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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

November Reign: Boston Massacre 2


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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.




B O O M ~!

We pan around the arena as the smoke clears.


From the sold out TD Banknorth Garden, welcome to November Reign!

We swoop over to our broadcast team at Sofa Central.

Happy holidays! Tony Brannigan alongside Da Coach. And tonight OAOAST World Champion Alix Maria Spezia makes her first pay-per-view title defense against a man who’s been a thorn in COD’s side, Mr. Dick.

Let’s not forget Krista Isadora Duncan will be the referee. The same person Mr. Dick beat for the World title not too long ago.

In addition, you will see the ultimate team competition as teams strive to survive in grueling elimination tag matches. A couple of which have some unique stipulations.

Take the Deadly Alliance/Citizen Soldiers match for example. If Citizen Soldiers emerge victorious then Baron Windels will get 5 minutes with Reject. And in the case of Team Megan vs. the Cucaracha Kingdom, either Megan Skye or King Landon will have to pucker up and kiss the other’s feet if their team loses. I don't know about you, T, but I know whose feet I'd rather kiss.

King Landon?

Maybe if I was Mikey Cole. But no, silly. Megan Skye!

You'll get no arguments from me. Right now let’s go to the ring for our first event!

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After conferences on both sides, Scottish Scott starts for the Europeans and James Blonde for the Kingdom.

Blonde going to start things out. Guess he's got something to prove.

He has nothing to prove. He won to get on the team, remember?

Yeah, I remember, which is why I made my original point.

Blonde tries to lock up with the Scottish powerhouse and doesn't last long, getting thrown back to the mat with ease. Blonde tries again and lasts even less this time. Getting frustrated, Blonde dives at Scott and tries to hook him in a headlock, but winds up in the Scotsman's arms. And after getting dumped unceremoniously on his BUTT, Blonde rolls away and tries to have a rethink.

Still got nothing to prove?

Psyching himself up, Blonde gets in the zone, sizing up Scott for another attack... as King Landon reaches into the ring and tags himself in. Blonde looks confused, as the King motions his thumb back and orders a sad JB to get on the apron.

Well, I think Blonde just got hooked by the boss.

Tactical substitution.

Yeah, right.


Hearing it from the fans immediately, King Landon locks up with Scott but doesn't fall into the trap and escapes with a knee. Landon fires away with some forearms, but then comes off the ropes and runs right into a shoulder tackle!


Shaken up, Landon falls into a neutral corner and tries to reason with the mohawked brute coming towards him. No such luck. Scott hammers away with some rights, then whips the King across the ring. Landon hits the turnbuckles and bounces out, right into a GORILLA PRESS from Scott!


Scott SLAMS the King hard to the mat and quickly makes the tag to an eager Nathaniel Black!

Oh no!

Hurting from the slam the King doesn't realise what's behind him, until the very last second, at which point he leaps like a frightened cat and scrambles out with a tag to Rico before Black can get to him.


As long as the King has men to hide behind, he's going to keep as far away from Nathaniel Black as possible. That's abundantly clear.

As he composes himself Landon bickers with Megan across the ring, while Rico and Black square off. Rico cuts Black off with a quick boot and hammers away. The White Knight then runs Black into a turnbuckle. Whipped across, Black stops himself from another collision in the corner. And waiting for Rico to stroke his 'stache, Black catches the Brazilian running towards him with a big LARIAT!


Pulling Rico up by the hair Black throws him into the European corner and tags Danny Boy. Danny stomps away on Rico, the other Euros able to get in a few clubs from the outside as well, which doesn't sit well with the King. By the time Rico is let out of the corner, he's barely on his feet and suffers a short-clothesline from Danny. Cover...




Danny wrings Rico's arm on the way up, clubbing away on both shoulder and back. Tag is made by Scottish Scott and Rico is whipped to the ropes for a double shoulder tackle!

Megan's team have isolated Rico and all the King can do is look on at this point, as his White Knight is taking a beating.

Leading Rico back up, Scott nails him with a big right hand. And another one. With Rico staggered, Scott hits the ropes, running Rico down with a shoulder block, then coming back from the other side with a jumping headbutt! On the way, a blind tag is made by Danny Boy, who allows his tag team partner to scoop him up and slam him down onto Rico's chest!

And the Scots working as a well-oiled team. Something which Rico, without Lucius on the team, isn't able to do.

Well... look, it was a tough selection process, okay?

King Landon complains about the double teaming, the referee ignoring him in order to count the pin...




Danny Boy picks Rico up, but the Brazilian fires off a knee to the gut.

*strokes moustache*

Rico comes off the ropes, but Danny ducks a clothesline and comes back with a SPEAR!

Rico got caught hard with that one!

Tag made and Black comes in ready to strike. He waves Rico back to his feet, all loaded up for a LARIAT! Not done there though, Black pulls Rico to his feet and follows up with a Half Nelson into a Backbreaker!

This doesn't look good for the Kingdom!

Come on Rico, don't let your King down now!

Eyes locked on the King for a second, Black hands over, tagging Scottish Scott. Who... heads to the top rope?

Wait a second...

Steadying himself on the ropes, the big Scott beats his chest, before coming off the top with a BIG SPLASH!!


Scottish Scott, from the TOP ROPE!

Scott hooks the leg and with Black standing guard, no-one dares come in to save Rico...




The Europeans, just dissecting Rico! And the Kingdom go down four to three early on!

King Landon hangs his head sadly on the three count, already getting a sinking feeling about things perhaps.

Eliminated: Rico de Janeiro
Eliminated by: Scottish Scott

Blonde is in quickly to try and rescue things for the Kingdom, but after getting in a few kicks on Scott, the Canadian gets swatted with a right hand and goes down in a heap.

And the King needs to pull this one together quickly here. If he goes down four to two, then he may as well start applying the lipbalm.

I admit, this doesn't look good right now. But this is no reflection on King Landon as a leader.

Scott tags in Alexander, for his first action of the match. The non-nonsense Greek quickly grabs onto Blonde and starts delivering knees to the body. Whipping Blonde to the ropes, Alexander hits a sideslam and hooks back on the leg...




Delivering a headbutt, Alexander sends Blonde stumbling back into the corner dazed. But when Alexander charges in, Blonde gets up a boot and leaves Alexander groggy.

And now it's Blonde heading to the top, a little more familiar territory for him.

Blonde takes aim and tries to put the Brand Label on Alexander... but comes down into a MID-AIR CLOTHESLINE!!



James Blonde flat on his back... a bit too familiar territory for Landon's liking, I imagine.

With his King looking despondant, Blonde is pinned...





Alexander drags Blonde up, tagging Danny Boy this time. Danny hooks up Blonde and hits a suplex, looking for a quick elimination...




The King gets tetchier and tetchier watching from the apron, as Blonde is scooped and slammed into place by Danny Boy. Up to the middle rope, Danny straightens out his mohawk and flies with a diving headbutt!!

The Last Kings Of Scotland, flying around like cruiserweights tonight! What's gotten into them?

Cover by Danny...




Setting Blonde up, Danny gets the mohawk going again. But as he hits the ropes, the mohawk becomes a detriment, as King Landon reaches out and grabs it!


As Danny is distracted, Blonde takes advantage with a running knee to the back! Danny's throat hits the top rope and he goes down hurt, as King Landon tags in.

Desperate times and some desperate measures right there from the King.

True leaders always come through in times of trouble, Tony. That's proof.

The King goes to work on Danny, stomping away. Landon then lures in his hotheaded European opponents, allowing Queen Esther to toss in the SCEPTER for some undetected choking!


Are you kidding with this? Turn around ref, this is absurd!

The scepter is tossed away before Landon can be caught and the damage has been done. The King waits for Danny Boy to pick himself up, hooking him from behind and hitting a neckbreaker across the knee. Not letting Danny go to the mat though, Landon props Danny back up. And after making a tag to Motozaki, the King runs up behind Danny Boy and snaps him over the top rope, Macho Man style!

Right to the throat again... and now, leaving the big Japanese hitman to finish the job.


Motozaki steps in and loads up his bulky arm, taking aim with a brutal LARIAT!!





And that'll even things up.


Eliminated: Danny Boy
Eliminated by: Daisuke Motozaki

The King and Queen celebrate, but not for long, as Nathaniel Black is straight in to carry on the battle!

Here we go! Black and Motozaki, unfinished business here!

Batten down the hatches!

Black takes the fight to Motozaki, firing away with forearms. But Motozaki fires right back. Soon the two are trading off, going forearm for forearm, trying to put the other man down. Motozaki lays in a big shot, but Black responds with one of his own, then DARES the Japanese hitman to hit him again! Backing up, Motozaki comes off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Black stays on his feet and tries his luck, barely budging the Japanese rock. Another shoulder from Motozaki rocks Black, but he bounces off the ropes with a firm clothesline, doubling up Motozaki but not knocking him down.

This is a battle of wills. Which one of these two hard-hitters is going to blink first?

Seeing that Motozaki is weakened a little, Black comes off the ropes with another clothesline. It connects, but Motozaki doesn't go down and swings out. But Black ducks! Black hits a clothesline to the back... then one to the front... before doing a 360... RIGHT INTO A LARIAT FROM MOTOZAKI!!


Turned him inside out!!

Motozaki rolls Black back up and dumps him with a BACKDROP SUPLEX!! Cover...




Running on adrenaline, Black clenches his fists, dragging himself back up. He's quickly overwhelmed by Motozaki, clubbing him into a neutral corner. Motozaki works Black over, then whips him across. Motozaki then follows in...



...with a running knifedge chop in the corner!


As Black slumps forward, Motozaki jogs back across the ring, looking to get another run-up. But Black suddenly comes to life and chases Motozaki into the corner, catching him by surprise with a flying knee in the corner!!


But what resiliance from Nathaniel Black!

Motozaki stumbles out of the corner and Black sets him up, looking for a suplex, but can't get it. Able to turn it around, Motozaki lifts up Black. Nathaniel manages to float over the back though, shoving Motozaki in the back. Daisuke hits the turnbuckles chest first, then falls back and takes a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Right on his head!

Cover by Black...




How tough is Daisuke?

How tough are both of these guys?

Measuring Daisuke, Black comes off the ropes looking for another big Lariat, but Motozaki raises a boot and catches Black under the jaw! The Brit falls near his corner and seeing his partner in trouble, Scottish Scott tags in.

That got rid of Black, but no reprieve for Motozaki!

Scott hammers away on Motozaki, the Japanese star already worn down and unable to fight Scott off. The big Scott wears Daisuke down, then comes off the ropes with a big shoulder charge. Motozaki still doesn't go down. So Scott tries again, this time leaving his feet with a diving shoulder tackle to get the job done! Cover...




Scott hammers on the back some more, then hits the ropes again. Motozaki ducks behind and tries a german suplex, but Scottish Scott blocks. And Scott then backpedals, running Daisuke back into the corner. With a scoop and a slam, Scott puts Motozaki in place and climbs to the middle rope. After a few prepatory bounces, the Scotsman then comes crashing down with a Vader Bomb style elbow drop!

Two hundred, sixty plus pounds behind that elbow.

Dragging Daisuke out, Scott makes a pin...




Running a thumb across his throat, Scott signals for the end and sets up for a piledriver.

Going for it. But Motozaki is blocking.

Scott may be big but he's in there with a powerhouse. And you don't pick up and throw around powerhouses easily.

Able to block the piledriver, Motozaki suddenly wows everyone by performing a SQUAT, with Scottish Scott on his back!! And with the urging of both King and Queen, Motozaki powers his way upright and backdrops the Scotsman!

Now that is power!

Letting out a roar, Motozaki hooks Scottish Scott from behind... and DUMPS HIM WITH A BACKDROP DRIVER!!!


So was that!

King Landon jumps for joy at seeing the 268 pounder landing on his head, seeing a perfect opportunity to have himself tagged in. Daisuke complies and in comes the King. Rushing to the corner, Landon elevates himself, onto the middle rope. He measures Scott, leaping out and connecting with a Flying DDT, dropping Scott right on his neck for a second time! The King scrambles back outside, heading to the top rope this time. Standing high over his subjects, the King extends his arms to the sky, before hitting a Frog Splash!! Landon hooks Scott's leg eagerly, tight as he can...





King Landon, picking up the scraps.

Jubilant celebrations begin on the outside, Queen Esther and James Blonde linking hands and hopping in gleeful circles. Which makes one of them look slightly weird. The King quickly retreats to his corner with a big smile on his face, aimed at a less pleased Megan Skye.

Eliminated: Scottish Scott
Eliminated by: King Landon Maddix

A man down, Black and Alexander wait for Scott to be helped out of the ring, careful about their task.

Give it up for the King one time, Tony. That's leading by example!

Well, okay, but you have to give an assist to Daisuke Motozaki.

It's a team match. Besides, who was it who found Motozaki and brought him to America? King Landon! Not little miss "foreign liasion" here, oh no. The King did! Just like he brought Nathaniel Black to America...

To do his bidding.

Exactly! And look where not listening to the King has gotten him. At a man dis-advantage.

Alexander steps in for his now two-man team and the confident King is ready, pepped up by Blonde. Squaring up to Alexander, Landon scores with a leg kick. Which does little damage. He hits another leg kick, hitting and moving. But Alexander just stares at him, unmoved. Not quite so confident now, King Landon starts to back down, as Alexander stalks towards him.

I think you just made him mad.

Finding himself backed towards a corner, Landon jabs out and pokes Alexander in the eyes! He then turns him into the corner...



...and delivers a knifedge chop.



And a second one.

Neither of which have any effect and pretty soon the King is begging off again!

Oh no, come on King!

Can you call him 'King'? Shouldn't it be 'your majesty', or something less... I don't know, common?

Before Landon can back away too far, Alexander reaches out and grabs him by the throat! A quick kick to the kneecap frees the King though and he quickly makes the tag to Blonde. The Trendsetter is in quickly and targets the knee also, with a dropkick, hobbling Alexander. As he tries an irish whip though, Blonde gets reversed on, flung to the ropes and hit with a Powerslam!!




Blonde stumbles to his feet and Alexander goes after him, but Blonde manages to manoeuvre the Greek into the Kingdom corner and trap him.

Alexander needs to get out of the corner, it's open season with Maddix and Motozaki around.

Megan warns the referee to watch the two on the apron, who of course get their shots in anyway. With a sneaky handful of tights Landon holds Alexander in the corner, while Motozaki tags in and gets a couple of free shots in.

Come on ref.

Oh dear, I think poor Megan is starting to get a little flustered.

Are you always so condescending to women.

Sometimes. It usually goes over their heads though.

Hammering away, Motozaki whips Alexander to the ropes and connects with a back elbow. Off the ropes, he follows up with a kneedrop. Cover...




Motozaki controls the Greek warrior with a front facelock, allowing Blonde to come in off the top with a double axehandle. Blonde snapmares Alexander over and hits a quick dropkick to the face, trying for the pin himself...




