle royal created quite a mixed, random team tonight.

Well in the end only one man can win; if the other team is eliminated they will have to fight each other.

Frankly I think this match favors La Ola Mexicana, they’re a unit, a team and will work together for the common goal.

So you don't think they will fight each other?

Hell no, not until they're the last four people in there.

Introducing next, Team Camaleón, again in the order they are wrestling tonight - GUERREROOOOO DORADA!! SLIME!! CONQUISTADOR DOS!! CADETO AZUL!! AAAAAAAAAAVIADOR DIVINA!! LA ARMA MORTAL!! HIJO DEL INFIERNO I!! EL JUEZ!!!

The team marches to the ring, waiting only for the introduction of the team captain.

And finally the team captain...

Montalban is rudely cut off by the sound of rolling thunder as the lights begin to dim in a very dramatic fashion.

For centuries believed to just be a story...

*Thunder cracks*

Almost forgotten even by those that used to worship him...

*Lighting flashes as smoke begins to fill the AngleMania X stage*

Cast to earth by his father...

*More flashes of lightning and sounds of thunder*

A warrior god in the flesh...


A lightning bolt strikes the stage as the crowd jumps in surprised. Once the smoke clears a single beam of light shines on a man kneeling with his back to the audience, all they can see is a long red cape and a winged helmet.


El Thor??? huh.gif

The caped man turns around and reveals himself to be El Camaleón dressed up like Thor from the upcoming major motion picture, complete with long blond wig and a huge (rubber) hammer.


El Thor grins from ear to ear as he raises the hammer into the air and then


Lighting shoots down from the ceiling and ignites lighting blue fireworks on both sides of El Camaleón. Unfortunately El Camaleón is unable to really enjoy the reaction he is getting from the crowd as he's struck by a steel chair from behind.

DR. LUCHA!! What is he doing??

Dr. Lucha, Jr. lands three more blows to El Camaleón's back with enough force to actually bend the steel chair. In the background we see the rest of La Ola Mexicana blocking the aisle, keeping anyone from the ring from interfering. With Camaleón down Dr. Lucha, Jr. takes off his sling and tosses it to the side as he twirls his arm to show that he is just fine

He's been faking it this whole time!!

It's a miracle!! I bet one of those lightning bolts miraculously gave him back the use of the arm, praise Thor... and all his little Thorlings I'm Thure!

With Camaleón at his mercy Dr. Lucha, Jr. laughs maniacally as he drags his opponent back to his feet and then flips him upside down into a tombstone position.


Moments later El Camaleón's head is driven straight into the steel mesh of the entrance set as Dr. Lucha, Jr. drops to his knees, executing one of the most damaging moves in all of Lucha Libre, El Martinete.



Cardinal bolts from his position at Sofa Central, running over to where a triumphant Dr. Lucha, Jr. is gloating at the lifeless body of his enemy.

This is bad, this is really bad.

I... you know I got to agree with you.

Moments later the tecnicos from the ring finally burst through the rudo group and chase Dr. Lucha, Jr. off. Leonardo Cardinal and Aviador Divina check on El Camaleón while Tigre Azteca frantically makes the "X" sign to call for some medical attention. Moments later the EMTs arrive on stage along with a large contingency of OAOAST security as they try to keep the rudos and the tecnicos separated.

I... I'm at a loss for words that was vicious, calculated and downright evil!

Cole I don't think Camaleón can compete tonight, I'm not even sure he's conscious right now.

The EMTs check on El Camaleón and then quickly fit him with a neck brace as they call for the stretcher to be brought out. Through all the confusion several OAOAST officials come out to sort out the chaos that Dr. Lucha, Jr. has caused. After several minutes El Camaleón is finally put on the stretcher and taken to the back as the crowd chants his name in support


Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that EL Camaleón is unable to compete tonight,




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: El Camaleón
Eliminated by: Pre-match attack
Team Camaleón: 8
Team Espiritu: 9
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

Guerrero Dorada, the first man up for Team Camaleón demands that either Espiritu Negro or Hijo del Infierno II from the opposite side enters the ring, batting order be damned!

I don't blame him; these guys are as guilty as Dr. Lucha, Jr.!!

Guilty by association eh? So if you watch a bank robbery go down you're guilty too?

Watch? They did so much more than that, they kept everyone away from the attack, and they gave Dr. Lucha, Jr. a free shot at El Camaleón.

Espiritu Negro steps through the ropes, going first instead of last as J-MAX is happy to let Guerrero Dorada get a crack at one of the members of La Ola Mexicana. The arrogant Espiritu sneers at Dorada, almost dismissing him without much concern.



If Espiritu Negro did not have reason to be concerned before Dorada quickly supplies a reason as he strikes his opponent in the face with a palm thrust that strikes Espiritu in the nose. The first blow is followed up by a series of left and right-handed palm thrusts, ending with a rolling koppu kick from Dorada

Whoa Dorada showing some fire and some martial arts skills early on!

With his opponent down Dorada quickly leaps on top of Espiritu Negro, grabs him by the mask with his left hand and lets loose with a series of right hands to the side of his opponents face. The referee seems to intentionally overlook the rule infraction as he lets Dorada unleash on his opponent without starting a count. Espiritu seems to be caught totally by surprise by the frenzied attack of the normally levelheaded Dorado.

The Golden Warrior is going to town here

That is a complete overreaction; I mean Espiritu Negro is innocent in all this

(Returning to Sofa Central) Don't even try that Coach! He deserves everything he gets!!

Wow unbiased commentary really is dead.

Cardinal bites his tongue, not wanting to get fired for swearing on live television. Back in the ring Dorada keeps the pressure up as he grabs Espiritu's arm and then quickly wraps his legs around Espiritu Negro's neck and outstretched arm in a modified triangle chokehold.


Espiritu struggles against the hold, trying desperately to keep Dorada from locking his feet behind Espiritu's neck. During the struggle Espiritu manages to get to his knees, rolling Dorada over backwards onto his shoulders, pinning him while still trapped.




Dorada kicks back, driving Espiritu Negro to the group while also allowing him to fully lock on the modified triangle chokehold. The referee immediately drops to his knees to check on Espiritu, asking if he is going to submit. The rudo fights against the chokehold, doing his best to remain conscious while trying to get an escape plan figured out. After a few moments more in the hold Espiritu Negro slowly begins to fade out of consciousness.


I think we may have our first elimination

You mean second, the lizard is already eliminated

Our first IN MATCH elimination then!

When Espiritu no longer responds to the referee he reaches over and raises Espiritu Negro's arm in the arm, releasing it to see it fall to the canvas with no strength at all.


The referee raises the arm a second time, and again it flops to the canvas like a dead fish.


From his vantage point on the floor El Juez is in the perfect position to reach in and place Espiritu Negro's foot on the rope without the referee noticing it.

Teamwork! That's why La Ola Mexicana is going to win this; no one else has this kind of teamwork.

The referee sees the foot on the rope and reluctantly forces Guerrero Dorada to break the hold. Once Dorada releases his opponent Hijo del Infierno II reaches in and pulls his team captain out of the ring, forcing J-MAX to take over as per Torneo Cibernetico rules.

That coward!! They can attack a man from behind but not stand up and fight!!

Hey now a strategic retreat is not the same as running away, besides that is allowed within the rules.

The rules are for when you leave the ring under your own force, not dragged out

Hey Potato-Potatoe!!

J-MAX stands face to face with a still fired up Guerrero Dorada, discussing something in a mixture of Cockney English and Spanglish. Moments later both wrestlers run at the ropes, then surprises everyone by LEAPING OVER THE TOP ROPE!!

J-MAX lands on Hijo del Infierno I with a splash while Guerrero Dorada nails Hijo del Infierno II with a diving head BUTT.

Well see now the rules state that the next person in the batting order has to enter the ring can't complain about that right Coach?


The next one for the two teams happens to be Snot and Slime, collectively known as the Masked Mutants, but tonight they are on opposite sides and the batting order has forced them to go head to head.

*Scoffs* They'll probably try to dodge out of the match like J-MAX did.

The two men just stare at each other, giving each other that stare that only a dog gets when it hears a dog. Then suddenly Slime darts forward and lands a shoulder tackle to Snot's chest, not budging his opponent/partner an inch. Slime then plants both feet on the ground and in his own gibberish language tells his partner to try to knock him down. The other mutant agrees, bounces off the ropes and


The insane force just hit the irrational object!!

Okay this is good, (breathes deeply) I need to get my mind off that heinous pre-match attack.

For some reason Slime drops to his hands and knees and vocalizes like only the Masked Mutants can, apparently trying to get his partner to perform an amateur move on him.

Are we in the Twilight Zone? Oh I know! It's a big prank you are all playing on me, where are the hidden cameras?


This has to be a joke, the Masked Mutants doing amateur grappling on the ground?

While Slime tries to encourage his partner, Snot apparently did not go out for wrestling at Mt. Trashmore U and instead just stomps Slime on the hand, a move taken from page one of their brawling handbook. An annoyed Smile leaps back to his feet, still shaking his hand in pain as he yells at Slime. If this had been any sane team they would have probably either tagged out or tried to wrestle a clean match, but it's the Masked Mutants, so instead of a collar and elbow lock up Snot leap onto his partner and jams Slime's face into his Snot's armpit

Oh that's *gags*

But Slime is perhaps the only wrestler who can handle such a stank and instead knocks Snot to the ground with an elbow. Then he extends his hand to his tag team partner and helps him back up. The two mutants stand face to face, and then Slime punches Snot, followed by Snot retaliating with a punch of his own.

They are getting into the spirit of this match!

You mean they are too stupid to work together.

The two exchange another set of right hands, staggering both a bit. Then a third set of rights hands is exchanged between the tag team partners, then a fourth and a fifth, with neither man holding back. On the sixth blow Snot drops backwards to the canvas while Slime staggers back but is held up by the ropes. Eyeing a golden opportunity Conquistador Dos blind tags Slime on the shoulder, then climbs up on the ring ropes, jumping off the top for a splash on Snot. The Voodoo Warrior leaps up and celebrates hitting the move perfectly, totally neglecting to cover his opponent at that point in time. When Uno, who is actually on the other team, yells at him to cover Dos finally realizes his mistake and quickly covers Snot




Dos seems to be angry at himself for missing such a golden opportunity, but still has Snot in a compromised position.

These guys are on such a roll, I mean they took out the All-American boys and I think the Masked Mutants are next as Los Conquistadors continue to steamroll over their opponents.

STEAMROLL? I'm sorry but have you been drinking their Voodoo-Aid or something?

Dos drags his opponent to his feet, then electrifies the crowd by applying the most painful, most excruciation, exciting and electrifying move in aaaaaaaaaaaaaall of parodied sports entertainment



The eeeeeeevil Conquistador cackles maniacally as he stretches Snot's Abdomen like no abdomen ever stretch before. Then just to underline what a devious bastard he is he reaches back and grabs hold of the top rope, cranking the pain-o-meter up to 11

Yeah... that looks... aggravating.

You know I went to a chiropractor once, she made me pay to have that done to me.

Yeah "Chiropractor" riiiiiiiiiiiiight

Unfortunately for Dos, but fortunately for the crowd's sanity the Conquistador grabbed the rope close to where Tigre Azteca is eagerly anticipating getting in the ring. The feline luchador swiftly kicks the hand off the ropes, allowing Snot to perform something resembling a hip toss, releasing him from the eternity of pain he has been in. Unable to move, Snot does the only thing he can do at this point, fall down.


Fortunately he fell backwards, close enough for Tigre Azteca to tag in.


Well that finally woke up the crowd!!

As well it should, he is one of the fastest, most exciting luchadors right now.

Tigre Azteca bounces over the top rope into the ring, and then quickly attacks Dos while Uno takes his position on the apron since he is next in the batting order. Tigre takes Dos down with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then bounces off the ropes



Unfortunately for Tigre Azteca Uno was able to tag himself in by slapping Tigre Azteca over the back of the head. Azteca is rightfully pissed off, angry at being denied a chance to shine at the biggest show of the year, especially over being denied that opportunity by someone like Uno.


That's right make it a joke, this whole thing is just a joke to you isn't it?

Hey I am sitting here between Cheech and Dong, how can it not be??

I better be Cheech mad.gif

Reluctantly Tigre Azteca leaves the ring and hops down onto the floor, taking his spot at the back of the batting order while Uno steps through the ropes. Los Conquistadors quickly get in each other’s faces, letting their actions do the taking tonight. And actions certainly speak louder than silence as Uno locks Dos in a very loosely held headlock.

*Crickets chirp*

And keeps it held on, then after a tap on the shoulder Dos "Powers" out of the headlock and instead applies an arm lock so loose it would have been pregnant before graduating high school if it was a girl and not an arm lock.

*Crickets chirp*



I told you it was a mistake to allow them to have matches on television, this is so boring I am almost longing to hear Cole regale us with some boring anecdote.

Well there was this one tim-


Back inside the ring Conquistador Dos looks at an imaginary wristwatch, obviously playing for time. Then with a nod Uno breaks the arm bar and celebrates like he just won an Olympic gold medal. As the two Voodoo Warriors circle each other both Mariachi and Cadeto Azul, next in the batting order for their respective teams, yells at Los Conquistadors to either do something or tag out. Uno just grins, and then shakes his head, much to the displeasure of everyone around watching this match.

Oh for... they're just stalling for time, they just want to be in the ring as long as possible!!

You say that like it's a bad thing, this is their first AngleMania, perhaps they just want to enjoy the moment?

Perhaps they just want to drive everyone insane.

Well for some that's not a long drive.

Tired of the stalling tactics Bribón breaks with Lucha Libre tradition and leaps into the ring before it's his turn. The diminutive luchador kicks Uno in the knee and slaps Dos on the ass before running away. Both Conquistadors forget their plan and begin to chase Bribón, only for Dos to be too close to his own corner



Here comes Cadeto Azul!! Business is finally about to pick up!!

Bribón leaps to the floor, laughing at having outsmarted Los Conquistadors, although that is not THAT hard to do. Dos reluctantly leaves the ring while Uno stomps across the ring and tags in Mariachi, changing tactics from stalling for time to getting out of the ring before he can be eliminated.

Oh great here comes some handshaking, goody two shoe action

Despite what Coach seems to think neither Mariachi nor Cadeto Azul hold back in the ring; Mariachi strikes the first blow with a flying elbow, shades of the great Tito Santana himself. Moments later as Mariachi leaps off the ropes Azul ducks down to avoid the move, only to be taken down hard with a sunset flip from Mariachi.

Holy moley did you see how he adjusted mid air




Mariachi tries to either chop or grope Cadeto Azul but the blue cadet grabs Mariachi's hand instead, twists it and then runs up the turnbuckles at full speed, springboarding over Mariachi's head and tossing his opponent across the ring with quite a bit of force. Mariachi quickly gets up on his knees and looks surprised, well his mouth looks surprised, the rest of his face looks like his mask. Then he nods in approval and applauds his young opponent.

Sportsmanship! It's not dead

No apparently it just emigrated to Mexico.

Well they get sportsmanship and we get lawn care, I think we're one up on the deal.

Once he is back on his feet Mariachi invites Cadeto Azul to attack him, only for him to sidestep Azul, sweeping his legs out from under him as he runs by so that he falls out the ring the second and the third rope. Once Azul recovers Mariachi taps the side of his head, telling the rookie cadet to always think while in the ring.

Homosexuality versus religion, a tale as old as time!

Cole's comment stems from the fact that Aviador Divina is next in the batting order for Team Camaleón due to Cadeto Azul leaving the ring. The holy high flier jumps up on the top rope, then pauses for a moment with both hands held together in prayer in front of his chest.

Okay take your sick perverted religions and peddle them somewhere else

Sick and perverted? Coach you do know he just Christian, not some sort of cult member

Yeah so are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, doesn't mean I want them in my house.

As with Azul Mariachi approaches his opponent with respect, but also without restraint as he tries to draw his opponent into leaping off the top rope. When Mariachi gets close enough Divina does indeed leap off the top rope, hoping to strike his opponent with a drop kick. Since he was expecting an attack Mariachi easily side steps the drop kick, but Aviador Divina proves that he can outsmart the man that outsmarted him and lands on his feet instead.

Close call

Divina uses the opening he created for himself to grab Mariachi from behind, something he is definitely used to, and then take him up and straight over into a belly to back suplex, something Mariachi is probably not nearly as used to. When Aviador Divina notices that Arma Mortal is up on the apron he stops mid-move, then points to the guy on the apron.


Well, well the crowd is getting behind Arma Mortal, I knew they would eventually.

Ooooooor perhaps they want to see Mariachi get his hands on the homophobic Arma Mortal

Divina goes over to tag Mortal, who just jumps off the apron to deny the tag


Divina turns to the crowd and motions for them to settle down, then he casually steps through the ropes and jumps down on the ground, taking his place in the batting order.

HA!! You can deny the tag, but you're up now!!

I am hoping that having a member of law enforcement in the ring can bring some order to the match.

Reluctantly and very, very slowly Arma Mortal gets up on the apron and steps into the ring, making sure to keep his eyes on Mariachi at all times. After growing more and more confident as he stands in the corner watching Mariachi prance around the ring he finally mans up and locks up with Mariachi. When the GLAAD sponsored luchador tries to kiss Arma Mortal the ex special forces operative avoids it by tossing his much lighter opponent face first against the turnbuckles.


With Mariachi in the corner Arma Mortal lands a knee to the back of his opponent and then locks his opponent in a Half Nelson.


No thank you I'm not thirsty.


As he yells Arma Mortal drives his elbow into Mariachi's back


Since he is just standing in the corner anyway, waiting for his turn in the match, Hijo del Infierno I elbows Mariachi in the face for good measure. Then he grabs Mariachi by the mask and presses him down, throat first against the top rope while Arma Mortal picks Mariachi up by the legs, putting all the pressure on Mariachi's larynx.


The referee quickly begins to count, threatening to disqualify both wrestlers if they do not let go. The threat makes both men release their opponent, then while Arma Mortal debates the legalities of a choke hold in the violent society we live in today Hijo del Infierno I reapplies the front face lock/rope choke hold that he had been using only moments ago. Since the referee is distracted Bribón takes it onto himself to get an early entry into the ring as he leaps up on the top turnbuckle, then runs all the way down the rope to drop kick Hijo del Infierno I off the apron to the floor. Deciding to use the misdirect to their advantage Mariachi rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, leaving Bribón in the ring when the referee turns around.

I'm not sure if that was legal or not

He was trying to save a friend; sometimes two wrongs DO make a right!

Both the referee and Arma Mortal look confused as Bribón is in the ring, clenched fists raised in the air, ready to fight anyone and everyone. Once Mortal overcomes the initial surprise he eagerly rushes his diminutive opponent, only for Bribón to slide through the ropes, wave to Mortal as he stands on the apron and then jump off.

Why did h--- oooh I see.

Mortal is not the only one surprised by the apparent cowardice of Bribón, but once he turns around to face Hijo del Infierno II who was next in line the plan becomes clear; have the rudos beat up each other. Mortal appears to be trying to strike a deal with Hijo II as he approaches him with an outstretched hand, ready for a friendly handshake. Apparently Mortal forgot the Relevos Incredibles from HeldDOWN a few weeks earlier where Ola Mexicana walked out on Mortal, and apparently those who forget history are doomed to repeat it as Hijo del Infierno II replies to the handshake with a kick to the midsection.

I told you they were true to their word, you're either Ola Mexicana or you're against them

Where have I heard that before?

Wait, wait say that with a British accent Coach.

Shut up.

Hijo II shows no mercy to his fellow rudo, instead he drives a knee into the side of Arma Mortal's face, driving him back into the corner. The youngest son of El Infierno then lands a drop kick to Mortal's chest with such force that he flips backwards off his opponent and lands on his feet, in perfect position for a second drop kick to the chest. Hijo II displays his mean streak as he tears Arma Mortal's shirt open and then strikes him with a couple of stiff knife edge chops.


Man, listen to that impact!

You know I happen to know that his brother is even more vicious with the chop.

On command Hijo I enters the ring and asks his brother to step back and allow him a free shot at Arma Mortal. He rears back and then lights up Arma Mortal's chest with a chop only someone who has truly practiced the art of chopping for years could execute.



I think this may be a little friendly sibling rivalry, no harm, no found... well not to anyone but Arma Mortal.

Hijo II nods in approval of his brother's chop but asks him to step aside. Then with a running start he nails Arma Mortal with a running overhead chop that is sure to leave a bruised imprint of a hand on the chest.


On the floor Mariachi seems to enjoy Arma Mortal in pain and agony, apparently it could not have happened to a nicer guy. When Hijo I asks for space the referee finally steps in and breaks up the chop fest as he informs Hijo I that he is now the legal man for Team Camaleón and that Arma Mortal has to leave the ring.

Oh come on!! Give him one more for good measure.

Instead of being annoyed Hijo del Infierno I just shoves Mortal out of the ring so he can fight his brother. Both siblings seem to relish the thought of fighting each other, rubbing their hands before they lock up, both fighting intensely for position, both hoping for the upper hand to prove themselves as the superior brother. After struggling back and forth for a moment they both push the other off, reluctantly coming to a standstill.

Now this is what I'm talking about, an epic match, brother versus brother, it's a tale as old as Cain and Able!

So you're saying it's hardly original, that the fans have seen it a million times before?

After the stalemate each brother simply turns around and tags out the next person in line, apparently that was all they needed to settle their sibling rivalry. The tag brings Cadeto Rosa and El Juez into the match for the first time tonight. Rosa looks a bit apprehensive as El Juez plows straight for him, not bothering with a lock up but instead striking Cadeto Rosa with an elbow to the face, followed by a punch to the face and then a stiff lariat that almost knocks Rosa 360 degrees in the air.

I think El Juez may be one of the most callous, calculating wrestlers in OAOAST

See that's what we need, someone who doesn't screw around with comedy bits or pretending to be in a boy band or having girl problems, he's an ass kicker!

With Rosa down Juez takes the opportunity to put one boot on his opponent's throat and one on his chest, standing on him with all his weight while pulling on the middle rope to add to the pressure. El Juez makes sure to break before the referee reaches five, but nonchalantly steps back up on Rosa's throat and neck the second the referee stops counting, adding four more seconds of punishment to the pink rookie.

These rookies are getting an education tonight

Yes and Professor Juez is teaching them how to take a beating, so far they seem to be naturals at this subject.

Moments after crushing Rosa's windpipe El Juez picks the rookie up and places Rosa on his shoulders for a Torture Rack backbreaker. The rookie resists the temptation to tap out as Juez cranks up the pressure, then just as he is about to submit



El Juez is furious over having Dorada steal his opportunity to eliminate Cadeto Rosa and has no problems attacking his own teammate with a vicious clothesline. Moments later a brawling Juez and Gurrero Dorada slips through the ropes, exchanging stinging lefts and rights as they forget everything about everyone around them. Moments later Espiritu Negro tags himself in, throws Cadeto Rosa over the top rope and then... LEAPS ONTO GUERRERO DORADA AND EL JUEZ ON THE FLOOR!!

Man this guy must be half bird because he can FLY!!

