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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 12/4/10


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The holiday season thrives in the OAOAST as sofa central is decorated in theme. Miniature Christmas trees anchor each side of an announce table that houses a Menorah and festive lights. In addition to that SNOW encases all of sofa central.

Hello world! Seasons greetings from our family to your's! We are live in Providence, Rhode Island for OAOAST HeldDOWN~! What a November Reign we just saw, Coach.

Got that right. Alix took care of business against Mister Dick, and the Franchise returned!

And we crowned a queen of the ring.


Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Earning herself a massive ovation,

Alix Maria Spezia glides onto the entrance stage. She raises her world title into the air and boasts a delighted smile.

Ladies and Gentlemen: please welcome the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, ALIX MARIA SPEZZIAAAAAA!!!

Alix looking as perky as ever. I’d say she has good reason to after skating by Mister Dick at November Reign.

Alix enters the ring and is granted a microphone.

Hey, guys! Bet you didn’t expect me out here first did you? Bet you totally expected someone else to come out here, someone noble, strong, brave, heroic and valliant. Man, that last one was a big word, my head kinda hurts.


Zack? No! I’m talking about Chucky from Chucky Cheese. You know the adorable little mouse that has sexual rendez vous with single mothers as their innocent and unknowing children happily bounce in the ball pit, slowly noticing that neither Chucky nor their mom is present, and that the door to the janitor’s closet is locked, and there’s a lot of moaning coming from there and something with a real squeaky voice is screaming your mother’s name, and you knock on the door, and your mother says she’s coming, and only years later do you realize what that meant and by then you’re too deep in your drug abusing sexually deviant ways to even care.  Well, he’s not here either! And if he was hear, I’d rip off his stupid little hat, blind him in one eye, and force him to eat that cardboard with sauce they call pizza at that place!

She’s finally gone mad.

Anywho, I’m the one who’s here, and queer, and owns a deer, and drinks beer, but doesn’t live near, and I’m out of rhyming words, but that “Rhyme with me Elmo” is so better thany any stupid text book they gave me in college.  But I’m here and I’m so happy to be in Proviednce, not because it’s the gay capital of the Northeast and I’m gathering lesbians for a post show orgy. Well, that’s exactly why I’m happy to be here!


Whooo-hoooe emotionally detached sex is really the best kind of sex there is! You don’t wake up to “why did you pull my hair so hard”, or “how many fingers do you think you can fit in there” or “Just because a stick shift looks like a dildo doesn’t mean you can use it as one!” But, I’m also super glad to be out here because, I’m out here as OAOAST world champion!


Mister Dick gave me all I could handle. And trust me when I say I know how to handle dick.  He threw everything but the kitchen sink at me, probably ‘cause the kitchen sink is kinda heavy, and where would he find one in a wrestling ring, although they keep a lot of useless crap under the ring like Colin Maguire Junior’s career.

That’s a low blow!

Anywho, this night isn’t about me.  If it was you’d all be forced to don Burt Reynolds masks and entertain me with lines from that weird Japanese baseball movie he did. Nope this night is about Jade Rodez-Duncan, who doesn’t get nearly enough credit for being an awesome women’s champion! Jade come on down!

"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN the OAOAST Women’s Champion appears on stage to a great reception. She waves to the fans as she heads down to the ring. Once inside she’s given a microphone.

Thanks for having me out here, Alix.

No problemo!

Winning at November Reign was a big deal to me. I won’t lie, with the team I had I was expecting to win. But to manage a sweep? That went beyond my wildest dreams! Everyone on the team did a great job, and pitched in for the shutout. But I have to give special thanks to Morgan, who stood true to her team and didn’t fall for my Uncle’s games. That was very brave of her to stand up to him in her own special way, and I appreciate it a quite a bit.

Awesome! This night is also about another teenage girl, who shocked the entire world at November Reign and became the first ever Queen Of The Ring. I’m talking about….Maya!

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD hops out from behind the entrance doors, complete with her royal crown.

The Queen Of The Ring gracing us with her royal presence here on HeldDOWN~! You can’t help but be proud of that girl for all she’s accomplished, while still paying attention to her education.

