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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 12/8/10


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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

*** Christ Air Express vs. Can-Am Assassins ***

The Can-Am Assassins announced prior to the bout they would not be defending their tag titles as originally scheduled because, in Felix Strutter’s words, the CAE “hadn’t beaten any team worth a damn.” His words only gave the CAE added motivation in what proved to be a back-and-forth affair. The finish saw Felix miss a shooting star leg drop, resulting in a CAE tag and top rope sunset flip for the pin.  

Felix's reaction following the match: :o

Winners: Christ Air Express

Sophie brought us another edition of the Fashion Bug. On today’s episode Sophie looked at the new Queen of The Ring Maya Duncan Blanchard. Sophie was highly unimpressed by Maya’s sense of style, calling her look nothing more than that  of a lazy unmotivated mall rat.  Sophie gave her a rating of 2.5 James Blondes, because she was feeling in a giving mood due to it being the holiday season and all. Otherwise she'd have gotten ZERO James Blondes.

With Alix having a lot on her mind, it was left to Maya to conduct a super-serious about wrestling interview with her half sister, Women's Champion Jade Rodez-Duncan. Unfortunately, the wrestling part didn't last long. Initial talk over Jade's victory at November Reign and her involvement with Bohemoth during the main event lead to bickering back and forth between the girls. Maya suggestion that Jade was lucky to have had a boyfriend in the first place even if he did turn out to be an abusive vain musclehead brute, perhaps not the most helpful thing to say during an interview. After much bickering about whether Jade could find a man and Jade's curious instance that Maya didn't know what she was talking about and refusal to elaborate, the cameraman wisely decided to just cut and go to something else with no end in sight to the arguement.

***Maggie and Molly Nerdly -VS- Melissa Nerdly and Sophie***
Nerdlyriffic tag team action, with Sophie and her minature pony the only competitor not product of the Nerdly seed. I mean, obviously the pony isn't. That just reads weird. I should probably re-write that, but I'm not going to. I'd rather ramble aimlessly about it. Anyway, these four had a match. Determined to make up for her embarrassment at November Reign, Melissa started off in fiery form. Sophie played the cooler head and it came in handy when her team finally managed to isolate and work over Molly. Sophie's control over her former tag team partner didn't last long however and a high energy comeback from Maggie tore through Sophie's team. After whipping through the opponents, Maggie set Melissa up for Happiness Is Edmonton In Your Rearview Mirror. Sophie rescued her partner, only to get bundled out of the ring by Molly seconds later. That left Melissa in with Maggie and with a chance to redeem herself. She failed. Maggie countered a Eulogy attempt with a Deoderator and followed up with Happiness Is Edmonton In Your Rearview Mirror for the victory.

Winners: Maggie and Molly, via pinfall

James Riggs stood in front of a locker room full of OAOVW performers. He addressed them with contempt and disdain oozing from his voice. He labeled them all fools for buying into the promise that if they worked hard and had a good attitude they’d make it onto the main roster. Riggs said the company was too corrupt to reward such naieve notions.  Instead, he said, it was best to align yourself with a power play as he had done with Anglesault. Riggs stated he was going to give them a chance to  get on a “winning team” in team Anglesault, by proving themselves in matches. Tonight’s “lucky” contestants were Augstine Chambers, and Phil Ripley.

***Augustine Chambers and James Riggs, and Phil Ripley Vs Mariachi , Denzel Spencer, and J-MAX***

Riggs started out for his team against J-MAX. This wasn’t such a wise idea as  J-MAX’s speed proved too much for Riggs to handle. After being ran ragged about the ring, Riggs tagged out to Ripley.  Tall and lanky, Ripley was better equipped to handle the smaller Brit. But his advantage would only last for a short while before J-MAX’s flipping and flopping overwhelmed him. Mariachi’s entrance into the match provided a new challenge for Ripley. Namely that of finding ways to prevent Mariachi from pinching his ass cheeks! The luchadore was obsessed with Ripley’s backside and did whatever he could to fondle it. For that reason Ripley was forced to tag out to Riggs. The Long Beach native came into the ring all business as he speared the fun loving Mexican to the ground. From there he and his team isolated Mariachi from his corner. All hope looked lost until Mariachi reversed a Ripley powerbomb into a hurricanrana! This allowed him to apply the tag with Denzel Spencer! The Heartland Champion easily took on Ripley, dispatching him from the ring. A scissors kick stopped Chambers in his tracks, but a spear by Riggs would momentarily shut down Denzel. That move earned itself a two count. Riggs could pursue no further action as he was mobbed by Mariachi, who proceeded to lick his nipples! Sufficently freaked out, Riggs bailed from the ring with Mariachi hot on his trail. Chambers reentered the match only to be laid out by the Carribean Compactor! Ripley met the same fate, and was the forced to endure J-MAX’s Blaze out 630 as well. That move secured the victory for the foreign born team.

Winner: J-MAX, Mariachi, and Denzel Spencer, via pinfall

Post match Riggs tossed BOTH his partners into the steel steps in response to their defeat. He gathered up a steel chair to do further damage to them, but was chased off by J-MAX, Mariachi and Denzel Spencer.

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