Man, if the Kingdom can get rid of Alexander, we might get more than we bargained for tonight.

In what way?

Well, Megan might not be the only one kissing the King's feet. Black might just kneel down and beg for forgiveness!

I sincerely doubt that's going to happen.

The Kingdom keep close control of Alexander, giving him no chance to tag an increasingly frustrated Nathaniel Black. Tag is made to bring the King back in and he goes to work with some kicks to the body and to the chest. Alexander shoves the King away, but Landon comes back with a dropkick! The Greek falls back into the Kingdom corner and King Landon draws in Nathaniel, distracting the referee to allow a triple team in the corner!


The referee tries to hold Black back, but Black ends up getting past and manages to land a few swipes at Landon and Blonde before the referee drags him back and puts him outside.

Black needs to watch his temper. He's got a lot of frustration built up, but he's doing his partner no good coming in like that.

With Alexander weakened, King Landon drops him face-first with the Complete Shot and turns him over...




Tag made to Blonde, coming in off the top with the BRAND LABELLING knee as Landon holds Alexander in place! Cover again...



Kickout again!

This Alexander is a fighter. If Megan's team had to go down three to two, I'm sure she'd have wanted Alexander still out here fighting her corner.

Looking to put an end to Alexander's resistance, Blonde goes to the middle rope. He prepares the big fistdrop, but Alexander gets to his feet. Forced to improvise, Blonde comes off the ropes, trying to drop the fist on a standing Alexander... but gets caught!


Alexander prepares to drop the sword, when the King jumps in from behind, saving his understudy.


As Alexander goes down, Black comes in and takes out King Landon with a clothesline!!


It's breaking down in Boston!!

Black follows after King Landon, while Motozaki makes the tag from Blonde. Dragging Alexander from under the ropes, Daisuke squats down and hooks him in a waistlock, looking for the deadlift german. Which Alexander is ready for. And as he starts to get lifted off the mat, Alexander grabs the bottom rope. Motozaki is forced to give up and slugs Alexander in the back a couple of times. The Japanese powerhouse then drags Alexander to the centre, setting up the deadlift again...

...and getting him halfway up, before Alexander suddenly tucks forward and rolls. Motozaki ends up facedown on the mat, Alexander adjusting until he applies a Brazilian heel hook!!

What a counter! Right into a submission!

The chase is on around the ring, King Landon trying to get away from Black. So concerned by this, he doesn't notice his hired hitmen in trouble. The King manages to keep his distance and gets away from Black, climbing back to the apron...

...just as Motozaki suddenly SLAPS THE MAT AND TAPS OUT!!!!



Motozaki taps!


The unbeaten star from Japan, submits! And we're all evened up!

Eliminated: Daisuke Motozaki
Eliminated by: Alexander The Brutal

In shock, the King watches his back-up being rolled out of the ring and looks across the ring in fear.

We're down to two on two!

No... this isn't right! The King just lost his guy!

That's okay. He's still got James Blonde, hasn't he? The guy with nothing to prove?

That's not the same and you know it!

Alexander picks himself up and the referee tells King Landon someone has to get in for his team. Which the King is in no hurry to make himself.

What happened to leading by example?

Stalling for time, the King drops to the floor and starts to give a peptalk to Blonde. Which for once, Blonde isn't interested in. As Blonde starts to dare to question his King, Landon gets annoyed and lays down the law, enough to convince Blonde to roll into the ring and carry on the match. Which earns him a boot to the gut from Alexander and a jarring Butterfly Suplex!

Landon just set his man to the lions. But, that's the only help he's got at this point! I don't care how much of a sycophant Blonde is, the King is better off with him than without him. And he might not be with him for much longer!

Alexander tags to Black and the Brit comes in with a smirk on his face. He lets Blonde climb his way back up on him, then delivers a European uppercut! A second! And a third! Whipped to the ropes, Blonde is then nailed with a running high knee which has King Landon reeling on the apron!

Aww, no, please!

Black smirks at the King, who looks pleadingly, knowing he's in trouble. Black grabs Blonde and drags him to his feet, making Landon watch as he wallops the Trendsetter with a standing Lariat!


Watching in despair, the King and Queen's pain isn't over yet. Black decides to prolong their agony. And he pulls Blonde back up. Turning him over, Black puts Blonde in a reverse front facelock, hitting the CHELSEA DAGGER! Still not enough. Instead of going for the pin, he flips Blonde over and slaps on the Crossface Chickenwing... for an almost instant submission!


Eliminated: James Blonde
Eliminated by: Nathaniel Black

But just as instant is the King's response, rushing into the ring and stomping on Black before he can even release the hold!

The King is all alone! And he's the only one who's going to save his pride... good luck with that.

A frantic attack, King Landon puts the boots to Black before hurrying him to his feet. He whips Black to the ropes, looking for the Dropsault... but Black hooks the ropes and the King crashes to the mat back first!


Landon gets back to his feet... and right up into a LARIAT from Black!!!!

Oh, how sweet it is!

This is a travesty! This... this can't happen! You don't really want this to happen! You think you do, but you don't!

Big smile, Black grabs hold of the King's royal mane of hair and drags him back to his feet. The Queen can no longer watch and covers her gentle eyes, as Black sets the King up. Crossing the arms underneath, the Englishman pauses, savouring the moment he's waited so long for. Before finally, he lifts the King up in the air...

...makes him think about it...

...and HITS the BRITTANIA BOMB!!!!





Time to pucker up!!


A smile appears on the faces of the fans, on the face of Nathaniel Black, but mostly on the face of Megan Skye, realising her long-awaited moment is yet to come.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match and SOLE SURVIVORS... ALEXANDER THE BRUTAL and NATHANIEL BBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!!


Eliminated: King Landon Maddix
Eliminated by: Nathaniel Black

Climbing up the steps, Megan casually gets into the ring and looks down at a beaten Landon.

Wait a minute... they're not going to do this now, are they?

Of course!

The man's just been beaten! Have some compassion!

Megan shakes hands with her surviving team members, congratulating them on a job well done, as the referee tries to bring Landon around to carry out his match losing forfeit. Megan decides to get a microphone while she's waiting, Landon clearly still groggy as he is sat up by the referee.

Well well well. This is another fine mess you've gotten yourself into, isn't it Landon?

Trying to figure out his surroundings, the King is too dazed to really know what's going on. Luckily there's a referee to explain it to him.

Now, I can see that you're still a little woozy, 'babe'. So, I'm going to give you a second to clear your head. I want you to know exactly what you're saying when you say it.

Finally getting his wits about him, the King loses all of his nobility and tries to make a run for it! He rolls out of the ring, where James Blonde is ready to try and shepherd him off. But they're both so dazed, they're instantly caught by Black and Alexander, who throw Maddix back in, then toss Blonde into the guardrail to get rid of him. Realising the jig is up, King Landon looks in complete despair and tries to reason with Megan, who strolls around him, not interested.

Landon, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. And either way, you're going to embarrass yourself. So let's just play along, shall we? Now, if I remember correctly... the idea was, if you won, I had to kiss your feet and tell you how great you were.

(off mic)
It was a mistake! We can call it quits!

However, if your team lost... which you did... what was supposed to happen again? Oh yeah. I think there's something you need to say to everybody. Here, have my microphone, please.

Nearly on the verge of tears, the King doesn't want to do it. But he's under duress and snatches the microphone like a child in a temper tantrum.

I... this is ridiculous! This whole thing is ridiculous! *Black looms over the King* .....I'd be nothing without you. There.

The King throws the mic back at Megan's feet, but she doesn't look satisfied.

Oh, come on Landon... you can do better than that. Try and say it like you mean it.

Megan gives Landon the microphone back, his despair turning to rage.

This is humiliating. This is horrible. This is THE KING OF THE RING!

I... would be nothing... if it wasn't for you.

Not happy about it, Landon finally spits out the words. Megan shrugs and decides that's good enough, giving a nod to Nathaniel.

There, that wasn't so hard.

The crowd laugh and Landon, a gigantic scowl on his face, mouths to Megan that he hates her.

Now there's just one more thing you have to do. I know it's been a while. But, you always were confident that you were a great kisser. So how about you show the world. But... it's just one kiss, okay? I don't want you getting the wrong idea.


The words were bad enough, but this is just too much for Landon and he shakes his head no. But he knows he doesn't have much escape. Horrified at the thought of kissing occuring, the Queen jumps up to try and interject. But Megan scares her off.

Oh, and "King"... remember, I want you to crawl over and kiss them.

You've heard the phrase, time to bite the bullet? Well... it's time to kiss the shoe, Landon.

The King drags it out for as long as he can, before finally he can take no more. Hating every second of the public humiliation, the King doesn't hang around with the crawling, scampering across the mat to make that part last as little as possible. Once he gets to the feet of Megan, the King stops though. He looks down, disdain at what he's about to do, as he very painfully and unconvincingly pouts his lips... AND KISSES THE FOOT!!


A royal kiss for the dainty feet of Megan Skye!


Forfeit done, the King gets back to his feet in disgust with himself...



The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club come to ringside and drag the King out before any more humiliation can befall the King, if that's even possible, helping him to the back along with the Queen. Meanwhile, Megan and Black look very pleased with themselves and Black raises Megan's hand in a token of victory.

King Landon will never, ever live this night down.

And I'm sure you and these people will never let him forget it even if he tried!

A distraught King is 'helped' backstage by his Knights, throwing a fit at what's just happened to him as he watches Black, Alexander and Megan celebrate in the ring.

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The camera cuts to the hallway where Tha Puerto Rican is walking. The crowd cheers loudly. P.R. greets some of the backstage crew, some of whom wish him luck in his match tonight. By saying hi to the people behind the scenes, he doesn’t see where he’s walking towards, and ends up bumping into an old flame.



Well, slap my ass and call me a monkey’s uncle. It’s Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez! Former OAOAST Women’s Champion! Former manager of the current One And Only World Tag Team Champions The Cam-Am Assassins! Former wife of former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Stephen Joseph Popick! Gee, there’s a lot of ‘formers’ in there, noticed that?

…Hi, Edward.

Hey…you lost that privilege to call me that three years ago!



How’s everything?

Good. Could be better. Could do without a racist, idiotic, ignorant anus trying to ruin my life. But other than that, I’m fine. How are you? I’m surprised that you’re still working here! I figured that you would be in a back alley by now!  

For your information, I have a Survivor Series Elimination Match too tonight! AND, unlike you, I will actually end up the sole survivor!

Keep telling yourself that, sweet cheeks. It’ll make it even better when you’re the first one out!

Oh puh-lease! All those Nerdly bitches are gonna feel my wrath! Tonight, I’m going to show the world that The Latina Bitch is back! On her own! Without any help! And this time, I mean it!

:rolleyes: Uh-huh.

Suddenly, Lindsay changes her tone.

But…you know…it’s not like having help is a bad thing.


I mean…I’m pretty sure…I’m DAMN sure that I can handle my own business…but…well…it’s nice to have someone to count on. Someone brave…smart…

PRL raises his trademark eyebrow.

…handsome…strong…good in bed…sweet…athletic…witty.

Uh…Lindsay? Are you trying to seduce me? YOU dumped ME. Remember?

Everyone makes mistakes, P.R.! Besides, why settle for a blonde airhead Nerdly bitch, when you can have a sexy, sophisticated, voluptuous Latina?

Lindsay puts her hands on PRL’s chest. PR smirks at this. Lindsay licks her pouty lips.


Think about all of the good times we had. Think about all of the memories that we shared. Think about the four years that we spent together! Don’t you want that back? Don’t you want to resume a GREAT thing? I apologize for every bad thing that I said and did to you! The past is the past! We can have a good thing again. Just you and I. Ruling the OAOAST together. Side by side. A power couple once more. Dominating everyone and living happily ever after! How 'bout it, my love? What do you say we get back together? How about I start accompanying you to the ring again, and managing you, just like the old days?

Tha Puerto Rican thinks this over. He seems to be warming up to Lindsay’s suggestion, which Lindsay gets excited over.

You know, Lindsay. I do think about the ‘old days’ sometimes. I think about us. I think about what we had. About the way things used to be. And then, I think about the present. I think about right now. I think about how I’ve been, where I’ve gone since November of 2007. You dumped me right around this time three years ago. And you know something? You breaking up with me…was one of the GREATEST MOMENTS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!



With you out of the way, I became a better man! I became a World Heavyweight Champion for crying out loud! I main evented an AngleMania! I had classic match after classic match! I laid the smackdown on every jabroni that has stepped up to challenge me, all on my own, without ANYONE’S help! When you dumped me, I realized that I was living for the wrong people. I was paying attention to those who didn’t matter! But now, I know who matters: my family, my girl, my friends...and The Lightning Bolts.


You’re right about one thing, though. The past is the past. And you’re apart of my past. Not my future. I don’t need you. I never really did. I just thought that I did. So, get the hell out of my life. Forever. I never want to see you AGAIN. I’ve moved on. And for your sake, so should you.

But…P.R…you don’t understand…I NEED some help! I’ve spent pretty much all of the money that I got from divorcing Popick. The Can-Am Assassins don’t want me as a manager anymore. I’m nowhere near the #1 Contender slot for the Women’s Title! I’m going nowhere! I’m fading into obscurity! PLEASE let me manage you again! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! I need to cling on to something! ANYTHING! Even if we’re just business partners and not lovers, it doesn’t matter! Keep banging that Nerdly SLUT for all I care! It doesn’t bother me! You’re my last grasp to remain relevant! Help me, P.R.! You’re my only hope!

Okay, let me think about it…BYE! BYE!


Lindsay grabs a hold of P.R.’s left arm.

Unhand me, woman!

Lindsay clings onto P.R.’s arm even moreso than before.



Tha Puerto Rican manages to free his arm from Lindsay’s grasp.

Look at yourself! You’re pathetic! Begging another human being to save you on live TV in front of a worldwide audience. You say you’re an independent woman, SO BE INDEPENDENT!…Or go back to removing your clothes for Bubba and Jethro. Whatever. I couldn‘t care less. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE! Because I don’t want anything to do with you any longer! I'm done with you, Lindsay! We’re finished. It's over. Kaput. Finito. Terminado. Now, if you excuse me, I have some rich, white, candy asses to kick. Toodle Loo!  

Tha Puerto Rican leaves. Lindsay sulks.

And by the way…Maggie Nerdly…MUCH better in bed than you EVER were! Just sayin’.

P.R. does the “You Can’t See Me!” hand gesture to really rub it in. The crowd cheers.


PR leaves again, a wide, bright smile on his handsome face. Lindsay stomps her right foot, crosses her arms and pouts in the middle of the hallway. The crowd cheers loudly.

You know, Lindsay, if you could use a man--

Forget it.


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Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the Queen of The Ring finals, and it is a Hell In The Cell match!

