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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Zero Hour 2010: Collision In Music City

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


Too lazy to write an opening, so I give you this instead. Better than an evil midget trying to blow up Sting and the British Bulldog on the beach or the Rapmaster.

Since I rarely watch TNA credit goes to KC for posting the clip at TRTSM.

B O O M ~!


We pan around the sold out crowd as our broadcast team welcome us to the show.

Zero Hour has arrived. Tony Brannigan and Da Coach with you in Nashville and we're not gonna waste any time getting the action underway. So let's go up to the ring for our first event.
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We're set for some exciting tag team action to kick us off here tonight, as The Heavenly Rockers will tangle with The Love Doctors.

I love those guys, man.

The Rockers or The Doctors?

The Rockers, man! The Docs get all the love they can handle!

Well, whatever your preference is Coach...

Man, how many times do I have to prove to you I like chicks!?

...I meant pertaining to the two teams.

Uh, yeah...YEAH, me too!

Don't let the team names fool you. There's nothing Lovely or Heavenly about either team, at least as far as their opposition is concerned. Tonight, two of the OAOAST's most experienced tag teams do battle, and it is happening right now!

The bell sounds to draw the crowd's attention, and Michael Buffer proceeds to welcome us to the next contest.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match, set for one fall, is an OAOAST tag team attraction!

The sound of "Love Addict" fills the air, and the feverish crowd await the type of medicine that only Dr.'s Stephen Pigley and Max Anderson can deliver. The duo come out onto the stage and play to the crowd before they begin to peel off their garb...and just as they're about to, they're jumped from behind!

C'mon now, what do they want!?

Oh damn.

The crowd bellows their boos as loudly as possible, as Anderson and Pigley's assailants are none other than TODD CORTEZ, BOHEMOTH, and JASON SILVER! The three men work over the famed duo, forgoing their typical stripping routine and just tearing their attire to shreds! Silver pulls Anderson up and shoves Anderson towards Bohemoth, who responds by catching him and then spinebustering him onto the ramp! Pigley gets worked over by both Cortez and Silver, pummeled back down every time he tries to get up, only to finally catch a knee to the gut by Cortez and then get dropped across Silver's knee with a gutbuster!

When is this all going to end? I mean, is anyone safe?

Tony man, this is serious. I'm bein' straight up about this. Mikey Cole, Krista, Ned, Simon, J. Math, now the Love Doctors! We ain't gonna have a roster left soon!

Bohemoth pulls up Anderson and scoops him up into his arms, then delivers the Erotic Awakening of B ON THE RAMP! The Love Doctor lands with a sickening thud, as the hard, cold ramp is not forgiving when his body is slammed onto it. Meanwhile, Pigley struggles as he's trapped in Silver's Dragon Clutch hold, with Cortez laying down in front of him, taunting him and spitting in his face. Just then, the boos get louder, and Cortez jumps to his feet, as now ANGLESAULT has made his way out to survey the damage! He orders Silver up, and the nephew of the company founder gets up and delivers a boot to the back of Pigley's head before dragging him to his feet. Anglesault enters the ring, and his personal triple threat follow suit, dropping the bodies of the Love Doctors at his feet as he takes the mic from a shocked Michael Buffer.

A lot of you look surprised right now, but you know something? You shouldn't be!

Surprised or not, it doesn't stop the crowd from booing.

I told you...I TOLD YOU ALL, that this would not stop! That these actions should not be unexpected. These are not random acts of violence. They are a justified necessity, helping to showcase what I've said all along. I burned the logo of this company, a brand that contains not just my name, but my own blood, sweat, and tears, because it disgusts me to see what it's become. You people have become used to the fun and games, the soap opera drama, this sideshow that my company has become. NO MORE! NO MORE! These are not idle threats. All of you watching, and all of you in the back listening, do not tread lightly. I will not let true talent like the three men standing alongside me suffer at the expense of what this company has become. We are taking it back by any means necessary. I'm tired of the court battles, the legal proceedings, and I'm certainly sick and tired of hearing people clamoring for Zack Malibu. This is MY company. I am going to weed out every last trace of embarrassment, every last link to Zack Malibu and to the "good old days". The OAOAST will be reborn thru the blood of the weak, men like these Love Doctors. Zack Malibu is going to relinquish his stake in this company, or else this will continue. The blood is on the hands of your hero, ladies and gentlemen, and in the same breath that you blame him, you can thank us...because this is for your own good. Zack Malibu used to have a saying that went "good for business, bad for you". Well, I'm going to have to steal that one, because what you see here is indeed good for business...but Zack, it's gotten really, REALLY, bad for you.

Anglesault drops the mic and orders the three men out of the ring. Cortez, Bohemoth and Silver follow, walking up the ramp as garbage bounces off of them. The crowd boos loudly as the Love Doctors stay laid out in the ring, obviously in no shape to compete here tonight at Zero Hour. However, The Rockers believe that the show must go on as Khyber Pass plays and they emerge from the backstage area.

Now what could this be?

Synth and Logan are all smiles as they make they way down the entrance ramp.

They can't be seriously considering having a match with The Love Doctors?

Its wrong to bait n switch, Tony. We've got to give the OAOAST Galaxy what we promised them.

The hard rocking duo casually enters the ring, still smiling over the carnage that has occurred.

This is just plain wrong. I've battled against The Rockers before and while they took a lot of cheap shots, I never expected them to go this route.

As the audience boos the easy victory that's forthcoming, Synth motions to the referee to get into position. Once he does that, Logan places a boot on Pigley's chest and orders a pinfall be counted....




Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this contest, THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS!

The fans are none to pleased with what they've seen tonight, and douse The Rockers with hatred. Logan and Synth don't seem to care what the fans think, and celebrate as though this were a hard fought match.

That's just disgraceful. It totally ruins the spirit of competition inherent in the OAOAST.

Logan and Synth got the victory, and I've got to wonder will Quiz be taking home the Heartland Title and will Holly capture the Women's Title. The Rockers are off to a great start here in Nashville.

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The lights dim and the techno sounds of "Feel The Beat" begin to fill the arena. Multi coloured spotlights flash down on the stage before the hired Japanese muscle of the Cucaracha Kingdom, Daisuke Motozaki, emerges. Despite the fast-pace of the music, Motozaki is calm and focused. In a long black trenchcoat, Motozaki heads to the ring, stretching out his arms on the way. Accompanying him and not enjoying this modern music too much, Queen Esther follows Daisuke to the ring.

The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first. Being accompanied by QUEEN ESTHER. From Osaka, Japan... weighing two hundred and fourty eight pounds. He represents The Cucaracha Kingdom... DDAAAIIISSSSSUUUUUKKEEEEEEE... MMOOOOOTTOOOOOZZZZZAAAAAAAKKIIIIIIIIIIII!!!


Motozaki climbs up the steps and swoops into the ring, ready to go.

King Landon with that big main event later on tonight, but Queen Esther, out at the side of the Kingdom's newest member. I guess that even with everything that's on the King's mind, he has this match nagging in the back of his mind.

Well it's a big match for the Kingdom. If Daisuke can do his job and take out Nathaniel Black, the King and Queen won't have to deal with him again. This could be the perfect night for the Kingdom, if all goes to plan!

As Motozaki limbers up, "Chelsea Dagger" pumps through the arena and up goes a cheer from the crowd. The lights alternate between red, white and blue through the intro, then Nathaniel Black punches his way through the entrance way and stomps to the ring determinedly.

And his opponent! Hailing from London, England. He weighs two hundred and thirty eight pounds... NNAAATTHHHHHAAAAAAANNIIIIIIEEEEELLLLLLL... BBLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!!


Marching to the ring in no time at all, Black climbs in and keeps on marching! Black and Motozaki square up and quickly wind up butting heads, forcing the referee in to get them separated.

Boy, this is going to be a war. Don't expect either of these two to hold back, we're in for an absolute battle.

Having got the two seperated, the referee calls for the bell and gets the heck out of the way!


Black and Daisuke square up to each other again and exchange a heated look, before Black fires off an elbow! Motozaki fires back with an elbow! And the fight is on! Black hits another elbow, Motozaki coming back with another straight away. Black hits a third elbow. And so does Motozaki. Showing that it had no affect, Black gets right in the face of Motozaki, daring him on. Motozaki shoves Black away and then dishes out one, two and three elbows in succession...



...and a HARD knifedge chop!


Rocked back a few steps by the chop, Black has to shake it off, but refuses to back down. He dares Motozaki to hit him again.



So he does.

Motozaki, just LAYING in those chops. But Black is still standing.

Yeah, not for long though.

The second chop doubles Black over, but Black stands up to the challenge, daring Daisuke on again. So Motozaki takes aim...



...and hits a chop that knocks Black off his feet.

What did I tell ya? You're not going to stand up to this guy. This is the muscle for an entire Kingdom!

Cool and calm, Motozaki latches onto Black as he gets back up and aims him into a corner. Motozaki whips Black across, then tries a charge, but Black gets a foot up to the face! With Motozaki momentarily dazed, Black then pins the arm behind the back of the Japanese hitman and throws him shoulder-first into the corner.

Smart move by Black to target the arm, try and take a little bit of the firepower out of those chops.

Motozaki comes back out with a forearm, but Black ducks and catches him with a boot to the gut. The Brit then wrings the arm, staying on the body part. But Motozaki makes some space...



...and chops his way free, sending Black back into the corner.

Wrong arm though.

Yeah, Black targetting the left arm, but it's the right one that's doing all the damage.

With Black in the corner Motozaki closes in and delivers a headbutt. Shaking off his arm Motozaki then whips Black across the ring. Getting his foot up, a collision is avoided by Black, who turns out of the corner and crawls through the legs of the onrushing Motozaki. Confused, Daisuke stops himself in the corner and turns around, into a European uppercut! A second! And a third!


Fired up, Black comes off the ropes... and Motozaki cuts him off with a clothesline! Cover...




Motozaki leads Black back up again, clubbing him across the back. The Japanese star then hits a back suplex and covers Black again...




Looking to stretch Black out, Daisuke applies a surfboard and digs the knee firmly in the back. The Queen applauds and skips around in delight.

Daisuke making an impressive start here. I have to admit, I don't know a lot about the man, but he obviously comes with a high reputation from Japan to have ended up a part of the Cucaracha Kingdom.

Well, you don't know any less than Cole would have, if it's any consolation.

Black grimaces in pain with his shoulders being ripped at, but grits his teeth and starts to fight his way to his feet. He gets back up and manages to turn in, catching Motozaki with a shot to the gut. The Brit then aims a headbutt at the exposed midsection, only to clunk into the knee of Motozaki! Sent reeling, Black falls through the ropes and out onto the apron, seeing stars.

Quick thinking from Motozaki there.

Reaching over the ropes, Daisuke pulls Black up and hits a clubbing forearm over the chest. Black falls, hurt. When Daisuke goes to pick him up again though, Black surprises him, reaching up and hanging the left arm over the top ring rope!

Oh! Caught him there though!

With Motozaki in pain, Black rolls inside and hooks the arm around the top rope with a modified hammerlock!


Black breaks his illegal hold on the count of four and backs away. Untangling his arm from the rope, Motozaki turns his head just in time to see Black charging in, connecting with a big boot that sends the Japanese star up and over the top to the floor!!


What a kick that was! Turned Motozaki inside out, upside down and every which way in between!