All hell breaks loose as Ola Mexicana and the tecnicos begin to brawl on the floor. Azteca and Aviador Divina try to help Dorada out even though they're not all on the same team. In just mere moments the batting order has been interrupted as most of the participants slug it out on the floor. Only the legal men in the ring, J-MAX and Slime, as well as the next two in the order, Snot and Dos seems to not be involved in the brawl. Having never seen a good fight he did not want to join in Slime quickly leaves the ring, leaping off the apron onto Arma Mortal and Cadeto Rosa who are fighting at ringside.

Lord I hope Uno doesn't stall for time again

I don't think he realizes that he's now the legal man

Conquistador Uno is not paying attention as J-MAX races over to the Conquistador corner and hip tosses the Voodoo Warrior into the ring, following the toss with a stiff kick to the back.


Uno desperately crawls for the ropes, but J-MAX grabs him by the foot and drags him back to the center of the ring. The Birmingham Bad Boy keeps holding on to the foot as he forces Dos to get back on his feet, well foot.

You sill limey, that is the perfect set up for--


But J-MAX swiftly ducks under the Enzugiri attempt by Dos; then takes advantage of his opponent's prone position to lock on a Regal Stretch.



**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Conquistador Dos
Eliminated by: J-MAX
Team Camaleón: 7
Team Espiritu: 9
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

Man I was beginning to think we would NEVER have an elimination, but J-MAX took it to the Max and Dos is gone.

Look at Uno, he looks heartbroken that his partner has been eliminated,

Well to be fair they were on a massive winning streak, which is now in danger of being broken

Massive? Wow you just keep telling yourself that.

The confusion reigns both inside and outside the ring as several competitors from the brawl enter the ring including the Masked Mutants, Mariachi and Arma Mortal. Moments later J-MAX rolls to the floor, kicks Conquistador Uno in the midsection and then throws him inside the ring. On the opposite side of the ring Aviador Divina eyes an opening as he leaps up on the apron. Then he springboards to the top rope, bounces off it, flipping himself over onto the top rope on the other side of the turnbuckle where he Moonsaults onto a staggering Conquistador Uno


A confused referee decides to just go for the count instead of trying to figure out who is legal and who is not.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Conquistador Uno
Eliminated by: Aviador Divina
Team Camaleón: 7
Team Espiritu: 8
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

Moments after eliminating Uno Aviador Divina dives out of the ring, crashing into Hijo del Infierno II to the delight of the crowd. Inside the ring the referee just stands back, waiting for some semblance of order to be restored both inside and outside the ring. Arma Mortal has managed to tie Mariachi up in the ropes and is punching away at him, only to be stopped by Snot and Slime, the Masked Mutants. Mortal reaches up and twists Slime's mask, basically blinding him when the eyeholes are twisted to the side.

Come on now!!

You know I've heard of deaf wrestlers and one-legged wrestlers, but a blind one??

Snot tries to help his buddy out, but the second he touches Slime's shoulder the mutant reacts instinctively and rolls his partner up in an inside cradle.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Snot
Eliminated by: Slime
Team Camaleón: 7
Team Espiritu: 7
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

I don't think he knows who he just pinned!

See lack of teamwork, well that and lack of brains.... skills... hygiene.

Despite being pinned Snot remains in the ring long enough to twist Slime's mask back the right way, then he begins to yell at him in their own gibberish language. While the Mutants argue J-MAX returns to the apron, leaps up on the top rope and then takes Slime down with a springboard huracanrana into a pinning position




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Slime
Eliminated by: J-MAX
Team Camaleón: 6
Team Espiritu: 7
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

After no eliminations for quite a while we had four quick ones.

Taking both Los Conquistadors and the Masked Mutants out of the match.

Apparently Slime's elimination mended any issues between the two Masked Mutants as they leave side-by-side, high fiving a few fans, licking a few others as they head to the back.

After losing track of the batting order and losing control of the match the referee finally signals to the back to have the other referees and road agents come to ringside to try and restore some semblance of peace.

About time, this match was breaking down into an all-out brawl.

Very disrespectful to Murcielago Enmascarado!

Oh boo-hoo, the guy is dead, he's not about to rise out of the ground, zombie his ass down the aisle and beat everyone up.

Stranger things have happened in OAOAST

The three commentators sit in silence for a moment, holding their breaths as they half expect a zombie luchador to come out from the back. No Zombie, but instead order is restored, the two teams are separated on each side of the ring with several road agents and referees remaining at ringside to keep the two factions from fighting. Inside the ring the referee tries to figure out who the legal man is, having lost track of where in the batting order the match has gotten to.

How about... erm... let's go with number five in the batting order

That would be Mariachi from Team Espiritu and Aviador Divina from Team Camaleón

Oh goodie *rolls eyes*

Both chosen luchadors get up on the apron, ignoring Tigre Azteca complaining that he was passed over. Arma Mortal gets up in his corner, motioning to Divina to tag him in. Divina ignores the request and instead shakes Mariachi's hand. After the handshake Divina gives his opponent a quick shoulder bump before bouncing off the ropes, Mariachi ducks down, as Divina is on the rebound back dropping him high in the air. The divine luchador manages to land on his feet and tries to take Mariachi down with a spin kick, only for Mariachi to duck under the kick, trying instead to sweep Divina's leg. Divina leaps over the sweep, then manages to lock his arms around Mariachi's back just like their previous encounter, only this time Mariachi counters out of it and ends up with his arms around Divina.

Oh man there goes those wandering hands again.

But Divina is not freaked out by Mariachi's probing hands, taking the opportunity to do another go behind on his opponent and then rolls him up backwards for a pin fall. The referee only counts to one before Mariachi rolls through the move and ends up on top of Divina instead, which also gets a one count before Divina kicks him off hard.

These guys are showing us what Lucha Libre is all about

I agree Cole; these guys show the spirit of Lucha Libre, not Dr. Lucha's gang of thugs.

You have GOT to be kidding me, these guys? Seriously?

After coming to a stalemate on the mat both wrestlers get back on their feet, then in a bit of synchronicity both run at the ropes on opposite sides of the ring, springboard off a handstand so they bounce off the ropes while upside down, landing on their feet in the center of the ring next to each other.


I think the crowd is finally getting it! This is awesome

The crowd is always going to appreciate good in ring action and MILLF certainly provides that.

Yeah New York appreciates MILF Action!!

Having reached a stalemate both on the ground and on the canvas Mariachi decides to try and take it to the air as he runs at Aviador Divina. Divina ducks down and lifts his opponent up in the air, not back dropping him but instead giving him a little extra added lift as he---


After helping Mariachi land the kick on Arma Mortal, Aviador Divina high fives his opponent, then steps through the ropes and onto the floor on his side.

I don't think he's as eager to get in the ring now!!

He's a professional, you know he'll race right in there and kick some ass.

Or in turn stagger around ringside from the impact of Mariachi's flying dropkick. Since he is next in the batting order no one else on his team is allowed to get in the ring or even on the apron. After a few more moments of stalling Guerrero Dorada takes matters into his own hands as he tosses Arma Mortal under the bottom rope into the ring. Mariachi looks fired up as he breathes heavily, then points straight at Arma Mortal


Mariachi launches himself as his opponent, landing a very sexually suggestive Thez press as he pounds Mortal with lefts and rights to the head as the crowd leaps to their feet. Once Mortal is able to throw Mariachi off the tries to crawl out of the ring, only to be caught by the tights by Mariachi. Mortal keeps trying to pull away while Mariachi drags him towards the center of the ring by the tights and shirt. With Los Hijos tearing Arma Mortal's spandex top earlier a flaw has been created in the fabric, a flaw that fails completely as Mariachi tears off most of Arma Mortal's shirt and tights, leaving only his left leg covered in his original outfit.

Thank god he was not going commando!

Hold on... he's wearing purple briefs?

Perhaps there is a reason he protests so much?

Mortal tries to cover up his skin tight, thong like purple undergarments as Mariachi twirls the torn spandex over his head like a lasso. Mortal almost escapes the ring only to have his exit blocked by Guerrero Dorada and Cadeto Azul. Moments later Mariachi drags Mortal to the center of the ring, holds up his opponent's legs in the air and then steps over to apply a sharpshooter on Arma Mortal. The moment Mariachi turns the hold over Arma Mortal taps like it's going out of business.



**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: La Arma Mortal
Eliminated by: Mariachi
Team Camaleón: 5
Team Espiritu: 7
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

The normally happy go lucky Mariachi would stop once he makes his opponent sqealing in pain, but this time he keeps the pressure up, twisting back on Arma Mortal's legs



Cadeto Rosa leaps into the ring and pleads with Mariachi to not get disqualified



After gathering up all his courage Cadeto Rosa grabs Mariachi's head with both his hands and lays a big old kiss on him.


The kiss surprised Mariachi and caused him to release Arma Mortal before the count of five, thus avoiding getting disqualified himself. Cadeto Rosa makes to leave the ring, but Mariachi grabs him by the hand to stop him, then he twirls him around, bends him over backwards and plants a big wet kiss on him, tongue and all.

You know it's good to see people express their emotions like that

Satisfied with eliminating Arma Mortal Mariachi leaves the ring and almost leaves the ringside area but then remembers that there is a match going on. With Mariachi stepping out Bribón is next in the ring, something the diminutive luchador has been looking forward to after only being in the ring for a split second earlier. His excitement turns to anger though as he realizes that Hijo del Infierno I is the next man on the other team, one of the men that helped Dr. Lucha, Jr. attack Camaleón before the match.

Watch out, the runt is pissed off, he may knee cap you!! Break your shin or stomp on your foot!

Don't tell Bribón short, he's beaten opponents much larger than himself, he won the Barnyard Invitational after all, and he’s Mr. Pennies in the Jar.

He defeated an opponent who weighed FOUR TIMES what he weighs.

Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah!

Bribón tries to use his quickness to attack Hijo del Infierno I but since Hijo I is aware of the speed of the Mini-Estrellas he is not as easily surprised as most OAOAST wrestlers and retaliates with a big boot to the face of Bribón.


Hijo I picks up Bribón and toys with him as he throws him into the corner, obviously enjoying the punishment he's legally allowed to dish out. The older Infierno brother picks up Bribón and presses him over his head while grinning from ear to ear. Then he turns around and tosses him towards the turnbuckles, unfortunately for Infierno I Bribón manages to twist around and bounce off the top rope for a Moonsault. The surprise more than the weight is what knocks Hijo del Infierno I down, but down he goes none-the-less, right into a pinning predicament


And that's it, Hijo I powers out with so much force that he throws Bribón halfway across the ring. When Hijo I gets up he sees that El Juez is DEMANDING to be tagged in, wanting to inflict more damage to El Camaleón's diminutive companion. Infierno I knows better than to ignore the judge and promptly tags in El Juez. Ola Mexicana's enforcer steps through the ropes and then for some reason begin to argue with the referee.

What is he doing?

His tactic becomes obvious only seconds later as Espiritu Negro slides into the ring behind the referee's back. He quickly picks up Bribón, placing him upside down in position for a tombstone pile driver

NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!

But despite the protests Espiritu Negro viciously pile drives the smallest man in the match straight into the match. Unfortunately for the team captain the referee caught sight of the move and motions for the bell.


Espiritu Negro has been disqualified for using El Martinete during the match.

**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Espiritu Negro
Eliminated by: Disqualified for using the pile driver
Team Camaleón: 5
Team Espiritu: 6
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

No one in the audience cheers for the elimination, instead they worry about Bribón's health. The only one that does not seem to worry about Bribón is El Juez who calmly strolls across the ring, places his right boot on Bribón's chest and holds his hands in the air as the referee counts.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Bribón
Eliminated by: El Juez
Team Camaleón: 5
Team Espiritu: 5
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

That count was academic, Bribón is not even moving.

Aviador Divina, Tigre Azteca and Guerrero Dorada all rush the ring to help Bribón and protect him from further harm. The match stops momentarily as the EMTs come out once again to check on someone. After a few moments Bribón sits up and is helped out of the ring.


The crowd chants for the Mini-Estrella as the EMTs support him as he walks towards backstage, obviously staggering and fighting to staying on his feet, but determined to walk out of the arena after what happened to El Camaleón earlier tonight. With Los Reyes del Aire in the ring El Juez takes the opportunity to step out of the ring, leaving Guerrero Dorada as the legal man without him realizing it. Once Dorada turns his back to Hijo II who was the next man on Team Espiritu the younger Infierno brother pounces, dropkicking the Golden Warrior in the back so he lunges face first into the turnbuckles.


Hijo II ignores the boos as he grabs Guerrero Dorada by his outfit and then throws him shoulder first into the ring post. Moments later the sadistic Hijo II leaps up and stands on Dorada's back, reaching over the top rope to the outside and begins to wrench back on Guerrero Dorada's neck.

He's in the ropes!!

Five count, as long as he doesn't break the count it's not illegal.

Hijo II makes sure to break in time, jumping off Dorada's back before he got disqualified. Infierno II drags Dorada from the ring post by the leg, then takes his opponent down with a vicious dragon screw leg drag. Hijo II leaps up on the top rope, then turns around while sizing up his opponent.

Ola Mexicana could score another big hit hear

Could? WILL!!

As if Coach's comment jinxed him Hijo del Infierno II's Shooting Star Leg drop misses his opponent by this -||- much as Dorada manages to roll to the side at the mast moment. Trying to capitalize on Hijo II's mistake Guerrero Dorada leaps onto the middle rope and tries to land an Asai Moonsault. When Hijo del Infierno II moves Dorada adjusts and lands on his feet, using the momentum to execute a standing Moonsault that hits the mark




Dorada whips his opponent into the ropes, but on the rebound Hijo II ducks under a back elbow attempt and instead tries to take Dorada down with a tornado head scissors, only for Dorado to push his opponent off mid-way through the move. Taking advantage of the fact that he is facing a light opponent Guerrero Dorada hooks Hijo II's head in a front headlock, and then hooks one of his opponent's legs to lift him in the air


Instead of a cover Dorada quickly runs up the ropes, leaping off backwards in a twisting plancha also known as the Tornillo Dorada





**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Hijo del Infierno II
Eliminated by: Guerrero Dorada
Team Camaleón: 5
Team Espiritu: 4
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

That's two Ola Mexican members eliminated back-to-back.

Yeah, yeah but there is still two left, more than any other group in this dog-and-pony show.

Coach Los Reyes del Aire are ALL in there still.

And two Cadetos.

Typical, typical that you have to ruin my commentary with such trivial matters as facts! I am a journalist I don't care about the facts!!

Cadeto Rosa has barely stepped one foot inside the ring before Guerrero Dorada leaps up on the top rope, steps out on the top of the ring post and DIVES ONTO EL JUEZ AND HIJO DEL INFIERNO I!!!

You idiot they're on your team!!

Does not look like he cares at all.

Fortunately the aerial attack does not lead to the match degrading like earlier as the army of referees and officials quickly separate the combatants. With Dorada on the floor Cadeto Azul steps through the ropes, facing his own partner for the first time in the match. Rosa looks at his partner as if he is trying to figure out if they should fight or not, then he decided that he is only going to fight a fellow Cadeto if he's forced to and thus tags out to J-MAX

What a coward

Coward? So when Ola Mexicana uses the EXACT SAME TACTIC they're great and have awesome teamwork but Los Cadetos are cowards??

I am glad to see you're finally catching on.

J-MAX demonstrates that he has been paying attention to the Lucha tapes as he slams the attacking Cadeto Azul to the canvas with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Then when he runs at the ropes Tigre Azteca reaches out and


Tags himself in, much to the surprise of both J-MAX and the fans. Azteca steps through the ropes, frustration, annoyance and attitude seeping from him as he finally gets back in the ring for the first time in quite a while.

Azteca is a proud man; he just wants to prove himself at AngleMania X

J-MAX leaves the ring, knowing full well that he will get plenty of time in the ring before the match ends. Cadeto Azul asks for a handshake but Tigre Azteca just kind of slaps hands instead of a full handshake and then takes Cadeto Azul down with a swift arm drag. Holding on to the arm Tigre steps over into a straight armbar position and then rolls forward, dragging Cadeto Azul with him, slamming him to the mat. Then he gets back to his feet and rolls forward once again, throwing Azul over and slamming him to the ground for the second time.

He calls this “the Tiger's Cradle", he used it a lot when he was younger.

El Gato Mas rapido shows everyone why he earned that nickname about 10 years ago as he drags Cadeto Azul to his feet and punishes him with a series of spin kicks from left and right, finishing off with a karate kick to the back of the head. As he poses Aviador Divina complains from his spot on the apron, drawing Tigre Azteca's attention.

Come on now!


Give the kid a chance

Hey Lucha is a knockdown; drag-out affair and no one gave me a break when I was a novato!

Yeah but still...

Divina does finish his sentence, instead he is surprised when Cadeto Azul leaps across the canvas and tags him in. As he steps in the ring Divina apologizes that he distracted Tigre Azteca, an apology that is accepted before Tigre Azteca takes Aviador Divina down with another arm drag. Divina kips up and then lands an arm drag of his own on Tigre Azteca much to the surprise of the feline luchador. When they lock up Tigre Azteca locks his opponent in a headlock and clamps it on tight. Divina tries to escape by shooting Tigre into the ropes but Azteca holds on tight, forcing Divina to change his plans. When Aviador tries to slam Tigre into the corner to escape the hold Azteca runs up the turnbuckles and leaps off, twisting the headlock into a bulldog on Divina.

ALL RIGHT!! Keep up the attack; don't give the guy a chance to catch his breath!!

I thought you didn't like those guys

I can't stand the little goody two-shoes, but the more they beat each other up the better it looks for my boys in red, white and green... or Black in El Juez case.

After a few moments Tigre Azteca regain his composure and calms down, realizing that perhaps he has been a bit overzealous with his friend and tag team partner. Tigre apologizes and offers his hand to Divina, an offer that is immediately accepted by Divina much to the delight of the crowd. Tigre points to Hijo del Infierno II on the apron, stating that HE is the enemy, not Divina. After thinking about it for a moment Divina nods, then runs over and tags in Hijo del Infierno II so Tigre Azteca can have a crack at La Ola Mexicana.

There we go, Azteca sometimes loses his temper, but cooler heads prevailed tonight.

So instead of a friendly opponent he now has to face someone who will stop at nothing to harm him. That is a great plan!

Hijo II leaps over the top rope into the ring as El Juez takes the place on the apron. When Tigre Azteca runs towards him he quickly leaps over the top rope to the apron once more, grabbing Tigre by the mask and driving him throat first onto the top rope. With Hijo II on the apron El Juez steps in the ring to lift Tigre up by his legs while Hijo del Infierno II chokes him against the ropes.

Leonardo since you're more familiar with the ropes, does Hijo II have to be on the floor before El Juez can legally be in the ring?

Yes technically, not that they ever respect the rules.

The referee makes La Ola Mexicana break up the chokehold and then begins to admonish El Juez for being in the ring. On the apron Hijo II lands a stiff running drop kick to the side of Tigre Azteca's head and then rolls off the apron to the floor.


At that point El Juez pushes past the referee and grabs the staggered Tigre Azteca by the mask, then he quickly gets him up in a power bomb position, turns to face the turnbuckles and then



Man that impact almost broke the ropes.

Tigre bounced half way across the ring on sheer impact, sweet mother of mercy!

Juez drags Tigre back to his feet, then lifts him up and places him so that he sits on the top rope. El Juez steps up on the second rope himself and grabs Tigre Azteca around the throat


Seconds later the defenseless Tigre Azteca is thrown off the top rope as El Juez performs a breath taking, high altitude chokeslam on his feline opponent.


Followed by a cover





**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Tigre Azteca
Eliminated by: El Juez
Team Camaleón: 5
Team Espiritu: 3
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

The first of the Reyes to be eliminated, but what an elimination, El Juez is a BEAST!!

Told you!

Mariachi is the next man in the ring after the eliminated Tigre Azul and even he looks a bit somber as he comes face to face with the Judge of Lucha Libre. Just to show that he is not intimidated Mariachi punches El Juez in the face, only for the judge to shrug off the blow, then a second one that El Juez shrugs off as well. Mariachi looks over to his corner, and then gets an idea as Cadeto Rosa gets in position. He quickly tags in Rosa and then the two of them double-team El Juez. First the pink pain lands a double shoulder block that knocks El Juez down, and then they land a double drop kick with enough force to knock El Juez down.

All right leave the ring Mariachi, five count is up.

Mariachi reluctantly leaves the pink cadet in the ring, but at least El Juez has been knocked down. That advantage only last for a few seconds as El Juez sits up Undertaker style and shoots Rosa a deadly look. Rosa kicks El Juez in the chest, only for it to be largely no-sold. Moments later the man in black is back on his feet, catching Cadeto Rosa as he tries to take El Juez down with a cross body-block. With less effort than you would expect El Juez tosses Cadeto Rosa up and over his head, straight onto the floor on the outside of the ring.

He landed straight on his arm; he may not be able to compete when it's his turn again.

And wouldn't that just be a crying shame.

El Juez turns his attention to his own team's corner where Guerrero Dorada is lined up. Growing weary of Los Reyes del Aire El Juez Yakuza kicks Guerrero Dorada in the face with El Juez ending up with his own leg

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over the top rope as Dorada falls to the floor. On the other side of the ring J-MAX leaps over the top, races across the ring and drop kicks El Juez in the back so that he flies over the top rope to the floor. In all the confusion Cadeto Azul ends up being designated as the next one to go in the ring, throwing the pre-determined batting order out of the window at least for now.

J-MAX has been on a roll tonight; he's already eliminated both Dos and Slime tonight.

J-MAX has been very impressive so far, showing us all that you don't have to be from Mexico to be a great luchador.

J-MAX starts off by showing that contrary to popular belief he does know the difference between a wristlock and a wristwatch as he twists Cadeto Azul's arm into a wristwatch and then runs at the ropes. With Azul's hand still trapped J-MAX leaps up on the top rope, then drops down and springboard flips backwards into the ring throwing Azul across the canvas. Once Azul recovers he runs towards J-MAX only for SuperJay to backdrop him, Azul counters and lands on his feet behind J-MAX's back, then leaps up and catches J-MAX with a foot under each armpit rolling J-MAX into a pinning predicament




Once he's back on his feet J-MAX is quickly taken to the ground once more as Azul lands a running head scissors takedown that throws J-MAX into the turnbuckles. Azul tries to take advantage of the situation by leaping up on the top rope in a headstand, pausing for a moment before bringing his feet down only to kick the turnbuckles as J-MAX has already rolled out of the way. This leaves him vulnerable as J-MAX climbs to the top rope and executes a breathtaking 450 degree splash on the rookie cadet.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Cadeto Azul
Eliminated by: J-MAX
Team Camaleón: 4
Team Espiritu: 3
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

It's obvious that J-MAX took no pleasure in eliminating Cadeto Azul but he still celebrates his third elimination of the night, building some serious momentum in the match. With the batting order thrown out of the window Guerrero Dorada steps into the ring after Cadeto Azul's elimination and kicks J-MAX into the ropes with a drop kick, when SuperJay rebounds Aviador drops him with a drop toe hold and then a sliding drop kick to the right side of the head, followed by another drop kick to the left side of the head.

Well at least he will have matching bruises!

