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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 12/19/10


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We're at Sofa Central with its festive Christmas theme or garland, lights, and snow as Tony Brannigan and Da Coach, who both wear Santa Claus hats, await to call the action.

Hello world! Welcome to OAOAST HeldDOWN live from Portland, Oregon. I am Tony Brannigan sitting beside Da Coach, and what a show we have tonight.

You say that every week, and most weeks you're being a shameless corporate whore, but this week you really mean it! Daisuke Motozaki meets Baron Windels for the first time ever, The Orange County Cobras are in action, we have a royal debate between Queen Esther and Maya, and in the mainevent Chicks Over Dicks will face the ENTIRE Enterprise.

Let's get things started!

"Slither" by Velvet Revolver hits and the Orange County Cobras enter the arena through a giant snake's head!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, from South Beach, the team of DWYANE JAMES and WADE BOSH!


And their opponents, accompanied by MOLLY NERDLY… from Orange County, California, total combine weight 460 pounds... SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!


Here they come! The former 3-time World tag team champions, not to mention one of the teams entered in the 2011 Anderson Cup.

And we already know their first round opponents, T. Hot News on HeldDOWN~!: the O.C. Cobras will open the 2011 Anderson Cup at the New Year’s Spectacular against V.I.C.E.

What a match-up that will be.

It won’t be much of a match if you ask me, baby boy. Simon and Ned are gonna be one and done.


The bell sounds and Simon gets caught in a side headlock. He shoves James into the ropes and executes a hip toss on the rebound. James pops to his feet and eats a dropkick. The O.C. Cobras tag and Simon takes James down with a drop toehold as Ned shoots off the ropes and drives the point of the elbow into the back of James’ head.

CLASSIC Orange County Cobras!

Ned introduces James to the buckle and then proceeds to STOMP A MUDHOLE AND WALK IT DRY!

I suggest Mr. James take his talents elsewhere, because his ass is getting kicked by Ned.

Ned allows the beaten James to tag partner Wade Bosh, who attempts to broker a truce with a handshake before thumbing Ned in the eye.  


Ned ducks a clothesline and dusts off the 90210 ENZIGURI~!


I can’t remember the last time Ned used that move.

Simon receives the tag, then is launched off the top and down onto Bosh.

The Atomic Blond!

Ned decks James as Simon covers Bosh.





OAOAST Marks, here are your winners… THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!


Terry Taylor enters the ring as MOLLY raises the arms of Simon and Ned.

Right now let’s go up to our broadcast colleague Terry Taylor.

Thanks guys. Simon, Ned, it’s official. Your first round Anderson Cup opponents will be V.I.C.E. at the New Year’s Spectacular.

We may be blond, but we aren’t stupid Terry. A bounty’s been placed on the heads of Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard. Just look at two of the teams entered in the Anderson Cup -- V.I.C.E. and those crybabies James Riggs and Pierce Duncan. You see, if the right one doesn’t get us the left one will. Well boys, these Orange County Cobras are packed with poisonous venom and we plan on sinking our fangs into you.

Green might be only thing V.I.C.E. sees now, but after we get done with them New Year’s night it’s gonna be black and blue.

“Slither” cues and the OCC exit.

Simon and Ned are ready for the Anderson Cup.

I hope they are because VICE won’t be pushed around as easily as these two South Beach jokers were.

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Backstage Theodore Moneymaker walks down the hallway with Spencer Reiger following as a close second.

Do you want to know how to punish someone, Spencer? Effectively punish them, that is. None of that simple beat them until they bleed outdated caveman nonsense. I speak of the ultimate in punishment. You must separate them from their family, seperate them from their love, separate them from themselves. Separate them so that all memory of their past lives becomes more of a fantasy than anything resembling reality. That is how you punish someone. Well, I should say that is one way of punishing someone.

And I'm sure there are others.  

Oh yes there are plenty, both physical and psychological. Many people keep those two apart, but the best tormentors among us...we see the value in a unified attack. That is the very basis of our strike against Alix and Krista. We will psychologically divide them even further than they already are, and then we will physically destroy Krista, to the point where she shall see me not as her executioner but as her savior, and then as her lover.

Her lover?

Yes, her lover. I have conquered many fronts in my life. The financial. The social. The athletic. And now with Krista at her weakest and most vulnerable I shall make my greatest conquest.  I shall conquer the virgin territory for the 99.99% of the male gender. That territory is that of Krista’s loins. The unattainable will be attained, and Krista Isadora Duncan will be a slave to my every last yearning and desire. Some would say I am a man of delusions. I say I am a man of hopes, of dreams and most importantly of achievement.  

Oh crap!

Spencer falls to the ground, clutching onto his leg.

What is it?

My polio!

Moneymaker's eyebrows raise in skepticism and surprise.

Did you say “your polio”?

My polio's got me jacked up! Oh shit! My polio! My polio! My polio feels like its on fire!

Your polio feels like its on fire?

Gosh, sir, I'm darn sorry and all, but with the way my polio's been inflamed, I think I better sit tonight out. Sorry about that. I was sure looking forward to tonight's match, but, man, this polio, its something else!    

Do you think me dumb? I am not the neandertahl cement you seem to mistake me for being. I am a Yale graduate, and a man of many academic pursuits. One of which is medicine. But even if I were a dullard, eating scraps out the dumpster, and drinking windex to kill as many brain cells as possible, I would still know that polio has been successfully vaccinated for over fifty years!

Fifty years, you say?

