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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 7/27/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Synth Abdul Jabbar W/Quiz and Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs Doctor Max Anderson W/Dr.Steven Pigley***

Synth dominated the early part of the contest thanks to a low blow at the very start. This allowed him to spend several minutes targeting his foe’s neck. But Anderson withstood the early onslaught against his neck to comeback with highflying prowess. He dazzled his foe with hurricanranas and almost got a near fall on a springboard corckscrew moonsault. But the numbers game would prove a hindrance as his every pin attempt was thwarted by Quiz and Abdullah. Pigley managed to take out Abdullah towards the end of the contest but incurred a beating from Quiz as a result. The distraction caught Synth’s eye, leaving him easily victimized by a school boy that earned a surprise three count!

Winner: Dr.Max Anderson, via pinfall

Post match Synth got on the microphone and demanded a rematch. The Love Doctors chose to let the audience decide if Synth should be granted a rematch. Their response was an enthusiastic “HELL NO!” Synth was understandably pissed.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview CMJ. Colin and Alix immediately started bickering back and forth with Alix accusing Colin of everything from stealing the tag titles to holding American POWs hostage in Afghanistan. Maya settled things down long enough for CMJ to explain the “100 Seconds” challenge.  He said it was designed to give the common wrestler a chance to compete for the ultimate prize in tag team wrestling, while also winning a cool jet. He defended the time limit, saying he and Reiger defeated one opponent already in 100 seconds so it’s easily possible.

***Augstine Chambers Vs J-MAX***
Although taller and heavier than his foe, Chambers was of little match for the Brimingham Bad Boy.  J-MAX’s death defying style of wrestling stymied his foe throughout the contest. Chambers had trouble laying a single finger on J-MAX, and couldn’t get anywhere close to being on track. J-MAX mercifully finished him with the Blaze Out 630 for an easy win. Post match Mariachi ran into the ring to dance with J-MAX, who reluctantly played along.

Winner:J-MAX, via pinfall

Backstage, Denzel Spencer meets up with D*LUX in their locker room.  They discuss Denzel's bumping into Jade in Dubai, as it becomes clear that Denzel is smitten.  He describes their eyes locking as "being hit with dat beautiful sunset breeze in the Carribean".  Shayne and Tyler, while great with the ladies, don't seem to have much advice as to how to appeal to their manager, but Denzel is confident that he can win her over.

Battlebowl match

Sandman9000 is the first name drawn out, and his partner is drawn as tag team champion Spencer Reiger.  Reiger attempts to give orders to Sandman, but is met with an intimidating glare which says "don't fuck this up, kid".  The second team doesn't figure to be any more cohesive, as Quentin Benjamin's name is drawn alongside Logan Mann's.

Sandman9000 & Spencer Reiger vs Quentin Benjamin & Logan Mann

Benjamin takes control of Reiger early, much to Sandman's disgust, as the two bark at one another while Benjamin holds an armbar.  Benjamin and Logan tag off once each and work over Spencer, until Sandman cheap shots Benjamin from the apron, then tags in.  He and Spencer control Benjamin for the next few minutes, but Benjamin is able to evade a move and make a tag.  A four-way brawl breaks out, and Benjamin is sent to the outside, while Sandman holds Logan for Spencer, who grabs Sandman's kendo stick and swings...only for Logan to duck and Sandman take the shot!  Benjamin follows with a splash off the top for a near-fall, and then is knocked back to the outside by Spencer, who then sets up Logan for the finish, but Sandman grabs the kendo stick and blasts Spencer with it!  Sandman then takes the finish for himself, planting Logan with the Archangel's Wings for the fall.

WINNERS: Sandman9000 & Spencer Reiger

After the match, Lorelei rolls into the ring to check on Spencer, making the mistake of leaving her backside open for Sandman, who grabs the stick and lays into her behind, sending her rolling from the ring!

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