Yeah but he was in the ropes! You can't kick someone when they're in the ropes. We need the King out here to lay down the law, this isn't right.

Worried for her Japanese back-up, the Queen begins to frantically scatter glitter, hoping the magic dust will help him recover. All it does is leave Motozaki with a glittery back to go with his bruised jaw. The Queen retreats as Black leaves the ring. Black grabs Motozaki and whips him across ringside, sending him into the guardrail! The fired up Brit then appeals to the crowd.


(wipes away a tear)
I never thought I'd see the day. Right on people! Fight the power!

Black drags Motozaki back towards the ring, putting him on the apron. He climbs up with Daisuke and delivers a couple of shots to the back. The referee urges them to get back inside, but Black has other ideas and sets up a DDT.

Wait a second. On the apron, are you kidding?

Hooking an arm around the ropes though, Motozaki manages to block. Black lets go and delivers a couple more shots. But Motozaki shoves him away. Black manages to walk the highwire and stay on the apron, coming back with a forearm. Motozaki ducks though and turns Black around, throwing him up and SLAMMING HIS BACK INTO THE APRON WITH A BACK SUPLEX!!!!



Ugh! That's the hardest part of the entire ring... and Nathaniel Black just got dropped across it, spine first!

Back arched in agony, Black rolls under the rope and into the ring where the referee quickly checks if he can continue. Taking his sweet time, a stoic Motozaki rolls back in after Black and goes for a pin...




Only a two count, but Black is hurt. And may be hurt bad.

In serious pain, Black tries to get back up. Motozaki isn't waiting around now though. He jerks Black up from his knees in a waistlock, then bridges back with a German Suplex!




Motozaki doesn't let up, rolling over right as Black kicks out. Getting his feet planted firmly on the canvas Motozaki then awes the crowd with incredible strength, DEADLIFTING Black right off of his stomach and into the air for a Deadlift German Suplex, with another bridge!!






Only two again and Nathaniel Black showing some real resiliance!

I think Daisuke smells blood in the water though, 'Bod. He's picking it up.

Arm clenched, Motozaki waves Black back to his feet, preparing one last blow to put him away. Black's face is racked with pain but he refuses to lay down, picking himself up off the mat. As he does, Motozaki comes off the ropes... and NAILS him with a big Lariat!!


Motozaki covers one last time...





You're telling me! That was three, ref!

Starting to show some signs of emotion, and not good ones, Motozaki stalks around with his hands on his hips, frustrated.


Spurred on by the crowd, Black slowly and painfully picks himself up again. Motozaki is waiting though. Hitting the ropes, Motozaki takes aim with a second big Lariat...

...but Black throws a Lariat of his own, right into Motozaki's travelling arm!!

Ooh! Black with a clothesline, to block the clothesline and I think that hurt Motozaki!

Shaking out his arm, Motozaki tries another Lariat from standing range... but Black clotheslines the arm again! Motozaki grabs his bicep in pain and the Queen starts to look worried. Not giving up though, Daisuke tries the Lariat again. This time Black gets a boot up, definately hurting the arm, which allows him to hit a quick single arm DDT before staying down in pain!


Both men down and now, both men are hurt.

That's okay. So long as Black's hurt, that's all that counts for the Kingdom's cause.

So it doesn't matter if Motozaki gets hurt, so long as the King gets what he wants?

The King can pay for surgery. Don't worry, he's wealthy.

Since when!? Since he won a crown and scepter that's OAOAST property anyway?

Both men get back up, each carrying their own injuries. Motozaki throws a heavy armed chop, which doesn't have nearly as much behind it as earlier. Black fires back with a forearm. And a second, but then clutches his back. Black boots Daisuke in the gut instead and whips him into the corner, following in with a high knee!

Black, fighting back!

Grabbing Motozaki out of the corner, Black applies a hammerlock and kicks out the leg, dropping him with a Hammerlock DDT! Cover...




Daisuke sits up and holds his arm in pain, suddenly finding himself in trouble as Black goes for the Chickenwing!

Trying to lock it in, but can Black get the hold on and keep it on with a bad back?

Fighting up to his feet Motozaki manages to fight off the submission and shoves Black away. Black falls into the ropes, but comes back with a Lariat! Motozaki stays on his feet though! The Japanese star tries to throw an elbow, but Black blocks it, keeping his momentum moving through to 360 and hit the BLACK LARIAT, this time knocking Motozaki down! Cover...




Black gets back up and fighting through the pain, encourages Motozaki back up.

Nathaniel Black starting to take over! Starting to sense some weakness in Motozaki!

I hope the King isn't watching this. This is good money going down the drain!

As Motozaki gets back up, Black takes aim and hits a headbutt to the gut, winding him. Black then wrings Daisuke's arm and takes a wild kick, snapping the arm up into the air! Motozaki doubles up in pain holding his arm and Black sees his chance. He crosses Motozaki's arms underneath him, looking for the Brittania Bomb... but his back gives out.

No, couldn't get him up. That's a thick guy to be lifting in the air, even at 100%.

Daisuke slowly stands up, picking Black up over his shoulder. He then falls back, throwing Black over in the process. Crawling over, Daisuke hooks a leg...




The Queen looks concerned that the match isn't over and starts to pace, as her muscle from the Orient stands back up.

We were expecting a battle and we are certainly getting one. These guys are going to feel the effects of this one for weeks. Hard-hitting, gruelling action here.

Motozaki waits for Black to stand and lands an elbow. Black comes back with an elbow of his own though. Back and forth they go, albeit at half-speed, each elbow having more of an effect now so late in the match. With Daisuke's bad arm and Nathaniel's bad back, the elbows are given up on and Black resorts to hitting a headbutt!


Ow! Uncool!

You could hear the sound of skulls colliding from here. That was, infact, uncool.

Both men stagger for a moment before Black goes behind Motozaki, looking for the Half Nelson Backbreaker. Motozaki blocks, but Black surprises him with a schoolboy!




Back up first, Black does a 360 and looks for another Black Lariat, but 360s straight into an elbow smash from Motozaki! With Black staggered, Motozaki takes aim, targetting the back of the head with a rolling elbow... but Black ducks! He grabs Motozaki as he turns around and uses the Japanese star's momentum to run him shoulder first...


...right into the ringpost!!

No! Illegal move!

Damage to the arm again! And Black is setting up, Crossface Chickenwing could be coming!

As Motozaki falls to one knee Black sets himself, arms outstretched, just itching to slap on the Chickenwing.

But before he can, in at full speed slides JAMES BLONDE! Blonde's rescue attempt is a miserable failure, as he runs right into a Lariat from Black!


The referee is forced to call for the bell though, as right behind Blonde come RICO and LUCIUS, attacking Black and forcing the disqualification!


It's the Kingdom! All glory to the Kingdom!

The cavalry is here to save Motozaki and now it's nothing more than a mugging!

Rico and Lucius stomp away on Black, joined eventually by Blonde, who's left clutching his jaw. This brings great delight to the Queen, fine with a good gang beating so long as it's to her liking, apparantly. Three on one is too much for Black and he's helpless, until THE LAST KINGS OF SCOTLAND rush out from the back to try and make the save!


What are these ogres doing out here?

Scott and Danny peel off Rico and Lucius, nailing them with right hands. Which is small comfort for Black, as Motozaki joins Blonde in the beating, still two on one. Luckily, more help is on the way, ALEXANDER THE BRUTAL jogging out to help. Alexander slides in and runs off Blonde and Motozaki, the Prince making sure his King's prize asset doesn't hang around long enough to suffer any damage. The Scots see off The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club meanwhile and together, the three Europeans stand over Black, watching as the Kingdom retreats.

Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has stopped this match and ruled that the winner, as a result of a disqualification is NATHANIEL BBLLLLLAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!


Well Nathaniel Black gets a small measure of revenge. But he should be very grateful to the three men in the ring right now. Because without them, he could have left Zero Hour with much worse than that.

As Danny Boy checks on Black, the Kingdom look on at the uneasy European alliance in the ring, knowing they've not done the King as proud as they would have liked tonight.

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Feel Good Drag replaces Now I'm That Bitch and the boos are plentiful. A wooden door stands on stage, but don't remain for very long as Holly's combat boots kick it down. Wearing a plaid mini skirt and a red fishnet shirt over a black bra, the challenger looks as surly and mean as ever.

The following contest is for the OAOAST Women's Title! Now making her way to the ring form Sin City, Nevada, she is a three time women's champion.....HOOOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!

Holly has had her share of her problems with the Duncan family, and it would be quite the pleasure for her to defeat the eldest Duncan daughter.

Everyone has a problem with the Duncan family! Can't they be more like the Nerdlys and play video games and fiddle around with camcorders all day?

Holly enters the ring and for some reason decides its  a good idea to curse out the poor referee. He tries to defend himself against Holly's attacks, but the fiery redhead just dumps more and more hatred upon him.

"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

A grand cheer greets the women's champion, who happily skips out from the backstage area. She raises her world title and lets out her own little cheer, as little sister Maya seems occupied with reading a Taylor Lautner magazine.

And the champion, now residing in Los Angeles, California, she is accompanied by Maya Duncan-Blanchard....JADE RODEZ-DUNCAAAAAAANNNNNN!


You have to love the energy and spirit Jade brings to the table each and every match.

Jade rolls into the ring, and heads to the turnbuckles to pump up the sold out audience. Maya, however, is still preoccupied with her magazine.


Holly swings for the fences early on with a lariat aimed at Jade's head. The cheerleader ducks the attack and smashes Holly's back with a dropkick. The kick sends Holly lurching forward and she tumbles through the ropes to the outside. Maya is right there to offer a helping hand, which is refused in a stream of profanities from the former women's champion. Holly brings herself upright and stomps around the outside, cursing at anybody who dares glance at her.

You never want to get flustered early. You want to get off to a good start and get momentum on your side.

Holly enters the ring, ordering Jade to back up. Always the polite one Jade does what she's asked, and pays for it as Holly comes charging at her. Jade leap frogs Holly, and the vulgar redhead is left to run the ropes.  When she returns Jade overturns her with a side headlock takedown!

I suppose I should say something witty and irreverent here but I got this awesome Taylor Lautner magazine.

Holly fights to her feet, and elbows at Jade's stomach. This eventually wins her her much sought after freedom. With it, she runs to the ropes. But upon coming back she's overturned by an arm drag by Jade. The women's champion locks in an arm lock, which does quite a bit to frustrate Holly. The Queen Bitch of the OAOAST curses up a storm in annoyance. This does little to get herself out of Jade's hold, and thus she's forced to start punching Jade with her free arm. These blows suceed in weakening Jade's grip and Holly is able to pull her arm free.

Did you know Taylor Lautner's favorite colour is robins egg blue? OMG that's my favorite color to!

Holly and Jade trade blows in the center of the ring. Holly gains the upper hand by kneeing Jade in the gut. Thinking Jade subdued, Holly runs the ropes. But upon her return, Jade nails her in the face with a dropkick!


Its like Jade has an answer for everything Holly does.

Jade crawls on top of Holly for a pinfall...



Not even a two count, that shows the toughness of Holly.

Holly hops upright and screams at Jade for dropkicking her.

What do you want me to do, just stand there and let you hit me?

(beep) yes!

Holly puts that theory to practice by throwing a punch Jade's way. But Jade blocks it with her forearm, and then goes low to drop toe hold Holly to the ground. The redhead's face smacks off the canvas, pleasing the audience. The problems continue to mount for Holly as Jade wraps her arm around her head for another headlock.