Yes, fifty years, Spencer. Fifty years. That's also the years in prison I might get for the crime I feel like committing against you now. You've played The Enterprise for a fool once, and I let it slide because it is the season of Christ and Christ teaches mercy and forgiveness. But, God, god teaches punishment. And I would be well within my rights to punish you for backing out our match against Chicks Over Dicks. Fortunately for you, I foresaw your cowardice and found a replacement more than suitable for you. But, I warn you, Spencer, do not disappoint me again.

Moneymaker walks away from a nervous Spencer as we go to....


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Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall. Introducing, in the ring... accompanied by the OAOAST 2010 King Of The Ring, "KING" LANDON MADDIX and QUEEN ESTHER! From Osaka, Japan... weighing two hundred, fourty eight pounds... DDAAAAAIIIIISSUUUUUKKEEEEE MMMOOOOTTOOOOOZZZZAAAAAAKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!


Looking on from their ROYAL THRONES at ringside, the Queen applauds and the King nods his head knowingly.

High pressure stakes on the hitman from Japan. The rest of King Landon's Kingdom have managed to save their spots, tonight Motozaki must do the same.

Motozaki looks stoicly down the aisle, the calm broken as a huge orange pyro rocket erupts on the stage! "Thriller" by Fall Out Boy hits and the home audience is shown an overhead view of the entrance stage, it's metallic floor carpeted by simmering flames that form the shape of a bull's head. The camera then pans down to reveal Baron Windells, throwing up the longhorns!

And introducing his opponent. From San Antonio, Texas! Weighing two hundred, sixty five pounds... "THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER"... BBAAAAARRRROOOOOONN... WWWWIIIIIIIIINNDDEEEELLLLSSSSSS!!!!


And it's going to be no easy task for Motozaki, going up against a former World Heavyweight Champion!

That's okay. Motozaki knows the lead he has to follow. The example has been set and I've got full confidence in him. Just like the King.

Wasn't the entire point of these matches that King Landon had lost confidence in his Kingdom?

Wel... that's in the past. Forget it.

Baron rolls into the ring, climbing the turnbuckles to throw the longhorns up to the crowd. He looks back over his shoulder at Motozaki and the two lock stares.

This should be a hell of a battle here. Two guys who you know won't back down from any physichality.


Hopping down from the ropes, Baron squares up to Motozaki. The big Texan has height and weight on Motozaki, but the Japanese hitman isn't intimidated and stands his ground. After a staredown, it's on and Baron beats Motozaki to the punch with some big right hands! Baron hammers away and sends Daisuke rocking back against the ropes, looking for an irish whip. Daisuke hangs onto the ropes and hits a knee, sending Baron reeling back. An early Lariat is ducked though and Baron connects with another big right.

No feeling out process here. Whoa boy.

Backing Motozaki into a corner Baron stomps away, then scales to the middle turnbuckle.







Motozaki shoves Baron off short of the ten punches in the corner, but gets caught with a boot coming out. Hooking him up, Baron hits a vertical suplex and goes for the cover...




Baron applies a chinlock, looking to maintain control, as King Landon looks on.

Baron with a lot on his mind lately. He's had his issues with Reject, but managed to get a small measure of revenge at November Reign. And now, looking to get back in the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Back to his feet Motozaki fights out of the chinlock and starts connecting with some forearm smashes. Baron responds with right hands, forcing Motozaki to go to the breadbasket with a knee again. Whipping Baron into the corner, Daisuke follows in looking for a clothesline... but Windels gets a boot up! Signalling to the crowd, Baron then charges at Motozaki, but gets caught with a POWERSLAM!

Wow! Big show of power from the Japanese star!

This guy's a monster, T-man. You should see the stuff he lifts in the gym. Insane.

Cover by Motozaki...




Motozaki sits Baron up and drops an elbow across the neck, looking to soften Baron up. After another elbow to the pressure point he fixes in a nervehold and the referee checks if Baron wants to give up.

Motozaki, focusing on the neck region here. The target for a lot of his key manoeuvres.

Baron fights back up and catches Motozaki in the ribs, but Motozaki shuts him down with a shot across the back. Falling against the ropes, Baron is shot off and clubbed off his feet with a clothesline. Cover...




Taking a glance over at the thrones, Daisuke hammers Baron a couple more times. Motozaki then goes for a backdrop suplex, but Baron refuses to go. Blocking the move, the burly Texan drives his elbow into the back of Motozaki's head, fighting him off. Baron then goes to hit the ropes, but Motozaki is a footstep behind and runs into him with an elbow!

Aw yeah, King looking impressed.

As Baron stumbles off the ropes, Motozaki runs at him from behind with a forearm to the back of the head! Baron crumbles to the mat and Daisuke makes a pin...




The King looks on with great interest as Motozaki applies a front facelock.

Well the King may be impressed with Motozaki, but if he loses this match, he's basically cast the guy aside. That wouldn't look too smart, would it now?

Let's not talk about things that haven't happened.

Motozaki controls Baron for a while, then hits a suplex. Another cover...




The King starts to look a bit pensive as Motozaki picks Baron back up and chops him. And again.

"BA - RON!"
"BA - RON!"
"BA - RON!"
"BA - RON!"

The fans try to get behind The Lonestar Gunslinger... and he responds, firing back with right hands!


Baron unloads, rocking the Japanese star. Off the ropes, he tries to put Motozaki down with a clothesline, but Motozaki gets his forearms up to block. And with Baron favouring his arm, Motozaki scores from behind with a backdrop suplex, dumping Windels on the back of the neck! Cover...




Motozaki looking impressive here against the former World Champion. And the King looks to be getting a little twitchy out here.

Motozaki follows up with a kneedrop and then leads Baron up. He whips him to the corner and charges in after with a running knifedge chop!

