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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/18/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***The Love Doctors and The Masked Mutants Vs VICE, and The Heavenly Rockers W/Quiz, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, and Holly***

Referee Earl Hebner had a hard time keeping control of these warriors as the match started off with a chaotic brawl. Superstars took each other outside and fought in the stands much to the crowd’s glee. Eventually thing settled down long enough for Snot and CPA to officially start the contest. The two big men slugged it out for some time until Snot won a slugfest. He then tagged in his partner Slime and from there The Masked Mutants worked over CPA. The Ohio native was able to make a tag to Logan at one point. The Rockers lead singer overwhelmed Slime with neckbreakers and nearly got a few near falls. Bringing Synth into the contest however was an unwise idea as he was quickly outwrestled by the smaller Slime. The Trenton native tagged in Anderson and The Doctor of Doctornomics took an intense fight to Synth. Unable to stand and trade with Anderson, Synth resorted to raking his eyes and applying the tag to Bosley. The former NYPD officer met his match in The Love Doctors, who made quick tags to befuddle him. Slime was brought into the contest, and that’s when things began to go downhill for the good guys. He was immediately dominated by VICE, then had his neck worked over by The Rockers.  However, Slime captalized on a missed Sky Hook elbow by Synth to tag in Doctor Pigley. Pigley came in on fire, and dominated his foes. That is until Quiz entered the ring and delivered a big boot behind Hebner’s back. From there things completely broke down as every person in the match and at ringside brought himself or herself into the ring.  Anderson managed to clean house of VICE, who were assaulted on the outside by The Masked Mutants. He then performed some sexy dancing for DA LADIEZ~! But that proved to be a costly error, as The Rockers nailed him with a double Percussion DDT for a pinfall.

Winner: VICE, The Heavenly Rockers via pinfall

Post match VICE beatdown The Masked Mutants, while The Love Doctors were dragged up the ramp and deposited in the MM’s dumpster by The Rockers. Together all four members shoved the dumpster off the stage and to the pit bellow!  

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview OAOAST newcomer Alexander The Brutal. Alexander stated that he came to the OAOAST to fight the best competition the world had to offer. He said that’s what led him to fight Christian Wright. Many consider Wright to be the best the OAOAST has to offer, and Alexander wanted to prove that he’s better than Wright and therefore the best in the world.  Alix wished him good luck and said she’d be pulling for him.

Theodore Moneymaker was backstage with Lorelei DeCenzo in The Enterprise's lavish dressing room. He expressed his displeasure for Maggie Nerdly's comments against him last week on Syndicated. He stated that Maggie didn't appreciate the opportunity he was giving to her and all the women in the Ejaculation Chamber to be champions. He then grew angrier by the second and ordered Lorelei to make sure Maggie was eliminated quickly.

***Tim Cash Vs Brett Bradley***
The youngster did Tim Cash proud by accepting the handshake to start the match. Unfortunately that would be the highlight of his evening, as Cash made short work of him and finished him off with the Midwest Sling (Texas Cloverleaf)!

Winner:Tim Cash, via submission

Vinny Valentine brought flowers (dead flowers, but flowers nonetheless) to Melody Nerdly in a desperate attempt to win her hot Nerdly lovin’. Trying his hardest not to come off as a jackass, he asked her if playing No Homo gave her any insight into Reject’s strategy.  Melodyb decided to humor Vinny and told him that Reject skills are Kip-Up, Hammer Throw, Move theft, Object Specialist, Durability, and Dirty Pin whereas Vinny Valetnine’s only skills were move theft, and super taunt “In other words, you’re screwed” Melody commented.

OAOAST President Alfdogg is sitting in his office, joined by the LDC Moneygang, Team Heyross, and OAOAST World tag team champions the Can-Am Assassins.  After calming down an angry Spencer and Colin, he informs the Can-Ams that the match from Thursday is void, because the Moneygang was contracted against the All-American Boys, and that the belts would have to return to the Moneygang.  He then tells Team Heyross that they would still get their promised shot at the titles at AngleSlam...as would the Can-Am Assassins, in a tables, ladders and chairs match!  The Moneygang is livid, as the Can-Ams and Team Heyross exchange menacing stares at one another.

James Riggs made his bi-quarterly appearance on television inside the production truck. He said the only way for him to be featured on television was to force his way into the source. He bitterly ranted against the OAOAST for holding his considerable talents down. But he said there are others who’s plight is even greater than his. Those would be the OAOVW students. He said only a select few ever make it to the big leagues because of the glut of “so called talent” in the OAOAST. He said these kids were cheated out of superstardom, but that he’d be the one to change all that.


Vinny made his way to the ring for a match requested by the R-Man himself following Melissa's elimination from the Ejaculation Chamber qualifier, thanks in part to Vinny.  Reject slid into the ring, and delivered a quick knife-edge to Vinny, lighting up his chest, then dropped him immediately with the EULOGY~!  Reject stared down at the V-Man for a second, before scaling the ropes and dropping a Macho Man elbow, then rolling to his feet and applying the R-Lock for a quick submission.

WINNER: Reject

Reject released the hold, then helped him up as Melissa rolled in behind him and punted Vinny right in the disco balls!  The Burrough Boys made their way down and pleaded for their friend and former mentor to stop the abuse, and Reject told them to "make sure he stays out of our business in the future" before departing with Melissa.

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