Jade differentiating herself from her mother by keeping things at a nice slow pace.

That's just because she ate a few twinkies before the match as is feeling a little bloated.

Holly squirms within the basic hold, trying to do her best to fight out of it. Unfortunatley she can only settle for pushing herself off the canvas.  Now upright, she summons all her strength to shove Jade into the ropes. Holly runs the ropes herself, and comes back with a lariat at aimed Jade. But Jade grabs onto her arm and snaps it downwards with a single arm DDT! Another pinfall is made....



Holly gets her shoulder up! She then rises to the canvas under her own power. She fires off a few jabs at Jade, but is halted by a knife edge chop. Jade grabs onto her wrists and hurls her into the corner. Little Miss California follows her in with a body splash. But Holly moves out the way, and Jade is left to crash into the corner posts. Maya would panic were she not engrossed with her Taylor Lautner magazine.

Could the tide have turned to Holly?

The Angel of Death stomps at Jade's stomach, delighting in the pain she's causing. Once through with those stomps, Holly hooks Jade into a front facelock in preperation for a vertical suplex. But Jade blocks the attack, and try as she might Holly just can't suplex her. Even worse for the challenger, Jade upends her over the ropes and to the outside!


Momentum has returned to Jade, who has had an answer for everything Holly has done thus far.

No need for flowery wording, Holly is PISSED! She brings her aching bones upright, and unleashes a torrent of obscenities to the near by crowd. She looks around for something to destroy, and finally settles upon Maya's Taylor Lautner magazine. She yanks it out of the highschooler's hands and rips it to shreds!

Well, time for you to die.

Maya lunges for Holly, but The Angel Of Death dives back into the ring before any harm can befall her.

Holly is nothing but a bully! She throws hot coffee on me, she pours it down Josh Matthews pants, and she shreds Maya's magazine. There's no call for any of that.

The schoolyard bully leaps to her feet, and hammers Jade with a few nasty elbows. These stagger Little Miss California and allow Holly to connect with a standing enziguri! Jade falls over to the canvas, dizzied by the string of attacks. Holly takes a moment to laugh at Jade's misfortune, before pinning her to the canvas.



Jade makes a timely kickout!


Shut the (beep) up!

While the crowd continues to sing Jade's name, Holly brings the champion to her feet. She stabs her in the gut with a kick and then runs to the ropes. Returning she knees Jade in the face, knocking her over to the canvas. She's brought back upright by a slingshot that sends her into the corner. Jade lands on the second rope, however, greatly annoying Holly. Even more worrisome is the cross body block that pushes her to the ground. A pinfall is then counted...




Hey ref there's a cushy spot for you in the board of directors for the Taylor Lautner fan club if you count a little faster.

Jade starts to scrape Holly off the mat, but is halted when The Angel Of Death slugs her in the stomach. Having weakend Jade, Holly is easily able to strike her with a jaw breaker. Jade staggers away, in obvious pain. Holly smiles as she trails her path. She hooks her head around Jade's arm and then hurls her backwards with a back suplex!

What a devastating show of power from the three time women's champion.

Holly stomps at Jade, while taunting Maya. The highschooler does the old fingers in the ear routine, but she's clearly annoyed by Holly. This is satisfying to The Angel Of Death as she picks Jade up and runs her into the corner.  There Holly strikes her midsection with shoulder charges.

This is where you'd think being the daughter of a fitness guru would come in handy. Jade has to have abs of steels.

Remember that twinkie binge I told ya about earlier? That says no way, Jose.

Holly snapmares Jade to the canvas and promptly kicks her in the face with a combat boot. That lethal attack earns a pinfall effort...





After cursing at the poor referee, Holly picks Jade up and whips her into the ropes. Unfortunatley for the Angel of Death, Jade overpowers her with the Sweet Dreams (running sleeper drop) The audience cheers wildly, thrilled to see Holly get her comeuppence.

Damn what do you gotta do to keep these Duncans down?

Take away our Mastercards.

Jade heads to the top rope, earning a roar of anticipation from the audience.

Its not often we see Jade go up top. But sometimes you have to mix it up to keep your opponent guessing.

Little Miss California waits for Holly rise and when she does the champion nails her in the face with a dropkick! The audience cheers once more as Jade makes a pinfall attempt...




“THAT WAS THREE! THAT WAS THREE! THAT WAS THREE!” the fans chant led on by Maya.

Letting the fans do the arguing for her, Jade positions herself behind Holly. She waits patiently for Holly to get to her feet. Once Holly is fully upright, Jade seizes her in set up for her reverse x-factor. The fans let out a huge cheer, thinking the end of the match is forthcoming.  But Holly disappoints them all by powering through Jade's clutches. She kicks the champion in the stomach, and quickly executes a Percussion DDT!


Thinking Jade to be knocked out, Holly makes a rather lax cover...



Jade makes a surprising pinfall escape!


(beep) stay down, you (beep) (beep)!

Holly puts the exclamation on her crude orders with double stomp from her powerful combat boots. As Jade groans in pain, she's brought to her feet and sent into the corner. Holly runs after her, with a corner lariat. But Jade gets her elbow up and wards Holly off.  Stunned, Holly is rocked by a right/left combo by the champion. Finally she's floored by a powerful clothesline!

Exclusive: Rich Little Blonde Girl Kicks Ass!

Jade takes a page out of her mother's book and executes a standing moonsault, minus the booty shaking. The referee drops into position to count the pinfall....




A close count off another uncharacteristic high flying display by Jade.

Realizing that this match is slowly slipping away from her, Holly rolls out the ring to recoup and strategize. Problematically, she's accosted by Maya and dumped back into the ring!

That little brat! Who does she think she is?

Holly panics and defends herself by pushing the referee into Jade.  This causes a suitable distraction and allows Holly to blast Jade in the jaw with an uppercut. Jade stumbles backwards, allowing Holly to steam roll her with a lariat.

Holly used the referee as a weapon and has now seized control of this match.

Jade gets to her feet under her own power, but eats a combat boot for her troubles. This powerful attack sends stumbling back into the corner. Holly grabs hold of her in a front facelock and situates her onto the top rope. Holly then climbs up herself, ready to throw Jade backwards with a superplex! But Jade comes to life and fights Holly off, rocking her with fierce punches. These attacks eventually push Holly off the top rope, and back onto her combat boots on the floor. Jade wastes little time in giving Holly a chance to reset herself and flies forward to take Holly down with a lariat!


More aerial offense by the women's champion, she's really mixing up her game here.

Jade hooks onto Holly's legs for the pinfall....



Holly kicksout at the last possible second. Jade looks at the referee with pleading eyes, but quickly sets herself onto the task of defeating Holly. She picks up the three time women's champion and attempts to irish whip her to the ropes. But Holly reverses the attack and pulls Jade in close for a short arm knee strike. With Jade hobbled by the attack, Holly traps her inside a front facelock. She hooks onto her left knee then swings around to connect with The Mirage (twisting fisherman's suplex)!

That's it, Tony, no one kicks out The Mirage.

And no one will have to in this case, as Maya has distracted the referee with interesting facts about Taylor Lautner.

You (beep) bitch! Don't you (beep) interfere in my god damn match? You (beep) rag!

Holly tops that off by SPITTING on Maya!

Interesting. Allow me to offer this retort.

Maya slingshots herself into the ring with a DROPKICK to Holly!

That ain't right! That ain't right, and you know it ain't right!

Maya is eager to do more damage to a seething Holly, but she's held at bay by the referee.


Hurling insults at the highschooler, Holly is unaware of Jade's rise. But that doesn't last for long as Jade spins her around and nails the E!ziguri!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans scream as Holly falls through the ropes onto the apron.

This is wrong, Tony, all wrong. Maya stole victory from Holly.

Thinking Holly subdued, Jade leisurely walks over to the former women's champion. She's given quite the surprise when Holly springs to life and shoulder charges her in the stomach. Holly then flips back into the ring with a sunset flip...



Jade makes the kickout, allowing fans to breathe a sigh of relief.

This shit is (beep) over!

Holly grabs Jade by her blond hair and forces her to her feet. She nails her with a parade of punches, before striking her in the head with a hard kick.

That was some kick thrown by Holly. I have to say I'm not so sure those combat boots should be allowed in the wrestling ring.

With Jade dizzied, Holly winds up for a lariat! But she misses entirely as Jade ducks the attack!

Swing and a miss!

Holly spins around to get a read on Jade, and is tagged on the chin by a superkick!


Holly doesn't fall over, rather she stays upright, out on her feet. This works perfectly for Jade who clasps her hands around Holly's chin and Gets It From Her Mama with a reverse x-factor!

Oh man!

Jade reaches forward and hooks onto Holly's legs for a pinfall...





“When I Grow Up” joins the audience's cheers in singing Jade's victory song.


Maya applauds on the outside, trying her best not to look to enthused over her sister's win. Jade on the other hand is plenty happy, and goes from corner to corner to show off her freshly defended title.

A brilliant victory for Jade Rodez-Duncan, who capitalized on a misfire from Holly. The question remains will her mother be able to successfully defend her world title in tonight's mainevent.

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Looking across the ring, Tim tries to hide his disgust. The two walk into the middle of the ring and despite everything that's happened in the past few weeks, Tim is willing to swallow his pride and offer a handshake. Although, he can't seem to look Leon in the eye at the same time.

Are you kidding me?

Tim trying to start this match on the right foot. I've got to say, that takes a hell of a man to do this.

Or a hell of a sap. How you gonna shake a man's hand when you hate them?

Seeing how uncomfortable Cash is, Leon decides to turn the screw. He stands with his hands on his hips and just looks at Tim. Tim extends the hand a little more, not feeling great about it. Leon has an "are you serious?" look on his face and Tim tries his best to ignore it, but Leon does just as much to try and make eye contact. When time doesn't bite, Rodez goes to shake... but instead PIEFACES Tim!

Oh come on.

Tim wipes a hand across his face and tries to keep his composure. But Leon is determined to wind him up and palms him insultingly in the back of the head. Which is all Tim can take and he starts to unload with right hands!!


Tim gets in a good three or four shots, before Leon drops and bails to the floor to stop the flurry dead.

Alright Tim!

Some nice guy he turned out to be!

You were just crapping on the guy for wanting a handshake, now you're going to get indignant when he won't play nice?

Leon talks a walk around the ring, deciding to let Tim stew a bit. When he climbs back onto the apron, Leon then teases Tim some more, by dropping back down and demanding that Cash be kept back by the referee. Tim plays along with the ref, as Leon stalls some more.


Not phased by the crowd, Leon feigns getting into the ring a second time, but again backs down the moment Tim makes a move towards him.

Leon taking his sweet time here. And I think Tim is starting to get a little frustrated, which isn't in his character, normally. Rodez is really trying to push Tim's buttons and it seems to be working. Tim just has to settle down, try not to let Leon get in his head.

Oh I think Leon's already there. And he's starting to make himself at home.

With the referee urging him to get back inside, Leon slowly climbs back in... but, again, ducks right back out the moment Tim advances. Finally, Tim has had enough and he dodges out behind the referee, giving chase to The Fallen Idol on the floor! Leon runs around the ring, trying to get away. As Tim starts to catch him up Leon then stops and grabs Morgan, pulling her in front of him as a human shield!