Damn! That's some flesh on flesh sound there.

Whipped the other way, Baron's chest is lashed with another running knifedge. Motozaki hammers on a bent Baron's back, then sends him off for one more. But Baron slides to a halt. And with Motozaki lackadaisical over following up, Baron charges and hits the BUTT BUMP in the corner!


Motozaki getting a bite of the Shiny Metal Ass!

Still nursing his neck, Baron fights through it and manages to hit a scoop slam on Daisuke, heading to the top.

High risk here.

Baron's slow though.

Reaching the top, Baron waits for Motozaki to reach his feet, at which point it's CLOBBERIN' TIME!!

Not slow enough!

Hook of the leg by Baron...




Baron gets up and urges Motozaki to follow suit. He does, to be met with more Texas sized right hands.

Baron slugging his way back into this one.

Off the ropes, Baron leaves his feet with a Lariat and knocks Motozaki down!

There's no love lost between Baron and Landon. I'm sure Baron would get some satisfaction out of doing some damage to the Kingdom by winning this match here tonight.

Waiting for Motozaki, Baron boots him in the gut and sets up for the DDT... but Motozaki counters with a backdrop!

Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.

Motozaki lines up Baron and goes for a big Lariat of his own, but gets countered with a Backslide!




The King starts to edge closer to the end of his seat, as Baron catches Motozaki with an inside cradle!




Motozaki kicks out, then walks right into a Big Boot! It dazed Motozaki, but doesn't knock him down. And he responds with a BIG clothesline out of nowhere!!



Cover by Motozaki...




Unable to hide his real feelings, the King throws his hands up and looks nervous.

I think the King is starting to believe this was a bad idea! In a fit of anger he set up this test, but I think he's just realised, he doesn't want to lose Motozaki! And if he does, it'll be all his fault!

Uhhh... don't worry. It'll be okay!

You reckon? Try telling Landon that, he doesn't seem so sure.

Motozaki clubs away at Baron some more, but Baron suddenly starts to fight back with some right hands. And some Cowboy Bebop elbows. Motozaki is dazed and Baron looks to capitalise with another Lariat. A dodge from Motozaki takes him around the back, waistlock applied. Baron blocks, elbowing his way into a reversal. He runs Motozaki to the ropes, looking for an O'Connor roll. Daisuke holds on though. Rolling to his feet, Baron sidesteps as Motozaki charges. From a standing point, Baron then jumps up looking for the Bite My Shiny Metal Ass BUTT bump again... but he gets CAUGHT! And then gets DUMPED with a German Suplex!!!







The King, prematurely jumping out of his chair, is left disappointed as Baron kicks out!

Baron kicks out! But man oh man, what a counter that was! Motozaki just caught a two hundred sixty five pound man in midair and delivered a suplex, with a bridge, in one motion.

And should have got a three count from it! C'mon ref!

Not crying over misfortune, Motozaki drags Baron back up. Waistlock on again, Daisuke tries another suplex. Baron hits reverse and runs Motozaki back into the corner to counter. Reaching back, Baron then hooks Daisuke by the head for a running Bulldog!!

Baron scores with the bulldog!

Okay, now I'm getting nervous.

Baron rolls Motozaki over and hooks a leg, Landon fearing the worst...




And The King breathes a big sigh of relief.

Daisuke can't lose this! The King pays this man's way, he puts food on Daisuke's table, he brought him to this country! You can't cut that support off!

You can if he loses. Landon said so. Are you doubting the King's word?

...don't put it like that!

Baron throws some more big punches to Motozaki, then looks for a big one to put him down. With a 360, he goes for the boomerang lariat...

...but Motozaki ducks! Open target, Motozaki does the 360 this time and aims for the back of the head with a rolling elbow...

...which Baron ducks, before using another spin to CONNECT with the Boomerang Lariat!!

Myspace Comeback and... wait a minute!

Unable to take no more, the King resorts to drastic measures to save his screw-up and leaps onto the ring apron to convince the referee to call off the match! Baron waves for the referee to get rid of him, the King with a last ditch effort to save his Japanese hitman.

I guess the King realised the error of his ways.

The King continues to plead with the referee, until Baron has had enough! And he grabs the King by the lapels of his regal robe!


No! Unhand him!

Struck by fear, the King begs off... to NO AVAIL, as Baron clocks him with a Cowboy Bebop elbow!!


The King falls to the apron and Baron turns back around RIGHTINTOAEULOGYFROMREJECT!!!!!!!!!!!



Like a thief in the night, Reject gets in and out completely undetected and with the damage well and truly done! Cowering by the apron, Reject stays where the referee can't see him, turning around to see both men down and no suspicion as to what happened.

So much for that measure of revenge, eh?

Reject has laid Baron out with the Eulogy, he's out cold! And Motozaki is up!

Seeing Baron laid out, face down, Motozaki doesn't hang around to ask any questions. Squatting down, the powerful Japanese star locks his arms around a motionless Baron's waist. And with a growl he manages to POWER Baron up and hit him with the DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX, further damage to an already stricken Windels!!!





Relief hits the King and turns to elation, giddily embracing the Queen on the outside.



With the match over Reject emerges from his hiding place and walks away with a smirk on his face, looking back at Baron, while King Landon celebrates over him with Motozaki.

King Landon just dodged a huge bullet here tonight. And he has that man right there to thank, Reject! Reject struck on Baron Windels and was with royal timing!

All hail Reject! I expect a knighthood to come! An honorary member of the realm! Bravo!

Relieved beyond words, King Landon is practically leaping for joy and raising Motozaki's hand in victory, all amusing to Reject who continues to smirk at the state he's contributed to leaving Baron in.

