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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/24/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Snot W/Slime Vs CPA W/Bosley***

With cries to “GET YOU SOME” from Bosley, CPA started off the match strong. He took a brawling offense to the Trenton native, using his boxing background to his advantage. But the stronger Snot would eventually out muscle the Ohio native, and fight back with deadly power moves.  CPA would hit a deadly body slam and strangely head to the top rope. But, Snot would counter with a top rope powerslam that almost got a three count. Snot would then try for a powerbomb only to be backdropped over the top rope. Bosley hit him with his baton, and rolled him back in the ring to be pinned for a three count.

Winner:CPA, via pinfall.

James Riggs gave a less than rousing speech to a group of OAOVW trainees. He told them their career would never go anywhere, they’d never make it out of OAOVW, and this brief appearance on Syndicated was the only time they’d ever appear on OAOAST television.  But, he said that wasn’t their fault. He blamed the OAOAST management for holding their talent down, and said they want the OAOVW students to end up like him “bitter, destitute, and broken”. But, he wasn’t going to allow that to happen. He told the trainees he’d be giving them an opportunity starting tonight with Kobe O’Neil to become OAOAST superstars and break through the glass ceilings by becoming his tag team partner.


The home country heroes overwhelmed O’Neil early on, using brawling attacks to out muscle the OAOVW trainee. James Riggs didn’t fare much better, barely able to withstand the Cobras’ assault. Only a low blow on Danny Boy brought his team onto the offensive. He and O’Neil worked over Danny for several minutes with basic holds. But DB countered a leaping DDT by Riggs, and a hot tag was made to Scott. Riggs applied the tag to O’Neil in turn. This, however, was unwise as O’Neil was beaten from pillar to post and eventually pinned after the Kings hit the Highland Farewell on O’Neil.

Winner: The Last Kings of Scotland, via pinfall.

Post match an enraged James Riggs threw his now former partner into the steel steps.  He blamed him for the loss, and claimed he’d never amount to anything.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview a piece of bacon. The strip of bacon had some keen insights on the lingering long term effects of the Gulf Spill as it relates to Barak Obama’s administration. Sadly he never got to share these views as Alix ate him.

Josh Matthews joined us for an update on The Love Doctors. Despite being pushed off the entrance stage, The Love Doctors were in good health and good spirits and were looking for revenge on The Heavenly Rockers. That revenge might come soon as they’ll join Chicks Over Dicks and Baron Windells to take on The Heavenly Rockers, Quiz, Mister Dick, and Malaysia, live on HeldDOWN~!


Spencer tried to endear himself to the audience by wearing a kilt for the contest. It didn’t work, and when the audience booed him he labeled them as wannabe Englishmen. Benjamin then attacked Reiger to the crowd’s delight. The two men traded holds, neither one able to gain the advantage over the other. Frustrated with his inability to out wrestle Benjamin, Reiger bailed to the outside to have a confrence with Lorelei. Benjamin attempted to take him out with a surprise plancha. But Reiger moved out the way. From there control belonged to Reiger, who targeted Benjamin’s neck with high impact moves. A New York Knockout (inverted bulldog) almost earned him a three count. But Benjamin was resilient and fought back against the New Yorker. However, he’d get no chance to win the match as the Can-Ams flooded the ring and attacked both men. CMJ and Charlie Moss soon followed and a brawl between all three teams closed the show.


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