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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/15/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Megan Skye Vs Sophie***

Sophie took the fight early to Megan with hard karate style kicks. Megan came back with some hard striking offense of her own, but was unable to subdue Sophie's stiff attack patterns. Sophie switched from simple strikes to working over Megan's legs. Though painful, Megan fought through the attacks and quickly mounted a comeback. This comeback was too much for Sophie to stand, and she eventually bailed out the ring. The referee ordered her back inside but Sophie waved him off and retreated backstage.

Winner: Megan Skye, via countout

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview the speaker of for the prophets Abdullah Abir Nerdly. Abdullah was in rare form this week, claiming that prophets have foreseen an early end to Krista Isadora Duncan's title reign. However it wouldn't be number one contender Landon Maddix who ended Krista's third title run. Rather it would be he, Abdullah who unseated Krista! Alix and Maya had a good laugh at this. But Abdullah declared that he was serious. He said the prophets have seen him winning the title and ushering in a new age of hope and brilliance to not only the OAOAST but the world. Abdullah claimed by becoming the world champion he would change the world, and make life better for millions. He then went on to challenge Krista to a world title match. Alix and Maya tried to tell him this wasn't the best idea, but Abby refused to listen to reason.

Biff's match

Alfdogg was confronted in his office by The Can-Am Assassins, who angrily wanted to know why PRL and Perez were allowed to keep the titles after they were stripped of them after winning them in the same manner.  Alf said all he could do was promise them a title shot in the future, then ordered them out of his office.

Thunderkid, Malaysia, & Quiz vs Denzel Spencer, Colombian Heat, & Deuce Deuce Bigelow

The six combatants in the Chamber of Hell match did battle in a six-man tag team matchup.  The match was action-packed throughout, with TK's squad ultimately gaining the upper hand on Heat.  Heat was able to dodge a charge by Quiz, however, and Denzel cleaned house, gaining a few near-falls before Deuce tagged in and scooped Malaysia onto his shoulders!  Melissa ran to the ring and saved her sister from Deuce's finishing move, and a donnybrook ensued as a result, leaving the referee no choice but to throw out the match.

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