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We’re taken to the entrance stage where two thrones stand beside Terry Taylor. Bellow the entrance stage in a section marked “Subjects” numerous people stand.

Hello everybody, I'm Terry Taylor and I will be your moderator for a very special debate between two young ladies who consider themselves to be the queen of the OAOAST. Let's meet our first Queen, Queen Esther!

QUEEN ESTHER arrives with scepter in hand to the triumphant trumpets of Parade Of Charioteers.  The subjects greet her with polite applause as she bows gracefully to them. She then takes a seat at one of the thrones.

And the second Queen…the 2010 Queen Of The Ring!

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

A gigantic pop welcomes


MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD to the entrance stage. She waves with a big smile on her face as she walks over to the throne.

Welcome, ladies. Tonight’s debate will give the subjects some insight as to who they want to support as queen. Our first topic is the topic of laws. What laws would your kingdom have? Queen Esther, you may start,

I deem it necessary that all women must wear dresses down to their ankles at all times. Any shorter and impure thoughts may pervert the kingdom and arouse longings in the loins of our men folk. Furthermore, as we women are of a delicate and fickle constitution I don't believe we should be allowed to look our stronger male superiors in the eyes. It is disrespectful and foolhardy to pretend we are equals to them!


More over, I do declare that all consumption of libations and spirits will be outlawed immediately. I do believe this is necessary after I saw a drunken man approached me on the street rambling about Miller's Light. I do not know who Miller is, and nor do I know where his light is either! I believe that these horrible things called video games must be outlawed at once! My ears were recently assailed by the sound of that heathen Melody Nerdly, screaming at the top of her lungs about owning noobs as gunfire blazed in the background! Owning noobs? That brings me to my next law; slavery. Yes, it was wrong to enslave the coloureds. I admit that. But nothing is worse than the idle mind of an unemployed layabout! That is why I am reinstating slavery for those that currently lack jobs, and for Mexicans as well. I believe that is all.

And, Maya?

Laws? I have two laws, two very important laws that must be followed at all times or risk penalty of death. The first one is guys, for the love of Pete, use soap after you go to the bathroom, is it that hard to holler at a spritz of Dial? I mean, I've got to wear a Hazmat suit just to shake hands with guys backstage. All I'm asking is a little Dove, a little Lever 2000, be courteous, be sweet. As for my second law, its very simple. Party all day, everyday, and don't stop till the break of dawn!


The break of dawn? Good heavens the proper bed time for all adults over the age of twenty five is no later than 9:30! And my idea of a party is a warm cup of milk and a friendly chat about the day's events with father squirrel.

That concludes that topic. The next is the Queen’s Court. Who would be in your royal court?

My court is the most dignified of the dignified. I have noble knights, Lucius and Rico to keep order, the Prince Of Panache James Blonde to regale courtesans with his swashbuckling tales of romance and adventure! And who can forget Faqu, the mighty savage brought back from the mysterious jungles where dinosaurs roam, dragons fly,

And you don't sound like a fruit loop! You want to talk about a queen's court? I've got more court than a basketball team. Name anybody, and I'll get them in.

What about that red headed bitch from Will and Grace?

Debra Messing? She's in!

There's this old man by the bus stop that rolls his body fat for a quarter.

Freaky! He's in to.

There's this girl I watch from my apartment at night. I put my hands in my pants and stare at her from my telescope. It arouses me.

She's in, and you're in to as long as you keep from within fifty feet of her.

You can not let just any charlatan into the Queen's court!

That's a good point Okay, Queenie, consider yourself banned from Maya's court.

How dare you ban me!

I can't let just anybody in the world in. I have to have standards.

Are you saying I don't meet those standards?

Well, let's see when I look at what my court is lacking I don't see crazy loon that sings songs to fruit flies on the list! I'd rather have the goofy kid peeing in the corner of the McDonald's playland ball pit in my court than you. Next topic, please.

What about education. Where do you stand on education?

I stand firmly opposed to it! My word, just think of what education has done to harm us.  Because of education people have learned to build computers, and with computers they have built the internet, and with the internet they have built a haven of pictures of....naked women. Education has also brought us the telephone, which brought us the cellphone, which brought us text messages, which brought to me a very rude message from MARV of the Christ Air Express inviting me to something called a glory hole! Education also allowed for the creation of my aformentioned arch nemesis libations! These libations are the very same witch's concoction have given many a peasant the courage and desire to brazenly grab my derriere! I say do away with education, at once!

Hi, I'm Queen Esther, someone grabbed my incredibly flat, pimple ridden butt, so instead of slapping them across the face or giving them my phone number if I didn't still communicate by carrier pigeon, I want to do away with school! No we can't just get rid of school. I admit school may suck sometimes, like when you're a field trip to Anaheim and you showed up to the bus late and the only seat is next to Bobby Niguel, and he always has that creepy white stuff on his pants and that weird leering smile that makes that creepy white stuff even creepier. But school can be mighty awesome to. Where else do we learn to write stories that can be turned into best selling novels? Where else do we learn the chemistry that can help us cure diseases? Where else do we learn the acting skills to turn ourselves into Oscar winners? No where else but school, and I'm in favor of education for everyone!


Onto our next topic. The subject of war. Where do you both stand on war?

There are times where diplomacy fails, and only conflict will create resolution. That is the time where our noble men folk will pick up their swords, their shields, and don their suit of armor and head into the great battles of our time! But they needn't fear anything as our wizards will create magical brew they may dip their swords in to give them added strength of the four elements. With these magical concoctions, our armies can never be stopped!

Um, Maya?

I'm totally for war. War against one single person. Queen Esther.