Moments later Dorada whips J-MAX against the ropes, only for the Birmingham Badboy to tumble over the top to the floor as El Juez leaps up and pulls the top rope down.

See you can have teamwork even if you don't like each other; Ola Mexicana just wants their side to win.

Don't forget Coach this match can only have one winner, not a winning team.

Do you think I actually paid attention to the rules? Who cares what the rules are, always bet on Ola Mexicana!!

With J-MAX on the floor the glittery Mariachi is the next man on deck, stepping into the ring with Guerrero Dorada for the first time. The two luchadors circle each other, both trying to get a read on what the other person is thinking, but having a hard time due to the masks obscuring most of their facial features. The two lock up and quickly end up on the ground where Mariachi demonstrates his horizontal skills, both grappling and grabbing, as his hands go places no hand should go without prior approval.

Come on guys it's wrestling, we're not playing grab ass!!

Yeah save that for the showers afterwards!

Yea--- wait what??

Dorada quickly separates himself from the pink luchador, making sure to keep his front to Mariachi as much as possible. Dorada bounces off the ropes, and then leaps over Mariachi who dropped to the floor. Instead of hitting the ropes again Dorada leaps up, bounces on the second rope twisting so that he stands with his front to Mariachi while on the third rope, then leaps off and takes his opponent down with a leaping huracanrana


And that's why he's considered perhaps the best high flier in OAOAOST!!

Mariachi rolls with the throw, gets out under the bottom rope and then springboards over the top, clotheslining Guerrero Dorada down. Seconds later he has Dorada around the waist from behind, being Mariachi he cannot resist throwing in a few groin thrusts before picking Dorada up and over, right into a belly to back suplex and bridge for the pin fall



Guerrero Dorada raises his shoulder before the three count


But unfortunately for Mariachi he does not realize that both of his shoulders were down during the bridging pin fall attempt.

**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Mariachi
Eliminated by: Guerrero Dorada
Team Camaleón: 4
Team Espiritu: 2
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

Adios! Good-bye!! Vaya Con Dios and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!

It's now two on four; we're down to Dorada, Aviador, Infierno II, Juez, Cadeto Rosa and J-MAX

I cannot believe Cadeto Rosa is still in here, he's just a rookie but he's in the final six

Don't worry he won't be in there for long once my boys get their hands on him.

Not really thinking about the odds Cadeto Rosa steps into the ring with Guerrero Dorada, a man he actually teamed with only 18 month previous, but shhhh MILLF does not like to publicize the fact that Guerrero Dorada once worked as Cadeto Rojo. Their familiarity with each other is quickly evident as Azul counters a flying attack by Dorada, suplexing the surprised Golden Warrior up and over.

This is a match of so many extremes, we've got the extreme hatred between Ola Mexicana and... Well everyone else, and the extreme sportsmanship and competitive spirit between guys like Guerrero Dorada and Cadeto Rosa.

I promised the OAOAST Galaxy that we would deliver excitement!!

And you kept that promise tonight!

You two old wimmen' talk like this match is over, there are still five people left to eliminate before Ola Mexicana can celebrate their victory.

Now who's talking like the match is over?

Dorada leaps up and sits on Cadeto Rosa's shoulders trying for a victory roll, but once he rolls forward Rosa adjusts the move and instead ends up sitting on Guerrero Dorada's chest in a pinning predicament.




Rosa is barely on his feet before Dorada leaps over the back of the Space Cadet, hooks an arm and a leg and rolls Cadeto Rosa into a small package position.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Cadeto Rosa
Eliminated by: Guerrero Dorada
Team Camaleón: 4
Team Espiritu: 1
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

The two wrestlers shake hands after the elimination as an appreciation of the purely athletic contest between them.

FOUR ON ONE!! Now tell me Ola Mexicana does not have the odds in their favor, it's J-MAX versus the rest.

El Juez and the remaining Hijo del Infierno are probably enjoying this no end, not only do they only have one opponent but Guerrero Dorada is in the ring and Divina is next, the two rudos are on the floor.

For now they can just watch as J-MAX, Dorado and Divina wear each other out.

If J-MAX is unnerved by the odds he does not show it as he steps into the ring, he knows full well there is no one to tag out to, no one to take over if he jumps out of the ring, but he's fought the odds before. The Brit and the Mexican lock up in the middle of the ring with Dorada getting the upper hand as he slides behind J-MAX and locks his arms around his waist. A back elbow later and J-MAX is the one in control, waist locking Guerrero Dorada as he pushes him forward into the ropes.


Rather unfortunately J-MAX pushes Dorada right into Aviador Divina and the two luchadors crack heads with a deep thud! Divina falls backwards off the apron while Guerrero Dorada becomes an easy victim for J-MAX to roll up from behind.




**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Guerrero Dorada
Eliminated by: J-MAX
Team Camaleón: 3
Team Espiritu: 1
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

I don't think he realized that Divina and Dorada hit their heads

Oh bull! Don't forget that J-MAX has a checkered past, he's not above a little cheating to get the job done.

Apparently neither are El Juez and Hijo del Infierno II who rushes the ring only a split second after the three count has been registered. El Juez surprises J-MAX by picking him up by the legs, then falling backwards as Hijo del Infierno II leaps up and lands an Ace Crusher on J-MAX as he was being dropped to the ground.

Then in a move that could only happen in Lucha Libre BOTH men cover J-MAX




Seriously they allow that? huh.gif

**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: J-MAX
Eliminated by: Hijo del Infierno I / El Juez
Team Camaleón: 3
Team Espiritu: 0
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! Team Espiritu has been eliminated, but there must be a single winner so Aviador Divina, El Juez and Hijo del Infierno II must now fight each other to become the sole survivor!!

Now the odds really kick in, Divina is on his own while Juez and Infierno II can double-team him.

You really think they will not turn on each other

I guaran-damn-tee it, they will eliminate Aviador before they even put a hand on each other.

We are down to three men, one of which will win this year's Leyenda de la Máscara. El Juez and Hijo del Infierno II are in the ring while Aviador Divina has finally dragged himself up on the apron. El Juez quickly grabs the top rope and pulls it with enough force to slingshoot Divina over the top rope and into the ring. After that El Juez steps through the ropes and watches as his partner lays the knees to Aviador Divina.

Quick tag, El Juez barely left the ring.

Ola Mexicana show off their teamwork as Hijo II ships Divina into the corner, followed by El Juez dropping to his hands and knees in the center of the ring. Hijo del Infierno II leaps off Juez' back and flies straight at the turnbuckles.


Nothing but turnbuckle!! Divina moved out of the way at the last minute. With a staggered Hijo II Divina seizes the opportunity to lock his opponent in a sleeper hold.

We could be down to two people in a second!

Moments later El Juez applies a sleeper on Aviador Divina as well, putting the sleeper on the man that already has Hijo II in a sleeper.

Clever, this way El Juez is guaranteed the victory even if Divina is successful in putting Hijo II to sleep.

Cold and calculated, not surprised that El Juez would pull such a move.

The double sleeper seems to be working as both Hijo del Infierno II and Aviador Divina begins to slow down and look like they're about to pass out. In one last move of desperation Hijo II drops to his ass, driving Divina's jaw into the top of his skull, and as an unexpected side effect drives El Juez' jaw into the top of Aviador Divina's skull, breaking both sleeper holds.


All three wrestlers are down from the move, forcing the referee to start counting



At four El Juez crawls over and covers Aviador Divina




Divina manages to get his foot on the rope at the very last minute to break the pin fall. El Juez slaps Hijo del Infierno II awake and tells him to hold Aviador Divina down while he climbs the ropes. Hijo II does as he is told while El Juez scales the ropes. Once he is on top he gives Aviador Divina a double thumb down, then leaps off the top rope for a Senton Bomb


At the last moment Aviador Divina manages to move himself and pull Hijo II in his place. Taking advantage of the situation Divina quickly covers Hijo II





**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: Hijo del Infierno II
Eliminated by: Aviador Divina
Team Camaleón: 2
Team Espiritu: 0
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

The cheering is quickly cut off as El Juez takes Divina down with a stiff kick to the face, followed by a series of punches and elbows to Divina's head while on the ground. Seconds later El Juez holds a large piece of Divina's beautiful mask in his hand, revealing a head of bleach blond hair underneath the mask.

Don't get too carried away, if you team it all off you could get disqualified!!

Wouldn't THAT be horrible.

This is it!! We're down to two men, Aviador Divina who has been fighting the righteous fight for years and El Juez who only follows his own rules.

The blows keep raining down over Divina's head, then El Juez BITES Divina's forehead, drawing blood in no time at all. El Juez drags his opponent to his feet, allowing the camera to get a good shot at the red stain that is spreading over Aviador Divina's white and black mask.

Would that be considered literally a crimson mask? Bwa, ha, ha!

Feeling that victory is within his grasp El Juez locks his "Iron Fist" around Aviador Divina's throat and then lifts him up in the air. Mid-way through the moved the bloodied, but not defeated Aviador Divina manages to break the grip and instead drop to the ground into an armbar position


El Juez shakes no when asked if he submits, fighting with everything he has against the armbar submission hold, trying to inch his way closer and closer to the ropes.

COME ON JUEZ!! Get to the ropes, get to the ropes!!

That's his only chance I think, Aviador has the move locked on tight

And everyone else has been removed from the ring; there is no one to save him.

Having endured the Confession armbar longer than almost everyone else El Juez is finally forced to throw in the towel, he has no other option but to tap out to the hold.



**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Eliminated: El Juez
Eliminated by: Aviador Divina
Team Camaleón: 1
Team Espiritu: 0
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****

Aviador Divina immediately releases the hold and leaps to his feet in victory as the crowd goes wild


He made a believer out of me tonight; this guy is out of this world

Where is your precious Ola Mexicana now Coach?


That's right.

A battered, bloodied and torn Aviador Divina leans against the ropes in the corner, trying his best to ensure that the partial mask does not reveal too much of his face as Ricardo Montalban, Jr. gets in the ring with the Leyenda de la Máscara trophy.



An obviously emotionally and exhausted Divina takes the plaque with a gilded version of Enmascarado Murchilago's mask on it and hugs it close to his chest, trying to catch his breath as he takes it all in, the victory, the crowd chanting his name, defeating Ola Mexicana and outlasting 17 other wrestlers all in one night.

This is the man to watch for in 2011, Aviador Divina is going to take OAOAST by storm!!

Divina is on his knees in the middle of the ring, trying to hold back the tears as he looks at the trophy, then after a few moments to himself he takes the microphone from the ring announcer.

This-- (tries to catch his breath) THIS IS FOR YOU CAMALEÓN!!


**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Ganador: Aviador Divina
**** Leyenda de la Máscara ****
Elimination overview
Number of Eliminations
4 - J-MAX
3 - Aviador Divina
3 - El Juez
3 - Guerrero Dorada
1 - Cadeto Azul
1 - Hijo del Infierno I
1 - Mariachi

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The trumpetting sounds of "Parade Of The Charioteers" sound out through Madison Square Garden, the royal entrance of the King of the OAOAST not going down well with the loud New Yawkers in the crowd. A focused King Landon emerges and extends his arms out triumphantly.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first. Being accompanied to the ring by QUEEN ESTHER... he hails from The Kingdom of Madrid, Spain. Weighing two hundred, twelve pounds. Representing the Cucaracha Kingdom... he is the reigning OAOAST King Of The Ring... "KING" LLLAAAAAAANNDDOOOOOONN... MMMMMAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXX!!!!


Decked in his royal purple and gold robe and wearing his King Of The Ring crown for this most special of occasions Landon heads to the ring with the Queen in tow, trying to project an air of superiority.

It's been a bad few months for Landon and his Kingdom. Repeated failures and mishaps have left the Kingdom weaker than it's ever been and Landon so embarrassed, he actually fired James Blonde two weeks ago. The best laid plans have been failing miserably and now, Landon has been basically forced to finally accept a match with Nathaniel Black, 13 months after kicking him to the kerb, simply to try and save face.

I hate to say it, but Landon got played. Everything was going great but, man, a couple of setbacks and he's let Megan get in his head. She's the one behind all this.

Megan, who was also kicked to the kerb last February, which led to Nathaniel standing up to Landon and being excommunicated.

Exactly. She's bitter and she's trying to drag the King down. Sad state of affairs.

As the King tries to steel himself for the battle, "Chelsea Dagger" pumps through the arena. The doors slide apart to reveal Nathaniel Black, with a wry smile on his face, his long-awaited match finally here. Black slowly walks down the aisle and the King begins to look a little antsy.

And introducing his opponent! From London, England... weighing two hundred and thirty eight pounds. He is accompanied to the ring by MEGAN SKYE... ladies and gentlemen, this is NNAAAAATTHHHAAAAANNIIIIIIIIEEEEEELLLLLLL... BBLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!!!


Aww, no.

The sight of Megan following Nathaniel to the ring doesn't seem to do Landon's confidence much good. Infact, he's practically hanging his head already.

Just when things couldn't get any worse!

Wasn't in enough to humiliate the poor guy, make him kiss your feet, then back him into a match when he was most vulnerable? Now she wants to be out here as well? What does she want to see, Landon lose right in front of her? Does she want to see him cry? Is that it? How vindictive can you be!?

Nathaniel marches deliberately up the steps, making a downbeat Landon suffer an even longer wait. As he steps into the ring and raises his fist, a cheer goes up from the crowd and Maddix seems shaken by it.

This has been 13 months waiting for Nathaniel, but it's been more than 13 in the making. Nathaniel always felt he was being kept at bay while Landon was in charge of Cucaracha Internacional. Now's his chance to step out, here at AngleMania.

Yeah but you better not count out King Landon. I know he's down right now, but he's still a former World Champion. He's still the KING! Nathaniel might end up regretting what he wished for tonight.


Removing his jacket and handing it out to Megan, Black is ready to go. Landon stands in his corner, pondering.


Still on the apron despite referee Charles Robinson's orders to get down, Queen Esther tries to get her King out of his shell. But the King looks a shell of himself and can only pass her off. Landon seems cautious as he leaves his corner, looking ready to bail any second. And sure enough, as soon as Black makes a move towards him, Landon backpedals and ducks through the ropes to force him back.

I think it's pretty obvious, deep down, Landon wants no part of this match.

Yeah but he's in it. So he needs to man up! If he can't get some sort of confidence going, he's basically beaten himself already. Come on King, I still believe in you!

Oh, that'll help.

Landon ducks back inside but still seems cautious. Black seems willing to wait, having waited thirteen months already, happy to let Landon come to him in the centre of the ring. Which Landon tries to do, only to bottle out and get chased back into the ropes again.

I got all the time in the world, mate! All the time in the world!

Getting frustrated with himself, Landon spots Megan looking up at him from ringside. Trying to psyche himself up, he squares up to Black again... and this time, before Landon can escape, Black takes him to the mat by the arm! Black applies a hammerlock and prevents the King from getting away, leaving him kicking and wailing. Twisting on the arm for a while, Black then traps Landon's other arm and forces him onto his shoulders...




Landon remains in the hammerlock and Black starts beating him across the back of the head, as Maddix scrambles and makes the ropes.

Landon needs to stay off the mat if he's to have any chance of winning this one.

As Maddix gets up on the ropes, Black ignores the referee and hammers away. Landon ducks through the ropes again in hopes of a reprieve, but the shots keep clubbing over his back and referee Charles Robinson can't get Black away. Reaching over the top, Black grabs Landon by the NOSE and pulls him back against the rope.

Ow ow ow!

The nose pulling is enough to 'convince' Landon to come back inside. Black hammers away some more, then whips Landon across the ring. The King manages to surprise Black though, going through the legs with a baseball slide! He spins Black around... but Black blocks a forearm and lays Landon out with one of his own!


Stumbling back to his feet Landon goes into the corner. He's soon followed by Black, who crushes him with a clothesline! Landon staggers out and Black hits a back suplex. Lateral press...




Lackadaisical cover there. I don't think Nathaniel really wants this match to end just yet. He's only getting started.

Landon gets to his feet and throws a forearm again, this time connecting. But Black fires back with one of his own. Grabbing Landon by the arm, Black contorts him into a crude shoulder lock and then throws Landon shoulder first into the top turnbuckle! The King gallantly tries to call for a break. Not having it, Black pulls Maddix back up and wrings the arm. Falling to his knees, Landon tries again to plead for some mercy. Black chuckles to himself and then YANKS on the arm!

Almost wrenched the shoulder right out of the socket!

Don't do that! That's his waving arm!

Giving the arm another couple of tugs, Black positions himself on the other side and kicks out Landon's leg, driving him down!

Hammerlock DDT!

Cover by Black...




Black applies a keylock on the arm and the King is in a bad way, to the Queen's despair. Megan meanwhile seems fairly content.

This is all your fault you vindictive wench!

Getting to his feet, Landon tries to fight out, going to the body with punches. And then RAKING the eyes!


Trying to shake out his arm the King ignores the warning from the referee and charges at Black. Despite the stinging eyes, Black manages to backdrop Landon over the top... and onto the apron! Landon lands safely and tries to attack, but Black avoids the punch and delivers a European uppercut! And another one! And a third... and Landon teeters over the brink!

AHH! Hang on!

Landon clings onto the ropes and manages to pull himself back from the edge. But he pulls himself right back into another European uppercut! Landon teeters again... and his bad arm gives out, leaving him hanging over the arena floor with only one hand on the top rope saving him!


Pulling Maddix forward, Black figures one more shot will send the King plummeting and rears back, with another European uppercut...

...but Landon pulls his head back and avoids it, then hangs the back of Black's neck over the top rope!!!


Ooh! Man, Nathaniel got all kinds of whiplash on that. That might be the break that Landon needed!

Looking mighty relieved as he kneels on the ring apron, the King is urged on by his Queen. And suddenly, with an advantage in the match for the first time and with Nathaniel hurt, the King starts to look like his old self again.

There you go King, get your smile on dawg!

With advice like that you're really wasted sitting here.

Landon steps back inside and lays in the boots to the back of Black's neck. Picking him back up, Landon then twists Black into a neckbreaker position, dropping him across the knee! Cover...




Targetting the neck Landon works away on Black, as the crowd try to get behind him. Irish whip sends Black for the ride, caught with a back elbow on the rebound. And pleased with himself, the King decides to take a BOW.


As Black tries to get up, Landon puts him back down and drops a big stomp to the head. Followed with an elbow to the back of the neck. Cover again...




Chinlock applied by Landon, cranking on the neck some more.


That's King Landon sucks!


Black gets back to his feet and hits an elbow to the gut. And another one. But Landon cuts him off with a knee. Driving the elbow into the neck again, the King turns and hits the ropes. He gets cut off with a forearm on the way back, but then when Black comes off the ropes, Landon cuts him off with a Dropsault!!

Beautiful! Bravo!

After some very smug hesitation, Maddix hooks the leg...




Landon leads Black to his feet and starts to unload with forearms. A succession of them seem to daze Black... only for the Brit to fire up and ask for more!! Not playing that game, Maddix goes to the gut instead with a boot. The King mocks the crowd for getting excited before whipping Black into the corner. Taking aim, the King then comes flying across and connects with the big diving forearm smash in the corner! Black slumps down, a foot in his throat guiding him down against the bottom turnbuckle.

You've got to give it up for the King now, Cole. You were talking like this was gonna be a walkover. And now look at him!

I never said this was going to be a walkover. Landon came in looking defeatist. Now he's got his confidence back, absolutely, whether you like him or not, Landon is a former World Champion and it's no surprise he's holding his own here.

Having choked Black down King Landon retreats across the ring again, getting another run-up for a DROPKICK, sandwiching Black's head between shoe leather and turnbuckle padding!!

He's doing more than holding his own! He's kicking some royal BUTT!

Walking away with great pride, the King plays to the Madison Square Garden crowd some more. With predictably unfavourable results. Landon is in his own world now though and the boos just wash over him. Dragging Black away from the ropes, Landon steps over him and climbs to the middle turnbuckle. Queen Esther applauds with great glee, as the King stands over the AngleMania crowd proudly. Waiting for Black to get up, Landon bides his time, until the moment is right and comes off the second rope with a FLYING DDT!!

Right down on the neck again! That could do it!

Landon makes the cover...




Back up, Landon stalks Black again. This time when the Brit gets to his feet, Landon dives at his neck from a standing position... and locks on the front guillotine!

He's gonna choke him out! What a great fairytale ending this would be.

And Nathaniel Black being forced to carry all of Landon's two hundred, twelve pounds, wrapped around his neck.

Megan looks on, beginning to get concerned. Black begins to fade and Landon senses it, nodding his head in approval. Only for Black to summon some strength and lift Landon up, ramming him back-first into the corner to break the hold!


Favouring his neck Black backs away, looking to charge the King in the corner. Landon gets a foot up though! Dazed, Black staggers back, creating space for Landon to go to the second rope again. This time he leaves feet first and connects with a Front Missile Dropkick! King Landon poses on his knees, soaking up the moment, before he makes the pin...




Another nearfall for Landon. He's finally proving something to me. No more games, no more hiding, this is man to man and he's not cowering away anymore.

Despite the kickout, Landon is feeling confident now and he almost teases Black with some stomps across the head.


Landon could care less what the fans think. Apparantly, the same can't be said for Megan Skye though, directing some of the teasing kicks her way and taunting her as much as Nathaniel. Megan looks unimpressed, as Landon sits Black up and delivers a HARD kick to the back! Gritting his teeth, Black grimaces in pain. Maddix rears back and delivers a second kick, then turns to Megan and openly mocks her. Unaware that Black has absorbed the second kick and is shaking his head.

Uh oh.

Dedicating 'one more' to his former manager, Landon whings a third kick to the back of Nathaniel and goes to taunt Megan again... but Black gets back up, defiantly!


Oh no.

I think Landon just made him mad!

Realising what he's done, the King's eyes bug.



He delivers a chop.



And another.

But when they don't work, he starts to beg off!!

The King's confidence has been drained! And who can blame him, Black is feeling no affect now!

Black unloads with forearms and European uppercuts and the tide has officially turned, to the delight of the MSG crowd! The blows knock Landon back into a corner. Where he gets absolutely no reprieve, as Black turns on the BLACK HAMMER and boxes his ears with blows, despite Landon's efforts to cover up! Irish whip sends Landon into the opposite corner, where he's hammered with a clothesline. Black then hits the ropes and delivers another clothesline catching Landon stumbling out!!



Fired up now, Black whips Landon to the ropes and delivers a flying high knee! Cover...




The King tries to get away, but Black reels him back in and hits a German Suplex!!




This match has done a complete 180. And now, it's ALL Nathaniel Black in the driving seat!

Landon falls into a corner and Black charges, this time with a flying high knee in the corner. The Brit then sets the King up top. Looking aghast at this turn of events, Queen Esther tries to use the power of telekinesis or... really, who knows... to communicate with Landon. Presumably saying 'block the Superplex'. Which, he doesn't!


Superplex! A fall from grace for the King!

Black rolls over and makes the cover...




Only two.

And hitting that Superplex might have hurt Black's neck again. Smart move, buddy.

Dragging Landon up by the hair, Black prepares to finish him off. He hits a forearm. And a second. All designed to soften Maddix up, allowing him to do a 360 and come back roaring with the BLACK LARIAT... NO! Landon ducks at the last second and counters with the COMPLETE SHOT!!