Hey, Aunt Alix. Hey, Chubs.

I told you to stop calling me that!

Maya ignores Jade’s orders.

Gee, where should I start? How about at the part where I kicked Holly’s butt!


This isn’t just my accomplishment, its all of yours to. I mean you can’t wear the crown, or hold the trophy, or get any of my win bonus, but on some vauge metaphysical realm where you can do all that stuff, yes this is your accomplishment also! Your support meant everything to me. I got thousands of posts on my wall on facebook supporting me, and some hitting on me, and some of my mom threatening those people who hit on me. But, you’re the ones who made it all possible. And I hope I’m an inspiration for you. Just because someone is bullying you or harassing you doesn’t mean you have to take it. You can’t give them a face crusher onto a set of steel steps like I did, but you can stand up to them, because you’re stronger than you know! And, bullies, I hope my win was a wakeup call to all of you, you’re not going to get away with your junk any longer.

And finally this night is about the most precious thing in my life. My Hello Kitty purse? Not by a long shot, dudes, I’m talking about Krista!

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time


Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN steps onto the stage without the enthusiasm displayed by her daughter. With hands shoved firmly in pockets, she slowly makes her down the entrance stage.

Krista looks like someone shot her dog.

Krista enters the ring with quick hugs for her daughters and a curt nod to hurry things up to her girlfriend.

Krista, you’re the bestest in the whole wide world! I’d never have this world title without ya. You totally had the courage to stand up to that dork Abdullah and take his challenge on. And you awesome enough to include me in the match. And even though it didn’t result in the mass orgy I had hope for, it resulted in me becoming world champion, and that’s just really awesome. I’m world champion all because of you!  Can I get a Krista chant?


I can’t take it anymore!

:huh: Its just a chant.

No! Not the chant! You being world champion! Its driving me mad!


I’ve done things I never thought I’d ever do! I watched a football game, I cheered for the Clippers, I listened to Eminem, I watched a rerun of Everybody Loves Raymond. These are things I’d never do if I weren’t being driven mad!

I don’t understand.

Of course you don’t! Everything is lala, happy, happy, roses, roses in your world! Everybody is holding hands and standing naked in a field of flowers singing the songs of that noble warrior poet Britney Spears. Whereas in my world, its, sad, sad, fire, fire, fir, and everybody is on the ground bleeding and dying and singing Tom Petty songs. And its awful! And I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to explode!

Oh my god, Mister Dick was right! You think I stole your title!

Think? I know you stole my title!

I thought you’d be happy for me!

I am happy for you, I know you work harder than every one thinks, but that happiness is just a little voice in my head, and anger is a Megadeath concert in my head.

Mom, she won it fair and square.

Yeah, those were the rules of the match. It was legal.

In Missouri its legal to marry a cow. Should I move to Jefferson City and  tie the knot with old Bessie? No! In Maine its legal to have sex with a rat! Should I run off and make out with Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles. No, because its not right. Its not right what you did, Alix.  You think ThunderKid would steal the title from Reject? Would Christian snatch it from Moneymaker? Would, um….running out of examples.

Would Christian steal the belt from Edge?

Who the hell are those people? You’re too old to have imaginary friends.

ThunderKid, Christian, all of those dudes are just sidekicks. We’re totally equals. Right?


Well, what? We’re equals aren’t we? I’m Pau Gasol, you’re Kobe Bryant. A one-two equal punch.

Well, you see…you’re more like my Derek Fisher. On some days you’re kinda like my Smush Parker.  You know the days you use Icy Hot as lubricant.


Hey nothing! That’s the way its always been since I met you. I lead you around, I keep you from walking into traffic or licking a lightbulb or something crazy like that. I tell you what to think, like joining the Nazi youth just because they have cool uniforms is not okay. I give you orders, and you were always, always okay with it. That’s the dynamic, that’s how we work.  You’re my sidekick.

I don’t believe this! That’s all I am to you? A measly little sidekick?

Hey, being sidekick to a New York Times best selling author is pretty awesome. It beats wearing red spandex and tooling around with a nerd in black tights pretending to be a blind bird.