Tim screeches to a halt and tries to re-assure a terrified Morgan that he's not going to hit her. In the confusion, Leon suddenly shoves Morgan into Cash... and as Cash tries to catch her, hits him with a sucker punch!!


That is low right there. Low as it gets.

Throwing him back inside, Leon follows Tim in and fires away with punches on the mat. On the outside poor Morgan is left to collect herself. Leon is too busy going on the offence, stepping on the throat and choking Tim by the ropes.


Pulling his foot away, Rodez strolls away ignoring the referee's warning.

Leon with the advantage now. But boy did he sink to some depths to get it.

Sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

I don't think you ever need to use a defenceless woman as a shield. Maybe you and me are very different people.

Moving in, Leon whips Tim off the ropes and knocks him down with a back elbow. Cover...




As Tim sits up, Leon grabs him around the face from behind, gouging at the eyes before giving a good rake of them. Cash wanders blindly into a corner and Leon follows him in, stomping away. Irish whip sends Cash to the opposite corner. Leon comes charging in after with Double Knees, up into the chest. A winded Cash then stumbles into Leon's clutches for an Exploder Suplex! Cover again...




Hovering over Tim, Rodez picks his spots and fires off with a couple of stomps, preventing Tim from getting back to his feet. The popular superstar tries to draw support off the crowd. But Leon continues to shut him down every time and eventually slaps on a choke.


Break by Leon, who slowly backs away.

Leon, stalking, just measuring up his next move.

As Cash gets himself up to his knees, Leon runs in and SMASHES Tim in the chest with a running knee strike!


Cash hunches over in pain, shoved onto his back and pinned...




Rodez lifts Cash back to his feet, holding him by the head and dishing out one, two, three more knee strikes to soften him up. Weakened, Cash falls to a knee as Leon hits the ropes, coming off with a Sliding Lariat! He glances over at Morgan, who gives him a faint smile, before hooking a leg...




Not happy, Leon looks heavy-lidded at the referee.

One thing Tim Cash will always give you is heart. Easy to underestimate someone so mild-mannered. He's not going to give up without a fight though, especially tonight.

Leon picks Cash up and delivers a forearm. And a second. Then another MMA style knee, lifting Tim off his feet from the force. The OAOAST's last real good guy falls to one knee again and Leon looks down with a smirk. Turning on his heels, he hits the ropes... only for Cash to spring back up and cut Rodez off with a leg lariat!!


There you go! There's fight left in Tim, yet.

Quickly back up, Leon tries to cut Tim off with a boot. Able to catch the foot though Tim takes Leon over with a Dragon Screw! Leon comes up favouring his knee and gets his leg swept, for a second Dragon Screw! Tim urges Leon on, ducking a shot and hitting an atomic drop.


A great man once said, "that'll give you a negative attitude". Although I don't think that's something Leon needs much help with.

Hitting the ropes, Cash knocks Rodez down with a crossbody!




Taking the leg again Tim hooks Leon up for a knee breaker. But he takes a second too long and allows Leon to stick a finger in the eye!


Come on ref, can't get much more blatant than that.

You really are a hypocrite, aren't you? When did you start respecting the rules?

Well... fair point, I guess. But that was blatant.

With Tim favouring a stinging eye, Rodez takes aim... and connects with a Superkick! Cover...




Leon stares at the referee for a second, before turning his focus back to Cash.


Spurred on by the crowd, Tim tries to withstand the pain as Leon clubs him across the back. A stomp to the head seems to daze Tim a bit, but he shakes it off and catches Leon in the gut with a punch. Leon catches Tim by the head and, angered, hits a knee to the gut, then backs off and cracks him with a rolling sobat! Rodez then picks Tim up on his shoulders, throwing him down across the knee with a gutbuster!

Good job Tim's got a lot of guts, eh Brannigan?

Don't call me Brannigan again.

...yes sir.

With a look of disgust Leon picks Cash back up on his shoulders again. This time, he carries the Peoria native over to a corner and dumps him, stomach first over the top turnbuckle. Lining Tim up, Rodez backs across the ring. He takes aim, sizing up the vulnerable ribs, then comes charging in with a running knee...

...but Tim slips out of the way!!


Nice escape by Tim!

Running himself into the turnbuckles Leon falls back winded, with a limp in his step. Having escaped out to the apron, Tim waits for Leon to get in range, then catches him through the ropes with a shoulder. Tim then slings himself back in with a sunset flip!




Back up, Tim blocks a punch and responds with one of his own. Another block and another right has Leon reeling. Tim unloads with a couple more rights, then whips Leon off and sends him flying with a BAAAAACK bodydrop!!


Tim is feeling it now!

No, I think Leon's feeling it now... it being pain!

Chock full of babyface fire, Cash heads to the top rope. And reeling, Leon walks right into a beautiful MISSILE DROPKICK!! Tim appeals to the crowd, then makes the pin...




Rodez backs into a corner, looking for a breather. But Tim is having none of it. He runs in, looking for a monkey flip. Leon hangs on and turns Tim around, sitting him on the top turnbuckle. But Tim blocks a right hand and kicks Leon off. With a growl under his breath, The Fallen Idol charges at Tim in an attempt to send him crashing off the ropes, only for Tim to leapfrog to safety and Leon to hit the turnbuckles again!

Tim is finally starting to wrestle like Tim, starting to wrestle his kind of match. And it's working well.

Turning around, Leon still has the presence of mind to catch Tim's foot as he goes for a kick. But he also catches an Enziguri, right in the back of the head! Cover by Tim...




Cash picks Leon back up, but gets caught with a desperation knee.

Morgan with a big sigh of relief. She doesn't want Leon to lose, probably because she'll end up with the blame somehow.

You're a cynical man. Jealous of two young people in love.

Hooking Cash up, Leon looks for the Brainbuster. Cash sinks down and blocks it, but Leon peppers him with some shots to the ribs and tries again. With frantic kicks of the feet Tim manages to fight it off again and tries to turn it into a suplex of his own, which Leon blocks. By the arm, Rodez twists his way out and sets Tim up for the Soul Destroyer. But Tim swats the foot away. He then twists behind Leon, hooking the head and hitting Cashback!

Nice counter by Tim!

As Leon pulls himself up, Cash is waiting with a double trip, looking for the Midwest Sling!


Looking for the cloverleaf, can he get him?

Fighting it, Leon manages to reaches up and grab Tim by the hair, catching him with a couple of right hands to fend him off.

No, not quite.

Shaking off the punches Tim tumbles forward with a jacknife pin...



Leon BRIDGES up, turning Tim over and nailing him in the chest with another dehabilitating knee strike! Hoisting Tim up in a piggyback, Rodez then goes to hit a Backpack Stunner... but Tim counters with a sleeper!


Before the hold can be locked in fully Leon manages to slip out. Side headlock applied by Leon, but Tim shoves him into the ropes... and catches him in the Sleeper once more!!


Realising he's in trouble, Rodez begins to flail around. His arms swing wildly, looking for anything they can grab onto. The ropes are too far away, but Leon does get a hold of the referee's shirt. And with the referee caught up, Leon tries to take advantage with a lowblow. But Tim is wise to this trick. He steps out of harm's way and instead catches Leon with a SCHOOLBOY!

Tim was ready for it!




Oh, man how close was that?

Morgan looks troubled on the outside, knowing Leon was less than a second away from being beat. She begins to pace as Tim goes behind Leon, trying for an O'Connor roll. Rodez hangs onto the ropes and blocks though. Rolling through, Cash ends up on one knee and Leon takes aim with the rolling sobat... but Tim ducks, pulling Leon down for the Midwest Sling!

Looking for it again! Midwest Sling! And if Cash can get Leon turned we may be in for a big upset!

Fighting and fighting, this time it's not enough for Leon and he gets turned over!!


He's got it!

Come on Leon, don't quit to this sap, you'll never live it down!

Leon's eyes bug out, suddenly finding himself in some serious pain! He tries to reach out for the referee again, but this time the ref is well aware and keeps himself out of arm's reach so as not to give Leon an advantage. So Leon is forced to head for the ropes. Tim tries to sit back and looks back over his shoulder hopefully.


In pain, Leon reaches out pleadingly to Morgan, who is peering out from above the apron, concerned. Morgan hears Leon's cries for help and in desperation, crawls in to try and grab his arms! But the referee intercepts and puts her back out!

Good call referee!

Come on, she's just trying to help her man in his time of need! Why take that away from her?

Leon cries out in pain again and looks on the verge of giving up. The ropes are close though and he tries to make one final reach out. He seems to be just fingertips short... at which point, Morgan pushes the ropes in a little, responding to Leon's pleading looks and saving him by the tips of his fingers!


Well Leon makes it to the ropes, but not without some outside help.

Looking torn over her interference, Morgan paces around nervously. Meanwhile, Tim pulls Leon back up and tries to drag him back into the middle of the ring. Leon grabs onto the middle rope, not wanting to go. A tug of war ensues and Leon looks to Morgan again, with more pleading eyes. Dutifully, Morgan hops up on the apron to try and help, but by that time Cash has pulled Rodez away.

I can understand Morgan wanting to help Leon out, but the referee needs to get her out of here.

Hooking Rodez up, Tim tries a back suplex. But Leon lands on his feet. And with a shove, Leon runs Tim forward, causing him to collide with a stranded Morgan who CRASHES TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!!!


And that's exactly why!

That was... unfortunate.

Tim looks down, understandably distracted by Morgan laying in a heap on the floor and looking full of regret. Realising he can't let himself be distracted, Tim has to put his concern to one side. But he doesn't do it quickly enough. Leon is laying in wait... and connects with a flash Superkick!

OH! Tim got caught!

Dazed, Tim falls to one knee and Leon stops, takes aim... and BLASTS Tim in the face with the rolling sobat!!!


One Hit Kill!

Leon rolls Tim over and hooks back on the leg...





Leon quickly rolls out of the ring like a thief in the night, slumping to his knees down next to Morgan with relief on his face.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... LLLEEEEEOOONN RRROOOOODDEEEZZZZZZ!!!!


The Money In The Bank briefcase holder pulls out a big win, but by the very skin of his teeth!

A win's a win T-Bod. A win's a win.

Even wins that sacrifice other people, yes, I'm sure they are. And I'm sure it's all just a means to an end for Leon Rodez.

Helping a dazed and confused Morgan up, Leon props her up and carries the weak girl to the back, only to stop halfway and demand his briefcase from the referee. Priorities.

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The lights go out, and the fans come to their feet as the chamber is lowered from the ceiling.

Six men step in to this caged hell, one man will walk out the OAOAST Heartland champion!

*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...this is the Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell VI!

*crowd cheers*

The rules of this match are as follows.  Two participants will start this match, as the other four participants will be placed in these 8x5 cells, which will then be raised to the ceiling of the chamber.  Every 5 minutes, another participant will have their cell lowered, and will enter the match.  The last remaining participant will walk out of the chamber, as the OAOAST Heartland champion!  So, without further adieu, let's introduce the participants.  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers*

Then for the thousands in attendance here in Nashville, and the millions and millions watching around the world...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Khyber Pass hits, and Quiz makes his way to the ring, pushing a tote full of weapons.

And these will be the participants starting the match in the cells!

From Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 277 pounds...he is the head of band security for the Heavenly Rockers...QUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!

Quiz pushes the tote in to ringside, and gets into his cell, which is then raised to the ceiling.  Wildside by Motley Crue hits, and Malaysia comes through the curtains.  Malaysia is wearing a cowboy hat and carrying a jug, a steel guitar, and a washboard.

