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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/21/10


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We go straight to the Halloween themed sofa central where a cauldron bubbles and orange "Christmas" lights decorate the announce table.

Hello, world! This is OAOAST HeldDOWN~! coming to you live from Phoenix, Arizona! I am Tony Brannigan alongside Da Coach, and we're all getting set for the Halloween Spectacular next week from Denver, only on TSM and The Pit in Canada.

La ilaha illa Allah, ha la ili, hay yo
Hili b'Allah, hey, hili bay yo
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money

Hala sheiki, ha lini falla
Mili ha lan shi inni mala
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money


The fourteen arab money getters from the Church of Abdullah fill the entrance  stage.

Look at this collection of talent. Its an All Star team where only angels can vote, and only a diety can coach.

You drank the Kool-Aid once and you keep going back for seconds.

The larger group enters the ring, amidst a chorus of boos.  Their spiritual guide, Colonel Abdullah Abir Nerdlly, wearing  a golden prayer robe and golden cowboy hat, is presented with a microphone.

Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, I bring before you an army! I bring before you a Calvary! I bring before you a legion! I bring before you soldiers of the almighty! I bring before you the Church Of Abdullah.


Each noble warrior has heard god’s calling. They have heard the lord say that Krista Isadora Duncan is the antichrist and her wicked ways pollute the innocent hearts of man.  They have heard the lord say that I, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, must become rich with money and material possesions so that I may better connect and spread the good word to the materialistic masses. They have heard this call and they have come en masse to join my church. Each has sacrificed 10% of their income for the Church of Abdullah so that they may be blessed with the lord’s teaching and his god blessings. They have put forth money for the right to stand on the side of good and take back God’s world title from Krista Isadora Duncan!

Or so that Abdullah may buy that ridiculous cowboy hat.

They are willing to sacrifice more than money. Blood, sweat, and so much more will be requested of them in this final battle, and they are willing to give that and so much more. Truly these are men and women of legends. Their triumphs will be told in tales throughout time. Their names will be sung in song by generations of people. These are men and women that god has recognized as his personal knights of the round, and he will use them to pierce the heart of evil! Let us meet these fourteen warriors, and let us bow our heads in reverence. First I give to you my disciple, SYNTH ABDUL JABBAR!


Next I give you The MACHO Macho Mann…..LOGAN MANN!


And his doting wife, The Angel Of Death….HOLLY!


Next I bring to you my personal bodyguard….QUIZ!

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the fans hiss as Quiz raises his fists.

Brothers and sisters, show your support to the 2008 Lethal Rumble winner CUBAN WALL!


We are joined by a man with the desire to turn his life around in service to my ministries….JAMES RIGGS!


Coming all the way from the noble land of Brazil he is THE WHITE KNIGHT RICO DE JANERIO!


And his partner and closest confidant…..THE BLACK KNIGHT LUCIUS SOUL!


Together they serve a woman more pure than the Virgin Mary….QUEEN ESTHER!

Queen Esther bows to the booing audience.

Representing the Deadly Alliance I give to you FELIX STRUTTER!


He is joined by stablemate and former Heartland Champion….SANDMAN 9000!

Sandman gives the jeering fans the finger!

I come to my dear sister. Misunderstood, persecuted, but strong in her convictions and beliefs. She is the ultimate combination of beauty and beat downs, she is MALAYSIA NERDLY!


And finally a man who I personally healed with the powers god has given me. A man who came to me in pain and left me with a mission given by god himself. He is the two time world champion…MISTER DICK!


A snarling Mister Dick is handed a microphone.

Ya’ll ain’t gotta like us but you damn sure better respect us. Les’ you want us to start marchin’ into those stands and start crackin’ skulls.


I done been made a fool of, injured, and humiliated by Alix Maria Spezia. After that SUV hit me, I thought that maybe my career might be finished, and I’d never get revenge on that cheap floozy.  But on one magical night Abdullah Abir Nerdly done went and approached me and told me he could heal me. The man said he could heal me physically and spiritually. And of course I said hell yes. Now I feel better than ever, and I feel in touch with God and his wishes. I done went and seen the light, and heard god’s message. And God wants me to kick the shit out of Alix Maria Spezia.


That’s exactly what I’m gonna do, I’m just gonna have thirteen other people to back me up. And getting’ that world title off of Krista? That’s gonna be the cheery on a Sundae. Those bitches ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em.

Thank you, brother Jock. Alfdogg has a wicked sense of humour. He gives me my world title opportunity, but makes it so any member of my Church can win it as well. Alfdogg is also a wicked man, who tries God’s patience. God and I see what this is, an attempt to undermine my leadership and create division in our ranks. I have prayed to God, I have asked him to show me a better way. And he has said the better way is the path I’m on right now. Because my Church would never betray me. Every single member is dedicated to the crusade of Krista Isadora Duncan. My success is their success and therefore they are single minded in the mission to get me the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship. We will not fail you, god! The next time you see us our crusade will begin in earnest and the world as you know will change for the better. Thank you, and walk with god, my children.

Arab Money plays over the PA system, as the assembled Church exits the ring to further boos.

Next week is going to be explosive! A fourteen on two elimination match for the OAOAST World Title!

We eating good, brehs! This is the end of Krista's title reign and it can't come any sooner.

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Returning from break we find

MAGGIE NERDLY standing in front of a video wall that flashes the OAOAST logo.

What up, ya’ll? Maggie Nerdly, your It Girl on the scene here to give you the low down on the all girl throw down the Queen Of The Ring tournament. Eight of us girls can enter and only can walk out wearing the crown. But to do that they’ll need the Hell In The Cell final at November Reign! Let’s take a look at the brackets and the schedule:


Crystal Division
Holly Vs Melody-11/11 HD~!
Lorelei Vs Maggie-Halloween Spectacular

Krista Division
Maya Vs Sophie-Halloween Spectacular
Melissa Vs Megan Skye-11/4 HD

Crystal Division conference final-11/18 HD

Krista division final-11/18 HD


There you have it, guys and girls. The ultimate tournament in Women’s Wrestling feature some of the sexiest, most athletic girls in the OAOAST. And if you’re a betting man, like I know some of ya’ll are, you’re gonna wanna bet on your’s truly. Because I’m a two time women’s champion, and Lorelei only held the belt for a week after she cheated Morgan out of it. So if she thinks she can beat me, boy does she have another thing coming!

Oh do I?


The Money Honey herself strolls onto the scene with smug grin on her face.

What’s up homie g slice, I’m chillin on the weezy for breezy, my sheezy.


Just speaking in language you can understand, my dope home skillet.

