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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 10/12/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***LDC Moneygang W/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs The Love Doctors***

Making their first appearance on OAOAST television since being pummeled by Anglesault’s gang, The Love Doctors earned no sympathy from their foes. The Moneygang hit The Docs hard and often with a variety of hard hitting moves. Spencer nearly broke Pigley’s nose with Blood is the new Black (running knee). But eventually The Love Docs were able to fight back into the contest, and earned a close nearfall with a Max Anderson spine buster. But The Moneygang regained control as they isolated Pigley from his corner. They worked over his neck with sneaky double teams until he countered a Reiger Counter with a back body drop. A hot tag was made to Anderson and all hell broke lose! The four men brawled with ferocity with The Docs winning out. Annoyed by this CMJ retreated to get a chair to smash his foes into oblivion. But Regier surprisingly stopped him, telling him that wasn’t fair. In his shock CMJ fell victim to an Anderson spine buster! Thankfully Reiger was their to save him from the pinfall. The One Man Triple Threat then hit the Reiger Counter on both Doctors for a win.

Winner: The LDC Moneygang, via pinfall

Backstage, Vinny Valentine encounters Melody Nerdly in the hallway, and tries various smooth-talking tactics. A passing Baron Windels takes offense to Vinny's antics, as Vinny tells him to BUTT out as it's none of his business. Baron offers to make it his business, and Vinny surprisingly accepts, in the form of a one-on-one match later in the show. Vinny adds a condition: should he defeat Baron, Melody will have to accompany him on a date. Baron and Melody, unconcerned, accept, and the match is made.

The scene was Havana, Cuba, bustling with activity. The Heavenly Rockers tourbus cruised down the streets of an improvished neighborhood. They wound up at a ratty, run down, local boxing gym. Abdullah and Quiz entered as emissaries of peace, though the stern looks they got from the gym rats were not ones of peace. No matter, however, as Abdullah found the man he was looking for, Cuban Wall, sparring with a partner. After brutally knocking his partner out, Wall turned his full attention over to what Abdullah had to say. The speaker of the prophets informed Wall he needed him to join his crusade against Krista, and that he played integral part in securing the world championship for the religious leader. Wall was unmoved and wonder what he stood to gain from helping Abdullah. The Colonel informed Wall that he had many contacts in the OAOAST front office and that they owed him some favors. Abdullah said one of these favors could be the first induction into the OAOAST Hall of Fame. Wall was satisified with this tradeoff and enlisted in Abdullah’s army. All Abdullah asked for was loyalty and a tithing of 10% of his income!

***J-MAX -VS- Freddie James***
A nice little outing for the masked man from England. J-MAX had the speed and agility advantage and used it to run circles around the enhancement opponent. Infact, it was really an exhibition for the high-flier. After a few fancy twists and tumbles, J-MAX followed up an escape in the corner with a spinning back kick under the jaw of James. That set James up for a 630 Splash and a routine victory.

Winner: J-MAX, via pinfall

From his desk at OAOAST Headquarters, Alfdogg detailed some specifics about the Queen of The Ring. He announced that the first match would occur on Halloween Spectacular with the finals taking place at November Reign. He said the field would be a field of eight women selected by himself. He also noted that the finals would occur in a Hell In a Cell match, marking the first women's Hell in the Cell in history!

Backstage Abdullah Abir Nerdly found a sulking James Riggs. Abdullah told Riggs he was on the path to darkness and needed to see the light. Riggs responded by telling Abdullah to go away. But Abdullah persisted, saying that he could lead Riggs to the goodness of this world. All it would take is joining the Church of Abdullah and taking up arms in the fight against Krista Isadora Duncan and the quest for a world title for Abdullah. Riggs wondered why he should help anyone win a world title, when no one has ever helped him in his career. Abdullah promised that if the CoA beat Krista that would all change. Abdullah said he could provide Riggs with a competent tag team partner, a hot valet, and that Theodore Moneymaker himself was prepared to welcome him into The Enterprise should he assist Abdullah in successfully gaining him the world title. Riggs was sold and signed up for duty in the CoA. All it would require is Riggs’ loyalty and a tithing of 10% of his income. Riggs readily agreed to these conditions.

Baron Windels vs Vinny Valentine

Baron dominates Vinny throughout the match, with little offense from the V-Man. As he sets up for the kill, the Burrough Boys rush to ringside, where Baron fights them all off without breaking much of a sweat. Baron then sets up the Brigham Young Cocktail, as the referee is trying to remove the Burrough Boys, until Reject slides into the ring, and catches Baron with a Eulogy! Reject stares down at Baron before leaving the ring and departing through the crowd. As the referee turns around, Vinny drapes an arm over Baron, earning a stunning victory and a night on the town with an equally stunned Melody Nerdly!

WINNER: Vinny Valentine

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