Desperation move! But a great one.

Both men are down, to the concern of their cornerwomen. Referee Charles Robinson checks on both men and with neither moving too fast, he applies a count.



We've waited many months for this one and it's certainly not disappointing. A long standing rivalry, being settled here at the biggest stage of them all, AngleMania X!

Robinson gets to five and both Landon and Black begin to stir.


Queen Esther hurriedly urges her man to get back up, using the ropes to do so after the beating he just took. Rather calmer, Megan encourages Black as he looks her way.


Before Robinson can reach eight, both are up. Landon turns away from the ropes and charges at Black, who is ready with a POWERSLAM!!




Black gets to his feet, loading up and looking for another Lariat. Weary, Maddix is somehow able to duck again though. And he answers with a kick to the chest! And another one! Black manages to shrug those off and is ready for the third kick, getting his forearms up to block. The Brit then starts to fire back with his own strike of choice, European uppercuts driving the wind out of Landon. The New York crowd cheer every one of them and a final uppercut knocks Landon off his feet, to an even bigger cheer! Off the ropes, Black then unleashes with a LARIAT, almost knocking Landon's head off!!


Connects this time!!




Wow! Landon kicks out!

He's fighting for his Kingdom, what do you expect? The King is resiliant.

Despite his resiliance, kicking out at two may be all Landon had left, limp as he's dragged back up by Black. The Englishman stuffs him in a standing headscissors and signals for the Brittania Bomb!

He'd better be resiliant, because he's in trouble!

Black reaches down and crosses the arms underneath Landon's body... but somehow Landon manages to squirm out! And he surprises Black with a Jawbreaker! Hurt, Black falls to one knee. And the King takes aim...


...connecting with the LOW FLYING SUPERKICK!!!


Landon slumps on top and covers as best he can...





Come on referee! If you value your head you'll count faster than that for the King!

Both these men gutting it out, with tremendous pride on the line!

After the arduous task of picking Black up King Landon aims for the corner and shoos Robinson out of the way, looking for sliced bread... NO! Black gets up and under, pushing Landon off. Landing on his feet, Landon waits for Black to turn around in the corner, taking flight with the diving forearm smash again! As Black staggers out, Maddix comes off the ropes with another leaping forearm! Cover...




Both men are getting tired and are slow to their feet. Landon leads Black up, doubling him up with a knee. The King then bends him over backwards with an inverted front facelock. Boos rain down and Landon takes a moment to goad the fans, before going on a trip on the Landon Eye. But Black manages to twist out! Surprised, Landon is prone and gets hooked in an inverted front facelock, before being driven down with his 'own' move!!

Chelsea Dagger, right to the heart of the King!

Black reaches out and hooks the leg...




Another nearfall! What a match this has become!

It'll only be a great match if the King wins.

And if he loses, I suppose the Queen will want the footage incinerated?

If it's the only thing to do to protect her gentle soul from the crushing feeling of disappointment, then it should be done.

Black waves Landon back to his feet, crouched up against the ropes on one side. The King slowly drags himself back up and Black moves in, looking for the Lariat again... but Landon ducks! Half-prepared though, Black quickly puts on the brakes and does a 180, INTO A LARIAT!!


Second time the charm! Cover!




The crowd groan, but Black isn't done. He picks Landon up, holding him in place for a Standing LARIAT!


Another Lariat! And finally, Landon is out!






(slightly hysterical)

Looking slightly shocked, Black turns to referee Robinson and gives him a bit of a glare, but soon accepts it's not his fault.

Somehow, King Landon has taken three hard lariats and kicked out of all of them!

You called him King! He's finally won you over! Huzzah!

Black tries to pick Landon up one more time, but a frantic Queen Esther is proving a distraction for everyone...

...and Landon capitalises with a LOWBLOW!!


Now that was just desperate!

With Black hurt, Landon rolls him over and tries for the pin...




As Megan tries to explain to the referee what happened, King Landon yells at her to "shut up", losing his royal composure. Slowly bringing Black back to his feet, Landon then tries to pick him up in a fireman's carry....


...NO! Black slips out! Landing on his feet behind Landon, Black hooks him in a half nelson. And setting himself, he throws the King up for the Half Nelson Backbreaker...

...but Landon somehow spins out of it in mid-air and TURNS IT INTO THE KING'S GUILLOTINE!!!!!!!




Megan looks stunned and so too does Landon for a moment, as he gets his bearings and makes the cover...





Awwww, come on, COME ON!

An incredible move from the King, but it's not enough! Nathaniel will not be denied!

Tired and emotional, Landon pleads with referee Robinson, to no avail.


Maddix gets to his feet, Black slowly doing the same but seemingly there for the taking. Waiting on him, Maddix grabs Black again and looks for the Go 2 Sleep a second time! This time he manages to get Black onto his shoulders... but Black manages to hook the arm, preventing Landon from hitting the move!!


With Black trapping his arm, Maddix tries desperately to hang on. But he's forced to put Black down, doing so right into the CROSSFACE CHICKENWING!!!!


Right on cue, Queen Esther tries to come to the rescue of her King and hops onto the apron. But she doesn't stay there long, thanks to Megan, who drags Esther off and to the floor!!



The distraction proves enough for Landon's sake though, as Black lets go of the hold to go complain to the referee about what happened. As he walks away, Landon takes aim. And when Black turns around, Landon is waiting with a Superkick... which the Englishman is ready for! Sidestepping, Black goes behind the King and this time HITS the Half Nelson Backbreaker!! Not letting Landon fall to the ground, Black props him back up and comes off the ropes with ONE MORE LARIAT!!!!


With Landon landing hard, Black turns to the crowd and calls for the end! He crosses up Landon, dragging him into the middle of the ring. Elevated up, Landon's cries can be heard, as Black pauses... and CONNECTS WITH THE BRITTANIA BOMB!!!!!











Black rolls away and filled with adrenaline and emotion, lets out a ROAR in celebration after his hard fought win.

It's a victory thirteen months in the making! And finally, Nathaniel Black has elevated himself as a true singles star, at the expense of the man who tried to stop it happening, Landon Maddix!

Megan enters the ring and applauds the intense Black as he climbs the turnbuckles and raises his fists in victory. Exhausted, King Landon is dragged out of the ring by The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club and carried off to the back with Queen Esther sobbing as she follows behind. Black steps down and shakes hands with Megan, acknowledging her part in his breakout win.

And although this is Nathaniel Black's night, I can't help but give credit to Landon Maddix as well. He put up one hell of a fight here tonight, like him or not.

Absolutely, I...

But, in the end it wasn't enough. And Nathaniel Black wins what is surely the sweetest victory of his entire career, here tonight at AngleMania X!

...you had to add that last bit didn't you?

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We cut to the men’s shower room, where Tim Cash, and MEL are discussing the days events in towels. Entering the room, wide eyed and amazed are Mister Dick and Malaysia.

Hot damn, Malaysia, look at these beautiful black bodies.


Excuse me, Jock, but we are not black. However, I have a great respect for black leaders such as Martin Luther King, Malcom X and Marcus Garvey.

I’m not talking about you ugly white goofballs. I’m talking about them.

Mister Dick points to the NAKED bodies of CPA, Logan Mann, and Lucius Soul


It ain't no thang.

What can I say? God took a Michelangelo sculpture and painted it brown.

Look at the shape! The creamy coffee tone! The athletic build of a dark brown sexual god.

Mmmmmm, these are three nice chewey chocolate bars I’d love to melt in my mouth.

The camera pans around to Tango Bosley.

Fuck yeah!

You’re not black, fool.

Wrong. I’m like Chocolate Milk, got the best of the brown stuff and the white stuff. My penis is like some sort of genetic combination of a prized stallion and fucking Magic Johnson, minus the HIV. Its like somebody said lets create a dick that’s part Seabiscut part greatest Laker of all time, and lets give that dick to the baddest dude on the fucking planet, Tango Bosley! And then lets give that dude the pipe game of a young Ron Jermey. And then lets introduce him to the legends of porn, Jenna Jameson, Nina Hartley, Chasey Lain. But let’s not film it, because other guys might get discouraged they can’t bone a bitch like he can and kill themselves because there ain’t no point in living everyday life if you can’t hump like Bosley can. Fuck yeah! Someone give the Alpha Male of the Group some!

Is that the dude Bosley talking?

Pierce Duncan walks on screen, also NAKED.

And they say Krista’s got balls!

Fuck yeah, Piercey D!

Tell them the story about your gym teacher!

So I’m driving down the street last week and I see my old gym teacher walking past, he musta gained 60lbs, fat as shit now. Back in school he always thought he was hot shit cause he was in Vietnam, reckon he killed a couple Vietish guys with his bare hands. Ain't no one believed that bitch’s stories.

Screw him! My dad skipped out on nam, and he was smart to do it.

Remembered when I was in school, every gym class he was always talking shit about me infront of everyone else cause I totally out jacked his ass. He’d be giving a lecture about nutrition and shit, started telling the class people who take protein end up dying on a machine 20 years later and he’s like "I’m all natural" and starts flexing his weak ass old man arms. Next day rumors going round school that I’m some kinda protein pussy, when your the most jacked teen in the city of New York people think you must be chugging down all kinds of shit,

The only thing I want to chug down is that thick milk from Logan’s…well you know.

He got my ass suspended for two weeks too cause I turned up for class sore as shit one time from my 3hour jack session and hes like "get the hell up here" telling me to do some pussy exercise. I aint got time for that shit so I tell him to get someone else and he’s all "big but weak, I thought so" so I’m like "I’d kick your ass son". Class is damn near off the scale rioting now, wanna see me wreck him on the mats.

Aww shit! The Boz Master about to get up in someone’s grill!

He tells me to go for it, trying to stare me down thinks I’m gonna back down like a bitch, so I step up and we start tusslin in front of the class, I wasn’t even breaking a sweat, he’s puffing gonna have a damn heart attack or some shit. He’s laying on the floor, coughing his ass off, damn near knocked out n the class has gone fucking insane, they were sick of his shit too. They’re hollering and shouting when some gym assistant guy comes running in wanna know what the fuck all the noise is about. Next thing I’m in front of the principle, gym teacher tells him I jumped him in class in got my my ass suspended. Crew found out and was like "hell no he crazy messing wit us,he wanna die?". That night they waited in the school parking lot got up and beat his ass down with a bat when he came out. Put his ass in hospital for a month. When I got back to shool we gotta new HB10 woman gym teacher fresh outta college, didn’t see his ass again. Turned drunk or some shit I heard.

Now that’s a result The Result can get behind!

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Why couldn't Mr. Dick have gone into the ladies' locker room? sad.gif

Well, ladies and gentlemen, next up, it's new vs. old! We have a meeting between newcomer Billy Cassidy, and - he says - an OAOAST LEGEND.

Yo, nigga, peep this shit. I've been hearing mad rumors about Cassidy. Nigga's connected to biker gangs and shit.


Fuck dat noise, playboy. Morris Street Hustlas fo real, nigga! Try ridin' your scooter through my hood, see what happens.

Ok, I think we just need to relax...



CUE: "Romantic Rights" by Death From Above 1979

The entrance doors open, and out walks Billy Cassidy, to a warm reception of boos. Billy smirks as he continues his stride down the ramp. The curtain once again opens, revealing Romero and Olsen. They are the Sons of Tombstone.

Billy Cassidy, I'm told, is being followed by biker brothers Victor Romero and Sven Olsen. I'll let you at home figure out which is which.

Racist ass cracker.

Cassidy slides into the ring and poses. He smirks as Buffer walks to the middle of the ring and begins his introductions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Tombstone, Arizona...BILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYY CAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSS-SIIIIIIIDDDD-YYYYYY"

Billy raises his right arm and swings it around before removing his shirt and tossing it to Olsen. Billy motions for the mic, which Buffer hands him.

"...Who do you all think it is?"

The fans remain moderately silent. Billy chuckles as he paces the ring.

"That's right...who cares, right? This guy is new...he's barely been on my TV, he's barely wrestled, he's barely done a thing, right?"

Silence. Billy nods and scratches his neck.

"Hm...I knew it...welp.....that's gonna change."

The fans begin to slightly boo.

"It's true...tonight...in my OAOAST DEBUT! Billy FUCKIN' Cassidy will cripple an OAOAST Legend! You will watch as the Future destroys the Past; as the Night breaks into Dawn. Tonight, you will see BILLY CASSIDY...take on.....a TWO TIME OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! A true to life LEGEND in not only the OAOAST...but Pro Wrestling in general!...Ladies and Gentlemen...


CUE: "Woke Up This Morning" by A3

THE FANS ERUPT!! The cameras shake from the insanity that surrounds them. Billy smiles a wide, satisfied grin.



The doors slide open once again, and out walks...

a midget dressed as Drek Stone. The fans boo, obviously. Billy drops to his knees, laughing his ass off.

Oh now COME ON!

That mothafucka done tricked us...HE TRYIN TO CATCH MY FADE!

Billy remains on his knees as the midget walks in. The little person is dressed in Drek's signature shorts, wearing a classic Drek Stone shirt. He is the spitting image of Drek Stone. Only, like, 4'3 or something else hilarious.

"...I'll stay down here for a bit...out of respect."

Mini Drek walks right up to Billy and stares him in the eyes.

"Mr. Stone...do YOU...the former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion..."

Mini Drek growls and overacts his anger. Billy raises his hands to calm him.

"Sorry...TWO TIME...OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion......do YOU accept MY challenge for tonight.....AT ANGLEMANIA TEN?!"

Mini Drek nods viciously, raising his hands to play to the crowd. Let me tell you, they are having NONE of it. Billy chuckles once again and smiles, rising to his feet.

"Then Mr. Stone? Let's have a m






Billy shoves the midget over and rushes to the ropes, yelling obscenities at Ragdoll, who smiles out at the all the cheering fans. He pulls out a microphone and raises his hand. The arena goes silent.


The fans erupt once again. Ragdoll smiles and begins walking down to the ring.

"You know, Bobby...Bobby?...Bobby....You know...I have got a few bones to pick with you, friendo. When I saw online that you were challenging an OAOAST Legend...I'll tell ya, I sat by my phone so anxiously. I was CONVINCED it would be me! I sat, and I waited, and I sat more, and I waited more, and yet your phone call never came."

Ragdoll stops at the ring and removes his coat.

"Why? Then I heard through the grapevine that you were considering Hoff...




"...I can't remember anybody else...and Drek Stone..."

Mini Drek flexes and rips off his shirt. No-one notices.

"See...I like Drek...I like Drek a lot...that dude is a cool guy...but he is LOADED, so I couldn't believe he accepted this match. Why didn't you call me? I need the money, I would have accepted."

Romero and Olsen slide into the ring and stand behind Billy as Ragdoll walks up the steps.

"And yet here I find myself, visiting some homies in the back, and WHAT do I hear is next but BILLY CASSIDY versus an OAOAST Legend...I'll tell ya, I was almost CRYING, I was so excited..."

Ragdoll steps into the ring and pushes Mini Drek aside.

"Then this shit happened, and you lost me completely. You honestly think that the way to get respect here is to beat the shit out of a MIDGET at ANGLEMANIA? C'mon, kid. C'mon."

Billy is fuming. Ragdoll notices this and smirks.

"...Whatsamatter? Why so angry? You did this, remember. YOU chose to do this. Well guess what, I'm going to save the day for you...you do get a match with an OAOAST Legend...you get a match with a former HI-YAH World Heavyweight Champion, former OAOAST X Champion, and a member of the OAOAST Fall of Haim...


CHEERS!! Billy huffs and puffs as Romero and Olsen whisper in his ears, giving him advice.

"AND if either of your puppets get involved, your career is over just as soon as it begins. Now BUFFER...PLEASE...give me an introduction...it has been too long..."

CHEERS! Ragdoll hands his mic to Buffer, who smiles and shoos away Romero and Olsen. They both look back and forth at Billy who points to the back, never taking his eyes off Ragdoll.


The fans cheer, but it's cut short as Billy attacks, tackling Ragdoll to the ground. The bell rings




This match is underway!

Billy drags Ragdoll up and pushes him into the corner, delivering thunderous forearms to the chest. The ref tries to separate them, but Billy continues to beat down on Ragdoll, who tries his best to cover up. Billy finally stops and backs away, giving Ragdoll some room to breath, but his breath is cut short by Billy's shoulder driving into his gut. Ragdoll doubles over in pain, and Billy stands quickly, grabbing Ragdoll's head and dropping him with a DDT! Billy covers!!




Gonna have to do more than that to stop Ragdoll, that man has been involved in some wars...

Yo, you look back into the OAOAST Video Li-berry, and you look up Ragdoll? You're gonna see blood, blood.

Billy stands quickly and stomps the back of Ragdoll's head before lifting him. Billy slings Ragdoll's arm over his shoulder and suplexes, but Billy holds on and spins, standing himself and Ragdoll up. Billy once again lifts, delivering another vicious suplex. Once again, Billy rolls and stands, lifting Ragdoll once more for a suplex, but twists 180 degrees, delivering a swinging neckbreaker suplex! Ragdoll grabs his neck as Billy sits up, throwing his hands out to his sides. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!" he yells. The fans boo. Billy slides over for a cover,



NO! Ragdoll gets the shoulder up!

Billy Cassidy is really showing us what he's got!

Billy sits up on his knees and glares at the ref, before focusing his attention back to Ragdoll. Billy slowly stands, bringing Ragdoll up with him, and straight into an irish whip. Ragdoll rebounds...AND DUCKS a clothesline attempt! Rebound again - Cassidy turns...WHAM!! Cassidy drops to the mat from a HUGE clothesline! Ragdoll, being the seasoned veteran that he is, moves swiftly, lifting Billy up into the nearby corner. CHOP!! "WOOOOOO!!!" CHOP!!! "WOOOOOOOO!!" CHOP!!!! "WOOOOOOOOO!!!"

SICK chops from Ragdoll!

Vet'ran skills, fool...

Irish whip out of the corner, but Ragdoll stops and pulls Billy back straight into a Belly-to-Belly....INTO THE CORNER!! Billy crumples in a heap as the fans roar with approval. Ragdoll covers...




Billy barely gets his shoulder up in time. Ragdoll doesn't waste a second and lifts Billy up, but Billy drops back to his knees and lifts his forearm to Ragdoll's testes. Billy stands quickly and grabs Ragdoll by the head...DDT!, but Billy hangs on and rolls over and stands...DDT!! Billy once again stands, but Ragdoll remains on his knees...Billy smirks out at the fans...CRADLE DDT!! Billy rolls Ragdoll over and covers as he takes in the boos.



3!NO!~!~!~! HA!~@

And Ragdoll kicks out!

I see he hasn't lost his resiliency, dawg.

That's right, it's gonna take a lot more than that to take out Ragdoll.

Billy covers his face as he lets out a primal scream. He shoots to his feet and begins driving his heel into the ribs of the prone legend, who rolls to the outside.

...But Billy Cassidy has Ragdoll running!

I don't know if he's runnin' to the safest place, either.

Coach is spittin' the truth. Billy grabs ahold of the ref's collar and pulls him towards the turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Olsen and Romero swarm! Ragdoll covers up as best he can, but the punches and kicks are too many and too often to effectively cover. Within moments, Ragdoll in motionless on the mats outside. Romero and Olsen separate as Billy and the ref walk to the ropes. Billy orders the ref to count, and he has no choice but to comply...





Ragdoll slowly begins to stir, and Billy is having anger convulsions. "STAY DOWN, YOU HACK!!" Billy screams.




Ragdoll is now on his knees, clutching at the apron. Billy is on his knees, screaming at his adversary. "DON'T! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!! YOUR CAREER IS OVER!!" Billy shouts.


Ragdoll stands...



Billy wraps his arms around the ref's waist and lifts, delivering a huge German suplex!! The fans erupt in boos as Billy stands and begins barking orders to Romero and Olsen!

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Billy Cassidy has completely taken out the ref!

That dood just made this shit a No Holds Barred contest! That cracka ref ain't getting up anytime soon!

Romero and Olsen lift Ragdoll up and proceed with their beating as Billy slides out of the ring beside them. He continues barking orders as he reaches under the ring, and produces a chair. Romero and Olsen toss Ragdoll back into the ring, and he is closely followed Billy and the chair. Billy looks back to his teammates and nods. The two slide in and lift Ragdoll to his knees. Billy shakes his head and points to the ropes, and Romero and Olsen comply.

Good God...the ref's still out, and Ragdoll is now at the mercy of Billy Cassidy and the Sons of Tucson...

I'm starting to think that this was their plan all along, Mike. They knew that their stunt would attract attention in the back...

...and any attention is good attention. Well done, Coach!

Cheah...Shaolin, nigga.

Romero and Olsen thread Ragdoll's arms through the second and top rope. Ragdoll's eyes begin to flutter as Billy glares at his prey. Billy's eyes pierce through Ragdoll.

Billy slowly raises the chair...

Don't do it...

Billy smirks as the fans boos grow louder. The fans rise to their feet.

Don't do it, Billy!

Billy can't hear Cole, and even if he could, he'd ignore him. Billy lets out another primal scream and rushes forward.....


The fans erupt with boos as Ragdoll goes limp. A trickle of blood drips from his forehead. The trickle suddenly turns to a flow.

RAGDOLL IS DEAD!! Billy Cassidy, in what is one of the more dastardly ambush plans we've seen, has just taken out a legend!

Romero and Olsen undo the ropes, allowing Ragdoll to drop. Billy takes in the boos before tossing the chair out of the ring. The ref begins to stir as Billy stands Ragdoll up. Billy leans Ragdoll against the ropes and begins taunting him, slapping him across the face. "C'mon, Loser...Wake up! Time for your 'career' to end six years after it shoulda..."

Billy pushes Rags against the ropes once again and irish whips him. Ragdoll rebounds and heads back, just as Billy rushes forward, swinging his right arm...

Billy's looking for the Greetings From Tombstone!!


The fans erupt as Ragdoll plummets to the mat with a thud. Billy joins him, completely unconscious.



Ragdoll, spurred on by the fans, crawls inch by inch towards Billy. With his last burst of energy, Ragdoll drapes his arm! THE REF SLOWLY COUNTS!!




OLSEN PULLS THE REF OUT!! The boos are overwhelming as Olsen stands guard. Ragdoll rolls over, out of energy, as Romero slides into the ring. Romero lifts Ragdoll and pulls him into a Piledriver...Romero cradles...HECHO EN TOMBSTONE!! CRADLE PILEDRIVER!!

NO! NO! That is TOO much!

Romero grabs Billy's arm and drapes it over Ragdoll's carcass. Olsen tosses the ref in as Romero exits. The ref weakily lifts his arm...





That dood is unstoppable...

Billy whimpers as he rolls over, not being able to grasp whats happening. The cheers fill the arena as Billy shakes his head.

What will it take to take out Ragdoll?

Billy stands slowly and stumbles into the corner. He rubs his face before locking his eyes on Ragdoll's stirring body. Billy's eyes go from glazed to psychopathic as he watches his prey slowly rise. Billy's mouth quivers with anticipation...

Good God, what now?

Ragdoll stands slowly...

He turns slowly, facing the now charging Billy...



