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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 9/1/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

The show kicked off with highlights from the Angleslam mainevent between Krista Isadora Duncan and Mister Dick. Terry Taylor offered analysis of the match, saying that it all boiled down to who could hit their finisher the most. He said both fighters were very resilient, but there’s only so much abuse the human body can take. He stated that at the end Mister Dick had reached his breaking point.

***Mr. Dick vs. A.C. Morris***

Mr. Dick made his first public appearance since losing the World title at Angleslam... wearing nothing but a jock strap! The former champ stated it symbolized his "feeling naked" without the gold, and vowed to plow (through) the entire OAOAST roster until the belt was around his waist once again. MD backed up his words with brutal action, squashing his opponent from OAOVW in less than 60 seconds.

Winner: Mr. Dick, via the Jackhammer

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview IDEAL BACON, a gigantic strip of bacon. This bacon was the brother of the piece of bacon Alix ate last week.  Ideal Bacon promised revenge, and guarnteed a future where bacon reigned supreme and humans were served as side items at Denny’s. Where bacon ruled all and human flesh was mounted on top of burger patties at Bob Evans. The bacon revolution is at hand!

***Tim Cash Vs Uno***

Uno started out the contest with an unorthodox serious of moves that flustered Cash. Uno continued to control the match as Syndicated went into commercial break. When it returned viewers found Tim Cash locked inside a surfboard. Uno mumbled some voodoo chants, causing Cash to scream in horror. Despite the pain he would not submit. Forced to let Cash go, Uno recited more chants that crippled his foe. He then nailed a shining wizard for a two count. That was as close to victory as Uno would come as Cash began battling back at his strange foe. None of Uno's chants or spells had any effect on Wrestling's Last Real Good Guy and Cash was able to put Uno away with The Midwest Sling (Texas cloverleaf)

Winner: Tim Cash, via submission

James Riggs gave a less than motivating speech to a group of OAOVW students. He insulted his partner of last week Kobe O’Neil, stating that he didn’t have what it takes to be an OAOAST superstar. But, Riggs blamed that on the shoddy training he received, saying that he was underprepared on purpose because management wanted him to fail. Riggs then stated management wanted all of them to fail so they could continue to bury them and push all their favorites. However, Riggs refused to let that happen and promised he’d lead them all to glory, starting with Brett Bradley who would be his partner tonight against the Christ Air Express.

***James Riggs and Brett Bradley Vs The Christ Air Express w/Melody Nerdly***

The high flying antics of the CAE were too much for Riggs and Bradely to handle early on. This caused Riggs to take a timeout on the outside. But there would be no reprieve from the CAE’s onslaught as the twins wiped out the two with planchas. From there the four wrestlers brawled on the outside until Riggs rolled MARV back into the contest. He worked over the skater boy for several minutes before tagging in Bradley to finish the job. Unfortunatley Bradley wasn’t up to the task. MARV and MEL had their way with him, and he was finished off by a shooting star press from MEL.

Winner: MEL, via pinfall

Post match James Riggs loudly berated his partner, before chucking him into the steel steps.

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