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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 3/16

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***The Love Doctors Vs Blake Hamilton and Outhouse Jack***

The favorites of ladies world wide returned to Syndicated to face the disturbing Outhouse Jack and his young partner from OAOVW. The Docs had things all their way at start of the contest against Hamilton. Going against the larger and crazier Jack proved to be a tougher challenge. After being thrown about the ring for a minute or so, The Docs changed their strategy to go airborne. This confused and befuddled their slower foe. He was forced to tag out to Hamilton, who seemed better equipped to handle the fast pace. Problematically, Hamilton's efforts were just as futile as Jack and he fall victim to the Gurney to the center of the earth for a three count.

Winner: The Love Doctors, via pinfall

Molly Nerdly and The Orange County Cobras were part of a podium interview with part owner of the OAOAST Tony Brannigan. Tony wanted to know how they could trust a wildcard like Leon Rodez at Anglemania. They said they didn't know if they could, but they'd take out Anglesault's crew regardless of if he helped them or not. Molly was worried that he might turn on them, or abandon them in the middle of the match. The Cobras stated that no matter who showed up, or who walked out, or who turned on who, they'd have their hands raised over the fallen bodies of their foes.

***OAOAST Women's Title Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Miss Lindsay Gonzalez****

Big anti Lorelei chants opened up the bout, infuriating Lorelei, who after all these years of insulting the crowd and slapping babyfaces doesn't understand why she'd be booed. With Lorelei preoccupied by the audience, Lindsay get the jump on The Money Honey. She beat Lorelei into the corner, and worked her over with punches while standing atop the turnbuckle. She aimed to hit ten strikes, but failed as the voluptuous champion powerbombed her to the ring. The Money Honey paraded about the squared circle, showcasing her fantastic body to the world. When she returned to Lindsay, however, she was clotheslined to the ground. Mounted punches followed, causing Lorelei to scramble to the ropes. Lindsay backed away in order to build up a head of steam to charge her. But, Lorelei ducked low and sent Lindsay tumbling over the ropes. Lindsay landed on her feet, which did her little good as Lorelei merely smashed her face into the top turnbuckle. Lorelei then tried to suplex Lindsay back into the ring, but found her move countered by a lateral press. From there, Lindsay took control of the contest, beating Lorelei across the ring for around thirty seconds. But a tornado DDT would be reversed into a spine buster from the powerful champion. Lorelei assumed the advantage in the contest and eventually defeated Lindsay with the Cashflow (Fisherman's DDT)

Winner: Lorelei DeCenzo, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to chat with fellow Californian Biffman! The OAOAST's own superhero was in complimentary form, praising Baron Windels for his heroic comeback, and lauding Zack Malibu for having the courage to challenge Anglesault to a survive or surrender match. A person who was not lucky enough to be complimented by Biffman, was Abdullah Abir Nerdly. The adopted Nerdly caught hell from the Venice Beach native. Biffman labeled Abdullah a criminal and classified him as a super villain. Biffman said he should have listened to Melody all along and never trusted Abdullah. He promised that if their paths should cross again, justice would be served.

***Alexander The Brutal W/Megan Skye Vs Vinny Valentine W/Tony Tourettes

Vinny feared for his safety against the powerful Greek. And rightly so! Thus he offered Tony Tourettes as a human sacrifice. Merely looking for someone to abuse, Alexander grabbed Tony and dragged him down to the canvas in a crossface. As Tony began tapping out, his cousin struck, kicking Alexander in the head with his gator skin boots. Vinny dominated Alexander for I'd say about ten seconds. After those ten seconds were up, Alexander proceeded to beat the life out V-Squared. Realizing that he could very well have his career ended, Vinny raked Alexander's dark eyes and escaped beneath the ring ropes. Alexander gave chase, and once again Tony was used as a human shield. Not caring who he beat on, Alexander pounded on poor Tony until his cousin struck Alexander in the back with a steel chair. As the referee had been distracted with Megan, no DQ was made. As such Vinny was able to roll Alexander into the ring and apply the offensive pressure. But, it was only a matter of time before Alexander came back and come back he did, countering Vinny's top rope hurricanrana attempt into a TRIPLE POWERBOMB! He went on to terrorize V-Squared before getting him to tap to the Crossface.

Winner: Alexander The Brutal, via submission

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