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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 9/30/10

Chanel #99

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We go straight to Sofa Central, which is decorated in a Halloween theme with festive pumpkins, Tombstones, and monster stand-ups.

Hello world! Welcome to OAOAST HeldDOWN~! from New Orleans! We are fresh off Zero Hour and headed to our October extrvaganza, the Halloween Spectacular. We have a red hot show tonight with myself and Jonathan Coachman calling the action, so let's get to it.

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time


Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

What a way to start the show!

Receiving a huge ovation from the New Orleans crowd, the world champion emerges on stage. She strokes her world title and smiles at the fans before heading down to the ring.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion…KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAAN!

You hear that? World heavyweight title. Krista doesn’t qualify as a heavyweight, she’s barely bantam weight!

You will say anything to discredit Krista.

Krista enters the ring and is handed a microphone.

Alright, so if you ordered Zero Hour, and I question why you would spend forty dollars on the company that routinely gives Vinny Valentine TV time instead of giving him electric chair time, you probably saw, if the wondrous stylings of Quiz hadn't put you to sleep, me beat up a strange kid who walks around in a robe and a crown without any sense of irony, and me pinching the nipples of a 30 year old woman that talks to animals and sings without any sense of being on hallucinogenic drugs or being related to Alix. Far from being chastised for beating up our friends from the OAOAST's very own special ed class, I've been complimented. Complimented! Can you believe that? If I poured beer on an old lady's head and slapped her a few times, you wouldn't compliment me. If I went down to VA and played “Mandy” on an Iraq veteran's fake leg, you wouldn't compliment me. If I tipped over the box Pauly Shore now lives in, you wouldn't compliment me. So why am I being complimented for roughing up two people who clearly ate their fair share of paint chips as young children. I shouldn't be congratulated. I should be insulted, booed, chastised! So go ahead and chant Krista sucks.


So am I to take it you actually enjoyed seeing me do what I did to the King and Queen and idiot land?


Well, so did I. Redheads make up only two percent of the world's total population, so to be able to not only molest one, but to rub your vagina against one's face, is like Whitney Houston finding that small crackrock between the sofa cushions. Pure bliss. And as for our good buddy Landon, humiliating Landon is akin to drinking liquid gold out the Virgin Mary's ass. But I didn't come out here to gloat about beating Landon. Well, actually that's the only reason I came out here. I guess what everyone is wondering is what's next for Krista Isadora Duncan and her cheap belt made of fake metal and a nameplate that spells her first name K-R-Y-S-T-A and has a price sticker on it from Wal Mart. I guess I'd face whoever Alf puts in front of me. The bravest of the brave, the badest of the bad, the strongest of the strong. I have some suggestions. A puppy, the ghost of George Burns, a wheel chair bound Michael Cole. All are suitable opponents and much better than the predictable Reject, or Christian Wright.

“Khyber Pass” plays to a numerous amount of boos. To Krista’s surprise, Abdullah Abir Nerdly appears on stage.

What's next for you, my child, is an army! An army of unstoppable might, unspeakable force, and gigantic reach.

Are you speaking about an army of people or an army of STDs?

I'm speaking of an army dedicated to capturing your OAOAST world title, and placing it in my hands.


What is so funny?

You win the world title? That's like Colin winning an Oscar for his “brilliant” promos.

This is no joke, my child! God has chosen me as his emissary and his messenger to the masses of this earth. He and his prophets have told me that I must posses the world title to fufill my holy destiny!

You might want to get a napkin, you've got a little stupid on your lips.

Laugh now, infidel! But know that you will not be laughing later.  I will gather a legion of warriors, men and women of incredible strength, and we will march to the battlefield armed with convictions and holy truth-

Right, because convictions and holy truth will stop me from kicking you in the balls.

We will strike you down with the might of God's will, and I will take my place as king of the world! These will be men and women who have seen your evil ways, and have decided that enough is enough!  They will be united under the banner of hatred for your multitude of sins! They will be your worst enemies and your greatest nightmares!  They will bring the dark night over you!

Are you serious? Like, for real, are you really serious? First they trot a grown man in a crown and a robe out here to confront me, then they bring out some weirdo talking about bringing a dark night over me, what are you the Hindu Undertaker? You're going to get an army? Of who might I ask? The rest of the OAOAST roster. Yes that's smart, get an army of people I've already humiliated, emasculated, and outright embarrassed for the last four years. While you're at it, grab a basketball team from a Boys and Girls club and go play to 21 against The Lakers.