I don’t think bats are birds.


So I’m not an equal girlfriend or future wife, or even a best friend, but a sidekick? After years of love and support, all I get to be is your sidekick? Well, Mario, if you’re as awesome as you think you are you shouldn’t have any trouble finding another Luigi.

What are you saying?

I’m saying I think Diet Mountain Dew tastes like horse pee!

Oh. Well that was a lot better than I expected. I thought you were going to break up with me.

Oh that reminds me. I’m also saying, I’m outta your life, and I want you outta mine!





:) time for me to be some rebound dick!

Without a single look towards Krista or her family, Alix heads out the ring. She stomps up the entrance ramp, eyes placed firmly on the ground.

I don’t believe what I just heard. Alix Maria Spezia has dumped Krista Isadora Duncan here on HeldDOWN~!


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We return from commercial break with Christian Wright and Lorelei DeCenzo positioned in the center of the ring.

Friends and family, I come to you not as a braggadocios trumpeter, but rather as a humble menial. It is not my intention to feast upon the bountiful fruits of my labor here tonight. No, that would be self serving at the best and vainglorious at the worst. I am neither of those things. Am I, Miss DeCenzo?

Christian, you are the most humble, self-effacing person I have ever had the good luck to come across. I thank God that he allows me to know you.

Have kinder and truer words ever been uttered by modern man? I shall think not.

Give me a break!

Today, I come to you only as a lowly messenger, carrying history’s most valuable package. Knowledge.

Knowledge that a little over a year ago something magical happened. It was something you’ve never seen before, and have been lucky to watch ever since. So consider yourself lucky. Got it? Last year marked the very start of Christian’s unbeaten streak.


Yes, my loved compatriots! It was only in the yesteryear that I shifted my career from the middling, fairish lassitude, to the exquisitely grand loftiness of invincibility. My friends, you know me not as a stagnating letdown but rather as an unstoppable force of god. A God Child, if you will. And know this! As long as I shall draw a breath, I shall remain untouched by defeat’s taint!

heheheeh taint.

Grow up, Coachman.

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“Living in America“ by James Brown hits and the All-American Boys proudly wave Old Glory down the aisle.  

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the Hearts of the American people, they fight for truth, justice and the American way… FREEDOM and LIBERTY… THE ALL-AMERICAN BOYS!!


What an opportunity this week for the All-American Boys, Coach. A win tonight over the Heavenly Rockers would no doubt put them into consideration for a title shot against the Can-Am Assassins. But how bout the news of Biffman -- yes, Biffman -- being invited by Abdullah Nerdly to join his revamped Church?

I guess anything can really happen in the OAOAST.

"Khyber Pass" blasts through the speakers as Holly and Colonel Abdullah lead the Heavenly Rockers ringside.

And their opponents, accompanied by Holly… from Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada… COLONEL ABULLAH NERDLY presents the only rock n' wrestling band that matters... SYNTH ABDUL-JABBAR and LOGAN “MACHO MACHO” MANN… THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY ROCKERS!!!


Logan storms the ring like a madman and beats the piss out of Freedom in the corner.


Freedom is tossed outside and whipped hard into the guardrail. As Logan dives back in to breakup the count, Holly rams Freedom face-first into the ring steps!


Holly taking out some of her frustrations on Freedom. You can bet she hasn’t gotten over her defeat at the hands of Maya Duncan-Blanchard in the Queen of the Ring finals this past Sunday at November Reign.

Don’t remind me.

Logan dumps Freedom back in and actually helps him tag out, much to Liberty’s surprised. He’s brought in
the hard way and then introduced violently to the top turnbuckle. Following a series of sharp left jabs, Logan whips Liberty in and connects with a back elbow.

Holly obviously isn’t the only one still fuming over November Reign, Tony B. Logan’s yet to tag out. He’s mad as hell too.

Logan slams Liberty and then heads up top where he spreads his “wings” and flies, spiking his knee right into the heart of Liberty.

And that’s gonna do it.

Synth enters for the first time to knock Freedom off the apron as Logan covers Liberty.





