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Holiday HeldDOWN~!


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We pan around the capacity crowd before swooping over to Sofa Central where Tony Brannigan and Da Coach standby wearing their Santa hats.

Aloha world! And happy holidays! Welcome to a special Christmastime edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN live from the birthplace of the 44th president of the United States, Honolulu, Hawaii. Tony Brannigan alongside Da Coach, and what a show we have in store for you.

You’d make a great politician, Tony B. But right you are, baby boy. We have two huge matches tonight. First, a ginormous 16 person tag featuring 8 of the 16 teams entered in the 2011 Anderson Cup. Then later Jade Rodez-Duncan defends her Women’s championship against Morgan Nerdly.

Speaking of the 2011 Anderson Cup, tonight we’ll reveal the complete tournament bracket. In addition, you will see a special musical performance by three of the all-time greats. But we kick things off with a monstrous tag team event!

*** The Heavenly Rockers w/Colonel Abdullah Nerdly, Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, V.I.C.E., Mr. Dick & Malaysia vs. the Orange County Cobras w/MOLLY NERDLY, Christ Air Express, Love Doctors & Citizen Soldiers ***

The OAOAST Galaxy was treated to a colossal 16 person tag featuring 8 of the teams entered in the 2011 Anderson Cup. It was a fast-paced affair that saw tremendous double-team work from the likes of the CAE and Love Doctors. Not to mention constant outside interference from Colonel Abdullah, who half-sister Molly stripped down to his underwear to rid him of ringside.

Late in the bout, a pier-six brawl erupted after Simon Singleton received the hot tag. The mayhem allowed Tango Bosley to sneak in undetected and wallop Simon, who moments earlier had dropped the Atomic Blond on CPA, with a telescopic baton. Ned would clothesline Bosley over the top, but his momentum took him over as well and thus was unable to prevent the winning pin fall.

Winners: The Heavenly Rockers w/Colonel Abdullah Nerdly, Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, V.I.C.E., Mr. Dick & Malaysia

We’re backstage in an interview lounge that features a full on Christmas party with several superstars making drunken fools out themselves. Perfectly sober is,


who stands with…


What’s up ya’ll, Maggie Nerdly “It” Girl on the scene chillin’ in the interview lounge with Queen Esther. Q    ueenie, you’ve got a match at New Years Spectacular with Maya Duncan-Blanchard the Queen of The Ring….

How dare you call that filthy peasant a queen! Where I come from the knights of the round would lead her to the guillotine for impersonating royalty for a public execution that would be cheered by all.

Do you come from the 18th century?

However, here in this dark, and depressing land, with its lack of morals and respect a street urchin such as her can claim to be royalty. Oh, how, it makes me sick to my stomach to know that I must share the title of queen with that no good rabble-rouser. Royalty such as myself is born and bred, it is not won in tournaments or handed out by a collection of mere peasants. I’m fit to be tied quite frankly, and I have a half a mind to slam my tiara on the ground and just stomp it to bits in anger!

It looks like pretty cheap plastic so you shouldn’t have  much trouble doing that.

But after a counsel with father squirrel and several of my woodland friends, I knew that anger was no answer to my ills. I realized that I must be proactive in ridding the title of queen from Maya’s name. I had to take up arms against this imposter. That is why first thing this morning, I took the royal carriage into town and found squire Alfdogg. I ordered him to create a bout of fisticuffs between Maya and my loyal knights Rico and Lucius. But then I realized something else of great import. By vanquishing the fraud myself, I would endear myself to my subjects for years to come and be sung about in song at taverns across the kingdom. I then instructed squire Alfdogg to create an athletic competition between myself and Maya for the New Years Spectacular. I then visited my friend Wizard Rubblestein a level twelve red mage, who imbued me with the powers of magic. I then sought counsel with Gunther Ballack, the greatest swordsmen in the land, and he blessed me with a blade of great might! Normally I would say as a woman my place is in the court, entertaining the nobles, while a man’s place is on the battlefield. But Maya has left me with no choice but to violate my code! Woe is Maya. WOE IS MAYA, for the true queen will rise to victory and will be hailed throughout her kingdom!

Don't touch that remote or you'll wind up on Santa's naughty list!
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A gorgeous Hollywood couple heads to a very public battle to ring in the new year. Krista Isadora Duncan and Alix Maria Spezia settle their differences inside a wrestling ring after weeks of public insults from Alix. A relationship so badly burned, it couldn’t be identified by dental records.