Me? Good heavens I've done nothing to you, you wretched little girl!

I'm head of the suicide prevention committee at school and you make me want to cover myself in pitch, light myself in fire, and hurl myself off the roof of the Staples Center. See the problem?

Yes, I do indeed see the problem. I see that you a horrible, cruel, evil heathen, and it is time you got your comeuppance!

My comeuppance?

Queen Esther rears back and tosses the magic pixie dust in Maya's eyes!


Queen Esther fumes for several seconds before rearing her hand back and using it to slap Maya across the face! Unfortunately for Esther, Maya isn’t as blind as she believed, and the Queen of The Ring makes a successful lunge for the British lass.

Its royal warfare here on HeldDOWN~!

Rico and Lucius rush to Queen Esther’s aid and pull her away from Maya. The highschooler is held back by Terry Taylor, and is left to shout threats at her furious rival.


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Please allow me to introduce myself
    Im a man of wealth and taste
    Ive been around for a long, long year
    Stole many a mans soul and faith
    And I was round when jesus christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

“Sympathy for the Devil” rings out and with it comes a chorus of jeers. The entrance doors spread apart, allowing the white robed Theodore Moneymaker to stride onto the entrance stage. He laughs his trademark evil laugh as his hands rub together in the money fingers. Flanking him are Colin Maguire Junior, Lorelei DeCenzo, and Christian Wright. As green and gold lights flicker about the stage, the foursome raises their arms in celebration of their greatness.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a five on two elimination match! Now making their way to the ring, introducing first from Manhattan Beach, California, THE MONEY HONEY, LORELEI DECENZO, and from Boston Massachusetts, COLIN MAGUIRE JUNIOR, and now residing in Washington DC THE GOD CHILD CHRISTIAN WRIGHT, and the CEO and United Sates Champion, from Vero Beach, Florida, THEODORE MONEYMAKER! Together they are THE ENTERPRISE!

The Enterprise is all set to resume their long standing feud with Chicks Over Dicks, but they do it without Spencer Reiger who has once again mysteriously backed out another match against Chicks Over Dicks.

There’s no mystery. The guy has polio!

Would it kill you to watch an episode of House or Grey’s Anatomy?

The Enterprise take to the center of the ring where they once again raise their arms to signify their superiority over their peers.

And, introducing Spencer Reiger’s replacement….

I'm just the thorn in your side,
The disrespect in your eye,
I can't control myself.
I'm like the stain in your drain,
I'm taking over your brain,
'Cuz I can't help myself.

Every time I turn my head,
I hear everything they said
I know they wish I'd go away.

Here I am again,
Hey now, hey now,
I'm the mother fucker of the year.
Here I am again,
Hey now, hey now,
I'm the mother fucker of the year.


Sauntering out from the backstage area is the silver chaps clad Human Hard On, Mister Dick! He pumps and flexes his awe inspiring muscles as golden pyro rains down from the ceiling.

From San Antonio, Texas, he is THE COCKY PRICK, and a two time OAOAST World Champion, MISTER DIIIICCCKKKKKKKKKK!

Mister Dick strides down the entrance ramp with body glistening from a healthy dosage of baby oil.

Talk about finding a great substitute! The Enterprise has recruited two time world champion Mister Dick, who is no stranger to dealing with Alix and Krista.

Mister Dick slides into the ring and humps the canvas, while passing aroused stares at Lorelei.


Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!


Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!

Same entrance music does not equal unity in this case as Alix and Krista come out from the entrance doors as far apart as possible. Krista tries to make nice, and encourages Alix to do her kiss blowing. But Alix shrugs Krista off and heads down the entrance ramp.

And their opponents. First she is the Hollywood Bad Girl, and the most followed celebrity on Twitter, she is the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, ALIX MARIA SPEZIA! And her partner, she is a three time OAOAST World Champion, a New York Times best selling author, a two time wrestler of the year, more famous than everyone else put together and multiplied by four she is MISS CALIFORNIA, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN! Together they are record holding six time tag team champions of the world and the 2010 Anderson Cup winners, AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS CHICKS OVER DICKS!

Nice of Alix to actually show up on time this week.

Even with her problems with Krista, she’s not going to leave her to face five on one odds.

Krista tries to remind Alix what she’s missing out on with her upside down rope hanging trick. But while that may reduce the audience to drooling puddles of aroused goo, Alix simply stares blankly at Krista.

The Enterprise, and Mister Dick have crossed paths numerous times with Chicks Over Dicks, but its always been a happy, unified, America’s Sweethearts.

I think maybe I should start.

I want to start!


You’ve never ever let me do what I want to do.

What have I ever stopped you from doing?

Joining the Boy Scouts.

You’re a girl! And you were twenty nine!

Dismissing Krista’s logic, Alix makes a charge at Wright and gets drop toe held to the ground. Wright stomps away at her with his loafers, before applying the tag to CMJ.

“RED SOX SUCK! RED SOX SUCK! RED SOX SUCK!” the fans chant at the diehard Sox fan.

Shut up! The Sawks are awesome!

Colin, your’s and rest of America’s penchant to adamantly rush to the defense of millionaire athletes who would as soon pee on you as shake your hand whilst not giving two drops of spit about the homless man that sleeps behind the dumpster of your local 7-11 is, well…I’m rich and doped up on Valium so I don’t really care about the homeless guy either. But I have an addiction to prescription drugs as an excuse, you don’t.