Are you trying to talk like me? I don’t sound like that.

You’re right, you sound like an idiot. Because only an idiot would think they could beat me at anything.

Well, this here idiot pinned you in the Ejaculation Chamber, remember that?

What I remember is you sneaking behind me with a cheap shot and pinning me with that awfully named finisher of your’s. That won’t happen this time. This time I am prepared and ready for you, and you don’t stand a chance of defeating me. So sorry. Catch ya on the flipside, big homie g dogg! For rizzle on the big dizzle, mizzle!

:angry: Do I really talk like that?

Uh, no comment.

Fine. Back to ya'll at Sofa Central.

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Maggie, thanks. Fans, you saw it right there on the screen. Maya Duncan-Blanchard will be competing next week at the Halloween Spectacular in the Queen Of The Ring tournament. Her first match ever and it will be against former women's champion Sophie. Maya's been hard at work training for this match, and Molly Nerdly has pieced together a montage of her training routine.


::Cue:: Europe-The Final Countdown

We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?

Maya jogs down a beach in Malibu with Tyler Bryant at her side. He pushes her hard, running fast so that she has to work to keep up.

It's the final countdown
The final countdown

Maya watches a match between Holly and Morgan, studiously taking notes on Holly’s tactics.

We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall
'Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all, yea
With so many light years to go and things to be found
(To be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so

Maya works over a punching bag in the Duncan family mansion’s home gym. Terry Taylor holds the punching bag and roots on Maya.

It's the final countdown
The final countdown

Maya is seen snapping on a headlock on Jade, and turning over to the ground with a takedown. This earns applause from D*LUX and Terry Taylor.

The final countdown
(The final countdown)
Ohh ho ohh

Alix shows Maya the proper way to run a jack move and take someone’s shit without a gun. What this has to do with wrestling is anyone’s guess, but Alix looks very reassured of its worth.

The final countdown, oh ho
It's the final countdown

Maya manages to throws an impressive spear on a larger girl at the OAOVW training center.

The final countdown
The final countdown
(The final countdown)

Maya hits the weights at her mother’s gym with Terry Taylor keeping a close eye on her. He’s impressed by the amount of weights she can lift. It far exceeds with a girl her age should be able to live.

It's the final countdown
We're leaving together
The final countdown
Maya spins through the air with an amazing moonsault, wowing all the onlookers at the OAOVW gym.

We'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown
(The final countdown)
Ohh, it's the final countdown

Maya gets well deserved applause and encouragement from the group of D*LUX and Terry Taylor.



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Returning from break

plays to the image of a rusty brown dumpster being wheeled onto stage.  As green lights flicker on and off around the stage, Slime and Snot emerge from the trash can. Once they’re on solid footing they RUN down the entrance ramp to the ring.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Now making his way to the ring being accompanied by Slime, he hails from London, Ontario, Canada, he is SNOOOTTTTTTTT!

Here come to eccentric individuals.

Eccentric, eh? I just call 'em flat out stupid. And what's with the smaller one only talking in giberish?

The small one has a name, its Slime.  

Polite applause greet Snot and Slime as they dive into the ring.  They violently slam into each other like they were a two man moshpit, rocking out to the hardest of songs.

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus Walks with me)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long

Stepping through powerful fog, is the Enterprise duo of Christian Wright and the fabulously dressed Lorelei DeCenzo. Wright welcomes all the bile of the audience with a wide smile and wide arms. He then shoots those arms into the air , causing green pryo to dart towards the ceiling.

And the opponent…being accompanied by Lorelei DeCenzo he resides in Washington DC.  Reprenting The Enterprise he is “THE GOD CHILD”….CHHHHRRRRIIIISSTTTTAAAAAAN WRRRRRIIIIIIGHHHHTTTT!

Once November hits it will be a full  year of being unbeaten for Christian Wright.

Like Barry Bonds homeruns we need an asterisk next to his name. There were losses to J-MAX and to Alexander The Brutal.

You worse than Cole, T-Bod with your misinformation and lies. The loss to J-MAX was overturned and Alexander was given a DQ after using an illegal choke.

Christian enters the ring, offering Snot a disdainful expression. Its almost as if he’s repulsed by the mutated oddball.


Wright begins attempting to bring the big man down to size with hard kicks to his legs.  Snot stumbles around the ring, before being grabbed by the right leg and dumped to the canvas. The God Child grabs hold of Snot’s leg and begins bashing it with elbows.

Smart tactic to chop the larger grappler down.

You don’t become undefeated by being a dummy.

Wright traps Snot inside a leg lock, earning applause from Lorelei.

We’ll see Lorelei in the Queen Of The Ring as she faces Maggie at the Halloween Spectacular.  Also in action will be Sophie meeting of all people Maya!

Wright wrenches on Snot’s legs, causing him immense pain. Even worse for the rookie he has to keep himself from leaning backwards into an inadvertent pin.  Snot fights back with elbows to the back of Wright’s head. These do the trick and allow Snot to trap CW inside a full nelson!


Fearful over being submitted, Wright scrambles for the ropes. Though Snot’s grip is strong, Wright is able to at least get his loafers to touch the ropes.  Snot is unwilling to break the hold, and does so only when threatened with a DQ. This pulls Snot away from Wright, and The God Child rolls to the outside. Unfortunately he walks right to Slime.



Wright quickly runs away from the gibberish spewing lunatic, heading towards Lorelei. He uses The Money Honey as a shield against any potential threat by Slime.  He enjoys  short pep talk from the beautiful Lorelei that encourages him to enter the ring. He approaches Snot nervously, slowly raising his hands for a lock up. When Snot does the same, Wright throws a knee into his gut!


The God Child snaps a hammerlock on his larger foe. This causes extreme discomfort for Snot and he instantly begins trying to fight his way free of the hold.  Wright smiles to himself, thinking this simple hold is enough to subdue the big man. How wrong he is as Snot breaks free and cinches in a full nelson on CW!



What the hell is wrong with that guy?
Wright tries to battle out the hold, kicking and screaming like a baby with a soiled diaper.  Eventually his pathetic flailing pays off as he’s able to graze the ropes with his loafer. He’s let go, and he immediately retreats to the ring apron.



Snot grabs CW by the side of the head and hurls him back into the ring!


On the outside Lorelei lodges a protest, claiming that be an illegal move.  This does little to help CW as Snot bounces off the ropes and connects with a leg drop.  The first pinfall off the contest is made…




That was a close count, and it was a lot closer than Christian Wright would like.