The gigantic cell is lowered from the ceiling, earning an excited cheer from the Boston audience.


The jeers ring out loud and plentiful as Feel Good Drag slides in place of Now I’m That Bitch. A wooden door appears in front of the glowing neon entrance structure. A combat boot belonging to Holly soon kicks the door down. The former women’s champion stands tall and fearsome in a plaid skirt and red fishnet top over a black bikini top.

Introducing first, she is a three time women’s champion,  and the winner of the Crystal Division, she is…. THE ANGEL OF DEATH HHHOOOOOOLLLLLYYYYYYYY!

The ultimate bully. This woman has a heart of stone and the mind of a monster.

You’re just mad because she once poured hot coffee down your pants.

Damn right I’m mad. And I bet Gene Okerlund is mad she stabbed him in the testicles. Or how about that intern who’s nose she broke? Or how bout Maggie who she tortured when the bell had already rung? Or about Michael Cole who got dumped down a flight of stairs. Those people are angry. The world is angry at bullies and Maya’s going to show that we can all stand up and fight back.

Inside the cell, Holly threatens and curses at everyone within ear shot. When one camera man doesn’t follow her orders to “piss off” Holly shoves him to the ground!

He’s just doing his job!

Speaking of doing jobs, that’s exactly what Maya is going to be doing!

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

A massive ovation awaits the daughter of 3 time world champion Krista Isadora Duncan. A gigantic neon lit blue sign that reads Maya lowers from the ceiling. Each letter is adorned with fantastic white pyro sparklers. Through the first A comes a baton twirling Maya Duncan-Blanchard. She launches her baton in the air, and does a graceful spin before letting it fall back into her hands.

And the opponent…from Los Angeles, California, she is THE TEEN DREAM MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHAAAARRRRDDDD!

Maya high fives the fans on her way down the entry way. However her mind and eyes are on the ferocious opponent standing within the cell.

I understand that Maya has requested Terry Taylor stay backstage. She wants to stand up to this bully all on her own.

There goes her 1% chance of winning.


Severe looks of hatred are passed between Maya and Holly. The Angel of Death’s face cracks into a small smile while her eyes burn with furious gall. Maya remains calm, fists clenched into tight balls that wait to take aim at Holly.

You can almost feel the intense disdain these two have for one another.

Holly and Maya circle each other, neither one taking hate filled eyes off the other. Suddenly they lash out for one another and trap themselves inside a lockup.

Here we go, T-Bod!

The two femme fatales tussle with one another, with Maya pushing Holly into the ropes. Its an advantage that doesn’t last very long as Holly backs her foe to the center of the ring. They engage in a fiery dance of will and strength, each one trying to take the role of leader.  As neither one can usurp the other a stalemate is reached and the lockup is broken.

Is that all the shit you got?

Not by a long shot!

Maya charges at Holly, only to be struck in the back with a clubbing forearm. Several more forearms follow before Holly begins taking aim at Maya’s youthful face. Shocking to Holly, Maya responds with powerful punches of her own!


The fans’ cheers are tad bit premature as Holly is able to back Maya into the corner with her thudding blows.  Holly takes aim with several punches, before hurling Maya across the ring. The former women’s champion then follows Maya in with a body splash. But Maya surprises her with a brutal high knee lift!

Is that all you got?

Maya grabs Holly by the seat of her plaid skirt and drags her off the canvas. She nails The Angel of Death with several elbow strikes and then attempts to smash her face into the corner. However, Holly counters with the exact same attack.  Maya whimpers in a pain that only grows worse when Holly rakes her eyes across the ring ropes. Maya falls backwards, screaming out her agony.

Awww poor rich bitch gonna cry? (beep) you!

An irish whip sends Maya into the ropes. As she comes back Holly attempts to upend her with a hiptoss. But Maya counters by landing on her feet. Before Holly can react, Maya lashes out with a big time lariat! Holly is quick to her feet, but can make no moves as Maya slams a dropkick into her chest. Holly is dumped over the cables and crashes into the steel meshing outside.

So far Maya has wrestled a near perfect match. Terry’s teaching is really showing some results.

While Holly struggles to her feet, Maya exits the ring to join her on the outside. She grabs Holly’s reddish brown hair and makes an hesistant effort to throw her into the steel cage.  But Holly blocks the attack and cheap shots Maya with an eye rake.

Where’s the killer instinct? She hesitated and she paid the price.

Holly rolls back into the ring to catch her breath and thank her lucky stars she wasn’t introduced to the cage. On the outside, Maya kicks the wall in frustration, before pushing herself back into the ring.  As she rises she’s met with a boot to the stomach by Holly. But Maya catches onto the combat boot and trips Holly to the canvas. She then leaps through Holly’s legs and nails The Angel of Death with an elbow drop! A pinfall is then made…




First pinfall of the contest and it nearly got a three count. I bet that surprised Holly.

Maya watches Holly roll to the ring apron to escape further torment. The Teen Dream then gets up to follow Holly. But as she nears her foe, Maya is caught in the stomach by a shoulder charge from The Angel of Death. With Maya doubled over, Holly quickly shuffles inside the ring. She strikes Maya with an x-factor, then cruelly rubs her face against the canvas.


While the fans continue to deride her actions, Holly hooks onto Maya’s legs for a pinfall…




Well, Maya made a costly rookie mistake by just watching Holly escape to the ring apron. That’s put her in a tough situation.

Holly exits the ring, dragging Maya along with her.  She drapes the youngest Duncan girl across the ring apron and then strikes her with a combat boot to the skull.  Maya’s body sags downwards, eventually falling to the outside mats.

Oh man was that nasty! Holly is just grimey as all hell.

Maya comes to her feet under her own power, but can mount no attack as Holly attempts to grind her face into the steel mesh. Maya desperately clings onto the cage in an effort to stop herself from being mangled by the steel. Holly fights with her, doing her best to try and overcome Maya’s resistance. The Teen Dream takes a risk, letting her hands go off the cage, in order to elbow Holly away.  Maya wastes no time in going on the attack, hammering Holly with fierce punches.


Maya looks over her shoulder and motions the camera men out the way. Once they vacate their position near the wall, Maya attempts to whip Holly into the cage. But Holly reverses it and Maya slams into the steel. Wincing in pain, she staggers forward and is caught by a nasty big boot from her opponent.

Maya with another rookie mistake in delaying her move. You have to be swift and quick.

I think not having Terry out here is starting to have some effect on Maya.

I’m gonna (beep) destroy this bitch!

Holly starts to make good on her promise by gathering up the blue steel steps. She marches over to Maya’s position and launches the steel steps towards her head! Thankfully for Maya the ring posts intercepts the flying steps.

Maya’s head could have been taken off!

Holly steps over the ring steps to angrily confront her arch rival. But Maya greets her arrival with a parade of forearms, then wastes little time in whipping her into the cage!


Holly staggers forward, dazed and wounded. For that reason, Maya has an easy time in wrapping her arms around Holly’s waste and bulldozing her into the steel mesh!

That’s the way! No hesitation from Maya, just straight executing her game plan.

Much to Maya’s surprise, Holly comes roaring off the wall. Thus Maya is left to counter the attack with a drop toe hold that smashes Holly’s head against the steps. Maya looks slightly guilty over her accidental use of the ring steps.  However, she puts aside these feelings long enough to roll Holly back into the ring.

Maya doesn’t want to play dirty but sometimes in a Hell In The Cell match you have got to do just that.

She ain’t built for this kind of match. She needs to just have comedy matches with Sophie’s pet miniature horse.

Maya grabs onto Holly’s legs for the pinfall…



Holly powers out the fall, much to the audience’s disgust. While they voice their anger over the pin count, Maya pulls Holly off the mat. She snaps on a front facelock and attempts a vertical suplex. But The Angel of Death quickly counters by suplexing Maya stomach first onto the ring ropes. Maya quickly untangles herself from the ropes, but remains weakened and hurt. As such Holly takes to the ropes and comes back to boot Maya in the head. The Teen Dream is sent flying off the ring apron and finds an welcome landing place against the cold steel mesh.


Maya writhes on the mat, the pain from the blow wreaking havoc on her body.  Smiling over this, Holly exits the ring in order to fetch Maya and return her to the squared circle.  Once she gets back inside herself, Holly attempts a pinfall…




Maya slinks back to the corner in an effort to regain her strength. However, Holly hounds her retreat and stays with her to pummel her with violent stomps from her combat boots.  She then brings Maya to her feet, but finds her younger foe is game with spirited punches. However, Holly stops the comeback with a headbutt to Maya’s nose!

That was just vicious!

With Maya staggered, Holly traps her inside a front facelock. She then signals for the Percussion DDT!


But much to the audience’s glee, Maya shoves Holly into the ropes. As Holly returns, she throws out a lariat. But Maya ducks the attack! As Holly swings back around, Maya attempts to catch her with a sidekick. But Holly catches onto Maya’s tennis shoe and lariats Holly to the canvas! Thinking that Maya’s been defeated, Holly hooks the legs for a pinfall…



Maya still has fight left in her and kicksout!

“MAYA! MAYA! MAYA!” the fans chant while Holly chews out the referee. After properly frightening the offical, Holly stomps to the corner in order to remove the turnbuckle pad.

Holly’s fighting dirty.

Just like YOU said needed to be done in a Hell In The Cell match.

Holly grabs Maya by the back of her fancy top and hauls her upright. She eagerly attempts to throw the teenager into the exposed ring post. Thankfully, Maya wards her off with swift jabs that leave Holly dazed on her feet. Thanks to that, Maya is able to take off to the ropes. When she returns she leaps into the air for her leapfrog facecrusher! But Holly counters with an electric chair drop!

What a way to counter the iMaya!

Maya rolls all the way to the outside, pained howls falling out her mouth.

Maya’s doing a very wise thing in creating distance between her and Holly.

Holly catches up to Maya before Maya is aware of her presence. This proves disastrous for Maya as Holly finally succeeds in grinding her face into the steel cage. Maya screams out in raw agony, etching a smile onto Holly’s face.


While the audience continues to jeer her, Holly sets up one of the blue stairs in front of Maya.  She then brings her youthful foe off the canvas and into a front facelock.  From there Maya is  driven backwards with a vertical suplex onto the steel steps! Pained screams are immediately heard from Holly’s victim, as the aggressor herself points and laughs at Maya’s misfortune.  

I don’t know how much more Maya can take if she keeps taking moves like that one. She’s really starting to miss Terry Taylor’s coaching.

Acting as nothing more than a cruel bully, Holly stands atop Maya’s head! Once that grows boring, Holly shoves Maya back into the ring for a pinfall…



Maya kicksout! She pays for this by being savagely choked by The Angel of Death. Maya gags and wheezes but refuses to submit as Holly orders her.  Realizing that the chokes will get her no where, Holly transfers Maya into a body lock.  Holly wrenches and grinds on the hold, causing immeasurable pain to her teenage foe.


The song of the audience is music to Maya’s ears and just the encouragement she needs to fight to her feet. Now upright, she slams elbow after elbow into Holly’s head. When that doesn’t work, Maya improvises with a stunner! Holly flips backwards, and beats the mat in pain and anger.

This match is more than about being the queen for Maya. Its about standing up for people, and fighting back against bullies. And she’s certainly fighting here tonight in Boston!

Maya lures Holly into the corner, and when Holly nears Maya slides out the way. Thusly Holly crashes shoulder first into ring posts.

Despite some rookie mistakes, Maya is having a quality performance.

Holly turns around, and is struck in the jaw with a running knee! Her head is then driven into the canvas by a bulldog from The Teen Dream.  This wounds Holly, but sucks breath from Maya and she stands on her knees to get her energy back.

Maya’s got to get moving and capitalize.

I don’t think she has the energy to do that.

Maya and Holly get to their feet at the same time and begin trading vicious blows.  Holly wins the battle with a knee to Maya’s stomach. She then shifts her into position for a bodyslam. But Maya creeps out the hold! Holly spins around and is caught with a high knee from Maya! Quickly heading to her feet, Holly tries to run the ropes. But as soon as she bounces off them another high knee takes her to the canvas. As the audience cheers on Maya, Holly heads back upright. This time she shoves Maya away and heads back to the ropes. But upon returning, Holly is thrown over head with a belly to belly suplex!


Maya immediately drops onto Holly for a pinfall…






The OAOAST Galaxy letting their voices be heard. I have to admit that count could have gone either way.

But it didn’t. It went Holly’s way, and the queen bully fights on.

Maya tries to whip Holly into the ropes, but has the attack reversed. Upon bouncing back, Maya counters a flap jack attempt by shifting to Holly’s rear.  The youthful grappler then stuns her opponent with an atomic drop!

Maya BUTT hurts!

Maya then run the ropes, in preperation for the leapfrog facecrusher. But as she returns Holly flourishes forward with a lariat that cuts her down!

Bam! That’s what a bully can do!

Thanking god for her lariat counter, Holly exits the ring and gathers up the steel steps.  She rolls them into the ring, then follows suit. But getting Maya proves to be another problem altogether as Maya fires off a parade of punches to her skull. Holly ends all that resistance with a powerful knee to Maya’s stomach. With Maya doubled over, Holly runs to the ropes. But as she comes back Maya upends her with a flap jack that lands her directly onto the steel steps.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans continue to cheer while Maya shoves Holly off the steel steps and attempts a pinfall…



Holly makes a timely kickout!

That was another very close count in a match that’s been full of them so far. Its been a great contest all the way through.

Maya picks herself off the canvas and waits for Holly to rise. Though it takes several moments, Holly eventually does so. This is when Maya charges at her with a lariat. But Holly ducks low and ends up back body dropping Maya to the canvas! Maya hits with a thud, and immediately clutches her aching skull. Now its Holly’s turn to wait for her foe to rise.

Get the (beep) up, (beep)!

Maya eventually finds her way upright, and is promptly blasted in the skull by an axe kick from The Angel of Death! The blow knocks Maya back into the ropes. The cables spew the Teen Dream back at Holly, who stabs Maya in the stomach with a combat boot. Doubled over in agony, Maya is caught inside a front facelock. From there Holly wastes no time in executing The Percussion DDT~! The fans let out a wealth of boos for the signature attack. Holly pins Maya to the canvas and cruelly orders the referee into position…





“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans put forth the loudest cheer of the contest.

(beep)! (beep)! (beep)!

Continuing to curse up a blue streak, Holly exits the ring. She briefly digs under the ring apron before coming up with a steel chair.

Oh no!

Holly returns to the ring with a sinister expression gripping her face. She stands up and raises the chair high above her head. From there she slams the steel weapon down on Maya’s back again and again!

That just isn’t fair. That’s simply Holly being a savage, sick, sadistic bully.

Holly discards the weapon to the corner in order to make a rather casual cover on Maya…



Maya somehow finds the strength needed to kickout!


(beep) this! This bitch is dead!