Here are your winners… THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY ROCKERS!!!


The Colonel and Holly raise Logan’s arm in victory as Synth plays the national anthem on his air guitar. We know that because he hums the tune!

So much for the All-American Boys possibly getting a title shot. But hey, they can look on the bright side. There’s always next year! *laughs*

No need for the Heavenly Rockers to look ahead till next year. After their performance tonight, they may very well be the team to knock off the Can-Am Assassins before the year is over.

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We're not long into the night before "Medal" hits, and not one person here in the hometown of the OAOAST's Franchise cheers when it comes on. With his theme blaring loudly, the company founder Anglesault, along with his inner circle of nephew Jason Silver, Bohemoth and the "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez stand front and center on the ramp. Pulling up the rear are associates Tango Bosley, Christopher Patrick Allen, and James Riggs, who look as if they're on guard duty after the happenings at November Reign.

For someone who nearly got his clocked cleaned just a few nights ago, Anglesault doesn't look too angry here tonight!

Angry!? The dude is ECSTATIC, Tony B! If what I've been hearing is true, he's going to get what's coming to him tonight.

Who've you been talking to, Coach?

I have my sources.

You mean you were eavesdropping on people in the locker room showers again?

That happened ONCE, now can I please live it down!?

Anglesault and his sinister six enter the ring, and it's a while before the crowd settles down, because once the actual music ends, a chorus of "ASSHOLE" rings out from the sold out crowd!

That's how you open your arms to me, Providence? That's what you have to say to me? Well, I've got news for you. The person you should be directing that word towards is not in this ring right now. In fact, the person you should direct that word towards is from Providence, Rhode Island, and I think you know EXACTLY who I'm talking about!

The fans boo Anglesault's "order", and then a strong "ZACK" chant comes over the crowd, eventually swallowing the "ASSHOLE" chant entirely.

That's right, chant his name. Call out his name. Hold up your signs. Wear your t-shirts. It's not going to do you any good, because November Reign was the LAST time you will ever see Zack Malibu in the OAOAST! I don't mean in the ring. I mean in an arena, in a locker room, in the ring, in an office, you won't even find him mopping the floors! He knew that he couldn't set foot in this ring anymore, but foolish pride took over, and look what he did. He let his fans down. He let EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU DOWN, because his ego couldn't take the hit anymore. So the superhero, the one and only, the FRANCHISE decides to come back for revenge, not realizing that at November Reign, he signed the death warrant on his career. So, let me be the first one to say, right here in Providence, that the OAOAST is finally FREE OF ZACK MALIBU FOREVER~!

The crowd BOOS. Simply put, they boo and boo and take a breath and boo some more.

We knew that due to the legal arrangements that Zack Malibu was not allowed to act as a wrestler, manager, or on-air talent while he retained his 50% stake in the company, but...

Suddenly, Tony is interrupted by the sounds of Papa Roach, and a theme song that Anglesault and company seem shocked to hear.


The theme of the hometown hero thunders over any verbiage Anglesault may try, but as they focus on the ramp, no one comes out. Instead, from the concourse in the middle of the arena walks Zack Malibu, through the sea of hometown fans! The crowd goes wild as Zack walks down the steps and past the floor seats. Nodding at security, they let him hop the rail, and Zack jumps up on the apron, evil eyeing all seven men inside.


Fearing for his job, and maybe even his life, the music is stopped by the guy in the production truck.

I don't care that you're in your hometown. I don't care if you know these security guards and they were stupid enough to let you over that guardrail. You're FINISHED, and you're trespassing. So if I were you, I'd leave quietly, before this gets REALLY messy.

Zack doesn't move from the apron, and in fact looks over to Michael Buffer, waving him on. Buffer heads over with a microphone, and Zack takes the mic for the first time in over a year.

I have listened to you for over a year...in courtrooms, in lawyer offices, here on OAOAST TV, painting me as the man who tried to ruin this company, and now it's about time that high opinion of yourself got taken down a few notches.

Are you kidding me!? Get out of my arena, get out of my company, GET OUT OF MY LIFE! You're DONE! Security! SECURITY!