Well, we're here in Nashville, T-Bod, Malaysia doin' her best to fit in!

Malaysia mockingly plays her washboard, drawing the ire of some fans in the aisle.


Malaysia the first woman ever to compete in the Chamber, and also one of two Alberta natives, along with Quiz who has already entered!

Malaysia gets into her cell, as Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody hits, and Deuce Deuce Bigelow comes out, pulling a wagon featuring the CACTUS~!

And here comes the cactus, and here comes Deuce!

From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 380 pounds...DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Deuce pulls the wagon into the chamber, and pulls it up to ringside, then enters his cell.

Hope they reinforced that cell!

God of Thunder hits, and the smoke fills the entryway.  TK drives a forklift through the smoke with a large crate on the front of it.

From Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 250 pounds...representing the Deadly Alliance, he is the OAOAST Heartland champion...THUNDERKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!

OAOAST officials run out and stop in front of the forklift as TK lowers the box.  After a brief argument with TK, they call Deon Black out from the back, and he comes to the ring and rips the top off of the crate, revealing the Can-Am Assassins inside, sitting on each side of the crate.

Oh, look at that!

The officials force Pantera and Strutter to the back, as they plead their case, then force TK into the chamber.  TK enters his cell, and it's raised to the ceiling.

The Deadly Alliance up to their tricks once again, but this time they were outsmarted!

And now, the two participants who will begin this match in the ring!

Gasolina (remix) hits, and Colombian Heat comes through the curtains, dragging a big corduroy sack behind him.


Heat lays his bag in the corner, and slides into the ring, raising the "W" hand sign in the ring, as Master Blaster (Jammin') hits, and Denzel Spencer makes his way out.


Denzel slides into the ring, and sets off his pyro.

So Denzel and Colombian Heat, two very close friends, will start us off here in the sixth annual Chamber of Hell match!


Denzel and Heat approach each other in mid-ring and bump both fists, then circle the ring.  They tie up, and Denzel grabs a side headlock.  Heat backs Denzel into the ropes, and shoves him across.  Heat drops down as Denzel hops over, then gets back to his feet and executes a leapfrog, then drops back down and attempts a reverse monkey flip, but Denzel flips over onto his feet!

Tremendous agility from these two!

Denzel turns just in time to leapfrog a charging Heat, then catches him with an armdrag!  He follows with a dropkick, and a second, sending Heat rolling to the outside!

Nice sequence of moves by Denzel Spencer, and Heat out to the floor!

Heat slides back inside, and they circle the ring again.  This time, Heat goes behind, but Denzel trips him up.  Heat shoves Denzel into the ropes with his foot, and rolls onto his stomach as Denzel hops over.  He then springs to his feet, and catches Denzel with a spinning wheel kick!  Heat goes for a quick cover...




Denzel and Heat back into corner, as the crowd reacts.  The two approach each other, hands outstretched, and Heat quickly grabs Denzel's arm and wrings it.  Heat wrings once again, but Denzel drives a couple forearms to the chest, then reverses to his own arm-wringer.  Heat reaches for the ropes, but Denzel is able to keep him away, ultimately taking him down to the mat.  Denzel then bars the arm as Heat works his way back to his feet, then goes back to the wristlock.  Heat runs to the ropes and hops to the top, then drops down and bounces off the rope, backflipping back into the ring and executing an armdrag!

Excellent counter by Heat!

Heat then executes a hurricanrana, and hooks the legs...




Heat whips Denzel into the ropes, and tries a clothesline, but Denzel ducks, and comes back with a bodypress!  Heat tries to hold on, but both men go tumbling over the top rope!

Lots of hot action here, as both men go to the outside!

Which means I think the action is about to get a lot hotter!

Heat recovers first, and picks up Denzel, sending him back-first into the barbed-wire encased Chamber wall!

And it looks like you're right, Coach, Denzel just got sent into the barbed wire!

Denzel makes pained sounds on the floor, as Heat picks him up and sends him back inside.  Heat then reaches into the weapon bin, and grabs a trashcan full of stuff.  He tosses it into the ring, then rolls inside and pulls a strap out of it.  He lashes Denzel across the back with the strap a few times, then picks him up and whips him into the ropes.  He tries to clothesline him with the strap, but Denzel catches the strap, and executes a shoulder throw while holding onto it.

And now Denzel's got the strap!

Denzel uses the strap across the back of Heat, who heads to a corner.  Denzel tries a charge, but Heat moves.  Heat then tries another hurricanrana, but Denzel sits out with a powerbomb to counter!

Both men out of it on the mat, and we're ready for another one!

Both men lay on the canvas as the count begins...












The lights flash around on the cells before stopping on...THUNDERKID!

And the first cell to lower is that of the champion, Thunderkid!

TK exits his cell as it reaches the ground, and reaches into the item bin, coming out with a chair and a STOP sign!

TK is ready to get down to business!

TK then grabs the CACTUS~! and slides it into the ring, then sets it up in a corner.  He picks up Heat and whips him into the ropes, then comes at him with the chair.  Heat ducks as TK lunges, and Denzel catches TK with a leg lariat!

Big leg lariat from Denzel, sending the chair right back into TK's face!

Denzel hammers TK, as Heat joins the assault.

Oh come on, this isn't fair!

Denzel and Heat now working together, double-teaming TK!

Denzel and Heat whip TK into the CACTUS~!

And a little cactus action for TK!

Denzel catches TK with a clothesline, followed by Heat legdropping the chair onto him!  Heat covers...




TK rolls to the outside, as Denzel and Heat go at it in the ring once again.  Denzel catches Heat with a back suplex, then sets up the chair in mid-ring.  Denzel attempts an Irish whip, but Heat reverses, then sends Denzel into the chair with a drop toe hold!

Nice move by Heat to send Denzel into that chair!

Heat then goes over to the ropes, and attempts a PLANCHA~! on TK...but TK catches him, and sends him face-first into the Chamber wall!

But he got caught that time, and now he tastes the barbed wire!

TK then picks up Heat, and rakes his face across the Chamber wall, splitting him open!

And now raking the face!

And Heat is bleeding, I do believe, Tony!

TK grabs the strap and begins choking the bloodied Heat until Denzel comes outside and slams the chair across his back!

Denzel now to the outside with the chair!

Denzel rams TK's face into the apron, then rolls him back inside.  He slugs away at him on the mat, then backs him into the corner and unloads with kicks.  Meanwhile, Heat comes up with a ladder, and a barbed wire-wrapped chair!

Oh, the big weapons are coming out now!

Heat rolls into the ring, and picks up the ladder, clotheslining Denzel with it!  He then waits for TK to come out of the corner, and clotheslines him as well!

Heat cleaning house with that ladder right now!

Heat then positions the chair in mid-ring, and grabs TK, with intentions of driving him with the COLOMBIAN NECKTIE~!!!!!11111 onto it!  However, as he goes to set up, TK quickly twists out and hammers him on the back.  Denzel then kicks the ladder into position, then hits the ropes and takes both men down with a DOUBLE BULLDOG, with TK's face going into the chair and Heat's onto the ladder!


What a resourceful move that was by Denzel Spencer!

Denzel slowly comes to his feet as the other two stir on the mat.

And it looks like TK is now busted open as well, as a result of that move!

Denzel then takes the cactus and tips it onto TK, before going to the top rope, pulling the STOP sign up with him.  Denzel flies off the top with the STOP sign, splashing it and the cactus onto TK!


TK squashed underneath Denzel's weight and the cactus!

Denzel then comes to his feet, to be met with a shot from the barbed-wire chair from Heat!

Heat laying into Denzel with that chair, and Denzel now cut open!

And it's about time for another person!

Heat works over Denzel as the count begins...












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The lights move around and land on QUIZ!

And it's the big man, Quiz, running buddy of the Heavenly Rockers!

Quiz's cell comes down and he steps out and rolls into the ring, booting the chair into the face of Heat!

And the big fella making a big impact right away!

Quiz picks up TK, and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a flying back elbow!  He then picks up Denzel, and slams him onto the ladder with a full nelson slam!  Quiz then pounds on his chest, drawing boos from the crowd.

Quiz came in ready to go tonight!

Quiz chokes Denzel in the corner with his boot, then sets up the cactus in the corner, and picks up TK.  He scoops him up, and goes to ram his face into the cactus, but TK slips out and shoves Quiz into the cactus!  TK then catches Quiz with a BICYCLE KICK~!

Nice counter there by TK, and following up with that big kick!

TK then dumps out a trashcan and slams it onto Quiz's head.  Heat then tackles TK down to the mat, and the two roll around choking one another.  Meanwhile, Denzel waits on Quiz to get to his feet, and hits him with a spinning wheel kick, sending him through the ropes to the floor.  He then waits for him to get to his feet, and hits him with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!

Big move from Denzel Spencer!

TK bounces off the ropes shortly after, hitting both men with a SUICIDE DIVE~!  As all three men lay on the floor, Heat sets up a ladder in the ring.

What's Heat going for here?

Heat scales the ladder, as all three men slug it out on the floor, and dives off onto all three men on the floor!

Heat from way up in the air!

All the way from the ladder to the floor!

All four men lay on the floor as the crowd chants "HO-LY SHIT~!"  Heat gets to his feet first, and pushes two tables into the ring.  He rolls into the ring, and catches Quiz as he rolls inside.  He stomps away, then hops to the second rope with the barbed-wire chair, and drops an elbow onto his face!

Heat with an elbow onto Quiz with that barbed wire chair!

And it looks like Quiz is bleeding now as well!

Denzel slowly rolls inside, as TK comes to his feet, and starts setting up tables on the outside.

And now we got more tables going up on the floor!

Denzel joins Heat in working over Quiz, as they whip him into the ropes.  However, Quiz ducks a double clothesline and floors both men with one of his own!

And even after that big shot, Quiz able to take down both men with a clothesline!

TK then rolls inside, and slams the chair across Quiz's back!  He then chokes away at Denzel, as the countdown begins...












The lights move around, before stopping on DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW!

Well, we have the first woman to compete in the Chamber of Hell, and here is the largest man ever to do so!

Deuce comes out of his cell and rolls inside, flattening TK with a clothesline!  He then waits on Quiz, and hits him with a dropkick!

And the big man displaying tremendous agility!

Deuce then waits on Denzel and Heat to come to, and brings them together, grabbing them both in side headlocks.

What's this?

Deuce then knocks TK and Quiz to the outside with a DOUBLE BATTERING RAM!  Deuce plays to the crowd, while Denzel and Heat grab the ladder and clothesline him with it!


Heat and Denzel using the big man to their advantage, then taking him out of play!

Denzel and Heat then hit Quiz and TK, respectively, with PLANCHAS~!

And now stereo planchas by Denzel and Heat!

A four-way slugfest ensues on the outside, while Deuce climbs to the top rope.  He gets his balance, then executes a MOONSAULT to the floor, taking out all four men!


Deuce with a 380-pound moonsault from the top rope to the floor!  Amazing!

All 5 men lay on the floor as the crowd chants.





Deuce eventually comes to his feet, and pulls a BARBED-WIRE BOARD from under the ring!

Oh my!

Deuce shoves the board inside the ring, then tosses Quiz inside.  He rolls in after him, and attempts a powerbomb...but Quiz blocks, and backdrops Deuce onto the board!

And that one backfires on the big man!

Quiz stays down to catch his breath, then comes to his feet and drops an elbow on Deuce, then covers...