Holly grabs her steel chair and begins slamming it on the ground, as she waits for Maya to get to her feet. Once Maya does that Holly prepares to mangle her with the chair. But Maya counters by dropkicking the chair into Holly’s face! Holly goes staggering backwards, and eventually falls onto the ring apron.

This time its Holly making a mistake by waiting to long to attack her opponent.

Maya rallies the troops behind her, clapping her hands and pumping the fans up. As the audience begins clapping their hands, Maya charges at a rising Holly. The Angel Of Death slides her shoulder through the ropes and nails Maya in the stomach. With Maya staggered and wounded, Holly leisurely steps into the ring.  She grabs onto Maya in a front facelock, signals for the Percussion and then executes the deadly move.

Percussion! That’s gotta be all she wrote, T-Bod.

Maya’s a tough customer, just like her mother and her sister. Don’t count her out.

Holly hooks onto Maya’s legs for a pinfall…





Holly hammers the canvas in rage and lets out a terrible string of profanities.  Realizing that’s getting her nowhere, Holly becomes more proactive in terms of taking home the victory. She grabs onto Maya and situates her inside a front facelock in front of the steel steps. Holly then latches onto Maya’s leg in set up for the Mirage! But as she begins twisting Maya around, the Teen Dream slips out the hold! Maya then causes Holly to scream Maya BUTT Hurts with an atomic drop!

Holly’s reeling!

Maya bounces off the ropes, and leap frogs over Holly. On her way down she catches Holly with a facecrusher that smashes her face against the steel steps!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans leap out their seats in joy.

Forget an Ipod, Holly just got an iMaya! But is it enough to defeat The Angel Of Death?

Maya crawls on top of Holly for a crucial pinfall, and says a little prayer…..





The ovation for Maya’s triumph is loud, delighted, and long. The victor sits on her knees, breathing heavily, obviously exhausted, but still cracking a wide smile.

Your winner and first ever OAOAST Queen Of The Ring….MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHAAAAARRRRDDDDD!

This….this…this ain’t right!

This is exactly right! She showed the bully what happens when you push people!

But, Holly lost to a little kid. I remember when she was in elementary school. This ain’t right!

The cell raises back to its original location, as Maya finally gets to her feet. She throws her arms up in celebration, leading the fans to do the same. The referee then guides Maya to the entry way where a throne, a crown, a trophy, and Terry Taylor await.

Ladies and gentlemen it is a personal pleasure of mine, perhaps the biggest of my life, to present to you the first ever OAOAST Queen Of The Ring!


Beaming like a proud father, Terry Taylor takes the crown and places it on Maya’s head.

Uncle Terry, this is as much your victory as mine, so I want you to have this.

Maya places the large Queen Of The Ring trophy into Terry’s hands.

Now for all you bullies out there. I’m serving notice that we don’t care who you are, how big you are, or how tough you think you are, we’re putting you on notice, if you don’t stop and shut up, we’re gonna run right through you like I just did to Holly!


Fans, we have a Queen of The Ring and she’s still in highschool

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“Final Ride” by TRU hits as the Deadly Alliance scroll down the stage with Reject dressed in STREET CLOTHES.

What is this? That doesn’t look like a man ready for a fight.   

For all we know Reject could be wearing his tights underneath.

The following elimination tag team event is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by team captain REJECT… representing THE DEADLY ALLIANCE, at a total combine weight of 956 pounds, the team of THUNDERKID, SANDMAN9000 and the One & Only World tag team champions, “After Hours” Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera, THE CAN-AM ASSASSINS!!!


Reject psyches the DA up as “Citizen Soldier” by 3 Doors Down cues.



Citizen Soldiers hit the ring and pose for the OAOAST Galaxy. All except Baron Windels, who burns a hole through Reject the entire time.

Ladies and gentlemen, remember: if Citizen Soldiers are victorious, then Baron Windels will get 5 minutes alone with Reject at the conclusion of the contest!


Both teams huddle in their respective corners prior to the start of the match, but BW can’t wait any longer. He charges Reject and is promptly met by the entire DA.


Baron Windels couldn’t wait to get his hands on Reject.

And now he’s paying for it.

Cash and the CAE ride to BW’s defense and a mini-battle royal ensues. Meanwhile, Reject joins the guys at Sofa Central.

What an unexpected honor this is. Welcome Reject!

Reject, what are you doing in street clothes? Don’t you know you may have to compete in a little while?

Why don‘t you show our guest some hospitality, T?
(to Reject)
I apologize for my partner‘s behavior.

No need to apologize for anything, Coach. To answer your question, Brannigan, I didn’t bring my ring gear because I won’t be performing this evening. In case anybody’s forgotten, Baron Windels and his band of Citizen Soldiers must first get by the Deadly Alliance for him to get to me. The odds of that are similar to Ryan Seacrest really being straight.

Apparently you haven’t heard…

It’s Hollywood. People lie.

Bodies fly until only BW and Sandman remain in the ring. Sandman gets the worse end of an exchange and grabs a SIDE HEADLOCK.

Well that’s a first.

Shoved off into the ropes, Sandman puts on the brakes and nails BW with THE WIDOW’S PEAK!

The cover.




Sandman climbs to the top following a body slam, but BW avoids the SENTON BOMB and tags Tim Cash, who connects with a MISSILE DROPKICK!

The cover.




Cash wrings Sandman’s arm, then takes a knee to the gut followed by a snap mare into a seated dropkick.

The cover.




TK tags in after Sandman rams Cash into the knee of Ken Pantera, then executes a FALLAWAY SLAM.

The cover.




TK takes Cash to the corner and hammers him with European uppercuts. Cash is then whipped in for a press slam, but he slips over the top and school boy’s TK!




Did you see that? Tim Cash had a handful of tights.

I saw it.

Then you need to get your eyes checked, because you’re seeing things. Cash didn’t have the tights at all.

Cash ducks a clotheslines and tags MEL. TK pops to his feet following a spinning heel kick and takes a wild swing at MEL, who ducks and rolls him up.

The count.




TK shoves MEL off towards the ropes where Felix Strutter awaits with a forearm… but MEL slides between the legs and yanks Felix down, causing the co-holder of the tag title to smack his face on the apron!


TK charges forward as MEL hops back on the apron, but MEL slides under the bottom rope and hooks both legs.

Can MEL bring TK down for the pin?

The answer is yes, but only after Felix tags in, which MEL learns with a kick to the back of the head.


Felix puts the boots to MEL and then executes a textbook double underhook suplex.

There you go Felix. Show ‘em how the DA takes care of business.

The cover.




MEL reverses a whip and catches Felix with  a FLYING CORNER CLOTHESLINE, followed by a FULL NELSON FACEBUSTER!

The cover.




Pantera makes the saves and tags in. He scoops MEL for a slam but gets dropkicked by MARV, which causes Pantera to fall straight back with MEL on top!




MEL wrings the arm and tags identical twin brother MARV, who delivers a top rope double axe handle smash onto the outstretched limb of Pantera.

Come on, ref. It’s 2 on 1.

The previous move worked so well, the CAE repeat it again and again. Felix rushes in to assist his partner and walks right into a DOUBLE KICKFLIP!

MARV and MEL are RAWKING~! and rolling!

The focus shifts back to Pantera, but he ducks a double clothesline and levels the CAE with one of his own.

Who knew Kenny was a coupon clipper, T? He just got two for the price of one!

Pantera whips MARV in and power slams him, but little does he know a blind tag was made.

Behind you Ken!

MARV escapes a power bomb and the CAE hit their patent FLATLINER/ENZIGURI combo!

Ken Pantera just got sent to the PEARLY GATES.

The cover.




MEL looks to finish Pantera with THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS… but he gets caught in midair and is gorilla pressed slammed. Pantera then stalks MEL to his feet and applies THE FULL NELSON.

Ken’s got it on good and tight.

This could be our first elimination right here.

The OAOAST Galaxy rallies behind MEL as Pantera swings him around like a rag doll, but it‘s not enough and MEL submits.

Eliminated: MEL
Eliminated by: Ken Pantera

Ken Pantera’s strength was too much for MEL to handle, although you gotta admire the decision to let MEL fend for himself in that situation.

That worked out great didn’t it?

It did for us.  

Make light of it all you want, but the reality is you can’t always expect somebody to be there to bail you out. You must compete in these matches under the mindset it’s 1 against 4 in my opinion.

MEL is assisted out of the ring as Pantera poses for the camera near the corner, a decision he comes to regret after Cash sneaks in and delivers a BACKBRAIN WHEELKICK that causes the strongman to smack his head on the RINGPOST!

The cover.




Eliminated: Ken Pantera
Eliminated by: Tim Cash

And just like that we’re back even up.

Thanks to some luck.


If you weren’t already brown, Coach, I’d say wipe it off your nose.

Felix storms in and decks Cash with a high roundhouse kick.

The cover.




Felix rams Cash into the buckle, then works him over in the corner before scooping him up for a running power slam… but Cash wiggles free and applies an OLD SCHOOL SLEEPER HOLD!

The DNR! Do Not Resuscitate.

Cash is shoved off towards the ropes and TK drills him with a knee to the back. TK tags in and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex.

The cover.




TK nails BW with a cheap shot, then calls in the Sandman for a double suplex on Cash, but BW gets by the official and catches his partner on the way over.

What?! Baron Windels put his hands on an official. How is that NOT a DQ?

Because it clearly wasn’t in a violent or forceful matter.

Something tells me had it been somebody like Reject who did that he’d be disqualified on the spot.  

TK and Sandman turn around and get leveled by a pair of dropkicks.


MARV receives the tag and connects with a STANDING MOONSAULT.

The cover.  




TK reverses a whip and MARV ducks a clothesline, then attempts a FLYING CROSSBODY which TK avoids and MARV clotheslines himself on the top rope!


Sandman tags in and covers MARV.




Eliminated: MARV
Eliminated by: Sandman9000

BW takes it to Sandman as MARV is helped backstage, but a thumb to the eye puts a stop to that.

We got ‘em right where we want them now.

Felix receives the tag and springboards off the top… only to be drilled by BW’s ass!

Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!

The cover.




Eliminated: Felix Strutter
Eliminated by: Baron Windels

Things are tasting a little salty now for the Deadly Alliance.

I’ll didn’t expect Citizen Soldiers to roll over so this isn’t surprising to me. Like I told the guys going in, I don’t care if they all survive or one does, just get the job done.

TK rushes BW like a bull and peppers him in the corner with European uppercuts, but BW turns the tables and unloads with hard rights. He whips TK in for a Cowboy Bebop elbow and then drops a big elbow.

The cover.




Cash tags in and Citizen Soldiers double dropkick TK. Cash then attempts a body slam, but TK floats over the top and delivers THE SCORPION DEATHDROP!

The cover.




Eliminated: Tim Cash
Eliminated by: Thunderkid

Now I’m not the type of guy to say I told you so… but I told you so.

You sure did. And unlike my partner Tony B., I believed you.

This match is far from over.

But it’s the beginning of the end. In fact, I think I’ll go stand in the corner so I can be there to celebrate with TK and Sandman once they finish off Baron Windels.

Reject leaves Sofa Central as BW goes after TK and gets both remaining DA members instead. They double-team BW while the ref tries to restore order. BW ducks a double clothesline and wipes out both men with a flying cross body!





He can’t count that!

He just did!

But it’s not a double elimination, right?

You never know with officials in any sport, but I do believe only TK was eliminated since he was the legal man.

Eliminated: Thunderkid
Eliminated by: Baron Windels

Reject seeks clarification himself as Sandman jumps on BW regardless. BW is rammed into the buckle and brutalized with forearm strikes until he’s dropped to the seat of his pants. Sandman follows up with vicious BOOT SCRAPES~!

CLASSIC Sandman!

Reject moves in and chokes BW after Sandman is backed away from the corner.


Sandman resumes the beat down on BW with a snap mare into a seated dropkick.

The cover.




BW rises to a knee and ducks Sandman’s SHINING WIZARD, then connects with a boomerang lariat!

MySpace Comeback!

The cover.




BW signals for the DDT, but Sandman counters with a backdrop and then a YAKUZA KICK!

The cover.





Reject throws a fit on the floor. Even he thought this one was over. Meanwhile, Sandman looks to hit THE ARCHANGEL WINGS… but BW executes a double leg takedown and slingshots Sandman in the corner!


No, not the clown, but the sound Sandman’s head makes hitting the top turnbuckle. He staggers back into a SCHOOL BOY!




Congratulations Ryan Seacrest. You’re straight.

I guess that’s why my offers to set him up with Mikey Cole always went unanswered.

Eliminated: Sandman9000
Eliminated by: Baron Windels

Before BW’s hand can be raised in victory, Reject kicks him upside the head!

Reject’s not wasting anytime going after Baron Windels. He wants these 5 minutes over and done with.


Reject puts the boots to BW in the corner, then drops down and chokes him.

Baron probably regrets asking for this stipulation now. *laughs*

Reject drags BW away from the corner and stomps him in the groin!



As we past the 4 minute mark, BW finds himself back in the corner once again.

* CHOP *


* CHOP *


* CHOP *


BW turns the tables on Reject and unloads with Texas sized right hands from the middle rope.










BW pauses before the tenth blow and delivers a Cowboy Bebop elbow instead.

Justice is being served here in Boston!

BW places Reject on the top rope for a SUPERPLEX, but Reject shoves him off and soars off the middle rope…


…right into an inverted atomic drop!


BW dumps Reject outside and whips him into the GUARDRAIL, then introduces him to the RINGPOST and STEEL STEPS.

I’ve never seen Baron Windels this vicious, Tony B.

And neither has Reject.

BW tosses Reject back in, which turns out to be a big mistake as Reject crotches him on the middle rope, then delivers THE EULOGY~!!!

Stick a fork in Baron Windels, baby boy, because he’s done.  


The cover.




Reject decides he’s not through with BW yet. He gives BW another Eulogy and then pulls a STEEL CHAIN out from his jeans.

That’s what started it all right there-- a steel chain.

The ref pleads with Reject not to use the chain on BW. Surprisingly, Reject agrees.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

With that Reject decks the official.

You can bet Reject will be lighter in the wallet after that inexcusable act.

Oh yeah. Alf wouldn’t pass up the chance to stick it to Reject.

Reject goes for the knockout blow, but BW ducks and connects with a BIG BOOT.


Reject loses the chain, which BW picks up. He plays to the crowd and then wallops the R-Man.



With no referee, BW uses the final 30 seconds to hit Reject with the BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT.


And again.


BW places his foot on Reject’s chest as the clock ticks and the OAOAST Galaxy counts…








BW steps over Reject and exits to a thunderous ovation. He pauses at the top of the stage to raise his arm in victory and salute the crowd.

Look at this idiot celebrate, Brannigan. He never pinned Reject.