Zack, smirking, steps into the ring.

Stop, for one second, and think. You're on MY turf now. Security, fans, the locker room...yeah, you might have a few sheep that want to follow you, but I've got family here. I've got friends here. Most importantly, I've got a live mic that's not getting shut off, so if I were you, I'd shut my mouth and listen, because you obviously aren't up to date on OAOAST happenings.

You cocky bastard. Do you realize that I can take you for all you're worth now? That pretty little lady of yours and that bastard kid you have are going to start flipping burgers to support YOU after I'm done with you!

I wouldn't worry about that, 'Sault. See, money's good. I've always been a saver, not a spender. I've got more than enough to take you back to court, if we had to go there. But, seeing as how I was granted a full, legal release from my "wrestling ban", you don't have a leg to stand on.

What are you talking about? You've got 50% of the company, which means you can't pull power plays like this. It's abuse of power!

That's true, you could consider it an abuse of power...if I had any power to abuse.


Now you want to listen? Well, open those ears up. In fact all of you better open your ears up. For over a year, you had me doubting myself. You managed to get people that I trusted to try to blacklist me. You spared no expense trying to run me out of the wrestling business. You made me doubt myself, and worse than that, you succeeded in making people doubt me. My family, my friends, the people in the locker room...you tried to paint me as the reason for YOUR failures, and God knows how, but you managed to do it. So, instead of letting my pride win out, I sucked it up, and I stayed in the office. I brokered deals, I traveled, I did whatever I could to keep the OAOAST afloat from behind a desk because despite the fact that it bears your name, I LOVE this company.

Zack, getting emotional, takes a pause while the audience claps, and continues.

I have done EVERYTHING for this company. I have sacrificed friendships, family, holidays, birthdays, hearing my daughter's first words, seeing her first steps, even her well-being, for YOUR company. I went town to town making appearances, I helped cross this company over into the mainstream, I helped recruit talent, I took us international, I got the video game deals and the action figure deals because ever since I beat you at Anglemania 2, almost 8 years ago, you have always had this chip on your shoulder. Even when you showed up to, as you would say, "bail me out of trouble", it wasn't because you cared about me as a friend. It's because I was making you MONEY. That's all it's about with you. Money. But you had me doing what I love to do, and that was performing day in and day out in front of crowds like this that appreciate what I did because they knew I was GENUINE. Then, at some point, you had this thought that I was expendable. So you tried to poison everyone against me. Use the old "he's holding you down" tactic to plant the seeds of doubt. Well, bravo, because what you did worked...until Sunday night. Because I know what you've been doing, and little by little it ate away at me. Could I stay home and be satisfied with having my career end prematurely, and yet still manage to keep putting money in the bank for my family and my future? Or could I go see my lawyer and do what I had to do to get the freeze on my talent contract lifted so that I could come back here and take each one of you out one by one?

I don't know what type of bribe you offered the judge to get that freeze lifted, but I can assure you...

I can assure YOU that no bribe was necessary, because this was all legit. I believe it was you who fought for the clause that stated "Zack Malibu cannot participate as an active OAOAST talent while retaining his 50% share", correct?

You know damn well I did, now GET TO THE POINT.

Let me spell it out for you. I SOLD IT.

Anglesault's face goes white, and the shock also washes over his followers.

You WHAT!?

I looked in the mirror, and I asked myself, what's more important...sitting back and collecting while you burn this place to the ground, or coming back and saving this company from the insanity of its namesake...and it was the easiest choice I ever made. So, let me repeat it for you. I SOLD my stake in the company, and as of this past Sunday night, ZACK MALIBU IS BACK~!

The crowd roars, and Anglesault is LIVID, kicking at the ropes.

WHO!?!? WHO BOUGHT IT!? Damn it, this is MY COMPANY, and you have NO RIGHT! That's MINE, Zack! I made the mistake of giving you that power, and I want it back RIGHT NOW!

Yeah...I don't think that's going to happen. Because you know me, 'Sault, and after getting burned by you, and you Cortez, and Bo, and pretty much half of the people who have passed through the OAOAST, I took an added measure. I took that 50% and divided it into five equal shares of 10% each, and then I sold each one of those shares to someone else. That way, no one gets too drunk with power. You know...just in case.