Images of Alix and Krista at several Hollywood events are shown.

After a rocky several months

Alix Maria Spezia and Krista Isadora Duncan are splitting.

Over a professional wrestling title no less.

The OAOAST World Title.

We return to Nancy Grace’s television studio.

Good evening I’m Nancy Grace, I want to thank you for being with us.  Bombshell tonight, a gorgeous Hollywood couple, the most famous lesbian couple in history, headed for a collision at OAOAST New Years Spectacular.  Alix Maria Spezia severing, her relationship with longtime girlfriend, fitness queen Krista Isadora Duncan in a very public manner. A family left in tatters, a relationship destroyed, and more questions than answers as to what went wrong with this storybook romance.

Alix is shown interviewed outside a nightclub

She’s just selfish ya know? And I’m totally washing my hands of all the negative energy she brings into my life. She doesn’t care about me, and I was fooling myself into thinking she was.

More images of Alix and Krista at various events are shown.

This is the biggest breakup in LGBT community history.

Nobody say this one coming.

Everyone thought the dynamic was Alix as Krista’s sidekick.

Alix Maria Spezia, sick of being a sidekick, wants to be her own woman.

Back to Nancy Grace’s studio.

We are taking your calls. Who is right, who is wrong in this split, and who will be proven correct at New Years Spectacular? Alix claims that she is tired of being nothing more than Krista’s arm candy sidekick. She says that her superstar girlfriend is selfish and self absorbed. Krista says there’s still love in her heart for Alix. Tonight, we want answers, we want to know what wrong with this superstar Hollywood couple. Straight out to Richard Stevens of People Magazine. Richard, the evidence according to Alix is grim. Krista is responsible for killing this relationship.

A reported named Richard Stevens appears on screen.

If you listen to Alix and Alix only, you’d definitely get the impression that the fault rest with Krista. According to Alix Krista doesn’t think of Alix as anything more than a simple sidekick, or a subservient submissive. Alix has given a very distinct picture of what life has been like with Krista, and it appears to be one where she is most definitely in that subservient secondary role. This all started when Alix won the OAOAST World Title.

Okay wait. Richard, are you telling me that Alix only realized that Krista thinks of her as a sidekick after she won the OAOAST World Title?

Alix said she’s suspected as much for a very long time, but still thought that it was possible for Krista to think of her as an equal. What got the ball rolling so to speak was that Krista was flat out upset and mad at Alix for winning her world title.  Krista has been seen on camera calling Alix her sidekick. And that lends credence to Alix’s claims.

Hey, Richard?


I know Alix Maria Spezia has herself been in the public eye for a long time, but Krista Isadora Duncan has a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Do you think its possible that Alix just got jealous of Krista?

It very well could be. Alix has tried to venture out on her own with a cookie company, and a recording career, but she is first and foremost famous for being the girlfriend of Krista Isadora Duncan.

And what do friends say?

Friends say that they see Alix’s point, but that they also know that Krista truly loves Alix. They say that Krista just doesn’t know how to properly express her feelings for Alix.  

How hard is it to say I love you?

I think its more than that. Its an attitude that Krista has, that permeates throughout the relationship. Alix could not take it any more, and friends say she just “woke up” to what was always there.

On our way to Jane Peddie of 365gay.com. Jane, celebrity couples break up all the time. But what makes this one so much different is that this was two stunning women locked into a longterm high profile relationship. So let me ask you this, what does the gay community think of this?

A reporter named Jane Peddie appears on screen.

Well, Nancy, the community has been hit pretty hard. Like you said this is a high profile lesbian couple, one of the very few and the highest profile. It was a symbol that gay relationships can work out just as well as straight relationships. It was very public evidence of the power of gay couples to thrive and have these sort of ongoing unions.

I’m just trying to take this whole thing in. I have met Krista and Alix on several occasions, and to me they seemed a very happy and normal couple. Richard, what do you think of that?

They probably were. But, as a homosexual myself I can attest to that there is often role confusion in relationships as to who’s going to be the bread winner, who’s going to be the homemaker, and if things aren’t equal resentment can be created and that’s what happened here.

We’re taking your call now, out to Jessica in Maryland. Jessica?

Hi, Nancy, I hope you and your family have a great holiday.

You know what, Jessica, all of my family being together is more than I could have ever hoped for in my lifetime. What is your question, love?

