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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/22/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Theodore Moneymaker & the LDC Moneygang vs. 3 unnamed OAOVW students***

In preparation for their 3 on 2 handicap match at Zero Hour against Los Puerto Riqueños, Enterprise head honcho Theodore Moneymaker organized a practice session for himself and partners. Needless to say it was a beat down of epic proportions as the Enterprise dominated their OAOVW opponents from bell to bell, with Moneymaker scoring the pin fall following a Spike Reiger Counter.

Winners: Theodore Moneymaker & LDC Moneygang

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview The Heavenly Rockers. The Rockers were none to happy with The Love Doctors. Apparently they considered The Docs nothing more than annoying pests needing to be exterminated. They claimed The Docs couldn't hold a candle to the only rock n wrestling band that matters. They said The Rockers could sell out concerts world wide while The Docs couldn't get a dollar in their g-string at a third rate strip club. This drew out the Doctors   of Doctornomics, who of course took offense to The Rockers comments.  The Doctors dared The Rockers to put their money where their mouth is and take them on at Zero Hour. The Rockers happily agreed to this challenge, and the match was set.

James Riggs gave another horrible speech to a locker room of OAOVW superstars. He lambasted them for being losers and failures, and told them they'd never amount to anything in this business. But he said it wasn't their fault. It was the OAOAST's fault for keeping them down and making sure they'd never be a success. He said he'd right this wrong, starting with a kid named Jeff Skinner tonight.

***James Riggs and Jeff Skinner Vs J-MAX and Mariachi***

Riggs and Skinner did not get off to a good start, stymied by the high flying antics of their foes. Riggs fought back against J-MAX, able to overpower him with his strength. But when Mariachi came back into the contest, things fell apart for Riggs. Thus he was forced to tag out to Skinner. Skinner fared no better, unable to keep up with the quick movements of his death defying foes. Eventually Skinner fell victim to the Blaze Out 630 and took the loss for his team.

Winner: J-MAX and Mariachi, via pinfall.

Post match, an enraged Riggs threw his partner into the steel steps.

In his never ending quest to impress Melody, Vinny Valentine invited her and her brothers MARV and MEL to witness him dissect local rapper Steaksauce in a rap battle! Vinny had all the Ghetto Groove Monkeys there for support.  Such brilliant line from Vinny as “Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, I'ma punch you in your mouth” and “I'm a Care Bear, you a bitch a bear” and “I'm a real gangster I'll punch you in the mouth” and “If you steaksauce then I'm A1 I'll punch you in the mouth” “I'm going to eat this dude like a nestle crunch, and if he don't like it he can eat a punch” Well, that just about sealed Vinny's fate as Steaksauce punched him in the mouth! Vinny fell backwards, taking all the Ghetto Groove monkeys down with him! Melody left in disgust.

***OAOAST World Title: Krista Isadora Duncan Vs Abdullah Abir Nerdly***

Kick. Punch. KIDology.

Winner: Krista Isadora Duncan, via pinfall.

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