Anglesault locks up, frozen still, and the camera catches not only his reaction, but the Angletron behind him, and a familiar smiling face. Anglesault turns around to meet, via satellite...


The fans rejoice, as Zack's longtime friend, minus his trademark facepaint, smiles and mockingly waves at Anglesault and company.

Ask and ye shall receive, Salty. Now, I only have ten percent of Zack's power, but I think you can use your imagination as to where the rest might have gone. We'll just say that five very deserving veterans got a little bit of recognition from Mr. Malibu, something our former employer never cared to do. I can't speak for the others, not yet at least, but I know that I'm going to enjoy everything that you have coming to you.

You bastard, Caboose! And you, Malibu, you no good...GET HIM!

Anglesault backsteps while his boys rush forward, and when Zack starts throwing hands, the crowd goes wild! The numbers game is obviously not in Zack's favor, and he's quickly overcome by the six men...but that's when D*LUX and the Orange County Cobras hit the ring!

Looks like Zack's got some backup here tonight too!

Rushing the ring, the OCC's and D*LUX go to work, with Tyler quickly hurling James Riggs to the floor! Cortez gets dumped by Ned, while D*LUX double up on Bo, double dropkicking him to the floor! Malibu comes back to life and tees off on Jason Silver, but just when he's about to connect with a School's Out like he did at November Reign, Uncle Anglesault reaches in from the floor and yanks his nephew out of harm's way! The founder and his supporters huddle up at ringside and back away, while Zack's theme plays again in celebration, as he thanks Tyler, Shayne, Simon, and Ned.

What a revelation tonight here in Providence! Zack Malibu, in front of his hometown crowd, announced that he has SOLD his take in the OAOAST, and is now back as an active wrestler, and he is out for revenge for all of the slandering Anglesault has been doing!

Two sides to every story, Tony B. I'm just wondering that, with Zack selling off his stock, who else has a part of the power now? We know about 'Boose, but we ain't heard about anyone else!

I'm sure there will be more to this in the weeks to come, but for now, the King has come home...Zack Malibu is BACK in the OAOAST~!


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Please allow me to introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
Ive been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Green and gold lights flash across the entry way as Theodore Moneymaker makes his way onto the entrance stage. Wearing a white robe, he slings his US Title over his shoulder and offers the money fingers to the camera.

The following contest is for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! Now making his way to the ring, the challenger, from Vero Beach, Florida, he is United States Champion, THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR, AND CEO OF THE ENTERPRISE, THEODOREEEE MOOOONNNEEEYYYMMMMAAAAKKKKEEEERRRR!

Boos pour down from the stands as the US champion travels down the entrance ramp with no kind words for the surrounding audience members.

The United States Champion versus the World Champion. The Enterprise CEO versus a former Enterprise member. The action is smoking out here on HeldDOWN~!

Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Alix marches, yes marches, straight from the entrance stage down to the ring. Yep, that’s all she does. No neon bar, no frisbees, no blown kisses, just a brisk walk.

Theodore has always had a thing for Krista, and its not like Krista's never been with a guy before. If he's lucky then maybe-

Don't bet on it.

And the champion, from Los Angeles, California, she is The Hollywood Bad Girl, ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAAAAAA!

Alix enters the ring with a somber expression, and quickly turns her title over to the referee.

This is a very different Alix we’re seeing tonight. What happened earlier must be weighing heavily on her mind.

Wrong. She doesn’t have a mind to weigh heavy on!


Alix kicks Moneymaker in the stomach, doubling him over.  This allows the brunette beauty to snatch him inside a headlock. That move doesn’t last very long, however, as Alix is shoved into the ropes. When she returns she takes Moneymaker off his feet with a spinning wheel kick!

The spinning wheel kick is usually used by Krista.

That’s a straight shot at the rightful world champion.

Once Teddy gets his health back he attempts to stab Alix in the gut with his boot. But Alix catches onto his attacking foot.  In response he throws a fast jab. Unfortunatley for him, Alix simply jerks her head back to avoid the blow then dumps him to the canvas.