Baron Windels couldn't care less if he pinned Reject or not, he just wanted to kick that man's ass and he did. Anyway, the action continues right after this.  





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Fans, its time for the first of our two mainevents. Let’s take it Michael Buffer.


The view switches to the legendary ring announcer standing inside a purple spotlight.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of sixty minutes, and it is for the OAOAST World Championship!

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time


Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

Emerging through neon light structure is special guest referee Krista Isadora Duncan. Miss California forgoes traditional referee attire in favor of a black and white top cropped to her massive chest, and a black mini skirt. Any sign of the theatrical Krista isn’t in attendance, as Krista looks outright indifferent to the proceedings.

Introducing the special guest referee! She is a best selling author and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos! 2009's most searched superstar on Yahoo, 2009's highest trending OAOAST topic on Twitter, 2010's Angle Award winning Wrestler Of The Year, more famous than everyone else put together and multiplied by four! She is a three time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... ladies and gentlemen, "MISS CALIFORNIA"... KKRRIIIIISSTTAAAA ISADORA... DDUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!

Yawn. I guess that would be a more effective way of expressing my distaste if I was actually yawning and not saying the word.

Forgoing her traditional upside down rope hanging trick, Krista simply gets into the ring as quickly as possible. There she taps her feet, impatiently awaiting the two warriors.

Both challenger and champion have called into question her objectivity. Each thinks she’ll be biased in favor of them!

Alix is off her rocker as usual if she thinks Krista’s going to in any way help her retain a belt she from her.

[i'm just the thorne in your side,
The disrespect in your eye,
I can't control myself.
I'm like the stain in your drain,
I'm taking over your brain,
'Cuz I can't help myself.

Every time I turn my head,
I hear everything they said
I know they wish I'd go away.

Here I am again,
Hey now, hey now,
I'm the mother fucker of the year.
Here I am again,
Hey now, hey now,
I'm the mother fucker of the year.

The target of those jeers, Mister Dick, emerges onto the entrance stage. Showered in gold pyro, the chaps clad grappler flexes his awesome physique.  Malaysia marvels over his show of strength and beauty, and traces her hands around his thickly muscled chest.

And the challenger, being accompanied by Malaysia Nerdly, he hails from San Antonio, Texas, he is THE HUMAN HARD ON, MISSSTTTERRRR DIIIIICCKKKKKK!

Leaving Malaysia on the outside, Mister Dick rushes forward and slides into the ring. He powerfully humps the canvas while passing lusty stares at Krista. Oddly enough Krista isn’t as repulsed as one would think she’d be.

Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Wheeling onto the entrance stage is a swank bar who’s pink neon lit sign reads ALIX. Lounging on the bar counter in front of her patrons is the world champion, Alix Maria Spezia! In her hands lie several pink Frisbees, whom are quickly winged into the audience. After ridding herself of the discs, Alix blows a kiss into the camera, leading super imposed red lips to pop up on screen.

And the champion, from Los Angeles, California, she is THE HOLLYWOOD BAD GIRL, ALIX MARIA SPEZZZZIAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Alix merrily skips down the entrance ramp, smiling wonderfully at both the fans and her referee girlfriend. Unlike the OAOAST Marks, Krista is rather unmoved by Alix’s warm greeting.

This could be Alix’s toughest or easiest title defense yet. It all depends on which way Krista goes.

I didn’t bother to read the rules or anything, so here’s a dirty limerick for both your enjoyment. There once was a fellow O’Doole. Who had little red spots on his tool. His Doctor a cynic, said get out of me clinic and wipe off that lipstick you fool! Pack em up people, because its all down here after that. Ring the bell.


Mister Dick makes a motion of strapping on the belt, which does not endear him to the crowd. Thus Alix makes a motion of strapping on a strap on, which does endear her to the crowd! Krista, however, remains stone faced. Angered, MD bounces off the ropes and attempts to take Alix’s head off with a stiff kick. But Alix catches his foot and begins singing Hall and Oates “I Can’t Go For That”. Still signing her tune, the world champion sweeps out MD’s leg and drops him to the canvas. MD realizes he’s in a terrible position, and quickly exits the ring. He stomps over to Malaysia who comforts him with a BUTT MASSAGE!

Its interesting to note that Krista hasn’t even began to make a count.

Mister Dick takes a lesiurley stroll around the ring before sliding back inside. He steps into Alix for a lockup. Using his strength he overpowers Alix and traps her inside a side headlock. He wrenches and grinds on her neck, all while smiling a knowing sort of smile at Krista.

Krista is definitely one of the most uniquely attired officials we’ve ever had in the OAOAST.

I ain’t complaining!

MD swings behind Alix, and snatches her inside a rear wrist lock. That hold doesn’t last very long as Alix manages to snapmare her opponent to the ground.  She tries to trap the two time world champion into a seated headscissors, but that move is countered rather quickly by MD who powers out, and rolls to his feet. Alix stays on top of him, grabbing hold of his wrist and shooting him into the ropes.  The Human Hard On returns with another Stiff Kick attempt! Alix ducks the attack, and then pops up to fire off a kick of her own. But The Cocky Prick shoots beneath her leg and pops up to assume a fighting position.

The Jackhammer versus Confessions of a Kristaholic. A blue chip stud if ever there was one against the most unorthodox world champion in the history of this sport. And that says a lot!

Mister Dick catches Alix by surprise with a knee to her exposed stomach. Dobuled over, Alix is hammered by clubbing forearms by the Texas A&M alum.  She’s then thrown into the ropes, by an opponent that quickly lowers his head. Alix leapfrogs him, and spins him around in order to attempt an irish whip. But MD reverses that hold and sends Alix into the corner. He chases after her, expecting to nail her with a corner lariat. But Alix strides out the corner and kicks him between the uprights!


MD looks to Krissy and quickly tells her not to DQ Alix. Krista gives him a fast nod and allows the match to continue.

See that? Krista is following Jock’s orders.
MD heads to his feet, and tries to get a read on Alix. By the time he’s aware of her presence, she’s slamming her snowboots into his face with a missile dropkick! Alix then hooks onto MD’s legs for a pinfall….




That was a very fair count by Krista.

The Human Hard On rolls away from Alix in order to slow her offense. He picks himself off the canvas, dusts himself off and then zips towards her with a lariat! Alix is ready for his arrival and back body drops him over the top rope! Luckily for the challenger, he’s able to come down on his cowboy boots. Unluckily, Alix dropkicks him off the ring apron.  

Whoooo hoooooo! Time to partay down!

Alix does a little shuffle and jive, while MD aches and groans on the outside. He’s helped to his feet by Malaysia, who gives him a tender shoulder rub.

Again, Krista isn’t even bothering to make a count. I wonder if she knows that’s what she’s supposed to do?

She knows. She just doesn’t want to risk Mister Dick losing.

Although puzzled by her girlfriend’s lack of counting, Alix chooses to say nothing. Instead she decides to go outside herself, courtesey of a corckscrew plancha that takes down both Mister Dick and Malaysia!


What a risk by our world champion! That’s just the kind of intense high flying style you’re going to see from Alix.

For reasons we can only speculate on, Alix begins doing a chicken dance! Once that odd bit of performance art is completed, Alix pushes her title challenger into the ring. She carries herself onto the ring apron, then slingshots her way back into the ring with a leg drop!  A pinfall quickly follows…



Its only a two count as The Human Hard On gets his shoulder off the mat well before the three.

That was another very fair count by Krista.

Mister Dick has got it right, Krista does not, I repeat, does not want Alix to retain the world title.

Alix scrapes MD off the canvas, and makes an effort to throw him into the corner. But The Human Hard On counters by throwing Alix into the corner. The brunette babe avoids a horrible crash into the ring posts, by leaping onto the second turnbuckle. Unfortunatley this turns out to be her downfall as MD shoves her off the ropes! Alix flies forward, exiting the ring, and colliding with the steel guardrail! Alix cries in agony, as the front row fans lean over to check on her condition. Krista on the other hand remains perfectly calm and looks on without expression.

Alix took a big risk going to the top rope and I think she just paid for it in full.

Mister Dick exits the ring, and swiftly marches to Alix’s position. He scoops her off the canvas by her chocolate colored hair simply to tear through her with a lariat. Alix moans her misery, as MD crudely grabs his man meat and spits at the audience.

Mister Dick is all class, ladies and gentlemen.

Despite not being restrained by a count, MD chooses to throw Alix back into the ring.  Following her inside, he lays across her for a cover…



Alix  kicksout of a rather speedy count.

I don’t want to start trouble, but that count was a little on the fast side.

MD hops to his feet and begins pumping hard stomps into Alix’s back.  He then drapes her across the bottom rope, and drives his knee into her head. This chokes Alix and the pain is evident on her twisted face. Krista stands idly by, watching with a blank expression.

Shouldn’t she counting?

Perhaps on cue Krista begins a five count. Not wishing to get on the referee’s bad side, MD quickly releases Alix from her torture.  He yanks Alix off the canvas, stuffing her inside a front facelock as he brings her up. The Human Hard On then raises her into the sky for the Jackhammer!  He delays the move to wow the jaded the audience with his superior strength. But this delay costs him dearly, as Alix counters into a rollup!



Malaysia grabs Krista by the ankle and drags her out the ring!

Unless this is part of your plan to strip me naked and pleasure me in ways only my wildest dreams could contain, I suggest you never touch me again. Thanks.

Meanwhile, MD shoots Alix into the corner with so much force that she abruptly falls forward to the canvas.


The audience’s support gives Alix the strength she needs to fight to her feet. Now upright she peppers MD with jabs. But her offense is slowed by a knee to the exposed midsection.  Latching onto her arm allows MD to toss her into the ropes. When she comes back she’s forced to duck a lariat and keep running the ropes. Her second trip meets with more luck as she’s able to knock MD over with a cross body block! But MD rolls through the attack to pin Alix! Krista drops into position to count the pinfall…



Alix makes the kickout on a slightly fast count. She springs upright, eager to pursue her offense. But MD cuts short those plans by slamming a discus punch into her jaw. Alix stumbles backwards, giving The Cocky Prick a moment to run the ropes. The cables spit him back towards Alix who is dropped by a Stiff Kick! Thinking this deserves celebration, MD flexes his awesome muscles. While the crowd boos his arrogance, the San Antonio native attempts a pinfall..




I wonder if Krista realizes that she’s counting fast?

Mister Dick brings Alix upright and launches her into the corner. MD charges after her with a corner lariat, but Alix floats up and over his approach. This doesn’t do her much good, however, as MD swings around to floor her with a discus punch! Dropping to the mat, MD casually pins the world champion….



Alix rifles her shoulder off the canvas!


The brunette beauty comes to her feet, but is snapmared into a sitting position by The Human Hard On. MD backs into the ropes and returns to kick her square in the face. Alix falls back as though she were shot and screams like it as well. Another pinfall is then made…




You think Krista doesn’t know she’s counting fast? She knows damn well what she’s doing.

MD scoops Alix up and traps her inside a standing reverse chinlock. Pained groans are heard from Alix as MD tightens his grasp upon her. She writhes and wiggles against his grip, trying her best to break free.


Krista should at least make sure this isn’t a choke. I don’t know if she knows the rules.

She knows the rules, she’s just making sure Alix doesn’t win so she can get her title shot.

Alix begins pumping elbows into MD’s side, doing a fantastic job of weakening the grip. After a while she’s able to run the ropes, but is met with a knee on the rebound. However Alix counters by flipping over his knee and rolling him up….



Its only a near fall as Mister Dick kicksout. He comes to his feet under his own power, but finds himself assailed by chops from the champion. MD pushes Alix away to end the onslaught of chops. Snorting like an enraged bull, he dashes towards her, only to be taken off his feet by a hiptoss. The Hollywood Bad Girl then runs up the ropes, and moonsaults back to crash into MD’s chest. Krista drops to her knees to count the resulting pinfall…




MD makes a quick return to a vertical base and nails Alix in the stomach with a knee.  He then bounces off the ropes, coming back to smack Alix upside the head with that very same knee. Alix rockets upwards, leaving her easy pickings for the spinning clothesline MD levels her with. He winks at Krista and then goes for a pinfall…



Alix pops her shoulder off the canvas, giving the fans a reason to cheer.  Those cheers are dampened somewhat when MD fastens another reverse chinlock on Alix.

Watch the choke Krista!

Overhearing this, Krista turns a sharp eye on the former world champion.

Hey, I don’t tell you how to do your job! In fact I don’t even know who you are.

I’ve worked in this company for ten years!

I can only say that I pity you.

Meanwhile, Alix continues to struggle within MD’s bonds. On the outside Malaysia approves, eagerly clapping her hands.

I wanna hear her beg for mercy! I wanna hear her scream!

If that’s all you want to do, try telling her that just because she gave a blood transfusion to a yellow sponge does not mean it will magically come alive and become Spongebob Squarepants.

Figuring that her girlfriend may be on the verge of blacking out, Krista raises her hand once. There’s no response, leading to panic from the crowd. Krista raises her hand a second time and again is met with nothing. A third time seems to be the charm as Alix keeps her arm raised and shakes it to gain her adrenaline.

I think Alix is starting to get her fighting spirit back.

Alix fights her way upright, and begins winging elbows at Mister Dick’s stomach. The shots do their trick break the once iron tight grip. Now free, Alix begins trading blows with The Cocky Prick.

Alix is too small to win a slug fest.

But win she does as she shocks MD with a dropkick!


MD gets off the canvas and dizzily staggers into the corner. He’ll find no rest there as Alix comes in and nails him with a BUTT bump! MD remains dazed as Alix climbs to the top rope and begins raining punches down upon him…











Alix leaps into MD’s chest and throws him across the ring with monkey flip. That earns a celebratory monkey dance from the champion

Hey, Jungle Book, you might want to stay on your opponent.

Oh yeah! Thanks!

Alix gives Krista a quick peck on the cheek which does absolutely nothing to move her. Not noticing Krista’s apparent apathy, Alix leaps onto the third rope and comes Straight Outta Compton with a springboard spear!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans delight even as Mister Dick gets back to his feet. His rise is not a problem for the world champion, who takes him back to the ground with a springboard lariat! A cover is then made…




What’s wrong.

I think I broke my middle finger. How else am I going to properly flip Ned off behind his back?

I don’t believe what I’m seeing! She just stopped counting for no reason.

There’s a good reason, its that she doesn’t want Mister Dick to lose.

Alix apparently has no problem with Krista’s stoppage of the count and goes about her merry way. Unfortunately her merry way leads right into a Stiff Kick! Mister Dick offers a crotch grab to the booing audience before dropping down onto Alix for a cover…



Alix throws her shoulder up!

Now all of a sudden Krista’s hand feels okay?

Mister Dick assumes Krista will have a faster count on the second try and pins her again…




Now MD’s ire is drawn and he turns an accusatory glare upon Krista. But remembering that she holds the key to his world title hopes, MD stows his complaints.  Instead he grabs Alix into a front facelock and lifts her onto the top turnbuckle.