Quiz stalks Deuce into a corner, where he drives knees into the midsection, then chokes him with his boot.  Deuce sinks into the corner, where Quiz grabs the barbed-wire chair and rakes it across his face!

And Deuce's face being raked open by that barbed-wire chair by Quiz!

Quiz then sets up the chair, waiting for Deuce to come out of the corner, and brings it down across his back!  He then tosses it to the mat, and puts Deuce onto it with a full nelson slam!  Cover...



Shoulder up!

Deuce showing a lot of toughness here, I have to admit!

Quiz whips Deuce into a corner, and charges, but Deuce gets his foot up!  As Quiz staggers out, he's hit with a missile dropkick by Denzel from the other side!  Deuce then floors Denzel from behind, and steps back, then falls forward with headbutt!  He then catches Heat coming into the ring with the same move!

Deuce obviously not forgetting the ladder clothesline earlier!

TK grabs Deuce from behind, and executes a back suplex onto the ladder!

And TK gonna make sure he don't forget the ladder!

TK then props the cactus up in a corner, and grabs a surfboard out of the weapon bin.  He then climbs to the top rope.

TK gonna do a little cactus surfing!

TK places the surfboard on the cactus, and rides it down onto Deuce, then dives on top of Heat!

Oh, two-for-one, maybe!




The camera gets a shot of Malaysia in her cell.

And very shortly, Malaysia will make her entrance into this match, the final entrant, and the first woman ever to enter!

Denzel then grabs the trashcan, and charges at TK, who comes with the chair, and they collide, resulting in both men being knocked to the mat, as the countdown begins!












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Malaysia's cell starts to lower.

All six competitors will be entered in just a few seconds!

Malaysia exits her cell, then sets the jug in the corner and slides inside the ring, clobbering Denzel with her washboard!

Malaysia playin' the washboard on Denzel!

Malaysia then raises the steel guitar overhead and brings it down across the back of TK!  She then chokes TK with the neck of the guitar, as Heat rolls to the outside, and grabs his bag that he brought to the ring.  He pushes it inside, then rolls inside and pulls out a torch, a gasoline can, a pair of flame-proof gloves, and a kickball!

And it's about to get real serious now!

Heat puts the gloves on, douses the kickball in the gasoline, and lights it on fire!  He then spikes Malaysia in the back with it!

Flaming kickball to the back!

Heat lights up another one, and lets Quiz have it in the back!  A third hits him in the chest, and he falls onto the barbed-wire board, as Denzel scales the ropes...and hits the KINPUPPALICK~!!!!!11111

And Denzel with that 450 splash!




And Quiz has been eliminated!

eliminated: Quiz
eliminated by: Denzel Spencer
left: Denzel Spencer, Colombian Heat, Thunderkid, Deuce Deuce Bigelow, Malaysia

TK tackles Heat to the mat, choking away at him, until Deuce comes after him.  Deuce works over TK until Malaysia cracks him from behind with the barbed-wire chair!

Malaysia catching Deuce from behind with that chair!

Malaysia and TK then team up to execute a double bodyslam on Deuce, flipping him over the top rope and through the two tables that had been set up earlier!

NICE move!

Deuce through two tables, all the way to the floor!

Malaysia goes to work on Heat, while TK does the same to Denzel.  TK lifts Denzel overhead for a PRESS SLAM~!, tossing him onto the ladder!  TK then goes to the outside, and reaches into the item bin, coming out with a chest protector covered in thumbtacks!

Look at this!

However, before TK can put it on, Heat dives over the top rope onto him!  Heat then puts the chest protector onto TK, inside-out and backwards, so that the tacks are against his back, before shoving him back-first into the ringpost!

TK brought the chest protector into play, and now it's backfiring!

Heat rolls TK into the ring, then executes a slingshot splash into the ring!




Heat gets to his feet, and waits for TK to come to his.  When he does, Heat gets behind him and executes a lungblower!

And again, the tacks driven into the back of TK!





Meanwhile, Denzel pulls a giant ladder from under the ring, and slides it inside.  He sets it up in a corner, and begins to climb, as Malaysia is set up on a table.  However, Malaysia rolls off the table, then grabs her steel guitar, and clubs Denzel over the head with it!

Denzel taking a hard shot to the head with that steel guitar!

Malaysia then sets up the smaller ladder sideways underneath the bigger one, then grabs her jug and pulls the top of, pouring the contents on the table, then grabbing the torch and setting it ablaze!

Looks like Malaysia had her a secret stash in that jug!

Malaysia starts to climb up after Denzel, but Heat comes with the barbed-wire chair and brings it across Malaysia's back!  Heat then climbs after Malaysia, ducking behind her and hooking her arms.

Oh my...

Heat lifts Malaysia off the ladder, and delivers the COLOMBIAN NECKTIE THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE~!!!!!11111







eliminated: Malaysia
eliminated by: Colombian Heat
left: Denzel Spencer, Colombian Heat, Thunderkid, Deuce Deuce Bigelow

Heat comes to his feet slowly, and is floored by a BICYCLE KICK~! from TK!  TK then catches Deuce rolling back inside, and drops a knee to the back of the head!  He then turns the chest protector around properly with the tacks facing out, and climbs to the top, splashing the tacks into Deuce!

Big splash from the top, and we could have another one here!




And we do!  Half the field is gone!

eliminated: Deuce Deuce Bigelow
eliminated by: Thunderkid
left: Denzel Spencer, Colombian Heat, Thunderkid

TK gets to his feet, and picks up the barbed wire chair, and goes to Denzel, who is still out of it on the ladder.  He raises the chair overhead, and as he does, Heat jumps onto his shoulders and attempts a hurricanrana, but TK blocks, driving him into the mat with a powerbomb, and also driving the chair into his face upon impact!

What a counter!




eliminated: Colombian Heat
eliminated by: Thunderkid
left: Denzel Spencer, Thunderkid

TK then hammers Denzel from behind, before setting up two chairs on the mat.  He then places the barbed-wire board across the two chairs, before climbing the smaller ladder, then moving onto the big ladder, hooking Denzel with intent to deliver the Thunderbolt DDT~!!!!!11111

If he hits this, it's got to be over!

However, Denzel blocks, then repeatedly rams TK's face into the top of the ladder. He then maneuvers his arms, switching holds and driving TK with the CARRIBEAN COMPACTOR off the ladder through the barbed-wire board!

But no, it's Denzel!





And Denzel has the gold once again!


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Here we go with a OAOAST first.

People remember where they were when JFK was shot, when man landed on the moon and tonight they can add when the first ever intergender bra and panties match took place.

“Motherfucker of the Year” by Motley Crue cues and Mr. Dick is showered onstage by golden pyro.  

The following contest is the first ever INTERGENDER BRA AND PANTIES match! Introducing first, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 238 pounds, he is the former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion… “DICKZILLA,“ “KING DONG“… MMMIIIIIIIIIIISSSSTTEEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!!


Greetings loved ones
Lets take a journey

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

Alix bounces out onstage and cartwheels to the ring.


And his opponent! From Los Angeles, California, she is one-half of America’s Sweethearts CHICKS OVER DICKS and leader of the Ally Cats… ALIX MMMAAAAARRRRRRIIIAAAAAA SSSSPPEEEEEZZZZZIIIIIIAAAAAAA!!!



The bell sounds and MD… removes his tank top?!?


Why the hell did… Oh, I get it. Mr. Dick is playing mind games with Alix.

I don’t think Alix has a mind to play with, but I love the move. It shows the confidence Mr. Dick has for him to give Alix the advantage.

And I don’t blame him for being overly confident. It’s hard to imagine Alix incapacitating him long enough to physically remove his clothing.

He’s too big for Alix to handle is what you’re saying, huh? *laughs*

MD admires himself on the AngleTron, then gets yanked off his feet and ran over as Alix repeatedly shouts “WHO’S HOUSE? RUN’S HOUSE!”

Move over Run DMC. We now have Run AMS.

And I can’t believe we got a Run DMC reference in 2010.

Alix shoots off the ropes and ducks a clothesline, then connects with a springboard spear STRAIGHT OUT OF COMPTON! Immediately she looks to strip MD of his short shorts, but the Real American Prick uses the bottom rope to escape outside.

Alix was a good tug away from ending this one right there. Mr. Dick’s pre-match arrogance nearly came back to haunt him.

Alix chases after MD, who dives back inside and stomps away on her upon re-entry. He whips Alix in for a clothesline, but she ducks and catches him on the rebound with a TILT-A-WHIRL HEADSCISSORS! An old school head scissors takedown follows, but Alix goes to the well one too many times and falls victim to a STUN GUN/HOT SHOT.


MD strips Alix of her Hello Kitty Daisy Duke shorts, then stuffs them down her throat!


MD introduces Alix violently to the turnbuckle, then whips her in for a Stinger Splash, but she moves and dropkicks MD in the back.


Alix school boy’s MD, not for a pin but to remove his short shorts, but he thumbs her in the eye to break free and follows up with a back suplex.

This could be it right here. Mr. Dick has Alix in a prone position.

MD pulls Alix’s top halfway up before he wags his finger and delivers a COCK BLOCK instead!

MD paintbrushes Alix as she crawls on all fours, then splashes her in the corner.

Bite My Giant Dick!

Alix stumbles out of the corner and into the path of a STIFF KICK! After posing for the camera MD places Alix in the corner for a REAR ENDER, a page out of her own playbook, but she crawls through his legs as he sits back and unloads from the middle rope.


MD falls to the seat of his pants as Alix begins to remove hers for the REAR ENDER.

Don’t tell me Alix is going to have a brain fart right here?

Luckily for Alix the referee informs her of the consequences, which she thanks him for with a peck on the cheek.

Alf better reprimanded that official, Tony. Alix was about to commit an epic blunder and he bailed her ass out.

Alix turns her attention back to MD and gets clobbered with a clothesline. MD then follows up with not one but two HEADBUTTS TO THE CROTCH, but he goes to the well one too many times and Alix RUBS HIS FACE AGAINST HER JEAN SHORTS!


Mr. Dick is really feeling the burn right about now.

The question is: from the jean material or an STD Alix has?



Isn’t that?

It is! One of the items Mr. Dick grabbed as he and Malaysia exited Victoria’s Secret this past week on HeldDOWN~! But more importantly Mr. Dick and Alix have been stripped of their clothes.

The referee confers with ring announcer Michael Buffer as MD and Alix look on confused.

Ladies and gentlemen, both participants stripped each other of their clothing simultaneously. Therefore, the referee has declared this bout a DRAW!

A draw?!?


Going by the letter of the rule the right call was made, but man is the OAOAST Galaxy pissed.

They don’t have to like it, but they sure gotta accept it.

Not to leave the OAOAST Galaxy with a bad tastes in their mouths, MD charges Alix, but she ducks and connects with a SOMMERSAULT NECKBREAKER!

Confessions of a Kristaholic!

MD sells the move in cartoonish fashion and is stripped of his thong, forcing King Dong to cover up and flee backstage.





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Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of sixty minutes, and it is for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title!


Cheers quickly become jeers as Parade of Charioteers seeps through the speakers. Entrance doors spread apart, and the royal duo of Queen Esther and Landon Maddix step out. Attired in a royal purple robe and wearing his infamous crown, Landon extends his hands to greet his less than adoring public. Behind him gold sparks fall from the ceiling, and give him a golden aura. Less enthused is Queen Esther who looks uncharacteristically angry. She clenches her fists and stomps towards the ring. Her King follows her, waving and smiling to fans who douse him with profanity.