Your confidence will be your downfall, my child.

Quit calling me that, you're young enough to be MY child.

If you are so confident, then perhaps you will take up the fight in the first battle of our war. My General Quiz will challenge you to a duel tonight.

Your general Quiz? Doesn't he have to be around for a signature when the UPS man delivers his steroids? Fine. You want me to fight Quiz? I'll fight Quiz, it will be a pleasure to kill what little heat that Charisma deficient loser has gained. But, that will have to wait till next week. Tonight I’ve promised Baron Windells a title shot.

Very well. You only delay your imminent demise.  

What a match! For the first time ever it will be the big man Quiz against Krista, and tonight we’ve got Baron Windels against Krista for the world title!

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Backstage in a secluded part of the arena we find Mister Dick in conversation with CPA and Detective Bosley.

We're your guys. You want a bitch taken care of just say the word. What you owe her childsupport?

No I don't owe no child support!

She pregnant, because pregnant bitches cost extra.

Naw she ain't got no bun in the oven.

You collecting a life insurance policy on her? Cause we demand a five percent cut on the principal of the thing.

Naw this woman done humliated me more times than I can count. My daddy always said if you consider yourself any kind of man you ain't gonna let a bitch humliate you but more than once without a firm slap across the face. I need ya'll boys to help me deliver that slap.

FUCK YEAH! Smacking bitches up is my specialty! I go into the club, I find that one bitch hugging the wall, and I run my pimp game on her. Most bitches go nuts over it, because they've never seen a man as raw and real as The Alpha Male of The Group. But then you get these hos who ain't had solid dick since Bush was in office, and they wanna talk smack to Bosley. FUCK THAT! There's no bitch on earth who talks to Bosley that way unless she's a dominatrix, and even then Bosley don't get dominated. So reach back and smack that ho clear across the face! The bouncer tries to escort me out, but I arm drag him to the ground, and get in an arm lock. While he's crying like a baby, his friends are trying to help him but I'm taking them out with quick kicks, and everyone is just in awe because they ain't never seen a man as RAW and REAL as The Alpha Male of The Game.

Right. We'll help you take care of Alix.

Mister Dick and crew march down the hallway. They soon find themselves in contact with J-MAX. No matter to Mister Dick as he shoves the Englander down to the grown! After this, everyone quickly gets out the trio’s way. They finally come upon Alix lingering outside the Duncan family dressing room.


You mean time for Mariachi to molest you in the shower while CPA masturbates in the corner?

That only happened once, and I was drunk!

Your time is up, woman!

Gotta catch me first!

Alix darts off at top speed.

Let's get her!

VICE and Mister Dick head after Alix, but can't match her incredible speed. Alix leads them on a merry chase through the arena hallways.

Ain't you guys got guns or something? Can't ya'll just shoot her?

That'll cost you extra. Price of bullets and such.

Alix escapes into the parking lot, with her enemies hot on her trail.

There ain't no use in running! We got you!

Mister Dick smiles a smug grin as VICE advances on poor Alix. But the sneaky brunette has a major trick up her sleeves. She turns the corner and hops into a GO KART!

The fuck?

Later, losers! Enjoy your circle jerk!

Alix happily drives away from her pursurers, waving good bye to them as she leaves.

God damn it, follow her!

We go to commercial as Mister Dick and VICE put feet to pavement and hound Alix.


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We go to the Heavenly Rockers tourbus where Synth and Abdullah pour over what looks like BATTLE PLANS against Krista. Soon, Quiz escorts Queen Esther to their location.

What up, queenie?

My animal friends have been abuzz with gossip lately! They believe that you are amassing an army of sorts.

My child, I am indeed amassing an army.

Father squirel, who I know to be a honest rodent, says this an army designed to destroy Krista Isadora Duncan.

This vermin tells no lies. I am forming a grand battalion of warriors of the lord, designed to smite the devil's hand maiden! Strike back at her, and send her back into the depths of hell! As a pleasant side effect, I will become OAOAST world champion, and with this world championship, I will obtain millions of followers who will donate to my church and allow me to buy the Yacht and summer home in Lyon that God wants me to have.

Say no more! If your army is going to eliminate Krista Isadora Duncan, I demand you let me in it.