Wright is brought off the canvas by Snot. But much to the big man’s surprise, Wright knocks him over with a powerful European Uppercut. Wright takes a moment to catch his breath before he goes to work on Snot with nasty stomps.  He punctuates those attacks with an elbow drop into a cover…




Wright pulls Snot off the canvas in order to whip him into the ropes. When Snot returns, Wright levels him with a dropkick!

Praise me as your better!


Wright then dives onto Snot for a pinfall…




It’s a tough matchup here for Christian Wright, due to the fact that Snot is so new that there’s no real scouting report on him.

The God Child don’t change his strategy to suit his opponents they change their strategy to suit him.

Wright begins scrapping Snot off the canvas, only to have the big brawler begin winging punches into his gut.  The shots weaken CW and allow Snot to get to his feet. But he can advance his cause no further, as Wright snapmares him to the canvas. The DC native then bounces off the ropes and kicks Snot in the head! Snot snaps backwards and lies prone on the canvas.  This leaves him in perfect position for a pinfall….




Lorelei protests over a slow count, while Slime offers words of encouragement. Or least what sounds like words of encouragement. Maybe. Regardless of what the intent of those words are, they don’t provide much comfort to Snot as CW snares him inside a Wallstreet Cloverleaf!

This could be a major turning point in this match. Or it could just very well be the end of this match if Snot can’t break free.

Snot struggles towards the ropes, but each time he gets an inch closer, Wright drags him two inches back.


Snot takes these “words” to heart and begins crawling back to the ropes, showing no signs of being willing to submit. This frustrates CW, and he breaks the hold to stomp Snot in the back of the head.

I think The God Child may have given up on that cloverleaf a bit too soon.

You can’t question an unbeaten performers tactics. This guy just doesn’t make mistakes.

Wright grabs onto the back of Snot’s mask and begins pulling him upright. But once fully standing, Snot hammers Wright with powerful left crosses.  The blows stun The God Child, but he’s able to strike back with a lethal European Uppercut. With Snot dazed Wright runs to the ropes. But as she returns he’s press slammed into the air!


Snot dumps Wright to the canvas, and the pain shoots through The God Child’s body. Snot roars and beats his chest in triumph.

I don’t think The God Child saw that coming. He thought he had Snot all lined up.

Snot charges at a grounded Wright, only to get drop toe hold onto the bottom turnbuckle!

And I don’t think Snot saw that coming!

Brilliant move! This Christian Wright, he’s unstoppable! Nothing can keep him down.

The official begins a count as both men a strewn about the canvas…



Wright gets to his feet first, and pumps himself up. Once fully charged he darts to Snot. But he’s caught with an inverted atomic drop, and then clotheslined to the ground!


The OAOAST Galaxy like any move that leaves Christian Wright in pain.

Snot runs through CW with two more lariats before whipping him into the ropes.  Wright returns with an elbow that dazes Snot, and leaves him out on his feet.  With Snot staggered Wright heads back into the ropes.  But they spew him back directly into a powerslam! The referee counts the pinfall as Lorelei panics on the outside…




We almost saw an amazing upset!


We might still see that upset, because it sounds like Snot is going to use his double powerbomb.

Snot grabs Wright’s slick black hair and stuffs him inside a front head scissors. The fans and Lorelei watch in contrasting joy and horror as Snot picks Wright up and powerbombs him once!

There’s one!

Wright is lifted into the air for the second power bomb. But he calls forth a tremendous amount of energy and begins hammering Snot with punches to the top of the head. Snot has no choice but to release his foe. Free of Snot’s grip Wright staggers backwards. An angered Snot descends upon, but is stabbed in the stomach with a quick kick. Wright then snags Snot into a front facelock and quickly executes the gordbuster.

Stockmarket Crash!

Bam! That’s what you call strong!

Wright hooks onto Snot’s legs for a pinfall…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall……CHIRSTIAN WRIGHT!


The only two happy faces in the arena, besides Coach, Lorelei and Wright celebrate the tremendous victory above the fallen body of Wright’s large foe.

We eatin good off this one, Christian fans! Another victory for a man that just can’t be stopped. Tony have you ever seen anything like this in the OAOAST?

Not since Brock Ausstin in his prime have we seen a superstar so flat out unbeatable.
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Backstage we find BARON WINDELS roaming the halls until he KICKS OPEN a dressing room door with the Deadly Alliance logo.

There ya are ya sonuvabitch!

BW lunges towards Reject who’s seated on a chair, but the rest of the DA are quick to protect their leader, shoving the Lone Star Gunslinger back as OAOAST officials storm in.

Whatever happened to southern hospitality?

I’ll show ya real southern hospitality.

BW takes a swing at Reject which misses by plenty of feet thanks to being restrained by OAOAST officials.

Get this piece of trailer trash out of here. I only do my fighting in the ring.

OAOAST officials do just that as Reject and the rest of the DA look on.

History doesn’t back Reject up on that statement.

Hey, Baron Windels is the one who instigated the confrontation. He’s lucky Reject didn’t turn his lights out.

Breaking hot news here on HeldDOWN~! I've just been informed OAOAST President Alfdogg has signed a match between Reject and Baron Windels for the Halloween Spectacular!

Alf sticking it to Reject again. If anything Baron Windels ought to be suspended for his actions tonight.



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In preparation for her upcoming in-ring debut, dispelling the myth than Duncan girls don't put in the effort, Maya Duncan-Blanchard is actually hard at work. Doing wrestling. Her mother would be appalled, but clearly Maya is deep down serious about her venture into the ring and determined to prove it. Looking worn down in an admittedly very expensive tracksuit, Maya hunches over in one of the OAOVW school's practice rings as D*LUX's Tyler Bryant talks her through some technique. Also in the ring helping with the training are Shayne Brave and Women's Champion Jade Rodez-Duncan. Nodding her head, Maya seems to have taken in Tyler's advice and locks up with Jade. Maya manages to work her way into a hammerlock on her older sister, to applause from D*LUX.

And, curiously, from across the vast room.

Everyone's head turns as the echoing sounds of claps come from the far entrance and a stoney-faced LEON RODEZ. Leon strolls in with Morgan Nerdly at his side, Morgan also in warm-up gear.

Hey. What the hell are you doing here, man? We booked this place up for the night.

Really? My apologies. Morgan's just here to do some extra training. Isn't that right?

Leon give Morgan a very unsubtle nudge, which doesn't escape Jade's notice.

Y-yeah, that's... that's right.

Listen bro, we're kinda busy here.

Oh I see that. It's just, Morgan's very eager to get some extra ring time in. She's got a big match coming up, which I'm sure you're aware of.