I think it’s a shame that they broke up. But, my question is could there possibly be another woman involved on Alix’s part?

That is a great question. Richard, what do you think?

Alix has actually left Krista for another woman before, a woman by the name Lorelei of Lorelei DeCenzo. But in this case there are no signs of any sort of affair occurring.  There doesn’t appear at this point to be anyone who influenced Alix to breakup with Krista or anything like that.

And that’s often one of the first things we assume. But in this case the assumption is incorrect, is that what you’re saying, Richard?


Brett from Iowa, your on the air.

Hi, Nancy, happy holidays, Merry Christmas. What I want to know is this match at News Year Spectacular actually going to happen?

I wonder the same thing to. Let’s unleash the wrestling expert, friend of Alix and Krista, Terry Taylor.

Terry Taylor appears on screen.

Hello there, Nancy.

Terry, you know both Alix and Krista very well, will this match actually happen.

Unfortunately, I think it might.  Alix is the most intent and determined I’ve ever seen her. This thing with Krista has her very upset, and she has her heart set on proving she’s not a sidekick. She refuses to talk things out, or listen to anybody telling her she should call it off.

Now couldn’t Krista just not show up?

I don’t think she’ll do that. Avoding Alix is only going to lead to Alix becoming madder. And Alix is unpredictable, so who knows what she’ll do if she’s even madder. Therefore its not in Krista’s best interest to not show up.

But will they actually physically fight each other? Has it become that bad?

Alix says she’s going to treat this like a wrestling match, and that means inflicting harm on her opponent. Krista has kept mostly quiet on that subject. I think she’ll try to avoid hurting Alix, but she’s going to have defend herself somehow. I imagine that her killer instinct will be lacking, however. Most likely Alix will be the more aggressive one in the contest. I don’t think the match will be an out of hand brawl. But it will be very interesting to watch, and very sad to watch at the same time.

Are there any chances of them getting back together?

Anything is possible with Alix and Krista, but right now things are pretty bad. Alix just won’t listen, and Krista isn’t saying the right things. That’s why we have a world title match between the two.

Terry Taylor, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. We are out of time. Thank you for watching this special edition. Please have a safe and happy holiday. Goodnight.





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The action continues on HeldDOWN~!

Are we gonna no sell Nancy Grace?

What more is there to say?

***The Masked Mutants Vs Gilbert Wall, and John Arenas***

Slime started the match with a two minute rant entirely in gibberish aimed at his opponents. This suitably worried the two enhancement talents. Their fears weren’t unfounded as Slime began to bite them! Arenas and Wall made the wise choice to bail as referee Charles Robinson tried to talk Slime out of his cannibalism.  When Wall returned to the ring he faced with the saner but much more fearsome Snot. The big man chucked Wall about the ring, dominating him with his power. Arenas was also no match for Snot’s displays of strength.  Slime’s entrance into the ring brought new challenges for Arenas and Walls. Slime’s speed gave the two fits as they were unable to handle his high flying. Only a few scant attacks from Arenas and Walls preceded Snot’s match ending Snot Rocket (double powerbomb). The Mutants picked up their first HeldDOWN victory.

Winner: Snot, via pinfall

Right now let’s take a look at the 2011 Anderson Cup bracket!


The Heavenly Rockers (1) vs. The Masked Mutants (8)
James Blonde & Faqu (4) vs. J-MAX & Mariachi (5)
Reject & TK (3) vs. Citizen Soldiers (6)
D*LUX (2) vs. Mardi Gras Hellfire Club (7)


Last Kings of Scotland (1) vs. Mr. Dick & Malaysia (8)
Theodore Moneymaker & Christian Wright (4) vs. Love Doctors (5)
CAE (3) vs. James Riggs & Pierce Duncan (6)
O.C. Cobras (2) vs. V.I.C.E. (7)

The most unpredictable Anderson Cup ever begins NEXT WEEK at the OAOAST New Year’s Spectacular.

The Orange County Cobras (2) vs. V.I.C.E. (7)
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Fans, about two weeks ago we saw the debut of Krista’s brother Pierce. During the match I stated that Pierce wasn’t like his sister in that he didn’t have a personality that stands out. Fans, Pierce claimed that I was wrong, and had this video put together to prove it….

