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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 2/15

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** Espiritu Negro vs. Freedom ***

La Ola Mexicana’s masked assassin made quite an impression during his debut, mainly an impression of his boot on Freedom’s back. The Luchador dominated the majority of the mask with a cold, calculated style that focused on inflicting a sadistic amount on pain, including hooking the corners of Freedom’s mouth as he applied the Camel Clutch to the patriot. At one point Espiritu Negro knocked Freedom out with a double underhook pile driver, then climbed to the top rope to finish the match with a flying leg drop to throat of his opponent


With Faith No More's "We Care A Lot" playing in the background we see Mike Rowe, host of Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, standing in a pile of manure, wearing his trademark plain but dirty t-shirt and baseball cap, leaning on the handle of a shovel.

"My name's Mike Rowe, and this is my job. I explore the country looking for people who aren't afraid to get dirty — hard-working men and women who earn an honest living doing the kinds of jobs that make civilized life possible for the rest of us. Sometimes I'm asked to do a job that is just too dirty for me"

Mike pulls his work gloves off and begins to walk towards the camera

"I always thought that professional wrestling was run by dirty promoters, featuring dirty women and catering to guys with dirty minds... and that's still true. But on February 24th Dirty Jobs is coming to Indianapolis where the OAOAST... yeah I don't know what that stands for either... has invited me to be the special guest referee for the Barnyard Invitational"


"I guess they figured I knew my crap, and they are right. I have shoveled so much of it that I have a PhD in poop; I'm the sultan of shit, the examiner of excrement. I know a lot about poop okay?"

Mike stops next to what could either be a six feet high pile of rusty metal and junk or the oddest looking trophy ever produced.

"This is what it is all about, the Barnyard Invitational Trophy. This is what they are fighting over" turns towards someone off camera "Really this is it?"

Rowe puts his hand on the trophy, admiring the large welded rooster perched on the top of the trophy

"Besides winning this lovely trophy the winner also gets a $50 gift certificate to Al's Corral Restaurant, 4 Grits'N'Tits temporary tattoos and the biggest price of the all, the ability to make any match, any time, any where"

Dramatic pause

"As long as it's not for an OAOAST championship. That's right, they call it "Pennies in the Jar"... go figure"

Mike taps on a glass jar full of pennies which is part of the trophy.

"Since it's an invitational we're not sure who will show up, for all I know it could be Coach and Michael Cole duking it out. So why don't you check it out?"


***Logan Mann W/Holly Vs Tremendous Tyler Bryant W/Jade Rodez-Duncan and Maya Duncan Blanchard***

The contest started off not with a brawl but with a mass screaming handicap match between Logan and Holly and the highschooler who never backs down, Maya. After a while Holly's voice began to fail her, which caused her try and take a more physical route. Tyler held her back, however. This simply allowed Logan the opportunity needed to club him in the back and the match was on. Tyler quickly fought back though and overwhelmed Logan with his speed and agility. He nearly hit the Idoliser (TKO) before Logan managed to escape to the outside. If Mann thought he'd get any rest on the outside he was sadly mistaken as his wife, Holly, ripped into him. To add injury to insult Tyler wiped him out with a plancha! Unsympathetic, Holly continued to cruelly and vulgarly bemoan his poor performance thus far. Back inside the ring, Tyler continued his dominance until Logan hit a low blow off a power bomb effort. The Macho Macho Mann proceeded to work over Tyler's neck with various neckbreakers. A pile driver almost ended the contest in Logan's favor. This boosted Mann's confidence and he went for the Percussion DDT. But Tyler somehow reversed it into a Northern Lights suplex for a close two count. After that the action was fast paced and back and forth with several near falls. Things looked wonderful for the D*LUX fans as Tyler hit the TKO after catching a running Logan. But Holly jumped on the ring apron to threaten the referee over making the count. Scared the referee refused to count. This lead Maya to threaten him into counting, promising the ref that she'd send her mother after him. This was all the motivation the official needed and he made the count. Unfortunatley so much time had passed between the move and the count, Mann was able to kickoff.  Tyler began bringing him off his feet only for Logan to strike him with a pair of brass knocks in full view of the referee. This gave him no choice but to call for a bell.

Winner: Tyler Bryant, via DQ

Post match Holly and Logan posed over Tyler as Maya and Jade fumed on the outside.

In an interview segment with El Camaleón, an uncharacteristically serious Camaleón talked about Dr. Lucha, Jr. and was questioned about if Dr. Lucha, Jr. had a point about Lucha Libre being disrespected. El Camaleón stated in no uncertain terms that the Doctor did not care about the Lucha traditions in the past and that he was just it as an excuse to try and make himself look justified. When asked why Dr. Lucha, Jr. had targeted El Camaleón he answered that Dr. Lucha, Jr. could not stand to have anyone make fun of him and that he was the biggest party pooper in Lucha Libre, but that’s okay because “The bigger the turd, the better it feels to flush it”. And finally he confirmed that Bribón was okay despite being kicked off the apron of the ring, he was a tough little guy.

Alix Maria Spezia and Maya Duncan-Blanchard put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview the speaker for the prophets Abdullah Abir Nerdly. Abdullah was in rare form on this night, coming with a message from the prophets. According to him they said famine, disease, and war was soon to be headed to earth. The planet would be plunged into a dark age as natural disaster after natural disaster struck numerous regions. The prophets believed that only one man could stop this oncoming hell: Biffman. But Abdullah said Biffman could not do it alone. He would need help and support from spiritual warriors and religious leaders. That's why, Abdullah said, it was highly important that Biffman join the Church of Abdullah and ally with The Heavenly Rockers. Alix and Maya had a hard time believing this to say the least!

***Krista Isadora Duncan Vs James Riggs***

The mainevent brought together two Southern California natives and War Games opponents at the Heartland Spectacular. Krista seemed more interested in practicing her sign language and spent most of the contest signing insults at Riggs. When she wasn't insulting him in sign language or kicking his ass, she was using his hands to sign messages that expressed his love for ten year old boys to the world. Showing a bit of mercy or perhaps just because she was bored, Krista ended the match with an Kidology.

Winner: Krista Isadora Duncan, via pinfall

Post match was not so easy for Krista as Jason Silver once again attacked her from behind! This time Krista wasn't so easily beat down and managed to fight back. She brought him to the ground and began apply the keylock much to the fans' delight! But Silver slipped out the hold and quickly scurried out the ring. He had to watch in a mixture of fear and fright as Krista made Riggs tap out with the Keylock.

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