Looking disgusted at this interruption, Jade leaves the ring and walks over to her brother and future challenger, as D*LUX and Maya look on.

What is this about?

Like I said, Morgan needs to do some training.

Cut the crap, Le'. What's your game? Because whatever it is, just save it. Turn around and leave, before you do something stupid, okay? Just leave us alone. This is Duncan family business. Leave us be.

That seems to bite at Leon for some reason and he stares at his sister for a minute, before looking up into the ring. Morgan seems eager to just leave and not cause any trouble. But Leon has no intentions of going anywhere.

I realise this is "family business"... but all we need is some ring time. So how about you just let Morgan spar with your little friend for a while. Unless you've got a problem with letting her get some ring time?

No way.

(not hearing Jade)
Hell yeah! Bring it on. I'm sick of beating on amateurs anyway!


Neither D*LUX nor Jade seem too thrilled about this, but Leon pushes Morgan towards the ring and sees her in before any complaints can be voiced. Morgan looks pensive, as Maya starts to hop around and shadow-box, putting up an intimidating front.

Let's take it easy here girls, okay?

Yes, Morgan. Take it easy on her.

Morgan nods to Leon, who glances over to a scowling Jade. Watched closely by Tyler and Shayne, Morgan locks up with Maya for some fair and harmless chain wrestling. Which doesn't seem to make Jade any happier about the situation, marching over to Leon and hissing in his ear as he annoyingly goes out of his way to ignore her.

You know what, you really are a piece of work. You've got that poor girl brainwashed. And you don't even care. Do you? She's sick and you're just taking advantage of her, for god only knows what reason, to make yourself feel better, to make everyone else feel worse, whatever.

Oh this is rich. A lecture on brainwashing from Mini Krista.

I... you cannot be this insecure.

You want to talk about 'insecure'? How about the insecure little girl who was so desperate for acceptance and attention, she ran away from home to try and become a wrestler, just to be like her big brother? Don't tell me who I'm "taking advantage" of. You've got no room to talk. What with the one big brother and two mothers who got you where you are. It's like a chain of taking advantage. You abandon one and move on to the next.

Jade looks shocked that Leon could be so cold.

Don't you DARE start bringing up family stuff, okay. You have no idea.

Oh, so now this isn't "family business" anymore?

The chain wrestling continues in the ring, Tyler and Shayne still supervising closely. Leon and Jade exchange an icy silence for a few seconds.

Everything is always somebody else's fault with you, isn't it? You want to know why you're feeling "abandoned". It's because I don't know you anymore. Just like I realised I didn't know Mom anymore. That's the whole reason why I came here. Because I thought I knew you. I didn't think you were the kind of person who'd manipulate a vulnerable girl the way you are with Morgan, just to get your way. It's not my fault you're insecure. And it's not my fault you're selfish. And it's not Morgan's fault either. If you've got a problem, how about facing up to it for a change? Not sending your little zombie after me to make yourself feel better. Because when she loses, I know you're going to take it out on her. And she doesn't deserve that. And by the way, if you think me feeling sorry for her is going to help her win my title, think again. My Mom has given me plenty of advice about how to deal with this and trust me, making Morgan suffer won't bring me any pleasure, but making your little scheme backfire will.

Letting that tongue-lashing sink in, Leon hangs his head over the ring apron. After a few seconds, he then looks up, catching Morgan's eye. There's a very subtle nod, subtle but noticeable... and moments later, Morgan lashes out, grabbing onto Maya's ponytail and hurling the unsuspecting girl down, causing her to hit the mat face-first!!


Hey, c'mon man!

Jade quickly jumps into the ring and grabs Morgan from behind, hurling her away from her sister. Clearly not feeling great about what she did anyway, Morgan cowers away from Jade, who is held back by Shayne.

Get her out of her! Now!

Totally blasé about all this, Leon calmly waves Morgan out of the ring. Morgan looks apologetic as Maya sits up, nursing a bloodied nose. As the young trainee is attended to Jade angrily pulls herself away from Shayne and bends down to check on her, while keeping a scowling eye on Leon and Morgan as they leave. Morgan gets a pat on the back from Leon. But it's not enough to make her feel better about the damage she's caused.


Shut up and keep your head held back.

You're supposed to hold it forwards, braniac. You can choke to death tilting it back.

Jade sighs, both at being corrected and at the mess her brother is responsible for.

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We’re taken backstage where Alix and Krista are walking down the hall drinking smoothies. Well, Krista’s is half smoothie half vodka.

So, like, you’re okay with Maya wrestling?

Its funny you ask me this a week after it was announced, as opposed to asking me when it happened or a day after it happened, or maybe two days after it happened. Its like we’re fictional characters with no real outside lives, and every Thursday we’re meant to carry on what happened the previous Thursday and only the previous Thursday, because we don’t exist outside of Thursday and the ocasssional Sunday. Now to answer your question. No I’m not okay with it. That’s why she asked Ned to sign the permission slip. He thinks its great. This is a man who also thought having sex suspended upside down from a bungie cord was a great idea, so I question his judgement immensely. But all I can do is hope for the best, and slaughter Alfdogg’s entire family should anything happen to her.

She'll be fine, I taught her to bust her gun if it comes to that. And I hope it does. Gunplay is awesome! Change of subject. Who’s gonna be at this little celebrity golf outing of yours?

I know Jack Black is.

Ooooh Jack Black.

Not oooh, its ewwwww. If you leave me alone with him I swear I’ll kill you. (mimes choking Alix) I’ll choke you if I have to.

Wouldn’t do it like that. That’d just leave bruising. You’ve got to focus on the jugular and press tightly on each side.  But that’s if you’re choking me from the back, then you want to get good positioning with your legs wrapped around my waist, in order to pull me to the ground. With your forearm pressed against my throat, you’d shove it in almost like you’re cutting a cake.

How do you know all this?

You’d be surprised how often straight women have to be choked before they’ll finger you.

A stagehand rushes in front of Krista and Alix, drawing quizzical glances from the two.

Hey, Krista, you need to get to the airport fast. Your mother just had a heart attack.

Impossible my mother has no heart, just a piece of black cole that powers the evil that courses through her viens.

I think this dude is serious.

Serious as a heart attack.

Heheheheh pun.

Alright, let’s get to the air port I’m sure we can book a flight home. We’ve got to round up Jade and Maya first, though,

As Alix and Krista depart, the Stagehand walks around the corner to meet with Logan Mann and Sandman of the Church of Abdullah.

I did what you asked me. So gimme my money!

Alright, alright, no need for rudeness. Sandman, pay the man.