Annoyed with Krista’s ranting, CMJ marches to her corner to shut her up. But a recovered Alix tags him with a dropkick to the back that shoves him into the ropes. The Boston native stumbles back into a school boy from the world champion…


CMJ rolls out the pinfall. Soon he carries himself upright in order to strike Alix down with a lariat. As she clutches her chest in pain, CMJ bounces off the ropes and adds to her misery with a knee drop. The cover is then made…



Alix lifts her shoulder off the canvas, much to the audience’s delight. Less pleased is CMJ, who grabs Alix by her and guides her into his corner. There he applies the tag to The Human Hard On Mister Dick.

Mister Dick is the fill in for Spencer Reiger, who’s recent lack of willingness to fight against Chicks Over Dicks has been odd.

Can you blame him? Aside from an excuse to fondle Krista’s massive funbags, and have Alix slam that booty into your face, ain’t nothing good ever comes of fighting COD.

Mister Dick enters the ring to an unwelcome response from the Portland audience. Adding to their ire is the fact that he brings his SHAKE WEIGHT into the ring with him. Ignoring the warnings of referee Clem Buzzlefoxer, CMJ hooks Alix’s arms behind her back so that Mister Dick may take aim with his trusted weapon. But, as he swings for the fences he strikes out as Alix moves out the way! This leaves CMJ to get wacked in the face by the exercise equipment.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans cheer while Mister Dick slams the weight down and curses in frustration. Dropping the weight was probably not the wisest of moves, as Alix quickly scoops it up.

Oh, Clem, honey, you’re a world War II veteran, yes? Think past the fun times dancing for sushi in the Japanese POW camp, and the horrible case of Chlamydia caught from that male prostitute in Poland, and remember how they always said the US made the best weapons? Well, tell, me how are the red white and blue’s cannons looking today?


They make me proud to be an American!

With Clem distracted by Krista’s bazookas, Alix is able to bonk MD in the head with the shake weight! MD falls to the ground and immediately rolls out the ring to nurse his sore head.


Jock Mulligan just got a taste of his own medicine.

The God Child enters the ring with an eye on catching Alix by surprise. But he doesn’t achieve this goal as Alix wacks him with the shake weight! The fans approve of this attack, as CW rolls out the ring to join his hurt comrades.

As they always say, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

Moneymaker rushes into the ring and manages to duck a shot from the shake weight. This bounces him off the ropes, and he rumbles back at Alix with a lowerd shoulder. Problematically this carries the side of his head right into the deadly exercise unit. The money maven falls to the ground, and immediately ducks out the ring to great embarrassment. Lorelei quickly joins her fallen team, who furiously spread blame around for their humiliation.

The Enterprise is looking flabby and sick right now. They gotta pull it together, I got my life savings riding on this match.

Your life savings?

And yours to!

Alix decides its time to exercise and begins using the shake weight.

This thing isn’t so revolutionary. My gym teacher in high school used to have me do this all the time in 12th grade.  The funny thing he kept his shakeweight hidden in his pants, and I guess it had leak because after five or six minutes it would always get really wet and sticky, and maybe it was broken because then it would just go limp!

Meanwhile The Enterprise and Mister Dick seem to have gotten past the blame game, and huddle up to discuss a new strategy.  However, Krista quickly joins the huddle.

What’s up, guys, what’s the plan?

What in the devil are you doing here?

Came to get the scoop, the down low, the hot news, the good word-

Get the fhack outta here!

Watch your language, honey, it makes god angry and she might curse you with a really annoying accent…oops.

Embarrassed, Krista excuses herself from the group. Her comments having killed the vibe of the session The Enterprise breaks apart with CW resuming the action for his squad.

Alright, get the unbeatable man in there to set things right.

Wright takes a swing at Alix, but has his shot blocked by her forearm. Staggering away, he gives Alix the chance to run the ropes. But when she returns he attempts back body drop her over the ropes. Thankfully, the world champion is able to land on her snow boots. Those boots quickly scurry up to the top rope. After a crowd pleasing wiggle of her booty, Alix flies off the top rope and nails Wright with a dropkick. A cover is then made…



Wright pushes Alix off him. He then gets to his feet and runs the ropes. On the rebound Alix leapfrogs him and he’s forced into another run of the ropes. As he comes back a second time, Alix nails him under the chin with a double knee lift. Turning, over her shoulder she sees that Krista has extended her hand for the tag.

Isn’t this always the way? I’m doing something and you wanna take over. Gee, Alix, you look like you’re having fun wrestling, let me do it. Gee, Alix, what you’re drinking is intended for horse sterilization, let me take that from you. Gee, Alix, that fire you’ve started has consumed lots of that building, maybe I better put it out. Well, no, you can’t come in!

Alix gives Krista a final HMPH and turns around to deal with Wright. However, Wright has been replaced with Spencer’s replacement, Mister Dick. Alix’s archrival stuns Alix with an elbow that gives him a chance to run the ropes. He comes back with a stiff kick that’s ducked by the world champion. As such The Human Hard On is hung up on the third rope. This gives Krista an idea, but she’s halted by Alix.

Hey, just like the time I rigged up a car bomb to Ryan Seacrest’s Benz, I don’t need your help!

Alix proves her assertion correct when she strikes her nemesis with a missile dropick. A pinfall then follows….




Alix grabs MD’s silky blond mane and begins bringing him off the canvas. But The Human Hard On strikes her with a knee to the stomach. He grabs his crotch and spits in her face before striking her down with a discus punch! Having done enough work for the day, Mister Dick tags out to Lorelei DeCenzo.

The Money Honey is not shying away from any action tonight, facing her ex-girlfriend in Alix Maria Spezia.

Lorelei pounds Alix’s skull with stomps, causing the world champion to whimper in pain. She then picks Alix up and whips her into the ropes. Upon hitting the cables Alix is tagged in the back by Krista.