I think Mister Dick is heading for victory!

MD climbs to the top turnbuckle where he gives Alix an unwelcome crotch chop. Rather than sit there and be insulted, Alix shoves MD off the turnbuckle! He lands on his feet, but it soon taken off them by a crossbody block from The Hollywood Bad Girl.

Booty time!


Alix’s fine Latina ass lulls the audience into a drooling stupor as they marvel over its buoyant bouncing and majestic sculpture.

Cutting short her booty dance, Alix flips backwards with a moonsault! Krista counts the resulting pinfall…



MD gets his shoulder up just before the three count.


Am I going to have to smack you broke bitches up?


Malaysia leans into the ring and screams at Mister Dick to get up. Annoyed with her loud vocals, Alix slides her legs between the ropes and kicks her in the face.

Now that ain’t cool!

Malaysia certainly doesn’t think so, and enters the ring with full intent on attacking Alix. However, she’s intercepted by Krista who actually pats her down, a thin excuse to fondle the muscle bound beauty. Meanwhile Mister Dick has risen, and rakes Alix’s eyes. With Alix stunned, MD removes his metal cup and prepares to strike her down. But leaving his family jewels unprotected is a costly error as Alix kicks him low!


What a shot!

Alix sommersaults through the air, twisting MD’s neck and driving him to the canvas in the process.


Confessions of a Kristaholic! This one is over!

Done with Malaysia, Krista takes her sweet time in marching over to Alix’s pinfall.  When she gets there, she drops to her knees for the count…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall and still OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion….ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAA!

The crowd celebrates with high fives and joyus shouts for their heroine’s hard fought victory.

Alix Maria Spezia has done it! She’s defeated Mister Dick and retained her world title, with Krista, in my opinion, working against her.

Well, she damn sure didn’t work hard enough because Alix won!

Wearing the expression of someone who wants to get the hell out of sight, Krista forces the world title belt into Alix’s hand. She apathetically raises Alix’s arm to the roar of the fans. Alix gives her peck on the cheek and a loving hug, but even this does nothing to sway Krista’s mood. Miss California can only watch on with boredom and annoyance as an overjoyed Alix celebrates with the world title.

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While everyone else is hustling and bustling for the pay per view…

MELODY NERDLY has taken time out to play with her treasured Xbox 360.

I’m checking my iPad, gotten on the release date BTW, and I see through the OAOAST App that’s its about time for OAOAST No Homo 2011 to come out!  All I can do is say yes, and give the Napoleon Dynamite fist pump! This is the best time of the year, its when we all get together, hop onto the Gamefaqs No Homo message board and bitch about Synth’s goggles being the wrong colored, or start petitions to get Ken Pantera into the game. I just love it! While all of you have to wait until late December to grab your copy for PS3 or the much superior 360. Melody Nerdly managed to infiltrate Capcom’s headquarters with skills learned in Metal Gear Solid and swipe a copy.

Melody holds up a shiny No Homo beta disk.

As a Canadian we don’t celebrate the American Thanksgiving but I am thankful that this game is the awesomest wrestling/fighting game ever made.  Better than No Mercy? Oh hell yeah! Better than Super Street Fighter IV? Eat your heart out Ryu, this game kills your game. Why’s it so great? Uh, can you say create your own title belt? Can you also say OAOAST Galaxy mode? That’s the mode that lets you take control of the entire OAOAST! Feuds, tag teams, pay per views, Syndicateds, backstage attacks, interviews, its all fully customizable by you. Or let the computer take control and tailor things your play style. But remember what happens when you let computers take control of your life? All your base will belong to it! Beware of our computer overlords they mean us harm!

Hey, dorkface, we have a match to get to!

I’m hurrying! Okay, you all must be wondering what the actual superstars look like in the game. So we’ll start things off on a Nerdly foot with my sister Morgan and my brother Abdullah.









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That with out you is how I disappear
And live my life alone
Forever now
And without you is how I disappear
And live my life alone forever now
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies

The hard rocking mash up of CrushCrushCrush and This Is How I Disappear is met with a large ovation from the Boston audience. As the video screen plays their highlights, Maggie and Morgan Nerdly head onto stage. Wearing a black miniskirt and Black Viel Brides t-shirt to match her bridal veil and boquet of black roses, Maggie pumps up the crowd. Morgan, looking cute in a pin stripped booty shorted romper, merely chews on her hair and swiftly walks down the ring ramp.

If Leon Rodez has his way Morgan will be sabotaging this match. But turncoats don’t usually enter with the people they’re planning on backstabbing.

Obviously Leon has told Morgan to lull them into a false sense of security.

The following survivor series contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of forty minutes! Now making their way to the ring, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, they are MAGGIE AND MORGAN NERDLY….PAPA NERDLY’S LITTLE GIRLS!


Inside the ring Maggie aims her bouquet of flowers at each turnbuckle post, sending green pyro exploding into the air. This startles poor Morgan and she jumps back in fright.

We’ve got two former Women’s Champions in this star studded contest. Coach, what do you think?

Coach likes his white girls thick and juicy but he damn sure wouldn’t kick Morgan and Maggie out of bed. Especially not if they were in there together.

"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

The entrance structure flashes with purple neon lights as the crowd lets out a huge cheer. The Women’s Champion, dressed in a purple and white cheerleading outfit, bounces onto stage. At her side is a cheerful Melody Nerdly, outfitted in a black bikini top and a Fallout: New Vegas themed pair of tights. The BFFs high five then make a mad dash down the entrance ramp.

And their partners! First from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is MELODY NERDLY! And now residing in Los Angeles, California, she is the prodigal daughter with the heart of gold, the OAOAST Women’s Champion, LITTLE MISS CALIFORNIA…JAAADEEEE ROOOODDDEEEZZZZ DUUUNNNNCCAAAAAAN! Together these four women are the BLOND BOMBSHELLS!

After she enters the ring, Jade immediately goes to Morgan, who wears a nervous and unsure expression. Morgan believes that Jade is about to accuse her of sabotage. But much to her surprise, Jade begins complimenting her on her ring gear and her hairstyle.

“Renegade” hits, summoning Melissa Nerdly from the back. Attired in trademark boxing gear, the Deadly Alliance rep shadow boxes before heading to the ring.

And their opponents, from The Bronx by way of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is MELISSAAAA NEEERRRRDDDDLLLYYYY!

Renegade fades into La Roux’s ultra popular Bulletproof. Holding a miniature horse on a leash and wearing a strapless black dress, the OAOAST’s fashionista, Sophie heads for the ring.


Sophie kisses Melissa on the cheek as is the custom in her homeland. While they exchange pleasantries, Independent Woman begins playing.  Miss Lindsay Gonzalez swaggers onto the pink lit entrance stage. She strikes a fetching pose, showcasing her remarkable beauty, before heading to the ring.


Immediately upon entering the ring, Lindsay gets in Melissa’s face and a heated argument ensues!

What’s this about?

Melissa Nerdly is part of the Deadly Alliance, home of Lindsay’s former clients Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera. I don’t think Lindsay cares much for the Deadly Alliance because of that.






So sexy

Damn, I love the jam, the jet and the mansion. (Oh yeah)
And I enjoy the gifts and the trips to the islands.(Oh yeah)
Its good to live expensive
You know it, but my knees get weak intensive
When you give me k-kisses

Thats money honey,
Well I'm your lover and your mistress
Thats money honey
When you touch me, its so delicious
Thats money honey
Baby when you tell me the pieces
Thats money honey

Jeers ring out across the arena as The Money Honey, Lorelei DeCenzo arrives onto the stage. Lorelei shows off her perfect body, that’s encased in a pink feather mini dress, with a little twirl. She points to the ring, tilts her head back, and heads down the ramp with an arrogant gait.

And the team captain! From Manhattan Beach, California, representing The Enterprise, she is THE MONEY HONEY….LORELEI DECENZZOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Lorelei DeCenzo rounds out a very impressive team that is going to give The Blond Bombshells a run for their money.


Lindsay continues her fierce argument with Melissa even as she enters the ring. Her teammates order her to turn around, but Lindsay would much rather bark at Melissa. This is highly problematic, as Jade wraps her hands around Lindsay’s chin and brings her down with the reverse x-factor!


Got it from her mama!

Jade reaches forward and hooks onto Lindsay’s legs for a pinfall…




Lindsay Gonzalez has been ELIMINATED!

Poor team chemistry just put Lorelei’s team on the defensive.

The fans cheer and celebrate as Melissa yells at Lindsay for her incompetence. Meanwhile back in the ring, Sophie strikes at Jade with overhand rights. This does little to weaken Little Miss California as she’s able to trap Sophie inside a side headlock.  Sophie then pushes Jade into the ropes, only to be shoulder blocked by the rebounding cheerleader. The women’s champion then takes off to the ropes, and jumps over Sophie’s attempt to trip her up. Jade comes back to avoid a leapfrog, then avoids a second one, by sliding out the ring. She pats Sophie’s miniature horse on the head and then returns to the ring.  Sophie doesn’t much appreciate Jade touching her expensive pet and takes a swing at the women’s champion. The blond beauty ducks the attack, and smashes a forearm into Sophie’s face.  As the French Girl stumbles away, Jade applies the tag with her BFF Melody Nerdly.

Things are moving fast here at Novemeber Reign!

Melody grabs Sophie by the wrist and whips her into the corner. She then chases after her with a body splash, but Sophie floats over.  On the way down Sophie tries to grabs hold of Melody’s tights and following ensues…


Lol that was a scene straight out of sora no otoshimono!


Only the most underrated anime ever!

Frustrated with the lack of anime understanding, an exasperated Melody tags in Maggie.

We’re like the twins from Transformers! Nerdly twins activate!

For the last time we’re not twins. You’re like eight years older than me!

Again frustrated, Melody can only sigh as she helps Maggie whip Sophie into the ropes. The Nerdly girls catch Sophie with a pair of back elbows, then drop those elbows across Sophie’s chest.

Melody to The Enterprise, one to beam up.

On that note, Melody exits the ring.  But perhaps she should have stayed a bit longer, as Sophie trips up Maggie with a double leg takedown. Eager for a breather, Sophie tags Melissa into the ring.  Melissa scraps her sister off the canvas and throws her into a neutral corner. Following her in, Melissa is caught by an elbow from the It Girl. Maggie then heads to the second rope and flashes the RAWK~! hand signal!


However the time to flash the hand signal is time wasted, as it allows Melissa to swipe her younger sister off the second rope. As Maggie clutches her head in pain, Melissa tags Lorelei into the contest.

Here comes the former women’s champion, one of two, Sophie being the other one, on her team.

Lorelei stomps away at Maggie, causing her incredible pain. She then raises her hands into the rawk signal, which does nothing to endear her to the sold out Boston audience. Apparently those two moves are enough for Lorelei as she exits the ring with a tag to Sophie.

The longest reigning women’s champion on her team comes back into the contest.

Sophie pounds Maggie with powerful stomps, before quickly tagging out to Melissa. The Nerdly kid mounts her younger sister and bashes her with cruel punches. Maggie does her best to cover up, but only referee Clem Buzzlefoxer can save her from the unfortunate beating.

Dang, Melissa just went to town on her own baby sister. I tried that with my sister once and she put me in an ankle lock.

Melissa scrapes Maggie off the canvas, and whips her into the ropes. As Maggie returns, Melissa lunges forward for a lariat. But Maggie counters by grabbing onto her big sister’s arm and nailing her with an arm stunner!

The Deodorator!

Melissa clutches her sore arm and whines about her pain, while Maggie crawls to her corner.  Upon reaching her base, she tags in Morgan for the first time tonight!


Here comes Benedict Arnold!

I believe Morgan has enough integrity to not throw this match.

Morgan appears nervous, and thusly earns herself a pat on the back from Jade. That and the cheers from the crowd ease Morgan’s worried heart. Upon entering the ring Morgan blocks a left cross from the self styled boxer with a high kick. Melissa staggers backwards, and Morgan pursues her with a dropkick to the knees. This drops Melissa to those very same knees, and keeps her dazed and hurt. As such Morgan is able to bounce off the ropes and nail her foe with a sliding lariat!

Morgan getting down with the Electric Slide!

Amazingly, Melissa is able to come to her feet under her own power. This allows her to take a swing at Morgan with a right hook. But Morgan ducks the attack, and Maggie catches Melissa’s arm. The It Girl then snaps the arm off the top rope, causing Melissa to stagger back to Morgan.  The tiniest Nerdly kid hestitates for a moment, unsure of what to do.

See that, she’s thinking now is the time to turn on her teammates.

An encouraging shout from Jade snaps Morgan out her stupor. The former women’s champion acts fast, draging Melissa down to the canvas with an armbar! Only seconds later, Melissa decides she can withstand the pain no longer and submits!

Melissa Nerdly has been ELIMINATED!

Somewhere Lindsay Gonzalez has to be smiling, and Leon Rodez has to be frowning, as usual.

Lorelei makes certain Morgan hasn’t a second to celebrate as she runs through the former investigator with a lariat.  Lorelei then picks her up and shoves her into the corner. The Money Honey backs to the center of the ring, fluffs her gorgeous hair, and then charges at Morgan. But the tiny grappler gets her platform heels up and wards Lorelei away. Morgan takes a moment to catch her breath, before depositing Lorelei into the corner.  Next, Morgan climbs to the top rope and takes aim at Lorelei with several punches.






Sophie interrupts the parade of punches by grabbing onto Morgan and slicing her throat against the ring cable! Morgan stumbles backwards, giving Lorelei the time she needs to catch her breath. Once she’s regained her strength, Lorelei nails Morgan with her urange into a gutbuster! A pinfall then follows…



Morgan gets her shoulder off the canvas in the nick of time!


That would have been the perfect time to turn on the team. What is she waiting for?

She’s not going to follow Leon’s, order. Not this time.

Lorelei backs into her corner and tags Sophie back into the match.

It’s decidedly poor odds for Lorelei and Sophie, facing four other ladies. But what they’ve decided to, isolate Morgan, is sound strategy.

Sophie locks on a chancery on a grounded Morgan, and begins taking aim at her skull with brutal knees.

Sophie ain’t dressed to fight, she’s dressed to impress, but she’s impressing with her looks and her skill right now. Mama got it goin’ on on all fronts!

Morgan manages to fight upright, despite the considerable pain of the hold. Sophie doesn’t let up, however, and pounds Morgan’s neck with a neckbreaker. Morgan shrieks her pain, as Sophie backs to the corner and tags Lorelei back into the match.

This is very smart by Lorelei and Sophie, make quick tags to stay fresh.

Lorelei snatches Morgan into a front facelock, then wheels her back with a snap suplex.


Coach like! Coach like a lot!