Introducing the challenger, being accompanied by Queen Esther, he is the royal emperor of the Cucaracha Kingdom, from the Kingdom Of Madrid Spain, he is a former OAOAST World Champion and current one third of the six man champions, he is THE KING OF THE RING, LANDON MADDDDDDIXXXXXX!

The audience finds even more hatred in their heart for Landon, as The King takes an elegant spin into the ring. The Queen on the other hand stands on the outside, stewing in her mysterious anger.

Landon Maddix, a former world champion after defeating Zack Malibu stands to truly become king of the OAOAST if he can beat Krista Isadora Duncan tonight. He has all the tools to be world champion, and if he can bring them to the table tonight he stands to walk out with the title.

What a great day it would be to see a REAL wrestler holding the OAOAST World Title once again. And a King at that!

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time


Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

OMG HUGE GINORMOUS POP! Here in the home of country music, Krista's dancers come dressed for a good old fashioned ho down in daisy dukes and flannel shirts. The world champion weaves through her ultra cute dancers, to upstage them with a sexy golden ruffled mini skirt and purple Lakers halter top. She strikes an eye catching pose atop the entrance ramp, before heading down to the ring.

Krista strides with her trademark cool down a glitter soaked entrance ramp, surrounded by fashion photographers. At the end of the ramp, she smiles a Thanksgiving Day Parade worthy smile as a wind machine blows her hair in playful directions.

Alright, Tony, you've faced Krista a number of times early in her career, how do you beat her?

I've faced Krista a number of times, and I lost every time. She was unbeatable as a rookie, and she's even harder as a veteran.  The only difference is now she humiliates you. Back then she'd at least let you escape with your dignity.

The reason for Queen Esther's anger soon becomes apparent as Krista delights the libido of millions world wide by hanging herself upside down on the ropes and showing off quite a bit of flesh in the process.


Destroy! Vanquish! Eliminate!

Realizing how poorly those same orders served him three weeks ago, Landon tries to calm Queen Esther down.

Come on, Landon, destroy me. Vanquish me. Eliminate me.

Well, now, everyone just hold on a moment.

Here I'll assist you.

Krista takes Landon's arm and helpfully attaches herself inside a headlock.

Now I'm going to push you to the ropes,  and you come back and shoulder block me. Ready? Go!

Krista does as she says and shoves Maddix into the ropes. Perhaps predictably, Krista turns traitor on her foe and pokes him in the eye on his return.

Off with her head! Quickly! Do it now!

Landon makes a half hearted lunge for Krista, but Miss California wraps her arms around his right leg and dumps him to the canvas.

Back to your feet! Destroy her!

Queen Esther is almost sounding like a demented drill sergeant.

Krista snatches Landon into a bit of an arm lock, which does little to please Queen Esther. Landon manages to find his way upright, only to be sat back down by a side russian leg sweep from the world champion. Krista rises to her feet and blows a kiss to Queen Esther.

My king will crush you!

Krista shrugs her shoulders at the Queen's remarks, and crushes Landon's stomach with a standing shooting star press! Krista then hooks Landon's legs for a pinfall as Queen Esther holds her breath...




Yes! Evil shall not prevail on this day!

Krista gets to her feet, ready to execute another dazzling display of offense. But a recovered Landon puts a stop to those plans as he kicks out her legs. Landon then stomps Krista out of frustration, pleasing his queen. He picks Krista up and rocks her with a forearm to the jaw. With Krista stunned, Landon is able to amaze his queen with a dropsault!

Landon Maddix is one of the few performers that is able to match speed with the world champion.

Landon picks up Krista and strikes her with a forearm that sends her stumbling back to the corner. On the queen's orders, Maddix pursues his foe and hammers her six packed stomach with stomps.  He eventually manages to stomp Krista down to the ground, but is backed off by referee Earl Hebner. Landon attempts to bribe the veteran official, but soon realizes his tights have no pockets, and thus no money. The promise of unlimited access to the royal vault does little to persuade Hebner.

Imagine all the gold from conquered lands that is in the royal vault!

Landon whips Krista into the ropes. He lowers his head expecting her to rebound him, but Krista stops short to pontifacte.

Now see, this is what I'm talking about. You bend over, as if you don't expect me to kick you in the face or leap frog you and give you a super wedgie. Its like voting for Sarah Palin in an eelection and not expecting to be struck down by a speeding truck as an act of cosmic karma. Go on and stand up, Landon we'll try this one again.

You do not give orders to royalty! Demolish her at once! Show no mercy, give no quarter! Behead the usurper!

Are you going to shut her up or am I going to have to punch you in the mouth?

Esther, please.

I will not be silenced by this wicked witch!

Well, you tried, so I guess I'll just kick you in the shin.

Krista does just that, causing a distraught Maddix to hobble around the mat in pain. He fires back with a kick from his good leg, but misses Krista entirely as she ducks down. Landon swings around to hit a discus punch, only to have Krista's high heels nail him in the face with a pele kick! Down the goes the king, besiged by a throbbing headache. Krista grabs onto his legs for a pinfall...



Landon pops out of the pinfall, and makes a hasty retreat to the corner. He looks to Queen Esther for strategy, but can get nothing more than a few orders to send her to the dungeon. This isn't exactly helpful as Krista is coming in at top speed. Maddix upends her and tosses her onto the ring apron, where she lands on her high heels. The King quickly tries to swat her off with a forearm. However, Krista does the splits to avoid it. As a result of this avoidance Queen Esther is given an eye full of Krista's silver thong, and the luscious thighs.


Krista stands up and attempts to slingshot her way back into the contest. Unfortunatley she's nailed in the face by a knee from Landon, keeping her locked onto the apron. Still standing, she's victimized by the dropsault Landon uses to knock her off the ring apron.

See what your actions have wrought! The Kingdom will not be soiled by sinners!

Wishing Esther would shut up so as not to motivate Krista, Landon nervously exits the ring. He tip toes around Krista, afraid she might leap up and strike him at any minute. When that seems to be out the realm of possibility, Landon happily picks her off the canvas. He shoves her into the steel barricade, causing her to howl in pain. Adding to her miserey is the fact that Landon lariats her over the guardrail and into the Nashville audience.

You can't win the title outside the ring. I think Landon ought to get Krista back inside.

Apparently not of the same mind as Tony, Landon leaps over the guardrail. Upon landing he immediately  begins stomping at Krista's back. Once that grows tiresome, Landon leads her to a light fixture and throws her into it.

All hail the mighty AHHHHHHHHHHH!

The source of Landon's discomfort is the light fixture which Krista has turned on him to blind him!

This is really too easy. At least Rico makes me work for my humiliation, you just sit there and say 'let the raping of my dignity begin'

Krista grabs hold of Landon's blond hair and throws him onto a sound mixer. The world champion, then ascends to the top of a large trunk. The fans pop as their about to see a high risk move in an odd spot. But not if Queen Esther has anything to say about it.

Stop! Stop it at once! I demand you stop!

Krista does her best to ignore the annoying queen. However, Esther thinks she merely can't hear her, and screams all the louder. When that doesn't work she turns on the wind machine from Krista's entrance.


Sweet heavens! No!

Appalled by the sudden display of Krista's much lusted after booty, Queen Esther covers her eyes and prays for her chaste soul. Thankfully for her, this distraction has allowed Landon to recover, and he hauls Krista off the trunk. Getting some revenge, he throws the world champion into the sound mixer before stomping her down. Reaching down he grabs onto her hair and hauls her upright. He chucks her into the nearby truck, eliciting a tormented scream from Krista.

Yes, yes! Take her to dungeon!

Realizing that Esther's big mouth is going to get him killed, Landon leads Krista back to ringside. Problematically, Krista grabs hold of a little kid's cotton candy and jams into it Landon's face!

Its sticky!

Krista takes another fan's hot dog and throws it Landon's face. Next a diet coke is slung into his eyes. Then comes cheese covered Nachos dumped all over his head. The final insult comes when a personal pan pizza is mushed into his hair.

See? You're just standing there and letting me dump food on you. How I yearn for days when I had to dig deep into my bag of emasculating tricks when facing such members of my rouges gallery like Christian Wright.

Royalty deserves better! You wouldn't see some ruffian from Liverpool dump crumpets on Princesses Diana would you?

Landon isn't roaylty. He's just a kid in a funny looking crown.

A royal mess, The King of the OAOAST sags against the guardrail. He finds himself taunted by a laughing audience. But more importantly he faces a super kick from the world champion. Thankfully he's saved by Queen Esther latching onto Krista's legs!

That's probably not the best idea.

Krista proves this to be unwise as she merely grabs a beer from a fan and pours it on Queen Esther's head! The queen has a fit worthy of royalty and lets out a shriek that could pierce ears all the way into the next state.

It seems the court jester is making a fool out of King and Queen.

Krista's legs are still trapped by the crying queen. As such she can't move out the way when Landon comes roaring with a lariat. She's toppled over to the ground, drawing concerned looks from near by onlookers. Landon's primary concern is looking for a napkin to wipe himself off. But the Queen implores him for help, and royal duties summon him to action. He helps her to her feet, entertaining the thought of using her gown to wipe the crap off of him. Thinking better of it, he leads the Queen to safety, near the ring.

Landon's wasting valuable time on Queen Esther. Krista recovers quicker than any other
superstar in the OAOAST.

Proving Tony's point, Krista come screaming over the guardrail with a diving shoulder block. But Landon in effort to get away trips over his own boots and falls to the ground. This means Krista sails past him, and sinks to the outside mat.

He avoided that move because he was clumsy. There is your king.

Landon takes a moment to compose himself, no small feet, considering he has Esther screaming in his ear and an entire grocery store on his body. Once he feels ready, he grabs Krista and tosses her back into the ring. He slingshots himself into the ring with a leg drop and attempts a crucial pinfall...



Krista gets her shoulder off the mat!


Landon leads Krista to the corner and slams her face against the ring posts. According to Landon this is quite the accomplishment and he looks out to his royal subjects for praise.


Suitably disturbed by that accusations and thankful that Esther doesn't know what a crackwhore is and thus can not throw another fit, Landon positions Krista for his version of slice bread # 2. The King of Spain runs up the ropes and flies off them to drop Krista to the canvas.

Crowning Glory! The King is feeling it!

Landon decides this is worthy of some celebration and bows to a less than wowed audience. After that bit of business is concluded, Maddix hurls Krista into the ropes. She returns and leaps onto his shoulders for a head scissors. But Landon catches hold of her, and shifts her around into a standing fireman's carry.

Night, night, Krista, you're going to sleep!

But thanks to all the crap on Landon, Krista quite litterally slides right off him. This annoys The King greatly, and he drop kicks Krista to her knees. Landon pauses for a moment to strike a regal pose, and then lashes his foot forward to nail Krista with a low flying super kick. A pinfall is then made...



Krista again finds a way to kickout.


The royal subjects are revolting! Quick unleash the cannons and catapults!

This woman is severely disturbed. I feel sorry for her.

Landon grabs onto Krista's well insured legs and slingshots her into the corner. The Walk of Famer lands on the second rope, however, delighting the crowd. She moonsaults back at Landon, but is caught by The King. He shifts her onto his shoulders for the G2S, and the audience panics as a result. Their fears are unfounded as the world champion this time rolls down Landon's back and pins him...