PIERCE DUNCAN sits in a TV studio at OAOAST HQ

Don’t call me Pierce, call me The Result. Because I’m The Result of god saying “I’m sick producing these flabby, ugly, no pussy getting, bums. I gotta do something worthwhile with my life and create the perfect man” And you know what? He did. I’m tall, I’m tan, I’m handsome, I’m just perfect.

A shot Pierce of surfing in Malibu

Three most important things to me are my hair, my tan, and my abs.

Another shot of Pierce in the OAOAST TV Studios.

What’s it like growing up with Krista? You should ask her what its like growing up with The Result.

A shot of Krista in her living room looking fairly disinterested.

What’s it like growing up with “The Result”? Well, let me tell you :throwup:

A shot of Pierce making out with a hot girl on the dance floor of a nightclub.

I don’t aim to steal another guy’s girl, it just happens. Don’t blame The Result that you can’t keep your girl locked down. Your girl looks at me, looks back at you, looks at me again, looks back at you, and she just wants to slap the piss out of you. After that happens you come over to me you start talking mad shit. Do I slug you in the jaw? No, I hug you, I dap you up, and I tell you everything's gonna be okay. Because that's just the kinda guy I am. Fat girls, skinny girls, pretty girls, ugly girls, girls with braces, girls with freckles, short girls, girls with peg legs, girls with eye patches, girls with eye patches and peg legs, tall girls, guys who want to be girls, guys who used to be girls, they all flock to The Result.

A shot of Pierce in bed with two lovely ladies.

You think I'm ashamed of a nailing a broad in the ass with peanut oil as lubricant? Nah that's me that's what I do.

Pierce flexes his muscles at a Mister Olympia contest.

If I saw me, and I was another guy, I’d probably contemplate suicide, so I could go to heaven and kick god square in the nuts for not making me half the man The Result is.

A shot of Pierce working out at Krista’s gym.

If there’s ever a day I don’t look good…make peace with God because the world is ending.

A shot of Pierce bench pressing an impressive amount of weight.

How many hours do I spend a day in the gym? Twenty five. And a half.

A shot of James Riggs in the OAOAST TV Studios.

This kid, man, he’s something else, let me tell you.  I’ve known a lot of guys in this business and all of them would have sold their souls to every demon in hell to get what Pierce has. I feel like kicking the crap out my mother for not sleeping with Pierce's dad so I could get half the genes he has. Lately I've been waking up at night crying that I'm not Pierce, then they turn to tears of joy that I'm just lucky enough to share his oxygen. I can’t believe I wasted months with nobodies and never will be’s in OAOVW when The Result was waiting for me all along. I feel like a fool, but now I feel like the luckiest man alive. It shouldn’t be a question of if we’re going to win the tag titles. It should be a question of when and how many.

Special Musical Performance

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Fans in the arena are a bit surprised by the sound of Mos Def's "Oh No" popping up over the soundsystem, as the theme song for the "Urban Legend" brings Todd Cortez out sans Anglesault, Bohemoth, or any of his other partners in crime.

First time we've seen Todd Cortez out here on his own in a while. I wonder if this is a matter of business or pleasure.

Considering dude likes to carve up people's foreheads for fun, you'd better hope it's for business!

Cortez, keeping with his newfound suit and tie look, enters the ring, looking none too happy about the reaction he gets from the crowd.

This was a man who had it all. The support of the fans, respect in the locker room, and he sold out to become Anglesault's hitman!

There's more to it than that, Tony B. I mean, yeah, money talks, but Cortez was never just about the money.

Cortez paces the ring, as if he's trying to find the words to start with, and then begins to speak.

Zack Malibu. Just saying your name makes me sick to my stomach.

As if the crowd wasn't already vocal, that little insult does nothing to steer them away from hating Mr. Cortez.

Five years. FIVE YEARS I have been in this business. I busted my ass to get my foot in the door, and when the SWF signed me, it was the happiest day of my life. I had made it. I made my family proud. I survived poverty, peer pressure, and the grind of the streets. I became SOMEBODY. I tore through talent in that company like nothing they had seen before, and that led to another opportunity, because that's when the call came from YOU, Zack.

Many of the fans fall quiet, because they know what Cortez is talking about.