Ignoring, Alix’s complaint, Krista enters the ring. She ducks a lariat from Lorelei, and carries herself into the ropes. Coming back she strikes down The Money Honey with a spinning wheel kick. This leads CMJ to enter the ring in an effort to protect his manager. But he’s mere cannon fodder as Krista dispenses him with a hip toss.

Colin, if you a strapping young lad of twenty four years of age can’t get the jump on an aging single mother of two perhaps its time to consider a vocational change. Cleaning up the feces after the local Thanksgiving day parade might give you a substance in which to compare your failed wrestling career.

Lorelei believes she has Krista lined up for an attack, and charges in with a clubbing forearm.

Some people might take getting hit in the back as provocation to punch someone in the face. In your case I will take it as provocation to molest you in the most pleasurable way possible to me and the most humiliating way possible to you. Let us begin, shall we?

Before Lorelei can react to the threat of sexual harassment, Krista is grabbing onto her arm and whipping her into the corner. Miss California follows Lorelei in with a devastating knee strike. The Money Honey is knocked senseless and sags down to canvas against the turnbuckle posts.

Fair warning Christian, unless you want your purple helmeted trouser soldier to stand at full attention I suggest you close your eyes and plug your ears so as not to be aroused by my orgasmic moans of pleasure.

CW slams his eyes shut as Krista hikes up her skirt to reveal her luscious honey buns. Krista’s ass invades Lorelei’s face with a hungry, eager, desire. Lorelei squirms and moans as Krista’s tush rubs her face in small, tight, circles.



Okay, Christian, its safe open your eyes.

Christian does just that and gets a face full of Krista’s beautiful ass as she butt bumps off the apron! Wright falls to the outside, face up, or more correctly erection up.


Lorelei stumbles out the corner, in an erotic haze after what she’s experienced and she’s easily nailed by the KIDology! The fans pop, as Krista hooks onto Lorelei’s legs for the pinfall…




Lorelei has been ELIMINATED!

CMJ rushes back into the ring, but misses Krista with a lariat.

Again, Colin, I’m almost six feet tall, how are you missing me? If you need help, aim for the massive breasts that have been liked by no less than ten million people on Facebook, and that Christian no doubt pleasures himself over everytime he unfolds the surely stuck together pages my new bikini calendar available for $15.99 only at OAOASTShop.

CMJ swings at Krista, but comes up empty once again.

Now this is getting pathetic.

CMJ fires off a twisting lariat, only to be dropped by spinning leg trip from the three time world champion.  Krista then leaps onto the ropes nearest Alix, expecting to springboard back. But Alix angrily tags her on the legs. Krista shoots her a confused stare.

Alls fair in love, war, and wrestling, and Wii Sports Resort.

I hear Alix is a sneaky cheat in that game.

Alix runs into the ring and cuts down Colin with a lariat! The Boston native rises, only to be struck down again! He comes to his feet once again, only to be taken off them by Alix yelling boo really loudly.

I think Spencer had the right idea.

Alix stalks Colin across the ring, but as she nears him he slugs her in the stomach. With Alix doubled over, CMJ takes a moment to catch his breath. Once that’s completed he hooks her into a rear waistlock in order to fling her backwards with the Irish Suplex! Buzzlefoxer counts the ensuing pinfall…



Krista breaks up the fall with a heel to CMJ’s skull. Oddly enough this angers Alix more than it does CMJ, and she yells at Krista for her interference.

I just don’t know if the relationship between Alix and Krista can be repaired. Does Alix even want it to be repaired?

She’d be a damn fool not to. And guess what? She is a damn fool!

CMJ picks Alix up by her tube top, and hammers her skull with three over hand rights.  Alix stumbles away, whimpering in pain.  CMJ follows her and hooks onto her for a side Russian leg sweep. But before he can execute the move a furious round of elbows from Alix pushes him away. CMJ shakes off the pain of the elbows in order to come back and nail Alix in the stomach with his knee.  Hobbled, Alix is caught inside a front facelock and DDTed to the canvas! A cover then follows…



Alix makes the kickout and brings forth cheers from the Portland audience.

“LET’S GO ALIX! LET’S GO ALIX! LET’S GO ALIX!” the fans sing, lead on by Krista.

Krista is doing her part to try and keep this relationship alive, but Alix is dead set on proving she’s more than just Krista’s sidekick.

A tag is made to Christian Wright, which changes the fans tone to one of negativity.  They watch The God Child enter the ring and plan a double team on Alix. After breaking away from CW, CMJ whips AMS (yay initials) into a neutral corner. He then runs at Wright, who lifts him high into the air so that he may come down with a lariat onto Alix’s chest! The Hollywood Bad Girl stumbles out the corner, and is taken down by a Wright Off from The God Child. Buzzlefoxer drops into position to count the pinfall…



We’ve got Charley on the Twin 6, Charley on the Twin 6! Tango Company, are you there? I repeat Tango Company are you there?

Clem suddenly goes wild eyed as he flashes back to his way days.

This is Lieutenant Buzzlefoxer, Tango Company is dead, I repeat Tango Company is dead, I’m the last one left!

I will not stand for this buffoonery a second longer!

Wright marches over to Clem and begins ordering him to focus on the contest. Clem, however, is too lost in the war fantasy to pay CW any mind. However, a WEDGIE from Alix gets his attention!  Angered, Clem turns around to find Alix laying flat on the floor behind Wright, leading him to conclude that CW was the one who give him the wedgie.

Sonny, you just put your hands on the wrong veteran. You’re outta here!

Clem motions for the immediate disqualification of CW. Wright protests with vehement vigor as his mates do the same, but there’s little they can do in the face of Clem’s rage.

