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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 7/21/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

Team Heyross vs The Can-Am Assassins (w/Lindsay Gonzalez)

Team Heyross got off to a hot start, trading off rapidly on Strutter.  However, he was ultimately able to evade an attack from Benjamin, and make the tag to Pantera, who would wear down Benjamin with various power moves.  Benjamin eventually used his quickness to escape the grasp and make the tag to Moss, who came in a HOUSE AFIRE.  Eventually a big brawl broke out, with Moss and Pantera brawling to the outside.  Benjamin reversed an Irish whip from Strutter...who was tripped up by Lindsay, thinking he was Benjamin!  As Strutter griped with Lindsay, Benjamin rolled him up in a reverse sunset with a bridge and got the pinfall!

WINNERS: Team Heyross

Following the match, Lindsay once again berated her tag team, until Strutter snatched the mic from her hands, telling her that she'd been nothing but a thorn in their side from day one, and that her services were no longer needed!  Strutter and Pantera left the ring, leaving Lindsay to throw a tantrum.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview The Love Doctors.  The Docs said that they were proud of beating The Heavenly Rockers last week on Syndicated. However, they knew The Rockers were salty and wanted a rematch. They informed the audience that they’d give The Rockers that rematch whenever they wanted. Maya said that was all well and good but what the ladies wanted was a strip tease! Never one to disappoint the female fans, the Docs melted panties and hearts with a seductive routine that showed off heaping amounts of their finely toned physiques. And you thought this was a family show!

***The Heavenly Rockers and Holly w/Abdullah Abir Nerdly and Quiz -VS- D*LUX and Jade Rodez-Duncan w/Maya Duncan-Blanchard***
A six-person, intergender, sort of preview for the South Beach Spectacular put the Women's Champion, the number one contender and their respective teams in the ring. Most of the match saw The Rockers and the boybanders doing battle. During all this, Holly would shout foul-mouthed insults across the ring at Jade. And Jade would be too shocked and demure to know how to respond. D*LUX kept THR rocking and reeling with their fast-paced offence, until a trip from the outside by Abdullah allowed Synth to cut off Shayne. Synth and Logan worked over "Showtime" until miscommunication lead to a clothesline sandwich with no filling and then a double bulldog to take both Rockers out. Shayne tagged in Jade, bringing Holly into the match for the women to do battle. After a Percussion DDT, Holly put the badmouth to Jade again. But this time, Maya piped up from the outside, with language learnt from years of her mother employing house maids! Shocked at being spoken to by the youngster, Holly went in pursuit and chased Maya around the ring, until Jade leapt from the apron to cut her off. Meanwhile, in the ring, Abdullah hooked Shayne from the apron, only for Synth's running knee to knock the spiritual speaker into the arms of Quiz instead! Shayne capitalised with a quick schoolboy and pinned Synth to pick up the fall for his team. Which left Holly fuming and she bitched out all four of her imcompetent male allies before stomping off.

Winners: D*LUX and Jade Rodez-Duncan, via pinfall

Sophie walked us through her home in Marseilles, France. It was a beautifully lushly designed home that overlooks a small lake. However, Sophie was in no mood to boast about her house. Instead she was in a mood to complain. She stated that her lifestyle was in danger with Josie gone. She figured that with Alfdogg in power, she could be fired at any moment and her livelihood could be taken away from her. She laid the blame for this squarely at Morgan Nerdly’s feet.


The first name drawn was none other than Tha Puerto Rican!  The crowd gave him a warm reception, then reacted in shock as his partner was revealed to be Theodore Moneymaker!  Teddy seemed far more thrilled than PRL at the forming of this union.  An old rival of PRL, Spanish Fly, was chosen as the first half of the opposition, and was joined by J-MAX!

Tha Puerto Rican & Theodore Moneymaker vs Spanish Fly & J-MAX

PRL and Fly would start the match off, and would engage in some thrilling high-flying action!  Fly made a tag to J-MAX, as the pace didn't slow a bit, with J-MAX springing in with a big dropkick!  The Fly-J-MAX combo actually showed some decent continuity, but PRL was able to fight back, ultimately knocking Fly from the ring and planting J-MAX with the P.R. Nightmare!  Teddy would then make his one and only tag of the match, hopping in and taking the pinfall for his team!  Teddy boasts about his team's victory, while PRL looks on unimpressed.

WINNERS: Tha Puerto Rican & Theodore Moneymaker

With the show being in Japan, The Ghetto Groove Monkeys decided to bring a little bit of the streets to Tokyo. They stopped some kids on the sidewalk and offered them some malt liquor. “This America right hurr” Quicny exclaimed.  “These kids the future.” Luther boasted. “You don’t see these youngins in school, but you see em on the corner with us, ‘cause we some real niggas.” “These young bloods gonna be heavy in the dope game in three years” Mariano proclaimed. “NONE OF YOU WILL AMOUNT TO RAT SHIT!” Tony Tourettes exploded, running the good mood into the ground.

It was announced that ALEXANDER THE BRUTAL would make his debut at the SOUTH BEACH SPECTACULAR against UNO

Thunderkid vs Denzel Spencer (match 3, steel cage match)

TK overpowered Denzel to start, and attempted to ram him into the cage, but Denzel slipped from his grip, and assaulted him with kicks, then whipped him into the ropes, and hit him with a spinning wheel kick!  He attempted to climb the cage, but TK pulled him off in a back suplex.  TK would attempt a climb next, but Denzel pulled him down crotch-first onto the ropes!  After several minutes of back-and-forth brawling, both men climbed the cage simultaneously, and engaged in a slugfest.  TK got the better of the exchange, but Denzel was able to duck one right hand, and execute a urinage from just above the top rope right back to the mat!  Both men lay motionless for several seconds, and then stirred to their feet.  TK pulled out the knucks once again, and swung at Denzel, who ducked and kicked TK low, then executed a scissor kick, before grabbing the knucks himself and drilling TK right in the chops, then walking out the door to win the match!

WINNER: Denzel Spencer (2-1 Thunderkid)

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