YOU were getting your ass handed to you, and nobody had your back. Remember that, Zack? Remember when The Hooligans were making your life a living hell, and you decided on a way to get back at them? You called me, you called Bloodshed, and you called Bruce Blank and threw some money our way to be your mercenaries. You called us to be your Wildcards, Zack, remember? You paid us out of pocket to come here, and we did right by you...until you stopped taking responsibility for the arrangement. You paid us BLOOD MONEY, Zack, and when the blood was spilled, you got scared. You backtracked, you tried to cut us off, and look what happened...you created a living hell for your friends and your family. Your girl, your daughter...no one was safe from The Wildcards...and if you thougth THAT was hell, then there's no way you're going to survive what's coming for you now!

The booing resumes, as does Todd's speech.

I tried to do right by you, Zack. I have respect, loyalty, and honor...and all you did was use those traits against me! You nearly cost me my career! You cost my family money, and you cost me time off of my career! The legal wrangling, the lawyers, the threats...I didn't want any part of it. I was doing my job, and you took me off the radar to try to serve your needs. So that's when I brokered a deal of my own. That's when I told Anglesault that I was willing to do whatever it took to get back in this ring. That I would cut my ties with you, because trusting you was the biggest mistake I ever made. All it brought me was stress, frustration...anger. Anger that has been building and building and building and now I get to unleash it on you and anyone else who gets in the way! I have a chance again...a chance to be the star I always knew I could be! I have been through hell and back long before I got into this business, so if you think I'm scared of you, you need to...

All of a sudden, Cortez is speared out of his shoes by ZACK MALIBU, who had cut through the crowd to make it to ringside!

He might not be scared, but right now he's getting a beating from Zack Malibu!

The crowd roars with approval as Zack hammers on Cortez, a bit of vengeance for their last encounter, when Cortez sliced Zack's forehead open with a fork! With Cortez stunned, Zack gets up and produces a fork of his own...but when he lunges for Cortez, Todd rolls out of the ring! Bohemoth and Jason Silver come out on the stage, but Cortez shouts at them to stand back, as he looks up at his rival.

Did you not listen to your boss a few weeks ago? That the time for talking is done, and it's now time for action? I let you speak your piece, but you didn't need to say anything. You want me? You want my blood on your hands again? Come and get it!

Zack, red-faced, rips off his button down shirt and throws it at Cortez, hitting him in the face! Cortez charges into the ring, but as Zack grips the fork in his hand, Cortez slides back out, cowering from Zack once again!

C'mon, Todd! Afraid you might have to get a taste of your own medicine? Or do you want to send your boys in here to soften me up!?

Bo and Silver look ready to charge the ring, but Cortez tells them to stay back, as if he's debating on his next move.

Tell you what, Todd. You and I have had unfinished business for a while, so I'm going to give you a Christmas present. I'll get in the ring with you, at the New Year's Spectacular...on one condition. If you want to take me out, you do it one on one, by yourself...in a STEEL CAGE!

Silver and Bo look confused, and Cortez immediately nods his head yes, approving of the challenge. Bo and Silver look at Zack like he's crazy, but Malibu nods silently to Cortez to show that he's in agreement.

What the...a cage match? With that maniac!? What is Zack thinking!?

If he's got the cage up, Anglesault's boys can't get at him...but that means that whatever Cortez is able to do to him is fair game!

Zack stands tall, holding the fork tightly and waiting to see if any of his three adversaries decide to pounce, but none of them do. Instead, Cortez shouts threats from the aisleway, backing up the ramp with Silver and Bo flanking him in case Zack tries anything. Malibu can do nothing except look coldly at his rival, as the image of Zack is the last thing we see before HeldDOWN~! cuts out to commercial.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!



To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There are things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.

Charges of electricity scream down on an entrance stage that’s carpeted by dark blue lights. On the numerous video screens throughout the arena images of flashes of electrical bolts find their way onto screen. After the final violent bolt of electricity touches down on stage the entrances door rip apart to showcase Morgan Nerdly. Morgan seems uncertain, more-so than usual. And it's soon clear why, as she is followed out by Leon Rodez.

Introducing first, the challenger. Accompanied by LEON RODEZ! From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... ladies and gentlemen, prepare for SHOCK and awe from MMMOOOOOOORRRRRGGAAAAAAANN... NNEEEERRRRRDDLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!

Morgan creeps her way to the ring with occassional glances back over her shoulder at Leon, short and sharp enough to not seem like she's watching him. As she gets into the ring, Leon continues walking and heads for the announce table.

"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

And her opponent. Now residing in Los Angeles, California! She is the reigning, defending, OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION... JJAAAAAAADDEEEEE RRROOOOODDEEEEZZZZZZ - DDUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


Jade skips out onto the stage and plays to the crowd with a cheery smile. Not so cheery, her uncle takes his seat, ignoring the other two commentators.