Sure thing.

CRAAAAAAAAACK! Sandman slams a kendo stick over the stagehand’s head, leaving him a bloody mess as he falls to the floor.

Thanks for your hard work, kid.


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Last week, we crowned new champions, as The Last Kings Of Scotland and Alexander The Brutal dethroned the Cucaracha Kingdom. Here's how it happened.

Giving a signal from the outside, the King senses victory within his sights and calls for one more deadlift german. Motozaki looks to have taken plenty out of himself just hitting one. But he squats down, ready to give it a go. Before suddenly stopping.



Motozaki and the fans spot, long before Landon does, NATHANIEL BLACK rushing down the aisle! And the Brit grabs a hold of Landon by the scruff of his jacket causing the King to SHRIEK in terror!!


Luckily for the King, Motozaki abandons the match to save him, jumping Black from behind before he can do any damage. Suddenly it's Black and Motozaki going at it, reknewing their battle from Zero Hour and tackling each other into the barricades! A clothesline from Black takes both him and the Japanese star over the rail... where they jump back up and go right back at it again!

Black and Motozaki are battling it out in the crowd... and there's showing no signs of turning back! Oh man, the war is on again!

Wait a minute, there's a match going on here!

I don't think they care!

Sending fans scurrying for cover, Black and Motozaki battle it out, slugging away at each other through the building. Heavy shots are exchanged as fans cheer and roar their approval, when not trying to avoid being hit themselves. The fight goes to the back of the floor seats and keeps on going, battling back towards the exits.

Where are they going!? Come back!

I think they're long gone, Coach! And the Kingdom is outmanned!

Looking despairingly through the sea of people, King Landon is beside himself at this turn of events. In the ring, Blonde and Alexander are picking themselves up, trying to answer the count from the referee. The King, seeing his team are outnumbered, suddenly takes drastic measures. He whips off his royal robe and goes to climb into the ring, only to be cut off by the referee, who refuses to let him through the ropes. Even when King Landon tears off his eyepatch in a moment of desperation and insists his eye is fine, the referee holds him at bay.

Let him in you fool!

Hey, Landon already forfeited his place in the match. You can't just throw a sub on halfway through.

Why not!? He's the champion!

As the King tries to protest his case, an opening presents itself for the Queen. Alexander picks himself up by the ropes and the Queen produces a handful of magic dust. With the referee tied up with Landon, Esther goes undetected and rears back...

...and wonders why her arm won't move forwards.

The Queen got caught, glitter handed!

The Queen turns around, to find Megan Skye clutching onto her arm. Shocked, the Queen starts to cry for help, just as Megan KNOCKS THE GLITTER INTO THE QUEEN'S FACE!!!!!




Blinded, the Queen falls to the ground and flails around like a fish out of water, which is a slight overreaction, let's be honest. The King quickly rushes to her aid.

Back in the ring meanwhile, Blonde grabs Alexander from behind. He goes for an irish whip, but Alexander puts on the blocks! Blonde panics, realising he's made a big mistake. And one that's too late to correct. Wringing the arm, Alexander pulls Blonde forward into a goozle! Alexander then takes Blonde up and DRIVES the Sword Of Damacles down into the mat, pressing Blonde down with a pinfall...







The crowd go wild, as Alexander stands over Blonde and raises his fists in the air in victory.



Knelt down on the floor, King Landon is shocked as the title belts are handed over to Alexander and the Scots, raised triumphantly in the air.

And just like that, we have new World 6-Man Tag Team Champions. Standing by, Terry Taylor is backstage with the former champions.

In the Cucaracha Kingdom's royal quarters, King Landon sits despondantly in his throne. Faqu, Motozaki and Blonde surround the thrones, with Blonde looking just as despondant as his leader.

Thanks Tony. Backstage here with the Cucaracha Kingdom and it's a dark day in the Kingdom, the now former 6-Man Tag Team Champions. And Landon, if we...

King Landon.

Sorry, King Landon, could we get you reaction to the title change last week?

Glancing up at Terry with contempt, the King sighs to himself.

You want my reaction? Well, I already gave my reaction to President Alfdogg. And my reaction was one of outrage! Outrage and disgust! Do you realise what those belts symbolised? They symbolised everything that I have built, everything I've put together here. Those six man tag team titles have been the backbone of this group from day one. One combination of us or another, we've had those belts for 31 out of the last 32 months. More than two and a half years. Do you realise that? Those belts have been the testament to my great leadership for more than two and a half years. And now, more than two and a half years of dominance goes down the drain, thanks to that peasant, Nathaniel Black!? I will not stand for it! What more does Nathaniel Black want from me? I gave him his match, his battle with the King. And he lost! So I say "be gone"! Be gone from my sight. But that's not good enough for him, he just can't leave well enough alone. So he continues to cross the Kingdom, out of bitterness and spite. Well his time will come. And as for that little wench...

You mean Megan?

Yes I mean Megan! A wench! A harlot! A... a... stupid woman! She thinks that she can put together this merry band of misfits, get them to co-exist and they can take down my Kingdom? She really thinks that? Well she's wrong! She's wrong and she's desperate! Megan is not Queen material and nor is she leadership material. This group, this force, it was built on my back. My leadership and my greatness.

Frustrated, King Landon grinds to a halt.

The Kingdom will live on. My subjects know not to doubt our power. They know two things, things more important than merely who holds the title belts. Firstly, if I had been in the match, this never would have happened. Those ogres beat a makeshift team. They didn't beat the real champions and they didn't beat me. And secondly, we would still be the champions if not for Nathaniel Black's blatant interference, which something must be done about to compensate us. Trust me, this is not over. The Kingdom is still strong and the Kingdom is forever and we will make good on this.

Blonde nods feverishly along to all of this, as the King dismisses Terry with a wave of his hand, at which point Blonde dutifully does the same.

Back at ring side a couple of Cobra's slither their way to the ring...and by slither, I mean walk, as Velvet Revolver's "Slither" plays over the entrance of Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard, the Orange County Cobras!

Two men who are heading into the Halloween Spectacular next week against the very dangerous pairing of Bohemoth and the "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez, the Orange County Cobras are here on HeldDOWN~!

They got lucky a few weeks back, when Anglesault gave them a reprimand...I mean, a reprisal, uh, Tony B., what's the word again?


Right. When Anglesault gave them a free pass until the Spectacular.

Molly Nerdly accompanies the duo down to the ring, and helpfully grabs the microphone for her boys, who don't have a match, but obviously they have something to say tonight.