Ragdoll backflips and crashes to the mat as Billy quickly pushes himself into a cover! The ref crawls into position!!








Billy slowly rises to his knees as Romero and Olsen slide into the ring. Billy stands, but stumbles. Olsen catches him as Buffer makes it official.


Olsen lifts Billy's limp arm in victory as the boos grow loud and clear. Billy mumbles something incoherent, but Romero nods and slides out of the ring. Within seconds he returns with the chair from before.

Oh no...oh no...now what?

Romero hands Billy the chair. The ref stands and attempts to stop the madness, but Olsen scares him off. Billy steadies himself and glares at Ragdoll, who rises to his knees. In just an instant, Billy raises the chair....CRASH! The fans groan as the chair contours to Ragdoll's skull, but Billy isn't done. Billy lifts...CRASH!!







The boos drown out all other sound. Ragdoll's eyes go glossy as he drops forward, lifeless. Eight chair shots later, and Billy is finally tired. Romero and Olsen drag Billy out of the ring. Billy's eyes remain locked on Ragdoll's lifeless body as refs and medics rush out to the ring to attend to Ragdoll.

Well, if it was Billy Cassidy's intent to get attention, then mission accomplished...Billy Cassidy has just completely laid waste to Austin "Ragdoll" Baker...

Billy Cassidy has just painted a target on his back, Mickey Cole. That nigga prob'ly WANTS that target, too.
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Folks, standing backstage with OAOAST World Champion Jason Silver is basketball legend, and all time great sports personality Bill Walton!


We find a tuxedo clad Bill Walton standing in front of numerous video screens with Jason Silver, who’s dressed for battle in his cape like coat.

Jason Silver! A world champion who looks into the eye of Hurricane Krista and prepares to deliver a performance never before seen in modern times.

I’ve already delivered the never before seen sight of Krista tapping out, but I’ll let you all see it again later on tonight when I trap her inside the 16th minute.

Just as the great Apollo Creed stood up to fight Ivan Drago, so must you fight the unstoppable superwoman in Krista Isadora Duncan. But, you do it in front of your people here in the city that never sleeps New York City.

My people? Is that what you call them? My people? I look out in the crowd and all I see are signs proclaiming how great Krista is and professing love for her. I didn’t see a single solitary sign with my name on it! These aren’t my people at all, Bill. These people are traitors, and I want nothing to do with them. They don't understand my struggle or my sacrifice. They don't see how hard I've worked to get to where I am. They all think I've gotten too much too soon. They think that I'm only here because of my looks and my family connection. They scream the words "transitional champion" at me, because they don't believe I can defeat Krista. The people think I'm just here because you need a second person to make a feud. These people are against me, and I'm against them.

But you are forged from the gritty embers of the fierey streets of Brooklyn. How can you turn your back on these great and heroic savants?

Pretty damn easily! I’ve never got one letter of support from anyone in New York. I’m on the road three days a week, the other four I’m here at home, and I’m never stopped on the street and wished well. No one has ever come up to me and wished me good luck against Krista. In fact I get more questions about what its like to know someone famous like Krista then I get about anything else. The lack of respect I get as champion is appalling. I've beaten her twice, I’ve submitted her, I’ve whipped her with my belt, and I shoved her off the entrance stage after dumping her in a trash can. I am the superior wrestler! I am the superior champion! I will prove that all tonight!

Jason Silver, ladies and gentlemen, channeling the long forgotten spirit of the Rescue Rangers, showing spunk, moxy, and gutso. I’m Bill Walton, signing off.

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As both teams talk over who's going to start, Leon Rodez makes the decision a little easier by going out on the apron.

Guess we know who won't be starting.

Eventually Blanchard and Duncan wind up in the ring and we're ready to go. The two square up and Pierce, typically, runs his mouth, PIEFACING Ned! Which he finds funny for approximately three seconds, the time it takes for Ned's fist to smack him in the mouth!


Blanchard unloads on Duncan and then whips him to the ropes. A big BAAAAACK bodydrop sends Pierce into the skies and suddenly he's not feeling so confident and begs off.

Hahaha, what a weasel!

Not showing any mercy, Ned pulls Pierce up by the hair and nails him with a right hand! Another one! And a third! Pierce falls back against the corner and Ned whips him across, but charges into a raised knee. And suddenly, Pierce feels great again. Up to the middle rope, Pierce raises a fist and calls out to the crowd, then leaps... and gets caught! Which causes another 180 in Pierce's attitude, as Ned hits him with a T-Bone Suplex! Cover...




Wringing the arm Ned tags in Simon. The tag team specialists do what they do best, combining to hit Pierce with a drop toehold/POINTY elbow combination! Cover by Singleton...




As Simon goes to pick Pierce up, The Result rakes his eyes and scrambles to make the tag to Detective Bosley. And the AMOG comes in at full speed... right into a one man Flapjack!!

The Cobras look in top form here tonight!

Well, they've got a lot of unfinished business to deal with. Not surprised they're fired up, let's just see how far it gets them.

Simon hooks up Bosley, delivering a snap suplex. Heading to the middle rope he keeps a close eye on the rest of Bosley's team, who keep their distance while Singleton comes off with a flying single axehandle on the recovered Bosley! Cover...




Another quick tag is made and this time it's Alix in, to the delight of the New York crowd!


A little more adventurous, Alix goes all the way to the top and soars in with a crossbody!!




Bosley moves in on Alix, but gets fended off with some kicks. A couple of thrusts are followed by a spinning round kick and then a roundhouse that catches Bosley in the shoulder.

Man, this kung fu shit ain't so hard, I don't know what all the fuss is about.


Oh really? Do you do roshambo?




The rest of Bosley's team cry out for a disqualification and the referee contemplates it, until Alix threatens to boot him below the belt as well.

So, wait, kicking a guy low isn't a DQ... and threatening to do it to a referee isn't a DQ either?

I guess two wrongs make a right after all.

Alix comes off the ropes and flings herself at Bosley in a wheelbarrow position. Which is too inviting for Bosley to pass up, in more ways than one. Bosley throws Alix back up, only for Alix to twist around and catch the AMOG with a DDT!! Luckily for Bosley, it throws him into his corner and allows James Riggs to tag.

All action here, Riggs in off the tag.

Waiting for an opening as Alix celebrates her flashy move with her back turned, Riggs finally charges in with a clothesline. Alix ducks and connects with a kick to the chest. As she winds up for a second, Riggs ducks, so Alix changes course and floats over the top with a sunset flip!



Riggs rolls through and tries for a half crab!

Looking for the Achilles Lock!

With her free foot, Alix manages to kick her way free and rolls back to her feet. She ducks another clothesline, this time pulling Riggs down with a crucifix...




Alix dazed Riggs with a elbow, then tags Blanchard.

Here comes Ned back in.

Double whip is followed by a double elbow, knocking Riggs down. Ned and Alix exchange an awkward look, realising what just happened and Alix kisses Ned on the cheek before skipping out of the ring.

Aww. Yay friendship!

Just think, both of those two's lips have touched Krista's. Lucky bastards.

Ned goes back to work and stomps on Riggs, then shoots him into the ropes. Elevating Riggs up, Ned makes him think about it for a second, then delivers a Spinebuster slam! Ned then tags in Simon and they load up the ROCKET LAUNCHER!!

VINTAGE Orange County Cobras aka Beverly Hills Blonds aka New, New Midnight Express~!!

Simon hooks the leg...




Simon puts the boots to Riggs as well and things look well in hand for their team. So much so that Leon drops off the apron.

Singleton in control here, and... wait, where is Leon going?

Both Ned and Alix turn their heads confused, as Leon casually walks behind them... and starts to head up the ramp.

What the hell?

Is he leaving!?

Totally calm and without a hint of emotion bad or good, Leon just strolls up the aisle and the crowd boo for his apparant desertion.

I... I didn't see anything happen, did you?

No, Leon just jumped down and, for no apparant reason, is abandoning this match! He didn't even tag in!

Hot, Ned hops down and begins to go after him, but thinks better of it with Leon already so far away and the match still going on. And going differently now, as the distraction allows Riggs to counter a neckbreaker from Singleton and drop him with a Gutbuster, then make the tag to Bosley.


The fans at AngleMania X letting Leon Rodez hear it, as he... leaves. Just leaves. And now his team are a man down, it's four versus three which completely changes the complexion.


Bosley whips Singleton to the ropes and makes him Serve Hard Time! Pin...




Tag made to CPA, the duo of V.I.C.E whipping Simon in and delivering a Double Big Boot!

I apologise for finding it hard to call this match, but... I still can't get over Leon just walking out of this!

I guess he figured it wasn't worth his time.

Wasn't worth his time!? Competing at AngleMania wasn't worth his time!?

Hey, don't yell at me, I'm just guessing.

CPA rocks Singleton with a Side Slam and Ned roots him on as CPA hooks the leg...




"SI - MON!"
"SI - MON!"
"SI - MON!"
"SI - MON!"

Pierce Duncan tags in and mocks both Simon and Ned for their numbers disadvantage, annoying Ned enough to lure him inside. The referee deals with Ned, as Pierce gives Singleton a Sitout Alabama Slam!!




Getting into it with the referee, Pierce almost lets Simon tag and has to scramble to cut him off. Pierce gives Ned an up yours and sets Simon up for a back suplex...

...but Singleton floats over and lands on his feet! Shocked, Pierce tries to cut him off with a clothesline, but Simon tucks, rolls and MAKES THE TAG!!


Look out Piercey D!

Ned comes in spitting venom, unloading on Pierce with right hands. Beating him into a corner he then proceeds to WALK A MUDHOLE and, yes, STOMP IT DRY in Pierce's chest, to Pierce's horror! Luckily for Pierce, Bosley comes in to make the save, only for Alix to take him out with a running dropkick!

It's breaking down at AngleMania!

Banding together, Alix and Ned fend off Riggs and CPA with punches and then send them off with stereo whips. Both run back into boots, setting them up for stereo piledrivers... NO! Both Riggs and CPA counter with backdrops! Riggs and CPA celebrate too long though, sent outside with a double dropkick into the backs from Singleton!

Alix and the Cobras talking something over here, what could this be?

If Alix is involved? I dread to think.

After some consultation, Ned and Simon step through the ropes and give Riggs and CPA kicks from the apron. Alix then runs across the ring towards them and leaps forward into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK, ONTO RIGGS AND CPA ON THE ARENA FLOOR!!!!



The OCC step back inside, ready for Pierce to come at them. Ned hoists him up and Simon takes aim with the Enziguri!!

Anaheim Assault on Duncan!

Ned makes the cover...




Simon and Bosley do battle and end up spilling outside, leaving Ned in the ring with Pierce. Looking to take advantage Ned slaps on the sleeper!

Fight it Piercey, fight it!

Fight it he does, Pierce elbowing Ned in the gut and escaping. Pierce sees Ned doubled up and with an excited fistpump, goes for the Lightning Spiral... but Ned hits him with a knee in the face!

Ow! Not the face, bro!

Ned quickly hooks Pierce up and goes for the Slingshot Suplex!


However, as Ned goes for the slingshot part, CPA jumps onto the apron. A shove on the legs helps Pierce over the top and he lands safely...



CPA drops down, leaving Pierce to capitalise on the dazed Blanchard with a Lifting Downward Spiral!!!


Pierce makes the cover and pulls on the TIGHTS for good measure...






Barely able to believe it himself, Pierce looks shocked and starts celebrating like he just won the lottery as his hand is raised in victory!



Pierce hugs Amberlynn and breaks out some of the most over the top ridiculous dancing you'll ever see as Bosley, CPA and Riggs join him in the ring.

That's a heartbreaker for the Orange County Cobras! It looked like Ned had this one won, but the extra man managed to slip away from the pack and that was the key for Pierce's team. The man advantage, caused by Leon Rodez, who has a LOT to answer for!

The celebrations are loud and boisterous, Bosley getting in on the fun with some rather 'hands on' moves with Amberlynn. Ned is helped back by Simon, as Anglesault's crew treasure a big victory

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Up next is a match that has shockingly been rarely seen here in the wild world of the OAOAST. We've got a barbed wire match here tonight at Anglemania Ten between two of the biggest and baddest to ever set foot in the company.

They're both big and bad, but only one has style and a high IQ.

Say what you will about Bruce Blank, but so far during his most recent tenure he's proven to be a changed man. A man who ironically was sent packing after losing to Zack Malibu in a Survive Or Surrender match in 2007 returned earlier this year as the savior of Malibu and his girlfriend, Candie!

He came back to kiss Malibu's ass, yeah yeah. Now that's gonna bit him in the ass, because not only is Bohemoth gonna tear him apart here, but come tomorrow, ol' Bruce is gonna be drunk off Ol' Grandad and whistlin' dixie in his trailer park when Anglesault takes control back tonight!


"Liberate" by Disturbed hits, and from the back emerges Anglesault's personal powerhouse. With his veins looking as if they're ready to pop out from under his skin, Bo flexes and growls while green lights flicker along the side of the Angletron.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a BARBED WIRE MATCH, one fall to a finish, with no time limit! Introducing first, weighing in tonight at two hundred and eighty four pounds...from Greenville, South Carolina, THIS...IS...BOOOOOOOOOOOOHEEEEEEEEEMOTH!

Bo walks around ringside, berating fans while at the same time starting at the four sides of razor wire that he is going to have to enter. Bo very cautiously slides under the bottom strand, standing in the ring and posing again for the fans who would rather not see it.

Just then, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is cued, and the fans rejoice, as the unlikely hero is about to make his entrance.

I still can't believe it. Bruce Blank is one of the top fan favorites in the company!

These fans are a fickle bunch, Cole. They'll go whichever way the wind blows.

Sort of like how you measure your friends by the size of their wallets?

No fancy pyro for the good ol' bad boy, as Bruce enters the arena, wielding his trusty barbed wire baseball bat. Bruce stands at the top of the ramp and points it at Bo, then raises it over his head as he walks down the ramp.

His opponent, from an undisclosed location...weighing three hundred and eighteen pounds...he is BRUUUUUUUUUCE BLLLLAAAAAAAAAANK!

Blank walks around the ring smiling, the sight of the barbed wire making him oh so happy. The big man heads up the ring steps and slowly lifts one leg over the top strand, and then the other, showing less reservation about getting caught by it than Bo did. This only serves to anger Bo, as he snarls while Bruce tuck the bat over in the corner along with his trademark cowboy hat.

The bell sounds, and Blank is all smiles as he comes out of his corner, while Bo remains wary of his surroundings. Trapped inside the ring, there's nowhere for the Metrosexual Monster to go, as he's trapped by the four sides of barbed wire! Bo's reaction is not lost on the fans, and they're looking forward to his comeuppance tonight, as they motivate Bruce with a chant that sums up the way they feel about Bohemoth.


Blank smiles even more, as he circles the ring, trying to tie up with Bo. Bo knocks his hands away as he tries to tie up with him, and shoves the redneck, who fires back with a right hand! Bo fires back with a shot of his own, and the two men start drilling each other with right hands!

Is this a barbed wire match or a boxing match!?

After stunning Bo with his punches, Bruce takes him by the head and sends him towards the wire, but Bo puts the brakes on and puts his hands out to avoid a collision! Bo's eyes grow wide, fearful of being cut or caught in the wire, and when he turns around he's nailed with a lariat from Bruce Blank! Bruce picks him up and tries for an Irish whip, but Bo won't budge, so Bruce tries again, this time trying for a short arm clothesline! Bo ducks under it and shoves Bruce forward into the wire, but this time Bruce is the one who has to avoid crashing into it! Bruce turns around and ducks a Bo lariat, and for the second time in under a minute Bo nearly goes into the wire, but avoids it yet again! He turns around and gets struck with an open hand chop to the chest, cringing as the catchers mitt size hand of Blank smashes down onto his chest! Bruce then picks Bo up and presses him up over his head, but Bo rakes the eyes and falls free! Bo then scoops Blank up and slams him to the canvas, a feat that few in the OAOAST can do!

Both men invoking a brawling, smashmouth style here, and more importantly, both have avoided the barbed wire thus far!

Bruce tries recovering, but Bo tears the tattered flannel shirt off of him, removing what little protection there would have been should he connect with the sharp wire surrounding the ring. Bo beats on him and then whips him in, but at the last second Bruce reverses, and Bo collides with the wire, the razor sharp points jamming into his arms and back!


Bo howls, and slowly peels his arms away from the wire...but while he's distracted by doing this, Bruce nails him with a big boot, and Bo falls back into the wire again, so hard that he tears it from off the posts and falls to the floor, tangled in a mess of the sharp wire~!

Awww no! C'mon Bo, you gotta get up, man!

That big boot did some damage, but the wire's done the rest! Look at the cuts!

Indeed, Anglesault's hand-picked "cornerstone" does not look very intimidating at this point, as he staggers like a drunken hobo, trying to detach the wire from his skin. Like a shark smelling blood in the water, Blank hops to the floor and stalks his prey, pulling up a loose strand of the wire and turning it into a makeshift whip, cracking Bo across the back with it, then violently pulling it free! Bo falls to his knees, and Blank wraps the wire around his own hand, now using it to cover his knuckles as he brings his fist down into Bo's forehead, first punching him then simply grinding the wired covered fist into him!

No! Stop that! Don't do that!

What's your problem, Coach?

He could scar him! Bruce could make Bo's forehad look like...well, his! You can't be a Metrosexual Monster with a scarred forehead!

Bo wears a crimson mask now, but kidney punches Blank to stun him, then gets up and runs Bruce's head into the ringpost! The Hardcore Redneck collapses, and Bo goes and removes Michael Buffer from his seat forcefully, taking his chair in hand and slamming it across the back of Bruce Blank!

It's a hardcore fans dream! Barbed wire and chairs, and Bo is turning the tables on the most hardcore superstar in OAOAST history!

Bruce rest on the apron, but as he brings himself up, Bo takes his face and tries to shove it into the bottom strand of barbed wire, but Bruce elbows him in the ribs! Bo stumbles back, but returns fire with a forearm shot across the shoulder blades of the Hardcore Redneck, and then takes his head and grates his forehead back and forth across the wire, splitting the skin on his forehead open!

You mess with the bull, you get the horns, Blank!

Bo leaves Bruce slumped over the apron, and picks up strands of wire from the floor, and starts...wrapping his right arm in it!?

What the hell? First he's afraid of it, now he's covering himself in it!

Bo's arm starts bleeding thanks to the self inflicted wounds, but he merely winces, as he cranks his arm back and winds up, charging Blank and nailing him with a BARBED WIRE LARIAT~!


The impact of the shot has Bo collapse as well, while Blank hits ringside, his chest now trickling with blood! Bo gets up and mounts Blank's shoulders, raking his barbed wire covered forearm across his forehead before getting up and looking menacingly at the crowd!

Bohemoth has come undone here tonight! This is simply brutal!

Bo pulls Bruce up and shoves him back into the ring, then picks the chair up from ringside. Bo heads back in as well, and with Bruce on one knee, slams the chair into his back...but it has little to no effect, as Bruce continues to get to his feet!

Oh no...

A second shot has just as much impact, if not more, but Blank is on both feet now, and absorbs the impact of the shot!

Oooooh no...

Blank turns his head and stares at Bo, who lifts the chair for another shot, but Bruce punches the chair out of his hands! Bo is shocked as the Hardcore Redneck grows wild eyed, wiping the blood from his brow and LICKING IT, then waving Bo on to come at him!

Did you see that, Mikey Cole!? He's sick! SICK!

Bo goes for a punch, but it's blocked, and Bruce rocks him with a trifecta of big ol' fists, then grabs his throat for a chokeslam...but Bo blocks that by grabbing Blank's throat as well! Bo kicks Bruce in the stomach and while he's doubled over readies him for a suplex, but Blank won't go! Bo tries again, but can't get Bruce off the ground! Before Bo can do anything else, Bruce runs him back into the corner, where Bo his both steel and wire as he's run into the post, and Bruce backs up and hits a running corner splash, crushing Bo in the corner! Bruce brings Bo out of the corner by his head, but Bo drops down and, with his wire covered arm, hits a low blow on Bruce!

Even I felt that!

The crowd "ooooohs" as Blank keels over, and Bo takes him and powers up, lifting Blank off his feet...AND DROPS HIM WITH THE EROTIC AWAKENING OF B~!

My God! The ring shook! Like an earthquake, avalanche, and a volcano erupting all at the same time!

Bo lays on the mat, covering Blank, as the referee makes the count...




What the...he kicked out!?

Bruce Blank is still in this one!

Bo is shocked, and argues with the referee about the count, but the ref assures him the count was just right. Bo shoves the ref, irate that this match is still going on, but the referee warns him not to do it again, and to get back to the match! Furious, Bo picks up the steel chair he used earlier and taps it on the mat, only to turn around AND HAVE IT DRIVEN INTO HIS FACE COURTESY OF A BLANK BIG BOOT~!


Another big boot puts Bo on his back, and this time Bruce has left a giant footprint on the seat of that steel chair!

Dazed, Bo rolls to his feet, but Blank takes the chair and aims for the right arm, aka the arm with the barbed wire around it...and hits Bo repeatedly with the chair, driving the spikes of the barbed wire deep into Bo's skin!

His arm is dripping like a faucet!

Bo favors the arm, which is now limp at his side, and as he tries to defend it from taking more shots, he leaves himself open to a hard shot to the back! Bo drops to his knees, and Bruce lifts the chair high above his head...only to throw it down!

Oh thank God!

I'm not sure why Bruce just...oooooooh...

The fans boo Bruce's goodwill, wanting to see Bo pummeled further, but pop when Bruce returns to his corner and picks up his trusty bat! Bruce holds it high above his head, then turns around...AND SMASHES IT INTO THE STEEL CHAIR THAT BO HAS PICKED UP!

It's a duel!

Bo uses the chair as a shield, deflecting shots from the bat while also trying to knock it away! Finally, Bruce nails a boot into the chair, kicking it into Bo's face! The shock causes Bo to drop the chair, leaving him open to catch the tip of the barbed wire bat in his stomach! Bruce then slams the bat across Bo's shoulder blades, yanking it away and pulling at the skin, before then spinning around and hit a discus bat shot, driving the long end of it across Bo's head! With Bo felled, Bruce covers, and holds the leg of the bloody mess formerly known as Bohemoth!




The sound of the bell ringing would be music to Bo's ears, that is if he were awake to hear it. As "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" echoes through the arena, Blank rises to his feet, and has his arm raised while the blood continues to drip off of him.

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the Barbed Wire Match...BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE BLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!

Bruce walks a little gingerly, no doubt aching due to the wounds sustained during the match. He hopes off the apron and to the floor, while some overzealous fans lean over and try to touch Bruce or pat him on the back...and then realize they've just stuck their hands on a man covered in not just his own blood, but the blood of another!

We knew it wouldn't be pretty, and it wasn't! Both of those men took incredible punishment, and despite Bo trying up his normal levels of brutality, it just wasn't meant to be.

Ya'll gotta give my man a pass! Barbed wire ain't Bo's game!

Excellent observation, Coach. Perhaps that's why he LOST.

You...you...I hate you.

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We cut to Double C at Sofa Central looking exhausted.

And we still have 3 matches to go!

I don’t know if I got 3 more in me, Cole. The action’s been that hot.