Looks like we're being joined by Leon Rodez for this Women's Title match and Leon, what's the story?

The story is, I'm here to watch.

...okay. As opposed to being here to talk, I assume. No problem.

Sliding in under the bottom rope Jade flashes a smile and hops to the middle rope to salute the fans. Morgan sits across the ring watching with a weight firmly on her shoulders with Leon out watching. Hopping down, Jade hands over her title and noticing Leon, the smile disappears, but she's quick to brush it out of her mind and focus on the match.


Leaving her corner cautiously, Morgan moves towards the Women's Champion, who tries to start the match off on the right foot with a handshake. Morgan glances back at a glaring Leon... before giving an unsure handshake to Jade.

(throwing his hands in the air)
Come on. Come ooonnn.

With Leon getting frustrated even before the match has properly begun, it's easy to see that Morgan is distracted. And the first lock-up ends with Jade taking her down easily with a waistlock. Jade controls Morgan for a bit, before taking mercy and kindly letting Morgan get back to her feet. Which Morgan wasn't expecting, staying on her knees for a few seconds, confused.

Nice show sportsmanship from the champion, wouldn't you agree?


Morgan and Jade lock up again. Morgan holds her own this time and the two tussle into the ropes. A clean break is called for and given by Jade. Sensing Leon's frustration, Morgan goes in again. Again they end up on the ropes, with Morgan backing Jade up this time. And like Jade, Morgan gives a clean break.

Which causes Leon to rip off his headset and SLAM it into the announce table.

(standing up at the table)

Shaken into action, Morgan turns around and aims a punch at the champion's head. But Jade blocks and suddenly it's on, as Jade retaliates with a forearm shot!

Well, Jade's not just going to stand there and take it.

Jade catches Morgan with a second forearm. And a third, backing her against the ropes. Irish whip sends Morgan for the ride, but the diminuitive Nerdly catches Jade ducking her head and counters, kicking Jade in the chest. Taking a step back, Morgan whings a clothesline. But Jade ducks underneath and scoops Morgan up as she turns around, before planting her with a big bodyslam.

The pace and intensity has picked up very suddenly. All thanks to a few 'encouraging' words from our guest here.

Hopping back and forth Jade waits for Morgan to get back up, leaving her feet with a front dropkick to the chest! Cover by Jade...




Hurting, Morgan rolls underneath the bottom rope. She considers rolling all the way to the floor. But, fearing the criticism she'll recieve out there, Morgan decides to stay on the ring apron and take her timeout there.

Leon, don't you feel you're putting a little undue pressure on Morgan by being out here and watching her?

...she needs watching. She doesn't have it in her to do this herself.

Well, with all due respect, she is a former Women's Champion.

Leon stays quiet, apparantly one answer enough for the night. He just stares dead ahead at Morgan, who climbs back into the ring nursing her ribs.


The crowd spark up in support of Jade, which seems to annoy Leon more than Morgan. Another lockup leads to Jade grabbing Morgan in a headlock. Little Morgan struggles to push the Women's Champion off of her, but eventually manages it. Only for Jade to come back off the ropes and knock her down with a shoulder tackle. Morgan looks up wide-eyed and Jade shows a little mercy, letting Morgan take a few seconds before moving in.

Jade clearly a little hesitant tonight. I think she feels sorry for Morgan. I think we all do.


Jade leads Morgan to her feet, but Morgan breaks free and catches Jade in the ribs with a knee.

(muttering to himself)
...c'mon, get her. Get her!

Taking her time following up, Morgan tries to run Jade into the turnbuckles, but a last-second reversal sees Morgan get flung in sternum first. A winded Morgan grips onto the ropes, the only thing stopping her from falling past her knees. Unsympathetic, Leon can be seen shaking his head in the background. Jade peels Morgan away from the corner and rolls her up...




Again Morgan heads for the outside, but sees Leon stand up at the table and stops on the apron instead, trying to ignore him gesticulating at her.

Leon, can you sit down?

Leon, ignoring Brannigan, stays standing. Jade is finally drawn in by this and goes over to say something to her uncle. Which leaves Morgan with an opening. And from behind, Morgan sneaks back in and blindsights the Women's Champion!!