Anglesault, you and your boys have to be around here somewhere, so make sure you can hear this. If you're near a monitor, turn up the volume. If you're hiding in the crowd, move a little closer to the ring. Just open your ears, because the Orange County Cobras are going to set things straight. See, you and your crew said that you were going to back off until the Halloween Spectacular, but we didn't ask for that. We'd gladly knock your heads off here on HeldDOWN~!, or in the parking lot after the show, in the airport as you're going to hop on your fancy jet, in a McDonald's, in a Burger King, in the Dairy Queen after Burger King...what I'm sayin' boys is we are ready, willing, and able to kick your asses from here to Timbuk Two any time of day!

Simon laughs in the background, rolling his wrists, as Molly applauds and works the crowd.

I know you've got an itch to scratch with Zack Malibu, but Mr. Anglesault, SIR, it seems like each week, you're just digging a deeper hole. We know, these fans know, and more importantly (points at the camera) YOU know that Zack can't set foot in an arena anymore thanks to your little legal battle. You've got a former World Champion living the corporate life because you couldn't control him in this ring the way you're doin' to those three missing links you're with. So you figure you'd make some examples. It's one thing to go after a Michael Cole, or Josh Matthews...must be big men to pick on the little announcers. You made one mistake, though...you tried to get your point across at the expense of the Orange County Cobras, and that is an unforgivable offense!

Blanchard steps back, and holds the mic out, allowing Simon to take it. However, before Simon can speak, the popular duo are interrupted by the appearance of Anglesault on the ramp. Instantly, the crowd who listened intently on what the OCC had to say let their voices be heard, and it's not music to the founder's ears.

Ned, Simon, I know you're at the boiling point. You're throwing on the red capes and rushing to be the company superheroes, out to stop the big bad villains. The truth is, and I don't know how many times I need to say this, is that I'm not the bad guy. Todd Cortez and Bohemoth are not bad guys. Jason Silver, my nephew, my flesh and blood, is not a bad guy. You need to realize that. I'm not asking you to be our friends. I'm simply asking you to take a look around you. Look at what this company has become. The waiting period is over...the rebirth is now.

I've got news for you, BOSS MAN...this company has seen more births and rebirths than it's seen Nerdly's!

Molly nods her head, and mouths (it's true).

You've got this grand plan for a company makeover, but tell me, boss man, why is it that the first time someone stands up to you, such as we did, you're willing to let that slide? What's your game, Anglesault?

Game? I don't play games, Simon. I said that you two would get a reprieve until Halloween comes around, and I meant it. However, keep in mind that I said YOU get a reprieve from us.

At that moment, Bohemoth comes out, with MAGGIE NERDLY slung over his shoulder, kicking and screaming. Jason Silver and Todd Cortez follow, lining the ramp alongside their leader. The OCC and Molly go to dash out of the ring, but Anglesault's threat stops them.

Come one step further, and she goes off the ramp.

The OCC reluctantly stop, and hold Molly back from charging up the ramp.

I'm an honest man. I said that not one of us would touch any of YOU until the Halloween Spectacular. However, your lady friend has quite a few family members on the roster...excuse me, MY roster. It's like someone left a litter of Nerdly kittens at the front door of an arena somewhere and you just never left.

Molly mouths "You son of a..." and has to be held back again.

Ned, Simon, do yourselves a favor. Wait it out. Let that rage build. Channel it against Todd and Bo. They need a good workout to shake off that ring rust. You don't cross the line, we don't cross the line. You've got ten days to wait...it might seem like a long time, but it's really not. Enjoy the fact that all of your teeth are intact and your bones aren't splintered. Now, Miss Molly, come up here and help your sister, would you? Bo, put her down.

As ordered, Bo puts Maggie Nerdly down on her feet. Molly hesitantly approaches, and takes her sister by the wrist, leading her backstage. With the girls out of the way, the OCC start walking up the ramp, and Anglesault orders his crew, who look primed for battle, not to touch them. Just when things are about to reach a fever pitch, the OCC get nailed by two men who have come out of the crowd from the other side of the arena...two men named TANGO BOSLEY and CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ALLEN!

The hell!? What are VICE doing out here?!?

Simon and Ned go down to a pair of cheap shots, and then get worked over, pounded on by the steroid freak and his debonair yet dangerous partner! Bosley throws Simon into the guardrail, and repeatedly bashes the back of his head against the metal barrier, while CPA stun guns Ned onto the railing, then chokes him across the top of it. They continue to beat down until Anglesault and his men come down the ramp, and AS orders them off.

See how honest I am, gentlemen? I never laid a hand on you. I suppose now you could consider us even for what happened a few weeks ago. Now take the next ten days to lick your wounds, because you're going to need to kick that healing factor back into high gear once Bohemoth and Cortez are done with you at the Halloween Spectacular.

VICE sneer proudly at the carnage caused, and are offered handshakes for a job well done by Anglesault himself. Anglesault's crew heads up the ramp, joined by CPA and Bosley, as the cameras show the OCC groaning in agony before fading to commercial.
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    Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Fatal Fourway Match, scheduled for one fall and it is for the OAOAST UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP!

    Suddenly, the sounds of troubled streets, police alarms and fleeing citizens, can be heard through the arena. A woman screams as a single spotlight searches around the arena. Eventually it focuses on the ceiling, shining a giant "A". A triumphant fanfare sounds before "The Power" hits and Biffman strides out, placing his hands on his hips in a heroic pose and looking to the skies.

    First, challenger number one. Being accompanied to the ring by MELODY NERDLY! From Venice Beach, California... he weighs two hundred and twenty GIGATONS~! Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of earth, look, in the aisle... IT'S BBIIIIFFFFFFFMMAAAAAAAANN!!!!


    Biff marches to the ring and waves to the fans as he enters. A true man of the people.

    US Title on the line and Biffman could become a true American hero if he can capture the gold here tonight.

    What has Biff Atlas done to deserve a US Title shot? Anyone? Hello?

    As Biff strides around, "It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down hits. A scream from the crowd greets another true man of the people, Tim Cash, as he makes his way out in high spirits.

    Introducing next, from Peoria, Illinois... weighing two hundred, twenty pounds. He is wrestling's last real good guy, "GENTLEMAN" TTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMM CCAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!


    Tim shakes the hands of the fans in the aisle, trying to miss out as few as possible. The affable Tim even stops to shake Melody's hand before he jogs up the steps. A big wave is given to the crowd, before a handshake for Biff, the referee and even Michael Buffer.

    Tim Cash, another man who along with Biff, have already accepted invitations to the OAOAST Halloween Battle Royal, next week at the Halloween Spectacular. That should be a lot of fun. I've heard some interesting names rumoured for that one.