Lorelei pulls Morgan up by her blond hair, but meets with heavy resistance in the form of overhand rights.  The procession of blows doesn’t last but for a few seconds before Lorelei knees Morgan in the stomach. The Money Honey then captures Morgan into a front facelock and drives her downwards with the Cash Flow (fisherman’s DDT)! As the audience panics over the big move, Lorelei makes the cover…






Leon throws Morgan into danger, and Jade pulls her out of it. And she’s supposed to follow Leon’s rule?

Lorelei hunches over, waiting for Morgan to get back to a vertical position. The wait is long, but well worth it, as Lorelei screams across the ring with a spear. But Morgan slides out the way, and Lorelei only spears the second turnbuckle!


Morgan looks to the outside, almost as if she were headed for a retreat.

When the going gets tough, Morgan gets going just like Leon told her to.

But the support from her team causes Morgan to forget about Leon’s scheme. Instead she begins a tough and painful trek to her corner. Behind her, Lorelei slogs her way towards her corner where Sophie waits with an outstretched hand.

Both former Women’s Champions are going for the tag.

Morgan makes it to her corner at the same time Lorelei make’s it to her’s. A huge pop emerges from the stands as Jade Rodez-Duncan returns to the contest. She greets Sophie with a pair of right hands, before throwing her into the ropes. When Sophie returns her facial features are rearranged by the E!ziguri! Jade, however, can not capatalize on her signature attack as she’s hit with a neckbreaker by Lorelei!


Boos soon to cheers as Lorelei is speared to the ground by Maggie! The two hotties roll on the OAOAST canvas, tearing at each other’s hair and clothes. Meanwhile, Sophie gets to her feet, while Jade gets to hers.  JRD rushes forward and surprises Sophie with some Sweet Dreams (running sleeper drop)! As the audience cheers her on, Jade gets a little over-excited and  busts out some funky dance moves…


Shaking my head at this white girl.

Sophie groggily gets to her feet. That’s when she’s trapped beneath the chin by the Women’s Champion. Jade sits out and nails the Got It From My Mama! She reaches forward and hooks onto Sophie’s legs for a crucial pinfall…




Sophie has been ELIMINATED!



Lorelei can certainly do the math, and realizes that the odds are one on four and not in her favor.  Realizing that all hope is lost, Lorelei decides to buddy up to her opponents.

As Uncle Phil said to Jazz on Fresh Prince…STFU and GTFO!

With placation a total failure, Lorelei dives out the ring and makes a mad dash through the audience.

In the words of Jiving JR, Lorelei is running like a scalded dog!

Running but not escaping, as Melody and Jade pursue her through the stands. Despite rushing at top speeds, Lorelei is eventually caught by BFFs. As the audience roots them on, they dump Lorelei back into the squared circle.

Things are not looking very good for Lorelei DeCenzo.

Lorelei hops upright and pleads with Maggie to let her go free. Maggie smiles and shakes her had in the negative before smacking Lorelei’s chin with a superkick! Lorelei staggers backwards, falling onto Morgan’s shoulders.

Don’t do it, Morgan! There’s still time to execute Leon’s plan!

Morgan realizes this more than anybody, and trembles over the debate raging inside her.

You can do it, Morgan!

Morgan nods to a smiling Jade and gives Lorelei a taste of Shock and Awe with an F-U!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans cheer the impending victory, as Morgan makes the cover…






Jade and Melody give each other big hugs, then exchange overjoyed high fives with Maggie. They’d like to celebrate with Morgan as well, but the former Women’s Champion is already inching up the entrance ramp, muttering to herself.

Not only did Morgan not backstab her team, she helped lead them to a clean sweep!

She’s going to get an earful from Leon once she gets backstage.




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Tyler offers to start for his team, and bounces in place as Anglesault's squad selects a starter.  The man chosen is Todd Cortez, and the bell sounds as the two men prepare to lock up.


Immediately, Tyler shoots for Todd's legs, grabbing him in a waistlock and pushing him back to the corner.  It's immediately broken, as Todd is in the ropes, but as he comes out of the corner, Tyler shoots in again, this time going around him with a rear waistlock, then spinning out so that he's in front of Cortez and snapmares him over.  Tyler hits the ropes and jumps into a headscissors, but rather than allow himself to be taken off his feet, Cortez simply hurls Tyler down to the mat to prevent the success of the manuever.  Cortez then nails Tyler across the back and hooks him in a front facelock, bringing him to his corner and tagging in Silver, who joins Cortez in assaulting Bryant.  They shoot him to the ropes, and Shayne slaps his partner on the back, a tag that Cortez and Silver aren't aware of!   Tyler brakes on his rebound, and kicks Silver in the mush as he ducks his head to elevate him into the air, then quickly snap suplexes Cortez, who then gets crushed by a slingshot Shayne splash after the fact!  Tyler clotheslines Silver out of the ring as Shayne goes for the pin, but Cortez is up rather easily before the ref can even get to two.

D*LUX showing that despite their young age, they are one of the most experienced units in this contest, already creating some effective double teams to keep Anglesault's men off track!

Shayne brings Cortez up, but winds up getting a headbutt to the stomach, then a kneelift before Cortez tosses him out to the apron.  Cortez doesn't notice Shayne bringing himself to his feet, but when Shayne goes for a springboard, CPA yanks him back down!  Shayne lands back on the apron and elbows CPA away, then goes for the springboard again...only this time Cortez was prepared and pulls Shayne out of the air into an inverted atomic drop!  He then shoves Shayne backwards into the ropes, where CPA gains a measure of revenge by kicking him in the back, and sends him staggering into the clutches of Cortez again, who hits an URBAN ASSAULT~! on the popular high flyer!




SHAYNE BRAVE has been eliminated!

Shayne Brave is the first man out, courtesy of Todd Cortez and Christopher Patrick Allen, and...wait!

Tony is startled by Tyler Bryant rushing into the ring and rolling up Cortez as soon as he gets up from the pinfall!



Whoo!  That's how heart attacks are caused!

Do you have money on this match?

What?  Playa, please!


...yeah, I do.

Cortez gets up, but then gets staggered by several leg kicks, then taken over with a huracanrana by Tyler!  Jade cheers on from ringside as her charge is pumped up, going after Cortez with fists and feet of fury, then sends him to the ropes just so he can nail him with a dropkick!  Tyler heads over and tags in Simon Singleton to a big pop, and Simon slingshots himself into the ring just as Tyler sends Todd to the ropes again, hitting a drop toehold into a downward spiral on the Urban Legend!  Instinctively, Todd rolls out of the ring and tries to round the corner towards his side of the ring, but Ned hops off the apron and tosses him back in!
Is that legal!?
Probably not, but when has that mattered in the OAOAST?
Simon thanks his partner and brings Cortez up, but gets a thumb to the eye and then dropped with a thrust kick!  Cortez drops to the mat and hurries to his corner, making the tag to his fellow "chosen one", the Metrosexual Monster!
Here he comes, the big man, Anglesault's hand picked "franchise".
Bo's done it all, Tony B.  He's won titles, he's crossed into the mainstream, and most importantly to the boss man, he's a sworn enemy of Zack Malibu.  That's franchise material if there ever was any!
Bo comes in just as Simon is getting up, and uses the intimidation method, slowly approaching his foe.  Bo stands tall, smirking his sinister smirk...and that's when Simon let's him have it, not with a fist, but with a loogie, right in the face!
Awww man, NO metrosexual likes that!
Furious, Bo reacts by lunging with a clothesline, but Simon ducks under it, coming up with jabs as Bo turns around, then a series of chops before trying to send him to the ropes, however Bo counters and presses Simon up, showing off his strength by turning to Simon's corner and smirking at them as he holds Simon up, then simply drops him face first to the mat.  Bo then picks Simon up and clubs him over the back, beating him back down to the mat before pulling him back up and nailing him with a short arm clothesline!  Bo holds onto Simon's wrist as he falls, and yanks him right back up and sends him to the corner, where he follows with a charging lariat that blasts the OCC member!  
Bo is certainly making Simon pay for their little spat.
Oh ha ha, Tony B with a sense of humor now!
Bo picks Simon up and runs him into the corner of Anglesault's assembled force, then tags in Tango Bosley, who gets into the ring and walks to the center, then charges the corner and crushes Simon against it with a corner splash!  Bosley shouts "YEAH, THAT'S HOW WE DO IT!" and drags Simon into the middle of the ring, then prepares for a roundhouse kick...but Simon ducks!  Bosley then finds himself run to the ropes by Simon, courtesy of a rear waistlock, but he clutches the ropes before he's brought over into a pin!  Simon nails Bosley in the back of the neck with an elbow, trying to get him to break, but the former boy in blue elbows back, catching Simon on the side of the mouth!  Simon backs off, but catches Tango's attempted kick, then ducks his attempted enzugiri!  Bosley powers up, but Simon springs off the mat and drops him with a bulldog, then quickly tags in Ned!  Together, the Cobras lift Bosley up, and they each take a side of the head to crack with a kick, nailing the Code of the Cobras!  Simon stands watch with fists clenched as Ned covers, and three seconds later Tango Bosley is on his way back to the showers!
TANGO BOSLEY has been eliminated!
We're even steven once again!
CPA comes in next, frustrated with his partner's dismissal from the match, and angrily ties up with Ned!  He backs him into the corner and starts hammering at him, but Ned fires up and fires back, fighting out of the corner with a flurry of fury!  He takes CPA by the head and rams him into the top turnbuckle, then keeps him in the corner and pounds him down with fists, then feet!  CPA then gets pulled up and send to the far side, and Ned takes the opportunity to tag Tyler back in, who charges the corner and monkey flips CPA into orbit!  Tyler waits for him to come up to his feet, then leaps to the top, faking CPA out with (what else), the Auburn Hills Fakeout!  CPA quickly turns away, pointing to his head as if he outsmarted a super genius...and he's so smart that he doesn't see Tyler leap off the top and nail a missle dropkick that sends him stumbling out to the floor!

Damn!  He had me fooled, too!

No offense Coach, but you're an easier target than CPA is.

Speaking of CPA being a target, being out on the floor doesn't make him any less of one, as Tyler sprints across the ring, into a dive over the ropes and crashes down on the VICE member!  The crowd roars as both men roll around on the outside, with Tyler holding his ribs and CPA wishing he was anywhere except laid out at ringside.  Anglesault does not look pleased, nor do his trifecta of talent, as Cortez, Silver, and Bo stand on the apron awaiting the outcome of the latest assault by their rivals.

Tyler gets up first and leads CPA to his feet, then tosses him back into the ring, charging him and snapping him over with a rana as he gets up!  CPA stumbles to his corner, and Silver quickly pats him on the back as Tyler charges, another blind tag that goes unnoticed by the D*LUX member.  Tyler starts nailing CPA with punches in the corner, but Silver comes in and grabs him by the waistband, yanking him off the ropes and onto the canvas!  Silver then starts stomping him before pulling him up and hitting a back suplex before popping up and tagging Bo.  Pimphemoth reenters the fracas and has Tyler shoved into him, then floors him with a spinebuster...then gets egged on by Silver to pick Silver up and slam him onto Tyler!  Silver delivers an enthusiastic high five to his cohort before he exits, as Bo stands over Tyler and smiles at his former love interest, Jade!  Ms. Rodez-Duncan can only scowl back as Bo grabs Tyler by the throat and yanks him up into the air, holding him there for what must seem like an eternity to Tyler before throwing him back down!  Bo then walks over to the ropes and sarcastically blows a kiss at Jade before going back for Tyler.  Bryant tries fighting back, delivering a pair of shots to the ribs, but Bo doubles him over with a knee, then picks him up and runs him to the corner for a snake eyes, only for Tyler to slip out and roll Bo up!

Bo kicks out of the flash pin, and when he does, he goes for a lunging lariat that Tyler ducks under!  Tyler keeps his momentum going and runs up the ropes, then jumps off, going for a swinging DDT, but Bo throws him off, flapjacking him to the canvas!  Tyler staggers to his feet, and that's when Bo charges like a freight train, nearly taking Tyler's head off with a vicious lariat!  Bo then lays across Tyler, not even bothering to hook the leg, as he stares out at his former flame Jade.

TYLER BRYANT has been eliminated!
Referee Charles Robinson starts helping Tyler to his feet to get him out of the ring, but Bo nails Tyler from behind and sends him out to the floor!  Having had enough, Jade takes her shoes off and slides into the ring, pushing Bo in the chest to a huge pop!  Bo simply laughs it off, but the laugh turns to a frown after he's slapped square across the face!  Bo starts approaching Jade slowly, backing her up and telling her to get out of his ring, not noticing the other person in the ring...Denzel Spencer!  Jade backs out of the ring, and when Bo turns around, he's floored by a scissors kick from the Heartland Champion!  He covers, but Bo pushes him off at two!   Spencer tries for an axe kick as Bo gets up, but Bo moves his head out of the way, then hooks a full nelson and uses the hold to hoist Denzel up and drop him down!  Bo goes for a cover, but after a few seconds realizes the referee isn't counting...and that's because he's too busy with Jade, who is back up on the apron!
Yo, her boys are back in the locker room, shouldn't she be back there too!?
Bo's tan complexion is now a hue of red, as he's pissed at his ex's attempts to thwart a Team Anglesault victory, and it shows when he shoves her off the apron, to the floor!
Was that necessary?!?!
Jade looks up in shock, and the fans respond with pure, unadulterated hatred for the Metrosexual Monster, who turns back to Spencer, this time ducking a scissor kick and then picking him up for the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B~!  As he spins Spencer outward, Denzel lands on his feet, and when Bo runs towards him Spencer quickly hoists him up and plants him on the tippy top of his skull with the Carribean Compactor!  The momentum causes Denzel to fall backwards, and he quickly extends his hand and tags Simon, who climbs up to the top and dives into the ring with the BOX OFFICE BOMB, and hooks the leg of a stunned Bo, who is doing his best to kick out!
The crowd goes APESHIT, as the big man just "got his" from Team Cobra.  Jade applauds from the ramp, and Anglesault is enraged at ringside, slamming his hands on the canvas!  Silver quickly jumps in to make his uncle happy, but finds himself sent up and over courtesy of a back bodydrop!  CPA runs in next, and Simon reacts fast, hiptossing him over!  Cortez then runs in and nails Simon from behind, then readies him for a German suplex, but when he uses it, Simon floats over and hits a neckbreaker!  Cortez and CPA roll out of the ring, while Silver charges with a running Yakuza kick...only to get hit with a drop toehold!  The crowd is ecstatic as Team Cobra unleash hell upon the remnants of Anglesault's roster, with Simon grabbing a sleeperhold as Silver comes up to his feet!  Silver squirms and struggles as the crowd buzzes in anticipation of another elimination...and are disappointed when Silver is able to back him into a corner to break the hold!  Silver walks out of the corner slowly, not realizing the corner slam had little effect on Mr. Singleton, and finds himself hooked again in a sleeper!
If at first you don't succeed...
Keep on suckin' til you do succeed!
That ain't how it goes?  That's the way I heard it.
Where did you hear that?
Curly said it on the Three Stooges.
I rest my case.
What case?
Coach...the match!
Silver is caught in mid-ring, and struggles, eventually becoming able to snapmare Simon over and break the hold!  As Simon comes up, Silver grabs him, and hits a German suplex, but just like his uncle, rolls through with it, hitting several more German suplexes before keeping Simon down for a pin!