It’ll be just as hot in the month of April as the OAOAST proudly presents a brand new fan appreciation pay-per-view extravaganza titled In Your Parents’ Basement. The event will emulate live from Raleigh, North Carolina on Thursday night April 28 for the low price of $19.95!

Wow! That’s a low price!

It’s our way of saying thanks for making the OAOAST and AngleMania a worldwide phenomenon. And to mark the event one lucky member of the OAOAST Galaxy will win the ultimate prize of losing his or her VIRGINITY!

You gotta be ribbing me.

No, but you can bet she’ll be ribbed for her pleasure. You must be 18 years or older to enter the giveaway which you can do immediately after tonight’s telecast on OAOAST.com.

The competition will be stiff!

Let’s go back to the ring.
(under breath)
The competition will be stiff.
(scoffs, light chuckle)

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Ladies and Gentlemen: please welcome at this time our special guest time keeper, Chester Cheetah!

The view switches to everyone’s favorite snack food mascot, Chester Cheetah at the time keeper’s position. A bad ass to the very end, Chester balls up a fist and begins punching towards the camera.

Chester made quite the impression on Melody Nerdly earlier tonight, and Melody made quite the impression on him!

And the special guest ring announcer….CHER!

Legendary recording artist, and gay icon CHER strolls down an entrance ramp that’s coated by pink and gold spotlights. She’s attired in a black bustier and tight pink pants, making her look like cross between Mariachi and Malaysia. The fans lean over the guardrail, trying to touch the pop royalty.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Cher! Is this a dream? Is this a sweet, magical, ejaculation worthy dream or is this real life?

Hello, New York.


This mainevent match for Anglemania Ten has a time limit of sixty minutes, and it is a SUBMISSION’S COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship!



The arena sinks into a deep blackness, the only light being provided by the silver ones that shine on the entrance stage. “Don’t Stop” by Innerpartysystem breaks through the anticipatory silence and with it comes a ringing chorus of boos. The video cityscape fills with images of Jason Silver’s conquests and his incredible athletic ability. The entrance doors spread apart, and from the backstage area comes Pierce Duncan, attired in jeans and a white polo shirt.

What’s he doing here?

A broad smile appears on Pierce’s face as he eagerly motions to the backstage area. The entrance doors remain separated, allowing the world champion, cloaked in a black cape like coat with the hood over his head, to enter. Silver quickly tosses his head and arms back, allowing the coat to fall off his thin body. He foists his arms into the air, as silver pyro rockets speed towards the ceiling.

Coming to the ring, first from right here in New York City, he is accompanied by Pierce Duncan, he is the OAOAST world champion…..JAASSSSOOOON SIIIILLLVEEEERRRR

Ladies and Gentlemen: Jason Silver is a rookie. But he is the most prolific rookie this sport has ever seen, winning the OAOAST title after having just two televised OAOAST matches under his belt. Some might say he's been given too much too soon, but he's being thrown into the fire tonight against the unstoppable Krista Isadora Duncan.

Rocksault has already stopped her twice. Jason Silver is genetically better at wrestling than Krista Isadora Duncan. He has the blood of legends within him.

Silver power walks down the entrance ramp, giving Pierce the difficult task of keeping up with him. Raw resolve is drawn upon the champion’s face, as his cold black eyes stare into the ring.

I don’t know how you could say he’s genetically better than a woman that’s only been beaten four times in a six year career, and who with four world titles, and could set the world title reign record at five if she wins tonight.

Silver pauses at the top of the ramp, in order to raise his treasured title into the air. This earns him a crushing amount of jeers from the audience. He meets this hatred with a defiant and sharp frown. Piercey D pats him on his skinny chest, and pumps him up with heartfelt words of encouragement.

I don’t think we’ve ever had an Anglemania mainevent build as evenly matched as this one. This contest could go either way.

That's a credit to Jason Silver. We usually don't say that about Krista's matches. We just wonder how long her opponent can survive before she buries them. But Jason Silver is different, he has an honest to god chance of beating Krista here in Madison Square Garden.

Silver finally finds his way onto the ring apron, pacing across it while eying down the fans that despise him so. He takes his eyes off them for several seconds in order to bark orders at The Result.


Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave
In this silence
I believe

Twin white pillars of light shine from the entrance stage. They reach to heavens above, pointing eyes upwards to holy majesty. From those heavens lowers an angel, wrapped up in its own glittering jewel encrusted wings as it sits on swing set from which roses hang.

Passion chokes the flower
Till she cries no more
Possesing all the beauty
Hungry still for more

The swing and the angel touch down on the entrance stage, resting in front of the video cityscape. The screens showcase images and clips of Anglemania mainevents over the years.

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave
In this silence
I believe


White pyro explodes across the entranceway, popping the jam packed arena. Dancers dressed as gorgeous shimmering angels flood a stage that’s shrouded in multicoloured lights.

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time


Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

The Angel on the swing set, rips open her bejeweled wings to reveal herself as Krista Isadora Duncan! The audience offers a massive eruption cheers for the woman who’s dressed in a low cut white halter top and white booty shorts with the star of david on the back. The angels fawn over the most beautiful of them all, as she coolly rocks herself back and forth on the swing. The fitness queen dismounts the swing set, and flings her wings into the air. She catches them and gracefully twirls them like fans before casually discarding them to the side. The much lusted after beauty points to the ring and wags her finger at Silver and Pierce as if to scold them for even daring to challenge her.

From Los Angeles, California, she needs no further introduction, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!

And here she comes, folks! A best selling author, a Hollywood walk of famer, and a woman who aims to become a five time world champion! Coach, does Krista overshadow her opponents?

Of course she overshadows them. But that works in Rocksault's favor, its giving him extra motivation, and I honestly think he's going to submit her for the second time!

Krista only gets halfway down the entrance ramp before she assailed by the fiery Rocksault!

And Rocksault interrupting that grandiose entrance of Krista’s!

The challenger fights back against her overly aggressive foe, nailing him in the jaw with powerful elbows. The attacks weaken Silver and drop him to his knees. However, Krista can press her advantage no further as her younger brother attacks her from behind.

That’s fully legal, Mikey, The Billabong Gorilla has every right to attack Krista.

Pierce hammers his sister from behind, nailing her back with forearms. Unfortunately, for Pierce, Krista is able to slip behind him to end his parade of strikes. This leaves him prone, and she capitalizes on his weak position by giving him a wedgie!


Silver returns to the action, attempting to get the jump on Krista. As orange and blue lights dance across the entrance stage, Silver slams a succession of jabs into her chin. The world champion gets fancy and does a showboating shimmy before throwing an over hand left. But, Krista sweeps behind him to avoid the blow. She tightens her arms around his neck trapping him inside a sleeper hold!

I’m going to make you sing a long to the Rent soundtrack if you don’t tap out right this very instant

Oooooooh, I happen to love Rent!

The very first submission hold of the contest does not last long as Silver elbows his way to freedom. He hooks onto Krista’s arms, pinning them behind her back. This leaves the champion open to an attack from her baby brother. The Result makes an elaborate play of setting up a superkick with wild gesticulating. When he finally does throw the possibly lethal move, his elder sister glides out the way and he connects squarely with Rocksault’s face. The world champion tumbles backwards, as Piercey D watches with a horrified stare. Pierce’s focus on Silver proves to be his downfall; his sister grabs onto his heavily gelled hair and tosses him into the steel guardrail.

Pierce may be doing more harm than good tonight!

Krista grabs onto Silver’s ankle, and twists it within her hands. Pained screams spill through the world champion’s lips as the ankle lock is fully applied.

Krista has an anklelock, and there’s no rope breaks on the outside!

Silver begins clawing his along the entrance ramp, heading towards the glitzy New York City skyline video set. His cries are loud and pleasure the blood lusting audience.

Seriously, honey, I will hold you in this ankle lock, while you’re forced to watch the final season of Frasier on those jumbo video towers if you don’t tap out.

Silver crawls and fights his way up to the base of the entrance stage, looking towards the entrance doors the entrance doors and pleading for help to arrive. Help arrives from a different location, however, as Piercey D returns to club his sibling off Silver.

This is getting A-nnoying.

And you’re a B-itch!

Gotta pick your spots with that.

Krista levels Pierce with a spinning elbow.

That was D-E-lightful. See that’s how that works, Pierce.

Shifting her focus from her brother back to her opponent, Krista takes hold of Silver’s legs. She bridges backwards and slingshots him into the video replica of Madison Square Garden! Silver falls to the side, his eyes glazed over from the severe impact of the hold. His problems increase multifold, as Krista snaps on a grounded sleeper.


You’re so cute when you scream! I could just eat you up! I won’t though, I’ve lost the taste for human flesh in my middle age.

Silver’s struggles in the hold are incredible, with no place to go and no ropes to snag hold of. Luckily, Piercey D is once again ready and able to rescue him, this time with a boot to Krista’s head.


These fans can boo all they want but Krista is the one who picked this stipulation.

I don't think she was thinking that her brother would be out here fighting alongside Silver.

Pierce scrapes Krista off the canvas, in hopes of chucking her into the cityscape. But as usual with Pierce, failure is the order of the day. His big sister kicks him low with out the slightest hint of mercy. She then slaps him across the face several times simply for the fun of doing so. When that grows boring she chucks him into the video replica of the Empire State building.

At the very least you can say Pierce’s constant interference gives Jason Silver time to recover.

Bearded face contorted with fury, Silver darts towards Miss California. But the challenger is well prepared for his arrival, and greets him with a back body drop! Rather than crash onto the steel staging, Silver lands atop the mangled body of Piercey D. Its an unfortunate experience for both men, and they wail in a raw agony.

Piercey D is doing his job, breaking the fall for the champ!

Krista begins climbing to the top of the Empire State building, popping the Madison Square Garden crowd. She reaches the height of the building, and readies herself for a death defying stunt.

Krista’s planning something amazing!

The crowd prepares themselves for an awesome stunt, but is disappointed to see Amberlyn Duncan emerge onto the stage. She grabs her sister by the ankle and hauls her off the building. Far from being annoyed, Krista looks rather pleased to see her baby sister.

So its that time is it?

What time?

Time to fufill the incestual fantasies of a world wide audience.



As lumpy and misshapen as I suspected.

I’ll show you lumpy and misshapen!

Amberlyn enthralls the Madison Square Garden crowd by ripping her sister's booty shorts part way down to reveal perfectly tanned buns.

And the incestual fantasies get even kinkier!

Krista tackles Amberlyn to the ground, giving the sold out audience quite the rush from seeing the beauties wrapped around one another. The bottomless babe tangles her tan legs around his sister’s, locking her in place. Desperate to be free of Krista’s vice like grip, Amberlyn grabs onto Krista’s sun stroked hair and begins violently tugging on it. Krista does the same to Amberlyn’s auburn hair and soon the catfight of the year is in full beautiful swing!

I like a good catfight, and I LOVE a good sister on sister catfight!

Piercey D pries his sisters apart through a grip on Krista’s blond hair. He scrapes her off the ground, and cocks his fist readying to nail her with a prime punch. But, as always Pierce’s is greeted by failure as Krista nails him in the jaw with an uppercut! Down goes Piercey D, falling on top of Silver who was just starting to get to his feet.

I swear Pierce is more of a hindrance than a help.

Krista climbs back up the top of the building, as her sister scrambles backstage before she can incur further beating.




Oh baby, what an Anglemania moment!

Krista further thrills the already amped up audience with a moonsault onto Pierce and Silver!

A bootysault off the Empire State building! Can you guess how hard that was?

Can you guess how hard I am right now?!

Krista chokes Silver, but the referee is more concerned with checking out her heavenly derriere than counting any submission.

Amberlyn needs to come back out and finish the job, only a few inches left until shangri la!

Silver manages to quickly fight his way out the questionable tactic by kicking Krista in the shin. This does absolutely nothing to put him on the offensive advantage as Krista decks him with a spinning elbow.

(Pulling her shorts back up)
Sorry, ladies and gents, but my buns feel like they just got jammed into the frozen food section.

While Krista deflates the sexually charged audience by fastening her shorts, Silver begins crawling down the blue and orange lit entrance way. After making sure her shorts are in place, Krista charges after her retreating foe. She grabs onto his black tights, lifts him up and then throws him into the squared circle.

We’re finally back inside the ring. And I believe that favors Jason Silver.

Damn skippy, dawg, Jason Silver is more technically proficient than showy Krista.

Krista and senior official Earl Hebner follow the world champion into the ring. Krista marches towards his position, but can advance her attack no further as Silver tightens his legs around her ankle and drops her with a drop toe hold. Silver quickly pounces upon Krista, clutching her head inside his arms and trying to lock her into the 16th minute! The crowd instantly becomes panicked at the sight of deathly finisher. Silver struggles with all his might to snap on his finisher, but Krista succeeds in rolling out of it.

Jason Silver almost had this match won.

Almost? He never even had the hold locked in.

Krista rolls to her feet, but is met with a knee to her ripped stomach. Silver grabs her inside a front facelock, and flings her backwards with a vertical suplex. Keeping the front facelock applied, he rolls her back to her feet. Rather than suplex her once more, the champion merely increases the pressure on his front facelock in order to try for a submission. Krista is brave and refuses to give in. She begins peppering Silver’s sides with jabs, doing her part to weaken the hold. Eventually, Silver gives up on his submission effort and instead shoves her into the corner.

Its been an amazing night here at Madison Square Garden, and it getting even more amazing in this wild match.

Silver lifts Krista up and situates her onto the top turnbuckle. He hammers her pretty face with closed fists, earning a warning from Hebner. While he jawjacks with the veteran official, Rocksault climbs to the top rope. However, his preoccupation with Hebner costs him dearly as Krista is able to easily shove him back to the canvas. Silver lands on his silver boots, but this is not to his credit. Miss California leaps off the top rope, and collars her hands around his head as if she were going for a DDT! But rather than DDT him, Krista cinches in a submission!

Krista’s got a guillotine choke!

She's gonna have to punish Silver a lot more to get him to submit. The world title means everything to him.

Silver screams in raw agony, as his hands wave for help. He expects Pierce to come save him, but The Golden Jew is nowhere to be found. Thus, Silver is forced to fight with his own ability. Rocksault squirms and wiggles, trying to slip out the hold.

The champ is in serious danger here, Coach.

Piercey D get down here! Rocksault needs your help!

Silver uses his power to push his way out Krista’s hold. Though free, he can get not go on the attack due to Krista whipping him into the corner.

Boobie bombs! Deploy!

Krista charges forward and smacks Silver in the face with her ample chest! She steps backwards, letting him stagger out the corner. This gives her a chance to flap jack him into the air! Rocksault is crashed into the canvas, and immediately nurses his sore face. But he soon has more than his looks to be concerned about, as Krista twists his legs around his ankles, and steps on his back for a surfboard. Feeling the mood, Krista begins imitating an actual surfer.

Krista feels like she’s back on home on the waves of the Pacific Ocean.

Silver is much too close to the ropes for the surfboard to cause him any harm, and he reaches out to grab the cables. Krista releases him on the referee’s orders. She grabs onto him and begins lifting him to his feet. He fires at her with a lariat, but she ducks the attack and leaps onto the top rope. She springboards back with a heel kick that rocks Silver in the jaw. Prone on the canvas, Silver’s head is tangled inside Krista’s arms. She wrenches back fully completing the 16th Minute!

She’s got Silver’s own hold locked in!

“TAP! TAP! TAP!” the crowd urges the world champion. However, he will not relinquish his title and is determined to fight off the pain. As such Krista increases the pressure, and suddenly Silver’s will to fight diminishes greatly. He raises his hand to submit, however, Pierce, who pulls his sister underneath the ring ropes saves, saves him from humiliating defeat.


You’ll never get the title belt! Not while The Billabong Gorilla is calling the shots out here!

You do know the gorilla has one of the proportionately smallest penises in the mammal kingdom? Thus more than likely you’ve for once made an accurate comparison to yourself.

Before Pierce can think of a witty comeback, Krista begins bashing him across the face with back handed slaps.

Krista is taking baby brother to the wood shed!

Krista grabs onto Pierce heavily gelled hair and chucks him into the steel guardrail. She grabs a cup of beer from a fan, chugs some of it, and then blows a torrent of beer onto her baby brother’s face! Pierce falls backwards, screaming as though she had tossed acid into his eyes. Miss California is unrelenting in her assault, pounding on Piercey D with mounted punches.

Krista is wasting too much time dealing with The Result, and its letting Silver recuperate in the ring.

I disagree. If she doesn’t deal with her brother, he’ll keep interjecting himself everytime she tries to submit Rocksault.

Krista situates The Result atop the guardrail nearest the ring steps. She stuns him with a few punches, before climbing up those very same steps. From there she flies forward and cracks her handsome brother across the face with a deadly knee strike! Pierce tumbles backwards, falling into the stands. The camera hovers above him, showing that he’s completely devoid of any and all life.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the fans chant as Miss California mocks her brother with the GUIDO fist pump~!

But the era of good feelings is short lived as Jason Silver spins Krista around and attempts to strike her with a punch. However, Krista blocks his attack and nails him in the cheek with a forearm. He staggers backwards, but doesn’t get very far as Miss California latches onto his greasy black hair. She uses that grip to throw him over the steel guardrail. Silver lands next to the lifeless Piercey D, and struggles to get his bearings.

I think had this match started or at least remained in the ring things would favor Jason Silver, but on the outside everything favors the ultra creative Krista.

Silver finds his way to his feet, and staggers away from Krista. She quickly hounds his retreat and chops him down with a lariat to the back. While she squirms on the concrete floor, Krista grabs hold of a guardrail.

Am I, a middle aged single mother of two, going to have to carry this by myself or is someone going to help me?

Two male fans rush into action and take the guardrail out of Krista’s hands.

Just set it against that production cart.

The two men do that, but Krista isn’t satisfied.

Move it a little bit to the left…a bit to the right….no more left….tilt it 35 degrees….now shift it to the center….back to the right…two centimeters to the left…tilt it about sixty degrees….well, its not exactly how I want it, but that’ll have to do.

As the exhausted men return to their seats, Krista fetches Jason Silver. Hooking him into a front facelock, she prepares to DDT him onto the guardrail. But Silver begins punching her in her tightly toned stomach. Four punches earn him his freedom and leave Krista dazed. However, she’s not dazed enough to be hit by his charging lariat, as she sweeps beneath it. The champion swings around and encounters a fast coming Krista. So he acts faster than she does, dipping low and back body dropping her onto the guardrail!

What a counter by the champion, who hasn’t seen much offense thus far in our Anglemania Ten co-mainevent.

Silver drags Krista off the guardrail, and sticks his leg between her’s. He turns her over, and sits down on her back, completing the sharpshooter!

Sharpshooter! The hold made famous by Bret Hart, and used by OAOAST commissioner Alfdogg. Can it secure Jason Silver has world heayvweight championship?

Hebner gets into Krista’s face and grills her over potential submissions. Krista steadfastly refuses to give up despite the immense pain she finds herself under.

There’s no place to go for Krista, Mikey. She ain’t got no ropes to grab onto.

The fans plead with Krista not to submit, trying their hardest to will her out the hold. Krista grits her teeth and grunts in pain and frustration from the sharpshooter. She knows there’s no ropes to grab onto, and that only she can fight her way out the hold. Therefore she uses her awesome lower body strength to begin twisting over. Silver notices this and tightens his hold. Yet this does him no good as the powerful legs of Krista manage to kick him away!

What amazing leg strength by the fitness queen. If ever there were an endorsement for one of her fit videos that was it.

Krista remains on the ground, grimacing from the anguish that Silver’s sharpshooter wrought. Silver takes a moment to think over his strategy, while his challenger is incapacitated. Once he comes up with a decent scheme, he grabs her by the golden hair and guides her towards the entrance stage. He drapes her across the steel structure as blue and orange lights flare across it. Rocksault backs up several inches, measuring Krista as he does so. He shoots his body forward, raising his silver boot to kick her in the skull! Krista rolls backwards, wailing from the impact of the hard strike.

Could this be Silver’s night to make history at an already historic show?

Silver crawls onto the steel staging, getting next to Krista. He grabs hold of her head, cradles it within his arms and snaps on the 16th minute!

There it is, Mikey! Jason Silver in his first Anglemania is about to make history just like you said.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the audience bleats, trying their hardest to bring Krista out the dreaded submission.

What do you say, Krista?

Krista gives Hebner the finger, popping the audience and enraging Silver! He tightens the hold, applying as much pressure as if he were trying to choke a grizzly bear.

This is it! She is not going to break through the 16th minute.

Krista’s hands reach Silver’s arms and begin to attempt to pry them away from her neck.

She’s damn sure going to try! Come on, Krista!

With every last bit of strength in her body, Krista begins pulling Silver’s arms apart. The world champion panics and begins a wild fight to trap Krista in his hold. Yet her will and determination wins out over his and she successfully manages to break apart his deadly finisher.


She broke through it!

I don’t believe it.

Frustration is spelled across Silver’s bearded face, and his lips scream his anger into the arena air.

Rocksault is feeling the pressure of this huge title match. He’s also feeling the same hopelessness that all of Krista’s opponents feel. They always ask themselves, “how can this woman be beat”?

Silver grabs Krista by her rhinestone encrusted halter top and guides her to her feet. He wraps his arms around her slim waist, and then hoists her up in order to throw her backwards with a belly to belly suplex! Krista comes down on the steel ramp, and immediately whimpers in agony. Despite this pain, she succeeds in crawling to her feet. This doesn’t do her much good, however, as Silver twists her inside an abdominal stretch. Luckily for Krista her abs are in supreme shape. This allows her to hip toss Silver over. Unfortunately for her, comes down on his feet and swings around to nail her a diving lariat!

It would seem Rocksault is more than capable of handling his own outside the ring.

The man has Anglesault’s blood in him. That’s the blood of a champion and a fighter.

Silver picks Krista up, and guides her down the entrance ramp. He throws her into the nearby guardrail at the end of the ramp, causing the fans to fret over her health. Silver insults these OAOAST Marks as he grabs Krista by the hair and casually tosses her backwards. The champion then scoops up a spotlight that shines blue. He waits for Krista to rise and when she does he rushes forward to bash the metal object into her face! Krista sags down to the ground, her vacant expression filling the fans’ hearts with worry.

Its all legal here in the first ever Submissions count anywhere match. Jason Silver may have lost his little lackey in Pierce, but he’s since gained the advantage over Krista.

Silver sits down on Krista’s back, and reapplies the 16th minute! Pain shows clearly on Krista’s face, as her neck is violently torque by the deadly hold. The fans are pleading with the four-time world champion not to submit. Krista tries her best to grant their wishes, wildly flailing her arms to escape.

She’s going to tap, Mikey. She’s got no place to go, and she can’t pry through the hold again.

Krista reaches out for whatever she can find to help her escape. Her hands come upon the spotlight Silver attacked her with. She picks it up, and flings it backwards! Though it only grazes, Silver’s head, it does enough damage to force him to the break the hold!

That’s a creative way out the hold.

Krista and Silver get to their feet with eyes flaring with hatred for the other. Its Rocksault who strikes first with a knee to Krista’s stomach. He takes hold of the seat of her white mini skirt and dumps her into the squared circle. He follows her inside, in order to bash her skull with stomps.