    Are you going to be in it?

    Who would I go as, exactly?

    I dunno... Ravishing Rick Rude? That wouldn't be much of a stretch. Just a suggestion.

    "I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
    And I've been waiting for this moment
    For all my life, oh lord
    Oh lord."

    Nonpoint's cover of "In The Air Tonight" plays out challenger number three... a strangely subdued looking Tango Bosley. Looking deep in thought, Bosley seems to have something weighing on his mind.

    Challenger number three, hails from Miami, Florida. Weighing two hundred, sixty five pounds... one half of the V.I.C.E squad... DETECTIVE TTAAAAAANNGGOOOOOOO BBOOOOOOSSSSSLLLLLEEEEYYYYYY!!!!


    Bosley makes it about a quarter of the way down the aisle, before "Sympathy For The Devil" kicks in.

    Please allow me to introduce myself
    Im a man of wealth and taste
    Ive been around for a long, long year
    Stole many a mans soul and faith
    And I was round when jesus christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Bosley glances over his shoulder, back at the US Champion, Theodore Moneymaker, strolling out with a smirk on his face. Lorelei DeCenzo backs up Moneymaker, applauding as he flashes the "money fingers" to the crowd.

    And finally. Becoming accompanied to the ring by LORELEI DECENZO! From Vero Beach, Florida... weighing in at two hundred and thirty seven pounds. He is the leader of THE ENTERPRISE and the reigning OAOAST UNITED STATES CHAMPION... TTHHHEEEEOOOODDOOOORRRRRRREEEEE... MMMMOOOOONNEEEEYYYYMMAAAAKKEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


    Catching up to Bosley, Moneymaker gives his challenger a telling pat on the back and passes him down the aisle. Leaving Bosley to follow him to the ring.


    Now, hang on a second. This is supposed to be a fourway match, every man for themselves. Don't tell me that Bosley's been bought off before the match has even started?

    Bought and paid, that's what it looks like to me.

    Moneymaker strikes again. No wonder he looks so confident.

    Moneymaker removes his expensive robe and carefully folds it into the arms of Lorelei, taking his sweet time over handing over his title belt. Seeing the odds for what they are, Cash and Biffman inch a little closer and seem to make a pact. Which comes in handy, as Bosley suddenly breaks forward and attacks them both!


    As Bosley battles both Cash and Biff, Moneymaker finally unstraps the US Title and wades in to help. And it doesn't take long for Bosley and Teddy to have gotten the better of their two opponents. Clubbing away, Moneymaker and Bosley glance over at each other and give a nod. A pair of irish whips send Biffman and Cash off, looking for backbody drops. But Biff and Cash both put on the brakes and hit their opponents with STEREO PILEDRIVERS!!!



    Oh man! A pair of piledrivers and that may be money down the drain for Teddy!

    Moneymaker quickly rolls outside and Biffman goes after him, in the noble cause of bouncing him around ringside. Meanwhile, Cash unloads on his former tag team partner with some European uppercuts. Backing him into the ropes, Cash whips Bosley off and knocks him down with a spinning back elbow. Cover...




    Cash wrings the arm of Bosley, who tries to throw a right hand. But Tim ducks and wrings the arm again. Frustrated, Bosley throws another punch, again missing wildly and being punished with another wringer. Cash then snaps Bosley over, drops a leg on the arm and applies an armbar.

    Remember, this match is one fall to a finish. So Moneymaker doesn't have to be pinned to lose the title, he needs to keep a close eye on what's going on in the ring.

    Well, at least he shouldn't have to worry about Bosley stealing his pin.

    Getting back to his feet Bosley breaks free of the armbar with a knee, then clubs away. Bosley hits a scoop slam and comes off the ropes with a big elbow... but there's nobody home! A jarring landing shakes up Bosley's arm even more and he walks into an armdrag, right back into the armbar. On the outside, Biffman continues to go on the attack and throws Moneymaker head-first into the guardrail, before striking an heroic pose.


    Bosley fights back up again and this time, goes to the eyes to escape the armbar. Cash is temporarily blinded and Bosley takes advantage with a spinning back kick!


    Picking his former partner up, Bosley shows his contempt for Tim once more by dumping him out of the ring like yesterday's trash.


    Wow. Uhm, we apologise for that.


    Bosley sees Biff getting back on the apron and in alpha mode, marches over to put a beating on him. Biff catches him with a shoulder through the ropes though. Coming inside, Biffman looks to the fans and starts to use his mighty fists to pound away on Bosley. A series of right hands is punctuated with a big 'super' punch, leaving Bosley dazed. Biff decides to whip him to the ropes, but misses a clothesline. Bouncing back, Bosley tries a clothesline of his own. But with superhuman speed, or just human speed really, Biffman runs underneath that and catches Bosley with a running high knee!


    After a brief pose, Biff makes the cover...



    Moneymaker breaks it up.

    Good job Mr. Moneymaker! Way to stay in the game.

    Just so you know, I won't be calling him "Mister Moneymaker". Ever.

    Clubbing away, Moneymaker works over Biffman while Bosley recovers. Giving out the orders the US Champion then calls for a double irish whip. Which doesn't work out, as Biff ducks a double clothesline and collides the heads with a NOGGIN KNOCKER!


    Back in rolls Tim and the doers of good pair off, taking Bosley and Moneymaker into opposite corners.












    Lorelei slaps the ring in frustrations, as she watches Tim and Biff whip Moneymaker and Bosley together. As they bounce off each other, Bosley is hit with a clothesline from Biff, Moneymaker with a dropkick from Cash!

    Good reigning over evil right here on HeldDOWN~!

    Celebrating their success, Tim and Biffman play to the crowd and then stop to shake hands in the middle of the ring. Which allows Moneymaker and Bosley to recover and jump them from behind, mid-shake.

    Haha! That's why nice guys finish last.

    As Bosley and Cash battle to the outside, Moneymaker punishes Biffman with some chops. Whipped to the ropes, the superhero is cut down to size by a clothesline and covered...




    The Billion Dollar Heir pounds away on Biff, stopping to give the "money fingers" to the crowd and ask sarcastically, "this is your superhero"? Which, he sort of isn't. But, anyway. Moneymaker whips Biffman to the ropes again, but puts his head down and gets turned over into a Backslide!

    Oh no!




    Moneymaker quickly cuts Biffman off with a clotheslining shot to the gut, then throws him down to the mat by the mask!

    Hey! That took me 6 hours to design, moneybags!