Landon rolls himself out the pinfall! He quickly rolls to his feet and strikes down Krista with a forearm.  

The forearms are such an important part of Landon Maddix's offense and I don't think any body throws them better.

Landon executes a painfull double stomp, then promptly floats into a senton! Krista screams in pain, the weight of her foe being dumped upon her stomach. The queen looks pleased and encourages Landon to continue his assault. He does just that by picking up Krista and chucking her over the ropes. The King takes a moment to appeal to his royal subjects for support.


Landon's preoccupation with the crowd, gives Krissy the time she needs to recover. As such she's able to haul him outside the ring. But the moment he gets there he lashes out with a forearm that knocks Krista back into the guardrail. The queen comes over to yell at Krista, which only serves to motivate Miss California. Now, she's able to trade forearms with his majesty. The fans root her on, but their support can't prevent Landon from drop toe holding her into the steel steps.  

Yes, dismember her! Dismember her at once!

I don't believe I've ever seen the queen quite so worked up before.

Landon grabs Krista into a front facelock, and then suplexes her over the guardrail and into the crowd.

Bow before the king, humble peasants!


Once again Landon's focus on the crowd costs him dearly, as Krista hits him with a pair forearms as she nears her. With The King staggered by the blows, Krista leaps onto the guardrail and nails him in the face with a dropkick. This pops the crowd and displeases Esther, who fearfully backs away from the world champion.

Your freakishly wide hips dissaude me from doing so, but I think I'm going to strip you naked again.

Those words send Queen Esther running for the hills! Krista chases after her, circling around the ring twice. But on her third trip back, The King cuts her down with a lariat.

The King was lying there like a snake in the grass.

Landon puts the boots to Krista in punishment for harassing his queen. Once that bit of business is complete he grabs Krista in order to dump her back into the ring. With the kingdom's subjects booing him, The King elevates himself to the top rope. He plays to a less than receptive audience and then flies off with a body splash. But at the last second, Krista moves out the way and the challenger crashes into the canvas!

Oh heavens no! Get up, my sweet King, you must get up!

Landon does get up, but only due to the fact that Krista pulls him up. She efforts an irish whip, but fails as Landon reverses it and sends her into the corner. Landon chases after, and Krista latches onto the top rope and springs into the air to avoid him. But Landon stops short of her location and kicks her in the stomach! Krista falls to the canvas, and punches it out of frustration.

You see that, Tony, The King is starting to frustrate her.

Krista is not one to be easily frustrated, that much is certain.

Maddix happily hooks onto Krista's legs for the pinfall..




“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the audience sings.

Landon hooks onto Krista's arms, leans her against his knee and begins clubbing her in the chest. Thanks to her gigantic breasts, this doesn't exactly due much damage and Krista assumes he's just looking for an excuse to fondle her. Thus she swats him in the face. She speeds to her feet, and flips him to the canvas with an arm drag. But, The King hops upright and strikes her down with a spinning forearm! Another pinfall is then made...



Krista again finds the will to kickout! This annoys Landon, and he grabs onto her bare legs for another pinfall...



Krista kicksout, bringing out cheers from the sold out audience. Landon begins stomping her, a pleasing sight to his vengeful Queen. The challenger than attempts to pick Krista up, but she repeatedly begins to slug him in the stomach! Landon can only take so much of these piddling blows before he shoves Krista to the ground, and begins pounding her with closed fists.

Watch the closed fists ref!

Hebner warns Landon off, forcing a clean break. But The King is right back on his foe, trapping her inside a grounded underhook.

A very basic but effective submission hold used by the challenger.

Queen Esther applauds as Krista's face is contorted by the pain.


Drawing strength from the audience, Krista valiantly fights to her feet. Her heels begin kicking Landon in the legs, slowly but surely weakening his grip on her. Tired out by the procession of kicks Landon releases Krista. He does this only so that he may kick her in the ribs and push her to the ground.

The end is near for the wicked witch! My kingdom will sing its songs once again!

Landon walks over to Krista in order to scrape her off the canvas. Problem is that Krista doesn't wanted to be picked up and she kicks Landon in the head! Landon stumbles back a few inches, before growing angry and charging back at her. Krista is well prepared for his arrival and kicks him in the leg! This permits her to get to her feet where she faces a forearm from the challenger. She blocks the attack and punches Landon in the jaw. The King takes this blow in stride and fires off another forearm, only to be blocked once more. Thinking the third time to be a charm, Landon throws another forearm. But Krista blocks this one and makes him pay dearly for his error with a side effect!

Blonds Never Pay a Cover! CLASSIC Krista!

Krista throws herself off the ropes and comes back to nail Landon in the face with a spinning wheel kick. This attack is enough for her to make a pinfall effort...





These people don't know shit about no numbers, if that was three I'm Bill Clinton.

A dazed challenger sits up, which is a major mistake as Krista runs the ropes and swats him in the face with a John Morrison style knee!


Another pinfall is made as the Queen panics on the outside...



Queen Esther tugs on Hebner's legs, ending the count!


You know you done fucked up, right?

Krista prepares to deal with Queen Esther, but her heroic King saves her with a forearm to Krista's back. But this just angers Krista more, and she nails him in the head with a roundhouse kick. Landon is then whipped into the corner. The world champion leaps onto the second rope, thinking she can nail him with a springboard kick. But Landon swipes out her legs, causing her to topple to the canvas!


Landon takes a few deep breaths of recovery before going for the pinfall...



Krista gets her foot on the ropes! Queen Esther forces it off the ropes, but its already been seen by Hebner.

The Queen seems to be adamant about not letting her man lose out on the world title. She's got quite the intense hatred for Krista.

That's because Krista is a peasant humiliating royalty!

I don't know how you can say someone with their own star on the Hollywood walk of fame is a peasant.

Running the ropes, Landon catches Krista around the head with his left arm, and swings himself around the back in order to bring her down from the right side with an inverted bulldog!

The Kings Gullitione! CLASSIC Landon Maddix!

Landon grabs Krista's arm and whips her into the ropes. Miss California slides between his legs, and gets up to take a run of the cables. But as she returns, Landon captures her with a tilt a whirl backbreaker! A smile appears on his face, as he sees the Queen applauding his performance. Another pinfall is then made...




The King was just mere seconds away from a second world title reign. I can feel it coming, Tony.

Landon underhooks Krista and prepares to strike her with a double arm DDT. But the world champion wheels out the hold and slams a forearm into Landon's jaw! She throws another one, forcing a vexed King to shove her away. But he's not getting rid of Krista easily as she nails him in the chest with a dropkick that throws him into the corner. She then runs in and nails him with a knee to the face, and coverts that into a bulldog. Or at least she attempts to, as Landon shoves her away. Krista lands on her feet, but faces a charge from the challenger. She meets his approach swiftly, nailing him with the KIDology!


No! That ain't right! That ain't supposed to happen!

As the crowd prepares to celebrate a victory, Krista hooks Landon's legs for a pinfall...




NO! Queen Esther dives on top of Krista! With all her might, which isn't very much, she begins punching Krista in the back of the head.

This must be what it feels like to be raped by Richard Simmons. Okay off you go.

Krista manages to free herself from the Queen's weak assault. The Queen soon realizes she's in serious trouble and tries to make a hasty escape. However, Krista refuses to let her leave unpunished and throws her into the corner. Out of breath from that simple toss, Queen Esther sags to the ground, leaning against the turnbuckle posts. Krista gets a mischievous look on her face that severly worries Queen Esther. The Queen has every right be frightened as Krista charges in and leaps at her with a bronco buster!


Krista rides the Queen's face with bridled passion. She purrs with an orgasmic glee as she sensuously but furiously grinds herself into Queen Esther's face.

Come on, queenie, how about a little tongue action?

Krista bucks herself back and forth, moaning in pleasure as she smothers Queen Esther in her feminine charms.

My penis tells me to love this, and my loyalty to the queen tells me to hate this. I'm so torn!

The White Knight Rico DeJanerio makes his way onto the ring apron, to get Krista away from the humliated Queen. Krista does just that, and feigns a punch at Rico. So spooked by the world champion, Rico goes flying off the ring apron as though he were superkicked!


Krista soon encounters a major league problem as Landon is taking her onto his shoulders in setup for the Go 2 Sleep!

Krista's in danger!

Landon nails his trademark finisher to the horror of the audience! Krista falls to the canvas in a heap...and rolls out the ring. Landon would like to fetch her and secure his second world title reign, but he must deal with a hysterical Queen Esther. The Queen quite honestly believes that Krista has stolen her virginity!

Landon is making a big mistake here. You don't get many chances to beat Krista Isadora Duncan, most of the time you don't get ANY.

The King never makes mistakes. Her majesty needs to be comforted.

Landon uses his basic knowledge of the human anatomy to assure his Queen that her virginity remains in tact. The queen doesn't believe him, and Landon is forced into a round of pantomime to teach her how sex works.

Wait, if she's a virgin, that means King Landon ain't hit that yet. You my boy and all, King Landon, but you lookin' like a straight simp on this one.

Once the queen is reassured of her purity, Landon turns his attention to Krista...and gets a KIDology!

I hate to say I told you so.

Emboldened by her rage, the Queen slaps Krista in the face!

Another in a long line of mistakes by the royal leaders in the Cucaracha Kingdom!

Krista smiles at Esther, a pleasant yet frightening smile. Queen Esther starts to feel even bolder and begins taunting Krista with proclamations of her demise. All is well for the haughty Queen. That is until Krista pinches her nipples!


As Michael Cole might, say Oh My!

The Queen screams bloody murder, acting as though her very soul were being ripped from her body. But help is on the way as The Black Knight Lucius Soul arrives on scene! He hammers Krista with clubbing forearms, before taking off to the ropes. Sadly, he runs himself directly into a KIDology!

This is terrible!

But Landon strikes once again capturing Krista onto his shoulders for the G2S! Queen Esther, hardly able to compose herself, applauds the upcoming end to Krista's title reign. But her joy is a bit premature as Krista elbows her way out the standing fireman's carry.

Lightening may not strike twice for Landon Maddix.

Thinking that this match is quickly sliding away from Landon, Queen Esther takes desperate measures and tosses her magic pixie dust at Krista! But Krista ducks and Landon is struck in the face by the magical concoction!

Not good.

Blinded and unable to defend himself, Landon is nailed with the KIDolgy!

That has to be it.

Out of magical dust, and fearful over what attacking Krista will cost her, Queen Esther can only watch in horror as Krista pins Landon...




A huge pop goes up from the stands as Krista's entrance music fires back up. Queen Esther sinks to her knees and cries over the horrid outcome.

Your winner and still OAOAST World Champion....KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAANNNNN!

A great effort by Landon Maddix spoiled by his and his queen's bumbling. You have to stay completely focused and make no mistakes to beat Krista, and Landon just didn't do that.

Krista is handed the world title, but she's not satisfied with it. Rather she wants The King's robe and crown. She's given these two items, and merrily adorns herself in them.

Those aren't her's! Those are The King's!

Krista places a foot on Landon's chest and poses over his fallen body while wearing his robe and his crown.

Ladies and gentlemen, Krista Isadora Duncan retains the world title here in Nashville. We hope you have enjoyed Zero Hour. For Da Coach, I'm Tony Brannigan, we'll see you this Thursday for OAOAST HeldDOWN~!

© 2010
OAOAST Entertainment

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