Nobody’s better than me! Nobody!

Silver brings Krista to her knees and begins slapping her in the face.

You’ve got nothing for me! You can’t beat me!

Krista sends the crowd into a frenzy, by slamming a fist into Rocksault’s jaw. As he staggers backwards the angered vixen gets to her feet. She takes aim with her high heels, and dropkicks him in the knee. This doesn’t bring him down, however, and Krista is forced to fire off an overhand right. But, Rocksault blocks the attack and shoves Krista away. He charges at her, only to be nailed with a KIDology from the six time tag team champion!


She got the KIDology!

Krista squats down on Silver’s back and snaps her arms across his neck!

16th minute! This could spell the end to the young rookie’s title reign!

As his hometown audience roots for him to submit, Silver begins an arduous trek to the ring ropes. Miss California tenses her body as she pulls back on Silver’s neck. She urges Silver to submit, as his cries grow louder with each passing second.


Ain’t this a damn shame, Jason Silver’s own hometown is calling for him to submit. New York ain’t got no class.

Tap or I swear to god, your next vacation will be to the republican national convention where they will show you absolutely nothing but Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and I don’t mean Terminator, I mean Last Action Hero.

Slowly and carefully, Silver finds the angle that allows him to edge towards the ropes. Krista realizes this and attempts to put all her bodyweight onto his back to prevent him from moving. However, being as light as she is, Silver’s strength allows him to continue his inching towards salvation. Rocksault twists his upper body, nearly over balancing Krista. This gives him the free space and lighter weight he needs to make a sudden surge for the ropes. He clamps onto the bottom blue cable and joy falls across his face.


That was just too close for Rocksault. We almost saw the end of that dude’s title reign.

Krista puts her initial distress over the failed submission hold behind her, and decides to try for a high risk move. She climbs to the top rope, in the most ass revealing way possible. After giving the audience a charge with her beloved tush, she flips backwards with a moonsault! But Silver slides out the way! However, Krista avoids sure disaster by coming down on her high heels. She watches Silver make an unsteady rise to his feet, and then zips in with a shoulder tackle. However, Silver is ready for his arrival. He dips down low and shifts her onto his shoulders in an inverted torture rack.

This could be trouble!

Silver throws Krista down with the Silver Bullet!

VINTAGE Jason Silver!

Silver takes a seat on Krista’s back in order to grab her inside the 16th Minute!

Its gotta be all over here, Mikey!

Silver rocks his body back and forth, putting the maximum amount of pressure onto Krista. She howls and screams in pain, as her arms reach out for the ropes. The sold out Anglemania crowd yells and screams in support for her, as she’s stretched near the breaking point.


Krista continues to endure the awesome pain, not having any intention on submitting. She makes the terrible crawl to the ropes, a trip that’s laborious thanks to the sheer weight of Jason Silver.

Give up! Give up!

Listen to desperation in the champion’s voice.

Krista lunges forward with superhuman strength and flexibility and captures the bottom rope!


Shit! I was this close! I was this close!

Man, Rocksault is losing his cool. Stay in the game, son!

Silver hunches behind Krista, awaiting her rise. Despite the groggy feelings in her head, she’s able to make it upright with relative quickness. This does her more harm than good, as Silver is able to fasten a full nelson onto her!

A full nelson!

Rocksault is going old school.

His old school tricks get a failing grade as Krista hurriedly elbows him in the side of the skull. The fifth elbow forces him to break his hold. But he does not stay on the defensive for very long, as he grabs Krista’s arm and shoots her into the corner. He grits his teeth in determination as he darts across the ring with a shoulder block. But, Miss California slides out the way and Silver’s shoulder connects with the ring posts!


Silver pries himself free of the steel posts, cradling his weakened arm. Sniffing blood in the water Krista grabs onto his arm, in hopes of bringing him down with an arm bar. But Silver shows great awareness by rolling through the hold. He winds up in a sitting position, and is still too dazed to move out of it. As such Krista bounds off the ropes, and roars back with a knee. However, Silver grabs onto her attacking leg, and drops her too the canvas! He then stands up, and begins twisting her over into the sharpshooter. Miss California refuses to be placed in the horrible submission hold, however, and uses her powerful legs to push Silver away. Krista quickly springs upright, in order to make a dash for her dizzied foe. But he’s not quite as woozy as she believed, and he elbows her away. Thinking, her dealt with for the moment, Silver lets his guard down to catch a breather. That’s the exact moment, Krista superkicks him over the blue ring ropes!

How the hell does she hit these damn moves out of nowhere?

The same way you pull date rape drugs out of nowhere.


Krista exits the ring, sliding out next to her fallen rival. While his blurred vision stares at the overhanging lights, she dislodges the steel steps. Miss California situates them on the Anglemania logoed outside mats, and then drapes Silver across them.

What is she planning on doing? Where’s The Result when we need him?!

Krista jumps onto the ring apron, and then checks over her shoulder to make sure Silver is still trapped in place. Seeing that he is, the fitness queen elevates herself to the top rope. The audience rises to their feet, fully expecting an Anglemania moment to come from their much-adored heroine, who blows them sugary sweet kisses.

She can’t be thinking what I'm thinking!

Correct. That is because you’re thinking how much a ménage-a-trois with Mister Silver and that creepy puppet over there would cost you. I know Jason would do it free, but the puppet don’t come cheap.

Krista launches her body backwards, twisting and spinning through the air with corckscrew moonsault. Camera flashes click off to capture the incredible stunt. But as pretty as the move is, the landing is every bit as ugly as Silver slinks his body off the steel stair. This causes Krista to land stomach first across the ring step. Her pained screams join with the worried cries off the audience in filling Madison Square Garden.

Good god! Krista Isadora Duncan may have broken a rib!

Referee Earl Hebner checks on Krista, who can barely utter any words as to her condition. Unsympathetic to her plight, Silver shoves the senior official away from his title challenger. Ignoring Hebner’s protests and complaints over being manhandled, Silver guides Krista off the mat. He hooks her arm around his, and steps over her leg to complete the abdominal stretch!

We saw this move used earlier by Rocksault, but now its coming after Krista crashed stomach first into the steel steps.

Krista is reduced to writhing within the hold, half in pain, half in an attempt to make an escape. Krista grinds her teeth nearly into dust, as he desperately tries to inch closer to the ring apron. But Silver holds her in place, and continues to do unspeakable damage to her injured stomach.


Escape from the hold looks unlikely, yet it doesn’t stop Krista from putting forth her biggest effort yet. She calls upon all the strength in her thin body and attempts to hip toss Rocksault over. This, however, is an unmitigated failure, as Rocksault remains rooted in place.

Give up! You can’t beat me! The title is mine!

Silver’s words etch determination and resolve onto Krista’s heart. Due to this, she’s able to reach down and summon the power needed to grab onto Silver’s leg and roll through the hold. Rocksault is tripped up and finds himself on his stomach. This is a perilous position to be in, and he tries to quickly scramble out of it. However, his opponent is much too fast for his movements, as she sits down on his back. Her arms weave their way around his neck, and the 16th minute is once again applied.

There’s no where to go for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion!

Silver has to be resourceful and figure a way out. Or Riggs needs to get out here and help him out!

Silver realizes that escape will be next to impossible without any ropes to cling onto. Despite his hopeless situation, Silver won’t tap to his own hold. The pain grows with each passing second, but Silver is steadfast in his refusal to tap out. However, he still has no escape route in front of him. But the clever champion has a plan. He begins using his strength to push upwards, carrying Krista on his back. Due to her small body weight this isn’t a difficult task, and within moments he’s fully upright. The problem is Krista still her claws around his neck. Rocksault seeks to remedy that by throwing himself backwards! He crushes Krista between the paper thin mats and his own slender body. This causes Krista great discomfort and succeeds in breaking the hold.

Krista just didn’t have the strength needed to keep Silver locked inside the 16th Minute. High drama here at Anglemania!

Silver is forced to take several moments to regain his depleted energy. Luckily for him, his foe has been severely weakened by the impact of her fall. While the audience tries to root Krista to her feet, Silver begins pulling back the blue mats. Hebner questions this course of action, but finds himself shouted down by the champion. In seconds the hard concrete is exposed.

This could be very bad for Krista.

Silver brings Krista off the mat and eagerly jams her inside a standing head scissors. Fear and dread play across the capacity Madison Square Garden crowd, as they know a horrible fate is about to befall Krista.

I think you’re right, Mikey, Krista is about to be left in a bad way.

Silver drags Krista upwards and onto his shoulders, preparing to powerbomb her onto the concrete. Rocksault delays the move, eager to showcase his power before he breaks Krista’s back. However, his confidence and cockiness costs him dearly as Krista hurricanrana’s him to the rock hard ground!


Krista still has her gorgeous tan legs wrapped around Silver’s head. This allows her to swing Silver over so he faces the ground. She then begins doing push ups to bash Silver’s face into the concrete! The audience revels in delight, both over the extreme sexiness Krista’s shapely legs provide and the lethal nature of the move. Miss California turns a beautiful pout to the camera that further charges up the audience.

She’s mangling his face! And she’s looking soooooo hot doing it! Sorry, Jason, but you’re going to have to suffer through this for the good of America.

Silver’s visage is smashed repeatedly into the hard floor by Krista’s strong limbs. He tries to worm his way out, but their strength is like a vice grip and he can do nothing to free himself. Blood fills his face, pouring down from a cut on his forehead, running through his nose, and gushing out his mouth.

Krista Isadora Duncan is destroying the world champion!

Finally showing some semblance of mercy, Krista releases Silver from her agonizing move. The champion flops over onto his back giving the roaring crowd a look at his blood soaked face.

“YOU GOT FUCKED UP! YOU GOT FUCKED UP! YOU GOT FUCKED UP!” the audience insults Rocksault.

I thought for certain that Rocksault was going to submit to the push up face crusher.

It just goes to show you the resiliency of the world champion.

Krista grabs Silver’s body and dumps him inside the squared circle. He rolls to the center of the Anglemania logo, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

Krista has busted the champion wide open.

Krista enters the ring, ready to end Rocksault’s title reign once and for all. She scoops him off the canvas, and attempts to whip him into the ropes. Yet somehow Silver is able to reverse the hold and Krista is sent running to the ropes. On her return, he flapjacks her into the air. But he shoots her straight up, and she LANDS FEET FIRST ON HIS SHOULDERS!

Are you kidding me?!

Krista backflips off a shocked Silver’s shoulders and comes down on her heels. Surprise turns to rage for Silver, and he launches a standing lariat at her. But Krista ducks beneath his outstretched arm and carries herself into the ropes. Boucning back, she’s captured in Silver’s arms, and the world champion begins swinging her around in a tilt a whirl slam attempt! Yet Krista is able to maneuver through the hold and capture Rocksault into an arm bar! But the hold doesn’t last for more than a few seconds as Silver rolls through.


These fans are on their feet here in Madison Square Garden as they should be!

Krista takes off to the ropes, as Rocksault gets his bearings. She returns to leap onto his shoulders, and slides through his legs as though she were going for an inverted hurricanrana! But Silver counters by flipping over with a small powerbomb! He then grabs Krista’s legs and quickly tries to shift the stunned beauty into a sharpshooter. But Miss California isn’t quite as stunned as Silver would’ve hoped and rolls him up! But Silver rolls forward and winds up atop Krista!

You’re dead now!

Silver begins firing punches against Krista’s beautiful face. Blood drips down onto Krista’s golden hair from the numerous cuts on Silver’s face.

The champ is looking for revenge for the hatchet job she did to his face!

Krista shifts beneath the torrent of attacks, trying her best to escape them. They come fast, hard, and furious, desperate strikes from a man desperate to retain his title. But Krista remains the pillar of clam, and glides her leg across the back of Silver’s neck; this traps one of Silver’s arms beneath her knee. Krista then slides her right arm beneath Silver’s head to grab onto her own shin. But Silver reaches upwards with his free hand and then locks it on her foot that’s draped over his neck.

What on earth is Krista looking to do? She needs to get up before Silver starts punching her again.

Krista takes her free leg, and flares it out to catch it over Silver’s head. She grabs onto her left leg, and reveals that she has Silver’s neck trapped between her left ankle and her right knee, with one arm tied down to the ground and the other hooked between her legs!

What is that? What does she have him in?

A Wicked Gogoplata! Silver made a huge mistake mounting Krista!

You never make a mistake mounting a woman that hot!

The fans sense the danger of the move, and realize a submission could be impending. They loudly call for Rocksault to give up and relinquish his grip on OAOAST World Heayvweight Championship.


No! Never! Never! Never! NevAHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Krista clamps tighter on Silver’s neck, nearly crushing it into pieces with her well built legs! Silver is in tremendous pain and anguish fills his bloods stained face.

(tapping the ground)
I give up! I give up! I give up, damn it!


DING DING DING Chester Cheetah rings the bell!

The crowd roar is thundering, a deafening noise of cheers, chants, and amazed shouts. The fans high five and hug one another as if they themselves had captured the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship.

Your winner and new OAOAST World Heayvweight Champion for a record FIFTH time….KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAANNNNNNNNN!

“On Top of the World” blasts into the arena, joining with the mammoth noise of the crowd to create the soundtrack for Krista’s victory. Blue and orange confetti rains down from the ceiling, soaking the ring an adding to the joyous atmosphere. The champion for her part plays it cool as though she just cake walked past Uno. In fact she’s more concerned with her freshly made martini than she is with the OAOAST World Title.

This is an Anglemania Moment to be sure, folks. Krista Isadora Duncan has set a record for most world title wins in the OAOAST with five. And she has done it at Jason Silver’s expense.

Jason Silver is nothing more than an afterthought as he rolls onto the floor for medical staff to attend to him. His anguished expression says it all; his life and title have been taken from him in his very hometown.

How the hell did she do it?

Krista parades around the confetti soaked ring with her title, her martini, and a wry smile, as the audience chants her name.

Folks, what a show we’ve seen tonight! The tenth Anglemania has been the best one yet!
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The OAOAST wishes to thank the following:

Some Guy
Mystery Eskimo
evenflow DDT
The Superstar
Big Poppa Popick
Treble Charged
Calvin Szechstein
Sly Sommers
The Amazing Rando
Mr. Zsasz

With apologizes to anyone forgotten.

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“Motherfucker of the Year” hits and the hottest couple in the OAOAST, Mister Dick and Malaysia, receive a golden (pyro) shower onstage.

That’s gotta bring back found memories of your AngleMania party, huh, Cole?

I don’t know what you mean.

Sure you don’t.

Mister Dick works out with his SHAKE WEIGHT as he and Malaysia scroll to the ring.


The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by the Ultimate Combination of Beauty and Beatdowns, MALAYSIA! From San Antonio, Texas, weighing 238 pounds, the Real American Prick… MMMIIIIIIIIIIISSSSTTEEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!


“Just A Gigolo” plays, bringing out Vegas native and fan favorite Deuce Deuce Bigelow to the world’s most famous arena. The big man stops at the height of the entrance stage and smiles a wide grin as he motions to the backstage area. Several seconds pass before entrance doors split apart and JUMBO emerges sporting an EYE PATCH, which he‘s quick to point out to Mister Dick.

Alright! Jumbo is back!

Talk about a one-eye monster.

Inside the ring Mister Dick looks none too pleased at this development. He and Malaysia, angrily confront the referee, demanding Jumbo be barred from ringside.

And the opponent…from Las Vegas, Nevada, being accompanied by Jumbo, weighing in at three hundred ninety pounds….DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOWWWWWWW!


Deuce goes down the aisle slapping hands with members of the OAOAST Galaxy as Jumbo trails behind. Suddenly Deuce is shoved FACE-FIRST into the RINGPOST.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the fans hiss, causing Jumbo to yell at them for daring to insult him.

Deuce goes down in a heap moaning in agony. The fans watch in shock and horror as Jumbo delivers a series of big splashes on his ex-partner.

No, damnit! Why?

I guess Jumbo isn’t a Dumbo, Cole. He traded in one friend for an even better one plus Malaysia.

Mister Dick stands in the ring, applauding as Jumbo rolls Deuce into the ring. Several stomps to Deuce's possibly concussed head is followed by THE JACKHAMMER!


That’s close to a 400 pound man the Real American Prick lifted up with ease.

Mister Dick covers Deuce by using the Flaming Gigolo’s head for a pillow.





“Motherfucker of the Year” cues as Mister Dick, Malaysia and Jumbo embrace over the body of Deuce.

As if raping Deuce of his AngleMania moment wasn‘t enough, Mister Dick and company have to add insult to injury.



Mister Dick poses in the ring while OAOAST officials assist Deuce backstage.

You can bet Deuce will turn up the heat on Mister Dick, Jumbo and Malaysia once he recovers from tonight.

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It has been a historic, amazing night, and from all of us in the OAOAST, we just want to say thank you again for joining us. It's now time for the one we've all been waiting for. You see the cage hovering over the ring right now, and in just a few moments, that steel contraption, with no means of exit, will encase two of the legendary figures in wrestling history.

The jury's out on one of 'em!

Think what you want, and say what you want, but the fact remains that after tonight, the OAOAST will be without one of the two most influential people in its existence. Since our inception in 2002, there have been two names synonymous with this company. Anglesault, the man for whom this company was named. On April 26th, 2002, Anglesault proclaimed himself to be the first OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, and established not only a stranglehold on that belt, but on this promotion. Running parallel to that was the career of Zack Malibu, who entered the OAOAST shortly after its creation and quickly rose to fame as arguably the most popular superstar in the OAOAST. One year later, on March 30, 2003, in the match regarded by both fans and historians as the most important match in OAOAST history, Zack Malibu defeated Anglesault to claim his first OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship. Here we are, nearly nine years to the day, and the same men who created a phenomenon will now look to eliminate the other from their existence in the company. For Anglesault, it could be a loss of money and power. For Zack Malibu, the loss runs deeper, as his efforts should not be forgotten, nor should the respect that he's earned in the past decade be erased by the outcome of this match. No matter the winner, there is one thing certain...tonight, the OAOAST will lose a very big, very important piece of itself. Let's go now to Michael Buffer.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is time now for YOUR main event of the evening! A Survive Or Surrender match, where anything goes, to be contested inside the walls of a specially constructed steel cage. The only way to win will be to make your opponent submit, whether it be via tap out or by forcing them to say they quit. The referee in charge of the match this evening, Mr. Earl Hebner.

Not only was Zack a part of the very first Survive or Surrender match, but that man, Earl Hebner, was the referee that evening as well!

Yeah, and Zack lost THAT match, just like he's gonna lose THIS one!

Earl makes a polite wave at the crowd, and the lights then dim, only to have red and blue spotlights circling the arena as the sound of "Medal" is heard. Once the song hits its main portion, red pyro shoots up on either side of the entrance way, firing into the air as ANGLESAULT is elevated from up under the stage. In a nod to their encounter at Anglemania II, Anglesault wears the same singlet from that evening, as an Angletron video which may as well be called "Anglesault's Greatest Hits" plays on the screen behind him. Being in New York, Anglesault certainly has his fair share of fans, but the detractors are still out in full force, causing a blend of cheers and boos to form an indecisive chorus as he heads to the ring.

Love him or hate him...


Ugh. As I was saying, love him or hate him, credit should be given where it is due. Anglesault turn the wrestling world on its ear in 2002 when this company first got off the ground, and he could do it here tonight if he manages to make Zack Malibu surrender.

Anglesault gets into the ring and stands in the center, raising his hands as red, then white, then blue pyro shoots off one after another from each of the four corners. With the pyro done and his music fading out, Anglesault, dressed for battle for the first time in two years, gets on the middle rope and jawjacks with the crowd, promising a happy ending for himself come the end of this event.

Once again, the lights in Madison Square Garden shut down one by one, until the arena is cloaked in darkness. After several moments of anticipation, the Angletron lights up, and the scene is similar to one that last aired in this same building nine years ago.

The scene opens, water dripping from a faucet into open palms, as the song begins.

"How can you see into my eyes, like open doors..."

The hands splash water on the person's face, who looks up into the mirror. The person is Zack Malibu, except the scene has been updated to the present day, with Malibu's close cropped hair now in place of his formerly wavy hair.

"...leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb..."

Malibu takes a breath, and turns away from the mirror.

"...without a soul..."

Zack exits through the door of the dressing room. In the hall, a camera follows him from behind, as he walks through a dark hallway.

"...my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold..."

Zack stops at a curtain, light slightly visible through a small opening in the middle of it.

"...until you find it there and lead it back..."

Malibu disappears behind the curtain.


Malibu's original "Bring Me To Life" theme gains the attention of his fans, but rather than seguing into the rest of the song, the opening verse then flows into the bass line intro of "Getting Away With Murder". The lights remain off, except for the spotlight centered on the ramp, showing a figure standing with a hood over his head, his head tilted down. Once the guitars kick in, Malibu lifts his head and throws off his hood, standing tall as he twists his neck from left to right, looking over the crowd before gold pyro shoots up the length of the ramp, forming an aisle of sparks that Malibu can jog thru! Malibu hits the ring and Anglesault immediately backs out, hopping to the floor as his arch-rival, full of enthusiasm, works the crowd as the lights come up. The crowd goes wild, cheering for Zack as he acknowledges them, and cheers even louder as Malibu removes his hooded jacket and hurls it at Anglesault, catching him in the face!

YO~! Why's he starting already, Mikey Cole?

He's waited long enough, Coach. We ALL have!

Anglesault throws it down and scowls, as Malibu dares him...nay, BEGS him to enter the ring so that this match can get underway. With the Survive or Surrender cage hanging above them, Anglesault walks up onto the apron, choosing to stand there while Michael Buffer introduces both men to the crowd.

And now, the combatants. First, from NEW YORK, NEW YORK, and weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds...he is one of the most famous, most notorious men in wrestling history. The founder of the very company we are here to support tonight. A former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, and part owner of the OAOAST...this is ANNNNNNNNNNNNGLESSSSSAAAUUULLLLLLLLT!

Anglesault steps through the ropes and moves towards Zack, who also moves forward, but Hebner quickly steps between them to prevent any action from breaking out just yet. The two men stare each other down before Zack backs off, showing patience as Buffer merely has to introduce him, and then the war can begin.

His opponent, from Providence, Rhode Island. He weighs in tonight at two hundred and two pounds. He enters the ring tonight as a former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, and undoubtedly the most popular man to ever compete in the squared circle. Regarded not only as the leader of the locker room, but as the OAOAST Franchise, he is here tonight to defend the honor of the company he has embraced as his own for the past nine years. Ladies and gentlemen, he is ZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUUUUU!

The crowd roars, overpowering the fans that Anglesault has in attendance. Michael Buffer steps out of the ring, and Hebner asks both men if they're ready, then signals for the cage to come down.


Before the bottom of the cage walls can land on the apron, Anglesault takes a cheap shot, but Malibu ducks it and starts the match off with a flurry of right hands! Anglesault is rocked and gets send across the ring, only to rebound into a back bodydrop and come slamming down hard! Malibu picks Anglesault up and fires him into the corner, following him in with a lariat before climbing to the middle rope and due further damage with continued punches! Zack hops down and fires Anglesault off to the other corner, but when Zack runs in this time, Anglesault moves out of the way! Zack collides chest first with the turnbuckles, and then turns around...AND GETS POWDER IN THE EYES!?