    Lording it over the would-be superhero, Moneymaker stomps him in the head. Twice. Smug grin on his face, Moneymaker then hands out a FISTFUL OF DOLLARS~! Instead of going for a pin, Moneymaker drops the fist a second time. Dusting his hands with satisfaction, he finally hooks a leg...




    Bosley continues to keep Cash busy, as Moneymaker picks up Biff. Slapping him around, The Messiah sets Biff up on the top turnbuckle and goes up looking to put Biff away.

    Could be a superplex here. But Ted's taking an awful lot of time.

    Too much time, as it turns out, as Biffman starts to fight back. Biff punches his way out of the headlock and leaves an unsteady Moneymaker teetering on the ropes. The money man's eyes bug out, as a punch leaves him hanging over the edge. Biffman's superhero insticts kick in and he pulls Moneymaker back from the brink, saving him. Only to then deliver a headbutt that knocks Teddy off the ropes to the mat!

    Another fall from grace for Ted.

    Adjusting himself, Biff steps onto the second rope and hits Superman stance as he falls off the ropes with the Heroic Middle Rope Big Splash!!





    Moneymaker out at two! Boy, he never would have lived that down.

    Come on Teddy, you can't lose to this hapless idiot!

    Biff starts to unload on Moneymaker, backing him up across the ring with punches. Off the ropes, the superhero tries to build up some speed. But runs right into a knee to the ribs, flipping him up and over.

    There you go!

    Shaking out the cobwebs, Moneymaker stalks Biffman, looking to put him away.

    Alright, lock it up!

    Moneymaker sneaks up on Biff from behind, ready to lock him in the Bank Vault. Warnings are shouted by Melody, but Biffman's Biff Senses aren't working and Moneymaker slaps on the hold!


    There it is! Moneymaker locks it in, can the superhero escape from the Bank Vault?

    Trying to fight the hold, Biff circles around, preventing Moneymaker from getting good leverage. Until Moneymaker brings him to a stop and sinches it in. Biffman doesn't give up though and powers forward, grabbing the ropes to force a break! Moneymaker clings on though, refusing to break the hold. As he does so, Tim Cash hops onto the apron and slings himself in over both men, catching Moneymaker by surprise with a sunset flip!




    Moneymaker goes for a clothesline on Cash, who ducks, causing Moneymaker to hit Biff. The superhero goes flying over the top, but before Moneymaker knows what's happening, Cash rolls him up...




    Another nearfall! And the US Champion is reeling here.

    Looking shaken, Moneymaker gets back to his feet. He's fed a leg by Tim and takes it, only to take an enziguri to the back of the head! The crowd leap out of their seats as Moneymaker goes down, to Lorelei's horror.

    That could be the knockout right there!

    No no, c'mon Teddy!

    With Moneymaker seemingly out of it, Cash implores to the crowd. And with a roar of approval behind him Tim hooks The Billion Dollar Heir up and applies the MIDWEST SLING!!


    Moneymaker wails out in pain and it looks like desperate times for The Enterprise...

    ...until Detective Bosley slides in and catches an unsuspecting Tim in the back of the head with a Roundhouse Kick!!


    Bosley to the rescue. Boy, he really earned his money then.

    Picking his former partner up, Bosley hooks him up and delivers the NYPD-DT for good measure! Bosley's natural instict is to then go for a cover. But he soon thinks better of it, remembering who's greasing his palms. So instead, Bosley helps Moneymaker over, on top of Tim.

    Well, I hope you're happy man.






    Bosley launches into a tirade on the referee and backs him into a corner, finger firmly poked in the chest. Suddenly, to the rescue swoops Biffman! Bosley senses him coming and goes for another Roundhouse, but Biffman ducks and hoists Bosley up onto his shoulders! The crack Detective manages to slip free, saving himself from the modified DVD. Bosley then shoves Biff away and makes a charge at him, but runs right into a SPEAR~!


    Jumping to his feet, Biff strikes a pose...

    ...but gets clotheslined from the back by Moneymaker!!


    As Moneymaker berates Biff, Cash sneaks up behind and hits CASHBACK!!

    Cashback by Tim! And Bosley might have to hand his cash back, because it may be over!




    Tim appeals to the crowd again, ready to strike. Off the ropes he comes... and gets grabbed by Bosley!

    Nice save, Bos.

    With a hold of the foot, the Detective stops Cash in his tracks. Kicking his way free, Tim makes Bosley pay, wiping him out with a pescado to the floor!


    Yeah, nice catch too.

    That leaves Moneymaker in the ring with Biffman, both recovering and getting to their feet. And it's Biff who looks to take advantage, picking Moneymaker up on his shoulders for the Fanfare! Up on the shoulders, Moneymaker makes a desperate move though. And it pays off, reaching into Biff's mask to get a good rake of the eyes! Biff is forced to drop Moneymaker and The Billion Dollar Heir takes advantage, slapping Biffman in the BANK VAULT for a second time!!

    Moneymaker caught Biff again! And this time, he's slap bang in the middle, no place to go.

    Biffman tries to fight it, but this time Moneymaker has the sleeper in good and proper... and Biff is forced to tap out!



    Seconds too late to make a save, Cash falls inches short and hangs his head as the beaming US Champion laughs uproariously at his victory.




    Moneymaker collects his title and raises it in the air triumphantly, applauded by Lorelei who joins in the celebrations.

    C'mon Tony, you've got to give it up for your boy. A big win for the US Champion!

    And with only a little bit of hired help. Fantastic.

    A smile and a thumbs up is reserved for Bosley, who seems happier now he knows he's done his job for the evening.

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We find Krista driving a sebring with Jade, Maya and Alix riding passenger. The car zooms down the city streets, weaving in and out of traffic. Krista is clearly wanting to get home to her mother as soon as possible. But as she crosses an intersection, the worst happens…


A black SUV runs a red light and slams directly into the Duncan family.  The car goes spinning away, totally out of control. Before it can even stop swirling another blac SUV runs right into it, sending it wildly careening through the streets. It stops when it slams into a light post.

The SUV’s also come to a halt, surrounding the Sebring. The doors of the SUV’s open up and the CHURCH OF ABDULLAH pours out, many of its members holding baseball bats.

Brothers and sisters, today is our D-Day and their Pearl Harbor!  Today is the day we take back the world title from satan, and bring it back to the lord!


The baseball bat carrying members of the CoA descend upon the car like starving wolves. They batter the doors, smash the windows, bust the trunk and the hard and pound at the tires. All throughout this the frightened screams of Maya and Jade fill the air.

Let us sing the songs of the victor! Let us reach the ears of the lord!

The Church breaks out in a victory song :

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