Morgan instantly regrets what she's done, not meaning to gain an advantage in such an underhanded way. Leon is immediately yelling at her to get on Jade though and Morgan reluctantly starts to stomp away.

I don't want to have to ask you to leave.

...then don't.

Morgan picks Jade up, almost apologetic as she does so. Less apologetic is the short clothesline that follows, Morgan making an eager cover...




Morgan picks Jade right back up, trying to end the match quickly now and going for Shock and Awe!

Oh, going for it already!

Morgan gets Jade up on her shoulders but the Women's Champion has fight in her and with elbows to the side of the head, fights her way free. Once she gets her feet on the ground, Jade goes to hit the ropes. Able to recover, Morgan does a 180 and surprises Jade by cracking her in the head with a back elbow! Jade falls to one knee, clutching her head. After a moment of hesitation, Morgan shoves Jade down and covers her...




A stressed Morgan urges the referee to count faster, feeling the pressure. She tries again...



Jade kicks out again and Morgan starts to tear at her hair, before realising what she's doing and getting her composure back.

Morgan is obviously desperate to make you happy here, Leon.

So she should.

Hooking Jade up, Morgan tries for a suplex. Which is ill-advised. Morgan tries and tries, but doesn't have the power to lift Jade. And the champion ends up reversing on the challenger with a suplex of her own!


Morgan claws her way back up quickly, but is concerned with her back and gets beaten to the punch by Jade. After a couple of forearms, Jade grabs Morgan, whipping her to the corner. Jade charges in after, a charge which Morgan sidesteps. But Jade stops herself before hitting the turnbuckles. And against the corner, Jade kicks up her feet and catches Morgan coming in. With Morgan dazed, Jade kicks up off the turnbuckles and comes out of the corner with a Victory Roll!!




Missing a clothesline, Morgan has a lapse of frustration and screams at herself for failing. That doesn't do her any good, as she turns and runs straight into a back bodydrop!

Morgan seems to be beginning to crack under the pressure.

Back taking a pounding, Morgan is slow to get up. Waiting on her, the Rich Little Blonde Girl prepares to Kick Some Ass! She paws Morgan with an open right hand. Then paws her with an open left. Jade then does a 360, looking for the spinning clothesline... and spins her way into a fireman's carry!

Shock and Awe!?

Again Jade fights her way out of the predicament though, kicking her way out of Morgan's grip and slipping down the back with a sunset flip...

...NO! Morgan rolls through to her feet and lunges at a seated Jade with the Electric Slide! Hook of the leg...




Morgan looks frustrated, getting back up and going to a corner. After a few words to herself, Morgan looks at Jade getting back to her feet and sizes her up.

C'mon. C'mon.

Running out of the corner, a Choke STO from Morgan is blocked, Jade able to both catch the hand inches away from her throat and step over the legsweep! Gripping Morgan by the wrist, Jade wrings the arm and puts Morgan in a cobra clutch. She then pulls Morgan down with a backbreaker!


Cover by Jade




Morgan showing her resiliance. That's the one thing you'll always get out of Morgan, some heart.

She wouldn't have to show 'heart' if she wasn't getting herself in these stupid situations.

Suddenly feeling talkative? You sound like you're getting frustrated out her as well.

Of course I'm getting frustrated, she's not doing what I told her to!

Jade waits for Morgan and delivers a boot. Going behind, the Women's Champion then prepares Morgan for the reverse x-factor... but no sooner have the crowd started screaming, than Morgan counters, by BITING JADE'S FINGERS!!


Looking at her fingers like she can't believe what just happened, Jade looks at Morgan... who also can't believe what she did. Suddenly all of Jade's sympathy for Morgan is forgotten and she goes for Morgan with a big clothesline. Morgan, already backpedalling, ducks underneath and causes Jade to go spilling through the ropes to the outside!

Ooh! Morgan out of the way and that could be a lucky break for the challenger.

After a rough landing on the apron Jade tries to pull herself back up. Morgan watches her and sees Jade struggling. As does Leon. Morgan grabs Jade through the ropes, helping to pull her up.

Yes. Do it! DO IT! NOW!

Morgan, under duress from Leon, starts to grab Jade and hook her for the Downfall DDT in the ropes!

But then has second thoughts.


But Morgan hesitates and eventually decides not to hit the move, not wanting to attack with Jade vulnerable in the ropes! Leon freezes, looking aghast, as Morgan backs away and lets Jade get back into the ring. Abandoning commentary, he heads towards the ring...