You? You wanna join the Church of Abdullah? Hold up, bitch, ain't you kinda dainty?

I assure you I am as tough as any man. What I lack in physical strength I make up for in cunning and guile! (Esther begins singing) I am the proud, I am the strong! I fight back against what is wrong! I am Queen Esther, the brave, I'll send my foe to the grave!

Okay, okay, damn bitch, you sound like two monkeys fucking.


Please my child, be not offended, the sound of two monkeys engaged in intercourse is a great gospel. If you have the will to take up arms against Krista Isadora Duncan, we will give you the way. Welcome to the Church Of Abdullah.



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It's been a wild week here in the OAOAST. Between Zero Hour, and some of the fallout we've witnessed tonight, we...

The sound of "Medal" stops Tony in mid-sentence, as the group of company founder Anglesault, the "Metrosexual Monster" Bohemoth, the "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez, and Anglesault's own nephew, the brash Jason Silver, head out to the ring.

I don't know what scares me more, Tony B...when they come out unannounced, or when they make a big production out of it, like this.

The foursome gets thunderous boos from the crowd, who have gone from disliking some of their formerly favorite superstars to downright hating them. The hatred deflects off of Anglesault rather easily, as he continues to smile, coming off as the Teflon Don of crowd reactions to the OAOAST audience. All four men are well-dressed as always, and it doesn't take long for a microphone to find its way into Anglesault's hand.

For one month now, we have been making our intentions clear. That the OAOAST as you know it, is not the vision I had. This company, and most of the people in it, are nothing more than a god damn joke. In fact, it's gotten to the point where this company...MY COMPANY...embarrases me. And I have to admit, it's my fault.

Did he just...?

Anglesault, admitting a mistake!?

What was originally could for business became the worst decision I ever made, and that was allowing Zack Malibu to represent this company. I thought that after everything we'd been through, all the money we made, all the progress this company made, that Zack would do what I did, and just sit back and collect. Instead, I put a man more selfish than anyone I have ever met in the position of company ambassador. A man that you people brought into your lives as a role model for your children, as a living, breathing superhero. Zack Malibu nearly destroyed this company from the inside out, and every time he did, I had to step in and use my power to make sure that didn't happen. The Civil War, the Wildcards incident, Drek Stone...all the blame lays on Zack Malibu, not me! And now, finally, after years of dealing with this, I reached my boiling point, just like any normal man would do. What would you fathers do if your son was being raised by another man, made into an image that made you sick to your stomach? Because that's how I felt every time I looked at this ring, and the people filling that locker room. I tried to get Zack on my side, to see things my way, and God help me, it was working...until Mr. Family Man got his ear chewed off by a woman, the mother of his daughter, who he is STILL not married to...to see the light. The two of them nearly bankrupted me with a legal battle, they ran off Tommy G., who was the best prospect we had in years, and they made these three men behind me suffer in various ways. So four weeks ago, I decided it was enough. That something needed to be done. Drastic times, drastic measures, and all that jazz. And now, that brings us to tonight. You see, I don't think everyone in that locker room is all bad. There are some tremendously talented individuals back there, but many are foolishly loyal. They're blind to the business, and don't realize what's good for them. Some owe Zack Malibu for their first break. Some don't think I've gone about this the right way. Some just flat out don't like me, and that's fine. I just want you all to know that this is only personal between Zack and I, not any of you. So I'm out here tonight not to attack anyone, not to ravage the arena, but to extend the olive branch. I am returning this company to its rightful glory by any means necessary, with you, or without you. However, the window to decide is not going to be open forever. In fact, it's going to be very, very short. I know I'm being heard back there, and I know that there are thoughts already running through your heads. You can either be a part of the dynasty I'm building, and help to rebuild this company like Bohemoth, Todd Cortez, and Jason Silver are doing...or you can continue to live your soap operatic, pathetic, giant in-joke lives...and if you do that...if you do that, then I can guarantee you that the end of your careers will come a lot sooner than expected. It could be a broken bone, we could leave you bleeding out in this ring, or I could make it easy and just start cutting contracts left and right! Now, there is nothing in this ring for you except opportunity, and I don't think I need to remind you again that whoever does not take it would be completely foolish. So, I'm wondering...is anyone back there willing to step up, or am I going to have to cover this arena in the blood of the stupidest locker room in wrestling history?

