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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 12/16/10


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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The show opened with The Heavenly Rockers standing inside the ring for a promo. Logan and Synth promised that they’d win the Anderson Cup for a second time, and throw the greatest victory party anyone had ever seen. They said no team was a match for them, and that anyone who faced them would see that they are the greatest rock n wrestling band of all time. Abdullah took over and detailed his plan for the future of the Church of Abdullah.  The holy one envisioned a future where the CoA is looked at as a haven for the world’s most virtuous souls, a thinktank for morally pure. He believe it would be a high revenue generator that would gain funds all in the name of spreading god’s word. Abdullah stated he would need members who embodied the very notion of purity. The best example of this he stated was BIFFMAN! Who was more noble, more upstanding, and more morally upright than a superhero? Who better to spread god’s message of supernatural god then a man with superpowers?  Who better to be branded as the face of the CoA then someone as recognizable as a superhero. Abdullah invited Biffman to join the church and patiently awaited his answer.

***Tim Cash vs Uno***

The voodoo practitioner against the eternal do gooder was our first match of the night. A feeling out process gave way to a more spirited striking contest between the two men. The bout would spill outside, where Uno grabbed the upperhand by casting a spell upon Cash that caused him great stomach pains. Uno hurled Cash back into the ring, and began to target his ribs.  Uno almost bought himself a victory using this tactic but Cash was too resilient. The Peoria native fought back and soon blows were traded back and forth by the two superstars. Uno would try a hurricanrana that was countered into a powerbomb and turned into a Midwest Sling (Texas Cloverleaf) This spelled the end for Uno, as he was forced to submit.

Winner: Tim Cash, via submission

With Alix still having a lot on her mind, interview duties fell once again to the Queen Of The Ring Maya. Her guest this week was Spencer Reiger. Young Mister Reiger was forced to answer for his refusal to compete against Chicks Over Dicks this past week on HeldDOWN~! Reiger was of course elusive with the answers, still trying to assert that he had ovarian cancer. Maya said playing one game of Operation should teach you that guys don’t have ovaries, but they do have red noses that light up when they’re hurt. Thus she insisted that Reiger cut the crap.  The New York native insisted he had a very good reason not to compete, and his excuse was valid. When asked if he’d be competing in The Enterprise’s match against Chicks Over Dicks this week, Spencer was again elusive.

Sophie and her miniature horse brought us this week’s edition of the Fashion Bug. On this week’s episode, Sophie reviewed the fashion style of Faqu. Sophie deemed Faqu rugged and individualistic, and called his style jungle rouge meets urban chaos. She very much approved of his look and gave him a solid three James Blondes.

King Landon's throne was brought to ringside for the next two contests, to determine the fate of two of his followers. Win and they would stay in the Kingdom. Lose and they were out. First up was Faqu.

***Faqu -VS- Jumbo***
A battle of the bigmen, with Jumbo the man brave enough to step up and sign the open contract. What followed was a classic bigman match. Much tested of strength and hitting of shoulder blocks. Matching power with each other, the advantage came when Faqu started to use his savage strikes. A much more effective way of wearing down big Jumbo. Jumbo fought hard and managed at one point to hit what seemed a crucial bodyslam on the Samoan. With the King looking nervous, Faqu managed to avoid an elbow drop and hit a couple of big leaping headbutts. A thrust kick put Jumbo down for a close nearfall. But Faqu stayed focused and after a second thrust kick, delivered a Bigman Frog Splash to pick up the win!!

Winner: Faqu, via pinfall

Blonde seemed happy with the result and congratulated Faqu. But the King was eager to move on. He took the microphone and informed James that he'd done some work to get his open contract signed by someone who would give him the challenge that he really deserved. Who turned out to be KRISTA, much to Blonde's horror and the confusion of the announcers, wondering if the King had just doomed his protege to fail.

[b}***James Blonde -VS- Krista Isadora Duncan***
Looking rightly horrified at the task ahead of him, Blonde spent a minute pacing around the floor, hesitating over getting in and facing Krista. Even going so far as to plead with King Landon to reconsider his stipulation. And being denied. Resigned to his fate, Blonde stepped in with Krista... and, didn't fare well. All of Blonde's attempts to grapple with Miss California ended with some unfortunate, unintentional groping, which lead to Krista smacking The Trendsetter upside the head. The King looked on with an expression that was hard to read, as Krista dominated and humiliated Blonde, seemingly toying with the Canadian. Infact, toying with him to the point that slowly, King Landon started to become impatient, wanting a winner one way or the other. With his Kingdom place and understudy to the King on the line, Blonde made one last, desperate comeback. And... didn't fare well. Again. After being slapped around and hit with various flashy moves, Blonde was left to try and claw his way back up, using Krista's body. Unfortunately, a hand in reach of something to grip ended up on Krista's healthy chest. This was one too many times for Krista's liking and she punished Blonde with a sex-drive killing kick to the nads. Which got her disqualified!

Winner: James Blonde, via disqualification

King Landon's jaw dropped at ringside, the announcement sinking in that Blonde had survived his test by being beaten up and getting kicked in the nuts. Not concerned at all by this, Krista shrugged her shoulders and congratulated the King on his success, stepping on Blonde's nuts one last time on her way to leaving the ring. Despite his damaged genitalia, Blonde managed a big smile, knowing he was still in the Kingdom. Even if the King didn't seem too impressed about it.

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