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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/4/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***The Love Doctors Vs The Masked Mutants (Slime and Snot)***
The Doctors took early control over Slime, working him over with their high impact style. They devastated him with powerful moves designed to wear his body down. Several near falls occurred in the early parts of the match, as Slime was in serious trouble. Snot fared no better and his overpowered by the Love Doctor's hard hitting assault. Behind the Docs back Slime was replaced with a new Mutant. This new Mutant interfered in the match and gave a lethal DDT to both Love Doctors. He then dragged his beaten partner onto the Docs for a pinfall.

Winner: The Masked Mutants, via pinfall

Post match the mystery mutant unmaked himself to be Logan Mann. He was soon joined by Synth, and Quiz who helped him stomp down The Love Doctors.

Back from commercial The Masked Mutants confronted The Heavenly Rocker crew and stated they didn't need their help to win. The Rockers and company didn't appreciate the lack of gratitude and ended up beating down the MMs.

***MARV W/Melody Nerdly Vs Vinny Valentine W/Worldwide Waldo***

Before the match Vinny offered a poem to Melody. One that included references to ducks, farts, dildos and the empire state building. Needless to say Melody was not impressed. She was even less impressed by Vinny's showing as MARV ran him ragged early on. Vinny took back control in the middle portion of the match with some well timed rest holds. However when the pace of the match increased, Vinny was incapable of handling MARV's speed. Thus he feel victim to the MARVeolosity for match ending three count.

Winner:Marv, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview former world champion Theodore Moneymaker. Moneymaker offered no new insights to what the Ejaculation Chamber actually is, but he promised it would blow the first away by miles. He said the woman who emerged the winner would be the queen of the OAOAST for certain. Maya accused Teddy of using sex as a way to repair his broken image. Moneymaker was offended and stated that he only wanted to put smiles on the fans' faces.

The Can-Am Assassins vs The All-American Boys

A pumped Strutter & Pantera made quick work of their opposition, as Pantera dismantled both men with power moves, before finishing it off with their irish whip-sleeper drop combo.

WINNERS: The Can-Am Assassins

Following the match, Strutter grabbed the mic and talked about having the distraction of Lindsay Gonzalez off their back, then made a challenge to The LDC Moneygang to "take on some real competition", namely, the Can-Am Assassins.

Alix and Maya put their serious about wrestling glasses back on to interview OAOAST legend Tony Brannigan. The former world champion discussed the events of South Beach Spectacular. He said he was most impressed by Alexander The Brutal, who made a huge impact with his crushing defeat of Uno. Brannigan was also complimentary of Tim Cash, saying that he responded admirably to adversity he faced to eliminate Leon Rodez.

***Ejaculation Chamber qualifying match: Molly Nerdly W/Ned Blanchard Vs Lorelei DeCenzo w/Christian Wright***

The match started off with some trash talk before it broke down into a brawl. Being stronger than her foe worked to Lorelei's advantage as she was able to dump Molly out the ring. Lorelei tried to hold out for a count out, but realized Molly was going to recover to soon. Thus she went outside and brawled with Molly for several minutes. Back in the ring Molly assumed control of the contest and almost got a three count off a top rope body splash. But a missed corner knee allowed Lorelei to begin using a power based offense to overwhelm Molly. The art student would fight back but wouldn't be able to overcome the Cash Flow (Fisherman's DDT)

Winner and advancing to the Ejaculation Chamber: Lorelei DeCenzo, via pinfall

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