Anglesault and his associates stare up the ramp, awaiting the answer of someone, anyone, to join their ranks. However, nobody comes out. Growing impatient, Jason Silver grabs the mic from his uncle.

Do you even GET what is being offered here? Money, power, fame...every opportunity you could imagine at the snap of a finger! Don't fight it! Embrace it!

Silver kicks the ropes and hands the mic back to his uncle, who calms the angered youngster.

We've already made examples...the World Champion being one of them. Nobody is safe. This IS happening. So come on, this is your chance! This is your opportuni...


Both Cortez and Silver fall forward, stunning Anglesault and Bohemoth, who turn around to see NED BLANCHARD and SIMON SINGLETON in the ring, clutching steel chairs! The crowd pops bigtime as the Orange County Cobras then take their chairs and target Bo, with Simon wacking him across the leg to stun him, allowing Ned to crack him over the head, busting him open!

THE COBRAS! They were the first victims of this new regime, and it looks like there was opportunity in that ring...opportunity for payback!

Anglesault begs off, as the Cobras threaten him with their chairs. Silver and Cortez both start to get up, but Ned and Simon go after them with the chairs, sending them packing out of the ring...which allows Anglesault the chance to escape as well! All four converge on the outside, as Bo rips off his suit jacket, the blood from his forehead now dripping down his face and onto his pink dress shirt. In a rage, he tries to fly back in the ring, but Anglesault stops him. It takes all three men to push Bo back up the ramp, as the Cobras continue to dare him to hit the ring.

Well I guess we've gotten an official answer from the Orange County Cobras...they like things just the way they are! The resistance is taking shape, and the charge is being led by those men!

Ned and Simon drop the chairs and work the crowd as their theme comes up, but while the Cobras and the crowd are happy with their assault, the four men at the top of the ramp could not look more disgusted. Anglesault and company stand fuming at the top of the stage, as we head into another commercial break.

We cut backstage in the cafeteria where Holly sits by herself, eating a plate of spaghetti. She's soon approached by Gene Okerlund.

Hello, Holly. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions.

Shit, why the (beep) not?

How does it feel to lose out on the women's title once again?

You know, I'm getting pretty (beep) tired of people asking me that question every month. How the (beep) would you feel losing a championship. You wouldn't know because you haven't ever won anything. If you did it was probably a hot dog eating contest with your overweight, out of shape, miserable looking ass.

I won a Bay City Rollers t-shirt from a church raffle in 1989.

My point exactly. Losing (beep) sucks. It makes me feel worse than shit. I can't even (beep) my husband properly. Normally I'm clawing at him, cursing him out, slapping him, and riding him till I drain all the (beep) out his body, but after losing I just (beep) lie there with a few moans, and some hair pulling like a prissy bitch. But, I can always find joy in the little things.

Little things?

Making people's life as (beep) miserable as mine is right now. And who the (beep) better to start with than the legendary Gene Okerlund.

Don't try anything, Holly, I took a Knug-Fu class at the YMCA.

Holly shrugs her shoulders and then throws her plate of spaghetti into Gene's face!

Come on, Holly, that's not cool!

Not cool, eh? How about this, is this cool, (beep) sucker?

Holly jams her FORK into Gene's testicles!


Catch you later, asshole.

We cut to Maya watching this in the Duncan family dressing room.

Someone has to put a stop to her.

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Amazingly enough we find ourselves in a local mall. Stunning the patrons with an unusual sight,  Alix gingerly drives through the shopping center on her go kart! Far behind her are her would be attackers, CPA, Bosley, and Mister Dick.


Just give up, man.

No! I ain’t letting her go.

There’s no way we can catch her. We’re outta breath, man.

Mister Dick spots a security guard on a segway, and brightens up.

I think I found a way.

Mister Dick wastes no time in throwing the guard off his segway. He then drives away, seeking Alix.


We return to HeldDOWN with or odd sight of Alix circling a mall in a Go Kart. Even odder is Mister Dick chasing after her in a Segway! The two weave through the foot traffic of frightened shoppers, and speed over the tiled floor.

This is fun, fun, fun! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

This ain’t no good damn joke!

Alix heads through an exit, stunning an old lady that was opening the door. She’s further shocked when Mister Dick comes rushing past her.

You ain’t getting’ away from me!