Despite Theodore’s constant bickering with Krista, this is the first time he’s actually faced Alix in a one on one match. Usually he dispatches Christian Wright to deal with her. But now that Alix has the world title, its suddenly top priority for him to face her.

Alix attempts an irish whip, but has it reversed by the money maven.  The world champion then bounces back to hit a flying forearm that backs Moneymaker into the ropes. A butt bump sends Moneymaker tumbling over the ropes and to the outside mats.  

Alix is unusually serious tonight.

Can you blame her? She’s in mourning over having stupidly ripped up her meal ticket. Back to the B list for you!

More embarrassed than hurt, he quickly stands up and dusts himself off. After psyching himself up, he returns to the ring where he challenges Alix to a test of strength. But Moneymaker goes low with a dropkick to her left knee. The Enterprise CEO then takes the boots Alix admired and proceeds to kick her into the corner.  With Alix trapped against the turnbuckle posts, Moneymaker begins to pummel her with powerful right hands.  Eventually he’s forced to step away by referee Charles Robinson. This matters not to the Florida native as he raises his arms in celebration.


The fans are given something to celebrate as Alix runs across the ring and gives Moneymaker a face crusher! Clutching his sore face, Moneymaker gets up only to be tagged with a pair of forearms. Alix then makes an attempt to whip him into the ropes, but finds her efforts reversed.  Rebounding, Alix slides through his legs,. The Brunette Beauty then leaps at him for a tornado DDT. But Moneymaker is easily able to shove her off. This does not deter Alix, and she comes rushing back to him. However, she carries herself right into a Billion Dollar Knee Lift.  Alix staggers backwards, allowing Moneymaker to build up steam and lariat her to the ground. The billionaire chuckles to himself, and then attempts a pinfall…



Alix makes the kickout!

Theodore is in search of his second world title reign, but he faces a very resilient foe.

Teddy grabs Alix by her arm and leads her to her feet. She’s thrown into the corner, and then struck by a running lariat. As she staggers out the corner, Moneymaker carries himself to the second rope.

Money talks, bullshit walks!


While the fans continue to deride him, Moneymaker leaps at Alix with an axe handle smash! But Alix stuns him with a super kick to the jaw!


Moneymaker is flung into the corner, where he sags against the turnbuckle posts.  Alix leaps into Moneymaker’s chest and executes that very move! Luckily for The Billion Dollar Heir, he lands on his red boots. Unluckily for him he’s victory rolled by the world champion…



Moneymaker rolls through the pinfall. Getting to his feet, he lashes at Alix with a clubbing forearm that doubles her up. He then backs into the ropes, and returns to punt the Hollywood Bad Girl in the chest with a vicious kick.  Alix spins away from him, trying to protect herself from further damage. But this leaves her open to a waistlock, and Moneymaker takes advantage by executing a bridged German Suplex! Robinson gets into position to count the pinfall…



Alix makes a timely kickout!


Moneymaker brings Alix to her feet in order to strike her with a European Uppercut. Alix falls against the ropes, weary from the powerful strike. Her situation grows even more dire as Moneymaker begins choking her on the ropes. As he savagely torments her, he laughs his trademark laugh.


At the referee’s urging, Moneymaker releases Alix. The Hollywood Bad Girl falls back to the canvas where she hacks and wheezes in the aftermath of the cheap attack.

Alix is not in the best position right now.

Moneymaker grabs Alix’s legs for the cover…




Alix gets to her feet, and finds herself assailed by over hand rights.  She hurriedly shoves The Billion Dollar heir away, but she comes rushing back with a lariat. However, Alix counters with a drop toe hold that leaves Moneymaker hung up on the second rope. The unusually solemn champion rushes to the ropes, returning to drive her knees into Moneymaker’s back.

I just can’t get over how, well, how normal Alix is acting.

The reality of life on the B list begins to set in. No more Thanksgiving dinners with Angelina and Brad, her time will be spent with John Stamos, Matt Leblanc, and that chick from Boy Meets World.