Christian Wright has been ELIMINATED!

Even in disrepair Chicks Over Dicks is a forced to be reckoned with.

Mister Dick, however, is the true force as of this moment as he runs into the ring to nail Alix with a Stiff Kick!

Leave it to my man The Cocky Prick to get things back on track.

Mister Dick flexes his awesome muscles, admiring his handsome features on the Angletron. Moneymaker urges him to get his focus back on Alix. He does that just that, finding Alix on her feet. He runs at Alix, and dumps her to the canvas with a shoulder tackle. Powerful muscles are flexed once again, a prelude to an elbow drop that lands on Alix’s throat. The world champion clutches her now wounded body part, giving Mister Dick an idea. He pries her hands away from her throat, and cinches on a sleeper hold.

That’s a hold commonly used by Tim Cash, and its as deadly in Mister Dick’s hands as it is in Timmy’s.

Alix grimaces as the painful effects of the move take hold. She struggles and squirms within MD’s grasp, trying her hardest to wiggle free.

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” the fans sing, once again led on by Krista.

Noticing Krista’s support doesn’t exactly fill Alix with joy. But it does give her the strength needed to fight to her feet, if only so that she may break free without Krista’s help. Alix continues to squirm and turn within the hold, as MD tries to tighten his grip. Finally Alix succeeds in nailing a stunner on her foe, breaking his hold! The Human Hard On tumbles backwards, howling in annoyance and pain. Confidence rattled, he applies the tag to CMJ. The former tag team champion rushes to the top rope, where he stands to his full height. He then throws himself at Alix with an elbow drop! But the world champion slides out the way and The Harvard Grad crashes into the canvas. His screams are immediate and so are the calls from the fans to tag in Krista.

These OAOAST Marks are right, Alix needs to get Krista into the match.

But she’s too stubborn to do that.

Alix looks at Krista with bitter eyes and frowning lip.  Her refusal to tag Krista is strong, but her ex continues to implore her to find the will to make that tag.  

Come on, Alix.

Alix’s stubbornness is finally broken and she slaps hands with Krista!


Krista enters the ring to take out CMJ with a spinning wheel kick! Mister Dick enters next and gets nailed by a standing dropsault. That leaves Theodore Moneymaker, who slowly enters the ring with a wide smile for his greatest enemy. Moneymaker and Krista lockup in the center of the ring. Being the stronger of the two, Moneymaker gains control and snaps her inside a front facelock. He lifts her into the air for a vertical suplex. However, Krista slips out the hold and winds up behind the billionaire. She wraps her arms around his waist and runs him into, hoping to roll him up. But he falls backwards, landing on his butt and shaking her off. This is no problem for Krista who backs into the ropes and returns to connect with a John Morrison style knee.


Krista’s other archrival, Mister Dick pounces on her with forearms to her back. Having weakened her with those strikes, MD attempts an Irish whip on the three time world champion. But Krista reverses the hold, and pulls him close to cut him down with a side effect!

Blonds never pay a cover!

MD wisely rolls out the ring, creating highly sought after distance between he and Krista. The blond beauty isn’t able to follow him out, however as she’s mugged by CMJ. Soon his boss joins him, and Krista is being pummeled by The Enteprise. Together they whip her into the ropes, only for Krista to come back and strike them both with a crowd popping diving lariat!

Colin, I expect the stain of incompetence and frat boy retardation to taint everything you do, but Theodore? I’m just so disappointed in you right now.

Mister Dick comes rumbling back towards Krista with a Stiff Kick! Thankfully she ducks the attack, and MD sails harmlessly past. He swings around to throw his trademarked discus punch, but is caught with the KIDology!


Krista hooks both legs of her lifeless nemesis for a pin…




Mister Dick has been ELIMINATED!

CMJ is right on Krista, terrorizing her with stomps as she attempts to rise off the canvas.  As she gets to a vertical base, CMJ begins pounding on her with brutal punches. Once that’s enough, he attempts to whip her into the ropes. Yet, Krista shifts her weight and reverses the hold. Colin bounces back to leap frog Krista, and lands right against the superkicking foot of Alix Maria Spezia! The Harvard Grad tumbles back into a backslide from Miss California…




Colin Maguire Junior has been ELIMINATED!


Moneymaker realizes the odds are against him and produces a wad of cash to buy his safety against his longtime foes. Despite their differences, Krista and Alix can agree on Moneymaker’s fate. It’s a gruesome one as they connect with double superkicks!


Moneymaker stumbles back into the cables that spit him into a KIDology!


The Billion Dollar Heir pops up from Krista’s knees, eyes glazed over and mouth slack. There’s no escape for him however as Alix slings him down to the canvas with a sommersault neckbreaker.

That’s the move called Confessions of a Kristaholic, but as I said before Alix may be on a twelve-step program.

As the fans count along, Krista makes the cover…





Your winners….CHICKS OVER DICKS!

The fans pop huge for Chicks Over Dicks latest victory, thrilled they were able to best their rivals in The Enteprise.

This round of the never ending battle between The Enterprise and Chicks Over Dicks has gone to Alix and Krista.

Krista feels a tad sentimental over the victory, and wishes to use it as a way to reconcile with Alix. She opens her arms and earnestly invites Alix in for an embrace. But, Alix turns cold, and gives her a frosty stare. Krista implores Alix to forgive her, but Alix merely turns around without a solitary word. She exits the ring to gather up her belt, and depart up the entrance ramp.

Alix is determined to prove herself to Krista, and she'll get her chance in two weeks at the New Years Spectacular! Good night, everyone!


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