Alix intends to prove this incorrect as she makes her way through a parking garage.  Mister Dick follows suit, pushing the Segway as fast as it can go. Which, by the way, isn’t very fast.

Once I catch you, you’re dead! You hear me dead!


An SUV backing out of a parking space collides with Mister Dick, knocking MD completely off his segway! He rolls away, bumping into the tires of another car.


Alix happily drives away to safety.

See-ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!

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This is your HeldDOWN~! main event of the evening! Scheduled for one fall and sanctioned by the OAOAST, it’s for the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Are you ready?


New Orleans, home of the Super Bowl champions Saints… ARE… YOU… READY?


Then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world… Ladies and gentlemen… LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO RRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

“Not Afraid” by Eminem hits and Baron Windels scrolls ringside.

Introducing first the challenger, who tonight looks to regain the title he held not too long ago, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 265 pounds... “THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER” BBAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOOOONN WINDELS!!


BW pumps his fist and SMILES~!

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time

“On Top of the World” by the Pussycat Dolls cues and the crowd goes bonkers.

His opponent hails from the City of Angels, Los Angeles, California… her list of accomplishments include being a best selling author, a member of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos and games and the 2009 Wrestler of the Year. … presenting one-half of the wildly popular CHICKS OVER DICKS tag team, here is the reigning and defending OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion… “THE GLADDIATOR” KRISTA ISADORA DDUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


No family at her side Krista is all business as she power walks to the ring.

What an epic main event this week on HeldDOWN~! Krista vs. BW once again for the OAOAST Championship.

We cut backstage to see REJECT watching on a monitor.

You think politics is dirty in Washington, it’s got nothing on the OAOAST. Reject should have been the one to get the title shot tonight, not Baron Windels, but with Alf as OAOAST President the chances of Reject ever getting another title shot is slim to none.

This is the OAOAST, Coach.

Yeah, where friends in high places trumps talent!

Title shots aren’t passed out like candy. You gotta earn it either by working your way up the ladder or winning the Lethal Rumble.

BW offers his hand to Krista, not in marriage but in a show of sportsmanship. She accepts and the OAOAST Galaxy cheers.

I bet you like that don’t you?

Actually, no. The goal is to beat your opponent, not make friends with them. But I’m old school.

And still have a little evil in you apparently. *laughs*


The bell sounds and both competitors lockup. BW grabs a side headlock and is shoved into the ropes, the recipient of a hip toss on the rebound. Krista moves in but is kicked away. BW takes Krista to the mat with a headlock, only for her to scissor the head. The Lone Star Gunslinger floats on top.




Krista slaps BW in the belly to break free. BW reverses a whip but Krista leapfrogs him, then connects with an inverted atomic drop/super kick combo!

Krista's Great California Adventure!

The cover.





The cover.




BW positions Krista for a SUPERPLEX, only to be shoved back and hit with a MISSLE DROPKICK!

The cover.




It’s total nonstop action, Brannigan.

Krista whips BW into the ropes for THE HEBREW HAMMER, but he ducks and nails Krista with THE BANDIT KICK!

The cover.




BW signals he was this close from regaining the World title, then sets Krista for the BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT.

If BW hits this we’re going to have a new champion, T.

Krista grabs on to BW’s block to block the DDT, not even repeated blows to the back can get him to break her grip. Unable to deliver the knockout blow BW decides to execute a suplex, but Krista slips over the top and delivers an INVERTED LUNGBLOWER!


The cover.





Krista is suddenly attacked by REJECT!



This match is over and it’s due to interference from Reject.

Yeah, he’s letting Krista and the OAOAST know it should’ve been him competing for the title tonight. Look at him the World Champion, Brannigan.

Of course he’s dominating. He ambushed her!

Reject stomps away on Krista until BW pulls him aside and unloads with a combination of rights/Cowboy Bebop elbows.

Speaking of ambushes…

Reject stuns BW with a kick to the gut, then looks to clothesline him outside so he can go back to work on Krista, but he ends up being BACKDROPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE!


BW stands tall as Krista shakes off the cobwebs and Reject pounds the ring apron in anger.

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, as result of a disqualification… KRISTA ISADORA DDUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


“On Top of the World” by the Pussycat Dolls cues as BW raises the hand of the OAOAST Champion.

Krista is still the champion, but Reject let his voice be heard.

Reject burns a hole through BW as we…


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