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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 11/10/10


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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***US Title: Theodore Moneymaker W/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Mariachi W/J-MAX***
Mariachi started the contest with a kiss to the lips of his foe. This drove the homophobic Moneymaker crazy, and he ranted and raved about it. His plight only grew worse when Mariachi shoved him into the corner, and proceeded to hump him from behind! Referee Clem Buzzlefoxer separated Mariachi from his victim, which allowed Moneymaker to respond with a lariat on an unexpecting Mariachi. From there Moneymaker took control of the contest, working over Mariachi’s neck. Mariachi was able to escape, however, and began wearing down his rich foe with his high flying moves. But a missed moonsault would spell his doom, as Moneymaker scooped him up and executed him with the Spear of Longinus! From there the pinfall was academic.

Winner: Theodore Moneymaker, via pinfall

Just because one is a world champion and the other is embroiled in a tournament doesn’t mean their hosting duties are done! Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview…Maya! The youngest of the Duncan girls was happy to answer Alix’s questions about her debut. Maya said she was nervous and scared, but knew that once the bell rung there was no turning back. She stated that she was surprised she won, thinking Sophie would’ve crushed her. Maya said despite her jitters she’s looking forward to facing off against Melissa. She said she wouldn’t let Melissa’s boxing style intimidate her from doing her job. Just as the interview was wrapping up Holly and Quiz walked onto the stage. Holly told Maya she was “proud of her”.  But that’s where the compliments ended. Holly informed Maya that should she make it to the finals to face her, that it would be the end of her very short career. Holly suggested that Maya throw her match against Melissa to avoid seeing her in the finals. This drew out Melody, who claimed Holly was jumping the gun and her gimmick had jumped the shark. Melody said there’s no way Holly would be getting past her in the first round because Melody had watched a Ninja Turtles marathon and had the power of the ooze!

OAOAST Heartland title: Denzel Spencer © vs Vinny Valentine

Vinny proclaimed he was "building on his momentum" from his "courageous victory" over Baron Windels weeks prior by requesting a title shot.  Denzel, always ready for a challenge, readily accepted.  Vinny was actually able to control the match early on, keeping Denzel on the mat and punishing him with a kendo stick.  However, Vinny started to get cocky, and made a miscue from the top rope, allowing Denzel to make a furious comeback, finishing Vinny off in short order with the Carribean Compactor.

WINNER: Denzel Spencer

Sophie “blessed” us with a new segment entitled the FASHION BUG in which the OAOAST’s very own Fashionista reviewed the fashion stylings of the OAOAST Galaxy.  This week Sophie focused on The Trendsetter James Blonde. She called The Prince Of Panache no less than the greatest dresser in the history of sports entertainment. According to Sophie his style is impeccable and his clothes are works of art. She said that from this day forward all future fashion will be judged on the “James Blonde Scale” with five James Blonde’s being the ultimate in fashion excellence.

OAOAST World tag team titles: Tha Puerto Rican & "Virgin Island Thunder" Victor Perez © vs The Can-Am Assassins

A great tag team match highlighted the show, as both teams exchanged their best shots throughout the match.  Eventually, Pantera clotheslined PRL from the apron as he set up for the P.R. Nightmare on Strutter.  The challengers would control the next few minutes, until PRL leveled Pantera with a boot to the face as he charged towards the corner.  Pantera recovered quickly, but couldn't catch him in time to prevent the tag to Perez.  Perez bewildered Pantera with a bevy of high-flying moves, but Strutter interrupted the count, leading to a four-man brawl.  Pantera was discarded from the ring, as the champs went for the kill.  However, TK rushed to the ring, only to be cut off by a PRL tope!  Perez then set up for a piledriver on Strutter, but Sandman9000 snuck around behind him, climbing to the top rope with a barbed-wire bat, grabbing it by each end, and driving it into the back of the head of Perez!  The official turned around just in time to make the three-count, making the Can-Ams the champs for the first time.

Winners and NEW OAOAST World tag team champions: The Can-Am Assassins

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