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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 10/20/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Alexander The Brutal Vs James Blonde***
Not the best way to start the televised work week for James Blonde as he took on the powerful Greek. Blonde did a fairly good job of avoiding Alexander. But on the flipside, he did a poor job of hurting his foe as he was backpeadling the whole time. Alexander eventually got Blonde and began in beat him without mercy. A thrust kick sent Blonde tumbling out the ring. Alexander went to follow the Prince of Panache and ate a pair of brass knucks for his troubles. At that point, Blonde was able to take control of the match. Though he hit Alexander with most of his signature moves, he never came close to pinning the six-man champion. Alexander recovered his strength, and Blond never took over the offense as Alexander BRUTALIZED~! him. He eventually put Blonde out his misery with a Crippler Crossface.

Winner: Alexander The Brutal, via submission

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses and sat down to interview...Maya! Alix wanted to know how Maya's training was going. Maya said Terry Taylor was teaching her everything he knows. She stated that she worksout every day after school to get better. Her days are basically school, homework, training. Eating and sleeping are mere luxuries that can not be easily afforded. Alix asked what's so important about being the queen of the ring. Maya said she's certain Holly will make it to the finals, and she has to defeat The Angel Of Death to show all the bullies in the world that they get their comeuppance and to show the victims that its okay to stand up for themselves.

Backstage, the Ghetto Groove Monkeys are chillin' like villains in their locker room, when Vinny informs them that he and Melody agreed to delay their promised date until the night of the Halloween Spectacular. Vinny then abruptly leaves to look for a more appropriate get-up to wear, as Tony Tourettes grumbles about how "that faggot was supposed to take him trick-or-treating". Some more funny stuff is said and then they do some drugs, etc.

***Holly W/Quiz Vs Debra Nelson***

Holly made Debra wear a shirt that read MAYA, and told the rookie that she’d be playing the role of Maya. Before the youngster could question why, Holly ran through “Maya” with a lariat. She spent the entire match brutalizing “Maya” before mercifully putting her away with a Mirage (twisting fisherman’s suplex)

Winner: Holly, via pinfall…

Post match, Holly nailed her opponent with three Percussion DDTs, doing so simply because its fun.

Backstage in The Enterprise dressing room, Theodore Moneymaker was attempting pry information out young Spencer Reiger. His query was as to why Spencer was rarely around anymore. Thankfully for Spencer, Teddy’s line of questioning was halted by the arrival of Abdullah Abir Nerdly and Church of Abdullah member Queen Esther. Abdullah was a wearing regal and royal golden robe, patterned with actual diamonds, and a gold cowboy hat also patterned with golden diamonds. Moneymaker was thrilled to see his spiritual advisor and the noble queen. Abdullah kissed his good friend on the hand, then proceeded to ask him if he could spare any soldiers for the coming war against Krista. Theodore said Spencer would be happy to enlist, and that the 10% of the income would be paid by the Billion Dollar Heir himself. But Spencer said he couldn’t do it. This shocked the other three, who thought Spencer would jump at the chance to be in the HS mainevent. But Spencer said he had other things to do at that time. This didn’t fly with Moneymaker, and he told Spencer to get out and not come back until his priorities are straight.

b]***Baron Windels, Tim Cash & the Christ Air Express vs. Reject, TK, Sandman9000 & Felix Strutter

Our feature match of the week began with all 8 men brawling at the start. The Deadly Alliance eventually took control of the bout after MARV of the CAE was tripped from outside by strongman Ken Pantera, who made sure his presence was felt despite not being apart of the contest.

After managing to tag out, MARV watched his brother MEL take it to the DA. Not even Ken Pantera was safe as he became the victim of a slingshot cross body. Tim Cash would then tag in and dominate until being clubbed from behind by Sandman9000. Cash would be worked over for the next several minutes before catching a big break ducking a double clothesline attempt by Reject and TK.

The closing moments saw the crowd on its feet as Baron Windels finally got his hands on Reject, but not for long as the DA were quick to the rescue, sparking yet another massive in ring brawl. With bodies all over the place Reject was able to strike BW with a steel chair and then deliver a Eulogy for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Reject, TK, Sandman9000 & Felix Strutter

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