What the hell is he doing!?

Whatever he wants, Mikey Cole! That's OUR boss! Plus, anything goes, so stop your bitching, boy!

Zack is blinded, allowing Anglesault to take him by the head and ram him into the cage wall! Anglesault then runs Zack's head across the cage, raking it back and forth as Zack growls in pain! Anglesault then pulls Zack away, and while holding him by the head, kicks him low! Zack drops to both knees, and Anglesault hammers away on the head, smiling as he tries to make his enemy bleed!

Anglesault pulls Zack up, taking Zack by the head again...and then blasts the preppy superstar in the face with a headbutt! Zack stumbles, but gets pulled forward and shot to the ropes by Anglesault, who lunges at Zack as he bounces off the ropes, headbutting him in the face again as he comes at him! Anglesault then hits the mat, and more importantly hits Zack, clubbing him before getting up to his feet...and then gets countered by Zack, who nails him with an STO! Now it's Zack who starts pounding away, not letting Anglesault get the advantage he desires! Zack takes Anglesault up, but AS hooks Zack's ankle and pulls him down, and tries to lock in THE ANKLELOCK! Malibu, not as worn down as 'Sault would like to think, manages to roll over and kicks Anglesault off, sending him back to the canvas! Zack hurries to get to his feet, not wanting to remain prone, but Anglesault is up quickly as well! Zack gets rocked with a right hand, but returns fire, only to get his eyes raked! Once again blinded, Zack tries to get his sight back, and Anglesault uses the opportunity to go for an ANGLE SLAM...but Zack slips out, only to get grabbed for a German suplex...but he fires back two elbows, then snapmares AS over and hits a running kick to the back of his neck! Anglesault rolls away, while Zack takes a minute to recover before going after him. As Anglesault crawls on the canvas, Zack comes over and yanks him up by the straps of the singlet and tosses him into the corner, sending his shoulder into the post! Anglesault comes up holding the arm, but Zack takes hold of it and wrenches it, then drives the point of his elbow repeatedly into AS' shoulder! Anglesault gets fired into the ropes, and Zack catches him with an arm drag, then waits for Anglesault to rise to his feet, only to take the arm and drop him with a single arm DDT!

Both men looking to exploit a weakness in the early going here. Anglesault has already tried to bust Zack open, while Zack is targeting the arm of the former World Heavyweight Champion!

After landing with the DDT, Zack rolls over and traps Anglesault in a Fujiwara armbar, finally getting Anglesault to let out some painful sounding vocals! Hebner is close by with the mic, knowing his job is merely to catch the quitter tonight, and as the mic draws closer, everyone can hear the pain of Anglesault's situation.


Anglesault pushes up with his free hand and rolls forward, coming up to his feet and shooting Zack to the ropes. Zack comes off, and Anglesault traps him in a sleeper...but then pulls Zack down to the mat and locks on a body vice, trapping him in a rear naked choke!

Thatta boy, 'Sault! Make his ass tap!

Now it's Zack who's caught in the precarious position, struggling for a way to free himself. Zack waves his arms, reaching for an imaginary handle to pull himself up, but there's nothing to help him now! Anglesault shows no remorse, trying to choke Zack out, until Zack manages to roll onto all fours! Anglesault now stands over him, with the choke still applied, and Zack seems to be getting weaker and weaker...until he hooks Anglesault's legs and powers up, then simply falls back with 'Sault on him piggyback style, driving the wind out of his arch rival! Groggy, Zack sits up, and then moves for the arm again...but Anglesault grabs Zack's wrist with his free hand, preventing him from getting the weak arm! Zack struggles, but Anglesault knocks his hands away and then goes for his ankle while he's distracted! Malibu balances on one foot, and Anglesault comes up holding his leg...so Zack jumps up and nails an enzugiri! The company founder spits what may have been two teeth out, and before he falls to the mat Zack catches him with a release German suplex! Anglesault crashes to the canvas, and starts crawling, doing what he can to move further away from Zack and postpone his momentum. He pulls himself up in the corner, and Zack races across the ring and leaps up, driving both knees into him with a ZACK ATTACK II...but Anglesault hooks Zack's legs and drops him to the canvas, then catapults him up, sending him headfirst into the ringpost!

Did you hear that crack!

Like an egg, baby. Just like an egg!

Zack stands slumped over the ropes, his head resting on the turnbuckle. Anglesault gets up and raises Zack's head, and the fans are stunned by the vision of Zack wearing a crimson mask, his eyes half closed! Anglesault slams him face first into the turnbuckle, and the impact knocks Zack to the canvas...but Anglesault follows up by putting him throat first on the middle rope and choking him! While planting his knee in Zack's back, Anglesault taunts him, telling him to quit and "save yourself" before lifting him up, walking Zack over to Hebner, and ORDERING him to quit!

Give up, Zack!



Angered, Anglesault takes Zack and drops him with a German suplex, but clings to his rival and pulls him back up.

Many fans know this as one of Zack's trademarks, but believe it or not the reason he started using it was as a tribute to Anglesault!

Tribute nothing, Mikey Cole. He STOLE it, plain and simple, and now the main man is taking it back!

One German, two German, three German suplexes rattle the Franchise, as each drop takes a little more life out of him! Anglesault brings him up for a fourth, but Malibu is weak and nothing but dead weight to AS. 'Sault tries to carry him over, but Malibu fires back an elbow, and another, and finally a third drives Anglesault away! Malibu falls to one knee, the exhaustion rearing its ugly head...and when Zack stands up Anglesault runs up behind him and hooks him, throwing him back with a huge release German suplex, not unlike the one that felled him earlier!

Yeah, 'Sault! Throw that bitch around!

Sit down, Coach.

Zack holds his head, but it's seconds later that he's led to his feet, only to be hurled into the air, headfirst into the wall of the cage! Drops of blood decorate the canvas as Zack's crimson mask stains the cage wall, and the force sends him bouncing off the steel structure! Anglesault smiles sadistically as Zack tries to get up, but then simply soccer kicks him in the ribs!

The boss is enjoying this, Cole. I'm enjoying this! You, on the other hand, have a pink slip comin' tomorrow morning!

Once again, Anglesault looks to send Zack into the wall of the cage...but at the last second, Zack reverses, and this time it's Anglesault who hits the wall!

Anglesault, meet the cage! Cage, meet Anglesault!

Anglesault grunts as he gets up, trying to get away, only to be hoisted up and run into another one of the cage walls! Hebner inches closer, holding the mic out to see if Anglesault has had enough, but all he picks up are the grunts and groans of the CFO! Hebner backs away when Zack pulls Anglesault up and backs him into the ropes, sending him in simply to catch him on the rebound with a snap powerslam! Once again, Zack mounts the shoulders, but this time goes for his patented elbow strikes, hammering at the forehead and bridge of Anglesault's nose! Several cuts have opened thanks to both the cage wall and Zack's elbows, and a panicked Anglesault throws Zack off of him, having had enough of the elbows! Zack quickly gets up and grabs the wrist of Anglesault's bad arm, wrenching it again before shooting him to the ropes...but the attempt is reversed by Anglesault, who counters with an overhead belly to belly suplex that sends Malibu over the ropes and into the wall of the cage!

Did you see that!? Did you see the way he landed! That could have broken Zack's neck!

Anglesault gets up, and motions for Earl to go check on Zack and see if he's had enough. Hebner approaches the fallen Franchise...but with his back turned to AS he finds himself grabbed by the OAOAST's namesake and hurled into the cage wall as well!

What the hell!? Anglesault just took out Earl Hebner!

That's brilliant! With no referee in there, Anglesault couldn't quit if he wanted to!

...which means Zack can't either.

Exactly, Mikey Cole! It's win-win!

The fans boo loudly as Anglesault kicks at Hebner, making sure he's out cold. Meanwhile Zack drags himself to his feet, but Anglesault hits a Yakuza kick that knocks the back of Zack's head against the cage wall! Malibu falls onto the ropes, his only means of support to keep him from falling, but Anglesault drags him through the ropes and holds him by the head, spiking him with a draping DDT!

Anglesault is just taking Zack apart now, and savoring every second of it!

With Hebner down, Anglesault goes and takes the mic, tapping it like a comedian would before he says "is this thing on?". Anglesault kneels over Zack, slapping him across the head to "wake him up".

Whaddya say, Zack? Huh?

Malibu, totally spent, wearily reaches for AS, who stands up and boots him in the head!

C'mon, Malibu! Answer me! Do you quit?

Zack tries to drag himself up, clawing at Anglesault's singlet as a means to bring himself to his feet, but Anglesault whacks him in the head with the microphone!

You want more? YOU WANT MORE?

Anglesault continues to slap at Zack's head, but Malibu keeps trying to get up...and finally does, shoving Angleault away! Anglesault can only laugh at the weak attempt, and delivers a HARD slap to Zack...who shoves back! Now enraged, Anglesault drops the mic and slaps Zack again, only for Malibu to return with one of his own! Anglesault then unleashes some open hand chops, only for Zack to rally and come at him with a series of open hand strikes...until he's cut off! Anglesault stuffs a knee into his bread basket, and then pounds on Zack's open wounds...until Malibu shoves him back once more...THEN FOLLOWS UP WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT~!

All right!

It doesn't matter, Cole! They're both out!

Coach, for once, is right, as both men lay on the canvas. Anglesault is out due to the superkick, and Malibu is out due to sheer exhaustion. Hebner is still out as well, and suddenly the cage starts to lift, as medical personnel rush out to tend to him.

Both men are down, and it looks like they're going to get Earl out of there while the match is at a standstill.

Several EMT's enter the ring to check on Earl, rolling him over to find HIM bloody as well! They gingerly start to manuever him under the bottom rope and onto a stretcher, while Malibu hooks the top and middle rope, bringing himself to his feet. As the crowd applauds Earl's safe exit from the ring, a commotion starts at ringside as a fan in a hooded sweatshirt hops the rail and slides into the ring behind Malibu!

OK, we need security ASAP, we've got a fan in th...

All of a sudden, Michael Cole stops, as the fan spins Zack around and DROPS HIM WITH A POLLY CUTTER~!

Wait a minute...WAIT A MINUTE!

The fan stands up and pulls the hood back, revealing not just anybody...

...it's CWM~!


Yeah! Yeah! CWM, my man!

I don't believe this! It was a setup! A god damn setup! This is why Anglesault went after the referee!

Anything goes, baby!

We've got to get the cage back down!

They can't, Cole! They're still trying to get Earl out of there! You don't want him to get hurt, do you?

The fans (the real fans) boo loudly, some even throwing drinks, as CWM walks over to Anglesault and pulls him up by the hand. The two men embrace, and CWM tears off the hoodie and throws it to ringside to reveal an aWo shirt!

aWo 4 eva~!

We need to get some help out here, RIGHT NOW!

Who's gonna help him, Cole? All of his friends are beat up, worn out, or in the showers right now! Then he made the mistake of selling his power to his Original buddies, which means they can't get involved!

Together, the two of them start stomping on Malibu, and Anglesault goes and applies the ankle lock, while CWM lays on the mat talking trash! Malibu screams in agony as he's trapped in the hold AND kicked in the head by CWM, when all of a sudden the fans start popping up in their seats for...


What the...

What's HE doing!?

The young announcer does a full sprint down the ramp, sliding into the ring and jumping on CWM's back, getting a HUGE pop in the process! CWM snapmares him off, but when he goes to clothesline Josh he gets low-bridged and dumped out of the ring!

I never thought I'd say this, but JOSH MATTHEWS has come to the aid of Zack Malibu!

With CWM on the floor and the MSG crowd chanting "JOSH", Matthews hurries up to the top turnbuckle and leaps off, hitting a flying bodypress to the floor and wiping out the OAOAST veteran with his dive!


It doesn't matter, Cole! The damage was done! Zack got dropped with that Polly Cutter, and now he's in the ankle lock! Now we just need a referee!

Security runs out to take care of Josh and CWM, while the medical staff has Earl on the stretcher and is carrying him out. Meanwhile, in the ring, Anglesault has let go of the ankle lock to check on CWM and Josh Matthews...and Zack sneaks up behind him and dumps him to the floor!

He can't do that!

It's anything goes, remember?


Malibu hobbles around the ring, trying to get the juices flowing, and manages a run to the ropes, picking up speed with every step before DIVING THROUGH THE ROPES ONTO ANGLESAULT~!



Malibu, Anglesault, CWM, and Matthews all lay on the floor, and OAOAST comes out to tend to all of them. Zack gets helped to his feet, but as Anglesault is getting tended to, he spears him down, then starts hammering on him on the floor!

Hey! They held him for Zack to do that!

They did not!

Zack pulls AS up and rolls him into the ring, but as Malibu goes to enter, he gets nailed with a baseball slide! Anglesault comes back to the floor and runs Zack's back into the side of the ring, then pulls the apron out and puts Zack between the apron and the ring itself, ramming his back into the hard side! Anglesault then rolls back into the ring and reaches through the ropes, pulling back on Zack's head almost like a camel clutch, with Zack's back bending against the hard frame of the squared circle! Just then, Nick Patrick runs down the aisle and rolls into the ring, waving his hands to get the cage lowered again now that everyone else has been cleared out! Anglesault takes Zack and drags him back into the ring just as the cage has encased the ring again, and goes right back to applying the Ankle Lock!

Can you feel it, Mikey Cole? Can you feel the end of Zack Malibu creeping up on us?

The cage is finally completely lowered, and Patrick takes the microphone, asking an aching Zack what he feels.

Zack, do you want to give up?


Anglesault cranks the hold on tighter, while Patrick asks again.

Zack, do you quit?


In a last ditch effort, Malibu rolls onto his back, and kicks Anglesault off...BUT ANGLESAULT GRABS THE OTHER LEG AND TURNS ZACK OVER INTO A BOSTON CRAB~!

No. NO!


Zack cries in pain, as Anglesault puts pressure on his lower back, trying to make his counter transition into a successful victory! Zack, out of instinct, starts crawling for the ropes, likely not thinking about the fact that in Survive or Surrender, there are no rope breaks.


Malibu reaches the ropes, first grabbing the bottom, and then the middle. Using the ropes to pull himself up, he gains leverage and weakens Anglesault's grip on him, ultimately forcing a release of the hold! Patrick backs away as Malibu leans on the ropes, but Anglesault pulls him away and picks him up for the ANGLE SLAM...NO! Zack slips out, but lands on the bad ankle...so Anglesault picks him up a second time, and THIS TIME hits it, laying him out!

We all know Anglesault has trained hard for this match, and it is certainly starting to show. He has managed to counter so many of Zack's attempts, and right now things are not looking good for The Franchise!

We knew that coming in, Cole. You have to have a killer instinct in a match like this, and Zack doesn't have it anymore! He lost that instinct, and tonight, he's going to lose his job, his career...he's losin' it ALL!

Anglesault sits up, and with Zack down stands over him, then takes an arm and a leg and drags him closer to the turnbuckles. Anglesault then begins a climb, looking over his shoulder to make sure Zack's not playing possum. He climbs to the top rope and grips the wall of the cage, which helps to balance himself. He looks over his shoulder one last time, and with the fans on their feet and the flashes of cameras going off throughout the arena, he leaps off the top with...THE ANGLESAULT~!



For the first time in YEARS, Anglesault went high risk, busting out the very manuever that gave him his name, but it did not pay off here tonight!

Don't count him out yet, Cole!

Anglesault landed hard on the canvas, as Malibu rolled under him, and brings himself up in the corner. Clutching his ribs, AS starts to come up...and Zack hooks the arm, scissors it, and snaps Anglesault to the mat with a cross armbreaker, trapping the bad arm!

This could be it!

Anglesault tries to reach over and pull Zack's grasp off the arm, but can't get it quite there. He struggles, and then manages to roll onto his knees...but Malibu transitions the hold and starts to hook him in a triangle!

He's got him trapped! Anglesault is going to have to tap!

Don't say that don't say that don't say that...

Anglesault struggles again, this time trying to free himself from the second submission in as many minutes! He plants his feet on the mat and gets the strength to hoist Zack up while in the triangle...but that's when Malibu breaks, stopping the powerbomb attempt and landing on his feet! He nails Anglesault with two elbow strikes, only for Anglesault to nail him with one....and then Zack opens fires with open hands, then goes to put an exclamation point on it with a ROARING ELBOW~!...but it's ducked! Anglesault hits a German suplex...NO! Malibu floats over and pushes Anglesault into the ropes...and the two men collide with a vicious headbutt! Both men stagger, and then both run the ropes, collding again by smacking their heads together, the sick thud heard all the way up in the rafters! The two spaghetti-legged superstars then go back to trading elbows, and Malibu finally connects with a ROARING ELBOW~! that knocks Anglesault against the ropes so hard he immediately rebounds and floors Zack with a lariat! The crowd comes to their feet and cheers wildly, as both men lay on the mat yet again, trying to suck up enough energy to continue the contest!

It is the ultimate battle, here at Anglemania Ten! Both men, giving it all they've got! Listen to this crowd!

After a few moments, Anglesault is the first one to get up, and the first thing he does is heads for the corner. This time however, rather than go up top, he starts to undo the turnbuckle padding, exposing the steel beam used to connect the ring ropes!

This could get ugly for your boy right quick!

Anglesault returns to Malibu, pulling him up and striking him with another series of hard elbows, which Zack has no defense for. Weakened, Zack is then sent into the corner, his back collding with the hard steel! Malibu winces as he strikes, then starts slumping...but when Anglesault charges the corner, Zack rolls out of the way at the last second, and Anglesault collides with the exposed steel chest first! Not satisfied, Zack shoves Anglesault into the corner again, this time the shoulder of his bad arm crashing into the steel! Malibu then takes 'Sault and plants him on the top rope, then runs up the ropes and hits an armdrag on his bad left arm, sending Anglesault soaring down to the canvas, the impact doing no favors on that bad arm and shoulder!

Malibu is tearing him apart! That arm may wind up coming right out of the socket!

Anglesault kicks the mat as he clutches the bad arm, rolling to his knees before falling back down to the canvas. Zack gets up and looms over him, as Anglesault kicks himself back into the corner, and like a frightened child...begs for mercy!?

Ha! Even the "boss" as you call him can see the writing on the wall, Coach!

Incensed that he would think such a tactic would work, Malibu starts peppering Anglesault with punches before stomping him into the corner, leaving him prone in a seated postion. Zack backs up and runs into the corner, hitting a knee strike to the side of Anglesault's head, then pulls him up and nails him with a European uppercut that knocks him right back into the corner! The crowd is firmly behind Zack as he rocks Anglesault with more strikes, then fires him into the exposed turnbuckle...AND FOLLOWS WITH A ZACK ATTACK II! Anglesault is all but dead weight, as Zack brings him out of the corner, to center ring, and drops him with a German...but hangs on!


Now Malibu invokes HIS tradition, as the rolling suplexes continue!

The fans count along every time Anglesault gets dropped...




However, on the fourth try, Anglesault kicks his leg back, connecting with a low blow! Malibu doubles over in pain, while Anglesault comes up with a bloody smile that is sure to give some of the younger front row fans nightmares. He gets to his feet and turns around, but when he does...


...HE GETS NAILED WITH SCHOOL'S OUT! Anglesault falls back into the ropes, and gets propelled forward...INTO A JUDO THROW! Zack throws him over his shoulder, then hooks the left arm back, kneeling behind Anglesault and drives elbow after elbow after elbow into the side of his head! Nick Patrick comes closer to the mic, but all he can get Anglesault to muster is "Uunnnnhhhh" as any attempts to talk are cut short by another elbow being driven into his cheekbone! After what seems like an endless amount, Malibu then scissors the arm and cranks back on it, twisting the wrist and pulling on every muscle and tendon inside it!


Listen to the fans! They are on their feet here, in MSG, will Anglesault be able to survive this!?

Patrick comes close, and though the screams of pain can be heard without the microphone, hearing them echo through the mic makes it seem that much worse!

Anglesault, what do you say?

He's tear....nnnnnnnnnaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhh...my arm....gaaaahhh...

Anglesault uses his free hand to find the ropes, the cage...anything to help him get out of this! He manages to start to roll, trying to get to his feet again...but the moment he perks his head up, Malibu slides his leg under it, now trapping him in a triangle!

He's choking him out!

For all the beatings, for what was done to his friends....THIS IS FOR THE OAOAST!

Anglesault's screams are now muffled, as Zack puts the pressure of the hold on, trapping his nemesis. Then, in a moment that will stand the test of time, with Zack Malibu using every last bit of energy he has in his six foot frame...with the thousands who have sold out MSG watching...with the OAOAST locker room all huddled around the TV in the back, friends and foe alike...with the millions watching in the comfort of their own homes...


He tapped! HE TAPPED!

Patrick calls for the bell, and the sound of those three dings brings a response that sounds like a sonic boom!


Despite Patrick tapping on him, it's not until Malibu hears that sound that he breaks the hold. Already on the mat, Zack simply lay there, as if he just wants to sleep the rest of the night inside the squared circle.


"Getting Away With Murder" hits, but you can barely hear it over the cheers of the fans, who are literally jumping up and down in celebration. Nick Patrick helps Zack to his feet, and when his arm is raised, the crowd erupts yet again, as a bloody Zack Malibu is still standing, having survived the greatest test of his career!

I don't...I mean...what...I....

Well, Coach, looks like I'm not getting my pink slip after all. You, on the other hand, may have a lot more sucking up to do than usual!

Pyro shoots off alongside the stage, while blue and gold confetti falls from the ceiling, covering the arena. Zack Malibu, his hand already raised, leans over the top rope and takes a few moments to catch his breath, then backs up and raises both arms before pounding his heart and pointing to the crowd.

Tonight, we have just witnessed one of the greatest matches I have ever had the privilege of broadcasting. For the fans, for his friends, and for himself, Zack Malibu has done what needed to be done. The OAOAST as we know it will be forever changed, as Anglesault is GONE!

Anglesault is at ringside, walking stoically and holding his arm. Trainers come out to assist him, but he shoves them away, stopping on the ramp to turn and look at the scene in the ring. Malibu is on the ropes, thanking the fans, and then gets off and walks around the ring, stopping to see his rival stare at him. Now Anglesault HEADS BACK TO THE RING, and rolls in, coming eye to eye with Zack!

Hit him! HIT HIM!

The music stops, and the fans all quiet down, as the two warriors stare at each other. Anglesault sneers, as he looks like he's about to explode with anger...but then he backs up and offers his hand. Malibu is hesitant, looking at him incredulously for the gesture, but then accepts, and in the ring the two men who just spent the past forty minutes trying to maim each other embrace!

I never...NEVER thought I'd see it. Such a humbling moment for Anglesault, but he is exiting this company as a gentleman, offering his hand to The Franchise!

Anglesault points at Zack and rolls out of the ring again, allowing Zack's music to be played one more time and the celebration to continue.

One man stands tall, while another rides off into the sunset. Ladies and gentlemen, history has been made here tonight, and we will never forget it! Thank you for joining us at Anglemania Ten! I'm Michael Cole, for DA COACH~!, saying goodnight, everybody!

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