Looks like Uncle Anglesault has taught Jason Silver a few moves!
Jason brings Simon to his feet, as his uncle proudly claps at ringside.  Silver then picks Simon up and hits a backbreaker, then pulls Simon right back up and sends him to the corner, both moves having an equally troubling impact on the back of Simon Singleton!  Silver runs into the corner, driving his shoulder into the bread basket of the Orange County Cobra, and then sets him up on the top rope before following up the ropes.  He readies Simon for a superplex, but Simon wraps his legs around the turnbuckle, refusing to go over!  Silver headbutts him and then tries again, but Simon still won't go, and shoves Silver off balance, crashing to the canvas below!  Simon starts to stand up, and the crowd stands up as well, expecting him to try to hit his trademark Blockbuster...but CPA runs across the apron and knocks him off the ropes, crotching him on the top rope!
C'mon, Robinson, keep your eye on them!
Robinson catches him too late, and CPA calmly walks back over to his spot on the apron as Spencer and Blanchard protest from their side of the ring.  Silver gets up and goes back up the ropes, standing on the middle rope and striking Simon with a pair of European uppercuts before moving up to the third rope and finally getting the superplex he desired several moments ago!  Simon convulses upon impact, as the shock of the landing sends his nerve endings into a frenzy up and down his spine!  Silver immediately picks him up and sets him across his shoulders, then whips him overhead, slamming him back first on the canvas again before falling on top of him for the pin!
SIMON SINGLETON has been eliminated!
We're down to an Anglesault advantage, three on two now that Simon Singleton has been sent back to the dressing room!
The crowd boos Simon's elimination, but cheer when his partner looks to avenge him, coming into the ring and nailing Silver with a right hand!   Ned drops to the mat and hammers away on the blood relative of the company founder!  Silver finds himself shot into the ropes, then drilled with a strike to the ribs that rolls him over right back onto his back!  He tries to get up but gets waylayed by another right hand, and then Ned goes and nails Cortez and CPA for good measure, knocking them off the apron!  He turns back for Silver and kicks him in the gut when he sees him coming, and then the OAOAST newcomer finds himself dropped with a slingshot suplex!  Ned goes and tags in Spencer, who goes up to the top and leaps off with a KINPUPPALICK...but meets the knees of Silver, who still has enough presence of mind to block the move!  Spencer lay doubled over on the mat as Silver crawls for his corner, looking desperate to make it...and he does, to Christopher Patrick Allen!  CPA comes into the ring and pulls the Heartland Champion up, but the champ pulls him back down, clinching him in a small package!


CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ALLEN has been eliminated!
They've evened the odds!
What the...he wasn't even in the RING for three seconds!  I think Robinson's getting fast with his counts!
CPA can't believe it, as his wide eyed, jaw dropped reaction would tell you.  Anglesault is once again irate, barking orders to Cortez, who comes in so that Silver can recover a bit.  Denzel sees him coming and takes his legs out from under him, but as he goes to catapult Cortez, the streetfighter kicks him away!  Denzel comes up and nearly walks into a superkick, but he catches it and dragon screws Cortez, then leaps up and lands a legdrop!  He covers, but Cortez kicks out even before Robinson can hit the mat!  Denzel hits the ropes, causing Todd to have to leapfrog over him, but when Todd goes for a dropkick, Denzel clings to the ropes!  Cortez whiffs, and Spencer rolls him up with an Oklahoma Roll, but again, Cortez kicks out quickly!  When they come up, Cortez takes Spencer down with a sweep kick, then starts mauling him with elbows and driving his forearm into his throat!  Robinson orders a five count on the choke, and the Urban Legend milks every second of it before back off.  The Jamaican Sensation gasps for air as he's brought to his feet and sent to the ropes, but he reverses the whip!  Both men then leap up for crossbodies at the same time, knocking the wind out of themselves and each other!  Spencer clutches at his ribs while Cortez rests on his knees for a moment before tagging in an eager Silver...only to have Spencer tag in Ned Blanchard!
The Cobra is ready to strike!
Once again, Silver finds himself pummeled by Ned, including getting struck with a Thesz Press!  As Ned hammers on him, Cortez comes back in from behind and fishhooks him, prying him off in a painful manner before Ned kicks a leg back, striking Cortez low!  Spencer rushes back into the ring and leaps up, this time nailing the crossbody and sailing over the top rope along with Cortez!  Robinson is losing control, and misses Silver nail a low blow on Ned before pulling him up and spiking him on his head with a brainbuster!  Silver quickly rolls Ned onto his stomach and cranks back on his head, trapping him in a Dragon Clutch with no one to save him!
Supposedly Silver calls this move the 16th Minute, but whatever it's called, it's got to hurt!

Especially after getting dropped on your head like that, Tony B.!
Ned tries to inch towards the ropes, but with one arm trapped by Silver it's tougher than it would normally be.  Ned reaches out, but the ropes must seems miles away, even though it's only a few feet.  Anglesault even taunts him by pushing the bottom rope towards him, but even the sarcastic assistance is no use, as Ned resorts to tapping to the hold.
NED BLANCHARD has been eliminated!
Anglesault's boys eliminate another one, and we are down to the sole survivor for that team, Denzel Spencer, against both Todd Cortez and Jason Silver!
Denzel is still on the floor, recovering from his dive, when suddenly he's grabbed from behind and thrown ribs first into the apron by JAMES RIGGS, who then lines Spencer up and hits a spear out on the floor!  Riggs pulls him up and rolls him into the ring, leaving him easy prey for Silver, who covers him and counts along with Robinson!

The crowd pops HUGE, as Spencer kicked out of what seemed like an easy pin!  Silver argues with Robinson, then heeds his uncle's words to "finish him off".  Silver yanks Denzel up onto his shoulders, but Spencer quickly transitions into a sunset flip rollup!
Silver kicks out, and when both men come up, Spencer quickly hooks him with a backslide, taking him into a pin attempt once again!
Silver kicks out, but when he comes for Denzel, he gets nailed with a double chop!  Denzel falls to one knee, his ribs still aching.  Silver gets up and comes at him again, but he gets nailed with a big open hand chop that puts him against the ropes!  He pulls Silver to shoot him off with an Irish whip, but Silver hangs on and yanks Denzel towards him, elevating him up and over...but the Heartland Champion lands on the ring apron!  Silver turns and tries to nail him, but Spencer blocks and fires back with a right hand, then shoots himself through the ropes and shoulderblocks Silver in the stomach!  He slingshots in with a DDT on Silver and rolls him over, cradling the leg...



...but JUST before three, Anglesault grabs his nephew's arm and pulls it under the bottom rope, alerting Robinson that the pin should be broken up!

Hey now!  Denzel Spencer had him done for!

Charles Robinson begs to differ with, T-Bod!

Robinson taps Spencer on the back, telling him the pin needs to be broken, and Spencer reluctantly gets up.  He brings Silver up with him and shoots him to the ropes, but when he drops his head, Silver rolls over his back!  Denzel turns around and gets hoisted up onto Silver's shoulders, but starts elbowing his way free, causing the rookie to drop him back to the mat!  Spencer lands on his feet and pops up with a spin kick, knocking Silver into the corner!  Denzel then gets up and hits a HYOOGE leaping corner splash, then fires Silver off to the far side, where he nearly flips out of the ring before falling over the turnbuckles and back to the mat, then turns into a diving shoulderblock from the high flying superstar!  Denzel covers, but Cortez quickly intervenes, running in and booting him in the side of the head to break the count!   Robinson gets to his feet and admonishes the Urban Legend as he makes him backstep his way out of the ring, and as he's doing that, he's oblivious to James Riggs sliding into the ring and hitting ANOTHER spear on Spencer!  Riggs drapes Silver over the Heartland Champion's prone body and rolls out of the ring, and Cortez gives in to Robinson's orders just in time for him to turn around and count the pin!

No, not like this...

James Riggs earned himself a nice holiday bonus check tonight!




The Boston fans go wild, as Spencer shoots his shoulder up off the mat at the last possible instant!  Silver can't believe it, and he looks to Cortez, tagging in the violent star to finish Spencer off.  Cortez smiles as he circles Spencer's fallen form, then pulls him up, readying for a RIOT ACT PLUS~!...only to get backdropped over!

This is why he's the Heartland Champion!  Heart is the most important part of that, because that is what Denzel Spencer is showing us tonight!

Spencer runs the ropes, but when he does, Silver yanks him by the hair so that he back bumps on the canvas!   Robinson jolts his head in Silver's direction, and the rookie simply puts his hands up and feigns innocence.  This buys Cortez the time to get up, and when he does he hits several roundhouse kicks to Spencer's ribs, then hits an inverted atomic drop followed by a gutbuster on the fighting champion.

Like sharks smelling blood in the water, Cortez and Silver are going to try to tear Denzel Spencer apart!

Look at the smile on Anglesault's face.  You know boss man is just waiting to take the mic and give a big FU to everyone who thought they were smart by siding with the Cobras.

Spencer curls up on the mat, trying to get his healing factor to kick in, but Cortez doesn't give him the chance, as he leads him right up to his feet again...but Spencer pushes him away before falling down to one knee.  Cortez isn't phased, and seems amused by the resilience of the Caribbean Kid, but when he goes for him again, he gets nailed with an open palm uppercut!  Spencer fires up, nailing Cortez with a series of chops before sending Cortez in and nailing him with a dropkick!  Cortez rolls to his feet, but so does Denzel, who leaps up for a rana, but Cortez immediately hurls him off!  Denzel lands on his feet, but it briefly takes the wind out of him, allowing Cortez to hit the ropes and go for the HOLLOW POINT~!...only to have Spencer leapfrog it, then nail a jump spinning roundhouse kick as Cortez comes off the far side!

Did you HEAR the impact of that kick!




The crowd is at a fever pitch, watching anxiously as Spencer rallies, the only chance Team Cobra has of winning.  He brings Cortez up and lifts him for the Caribbean Compactor, but his tender ribs don't allow him to hold Todd up for long, and he slides off his shoulder!  Cortez spins him around and grabs him by the throat, readying an Urban Assault, but Denzel elbows his way free, then shoots for the legs and pulls them out from under his foe!  Before he can act, Silver charges into the ring, but Spencer ducks low and backdrops him over!  As Silver gets up, Spencer charges and nails a single leg dropkick that sends him out to the floor, leaving just he and Cortez once again!  Todd slowly rises off the mat, but leaves himself open for an axe kick...only to dodge it when Spencer goes to hit it!  Todd quickly jabs Spencer in the forehead, and Denzel immediately grabs at his head, stunned by what just happened...and Cortez finally manages to take the Heartland Champion and SPIKES HIM DEAD with a RIOT ACT PLUS~!

Say what you want about his affiliations these days, but that move is still a killer!

Cortez covers Spencer, who is bleeding from the forehead, and Robinson makes the count as Anglesault starts climbing up on the apron, already sure of the outcome.




The bell sounds, signaling the end of the bout, and Cortez stands up, greeted by a pat on the back from Anglesault and a quick embrace from his remaining teammate.

Ladies and gentlemen, your survivors, JASON SILVER and the "URBAN LEGEND" TODD CORTEZ...you winning team, TEAM ANGLESAULT~!

As the trademark theme of the OAOAST's founding father plays, Anglesault tells Cortez something that puts a smile on his face, and points to Denzel Spencer.  Reaching into his boot, Cortez produces a FORK, already stained with blood, and he goes for Denzel again, tearing at his forehead with it!

Now this is uncalled for!

Tony B., you've done your fair share of dirt back in the day.

I'm not claiming to be a saint, Coach, but this isn't right!  They've already won, we know HOW they won now that Cortez has shown the evidence, and there is no need to do this.  They're trying to hospitalize the Heartland Champion!

Spencer can't even put up a fight, and once Cortez comes up off him, Silver rolls him onto his back and locks on The 16th Minute, cranking back on an already wounded neck!  Suddenly, the fans rejoice as the OCC rush the ring, but Cortez pounces, sticking Simon with the fork as soon as he gets into the ring!  Simon goes down holding his head, but Ned fares better, blocking the fork shot and kicking Cortez low, then dropping him with a right hand...only to get nailed with a low blow from Anglesault himself!

This has to stop!  For months these guys have been getting away with...

All of a sudden, there's a BLACKOUT IN THE ARENA, causing the wild crowd to shout even louder amongst themselves, wondering what the hell is going on.  Suddenly, the arena is illuminated not by a spotlight or even by the lighters of the fans...instead, the Angletron kicks up with a familiar Angletron video, and a song that has not been heard in quite some time becomes music to the crowd's collective ears.

WHAT~!?!?  It can't be...it CAN'T be...

Anglesault's jovial mood becomes a scowl, as hatred burns in his eyes looking at the Angletron.  Silver and Cortez flank him, not realizing that the Angletron video is merely a ruse, as from the crowd and over the rail comes a familiar sight, and the fans leap to their feet as he slides into the ring unbeknownst to the three men who have done nothing except bury him for months.



I don't believe this!  I thought...

As "Getting Away With Murder" continues to play, Silver realizes something's up and turns around...and gets NAILED by a SCHOOL'S OUT to one of the biggest pops you'll ever hear!  Cortez tackles Zack and drives him into the corner, but Zack unleashes hell upon him like no other, pounding on him until he backs off and then unloading with right hands until he field goals him right in the nether region and then superkicks him out of the ring, nailing a second School's Out!  After disposing of Cortez and Silver, Zack turns his eyes to Anglesault, who cannot believe what he's seeing.  Anglesault stands frozen, until Bo makes his presence felt and yanks his boss out of the ring, pulling him away from any harm Zack is looking to cause.  With Bo acting as his shield now, Anglesault starts pointing and hollering, telling Zack that he's finished and he "blew it".  Zack stands tall, not even blinking, as Anglesault's crew assembles on the ramp, each one appalled at the appearance of the OAOAST's Franchise.

What a night! What a November Reign!  Fans, if you can believe it...ZACK MALIBU has returned!

But at what cost, Tony!?  He's not supposed to be here!  I mean, legally, he's not supposed to be here!

I can't answer that, Coach...only one man can, and right now these people are chanting his name.  

With his theme still playing, Zack checks on the people who took up his cause, as they have all suffered at the hands of Anglesault's crew tonight.  The match might have gone to the CFO and company, but it looks like the real victory was the reemergence of the OAOAST's favorite son.

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