Moneymaker stumbles upright, and is seized in a side facelock by Alix. She begins to twist him around her for her sommersault neck breaker. But the United States champion powers out the hold. Before Alix can react, Moneymaker’s arms coil around her neck for the Bank Vault!

Hahahah! She gave up a free ride down the road of riches and celebrity and now she’s giving up her world title.  As Mister Moneymaker might say “she’s going back to being another Mexican on welfare”

What a horrible thing to say.

Alix manages to grabs onto the ropes before much damage can be done. But Moneymaker has no concern for such silly things as rules, and drags the champion back to the center of the ring.

Hey, force a clean break, ref.

There’s no need for interjections from Robinson as Alix fights her way out the hold with a stunner! As Moneymaker stumbles around the ring in agony, Alix runs the ropes. Problematically, Moneymaker is no longer in pain as she returns. Thus he sends her flying overhead with a belly to belly suplex!

Theodore Moneymaker, my cousin, can be as dangerous as anybody when he wants to be. But often times he’d rather talk than act.

Moneymaker crawls on top of Alix for a crucial pinfall…



Alix throws her shoulder off the canvas!


When Mister Moneymaker wins the world title watch that weasel Tha Puerto Rican crawl out from his cave and try sneak out a world title shot.  I wouldn’t even give that clown the Adrenaline Title and its been defunct for six years.

Moneymaker picks Alix up by her tube top and shoots her into the corner. He flashes the money fingers to jeers from the audience before running in with a pair of knees aimed at Alix’s head. But The Hollywood Bad Girl slides out the way, and Moneymaker crashes into the top turnbuckle.


The Billion Dollar Heir staggers back right into a school boy from Alix!



Moneymaker pops out the pinfall. He comes to his feet with great speed and wings a lariat at Alix. But the dour brunette ducks the attack and captures him inside a backslide….



Moneymaker manages to squirm free of the pinfall.

Severeal nearfalls have to have Theodore thinking about changing his gameplan.

Moneymaker comes off the ropes with an elbow that shoves Alix into the ropes. Before they can spit her back, Moneymaker is lariating her over them! Alix lands on the ring apron in pain, causing Moneymaker to belt out a delighted laugh. He swaggers over to her, and playfully slaps her head with his hand. Once that grows boring, he grabs her by her chocolate coloured hair and brings her off the apron. She’s hooked into a front facelock and lifted into the air in set up for the screwdriver.

Could we be seeing the Spear of Longinus?

Alix avoids the deadly finisher by kneeing Moneymaker repeatedly in the skull. Besiged by pain, the tycoon is forced to let Alix go free. This is a costly move, as Alix affixes a side facelock upon him. She then sommersaults through the air connecting with her trademark neckbreaker.

Well that move is called Confessions of a Kristaholic, but I think Alix may have kicked the habit!

How you gonna kick a habit with big ass titties and a bomb booty? That’s hustling backwards.

As the crowd cheers her finisher, Alix hooks onto Moneymaker’s legs…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall and still OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion….ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAAA!

There’s little time for celebration over Alix’s victory as she’s pounced on by Colin Maguire Junior!

CMJ hasn’t any business being out here!

CMJ pounds on Alix with closed fists, earning a plethora of jeers from sold out Rhode Island audience.   But the mood in the arena instantly becomes positive as Krista comes rushing down the ramp wielding a lacrosse stick.

Here comes Krista!

Here comes Krista to help CMJ!

Krista enters the ring, and is immediately confronted by the Boston native. Krista doesn’t wish to converse with CMJ and takes a wild swing with her lacrosse stick. Unfortunatley she catches Alix across the face, dropping the world champion to the canvas.



Colin bails out the ring, collecting his groggy boss as he does so. Together they retreat up the entrance ramp while Krista looks on with a confused stare.

Krista just slugged Alix with the lacrosse stick, and I’m sure that was an accident.

Accident my black ass! That was revenge for being humiliated and dumped on live television. You don’t just embarrass a celebrity outright like that. Alix got what she had coming to her.

Well, fans, we’ll have the fallout from this incident next week on HeldDOWN~! Good night, everyone!


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