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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/10/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Nathaniel Black -VS- Brett Bradley***
Nathaniel headed to the ring for this warm-up match, but barely had time to lock-up with his inexperienced opponent before KING LANDON MADDIX appeared on the stage to call a halt to the match! The King ruled the match null and void and informed Black that he had found a more suitable opponent. That opponent being a man capable of claiming the King's ransom and becoming twenty thousand dollars richer, bodyguard to The Heavenly Rockers, QUIZ!! Big Quiz shook hands with the King and headed down to do battle.

***Nathaniel Black -VS- Quiz***
Not backing down from this impromptu challenge, Black jumped Quiz as he slid into the ring and took the fight to the muscular bodyguard. The match was a brawl from bell to bell, as Black fought like a man trying to save his career. The repeated forearms and European uppercuts had their effect on Quiz. But for every three shots Black hit, one from Quiz seemed just as powerful. A big Powerslam looked to have Black in trouble, but he kicked out at two. Quiz put on a Full Nelson to try and sap the strength from Black. Not enough for the King, who encouraged Quiz to "snap his neck" with the hold. He could not, though. And Black fought back. Two clotheslines couldn't put Quiz down, but a quick combination of three standing lariats could. And from that point, Quiz was done for. Black went on the attack, casting looks at an increasingly worried King Landon, before finishing Quiz off with a Chelsea Dagger (Final Cut), followed by a Top Rope Knee Drop for the pin!

Winner: Nathaniel Black, via pinfall

King Landon couldn't hide his despair, as Black called him out from the ring, still proving himself too strong for all of King Landon's ransom hunters.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Maggie Nerdly! It was an odd change of pace for Maggie who is usually the one doing the interviewing. She mentioned the highlight of her career was beating Holly for the women’s title and that she’d be looking forward to repeating the feat at Angleslam. She said Lorelei didn’t frighten her at all even though the Money Honey is quiete a bit larger and more powerful than her. She was just thankful that Malaysia wasn’t in the match! Maggie had harsh words for the match’s sponsor, Theodore Moneymaker. She called him a racist, and a homophobe and said he was just using this match to try and gain favor with the fans when “everyone should hate his guts” She said she sees through him and that she’d continue to despise him.

Melody was seen warming up for her match…by fighting against a MEL controlled Melissa on No Homo for the PS3. Vinny Valentine interrupted the match by sliding in front of the TV. He promised Melody both victory and his hand in MARRIAGE. Melody responded by handing him a card with a train on it that read “I choo-choo-choose you…to get out my face!”

***EJACULATION CHAMBER QUALFYING MATCH: Melody Nerdly W/MARV Vs Melissa Nerdly W/Reject***

A Nerdly family brawl with three Nerdlys all in the vicinity! Melissa started off strong by first raking Melody’s eyes then capturing her in several side headlocks.  Melody fought off the basic holds to eventually shove Melissa threw the ropes and to the outside. Reject discussed strategy with Melissa and offered her some advice. Whatever words of wisdom he gave her, weren’t very wise as Melissa returned to the ring to be dominated by Melody.  The Imperial Death Drop (diving reverse DDT) would’ve gotten an easy three count if it weren’t for timely interference by Reject.  MARV went to confront the former world champion and ate a Eulogy for his troubles. This distracted Melody long enough for Melissa to drive a knee into her back. From there it was all Melissa as she wore down her elder sister with several rest holds.  Thinking Melody to be close to the breaking point, Melissa went for the dreaded Eulogy. But Melody shoved her away! Melissa came charging back and ate a Shoryuken to the crowd’s delight. After that it was a desperate fight to finish with both Nerdly girls taking their turns with near falls. Melissa managed to finally hit the Eulogy, but Vinny Valentine  was there to distract the referee! He took a severe ass whupping from Reject, but his mission of aiding Melody was a success as Melody hit That Just Happened (reverse playmaker) on her distracted sister for a win.

Winner:Melody Nerdly, via pinfall. Melody advances to the Ejaculation Chamber at Angleslam!

Alix and Maya sat down to interview the OAOAST’s newest tag team the Masked Mutants, Snot and Slime. Snot said that they were all about partying and having a good time. He went onto say a match isn’t fun unless somebody bleeds. Slime mentioned that they almost got kicked out of OAOVW for being too violent. Snot stated that he once broke his arm in a match and considered it the most fun moment of his career. Slime thought when they started a riot at an OAOVW show in Louisville was a lot more fun.
Match 5: Thunderkid vs Denzel Spencer

Denzel arrived first to spin the wheel, which landed on Last Man Standing!  TK then came through the curtains, and the two men brawled before even hitting the ring.  It was an all-out brawl for the first several minutes, with many weapons being brought into play, with TK ultimately taking advantage with his superior power.  TK would get a few 7 and 8 counts on Denzel, then brought a ladder into play.  TK tried a dive off the ladder, but Denzel moved, then scaled the ladder himself and dropped a leg on TK!  This would get a 9-count, as Denzel scaled the top once again with a chair, and dropkicked it into the face of TK!  TK would get up at 9 once again, as Denzel set up a table.  He attempted to sunset over TK on the laddder and powerbomb him through the table, but TK softened him up with right hands, and dumped him over and through the table!  TK followed with an elbow from the ladder, and waited as the referee counted.  Denzel got up at a long 9, at which point TK took the ladder outside and picked apart the announce table.  TK took Denzel outside and set him up atop the ladder, with thoughts of the Thunderbolt DDT through the table, but Denzel was able to block, and pull off his move, the Carribean Compactor, through the table!  Denzel managed to pull himself up at 8, while TK collapsed and was counted down!  Denzel was elated, having risen from a 2-0 deficit and now having the chance to win the series with one more victory!

WINNER: Denzel Spencer (leads series 3-2)

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