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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 3/29

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

** Cadeto Amarillo Vs El Juez **
Before the match Cadeto Amarillo was stopped by Terry Taylor as the kid was making his way to the ring. Taylor asked him why he was wearing a plain white mask instead of his regular yellow "Space Cadet" mask. An obviously distraught Amarillo explained that he felt dishonored by having his mask stolen by Scottish Scott and that he had to earn the right to wear the Cadeto mask once again. So until he felt worthy he would wear the plain white mask of a trainee.

Once he got to the ring Amarillo started out strong, leaping off the top rope onto El Juez before the bell even run. During the opening minutes Amarillo controlled the match, drawing the attention of Dr. Lucha, Jr. who accompanied Juez tonight. At one point during the match Dr. Lucha, Jr. began heckling Cadeto Amarillo, playing off his insecurities to distract him from El Juez. The vicious Judge turned the match around with a massive lariat followed by a series of power moves designed to inflict as much pain and damage as possible. The Cadet tried several times to regain the advantage but each time he had a bit of momentum either El Juez or Dr. Lucha, Jr. used underhanded tactics to stop the rookie dead in his tracks. The end came when El Juez chokeslammed Cadeto Amarillo off the top rope for the pinfall.

Following the match Dr. Lucha, Jr. slid into the ring and berated Cadeto Amarillo, switching between yelling that he would never achieve anything if he kept acting like a scared child and whispering in the kid's ear.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Amberlyn Duncan. This was far from a friendly family reunion, however, as Amberlyn blamed Maya for getting her in trouble with Anglesault. She said that if Maya had accepted her offer to join Anglesault's crew, she wouldn't be in the boss' dog house. Now Amberlyn stated that she had no choice but to follow AS' orders and make sure that Maya got no where near the OAOAST Women's Title at Anglemania. Maya laughed at this, claiming that Amberlyn couldn't do anything to stop her from winning the coveted title. Before a full scale argument could erupt, Lorelei arrived onto the set. She claimed that neither girl would factor into the outcome of the contest as her oral persuasion skills had already decided it. By entering last, Lorelei stated, she would come out on top. Maya thought this was odd because according to her Lorelei only comes flat on her black.

Mariachi, Biffman, and Tim Cash were seen backstage with the Mexican offering the good guys a few tips on how to fly high in their title unification ladder match at AM. Both Biffman and Cash appreciated Mariachi's advice, even if some of it involved getting naked and lathering their handsome bodies in baby oil. What they didn't appreciate was an interruption from US champion Theodore Moneymaker. Teddy tried to create dissension in their ranks, reminding them that only one of them could emerge from AM as the unified champion. Cash and Biffman didn't buy into Moneymaker's games, and promised to work together to make sure the most honorable competitor took home the gold. Who that was between the two remained unanswered.

** the All-American Boys Vs Los Arlequins (Rojo & Verde) **
The crowd was solidly behind the patriotic pair as they tried to extract some revenge on the group that stole Freedom and Liberty's biggest opportunity ever. The Mexican clowns used their numbers advantage to control the early parts of the match, until they were caught and the referee ejected all the other Alrquins. Once the numbers were even the highly motivated All-American Boys started to control the match with their highly coordinated team work. The Boys demonstrate their Right to Bear Arms aka. the double running lariat to Arlequin Verde. Moments later the extremly rare Declaration of Independence Spike Pile Driver finisher of the All-American Boys is actually executed giving the All-American Boys their first victory in... well in forever

Winners:The All-American Boys :huh: :huh: :huh:

Alfdogg was seen chatting with Melody Nerdly about the latest Mass Effect downloadable add on when Reject, ThunderKid and Melissa burst into his office. Reject was heated, highly upset about Sandman's crushing defeat to Zack Malibu this past week on HeldDOWN~! Reject complained that Sandman would be out of commission for an indefinite period of time, and blamed Alfdogg for this. Alf retorted that Sandman was the one who entered the match on his own and his injuries are no body's fault. Reject, of course, disagreed. But unable to do anything else about it, he promised to take out his frustrations on Baron Windels at Anglemania Ten.

Terry Taylor, Jesse Ventura, Tony Brannigan, and Josh Matthews sat down for an Anglemania preview segment. Each of three ring veterans offered their take on the upcoming mega event from Madison Square Garden. Ventura felt that Jason Silver would shock the world by submitting Krista for a second time, while the other two believed that Krista would come out on top for the world title. All three believed that The Lorelei DeCenzo Moneygang would upend D*LUX and retain their tag titles. Terry wasn't so sure Zack could beat Anglesault, and Jesse picked AS to win in order to butter up to the boss.

***Molly Nerdly W/Simon Singleton Vs Amberlyn Duncan W/Pierce Duncan***

Piercey D and Simon sat in on commentary for the contest. Throughout the match Simon would trick Pierce into claiming that he's gay. As for the actual contest, Molly had the upperhand to start the bout. But Amberlyn would move out the way of a top rope leg drop, allowing her to take control of the contest. Her advantage wouldn't last very long, however, as Molly reversed a powerbomb into a back body drop. From there the two women traded offense , with Molly using technical holds while Amberlyn threw out everything but the kitchen sink. Amberlyn eventually one upped Molly with an eye rake followed by a DDT. This let her work over Molly's legs for several minutes. But Molly would again fight back, and the two found themselves on even footing. That was until James Riggs interfered, distracting the referee. This was supposed to lead to Amberlyn walloping Molly with a pair of brass knocks. But Maya snuck into the ring and disarmed her aunt! Furious, Amberlyn raged at Maya. This distracted her and Molly was able to put her down for three with the Final Cut!

Winner: Molly Nerdly, via pinfall

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