...at which point Jade is back inside and Morgan picks her up for the Shock and Awe!!

Wait a second! Here it comes!

Leon stops in his tracks and his eyes light up... for a second, before Jade forces her feet down and hits Morgan with a DDT!! Cover...




Man, that was close! Morgan may have just saved more than just her chance of becoming Women's Champion by kicking out then!

Pacing around ringside, Leon watches as Jade pulls Morgan to her feet. Which distracts Jade, allowing Morgan to counter with a jawbreaker! Jade falls down hurt and the referee goes to check on her...

...and Leon springs into action. Grabbing his Money In The Bank briefcase, Leon slides it into Morgan and motions for her to "waffle her" with it! Leon then hops up on the apron to distract the referee, leaving Morgan looking down at the briefcase in her hands.


Come on Morgan, don't do this! You don't want to win this way.

Leon gets the referee's attention, keeping half an eye out for Morgan. Caught in a horrible dilemma, Morgan agonises over what to do. Hands shaking, she gets to her feet, holding the briefcase. She looks at Leon, then at Jade...

...and slides the briefcase out of the ring!

Alright Morgan!

Out of the corner of his eye, Leon sees the briefcase hitting the floor and he can't believe it. Forgetting all about the referee, Leon steps off the apron to the floor, staring at Morgan. Morgan tries to avoid any eye contact with him, as she goes after Jade. She grabs Jade and spins her around, only for Jade to slip behind and surprise an unfocused Morgan with a Backslide...






Sitting up, Morgan is in both despair and disbelief. Leon just continues to stare on, emotionless.



One quick move and Jade, retaining her Women's Title... but, this is a rotten situation for Morgan.

Head still hurting Jade manages to raise a hand in victory, but not really 100% sure of where she is. As the referee checks she's okay, Leon begins to move. Slowly walking around the ring, Leon doesn't take his eyes off Morgan for a second, even while retrieving his briefcase from the floor. Morgan starts to apologise, on the verge of tears, as she watches Leon backing his way around the ring.

Morgan couldn't get the job done, but she didn't want to get the job done Leon's way. She did the right thing. It might not feel like it now, but Morgan did what was right.

Not concerned with what's right and what's not, all Leon cares about is that Morgan lost. And he begins to back away as Morgan's apologies get more pleading and more tearful. Leaning through the ropes, Morgan pleads with Leon to come back. But Leon keeps backing up the aisle. Eventually he does come to a stop... but it's just to inform Morgan, both loudly and rudely, that she's "NOTHING BUT A SCREW-UP", at which point he turns away in disgust and marches off in a rage! Which is all poor Morgan can take, curling up and sobbing.

Damnit! Waste of space... nothing but a waste of space...

The camera follows after Leon, ranting to himself as he hops off the rampway and heads around the side of the stage.

Get out of my way!

Shoving aside an innocent stagehand, Leon storms off, being heckled by the fans at the side of the building as he goes. Still ranting to himself, Leon curses one last time as he disappears through the curtains...

...behind which, there's a noticeable thud.

Followed by another one.

What the... get back there, you idiot!

The cameraman is trying, but struggling as he's run out of cable length.

So we cut to another camera, rushing backstage to try and pick up what's going on. Although we can't see what's going on, we can hear it, another loud thud followed by groans of pain, clearly from Leon. The camera gets closer, just in time to see unrecognisable figures leaving in a hurry. And what they're leaving is Leon Rodez, lying motionless on the ground, with a wheeled production cart disturbed nearby. Rushing onto the scene comes a referee, who takes one look at Leon before urgently calling for some help.


A screech from inside the arena is heard and Morgan scurries up the aisle, frantic at what she's just seen on the big screen.

What the hell just happened?

Leon is checked on by the referee and quickly EMTs are on the scene, right as Morgan bursts through the side curtain and lets out a horrified screech seeing Leon unconscious. Morgan dives beside Leon and tries to check he's okay, having to be dragged away by The Christ Air Express and Maggie Nerdly who had obviously heard the commotion and rushed to see what was going on.



With Morgan kicking and screaming the EMTs do their best to try and tend to Leon, with apparant concern over his head and neck.

Obviously I can only speculate, but... it looks like Leon Rodez just got ambushed. But why? And who!?

The EMTs continue to attend to Leon and carefully roll him onto his back, making very sure not to move his head as they do so, an unsettling last image to end 2010.....

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