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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 3/8

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

** Los Conquistadors vs. the All-American Boys **
The battle of the bottom dwellers started out by “It” the Alien staggering to ringside before the match even started and then just laid on the ringside mat during the introductions and most of the match. While the crowd was hoping for the All-American Boys to finally win a match Los Conquistadors started out strong, their confidence bolstered no doubt, by the victory at the Heartland Spectacular. After a long back-and-forth match, during which the All-American Boys actually showed more wrestling moves than they are usually permitted to do, the end looked near as Justice and Freedom applied their rarely seen double team maneuver on Dos. Moments later the All-American Boys are disqualified as “It” suddenly leaps up from the mat, slides into the ring and weakly attacks Dos to draw the disqualification victory for Los Conquistadors. Once the bell rang and the announcement was made “It” returned to his dormant state while both Uno and Dos celebrated their cheap victory like they just won the most coverted prize in all of wrestling. The fact that Uno used the doll to control “It” so they could get a DQ win was not lost on the commentators or the crowd, but Los Conquistadors officially won their second match in a row, which made religious people fear Armageddon.

Backstage we found Biffman in conversation with Abdullah Abir Nerdly. Abdullah was in full damage control mode, faced with numerous accusations from Biffman. The superhero brought up the issues mentioned by future Biffman. Abdullah claimed that was all his sister's trickery and that he could not defend himself against such bogus happenings. Unfortunately, he had no defense for his behavior during Krista's contest with Synth this past HeldDOWN~! Unable to properly to convince Biffman of his goodness, the speaker for the prophets tried to bribe him. He told Biffman that he had secured a tag team title shot for he and Tim Cash tonight. Just as Biffman began to warm up, the nearby TV displayed an update from OMG TV. The footage displayed Abdullah instructing Colin Maguire Junior to do whatever it took to injure Tim Cash and Melody. Abdullah stated that without Cash and Melody in the way, it would be easier for him to persuade Biffman to join the Church of Abdullah. Live footage returned with Abdullah wearing the ohmy.gif face most victims of OMG TV sport. Biffman kept his temper in check as he plainly refused to join the Church of Abdullah. As Biffman walked away, Abdullah broke down in tears! He was coddled and comforted be several crying fans in Miami Heat Lebron James jerseys.

** Los Reyes del Aire vs. The Borough Boys **
The six-man tag team match was fought under one fall rules with the traditional non-Lucha rules, this however did not seem to bother Aviador Divina, Tigre Azteca and Guerrero Dorada who took on Mariano, Luther and Wario with great enthusiasm. The Borough Boys seems to relish the opportunity to put on a great aerial display against the luchadors and several times during the match matches Los Reyes move for move; including a series of dives out of the ring where each dive was more breathtaking than the previous. In the end though Los Reyes took the victory when all three member simultaneously made their opponents tap out; Aviador made Mariano tap to the Confession Tornado Arm bar while Guerrero Dorada forced Wario to submit to a sharpshooter variation and Tigre Azteca took out Luther with an Indian Deatlhlock. The crowd showed their growing appreciation of MILLF’s main tecnico group after the match.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview OAOAST bench boss Alfdogg. The three time OAOAST world champion expressed how much he was looking forward to Anglemania, and believed that this year would be the best one yet. He also announced the girls that would be involved in the eight girl scramble match:

Lorelei DeCenzo (champion) Vs Morgan Nerdly Vs Amberlyn Duncan Vs Maya Duncan-Blanchard Vs Maggie Nerdly Vs Melody Nerdly Vs Sophie Vs Holly

This week on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!
-MARV Vs Jason Silver-
-Mister Dick Vs Deuce-
-And More!-

***James Riggs Vs Simon Singleton W/Molly Nerdly***
Riggs was distracted by Molly at the start of the contest. And, who wouldn't be! However, this distraction proved deadly for him as it allowed Singleton to clothesline him out the ring. Rather than accept blame for his own failings, Riggs placed the fault on Molly and attempted to lash at her. Thankfully BOSS made a quick exit to deal with Riggs. The two heated rivals brawled on the outside with the sold out audience rooting Singleton. The Orange County native (Simon) looked to have the upper hand over the other Orange County native (Riggs), until he was low blowed in desperation. Riggs then choked Singleton with a television cable as we went to break.

Returning from break, we found Singleton hammering Riggs in the corner with brutal punches. After the tenth punch, Singleton monkey flipped Riggs to the center of the ring. Riggs, however, landed on his feet. When Singleton turned around, Riggs sliced through him with a spear! The signature attack got a close two count. From there Riggs worked over BOSS' midsection, trying his hardest to make the multi time tag team champion submit. But Singleton would fight back, and soon the two men begin trading blows. Riggs nearly had the match sealed with the Huntington Beach Hangover, but Singleton made a miraculous kickout at two. This led, Riggs to call for the end of the contest. But when he went for another spear, Singleton slid out the way and Riggs connected with the posts. He fell backwards, landing on the mat and giving BOSS the time needed to climb to the top rope. But as he prepared for the Box Office Bomb (body splash) he spotted Bosley harassing Molly. Thus he came off the top rope, and took out Bosley with flying lariat! As he got back onto the ring apron, Riggs rushed over to confront him. However a sunset flip attempt would counter Riggs' efforts. But J.Riggs dropped down to his knees and hooked his arms across the ropes for a winning pinfall!

Winner: James Riggs, via pinfall

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